Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 12-3-1982 UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Wendy's Classic Special Edition WKU Student Affairs Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Wendy's Classic Special Edition" (1982). WKU Archives Records. Paper 546. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/546 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. F! iday, Dec. 3, 1982 J_IUjIJ .. ·Ewing leads Red Flash No.2Hoy.as 'underdog' By MARK C. MATHIS in tourney The Wendy's Classic has GeorgetOwn · By STIEVE THOMAS drawn at least one big name to eam of the two previous tour· "I think everyone fa kIold.ag at naments, but this year the or- us ,.' an ,underdog," St. Francis ganizers nf tbe dMsk IWQ' bave points" nine reboUnds and 4.7 bud coach David .Magari1y said. outdone themselves ' by landin& Mocked shots a game. , St. Frandl bas met George­ the second-ranked Georgetown But his real presence on de- town. 10, tlmea aDd Is behind in Hoy. for what is being allied Cense was ... in the number of tbe.~aer:la s1J games to (our. · .. t~e . Soutb's finest basketball shots he "'altered" by ftlling the toumament.... lane with his huge physique. He The Hoyas mme Into the was one of the main reasons the ·St F!clt"dS classic with a 3.0 record, Hoyas · held their opponents to t Georgetown started the se.ason t. Bin ..... tunh• . witb a trip to Hawaii, where ."e1.pe«e.•___....": .• "'Iow~lnt "t.~.~ _ The Red FtUb ; bave abo lost tbey thrashed Brigham Young try. - to Western three times. U:iiversily-Hawaii, 72-51, and Tbe oniy other "Our goall are, NO. 1, to win stomped Hawaii·Hilo 67-37 , Last star:ter, point 'guard- tile tOurnament, and if we cant Tuesday D.i.ght , Georgetown DrOwn, is recovering do that, our goal is to at least roUed over Morgan State 91-57. gery Cor tendonitll in hls ' wiD one game.- The Hoyas havent bad mud! mee. BroWn,. threw the. S1. 'Fruda opens the toumB­ " ~mpet !t~on C!n the ,. w!l.)' . t.Q. r aw~..J9 __!:,o~~ ~~~~~ --"~!~~.:: _t. ... ~ ,.,..... · ~WWl& \.tn:o::n~er, tour·... · iu.ij ~t·, Georgetow!:l , lMit year nament organiurs had to trave] m~lonshlp : the Red F1uh bad a disastrous a tough road to get tbe Hoyas Jomtng Ewing on the froDt • 6-%0 season, and tbls year · they here. line will be two high sellool own a 1-1 '!rec:xlI:;d after ~ ' Georgetown had want!!d to. AU-Americans who gradually .. ' 74-4j to Notre Dame ...t Satur­ sdtedule Its much ballybooed worked their way into the star- day aDd beatinB Mercyb!lf'Sl· CoI­ matm with Virg\nla and Ralph ting lineup laSt IjeU(In as fresh· Ieee 811-82 in' oVertbDe ikmday. Sampson for Saturday, but mn- men . Anthony Jones; a Moot"' Again;st Nolr'~ Dame, St. tractual agreements with Wes· member of the Big, Ear.1 AD· Francis trailed. by only three tern forced Georgetown to move Rookie team, will starC at one points with 10 .aunutes left in that game to next Saturday, forward, Jones, one of :J1Iomp- . ~e ~ , but faltered after Then there was the . problem son's ,designated shooters, til let-tbiS into lat~ Coul trouble. oC fmding the Hoyas a suitable averaging 8.7 pqints and pulling ~y felt I:6a team" ...mtiin opponent, Georgetown balted at down 7.7 rebounds. game. ........... """_ ..... Evansville, Murray and Middle Freshman D~vld Wingate, • , to .Georgetown and·. tbe Wendy's Tennessee, and eventuaUy 6-5 swingman, is averaging 14 'C!aAIc. mose St. fiands from a list of points a gaine to lead tbe team Last. year Macarity took a ~ possibilities. in soorin&. He is also gitting o(late MMOD crltidsm Cor star­ But the 1982 NCAA ToUl'1Ul - five rebounds a game. Wingate tink some of hla YOWlIer players ment runner-up is here, witb is another of the players . in gamee IO¥. people felt St. one of tbe !)est players ever to Thompson looks to when tbe Fruda couJd have woo. He said bit tbe bardwood inDiddle arena Hoyas need points. , be w. giYtng his-players uper_ - Patrkt Ewing. MidJael JacksoD, another •• ieDoe mel buikUDi: bis pracram. 'The 7-l00t sopbomott returns Creshman , has mme in to take 'tat year .e bid no ldds to Coach John Tbompson's up the sladt for the injur:ed with e~, Of ~ M.ssarity !!Quad as • conseoaus p~n Brown. Jadtaotl is .BYeracms: . IO ""',.-n". ........... _. AU·A1tIf:'I'i<:aD, baving capped" points a games and JudI the _ybody GO !be team bas sensational freshman year with team in ,wsts with .s oS I. game. .Ii... ,,,,-_ i !ltin., ., ........ a 13-polot, 11- rebound per- Georg~town b. f?een hittm,; M ........ aomc to Jet fOrmaDa! in the NCAA mam· on 51.7 Jpera:!nt .from the Boor . ~" .. - pionship game. and holding the oPPQliUoa to a tbe team~-,):mproy~ ~ season Ewing averaged mere 34.1 . ~a ~\ CaD be attrlbutid to a 12.7 points, 7.5 rebounds and been quite as ~ &om _ ......... ,,-un. ....... fmished IfICOIld in the nation in t.be foul line t ....... ·.;,. ... bJttl_ .. _Iu •. blocked shots with 119. In the 42,9 percent ~~ 8'::'~ to be an intimidatina:/for- Hoyas'thrt!e games ,tbia season, a team Georgetown _ bIoeked ~cia . .1lbe 7·toot ."pbo- . .. 'See BAIIILToN be baa beera avenaing 9.3 24 shots. finals lut :lear. /. .. ..... J, c.a....1 W.hite, Wilson"JQ:.ne~~~keys f9rWop'S, By MAIQt C. MATHIB • TALc. " 4~ ~"'kw:"""" wiD'. il-polr&l. State ~tucb .mooi _ ~ III ,." a,". t.l ....;~' ~.~;~:: Weltero _ aever 1fOD the rr.iiiIV5-~ ,eBiit .... lloII* ·oa lIoa- I..eJdaatoa Lllfa;yette. But, Jib' .. ~ MIt ..:..:...:;:""""====:- .~ . ""_,- ..,. ~. ~,~ Wilke. 'be .... tt.ted. UdI.... ,..... to-:':e =;.:s.!:r : . ... $I ' him· ... -be ~' iii tti.t .... W..... ' ~ - by ,.... Well. ,....,).. _ ......... &...t...I baM, • .;.tf: !'.!um ~ .......... _ ..--*0..... Wb ......... ...- ~. J- - -_.... • ~~ ...... t I.... mJl tM .... __ 10 ... a.-. 111.;. 0( Ncxtben Iowa .. teOiiiid-cwI., ea:r~ a::.::..._. be ....... " .. ,_ . " .... , ~; .......... 1'. _. kedal~~ .. t.U_.M -.aDd ••'nI ... ·to-.... :-:~-: "' ~~.::r.-= -~ "',M:..'=.' ~ ~ lid · ,...... ...._ o.e dIIIIt.. .. tbe_~ ..., miID~ "" 21.1 ........; , .... ~ ~ "- II tile· t6Ird ......... ..............s ........ JiIl!IdDI __ ....'N .... te &Mllhla.' ............ ____ , _ . ~ S ,,- "'- ....-_ pal - "'..... ) • tn.t fII ....".. "1"- , ;.. ....... ~ 7" '. ~ '.;.d'L.c.- Ie ...... ·S. _ . a·_ ,.. :.. ...... -"1+ ,.. 17 • • _., _ .. _. _ ...... ....., - ' -''''-' ...... - ... -.... Do "" . -." ... .... - ~; -"':.. ....... __ ar ..... cIIIIIc'a ""1l1li." ~ .I'" ............ , ........................' ...... ..... .-... .. .Tuppen WlIIle .... Mel !- r.t a.t 8· " , lie ........ ._ ......... '1~ ......... tift ...... ..die _. ~'___ 71017, .. the - -_-cniltbiI -. I.IIdai oftr -....tItil ...__....· ,..__ .wID ..... .....' .... IbI!k.......... _... ..... ' ...,e, but 'tbef bad to lilt 71 ~. wbo .......... ~ ,.' ... 10 ....... 01 ' tbe a. ...a .:a ~' ....... nIi ...dI peI'CIeIlt 01 t.beIr ... to do it. · H ~. -- 27 .. I... ' ,I.It_to . __ ~ a ....... .titat at tile .... RaJ ... Bird" Strock••• 11 ! palMa".bIte,. ".bbld U reIt:a t w.a. ...... .... t8I1.er ......... _ wbo... - bcft ~ bIIIfII - ~ .. ....... DeVeI'." lind DaIIII J t .. a.t .• the BDIMpp-w.lbe ~ ~ ~BbeId .... ~ ' .... ~:.. '! .... ~ Ot Idi All. ~ .......... If". ii' L...:...~,... ~ .•- •••.•.•.•• ~;;r-:.~!r.,:r... .,. .... ,. ' ~' _"~. '~:~' ~' ~"~',.'_' ~' ,;' ~: ·.'~··~'.·",,..· '. ,... "'_··_.. _" _-_... .. ·~:r .." /. , ) ~_.- __..:._ ...... ___.:.. ____~~ ___i:IoO _____'"" ... _""' .. 12·3-82 lhrcWl 3 'Big Bird'., Storck could be trouble By STEVE THOMAS also .!mred 48 points in the semifmals of the state cham· The ~verslty of Northern Nortbetil pionships and Jed his team to Iowa brings an experienced the state litle. aquold, Includlllg last year's Mr. IoWa "He's going. to t.e a very good Basketball In Iowa, and a 1-1 player," Berry said. '1t's prob- record lnto tonigbt's 9 p.m. Berry, wi th a coachlng record ably going to take him about game with Western. of 152 wins and 186 losses in 12 half the season before he plays And the Panthenl' muld play . seasons, has all five starters up to his ability." the rok! of spoiler- to prevent a back from last year's squad, In a reserve role for the W estern~"rgetown match~p though oruy three will start. Panthers will be 61 junior Jay in . tomorrow's champtonahip Ray "Big Bird" Storck,· a 6- Block who started at forward gjUDe. foot -II senw,r, will start at ceo- last year. Also the Panthers In their two 'lames this &ea' ter. He averaged 13.4 points a return juniors Lonnie Meade, a son, the Putbers have defeated game last year and 19 .9 for the 6-5 forward1luard, aDd Mike Pi- Wayne State-Nebraska, 69-49, rmal SUt games. janowski, a 6·7 center.forward. and lost to the tblvenlty of Also on 'tbe front tine will be Both Meade and Pijanowskl Wisconsin, 7919. 6-7 junior f{lrward Herbert King, shared the fmal starting position The Panther. finiahed last who averaged 5.2 points a game. a year ago. season with a 12-15 record after Berry said King is a strong "Even hough we only have klalng their lasLm games. One rebounder and has greatly 1m. four seniors, a Jot of our juniors of those was a 7517 k)ss to prov~ed . have a lot of experience," Berry Western at Northern Iowa.
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