MTU IM Orientation

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MTU IM Orientation Junior Resident Medical Teaching Unit Orientation Document Foothills Medical Centre Peter Lougheed Centre Rockyview General Hospital South Health Campus Welcome to the Medical Teaching Unit (MTU) at the University of Calgary! You will receive a brief orientation on your first day depending on which site you are assigned to, but this is a detailed overview of the locations, schedules and expectations of the MTU. MTU is first and foremost a teaching unit. You will be part of a multidisciplinary team with various levels and areas of training. Formal teaching is scheduled at each site as per the schedule below. MTU patients are typically academically interesting, complex or too unstable for other services. Sometimes they are all three! Remember that your two priorities on the MTU are patient care and your education. Have fun! Last updated September 2016 A TYPICAL DAY ON THE MTU: Morning • Handover: Meet at 8 am sharp in the designated team rooms (see site specific section). Here you will meet your team, receive patient handover. • Print out a single spaced patient list and write the clerk / resident assigned for the day next to the patient name. Provide this list to the Unit Clerk (FMC Unit 36/PLC Unit 38/RGH Unit 93/SHC Unit 66). • Morning Report: site dependant • Review Admissions: Meet with your staff to review overnight admissions • See your patients: See patients in order from sickest >> those needing discharge >> least sick. Afternoon • Lunchtime Rounds: (site specific) • “Run the List” - Meet with your team in the afternoon to discuss the patient list (depending on the senior resident/staff, generally 2-3pm) • Follow up on any outstanding issues from the morning • Update Signout Tool: Update the electronic Sign-Out in SCM • Evening Handover: Meet the evening / overnight team at 5 pm for patient handover Teaching (Site Specific) • Educational Rounds are a strong tradition within the culture of MTU. In addition to informal teaching, there are a number of scheduled teaching rounds – please refer to the department website for the up to date calendar o Morning Report - The senior resident assigned (see call schedule emailed to you) will lead a case-based presentation. Staff are encouraged to attend. o Subspecialty Rounds o Simulation Rounds (RGH Site-Specific) o CPC Rounds - Joint rounds between the departments of Internal Medicine and Pathology. A case is co-presented by a resident from each department. TEAM STRUCTURE Pre-Clerks – 2nd year medical students doing an elective as part of their 440 course. No SCM access, can not order any investigations or medications. Clerks – 3rd or 4th year medical students. Have completed all lectures/course work. Have SCM access and can order medications, but these must be “verified” by an MD before they are active. Junior Residents – First year residents. Able to order medications and investigations independently. Senior Resident – R2 or R3 Internal Medicine residents. Act in one of two roles: • Ward Senior – manages their respective team. Oversee all patient management and rounds and reports directly to the staff physician. • Emergency Liaison (EL) – responsible for daytime consults from ED and transfer-of-care requests, supervising juniors and clerks perform any available procedures, confirm all teaching sessions • Night Float Senior – responsible for triaging overnight ED consults/admissions Attending – The staff physician ultimately responsible for all patients on the team. All admissions must be reviewed directly with staff. FOOTHILLS MEDICAL CENTER MTU – Unit 36 Team Room: Blue/Yellow/Silver teams meet on Unit 36 in the conference room (turn left off elevator/stairs, walk straight past nursing station. First door on the left past the big whiteboard). Swipecard access Blue team: back room Yellow team: main conference room Silver team: main conference room, far side Call Rooms: Junior / Clerk Call Room – Main Building EG19 (ground floor, directly under the ED). Swipe Card Entry initially; the code to the individual call rooms is 1500*. Senior Call Room – McCaig Tower Room 6476. • Take the public elevators to the 6th floor and turn left towards unit 64 • Go through the recessed door on the right immediately before the main double doors to Unit 64 (swipe card required). • Follow the hallway. Swipe card access into call room on the right. Doc’s Lounge: Found in the hallway between SSB and the main building (art work is on the walls of this hallway) – unlabelled white double doors. Swipe card entry. Resident Lounge: Main Tower 2nd floor at the far west end of the hallway (past nephro offices) Scrub Room: In the basement accessible via main elevators (0700-1500h, door usually left open after hours). FMC WEEKLY SCHEDULE: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 0800 – 0815 Handover Handover Handover Handover Handover Week 1/3 – Pharmacy Jr/clerks/Sr 0815 – 0900 Morning Report Week 2/4 - Morning Report Bedside Teaching Clinical Pharmacology 0900 – 1200 Subspecialty Subspecialty Teaching Teaching Nephrology Week 1 – MTU Intro Week 1 – Geriatrics CPC Rounds Rounds 1200 - 1300 Week 2 – Endocrine Week 2 – Rheum (Coombs) IM Resident (Unit 36) Week 3 – Hematology Week 3 – Resp Half Day Week 4 – Blank Week 4 – Med Onc (U36 Team Rooms) (U36 Team Rooms) 1300 – 1700 1700 – 1715 Evening Sign-out, Blue team room, Unit 36 Bullet Rounds (1100, U36 Conference Room) – attended by the Ward Seniors Staff Led Bedside Teaching - Junior Medicine Teaching occurs Fridays from 0815 to 0900 on Unit 36– the Thursday overnight house staff is expected to attend PETER LOUGHEED CENTER MTU – Units 38 / 39 / 49 Team Rooms: Green Team Meet in Room 3841 on Unit 38 Gold Team Meet in Room 3952 on Unit 39 Orange Team Meeting in Room 3051, East Wing Call Rooms: Junior/Clerk and Senior Call Rooms are in the basement of the old building/west wing. • Go down the hallway between Second Cup and the West Entrance Info Desk. • Take the elevators (on the right) to the basement. • Turn right and go up the short staircase. • The door to your right is the entry to the call rooms (swipe card entry). • Look for the labeled call rooms for Junior / Senior Medicine. Doc’s Lounge: On main floor of old building near the South Entrance. Take a left when you see the Emergency sign/Admitting. The doctor’s lounge will be the first door on your right after you pass health records. Code: 6978* Resident Lounge: See Call Room directions. These rooms are rarely used, but contain and assortment of free instant coffee/toast/peanut butter/jam and juice containers. Scrubs: The scrub room is in the basement (0730-1700h). Otherwise, try the ORs on the second floor of the main building. The OR nurses can be a stingy with their scrubs, so try to be stealth. PLC WEEKLY SCHEDULE: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 0800 – 0815 Handover Handover Handover Handover Handover 0815 – 0900 Morning Report Morning Report 0900 – 1130 IM Teaching 1130 – 1200 Clerks/Jr/Sr “Professor Rounds” CPC Rounds (Rm 3841) 1200 - 1300 (usually in Auditorium) Week 1 – allied health IM Resident’s ID Rounds Respirology Week 2 – various Half Day (Room 3841) 1300 – 1400 CXR Rounds Week 3 – none Every second (Unit 39) Week 4 – no rounds; Thursday pizza lunch 1400 – 1700 1700 – 1715 Evening Sign-out, Green Team Room, Unit 38 Rm 3841 Bullet Rounds – attended by the Ward Seniors Unit 39: Tuesdays @ 1000h (Rm 3841 – Green Team Room) Unit 49: Tuesdays @ 1030 h (Rm 4931 – across from nursing station) Unit 38: Wednesdays @ 1000h (Rm 3952 – Gold Team Room) Staff Led Bedside Teaching – Junior Medicine Bedside Teaching occurs Tuesdays BEFORE CPC. ROCKYVIEW GENERAL HOSPITAL MTU – Units 93 / 94 LOCATIONS: Team Room: Meet in the conference immediately to the right as you enter Unit 93 (Rm 9333) Amber Team Meet in Room 9333 on Unit 93/94 Purple Team Meet in Room 9333 on Unit 93/94 Please avoid storing your personal items (jackets, bags) in the Unit 93 conference room. This is not a secure location. There are a number of lockers designated for use by residents and clerks that are located on Unit 93 for day use only, and require the user to bring a lock. Please ask at the nursing station for the location of these lockers. Call Rooms: Call rooms are located in the Education Annex (Follow the signs for Conference Room 4577 – Go up the stairs once in the portable)…. The code is 1234*. Senior Call Room – Rm 4N129 – (next to the new gift shop and across from the Chapel) Junior Call Room – Rm 4586 and 4594 Resident Lounge: In the Education Annex (aka portables). Code for entry is 1234* (follow signs to conference room 4577). Doc’s Lounge: From the main entrance (by the Good Earth Coffee) follow a long hallway towards health records. The lounge is at the very end. Code is the four numbers from bottom up on the left side of the keypad, then *. Scrubs: Some scrubs are found in the Residents’ Lounge. The main scrub room is in the basement. RGH WEEKLY SCHEDULE: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 0800 – 0815 Handover Handover Handover Handover 0815 – 0900 Morning Report Morning Report Morning Report 1000 – 1200 Harvey for IM JAMA Rational High Fidelity CPC Rounds Harvey residents Clinical Exam Simulation 1200 - 1300 (Rm 10331 – RGH (Simulation Center (Simulation Center Series (Simulation Center th 10 Floor) – Basement) – Basement) (U93 Conference – Basement) Room) IM Resident’s 1300 – 1700 Half Day 1700 – 1715 Evening Sign-out, Unit 93 Conference Room (Rm 9333) SOUTH HEALTH CAMPUS MTU – Unit 66 LOCATIONS: Team Room: Meet in Room 670109B on Unit 66 Call Rooms: Call rooms are located on the 6th Floor beside Unit 66 (See Appendix A: Maps) Junior / Clerk Call Room – Rm 60117 Senior Call Room – Unassigned spare call rooms in On-Call Suite Rm C-260142 Doc’s Lounge: Located between the cafeteria and the YMCA Wellness Center.
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