Dissection of the Components for PIP2 Activation and Thermosensation in TRP Channels

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Dissection of the Components for PIP2 Activation and Thermosensation in TRP Channels Dissection of the components for PIP2 activation and thermosensation in TRP channels Sebastian Brauchi*†, Gerardo Orta*, Carolina Mascayano‡, Marcelo Salazar*, Natalia Raddatz*, Hector Urbina‡, Eduardo Rosenmann*, Fernando Gonzalez-Nilo‡, and Ramon Latorre*§ *Laboratory of Biophysics and Molecular Physiology, Centro de Estudios Cientificos, Valdivia 509-9100, Chile; ‡Centro de Bioinformatica y Simulacion Molecular Simulation Center, Universidad de Talca, Talca 346-0000, Chile Contributed by Ramon Latorre, April 17, 2007 (sent for review March 26, 2007) Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) plays a central role in In this article, we address the problem of PIP2 binding and its the activation of several transient receptor potential (TRP) chan- relationship with the temperature-dependent properties of ther- nels. The role of PIP2 on temperature gating of thermoTRP channels mally sensitive TRP (thermoTRP) channels. This is an important has not been explored in detail, and the process of temperature problem to be solved because, first there is no direct evidence activation is largely unexplained. In this work, we have exchanged that positive charges present in the TRPV1 TRP domain are different segments of the C-terminal region between cold- involved in PIP2 activation; second, the process of temperature sensitive (TRPM8) and heat-sensitive (TRPV1) channels, trying to activation remains obscure; and third, the role of PIP2 in such understand the role of the segment in PIP2 and temperature process has not been explored in detail. activation. A chimera in which the proximal part of the C-terminal of TRPV1 replaces an equivalent section of TRPM8 C-terminal is Results activated by PIP2 and confers the phenotype of heat activation. Unveiling Amino Acid Residues Involved in PIP2 Activation of TRPV1. PIP2, but not temperature sensitivity, disappears when positively We combined the use of chimeric channels between receptors charged residues contained in the exchanged region are neutral- known to be responsive to cold (TRPM8) or heat (TRPV1) and ized. Shortening the exchanged segment to a length of 11 aa site-directed mutagenesis. The main advantage of using chimeric produces voltage-dependent and temperature-insensitive chan- constructs is that positive results render an exchange of pheno- nels. Our findings suggest the existence of different activation type. In this way, this approach provides clear structural– domains for temperature, PIP2, and voltage. We provide an inter- function answers. The coding DNA for engineered chimeras was pretation for channel–PIP2 interaction using a full-atom molecular transiently transfected in HEK-293 cells, and whole-cell patch- model of TRPV1 and PIP2 docking analysis. clamp recordings were obtained under steady-state temperature conditions. A chimera between TRPV1 and TRPM8 channels chimera ͉ temperature activation ͉ C-terminal domain ͉ molecular model was generated, in which a cassette from the cytoplasmic C- terminal tail of hot-sensitive TRPV1 (residues V686 to W752) replaced the same C-terminal region of cold-sensitive TRPM8 hosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) acts as a second messenger phospholipid and is the source of another three (residues V982 to W1055) (Fig. 1A). The resultant chimera P dubbed TRPM8 (686-752 V1), was sensitive to heat, voltage, and lipidic-derived messengers (DAG, IP3, PIP3). Although the PIP2 (Fig. 1 B, C, and H). TRPM8 (686-752 V1) responsiveness amount of PIP2 in the membrane is very low, it is able to regulate the activity of ion channels transporters and enzymes (1–3). to PIP2 is almost identical to the wild-type TRPM8 sensitivity to Several TRP channels reveal some degree of PIP dependence. the lipid (Fig. 1H). In the case of TRPM8 mutations of positively 2 charged residues contained in the TRP domain (arginines 998 PIP2 depletion inhibits TRPM7, TRPM5, TRPM8, TRPV5, and TRPM4 currents (4–9). In the case of TRPM8, some key and 1008; Fig. 1A) decrease the apparent affinity of PIP2 positively charged residues present in a well conserved sequence activation. The point mutation R1008Q had the most dramatic contained in the C-terminal region of TRP channels, the TRP effect decreasing PIP2 apparent affinity for the channel by Ϸ100-fold (7). In the TRP domain of TRPV1 we identify two domain, were found to be crucial in determining the apparent charged residues (R701 and K710) that are conserved in affinity of PIP activation (7). Residues K995, R998, and R1008 2 TRPM8; these residues are included in the swapped cassette in the TRP box and TRP domain are critically involved in the (Fig. 1A). When positive charges R701 and K710 were mutated activation of TRPM8 by PIP2. The hydrolysis of PIP2 also ϩ by alanine, they strongly affect PIP -dependent activation, shift- constitutes an important mechanism for the Ca2 -dependent 2 ing dose–response curves to the right along the concentration desensitization of TRPM8 (6, 7). Because of the high sequence axis (Fig. 1H). In contrast to the pattern followed by TRPM8 in similarity among TRP channels in the TRP domain region, it has which neutralization of R1008 has an effect almost one order of been proposed that the family of TRP channels possesses a magnitude greater that neutralization of R998 (7), the effect on common PIP2-binding site located on its proximal C terminus (7, 10, 11). Different from its counterparts, TRPV1 shows a PLC/ NGF-dependent inhibition (12), where binding of NGF to trkA Author contributions: S.B. and G.O. contributed equally to this work; S.B., G.O., C.M., M.S., is coupled to PLC activation that leads to PIP2 hydrolysis. N.R., E.R., F.G.-N., and R.L. designed research; S.B., G.O., C.M., M.S., N.R., H.U., E.R., and F.G.-N. performed research; S.B., G.O., E.R., and R.L. analyzed data; and S.B. and R.L. wrote Mutagenesis experiments suggested the presence of a PIP2- dependent inhibitory domain (13). In this model, the sensitiza- the paper. The authors declare no conflict of interest. tion observed in TRPV1 is explained on the basis of PIP2 hydrolysis as it acts as a tonical inhibitor. An alternative model Abbreviations: TRP, transient receptor potential; PIP2, phosphatidylinositol 4,5- bisphosphate; DAG, diacyl glycerol; PLC, phospholipase C; POPC, phosphatidyl oleoyl has been proposed for the inhibition based on NGF-dependent phosphatidylcholine. phosphorylation of the TRPV1 C-terminal domain and a sub- †To whom correspondence may be addressed at the present address: Cardiovascular sequent increase in membrane expression (14). These observa- Research, Children’s Hospital Harvard Medical School, Enders 1310, 320 Longwood Ave- tions, together with the finding that, in excised patches, PIP2 nue, Boston, MA 02215. E-mail: sbrauchi@enders.tch.harvard.edu. activates TRPV1 (15), make uncertain the existence of a specific §To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail: rlatorre@cecs.cl. PIP2-inhibitory domain. © 2007 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA 10246–10251 ͉ PNAS ͉ June 12, 2007 ͉ vol. 104 ͉ no. 24 www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0703420104 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 A TRP Domain S6 distal C-ter B C D E 8 4 10 C 10 C 12 C 12 C 24 C 22 6 3 C 4 2 24 C 22 C 2 4 nA Current (nA) 1 2 nA Current (nA) 3 ms 2 ms 0 0 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 -50-100 0 50 200150100 Em (mV) Em (mV) 120 TRPM8WT F G H (686-752V1) 10 (686-752V1/K710A) 12 C 100 (686-752V1/R71A) 8 22 C 80 6 12 C 60 4 40 Current (nA) 2 20 Current (% of max) 22 C 0 6 nA 0 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 3 ms 0.001 0.01 0.1 110 Em (mV) PI(4.5)P2 diC8 [mM] Fig. 1. PIP2 effect is conserved among thermoTRP channel chimeras. (A) Schematic alignments between rTRPV1 and rTRPM8. The cut–paste limit for chimera construction is marked by different colors: blue corresponds to TRPM8 original sequence, and red corresponds to TRPV1 swapped sequence. Important features are highlighted in the scheme: the TRP domain, the TRP-box, TRPM8 charges R998 and R1008 are those involved in PIP2 sensitivity. These charges are conserved in TRPV1 (R701 and K710). (B, D, and F) Representative whole-cell current recordings at two different temperatures from cells expressing TRPM8 (686-752 V1) chimera and the mutants TRPM8 (686-752 V1/K710A) and TRPM8 (686-752 V1/R701A), respectively. See Methods for the voltage protocol. (C, E, and G) Plots showing the whole-cell current as a function of voltage at the indicated temperatures for the chimeras TRPM8 (686-752 V1), TRPM8 (686-752 V1/K710A), and TRPM8 (686-752 V1/R701A), respectively. (H) PIP2 Dose–response curve for WT TRPM8, TRPM8 (686-752 V1) chimera, and the mutants TRPM8 (686-752 V1/K710A) and TRPM8 (686-752 V1/R701A). Curves were fitted to a Hill equation (solid lines). A Hill coefficient of 1.2 was obtained for WT TRPM8 and TRPM8 (686-752 V1) chimera. Each point represents an average of at least four different experiments. Error bars indicate SE. the PIP2 activation curve is essentially the same when K710 or between TRPM8 and TRPV1 in which the whole C termini were R701 are mutated to alanine (Fig. 1H). None of the mutations exchanged, the chimeric channels described here have lower Q10s abolishes the strong heat response (Q10 Ϸ 10; see Fig. 3B) than observed in wild-type channels (Fig. 3B). Although smaller, observed in the chimeric channel TRPM8(686-752V1) (compare the Q10 s found (Ϸ10) are still much larger than that found for Fig. 1C with Fig. 1 E and G). However, we observed that the the gating of other channels (Ϸ3).
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    UC Davis UC Davis Previously Published Works Title Calcium Channels in Vascular Smooth Muscle. Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2mx0c74r Authors Ghosh, D Syed, AU Prada, MP et al. Publication Date 2017 DOI 10.1016/bs.apha.2016.08.002 Peer reviewed eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California CHAPTER TWO Calcium Channels in Vascular Smooth Muscle D. Ghosh*, A.U. Syed*, M.P. Prada*, M.A. Nystoriak†, L.F. Santana*, M. Nieves-Cintrón*, M.F. Navedo*,1 *University of California, Davis, CA, United States †Diabetes and Obesity Center, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States 1Corresponding author: e-mail address: mfnavedo@ucdavis.edu Contents 1. Introduction 50 2. Plasmalemmal Ca2+-Permeable Channels 52 2.1 Voltage-Dependent Calcium Channels 52 2.2 TRP Channels 58 2.3 Orai and STIM 63 3. SR Ca2+ Channels 66 3.1 Ryanodine Receptors 66 3.2 Inositol-1,4,5,-Trisphosphate Receptors 68 4. Mitochondrial Ca2+ Channels 72 5. Conclusion 73 Conflict of Interest 74 Acknowledgments 74 References 74 Abstract Calcium (Ca2+) plays a central role in excitation, contraction, transcription, and prolifer- ation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMs). Precise regulation of intracellular Ca2+ con- 2+ centration ([Ca ]i) is crucial for proper physiological VSM function. Studies over the last several decades have revealed that VSMs express a variety of Ca2+-permeable channels 2+ that orchestrate a dynamic, yet finely tuned regulation of [Ca ]i. In this review, we dis- cuss the major Ca2+-permeable channels expressed in VSM and their contribution to vascular physiology and pathology.
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