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12-3-1982 UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Wendy's Classic Special Edition WKU Student Affairs

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Recommended Citation WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Wendy's Classic Special Edition" (1982). WKU Archives Records. Paper 546. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/546

This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. F! iday, Dec. 3, 1982 J_IUjIJ .. ·Ewing leads Red Flash No.2Hoy.as 'underdog' By MARK C. MATHIS in tourney The Wendy's Classic has GeorgetOwn · By STIEVE THOMAS drawn at least one big name to eam of the two previous tour· "I think everyone fa kIold.ag at naments, but this year the or- us ,.' an ,underdog," St. Francis ganizers nf tbe dMsk IWQ' bave points" nine reboUnds and 4.7 bud coach David .Magari1y said. outdone themselves ' by landin& Mocked shots a game. , St. Frandl bas met George­ the second-ranked Georgetown But his real presence on de- town. 10, tlmea aDd Is behind in Hoy. for what is being allied Cense was ... in the number of tbe.~aer:la s1J games to (our. · .. t~e . Soutb's finest shots he "'altered" by ftlling the toumament.... lane with his huge physique. He The Hoyas mme Into the was one of the main reasons the ·St F!clt"dS classic with a 3.0 record, Hoyas · held their opponents to t Georgetown started the se.ason t. Bin ..... tunh• . witb a trip to Hawaii, where ."e1.pe«e.•___....": .• "'Iow~lnt "t.~.~ _ The Red FtUb ; bave abo lost tbey thrashed Brigham Young try. - to Western three times. U:iiversily-Hawaii, 72-51, and Tbe oniy other "Our goall are, NO. 1, to win stomped Hawaii·Hilo 67-37 , Last star:ter, point 'guard- tile tOurnament, and if we cant Tuesday D.i.ght , Georgetown DrOwn, is recovering do that, our goal is to at least roUed over Morgan State 91-57. gery Cor tendonitll in hls ' wiD one game.- The Hoyas havent bad mud! mee. BroWn,. threw the. S1. 'Fruda opens the toumB­ " ~mpet !t~on C!n the ,. w!l.)' . t.Q. r aw~..J9 __!:,o~~ ~~~~~ --"~!~~.:: _t. ... ~ ,.,..... · ~WWl& \.tn:o::n~er, tour·... · iu.ij ~t·, Georgetow!:l , lMit year nament organiurs had to trave] m~lonshlp : the Red F1uh bad a disastrous a tough road to get tbe Hoyas Jomtng Ewing on the froDt • 6-%0 season, and tbls year · they here. . line will be two high sellool own a 1-1 '!rec:xlI:;d after ~ ' Georgetown had want!!d to. AU-Americans who gradually .. ' 74-4j to Notre Dame ...t Satur­ sdtedule Its much ballybooed worked their way into the star- day aDd beatinB Mercyb!lf'Sl· CoI­ matm with Virg\nla and Ralph ting lineup laSt IjeU(In as fresh· Ieee 811-82 in' oVertbDe ikmday. Sampson for Saturday, but mn- men . Anthony Jones; a Moot"' Again;st Nolr'~ Dame, St. tractual agreements with Wes· member of the Big, Ear.1 AD· Francis trailed. by only three tern forced Georgetown to move Rookie team, will starC at one points with 10 .aunutes left in that game to next Saturday, forward, Jones, one of :J1Iomp- . ~e ~ , but faltered after Then there was the . problem son's ,designated shooters, til let-tbiS into lat~ Coul trouble. oC fmding the Hoyas a suitable averaging 8.7 pqints and pulling ~y felt I:6a team" ...mtiin opponent, Georgetown balted at down 7.7 rebounds. game...... """_ ..... Evansville, Murray and Middle Freshman D~vld Wingate, • , to .Georgetown and·. tbe Wendy's Tennessee, and eventuaUy 6-5 swingman, is averaging 14 'C!aAIc. . mose St. fiands from a list of points a gaine to lead tbe team Last. year Macarity took a ~ possibilities. in soorin&. He is also gitting o(late MMOD crltidsm Cor star­ But the 1982 NCAA ToUl'1Ul - five rebounds a game. Wingate tink some of hla YOWlIer players ment runner-up is here, witb is another of the players . in gamee IO¥. people felt St. one of tbe !)est players ever to Thompson looks to when tbe Fruda couJd have woo. He said bit tbe bardwood inDiddle arena Hoyas need points. , be w. giYtng his-players uper_ - Patrkt Ewing. MidJael JacksoD, another •• ieDoe mel buikUDi: bis pracram. 'The 7-l00t sopbomott returns Creshman , has mme in to take 'tat year .e bid no ldds to Coach John Tbompson's up the sladt for the injur:ed with e~, Of ~ M.ssarity !!Quad as • conseoaus p~n Brown. Jadtaotl is .BYeracms: . IO ""',.-n"...... _. AU·A1tIf:'I'i<:aD, baving capped" points a games and JudI the _ybody GO !be team bas sensational freshman year with team in ,wsts with .s oS I. game. .Ii... . ,,,,-_ i !ltin., ., ...... a 13-polot, 11- per- Georg~town b. f?een hittm,; M ...... aomc to Jet fOrmaDa! in the NCAA mam· on 51.7 Jpera:!nt .from the Boor . ~" .. - pionship game. and holding the oPPQliUoa to a tbe team~-,):mproy~ ~ season Ewing averaged mere 34.1 . ~a ~\ CaD be attrlbutid to a 12.7 points, 7.5 rebounds and been quite as ~ &om _ ...... ,,-un...... fmished IfICOIld in the nation in t.be foul line t ...... ·.;,. ... bJttl_ .. _Iu •. blocked shots with 119. In the 42,9 percent ~~ 8'::'~ to be an intimidatina:/for- Hoyas'thrt!e games ,tbia season, a team Georgetown _ bIoeked ~cia . .1lbe 7·toot ."pbo- . .. 'See BAIIILToN be baa beera avenaing 9.3 24 shots. . finals lut :lear. /...... J, c.a....1 W.hite, Wilson"JQ:.ne~~~keys f9rWop'S, By MAIQt C. MATHIB • TALc. " 4~ ~"'kw:"""" wiD'. il-polr&l. State ~tucb .mooi _ ~ III ,." a,". t.l ....;~' ~.~;~:: Weltero _ aever 1fOD the rr.iiiIV5-~ ,eBiit .... lloII* ·oa lIoa- I..eJdaatoa Lllfa;yette. But, Jib' .. ~ MIt ..:..:...:;:""""====:- .~ . ""_,- ..,. ~. . ~,~ Wilke. 'be .... tt.ted. UdI.... . ,..... to-:':e =;.:s.!:r : . ... . $I ' him· ... -be ~' iii tti.t .... W..... ' ~ - by ,.... Well. ,....,).. _ ...... &...t...I baM, • .;.tf: !'.!um ~ ...... _ ..--*0..... Wb ...... - ~. J- - -_.... • ~~ ...... t I.... mJl tM .... __ 10 ... a.-. 111.;. 0( Ncxtben Iowa .. teOiiiid-cwI., ea:r~ a::.::..._. be ...... " .. ,_ . " .... , ~; ...... 1'. _. kedal~~ .. t.U_.M -.aDd ••'nI ... ·to-.... :-:~-: "' ~~.::r.-= -~ "',M:..'=.' ~ ~ lid · ,...... _ o.e dIIIIt.. .. tbe_~ ..., miID~ "" 21.1 ...... ; , .... ~ ~ "- II tile· t6Ird ...... s ...... JiIl!IdDI __ ....'N .... te &Mllhla.' ...... ____ , _ . ~ S ,,- "'- ....-_ pal - "'..... ) • tn.t fII ....".. "1"- , ;...... ~ 7" '. ~ '.;.d'L.c.- Ie ...... ·S. _ . a·_ ,.. :...... -"1+ ,.. 17 • • _., _ .. _. _ ...... , - ' -''''-' ...... - ... -.... . Do "" . -." ...... - ~; -"':...... __ ar ..... cIIIIIc'a ""1l1li." ~ .I'" ...... , ...... ' ...... -...... Tuppen WlIIle .... Mel !- r.t a.t 8· " , lie ...... _ ...... '1~ ...... tift ...... die _. ~'___ 71017, .. the - -_-cniltbiI -. I.IIdai oftr -....tItil ...__....· ,..__ .wID ...... ' .... IbI!k...... _...... ' ...,e, but 'tbef bad to lilt 71 ~. wbo ...... ~ ,.' ... 10 ...... 01 ' tbe a. ...a .:a ~' ...... nIi ...dI peI'CIeIlt 01 t.beIr ... to do it. · H ~. -- 27 .. I... ' ,I.It_to . __ ~ a ...... titat at tile .... RaJ ... Bird" Strock••• 11 ! palMa".bIte,. ".bbld U reIt:a t w.a...... t8I1.er ...... _ wbo... - bcft ~ bIIIfII - ~ ...... DeVeI'." lind DaIIII J t .. a.t .• the BDIMpp-w.lbe ~ ~ ~BbeId .... ~ ' .... ~:.. '! .... ~ Ot Idi All. ~ ...... If". ii' L...:...~,... ~ .•- •••.•.•.•• ~;;r-:.~!r.,:r... .,. .... ,. ' ~' _"~. 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'Big Bird'., Storck could be trouble

By STEVE THOMAS also .!mred 48 points in the semifmals of the state cham· The ~verslty of Northern Nortbetil pionships and Jed his team to Iowa brings an experienced the state litle. aquold, Includlllg last year's Mr. IoWa "He's going. to t.e a very good Basketball In Iowa, and a 1-1 player," Berry said. '1t's prob- record lnto tonigbt's 9 p.m. Berry, wi th a coachlng record ably going to take him about game with Western. of 152 wins and 186 losses in 12 half the season before he plays And the Panthenl' muld play . seasons, has all five starters up to his ability." the rok! of spoiler- to prevent a back from last year's squad, In a reserve role for the W estern~"rgetown match~p though oruy three will start. Panthers will be 61 junior Jay in . tomorrow's champtonahip Ray "Big Bird" Storck,· a 6- who started at forward gjUDe. . foot -II senw,r, will start at ceo- last year. Also the Panthers In their two 'lames this &ea' ter. He averaged 13.4 points a return juniors Lonnie Meade, a son, the Putbers have defeated game last year and 19 .9 for the 6-5 forward1luard, aDd Mike Pi- Wayne State-Nebraska, 69-49, rmal SUt games. janowski, a 6·7 .forward. and lost to the tblvenlty of Also on 'tbe front tine will be Both Meade and Pijanowskl , 7919. 6-7 junior f{lrward Herbert King, shared the fmal starting position The Panther. finiahed last who averaged 5.2 points a game. a year ago. season with a 12-15 record after Berry said King is a strong "Even hough we only have klalng their lasLm games. One rebounder and has greatly 1m. four seniors, a Jot of our juniors of those was a 7517 k)ss to prov~ed . have a lot of experience," Berry Western at Northern Iowa. At tbe other forward position said. "W e 're anxious to be play· Wc:stern's only other meeting will be one of three newcomers, ing at Western. They have a :. . ~lJh;,,,'Il~ thp.~ ::YA! I ~ ~ .9J1... ,ot.s...... inr u...... i."d 10> ...... 1.... lAr .. e Coad! Jim Berry is optimistic said. "He was In tbe top' Ove in going llfter the other teams. ward to it .~ or beating the No. l! school in about his team and believes Its the Dation In steals lait year." '1t's going to be a challenge," Berry said the team's main the nation, Georgetown," Berry strength Is depth. He ~ ladI: Th ~ other new starter Is 6-4 Berry said. "Whether or not we concern is to go uut and play up said. of depth last. year was one of freshman guard Randy Kraay· can beat either or the other to their capabilit y. ''We haven't ''W e 're not going to get any the things, that )ed to the leams eabrinlt. As a senior at Paullina teams is " Ill uncertain. We talked about it yel·but I'm sure better if we don't play the season-ending slwnp. ., think Higb Smool, Kraaymbrink av- rea1iU our progrl!.Jn is not pn iD tNe back of our kids' minds best , ~ Berry said. "rhat 's wh y we're a better baD dub than we eraged 26 poi.Qts a game and the level of Georgetown . and they know that if they beat we {play I such a tough non-<::o n' were last year," Berry said. was Damed Mr. Basketball. He Eastern but we. are looking lor· Western they will have a chance rerence sdJedule ." Hamilton leads The schools The University of Northern tiona! institution with an enroll· Iowa is the outgrowth nr the ment or more than 1,600 stu· 'underdog' Flash Iowa Stat~ Normal School es· dents in the undergraduate and ,. tablished by ~ he General As· graduate programs. sembly in 1870 . On Sept. 6 of • • • that year, 27 students under Georgetown Un iv ersit y, fou nd· into '.tournament ed in t 789, is the oldest !=atholic four instructors began classes in _ . C-t•• ed ,.... hCe % _ can freshman team last year. a renovated home for Civil War institution of higher learning in The newmmer on the starting orphans. This building, later the United States. mora-lDd t.o jI.m.Ion. squad' is 6-f6ot--6 sophomore for- named Central Hall , was de· Located in Washington, D.C., Tbe big maD lor ' the Red ward Joe Sharkey. He sat out stroyed by fU"e in July 196$. on l ~, heights of the Potomac F\.-b .. ' &-foot... Juaklc Lou last year aliI!!' transferring from From a single building on a near Key Bridge, Ihe SChool was SdupI1t ~ -JD hia t~o lames W. Fairfield lhIveralty. Mtgarity 40-aae campus, the university the first to be granted a uni· versity charter from the rederal II..aIl , be bM' *""Ced 14 'desc2ibes ' Sharkey as a good has grown to Indude more than pota.ta ..d ie iebcuKla a game ~ aD~uDd pJ.yer and a good 40 major buildings, a 723-acre government in 1B15 . The school has a main campus Sdunkt it ~ to the CItIl- ' outaide shooter. He has aver· campus, more than 600 faculty ter poIllioD lifter piIpIc for· "led ef:Iht points a game this members IU!d approx.imately or 110 acres and has a law ..... W ,.. __ be aver· &eDOIl. 11 ,000 on'GffiPUS students . center in downtown Washington . ICed n. poIDlaJ .,...... , 'nIe "Iixth man" for St. Fran· ••• Last year's enrollment of 11 ,000 §cbmltt .... .n 01 Ute JIft:", ds is 6-l00t-7 sophomore center­ Saint Francis College of came from students from all 50 slates and 90 countries. aea.oa actlaa lbll y .. ~ .: lorward Kent Sisler. Sisler Is · a Pennsylvania in the historic ••• ='::-y'~ ", .Wwbe ....' tbe , mad"Pat" native or Aabland, where be was town or Lorello on the summit Situated on 8 hilltop in pic- . a high school standoUt with of the -",Ueghenles has been turesque Bowling Green, Ewlna· , ~'. Boyd County. He - spent his providing education and services Western is one of the most .lIIaitriy" - ~ 'c:oaaiIteat . ~ JeaIOD with Shawnee to Ihe state and nation since beautiful campuses In the nation , play.- II W jaDior kWwd State Junior College wben! he 1847 . with 200 acres of the main lOb ...... W...... aver- e.-oed aD boaorabIe mention oa O:le of the first Catholic 001 · campus . .... IS pollia ...... tiid hal; the JUD10r CoUese AU~ leges in the East, it was orig· For more than 7S years, Wes· ,.Of'" • ~ . o!. ...., ~ team. Inally established as 8 school for tern has provided high quality -.I _ . ..,...... ,...... _ to . boys by FrancisCan Frian; of the instruction, enoouraged scholarly , S ••, n ...... ~ . b.aYe to play about .. 800d .. Third Order Regular. It has research and aeative activity by _ ...... tbe '- -...... " e're ~ in order to baN: i ,mntinued to grow under their its faculty and st udents and . .au. 17'" paWl, ,...... cbIDce 01 .bulia& acalmt supervlston untU today it is a served as a public service reo ,...... to tIae ~," ~, .at. four·year liberal arta, c:lH.!duca· source oe.nter...... • .. - .". 1DQ' atlII DOt be· taMIIb. ___ lIIo...... _ to' by ' " the ...... 0.. tM.eonr. P.t EwiDe .d Wc:dem'. TOlaY WiIIoD _ . - · ~ .. the ....Uy .' GeorJ:etowu', Tho photo ~ bifID ., • lot tit aood ,I .- .Jeff ~ton • . a 6-4 ...... d...aa.c _ ... £""" .M .P..... by CwCIOil"towa tJanrenity .d ROIa BeD IItoI the Willoa picture in ~ toIi:r--la 0Yet the ,..-s, but ·topbomore forward, w.' II pM. MIt,- be saki, - ' Jeada Saint FnDciI in '1'...... opcUIc c-" .... Mo ..... SpeeiaI dt..ka to W.-em ipOrtI iDlormatioa director Pal Jut_II ...... , II 54 . .Ia touma- ICOring .with . a 17.6 ",,'0- Hamu. Darii Maprity ... Jila Beny (or iafonutioa '-";;:;;< ", ;~::-;...... -.neyer tour~t ,'.:L.i. • • a...-'; He aJM,' 1ed'tbe.., ...... _ ...~ __... ;. Uiom---.1n ,ol:oring fo< the .. t ... . ~ Ibft: Sport. Mit« T~ Mark MIdtia. Ste.e . Nnrto.. :'tJ ...., will ...... u. ~ J ·198f-82'1IeluoD. . n-.~ c.-. .... _.-.0-...... £no. _ ....,be~, ...... , " ..... r :r ~1liIty""'''T_~ = -. .' ..". " , .' .. " - '. , .... .' ,

'. .' .'" , ". . ,

pavis, McGuirelul~illed hope for top-flightto urn am en t • . ..' '" I,. ,

By LEE GRACE '1 think be just kind oi D*)- "'So to 'jJel the bfC IWDM, we tOl1l"1l&lDel1la Ravis 'Ifd.. : . ~ )lI'" ~.'~ . ~ :-:.: - -:=.:.....: ~" .. Jfto ::_ ~ ~, :-;:...... -:. :;...... ,.."liiera ~ .~~ •p8Jfte. .... JOcU (eam- ~ a ~ lbder· tbe right drc::wD8tances, dy's of Bowlinl Green . aaid. "But we found 1'bat no ipiUon and attendaDoe ...... , be said, CBS would have Ide­ ~e aDd I hMJ alwlYS coach wanted to ~ twice on "We originaUy started 0Cl The No. $ rmked cardinali vtaed the game on a Saturday talked about bow we could im­ the road. The only lQIOn a Thank,lstvlol mOIl it seemed to capt~ the 1181 true with a afternoon if Weltem aod prove Western's program," Da· (X)8Cf1 would pl.ay two 0Cl (he be tbe tradiUoraai startlDa date come-lrom-beb.lDd 110M win over Gecq:etown met ill the ftrst vis said. "Gene said one way road bIet..f.o-bact is for reauit- for coDeae blUetbaD aDd .fIY- WeRem by Iairina the tlnt 18 l'OUDd. The tOUf'lll.DlieDt cham­ would be for lOme pvle oraan­ ing purposes, I.IId a team like eryoDe. else w. havlDa touma-' poillts In the aecood half. • pklnahJp same I0Il)' havfJ b:een iDtion to sponsor a tournament North Carolina would bave no- JDeIIts, too," navis said. ~ we 1biI year" tournameat - to­ tdeviled (Ill; a SUDday. be saki, with a Dational power as part of thlDg (0 gain by playiDg in 9W" found we needed the studellts n.lg.bt and tOmonow niabt .­ bad the football strike DOt the r~d . tournament. bere to get JeII-outa. Other featuresDJ&hly ranked Georse- ...... Packer stays on road for Wendy's Classic

8y TOMMY NEWTON said. "It 's a o-edit ( 0 Western and Bowling Green." Four years ago. Al McGuire Western doesn't have three called with an idea e8$y teams to beat. Packer said for a' basketball tournament - - and that's good. "You don't what turned out to be the want to Kave a tournament Wendy's Classic. where the ( b~me team <:an wiD P8dcer and McGuire. tben all the time," he said. "We ·have both commentators for NBC three other ~o p flight teams." Sports; worked with Dan Davis to put the tournament together. Next year! Memphis State and "Initially we talked about gel· 6·10 Keith Lee may be the main ling ,quality teams and putting attraction, Pder said. on a banquet and CNCbing c1in. *** ic," Pac:ter said. "We wanted it Pac:tet also express his views to be a flrst-dass tournament." on other ' sub~8 : Packer said he and McGuire - No. I team: "Virginia de­ helped get teams to play' here in serves the No. 1 ranking DOW the fd dusie, but Davis and because (J\a.Iph) Sampson .is the Dave Mason - COoOWDer of dominant player ill the ·game .. Wendy's ' of Bowling . Green - But a lot of damn balls wiD go deserve the aedit now. 0 through the hoop before" March . 'That's wbat ... so good about Padr:er, now a COlDlDl!!lllator the NCAA; they donl vote fOIl for CBS, wiD sbutUe between In.'' . . Bowling Green aDd Le:xinlton New ndrts: '"l'he NCAA today aoc;t tomorrow . He nut Deeds to be more un.Ilorm (Ill; b& in LexiDgtoa too.y to cover doeU and ~t pracUce for tomonow" lillve,-- . Ibot. I th.iD.k a coriJbin.ai1oa wiD slty of Keratudly-ViDIaova pme; . be aooepted, but the NCAA will. , be'D return here for the first- • nOt take oae without the otIwtr. ~-= ' PIdr;er wW'& the "I like the ...... 1IQ'RIf. n .... '" the &bot . bea1.. . pet of the 0)111'.'1.., for the UK pme offense." .wi mum here for' the firWI. , .-; ·aa ..._ ~,...... : Paer. of coune, cal tin- '~ ~ the ~ ~ in .DQUDCII .., 01. the WtDClY's the · ~ . Bolb IbouId put OIl ...... _ ..... "' ... __ Iw ...... pnIIDItioIl-' :...... IIIiPl" Dee.. II), bat I Wak vqIoIa'" ...... aoct t-.,iIkIID a.a...- a;.1euee.,m be it r.caOr." I • daII. ,, ""We .. do ...... D_ - NCA" ,, ' !Ii ..:- "'Ev ; w ...... J ...... "Be.. tile ~ . . erybodJ ...... be .... to Pt' • . WIQ '- ~ flecIrI«owu, the - liD ...... ~~ ..." '7.V_bllt,... ;.tii · ... , _M.· .-, , ...~. , .- II • ....,. ....I ~ ._ ...... I ~'".... . """Pacter, ......

f.. l.:y--" . -... . " 12~2&raJdS

;I Georgetown Western

No. Name POI. Height Cbiss No. Name Pos. Height Cbiss 10 Kurt Kaull G 6-3 Sr. 10 G 6-2 Soph. 11 Anthony Jones F 6-6 Soph. 11 Ken Hatcher G-F 6-6 Jr. 12 VocIlSmith G 6-2 Soph. 15 Bobby Jones G 5·10 Jr. 20 F~Brown G·F Billy Gordon G Fresh. 6-5 Jr " . . 20 6-1 -22 Gen. Smith G 6-2 Jr. 30 Johnny Taylor G-F 6·5 Soph. 24 F 6-7 Soph. 33 Tony Wilson F 6-7 Sr. , 25 David1>unn F-C 6-8 Fresh_ 35 Ken Gambrel F 6-7 Soph. 30 Michael Jaclaon G 6-1 Fresh. 40 Gary Carver F 6-6 Jr. 32 Horace Broadnax G 6-1 Fresh. 41 James Johnson G-F 6-5 Fresh. 33 Patrick. Ewing C 7-0 Soph. 50 Percy White C 6-l.Y, Jr. 40 David Wingate G·F 6·5 Fresh. 53 Shawn Giddy C 7.(J Soph. 42 David Blue F 6-7 Sr. 55 Clarence Martin F-C 6-8 Fresh. 52 Ralph Dalton F-C 6-9 Soph. 55 Victor MorriJ ' F 6-8 Soph. vs. Saint Francis vs. Northern 10 wa No . Name POll. Height Class No. Name Pos. Height Cbiss <. ... ~,4 . ~ B~nt. StrJ!1ir.hael . n. . ..,. S-Q ... ~ 1: ~. -. ~ -.:...... ;.,..,. rt:i~ -' ~ ::4 S-u ~ ,- :;&i>J,. 15 Sean Whitesell G 6-0 Soph_ 11 Mike 0 '!!ant G 6.(J Jr. 20 Rob Williams G 6.(J Fresh. 14 Napoleon Lightning G 6-3 Soph. 22 Tom Sueppel G 6-2 Sr. 20 Brian Joyce G 5-11 Fresh. 25 Lonnie Meade G·F 6-5 Jr. 22 Kent Sisler G 6-3 Soph. 30 RandyI~yenbrink G 6-3 Fresh. 25 Adrian Walters G 6-3 Fresh. 32 Kevin Bradford · G 6·2 Sr. 30 Grog M""lan F 6-4 Fresh. 33 Dwayne Jackson G-F 6-2 Jr _ 32 Jeff Hamilton F 6-4 Soph. 34 Howard Rose F 6·5 Jr. 42 Jim Conway F-C 6-7 Soph. 40 Jay Block F-G 6-6 Jr_ 44 Lou Schmitt C 6-9 Jr. 41 Ray Storcl< C 6-11 Sr. 45. Mike Wagner F 6-6 Jr. 42 Mike Pijanowski F-C 6-7 Jr. 50 Joe Sharkey F-G 6-5 Soph. 44 Herbert King F-C , 6-8 Jr. 53 Bob Goodney F:-G , 6·5 Jr. -SO Dan Alexander F 6-4 Sr. We.support the Hilltoppers in the Wendy's Classic,

- .- ,

\ .-j' f "

. ~ . ... . , .• ~.' .,~, :1IC,r:ild, . · ., • - ...,... " . . . ." ... ~- ......

A Great. Restaurant and Bar.

, ~'f:iiIIiSfJ;I • • ""

Excellent MenU. Warm" SPfC -ialty- Drinks.' Affordable. '

Now open aU. day.' ~eve"'.

.. 12-3-1J211erald

GeOrgetown Northern Iowa John Thompson goes into his • 11th season as 'Georgetown 's most successful head coad'I ever. Coach Jim Berry is starting Thompson came within Olte his 10th year at the ·helm of the bad pass of winning the NCAA University of Northern Iowa Tournament last season, and his Panther basketball program. Hoyas are ranked second in the The 18·year coaching veteran has mmpiled a 93·147 mark at nation going into tonight 's game Jim Kerry with St. Francis. No rthern Iowa in his nine years. Thompson ·has taken his team The 1978·79 season was Ihe to eight straight post«ason best yeru- he has had in Panther that program one of the finest tournament appearances, going m untry, posting an 18-11 mark, in Iowa. John Thomplon to the. NCAA Tournament six the best Northern IOW3 record He graduated {rom Waterloo times and the NIT twice. He since 1963. That year he aIsQ West lJigh School in 1965 ~d was nanied Coach of the Yeer England Player of the Ye ..r in guided the Panthers to the Div· received a bachelor of arts de­ by the · t964 . ision II playoffs, knodting off gree from C r ~ ighton in 1960. He Writers Aasoaation. His talent got him drafted by host Nebraska'{)maha in the eru-ned a master's degree in In 1978, the Hoyas made it to the Boston Celtics, where for first round , 801·72, before losing ph ysical education from North· the NIT semi-finals before losing two yf'.a,r& he played back-up t~ eventual national runner-up ern Iowa in 1970. to North Carolina_ Stale. In ~\~\Q : ~i~~Russell . Wisoonsin-Green Blly in a hard­ During his playing career, he 1980, Georgetown went to the ­ His flJ'St ma

StFrc:Incis Western

Coach David Magarity is a Former Western AU-Ameri9lfl _ perfect Hample of the adage took over the ''1.umbers can be misleading." maming reins at his alma mater The 31·year-01d Magarity has in the spring of 1980 and romipiled a 48~9 reQ)rd in five wasted little time making his years as bead coac:b of tbe Red presence known . F1asb, but tbose numben don't His 1980--81 Hilltoppers fm ­ ished 21-8, won the Ohio Valley r begin to reOed the contributioo be bas made at the roDece. Conference regular season and He earned the rovetec:l Kodak tournament titles and repre­ Dlviaioa I Dlstrid. DI COIIdl-of­ sented the league In t~e NCAA David. Maaarity tournament . ~ tIM . tbe-y,. award dwiD& 1180- Clem lIultlnl II MrMOO, ..., the Red n.b Along the way, Haskins be­ to tbeir · fIrIt poIt.e.oa adioD 1"57~ team appeared in the came tbe fll'St "rookie" ooadl In ;. -1iDce the lite .1150& aod tbeir NIT. The De:J:t SUIOD . lbgarity OVC history to be named con­ as a senior, he was named to best. record si:r.ee ' the late 1MOs . was named one of the Kodak's ference Coach-of-the-Ye.ar and be various AU -American teams in was honored by NBC·TV as it.. St. FnDda compet~ acamst Coadles-of-lhe-Year for leAding each of his three vars.ity yean:. • ODe of tIM t.oupe.t IICbeduIes in the Flash to the · ronfermoe RooUe Coach 01 the Year. His 1,680 career points rank the DItiop -for" • ·coIIeIe of Ita tOUl'1lUneOt (or the IIeCOIId 000- He guided last season's Top­ him No. 2 on the Sttl()OJ'a three­ Ii&e (p:bd witb tbe un. of IfIO.ative year IDd ~ab1labinC a pen tu co-dwnpiooahipbooors in year list and his career scoring ·...... D_, ·_,...... 17-10 record for the heM IIeMOIl theOVC aDd an appearanoe in average <21 .0 Is still second ton, N~C. State, lCMeisI=a wiD total .moe the l"'~' sea- the NIT wbere they were elim­ amoog all Hilltoppers. .!SUIte IDd PItt) 1Iiia, inated by eventual runner-up HaakIns was tbe third player Purdue. Western wound up HI­ selected in tbe NaHon.1 Basket­ "IPdJ' bepI bII ....a«on Tbe taM; this year Ia to .... tIIIIt Bed n.b ill tile We ·10, running Haskins' two-year ball Association draIt in 1967 and ...... rebouDd. tram lat ae.oa'll 1·20 c:ordlin& record to 40-18. went on to play nine seasooa :... willi red n.. 1ffIiIla, Norm Haskins ~. to Western ill with the Chicago BullI U967·70 ). " - "'-- -,iq. the faD. of 1963 .. • highly Pboenix SWUI and Washington v_ U. ad K.na. ~ . only ODe veteran OIl " ..witb. ~OUled AU-Stater from TaykK' Bullets U974-76). . III 1'.n JIItrprttJ ... ap­ . Iut 1eI8OO'I temL, we knew it County Rich School. After returning to Western in ~~ , I ... caIcD...... to be a touch year,- ·lm.11 ...... ,. He weot on to · bemme per­ 1977 to Serve as a parHime ...... a. • ~ MIld·, "But lDIiIy of om' haps the moat domlDaDt pllyer assistant on Coacb Jim JUcbardi' ~--.... lint ,...... he · __ -, . 'Rmc ~ II!« ." ...... in . ~ hiIlory ' 01 the ove. stall, Haskins moved to fuD-tlme , ~ .... ~...,.~Illed Wa&, .... tbe _. We CE have "CSeai . tbe Gem" aDd re­ assistant status the fonowfng ... mains, the only p'-Yer La that year when toot ...... - - • "",*-fLd _ thlt te-. if over tbe· program. ~ ='.}i:: .~:.: u... ..,.. CIIIIIlbae to cDme Jeacue'l bistory to be named .... iod ..._ .. _ 'the the ove · P!ayer of the Year Haskins, at, ooids tbebachelor .._ _-~.far"D~"""" tbe CIDIeIe~ three .CXNlSeOJtive _aeIIIIOQ8. A of science and the mMter of ..... the tMal DeedI thia C'J'108eOIUI AD-American choice ftnl ...... ___ ~ a..c. the - .- 1· arts degrees [rom Western. .. -. 8 Hc,..Jd 12..J...82
