FORCED ARBITRATION AND THE FATE OF THE 7TH AMENDMENT THE CORE OF AMERICA’S LEGAL SYSTEM AT STAKE? R EPO R T OF THE 2 0 1 4 F O R UM FO R S TATE A PPELLATE C OU R T J UDGE S FORUM ENDOWED BY HABUSH HABUSH & ROTTIER S.C. FORCED ARBITRATION AND THE FATE OF THE 7TH AMENDMENT THE CORE OF AMERICA’S LEGAL SYSTEM AT STAKE? R EPO R T OF THE 2 0 1 4 F O R UM FO R S TATE A PPELLATE C OU R T J UDGE S FORUM ENDOWED BY HABUSH HABUSH & ROTTIER S.C. When quoting or reprinting any part of this report, credit should be given to the Pound Civil Justice Institute. Permission to reprint a paper should be requested from: Pound Civil Justice Institute 777 Sixth Street, NW, Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20001
[email protected] The endower, Habush Habush & Rottier S.C., has no control over the placement of information in or the editorial content of the Report of the 2014 Forum for State Appellate Court Judges. Library of Congress Control Number Pending ISBN: 978-0-933067-24-0 ©2015 Pound Civil Justice Institute “If people think they still have the right to sue after signing a contract, that means they are clinging to something very deep—their right to bring an action that they don’t believe they could possibly have signed away.” —A judge attending the 2014 Forum “The courts are supposed to be the place where we get it right, where we see that all of the cards get played.