Low-Maintenance Landscape Plants for South Florida1
ENH854 Low-Maintenance Landscape Plants for South Florida1 Jody Haynes, John McLaughlin, Laura Vasquez, Adrian Hunsberger2 Introduction regular watering, pruning, or spraying—to remain healthy and to maintain an acceptable aesthetic This publication was developed in response to quality. A low-maintenance plant has low fertilizer requests from participants in the Florida Yards & requirements and few pest and disease problems. In Neighborhoods (FYN) program in Miami-Dade addition, low-maintenance plants suitable for south County for a list of recommended landscape plants Florida must also be adapted to—or at least suitable for south Florida. The resulting list includes tolerate—our poor, alkaline, sand- or limestone-based over 350 low-maintenance plants. The following soils. information is included for each species: common name, scientific name, maximum size, growth rate An additional criterion for the plants on this list (vines only), light preference, salt tolerance, and was that they are not listed as being invasive by the other useful characteristics. Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC, 2001), or restricted by any federal, state, or local laws Criteria (Burks, 2000). Miami-Dade County does have restrictions for planting certain species within 500 This section will describe the criteria by which feet of native habitats they are known to invade plants were selected. It is important to note, first, that (Miami-Dade County, 2001); caution statements are even the most drought-tolerant plants require provided for these species. watering during the establishment period. Although this period varies among species and site conditions, Both native and non-native species are included some general rules for container-grown plants have herein, with native plants denoted by †.
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