FESTIVAL FILM 影中岁月 ——致辞酷儿电影论坛


有朋友说,你们办同志影展,像 办夏季奥运会,4年一届,可谓重 大。影展草创,龄在婴齿,虽然未 来广远无限,但眼下还是要在大人 们的手下屁滚尿流。 我们无法认同也无意攀比电影的奥 运会,于是提前,距上一届影展, 时隔3年。 此前两届,收展影片基本为已在国 际有影响力的长片。此届变化最大 的是增添“短句”。一旦短小,势 必年轻。80后、85后的编导摄录 美、演员、制片人纷至沓来,令今 年影展蓬荜生辉。 论坛开启,为的是活跃讨论。创 作者、评论者、观众济济一堂, 不分伯仲与疆域,论语生心,会 神会意,摒弃审判,反对“观众上 帝”“评论家上帝”。重要的是, 尊重与交通。 我们的影展,组委会采取轮值主席 制。影展不设竞赛单元,不搞评 奖。我们不认为电影可以像奥运那 样比出个你高我低。下一届,我们 意欲办成全国巡回展,会有新的组 委加入。这次影展现场,杨洋委员 身在布鲁塞尔,不能出席。第一届 同志影展闭幕时,作为直同志,她 说过十分感人的话。今年的闭幕 辞,我们请同样是直同志的朱日坤 来做。恁多直同志撑持同志影展, 意味着中国同志电影从婴儿期开始 就不是孤军奋战。 时光进步,不荏苒。婴年的影展, 以屁滚尿流的尊严姿态,向前进。 TIMES OF LIGHT AND IMAGE A Forum of Queer Films

Cui Zi’en

A friend comments jokingly: You guys are celebrat- ing the Queer Film Festival in the same manner as the Summer Olympic Games – that’s four year per tournament. Being a new born infant, one’s future is beyond conseption, one has to fumble with dust and blood at every turn in the grown up world. We don’t mean to be a form of cinematic Olympics, neither do we strive for such,.. So we have moved up the Festival by a year so that it takes place every 3 years. We last hosted a festival of this kind in 2004. Previous festivals featured films which already had 影中岁月established audience; but this time we have added a “Short Films” section as part of our innovative ap- proach. This is to afford young filmmakers with an opportunity to showcase their talent. As expected, considerable numbers of young talent belonging to the post-80’s even post-85’s generation have carved Timestheir images ofin verdure asLight creations inspired by the brilliance and vitality of this Queer Film Festival. The Festival allows for the opening up of spaces for discourse and for the formation of forums where film- makers, critics, and audiences alike can sit together and andImage seek to rid themselves of the gulfs and fences that result from mis-information and to facilitate un- derstanding through engaged discorse. This exercise need not be governed by a specific framework nor theoretic authority, its most important aspect is that of respect and communication. The Organizing Committee of the Beijing Queer Film Festival adopts a Duty Chairman System. The festi- val does not adopt a competitive approach nor does it present any awards. This is a means of avoiding the assessment of films through competitive crite- ria much like those governing the Olympic Games. The next festival has been planned and will begin with a tour of China This will assist in attracting new members to the committee and raise the status of the festival to that of a national festival. Our delegate Yangyang, who is currently in Brussels and can’t be present today, made a very impressive speech at the closure of the 1st Beijing Queer Film Festival although from a heterosexual individual’s perspective.. At this time we would like to hand over to Mr. Zhu Rikun, who’s also is of a heterosexual orientation to make the closing remarks. The support received from the heterosexual community goes to show that the Chi- nese Queer film festival is not striving alone. As time advances one is sure of difficulties ahead, however our Queer Film Festival is still in its infancy and will continue to strive though with dignity. Beijing Queer Forum and the 3rd Beijing Queer Film Festival

RD BEIJING 3 THE Mei Mei Welcome to Destination Shanghai From chryaslis to butterfly FESTIVAL FILM Carmen Tangtang My fair son

VOICES ABOUT QUEER FILM 2. The Female Society 女女社会 A ≥ 酷儿电影论调 ( 刘波 ) Round table guest (tentative): 圆桌嘉宾(暂定) Sha Sha (Liu Bo) 《莎莎 Lost in you (Zhu Yiye) 《啦啦啦》 (朱一叶) Chris Berry The summer solstice (Li Ruijun) 《夏至》 ( 李睿 ) LiYinhe 裴开瑞 Shitou and that Nana (Cui Zi’en) 《石头和那个娜娜》 (崔子恩) Eve Wen-Jing Lee 李银河 Meet you again (Du Ai’en) 《再次遇见你》 (杜艾恩) Pan Suiming 李文晶 Women fifty minutes (Shitou)) 《女人50分钟》 ( 石头 ) Tongge 潘绥铭 Lothar Von Falkenhausen 童 戈 Guo Yaqi 罗 泰 Huang Yingying 郭雅琦\黄盈盈 Zhen Li 甄里 Cheng Qingsong 程青松 Xian 闲 Binglan 冰蓝 Remy 瑞米 Li Dan 李丹 Zhao Ke 赵珂 Zheng Hongxia 郑宏霞 Bian Jing 边静 Fan Popo 范坡坡

and all of the directors of attended films. 所有参展导演 PROJECTIONS & DISCUSSIONS B ≥ 上映下论 1. Transgender, Transvestite & Transnature 变装、变性、变质

Mei Mei (Gao Tian) 《美美》 ( 高天 ) Welcome to Destination Shanghai (Andrew Cheng) 《目的地,上海》 (程裕苏) From chryaslis to butterfly (Wang Yiren) 《蝶变》 (王逸人) Carmen (Zhang Di) 《卡门》 ( 张迪 ) Tangtang (Zhang Hanzi) 《唐唐》 (张涵子) My fair son (Cui Zi’en) 《我如花似玉的儿子》 (崔子恩)

2. The Female Society 女女社会

Sha Sha (Liu Bo) 《莎莎 ( 刘波 ) Lost in you (Zhu Yiye) 《啦啦啦》 (朱一叶) The summer solstice (Li Ruijun) 《夏至》 ( 李睿 ) Shitou and that Nana (Cui Zi’en) 《石头和那个娜娜》 (崔子恩) Meet you again (Du Ai’en) 《再次遇见你》 (杜艾恩) Women fifty minutes (Shitou)) 《女人50分钟》 ( 石头 )

3. Short Films 短句

Song of spring (Meng Nuo) 《春歌》 ( 孟诺 ) The personals (Raining) 《征婚启事》 (雨不亭) The man on the ridge (Zhang Lei) 《屋脊上的男人》 ( 张磊 ) The portmanteau (Cui Lin) 《箱子》 ( 崔霖 ) Best wishes, my dearest (Chopstick Bros.) 《祝福你亲爱的 (筷子兄弟) True or Dare (Chen Shuangqing) 《真心话大冒险》 (陈双庆) Spring of Yangchun (Yang Pingdao) 《阳春之春》 (杨平道) You and me (Siqi) 《我们》 ( 思奇 ) Beautiful lover (Liu Qibing)) 《美丽情人》 (刘启兵)

PROGRAM RESEARCH C ≥ 运筹帷幄 Dawei 剧本与计划项目圆桌:大玮(Dawei)等

组委会: Preparatory Committee: 崔子恩、杨洋、朱日坤 Cui Zi’en, Yang Yang, Zhu Rikun 文秘: Secretary: 范坡坡 Fan Popo 场刊: Publication: 郭小晖 Emma Guo


变装、 变性、 变质 - Transgender, Transvestite & Trans nature

7 影片资料:

《 美美》 MEI MEI

制片:赵晖 导演:高天 摄影:高天 曲江涛 导演阐述: 剪辑:高天 宋体涛 片长:82分钟 我感触到美美是一个心地善良 出品时间:2005年8月 的人,他对他的每一丝爱都心 类型:纪录 存感激与渴望,使他每每受到 伤害。 在拍摄过程中我们从猎 奇,新鲜到后来接受以至成为 兄弟姐妹般的朋友。使我们了 解到他们大多数从小就渴望成 为一名女孩子,长大后有的由 于生活压力,有的由于要面对 家庭,朋友的压力与歧视,尤 其不想因此影响自己现有的工 作,使自己的生活产生困难, 他们只能以反串演出等各种方 式释放自己内心存在的欲望。 他们渴望以新的形象与方式重 新开始自己的生活,也知道这 其中存在着很多困难与问题。 我们希望通过我们的影片让更 多的人和我们一样感受他们内 心的痛苦继而理解他们接受他 们,承认这种生活方式。我们 更高的渴望就是通过我们的影 片能使他们中间即可能多的人 得到帮助,能走入新生活。

故事梗概: 导演简介:

美美是北京的一名反串演员, 高天:男 汉族 1978年3月生于陕 ,在2004年他终于找到了自己 西省西安市 ■ 2003年毕业于北 喜爱并且能接受他的男人,他 京电影学院导演系 ■ 电影《李秋 们举行了公开的隆重的婚礼。 实》副导演 电视电影《悲怆的黎 美美对自己这次婚姻充满了信 明》副导演 8集电视剧《丽人公 心。他的朋友们为他举办了“ 寓》执行导演 ■ 短片《眼睛》导 美美告别同志舞台演唱会”,他 演 东京国际录影节参赛 ■ 纪录片 用演唱会的方式告别了北京的 《美美》导演 ■ 韩国光州国际电 朋友,放弃了在北京稳定的生 影节评委会大奖 全球华裔首部电 活,准备到上海,一个新的城 影节参展(新加坡) ■ 2006 写真 市,用新的生活方式开始自己 中国记录片双年展(美国)2006 新的生活。但事与愿违,短暂 年5月第三届中国纪录片交流周 的婚姻生活并不快乐,他很快 ■ 2006年9月平遥国际DV影展 又回到了北京。重新回来后的 2007年4月“云之南纪录影像展 尴尬,使他陷入了困境...... 2007 惊蛰 ■ 2007年5月 剧情片 《车逝》(胶片) FILM SYNOPSIS:

Meimei is a dragqueen in Beijing China. In 2004 found a man of his love who also accepts Meimei as is. They held a public ceremonious wedding. Meimei is filled with confidence for this marriage. His friends held a “Meimei Farewell Concert” for the gay community. Along with the farewell concert, Meimei also gave up the stability of a life in Beijing attained as a result of many years of hard work. He prepared to go to Shanghai, a new city, to begin a new way of life. But things did not turn out to be as planned, as the brief marriage was not happy at all. He came back to Beijing soon, embarrassed to see old friends while falling into worse financial strait than ever before.


I came to know Meimei as a kind-hearted individual whose pure devotion and sincere thirst for love always lead to emotional wounds with every relationship . During the filmmaking, Meimei and I evolved from curious stranger initially to brothers-like friends. I also came to un- derstand transvestite males as a group who from childhood on desire to be girls deep inside. Due to various pressure from life, discrimination from family and friends and an unwillingness to sacrifice their ca- reer and the ability to make a living, most of them can only release their desires deep within through cross-dressing perform- ances. They hope to initiate their own lives with a new identity but also recognize the inherent difficulties and problems. I hope that through this film more people will come to feel their deep pain as my team and I have, so as to understand and ac- cept them as who they are, and accept such lifestyle as is. We also most sincerely hope that through our film, this group of individuals also obtains the kind of support needed to build a new life.

9 影片资料:


片长:89分钟 出品时间:2002年 类型:剧情 编剧 导演:程裕苏 摄影:史岳 林凡 主演:扬志英 熊黛林 崔子恩 高云翔 周毅


有关:做鸭的长发上海男孩, 曾插队落户现在拼命挣钱的中 年老鸨,光头变态嫖客,客串 临时演员并且开起了性病诊所 FILM SYNOPSIS: 的下岗女工,伪装成联防队员 A story about: A long-hair “call-boy” from 的杀人歹徒,做妓女的闸北女 Shanghai, an once member of the “Young 孩,下岗女工的同性恋丈夫, Intellectuals” and now a mid-aged pro- 问路的云南女孩,内向寡言与 curess, a bald metamorphic customer, 捡来的小狗为伴的下岗女工的 a Laid-off woman worker who sets up a 儿子,漂亮的外地女孩,以及 clinic for venereal diseases and works as 她的男友。 part-time actress, a disguised murderer, a Shanghai born prostitute, the gay husband of that Laid-off worker, a passed-by Yun- nan girl, the quiet son of the woman work- er, a beautiful girl from some other place and her boyfriend. 故事梗概: Being considered as “the most expect- 有关:做鸭的长发上海男孩, able new come director in China" by News 曾插队落户现在拼命挣钱的中 Week (U.S.), LA Times (U.S.), BBC, Channel 年老鸨,光头变态嫖客,客串 4 (U.K.) and Der Spiegel (Germany); South 临时演员并且开起了性病诊所 China Morning Post () said that “he’s playing a leading role in the new 的下岗女工,伪装成联防队员 cinema in china”; Christoph Terhechte, 的杀人歹徒,做妓女的闸北女 President of Youth Forum of Berlin Film 孩,下岗女工的同性恋丈夫, Festival, praised him as “ achieving as one 问路的云南女孩,内向寡言与 of the most successful new director in the 捡来的小狗为伴的下岗女工的 world by only 2 films, and the most expect- 儿子,漂亮的外地女孩,以及 able director in china.” 她的男友。

Recently, films without a fixed protagonist become more and more popular, such as 'Babel'and'Crash'. The success of 'Babel' should thanks to Brad Pitt, and 'Crash' benefited by the Hollywood movie pro- duction system. 'Welcome to destination Shanghai' don’t have a fixed protagonist, neither, and it was shot much earlier. But without stars like Brad Pitt and without the Hollywood concepts, this film made a sur- prise this year. Hong Kong media call it “III class movie win the awards.” 导演阐述:

最近无主角电影行起,得益于《通天塔》 和《撞车》。《通天塔》的文艺式大热, 和布拉得比特有关,《撞车》得益于好来 坞的制片发行机制。《目的地,上海》也 是无主角,且拍得更早。但没有好来坞概 念没有大明星布拉德·皮特垫着,这部电 影今年产生基因突变,被香港媒体誉为“ 得了奖的三级片”。

Curriculum Vitae

1996 Master of Film Making, Sydney Uni- versity, Australia. | Began with DV works, the earliest ones who brought DV work into china. 1998 Set up company for movie making, and directed music videos and TV ads. 2001 Finished his first film work “Shanghai Panic” 2002 Vancouver film festival, The Dragons & Tigers Award for Young Cinema directors. | being invited to more than 20 international film festivals including Berlin film festival. | Finished his second film work “Welcome to destina- tion Shanghai” 2003 Rotterdam Inte’l Film Festival, Fipresci Prize award

1996 年获澳大利亚悉尼大学电影制作硕 士学位. 1996 年起涉足DV,是最早将 DV引入国内的人士之一 . 1998 年在上 海创立影视制作公司,亲任MV及电视广 导演简介: 告导演. 2001 年完成电影处女作《我们 害怕》. 获 2002 年温哥华国际电影节龙 被美国《新闻周刊》、《洛杉 虎金奖. 被邀参加包括柏林在内的20多个 矶时报》、英国《环球银幕》 国际电影节. 2002 年完成第二部作品《 、 BBC、“四频道”,德国《明 目的地,上海》. 获 2003 年鹿特丹国际 电影节费比西最佳影片奖. 获 2003 年欧 镜》周刊誉为:“中国最值得期 洲国际艺术电影节最佳影片金匙奖,最 待的新锐导演”。被香港《南华 佳摄影奖. 获 2003 年香港国际电影节银 早报》誉为“中国新电影的领军 摄影机奖,影片被邀参加 20 多个国际 人物”。被柏林电影节青年论坛 电影节. 被鹿特丹电影节主席塞蒙菲尔德 主席克里斯多夫誉为“光凭两部 形容为:“光芒和照耀了电影的潜能, 从张艺谋到贾樟柯时代的中国电影形 作品,就已成为国际影坛的一支 态,被程裕苏的《目的地,上海》,翻 主要新声,及中国前途最光明的 了过去”。本片被美国《综艺》杂志誉 电影艺术家之一。” 为:“中国新电影到来的绝好标向。”

11 影片资料:


片长:110分钟 出品时间:2005年 类型:纪录 FILM SYNOPSIS: 导演:王逸人 This is a film about changes, extreme changes of modern life. The film presents a Polyphonic Struc- ture. on one side, a line shows the changes of people: 3 boys Xiner, Xiuer and Shasha, on their way of becoming girl, some suc- ceed and some failed, and even those who succeeded are facing new difficult and ar- duous. On the other side, the city itself is coming through great changes, too. Those changes are accompanied by, even de- struction and violence, but maybe just for no more than a good-looking.


这是一部关于变化的影片,一 导演简介: 部表现了在今天以急风暴雨之 势进行“极端变化”的影片。 王逸人 影片总体呈现复调式结构, 吉林长春人,生于1974 一条线索表现的是人的变 年。■ 1998年毕业于吉林大 化:2004年春天,三个男青 学,任职于吉林省新文化报 年歆儿、秀儿和莎莎,在长春 社。■ 2001年至2003年间在 要通过变性手术把自己变成渴 《新文化报》开设专栏,撰写 望已久的女人,经过一次又一 影评百余篇。 ■ 2002年参与创 次的残忍的手术歆儿、秀儿终 建“长春电影小组”。 ■ 2004 于拥有了女儿身,莎莎在最 年3月至2005年7月摄制纪录 后因实在无法忍受痛苦而止步 片《蝶变》。 ■ 2005年8月至 变身。而“蝶变”成功后的 2006年8月拍摄纪录片《乌托 歆儿和秀儿,在感受到了成为 邦》。 女人的短暂幸福后,依然要面 对现实的生活,虽然二人一直 合作以卖唱为生,但在一次激 烈的争吵后彻底分手,她们各 自汇入人海,面对茫茫世事。 另一条线索表现的是在歆儿、 秀儿“蝶变”的过程里,长春 市内一座伪满时期修建的大 桥,同样被带有暴力色彩的手 段——爆破——炸成齑粉。一 座新桥在原址快速的建成,两 条线索因急变的共性而形成了 某种参照。在今天无论是人的 个体还是整个社会,有时不惜 动用最暴力和血腥的手段使自 己完成改变,而目的或许只有 一个——漂亮。 影片资料:

《 卡门》 CARMEN

片长:104分钟 出品时间:2006年 类型:剧情 编剧、导演:张迪 执行导演:陈中卫 董垒 副导演:王硕 摄影:张楠 邓文顺 宿岩 张迪 录音:张宏毅 颜隆 化妆师:包伟 柳莹 范琳 主演:季晨 姜宝龙 王珞 丹 李琳琳 何奕霏 亓航 计 晓飞 刘震乾


A sensitive and little self-closed collage student Chen, majored in acting and per- formance, is now under graduation. Facing the society he begins to feel helpless. See- ing changes of his first love Dandan, be- ing fooled by a wealthy woman Sister Lin, tolerating the shame of being abandoned, suffering being forced to perform traves- tied show and the following complex, he felt completely lost. He began to doubt about his identification, to doubt about the meaning of existence. At last, he denied his sexuality. After every- thing seems to be solved, Chen left a dairy- styled story 'Carmen'and finished his life and destiny.


性情内敛、生性敏感的表演专 “It’s dream, which begins before my grad- 业大学生晨,正在面临着即将 uation, and not finished yet till now.” Just before graduate, with some friends 毕业的无助与考验。在突如其 of the same interests, we decided to make 来的社会面前,他渐渐感到无 a special film work to farewell to our life 力应对。目睹了精神支柱般的 as collage students——that is the origin of 初恋女友丹丹的变质;经受了 'Carmen'. 不同生活背景下的款姐琳姐的 Being interrupted, we took one and half 无意戏弄;强忍了崭新的爱情 year to finish this film, and nearly spent all 婷婷被抢夺走的耻辱;承受了 the resources we had, but till now, 'Car- 被迫异装表演而陷入的重重纠 men' is still a half-done work. Not because we don’t want to finish it, but we created 葛…… it under a very objective environment, our 晨陷入了彻底的迷失。他开始 objective reality made this unfinished film. 怀疑自己的真实身份,开始怀 And when we surely stopped this unrea- 疑自身的存在价值,最终极端 sonable work, we found out the meaning 的否定了自己的性别。在一切 of doing this, that’s the meaning of our 似乎豁然开朗后,晨终选择以 reality. 遗留一本日记体小说《卡门》 来了结了自己二十余年的生活 与命运……

13 影片资料:

片长:90分钟 出品时间:2004年 导演阐述 类型:实验 编剧 导演:张涵子 “这是一个始于大学毕业前 主演:王晓瑜 徐琳 张磊 薛雨 夕,而至今尚未做完的梦。 在大学毕业之前,我和几位志 同道合的艺术青年兄弟萌发了 一个梦想:用一部特别的独立 电影来对大学四年的生活感悟 做一个了结与告别——于是我 们拍了《卡门》。《卡门》的 拍摄断断续续的持续了一年半 之久,动用了大量仅有的资 源。而至今大家看到的仍是一 个半成品。不是我们不想完成 它。它是在最客观的条件下 产生,在最客观的条件下制作 出来的。我们客观的现实造就 了这部没有头绪的电影。当彻 底将这件非理性的事情停止的 时候我们才发现,原来这就是 我们的意义,这才是我们的真 实。”


张迪,男,1983 年生。2005年毕业于北京电影学院表演学院2001级本科班。 电影(35mm彩色胶片)作品:

2003《机关算尽》 副导演 2004《燃烧的香蕉树》 副导演 《仲夏日之梦》 副导演 《美丽无罪》 副导演 《刘庄布偶》 编剧、执行导演 2005《冰鱼琥珀》 编剧、执行导演 《当家人》 执行导演

电视剧作品: 2006《海上传奇》 执行导演 2007《山歌好比春江水》 执行导演

独立作品: 2003 短片《劁猪》 获第五届大学生电影节录像短片大赛 最佳编剧奖 2004 独立电影《301的法则》(77min.) 选为第二届北京同性恋电影节闭幕影片 2005 网络短片《女孩之死》、《密林处决》、《一起走过的日子》、《断腕者》 2006 独立电影《别了,卡门》 网络短片《空闺惊魂》 脱口秀 《瞧鸭说》 短片《眷恋》、《归》 2007 国家广播电影电视总局“五一”劳动奖章获奖单位系列专题片 导演 中国中央电视台“五一”劳动奖章获奖个人系列专题片 导演 国际旅游网站“TURN HERE.COM”北京地区系列宣传片 编辑、导演 影片资料:


片长:90分钟 出品时间:2004年 类型:实验 编剧 导演:张涵子 主演:王晓瑜 徐琳 张磊 薛雨

唐唐自杀了,他为什么死?或 者,他真的死了吗?这都不重 要。我所感兴趣的不是这个, 也不是同性恋的生活,而是生 活中不断发生的转化过程。生 与死,男人与女人,喜爱与憎 恶。今天你认为是这样,明天 却可能是另一个样子,有什么 是能够真正被确定的?你有没 有这样的感觉:你越想接近真 实,你就越被一个更大的假像 包围。


这是一个关于转化的故事。 This is a story about transformation.Tang- 唐唐是一名反串演员,白天他 tang is a travestied actor. During day time he’s a man, and in night time he makes 是男人,晚上他浓妆艳抹扮成 up as a woman and worked in night pubs 女人,出没于各种酒吧及 and bars to earn a life. Being costumed to 导演简介 夜总会,他以此挣钱为生。习 this way of life, he became indifferent to 惯了这种生活,他变得荣辱不 everything. Everyday, his interior changes 张迪,男,1983 年生。2005年毕业于北京电影学院表演学院2001级本科班。 惊。每天,他的心态都在两种 between man and woman. Then he fell in 电影(35mm彩色胶片)作品: 性别之间转化。 love with another boy named Xiaohui, love 后来,唐唐爱上了另一个男人 brought him joy and happiness, but not for 2003《机关算尽》 副导演 小辉,这段感情经历带给他欣 long, he was abandoned and dropped in 2004《燃烧的香蕉树》 副导演 sorrow. Xun and Lili were a couple of les- 喜和浪漫。可是不久,小辉抛 《仲夏日之梦》 副导演 bian, they saw Tangtang’s performance by 《美丽无罪》 副导演 弃了唐唐,唐唐很痛苦。 chance and they both fell in love with his 《刘庄布偶》 编剧、执行导演 熏和莉莉是一对女同性恋。他 girl aspect. Lili went aboard, xun and Tang- 2005《冰鱼琥珀》 编剧、执行导演 们在酒吧偶然看到了唐唐的演 tang became a pair of real lovers just as 《当家人》 执行导演 出,并同时喜欢上了女装的唐 everyone dose. But in this relationship, Xun 唐。这段时间,她们俩正在筹 played the male role and Tangtang, the fe- 电视剧作品: 备出国留学,想在国外开始新 male. Tangtang suicides, why? Does he die 2006《海上传奇》 执行导演 的生活,但是后来莉莉走了, or not? It’s not important. Our lives are full 2007《山歌好比春江水》 执行导演 of possibilities, I’m not interested in these 熏却没走成。 questions. Things change far beyond you 独立作品: 孤独的唐唐和熏成了好朋友, can imagine, or do you have this feeling? 2003 短片《劁猪》 获第五届大学生电影节录像短片大赛 最佳编剧奖 将近一年的时间,她们像姐妹 The more you want to get closed to reality, 2004 独立电影《301的法则》(77min.) 选为第二届北京同性恋电影节闭幕影片 一样生活在一起,彼此照顾。 you’re more involved into a bigger illusion. 2005 网络短片《女孩之死》、《密林处决》、《一起走过的日子》、《断腕者》 可是,生活再次发生转化,他 2006 独立电影《别了,卡门》 们最终成为了恋人。而在恋 网络短片《空闺惊魂》 人的角色中,唐唐更像一个女 脱口秀 《瞧鸭说》 人,熏则更像一个男人。从此 短片《眷恋》、《归》 2007 国家广播电影电视总局“五一”劳动奖章获奖单位系列专题片 导演 以后,他们的生活里也不断发 中国中央电视台“五一”劳动奖章获奖个人系列专题片 导演 生纠缠与争吵,像普通的男女 国际旅游网站“TURN HERE.COM”北京地区系列宣传片 编辑、导演 一样,陷入生活的琐碎中。

15 导演阐述:

2002年12月24日,圣诞夜, 唐唐被安排了四场演出,分别 在京城不同的地方。我临时拿 起机器,跟随唐唐进行了全程 拍摄。但当时,我还不清楚它 能做什么。 DIRECTOR’S STATEMENT:

December 24th, 2002, the Christmas Eve, 后来在看素材回放的过程当 Tangtang had 4 performances in different 中,我不断地被我铺捉到的精 locations all over Beijing. I picked up my 彩内容所吸引,被唐唐展现给 DV and followed him to shoot the entire 我的另一种生活方式所吸引, evening’s proceedings. At that time I had 那是我不曾了解的世界。脑海 no idea what I would get. 中也不断地出现一些问题,有 Later, in the course of re-watching the 关生存与梦想,有关男人与 material, I was constantly attracted by 女人,有关真与假……我意识 the wonderful content of what I caught on tape – by the lifestyle Tangtang presented 到,其实这些问题并非仅仅关 to me. It was a world I did not know. At the 于唐唐,它是关于所有人的, same time, many questions appeared in 包括我。所以我决定为此作一 my mind, such as the meaning of existence 部影片。其中最令我发生兴趣 and dreaming, the difference between man 的是——真与假的变换,比如 and woman, true and false… I realized 唐唐在男和女之间的转换;双 that all these questions are not only about 性恋的倾向;与熏之间的又像 Tangtang, but also about all people – in- 恋人又像姐妹的生活状态…… cluding me. So I decided to produce this documentary. The question that interested 所以,我想在保留大部分纪 me most was the blurring of true and the 录片的原始情节的同时,作了 false. Tangtang’s ability to play both male 一些主观的剧情编排,将故事 and female; his bisexuality; the special re- 影片的手法有机地交揉进来, lationship between Xun and Tangtang, both 使之成为一个虚构与真实相互 like lovers and yet, like sisters as well… 交错的影片,就像唐唐本人的 So, while keeping faithful to the traditional 工作与生活一样,影片本身也 documentary form, I also will include some 会带给观众一种真与假的游 film techniques to make the documentary a mix of fact and fiction. It will be more 离感,这是我为了更好地表现 touching than the mundane realities of life. 唐唐而选择的一种形式。我认 Just like Tangtang can forget his real sex 为它会比生活本身的真实更加 when he switches roles, other people of- 触动人心。正如唐唐在性别变 ten plays different roles for different occa- 换之间,会忘却自己的真实性 sions. The true and the false are integrated 别一样,每个人其实都会在他 into one. 不同的社会范围内扮演不同的 We may call this a documentary or a docu- 角色,真与假就成为完整的一 mentary style film. Some of the plots are imaginary, but not false. The purpose of 体。 the film is to get closer to Tangtang, to un- derstand his life aspects, his emotions and 对于我来说,它是一部纪录 his dispositions. In doing so we are able to 片,但同时又是一部剧情片, look at ourselves and at our own issues in 虽然有虚构,但没有虚假。因 a different light. 为影片的最终目的,是让人们 走近唐唐,了解他及他的那个 生活层面,了解欢歌笑语,了 解喜怒哀乐,从中发现自己的 问题。 导演简介:

张涵子 1969年出生于大连,1993年毕业 于中央美术学院雕塑系。1993年, 随台湾《非常中国》摄制组拍摄有 关中国风土人情的纪录片。1993— 1996年,担任中国革命博物馆美 工。1995年,于云峰画苑举办《 恐高者日记》和《包装手记》个 人画展。1995年 —1996年,兼职 北京电视台栏目编导,拍摄并制作 了若干专题纪录片。1999年,装 置作品《恐高者日记》参加“后感 性”艺术展。2000年,装置作品 《命如纸薄》参加“对伤害的迷 恋”艺术展。1996—2003年,担 任电视特技剪辑师,从事广告片剪 辑合成以及电视栏目包装设计制 作,后来从事广告、MTV导演,拍 摄制作了多部电视广告,宣传片和 MTV2002—2004年,独立制作第 一部90分钟半纪录半剧情长片《唐 唐》入选第29 届香港国际电影节亚 洲数码单元、德国慕尼黑国际电影 节、韩国釜山国际电影节、奥地利 维也纳电影节、台湾女性电影节、 平遥摄影艺术展DV影像单元、纽 约同性恋电影节2006年,制作9 分 钟短片《橙色,侥幸》入选加拿大 FANTASIA电影节亚洲单元、印度 加尔哥达电影节

Zhang Hanzi

1969 Born in Dalian, China 1993 Graduated from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts, major in Sculpture. 1993 Participated in the shooting of a documentary about Chinese customs and cul- ture with the crew of the Taiwan TV Programme “Extraordinary China”. 1993-1996 Art designer of the Chinese Revolution Museum. 1995 Solo ex- hibition in Yunfeng Art Gallery: Diary of an Acro- phobic and The Journal on Packaging. 1995-1996 Part-time TV programme producer of the China Beijing Television Station. 1996-2003 Involved in TV and commercial production work, such as editor of special effects and production designer. Also, editor and director of commercials, music- videos and promotional pieces, etc. 2002-2004 First independent production, Tang Tang, a 90 minute-feature (part-fiction, part documentary). 3. 2005 The 29th Hong Kong International Film Festival, nomination in the Asian DV Competition 6.2005 Filmfest München 10.2005 10th Pusan Interna- tional Film Festival. 2005 Vienna Filmfest. Wom- en Make Waves Film Festival, Taiwan. Pingyao Photography Exhibition (DV section), China. 2006 The 18th New York LGBT Film Festival.

17 影片资料:

《 我如花似玉的儿子》 MY FAIR SON

片长:90分钟 出品时间:2007年 类型:剧情 导演阐述: 编剧 导演:崔子恩 2004~2005年,我们拍摄 摄影 收音:杨瑾 了“坏伦三部曲”:《少年花 主演:王俊睿 王维明 于 草黄》(Withered Lads in a 博 王桂峰 李自强 Blooming Season)《副歌》 (Refrain)和《我如花似玉的儿 子》(My Fair Son)。 就近20年,简体字/普通话的中 国“日新月异”。一向安于贫 穷的国家,一夜之间似乎暴富 起来。争相于物质享乐,使成 年人的离婚弃子几成风潮。相 故事梗概: 当多的少年人,体验着父母离 小睿很小就离开我,寄养在爷 异或者父母外出打工无人监护 爷家里,18岁才回到我的身 的日子。我的好多年轻伙伴, 旁。他沉默寡言,对我爱理 都是成长于单亲环境,或者由 不理,对自己的容颜却关心备 祖辈带大。“坏伦三部曲”就 至——他的确象一朵花一样美 是取材于这样的现实土壤。 丽娇妍。我惶惑着,不知把他 “坏伦三部曲”透露出我对中 当儿子,还是当女儿。 国现实人伦关系的观察:中国 他喜欢的人是小博。小博 处于一个传统伦第败坏、新的 是我的助手。我把小博辞退。 伦理正在生成的时代。我的态 我想成为他生活中最重要的男 度是,义无反顾抛弃旧伦理, 人。我失败了。小睿再次离开 建立新的人际关系——只有伙 我,这一次,是永远。 伴之爱,没有天伦之乐。


Xiao Ray left me when he was very little. During the year 2004-2005, we shot the Before he came back to me at 18, he had “trilogy of bad moralities”: Withered Lads stayed with his grandfather. Xiao Ray was in a Blooming Season, Refrain, and My Fair rather quiet. Although he did not really Son. care about me, he did care for his looks. In this recent 20 years, China under Man- He was indeed fair as a blossom. He puz- darin-Speaking and Simplified Characters zled me. I was not sure if I should treat him are making great changes day by day. A as a son, or a daughter. nation that used to suffer hard life sud- The man he loved was Xiao Bo, denly became rich, people rush to pleasure who was then my assistant. Retiring Xiao and comfort life, divorces and abandoned Bo from my company, I wanted to be the children seem to be common, this is the most important man in Xiao Ray’s life. I background reality of my “trilogy of bad failed, however. Xiao Ray left me again. And moralities”. this time, forever. “trilogy of bad moralities” reflects my observation of actual morality between people in China: old order breaks down, new morality system is forming up. And my opinion is to throw away old morali- ties without any hesitation, and set up new relationships between people: that is only love of soul mate, no happiness of ethical relations. 导演简介:


《丑角登场》(ENTER THE CLOWNS)2002,80min,原著/编剧/导演 ★ 《旧 约》(THE OLD TESTAMENT)2002,74min,编剧/导演 ★ 《脸不变色心不跳》 (Keep Cool and Don’t Blush)2003,70min,原著/编剧/导演 ★ 《哎呀呀, 去哺乳》(FEEDING BOYS,AYAYA),2003,80min,编剧/导演 ★ 《夜景》 (NIGHT SCENE)2004,73min,编剧/导演 ★ 《死亡的内景》(An Interior View of Death),2004,61min, 编剧/导演 ★ 《雾语》(The Narrow Path)2004 ,73min,编剧/导演 ★ 《星星相吸惜》(Star Appeal)2005,90min,编剧/导 演 ★ 《石头和那个娜娜》(Shitou and That Nana)2005,92min,编剧/导演 ★ 《少年花草黄》(Withered in a Blooming Season)2005,90min,编剧/导 演 ★ 《短句》(Duanju),2005,14min,编剧/导演 ★ 《副歌》(Refrain)2005 ,109min,编剧/导演 ★ 《我如花似玉的儿子》2007,92min,编剧/导演 ★ 《独生 子,向上向下向前向后向左向右》2007,70min,编剧/导演 ★ 《男男女女》(MAN MAN WOMAN WOMAN)1999,90min,编剧/演员 ★ 《目的地,上海》(Wel- come to Destination Shanghai)2002,86min,演员 ★ 《蔓延》(Pirated Copy)2003,90min,编剧(联合)

△个人获奖记录 《舅舅的人间烟火》(小说),德国之声文学大奖(DW-LITERATVRPREIS) ,2001/05 ★ 《男男女女》(MAN MAN WOMAN WOMAN)1999,90min,编 剧 ★ 第52届洛迦诺国际电影节国际影评人大奖(FIPRESCI) ★ 美国IGLHRC绯利 帕(Felipa)奖,2002/04 ★ 美国加利福尼亚州州议会奖(California Stat As- sembly),2002/05 ★ 美国纽约赫尔曼/哈梅特(Hellman/Hammett)国际文学 奖,2007/01

Cui Zi’en: M.A., Chinese Academy of Social Sciences • Research Fellow, Beijing Film Academy • Independent Director, Screenwriter, and Producer.

≥ Selected Awards: — May 2001, the DW-LITERATVRPREIS Award, Germany, for the novel Uncle’s Secular Life. — 1999, the 52nd Locarno International Film Festival, Movie Critics Award (FIPRESCI), for the film Nan nan nü nü (Man Man Woman Woman), screenwriter. — April, 2002, Felipa Award, IGLHRC, U.S.A.. — May 2002, California Stat Assembly Recognition, U.S.A.. — January 2007, Hellman/Hammett International Literature Award, New York, U.S.A..

≥ DV Products Directed/Script/Producer 2002: Choujue Deng Chang (Enter the Clowns), 80min. 2002: Jiu Yue (The Old Testament), 74min. 2002: Lian Bu Bian Se Xin Bu Tiao (Keep Cool and Don’t Blush), 70min, 2003: Ayaya, Quburu (Feeding Boys,Ayaya), 80min. 2003: Siwang de Neijing (An Interrior of Death), 61min. 2004: Ye Jing (Night Scene), 75min. 2004: Wu Yu (The Narrow Path), 73min. 2005: Star Appeal (Xingxing Xiang Xi Xi), 86min. 2005: Shitou He Nage Nana (Shitou and That Nana), 92min. 2005: WC Hu Hu Ha Hee, 80min. 2005: Duan Ju, 14min. 2006: Shaonian Hua Cao Huang (Withered in a Blooming Season), 90min. 2006: Fu Ge (Refrain), 109min. 2007: My Fair Son, 90min. 2007: Only Child, Upward, Downward, Forward, Backward, Right- ward and Leftward, 70min

≥ Films/DV Products Script 2003: Man Yan, 86min. 1999: Nan Nan Nv Nv (Man Man Woman Woman). 1992: Huoche Huoche Ni Kuaikai (Getting Faster), 90min. 1991: Liehuo En Yuan (Passionate Love), 90min.

≥ Film Products Producer 2004: The Black And White Milk Cow (Yizhi Huanainiu), Directed by Yang Jin , 98min. 2005: Phoenix (Feng Huang,Director:Li YuLei), 93min



女女 社会 The Female Society

21 影片资料:

《 莎莎》 SHASHA

片长:98分钟 出品时间:2006年 类型:纪录 导演:刘波


流浪艺人莎莎从成都来到贵 A strolling actress ShaSha comes to Guiya- 阳。和同伴们挤住在简陋的住 ng from Chengdu. She lives in a simple and crude room with her fellows, and shuttles 房里,每天穿梭在不同的娱乐 among the entertainment places to find 场所寻找演出机会。十几岁就 chance of performance. ShaSha has come 已经开始闯荡江湖的莎莎早已 into the society to live by herself since she 习惯了这种黑白颠倒的生活。 was just in her teenage, so she has been 她觉得自己是个认真的艺人。 early used to the life of opposite day and 尽管常常只能在小小的夜总会 night. She considers herself as a mean 演出,她也非常知足。演出, actress. Although she always performs in 吃饭,睡觉,偶尔和同伴们逛 those tiny nightclubs, she still feels satis- fied. Her daily life consists of performing, 逛街,打打麻将混时间。 having meals, sleeping, go shopping with 莎莎的女朋友蝴蝶带着一支模 her fellows occasionally, and play mahjong 特队也来到贵阳演出。她的突 to pass the time. 然出现带给莎莎意外的惊喜。 One day, ShaSha’s girlfriend Butterfly takes 没有演出的时候,两个人把这 a model group to Guiyang for performance. 个陌生的城市逛了个遍。莎莎 Her sudden appearance brings ShaSha 用自己的方式爱着蝴蝶,但是 an unexpected surprise. When there is no 两个人还是因为一些误会发生 performance, they two stroll every corner of the city. ShaSha loves Butterfly in her 了争执。一次激烈的争吵之后 own way, but they two still argue with each 蝴蝶从莎莎身边消失了。 other because of some misunderstanding. 短短几天时间,莎莎经历了感 After a bitter quarrel, Butterfly disappears 情的又一次挫折。但是生活并 from ShaSha. 没有因此而停止。莎莎继续着 In only a few days’ time, ShaSha has once 在贵阳的演出,继续在舞台和 again experienced a reverse of emotion. 现实中扮演着“她”和“他” However, life doesn’t stop by it. ShaSha 的角色…… continues her performance in Guiyang, and continues to play the role of “She” and “He” both on the stage and in her true life…) 导演简介: DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK

刘波,男,1970年出生。大 I heard about the story of Sha Sha by 学学历。1991年至2004年曾 chance. By my friend’s introduction, Sha Sha and I became to know about each oth- 任成都商报、巴蜀质量跟踪杂 er. After half a year’s communication, she 志、四川电视台记者。 and I became good friends. One day in May of 2006, with my curiosity, I followed Sha 导演阐述: Sha to Guiyang from Chengdu. I came to 一个很偶然的机会,我听到了 the place where she worked and lived, and 莎莎的故事。通过朋友的介 I came into her world. 绍,我认识了莎莎。经过半年 There is no magnificent scene, no Holly- 时间的相互了解,我和莎莎成 wood’s 3 minutes’ exciting opening. All be- gins slowly in milk and water, and it is just 为了好朋友。2006年5月的 like the story of our sister in neighborhood. 一天,我带着好奇,跟着莎莎 Maybe some people would think the film 从成都来到贵阳,来到她工作 too insignificant and trifling, but in fact they 和生活的地方,走进了她的世 are just the mainstay of our life. A group of 界。 artists who eat box lunch everyday, a group 没有华丽的镜头,没有好莱坞 of artists who lie in everyday, an artist who 式3分钟激情的开场。一切都 has just two dresses and wanders around 在平淡中慢慢地开始了,犹如 without name and age, an artist who had been a journalist, an artists who colors up 我们邻家小妹的故事。可能有 to the ears in arguing for one yuan, the joy, 人会说这个影片过于平凡和琐 anger, sorrow and happiness of two wom- 碎,其实这两点就是我们人生 en, the conflicts among her and her and 的主体。一群吃盒饭的艺人; him … these are all the insignificance and 一群天天睡懒觉的艺人;一个 trifling that I want to show. 只有两套衣服、不知姓名和年 Sha Sha is a talented girl. Her singing and 龄四处流浪的艺人;一个当过 confession run through the film. Here, I 小记者的艺人;一个为一元钱 should give my thanks to her sincere and braveness in front of the shot. Through her 争得面红耳赤的艺人;两个女 sincere, I have seen Sha Sha with her pain- 人的喜怒哀乐;她和他和她的 ing childhood grows up to a special person 矛盾……这些就是我努力想表 living at the verge of society. 现的平凡和琐碎。 I have no word at this moment … 莎莎是一个很有才气的姑娘。 她的演唱和自白贯穿影片。我 在这里要感谢她面对镜头时所 表现出来的真诚和勇敢。通过 她的坦诚,我看到了一个痛苦 伴随童年的莎莎,成长为一个 社会边缘人和另类的莎莎。 此刻无语……

23 影片资料:

《 啦啦啦》 LOST IN YOU

片长:82分钟 出品时间:2006年 类型:剧情 编剧 导演:朱一叶 主演:孔思思 张佑希

故事梗概: SYNOPSIS 郁小幻(孔思思饰)是一个脸 上有胎记的女孩,自卑,敏 Yu Xiaohuan was born with a birthmark 感。她偶然结识了张佑希(张 on her face, which inevitably formed her 佑希饰)——一个总是努力保 sensitive and self-contemptuous charac- 护自己不受嘲笑和伤害的女 ter. One day, she met Zhang Youxi, a girl 孩。这份感情从一开始就难以 who always fights to protect her from in- 界定,朋友?爱人?两个女孩 sult and harm. Their relationship couldn’t be defined from the very beginning; friends 迷茫了。于是张佑希让郁小幻 or lovers? They fall in love. It all seems so 去尝试下自己是否喜欢男生。 natural to them. 诗人,球员和话剧演员,先后 But soon a fear of lust grows in them. They 与三个男人的相处只是让郁小 are afraid of thepressure and harm that 幻感到荒唐,对张佑希的感情 befall homosexual people. Not knowing 反而愈加清晰强烈。她们相爱 what can be done, they only want to pro- 了,她们要在一起,爱情就是 tect each other. So, Yu Xiaohuan decides to 这么自然。然而欲望让她们害 come back down to earth, to live a life most women choose to live, to marry a man one 怕,同性恋这个字眼让她们害 day. She still loves Zhang through other 怕,身为同性恋将要受到的 channels and other people. Zhang Youxi 伤害让她们害怕。她们无所适 chooses to behold Yu from afar, to guard 从,不愿伤害对方,最终选择 their love in her heart. Even though they 了结束这一切,永远相望着而 are apart, their souls are in constant dia- 不失望。 logue. 郁小幻选择了现实生活,和所 有的女孩子一样,属于未来一 个未知的男人,通过其他人, 其他爱情来爱张佑希。而张佑 希选择了守望,守望着郁小 幻,守望着她们的爱情。她们 即使嘴巴紧闭,灵魂却仍在永 Zhu Yiye was born in China in the 1980s. 远对话。 An independent film director with a play- ful attitude. Zhu makes films with the most basic equipment. She believes that 导演简介: the world is her playground. She directed 朱一叶 'Lost in Memory '(2004) and 'Not a Les- 女,八十年代生人 bian' (2005). 中国独立电影导演,用玩的态 度、简陋的设备去做自己想做 的电影,她相信,世界就是她 的游乐场。

曾拍摄:独立电影《想不起》 实验电影《非女同志》 同性恋题材电影《啦啦啦》 25 影片资料:


片长:105分钟 出品时间:2006年 类型:剧情 SYNOPSIS 编剧 导演:李睿珺 摄影:刘乾军 HuYang arrived in Beijing with a sustained ef- 美术:沈 浩 fort in a hot summer. In order to change his 录音:肖 翔 fate, he managed a company with friends 作曲 演奏:李睿珺 without finishing his college education, but 主演:郑辉 宋金阳 张敏 unluckily his company went broke. So he de- 多日娜 cided to be a bonze, but all his plans came to nothing. It was then that he met his brother- in-law, YangHua. Then they lived in narrow room, looking for his younger brother, HuTao. Gradually, they fell into sexual love with each other. Soon after, HuYang was called to return ancestral home for his father’s sad dead, so he immediately hastened home. Because of the dubious relationship between YangHua and HuYang, the whole family had a serious meeting to solve the big problem. Finally, it ended with YangHua’s pregnancy. Finally the whole family had to agree on their marriage. After the short, happy marriage, but HuYang was not satisfied with the reality, so he left for Beijing again to reach for his old dreams. The world is always full of fortuity. Months later, when he came back home on a hot summer night, the small town far from Beijing but it is the same hot as it was in Beijing. Two women came from far away who got married in the same village; they mistook their own feelings about their darling for deep love……


At the beginning of 21st Century, China has 故事梗概: changes. A great many educated youth with 炎热的夏日里胡杨不懈努力来 colorful dreams were running all the way to 到了的北京,他企图溶入这个 reach for their dreams and value. They were 精神与梦想的圣地。于是他大 wandering in the river of reality life, up and down, which seems calm but rushed. While 学未毕业就与人开公司,却不 coming towards and looking back, everything 幸破产,最终他只好选择了出 was designed elaborately by them collapsed 家,但出家也并未如愿,就在 before the old traditional moral concepts. 这时,他与从四川来北京寻找 Facing to the changing things, they were 丈夫的弟妹杨华相遇,他们居 longing for something but could not change the reality, to face to the reality or to go with 住在狭窄的屋子一同寻找着弟 the steam? They wandered, worried, anx- 弟胡涛,不料两人发生关系。 ious, silent, sensitive even look on the world 不久,胡杨接到老家的报丧电 with a cold eye. In the sunshine and in the life 话,便回去为父亲奔丧。在老 which is full of suspense, They impulse with 家两人的暧昧关系引来的家族 love, they were childish, and then they failed, took a risk, they promised, also had responsi- 会议因杨华怀孕作罢。两人总 bilities, They tried to escape reality, struggled 算顺利完婚,但不安现状的胡 and grew as well, they were eager to change 杨又回到北京寻梦。世界充满 the reality, as a result, they were changed by 了偶然,数月后的一个深夜, cruel life. 当他满怀着惊喜归来,竟不知 Everything was filled in the life space, which seemed wide, but closed, such as original, 这远离北京的小镇的夏天同样 changeable, traditional, modern and so on. 躁热压抑,两个远嫁异乡女人 The young people spent their youth in such 将彼此心灵慰籍误视为爱情… hard situations…… 导演阐述: 导演简介:

21世纪中国的一切都在变化之 李睿珺、男、现年24岁,1983年 中,怀揣梦想的有志青年们全力奔 出生与甘肃高台。 跑在追逐梦想实现自我价值道路 14岁起开始学习绘画及音乐; 上,他们在看似波澜不惊却又感暗 2003年毕业于国家广播电影电视 流涌动的现实生活河流里冲刷沉 总局管理干部学院; 淀,一路走来回首望去,精心构建 2003年至2006年初一直在电视 的一切瞬间便坍塌在固守的传统道 台、节目公司等做影视编导工作; 德面前,面对变化中的一切,他们 2006年独立制片、编剧、导演拍 极力抗争却又无力改变扭转时局, 摄了电影处女作《夏至》,参加第 面对现实是该固守还是随波逐流? 九届国际独立电影人电影节。 彷徨、焦虑、躁动、沉默、敏感、 冷漠,在耀眼的阳光下与充满悬念 *Li Ruijun, 24-year-old man who was born 的生活中同样是有冲动、有爱情、 in GaoTai, GanSu, in 1983 有性、有幼稚、有失败、有冒险、 *At the age of 14, he started to learn paint- 有承诺、有责任、有逃避、有反抗 ing and music. 也有成长……他们曾试图改变却被 *In 2003, he graduated from the institute of 改变,原始的、变化的、传统的、 management. Of China National Ministry 现代的——所有的一切充斥在这个 of Radio, Film and Television. 看似开阔却有封闭的空间里,使人 *From 2003 to 2006, he has been working at TV station and Programmer Company, 的主题陷落,他们就此渡过了自己 as a director. 的青春, 生活的主题彻底迷失在 *In 2006, he made the films alone, wrote 这样一个现代文明社会丰富的物质 the plays as well as directed his first work 生活里,没完没了,就像在夏至即 ‘The Summer Solstice’. Join in the 9th Intl 将来到不停歇鸣叫的蝉…… Panorama of independent Film.

27 影片资料:


片长:92分钟 出品时间:2005 类型:剧情 编剧 导演:崔子恩 摄影:史岳 绘画:石头 主演:石头 孟诺 明明 于博 冯喆 贾戈 史岳 福汐 小K 崔霖


石头是诺诺的女友。她们一向 爱恋。诺诺是明明的妹妹,明 明见过石头之后,也喜欢上了 石头。为此,姐妹之间开始了 一场“战争”……


Shitou is Nuonuo’s girl friend. They have always loved each other. Nuonuo is the little sister of Mingming, who also fell in love with Shitou after their first meeting. Enmity began to develop between the two sisters… 影片资料: 影片资料:


片长:92分钟 片长:52分钟 出品时间:2005 出品时间:2002年 类型:剧情 类型:剧情 编剧 导演:崔子恩 导演 编剧:杜艾恩 摄影:史岳 摄影:郭军 杜亦洋 绘画:石头 剪辑:杜亦洋 主演:石头 孟诺 明明 于博 冯喆 贾戈 史岳 福汐 小K 崔霖 主演:杜艾恩 王嘉一


故事发生在当代,一些人为了生 缨子因为小可总来采访让自己 计从事各种忙碌。小可和缨子便 的夜场屡次遭查感到恼火,终 是众多人中最普遍也最特殊的谋 于一次忍不住动手打了小可, 生存人群,她们想要的可能不一 并抛下一句话:大家都是女 样,也可能一样,总之,她们是 人,你也给自己留条后路…… 孤立无援,惺惺相惜的两个女子。 小可失落的走了,她本想自己 一个失落的记者碰到一个跋扈的 写本关于三陪女性题材的书, 三陪会发生什么?我们不得而 没想到落的这般结果。晚上, 知。但是在这个故事里,我们却 主编假似关心却用所谓“潜规 看到了两个女人的友谊。她们 则”希望小可就范,小可的脾 从互相看不上、不理解,到相依 气刚烈以及她相信自己的信念 为命,彼此支撑。这种情感,难 使她失去了编辑部的工作。应 以言表。我不知道它是否是“同 了缨子的话,小可无奈去做了 志”题材,我只知道,在命运面 三陪,可她始终不能放弃自己 前。爱无界限…… 的尊严又在夜场冒犯客人,再 度失去工作…… 几乎绝望的她此时得到的却是 SYNOPSIS 缨子的帮助,这使她逐渐开始 The story happens in present day, about 认真面对眼前这个看似复杂其 some present people. 实又很单纯的女人,在两个人 What happens if a frustrated reporter met 的交往中,她知道了缨子的磨 a prostitute who always through her weight 难,而缨子也坚定的帮她维持 around? We don’t know for sure. But in this 写作,希望她成功。两个人就 film, we see friendship growing between 这样彼此附注着情感,看似淡 two different women. I don’t know if this 淡的,又心灵相系。在一次争 can be related to homosexuality, but we 吵后,缨子愤然离开,没想到 know for sure that love has no limits in front of destiny. 又被关了起来,就此两人的讯 息从此失去…… 很久后,小可经常会念起这个 Two different women, one is a reporter, the 朋友,在地铁偶然再次遇见, other is a prostitute, but they both have to 而缨子的落寞使小可终不敢上 struggle against their lives and destiny. The 前相认,也许,这就是真正失 reality is complex, makes their lives joined up together and separated apart. 去了彼此…… The past and love are twisted, who will 又很久后,小可与朋友谈及此 be the one there when she looks back? 事,才发现,原来一直想忘记 When they meet again, will the story starts 的,是内心永远纠结的,此时有 again? 人一直跟着她,观望着,她再回 首,那人是谁?还会有《再次遇 见你》的故事发生么?……


这是一个简单的个人习作,当 This film was a simple exercise study, I just 时有了想法就去做了。整个过 finished it after I had the idea. The whole process is simple but pretty long, because 程是简单又冗长的,因为没有 we don’t have a professional staff, so I just 专业设备和专业团体,只是我 shot some short scenes with a home DV 每周找几个朋友就用家用DV拍 every week, and then join these scenes to- 摄段落,最后把这些零散的情 gether. I’m satisfied at that time when peo- 节串联在一起。还好,看过的 ple told me that they could understand what 朋友说可以看懂,我当时也就 I’m trying to say after they saw this film. 满足了。因为这是太久前的练 I shot this long ago as an exercise,now I 习,所以纰漏会较多,但对于 can see many small mistakes in it. But I consider this film to be a great encourage 我以后的工作以及对朋友们再 to my after works. I made this film based on 次拍摄作品来说,都是一个很 a simple and watery atmosphere, because 好的鼓励。情节也是简单的, that’s what I think life itself should be like: 我没有特别的烘托两个女人的 All will be gone, and only the memories in 怎么缠绵,一切都是淡淡的, our heart, always come appear slightly. 在我看来,真正的情感就是淡 淡的,但在内心却是难忘的。 一切轰轰烈烈都会灰飞湮灭, 只有曾经的过往在心里,在脑 中轻轻的划过……


杜艾恩,中戏表、导演专业毕业。 电影:《陈默与美婷》主演 (第 52届柏林电影节独立制作单元最 佳处女作大奖)★ 《底下》主演 (香港电影节、釜山电影节)。数 字电影:《爱情不在服务区》编剧 。DV电影:《再次遇见你》编剧 导演 主演 ★《春歌》主演 。 话 剧:《都市女儿》导演组 ★《这 个冬天不太冷》编剧 导演 主演 ★ 《切·格瓦拉》、《动物庄园》、 《终点站·北京》、《斯特林堡情 书》主演 。 电视剧:《谁为我心 动》改编 ★《香樟树》改编 执行 导演 ★《男才女貌·星光大道》 编剧 影片资料:


片长:54分钟 出品时间:2006年 类型:纪录 导演:石头 摄影 剪辑:石头 明明


从2000年到2004年,这些影 像主要拍摄于中国青藏高原、 偏僻的正在开发的中国西南 部、都市北京,纪录了中国当 代社会变迁。 女性在不同的地方劳作、祈 祷、嬉戏,相爱, 一切都将改变……


These videos were mainly shot in Qinghai- Tibetan Plateau, the remote and develop- ing south-west China, metropolitan city like Beijing and etc from 2000 to 2004. They documented the social changes in con- temporary China.

Women from different backgrounds and places are working, praying, skylarking and falling in love.

Everything shall change for sure.

31 导演简介: SHITOU 石头 毕业于贵州艺术学院。 Graduated from Guizhou Art Academy. Professional artist working with painting, pho- tography and video. 工作:绘画、摄影、独立影像。 1992年住进圆明园艺术村,独立创 作。■ 1994年油画《武器》系列等作 EXHIBITIONS 品参加“亚洲之屋展览” 荷兰鹿特丹 Moved into Yuan Ming Yuan Artist Village and ■ 2000年主演电影《今年夏天》。获 started with perosnal art works. 第58届威尼斯电影节的艾尔维拉·娜 1994 Paintings including “Weapons” were se- 塔丽奖,柏林电影节青年论坛最佳亚 lected into “Asian House”, Rotterdam, the Neth- erlands. 2000 Lead actor of Fish and Elephant 洲电影特别奖。■ 2002年美国纽约大 (Yu Li, 2001), won the prize of “Alveta Natalie” in 学讲座及绘画、摄影展览。美国芝加 the 58th Venice Film Festival. The same movie 哥大学、美国芝加哥心理大学、美国 won a prize in Berlin Film Festival. and Toronto 旧金山同性恋电影节。■ 7月上海个 International Film Festival. 2002 Lectured and 人作品巡回展。8月南京个人作品巡 exhibited my paintings and photographs at New 回展。■ 2003年9月北京《DNA影像 York University the U.S. The University of Chi- 展》。■ 2004年8月主演由崔子导演的 cago, the U.S. Illinois School of Professional 电影《石头和那个娜娜》。■ 2005年1 Psychology, Chicago, Campus, the U.S. Attended 月中国深圳何香苓美术馆。 San Francisco International Lesbian & Gay Film 2005年4月美国加州伯克莱大学艺术博 Festival. Jul. 2002 Shitou’s Art Works travelled to Shanghai. Aug. 2002 Shitou’s Art Works trav- 物馆。■ 2005年11月中国深圳OCT当 elled to Nanjing. Sep.2003 DNA Photography 代艺术中心。■ 2006年 5 月影像作品 《门·山·川》与音乐舞蹈家李桃嬉( and Media Exhibition, Beijing. Aug.2004 Lead actor of “Shitou and that Nana” (Cui Zien 2004) 美国、韩国)、打击乐艺术家吉米·比 Jan.2005 Exhibition at Hexingling Art Museum 亚拉(美国)合作,在798南门空间同 in Shenzhen, China. Apr. 2005 Exhibition in 台演出。■ 2006年4-7月美国 JAKE Univeristy of California, Berkeley, the U.S. Nov. TILTON 画廊。■ 2006年10月美国纽 2005 Exhibition in OCT Contemporary Art Termi- 约大学电影节。■ 2007年5月第四届中 nal. May.2006 JAKE TILTON Gallery. Oct.2006 国纪录片交流周。■ 2007年9月德国柏 NYU Film Festival May.2007 The 4th China 林亚洲女性电影节。 Documentary Film Festival, Beijing Sep.2007 Asian Women’s Film Festival, Berlin Germany. 摄影与影像作品:

《北京笔记》(影像 2000年) ■ Photographs and Videos: 《活佛》(纪录片2000-2001 Together series of photographs. ■ 年) 《在一起之图画》系列(摄 Living Buddhas 影 2002年) ■ 《杠香——请灵》 Diaries in Beijing (纪录片2002年) ■ 《女同志游 Gangxiang – Call to Spirits (2002) 行日》(纪录片2002年) ■ 《女 Dyke March (2002) 人50分钟》(纪录片2005年) ■ 50 Minutes of Women (2006) 《谷文达访谈:艺术、政治、 Wenda Gu: Art. Politics. Life. Sexuality (2005) 人生、性倾向》(纪录片 2005 Gate·Mountain·River (2006) 年) ■ 《纪念》、《卡拉OK》、 《魔女工作》(摄影 2006年) ■ Paintings: 《门·山·川》(影像 2006年) Convex and Concave Series 绘画作品: Weapons series. Female friends series. Joy clock series 《凹凸》系列 Butterfly series 《武器》系列 《女友》系列 《欢乐钟》系列 《鸳鸯蝴蝶》系列 3

短句 Short Films

33 影片资料:

《 春歌》 Song of spring

片长:17分钟 出品时间:2007年 类型:剧情 编剧 导演:孟诺 摄影:梁菲 主演:孟诺 杜艾恩

故事梗概: 导演阐述:

和尚去已故友人家拿留给自己的 由来 遗物,友人的妻子接待了他。看 很多同性恋选择一种妥协方式, 着遗物和伤心的未亡人,和尚黯 即和异性结婚,组建一个家庭, 然离去。 传宗接代。 妻子一直感受不到丈夫的爱意, 在我眼里,这种所谓的“忍辱负 在收拾丈夫遗物时,发现一张深 重”是一种比较愚蠢的做法,我 藏的照片,妻子得知丈夫和和尚 能理解但不支持。 有一段不寻常的关系。于是,妻 我会想像,当一个人和他不爱的 子到寺院找到和尚。 人结合后的生活是什么样的。出 谈话中,妻子对和尚从敌视到倾 于自我的执拗,我总觉得这个“ 听到理解,两个未亡人在春天化 始作俑者”一定不幸福,而且得 解心结,各自寻找新的生活。 不到幸福。 在这样一个爱恋模式下,我反而 比较关注被遗弃的恋人和被欺骗 的爱人的生活与情感的发展。 这是一个长篇故事,因为制作经 费的原因,我节选了一段。于是 有了这个短片。 人物 SYNOPSIS

故事的主角是和尚和女人。和 A man died, he left some things to his 尚被恋人遗弃,选择一种极端 friend- a monk. For long, his wife couldn’t feel his love, and 的报复方法,出家,这种看似 when she cleaned up his left-things, she 无力实际残忍的报复,是用自 found out the secret between his husband 己为代价来拷问爱人的良心。 and the monk, so she began an unusual 女人在这个故事中是最无辜 conversation with the monk-which made 的,感受不到丈夫的爱而出 these two remained defuse their agony, 墙,又因为丈夫的死而愧疚, and began their each new life. 她一直被蒙在鼓里,找不到自 己不幸的根源。 Origin 对于这两个同病相怜的人,我 为他们打开心结,寻找出路。 Many of the homosexual people have 至于片中一开场就被安排去世 chosen to make a compromise: to marry 的丈夫,算是我对这类人的一 someone of opposite sex, form a family, 个小小恶作剧吧! and have children. I always wonder how it will be to live to- gether with someone you don’t love. And I always believe the one who chose this way will not get happiness at last. This is a long story, because of financial reasons, I chose part of the story and made this short film.


在这里,我只是讲述一段故 The main roles of the story are the monk 事,一种感受,没有什么所谓 and the wife. Monk was abandoned by his 的“思想”可言。 lover and chose converting to Buddhist as revenge; the wife is the most innocent, but all what she dose can’t find her the reason for her misfortune. To these 2 unfortunate people, I find them a way out. To the husband died before our story be- gins, I gave him this position as a small punishment.


Here, I just want to tell a story, a feeling, but no opinion at all.

35 影片资料:

《 征婚启事》 The personals

片长:30分钟 出品时间:2006年 类型:剧情 制作:北京男十忙电影社 编剧 导演:周耀武 摄影:雨不亭 主演:孟诺 常城 林豆斗


这个片子主题就是赞美爱情, 是我们男十忙电影社团2006年 度命题短片。

故事梗概: 关于赞美异性爱情的影片太多 了,因此构思这个主题影片的 他和“她”在一起生活很多年, 时候就想到赞美同性爱情。事 因为各种社会压力,他决定找一 实上同性恋者所面对外界的压 个女人结婚,于是在大街上四处 力以及精神压力更大,他们能 张贴“征婚启事”,而“她”在 走到一起,坚持下去需要非常 后面默默的跟着撕掉那些“征婚 巨大的勇气,他们是勇敢的, 启事”,直道又一天一天一个女 是值得赞美的!其实我对同性 人真的出现…… 爱情了解不多,以前也不喜欢 看同性爱情的影片,因为拍这 个影片让我更多的了解了同性 爱情,对同性恋者多了份认同 SYNOPSIS 和支持。

He and “she” have lived together for years, 我想世间男女之爱是千变万化 under great pressure of the society, he de- 的,同样同性恋之间的爱情也 cides to marry a woman. So he posts Per- 会是千变万化的;因此,我从 sonal ads all over the street, and “she” can 担心别人说这个影片中的同性 only follows him to rip off these ads qui- etly. These continues until one day a real 爱情是不真实的或不够真实 woman appears… 的,我觉得这种说法是对同性 爱情的一种简单模式化认识, 并没有上升到爱的本质。我在 DIRECTOR’S STATEMENT 影片中设置一对同志的爱情细 节完全是套用异性爱情的细节 The main purpose of this film is to praise love. 来表现的;我相信异性爱情中 There’re too many films praising love be- 的嫉妒、伤心、痛苦、呵护、 tween man and woman, so we’d like to do 宽容甚至一些小手腕都会发生 ours by praising love between the same 在同性恋人之间;而这些情感 sexuality. Actually, homosexual people are facing much more pressures than common 的呈现就是爱情的证明。 people, so they must pay more courage to 所以,这个影片基本摒弃了复 carry on. They ought to be praised. Tough I 杂的故事以及同志电影中常见 don’t know too much about homosexuality, 的床戏和脏话还有混乱状态, creating this film makes me willingness to 故事的结尾也以圆满的结局收 support them. 场,没有用那种凄惨的悲剧设 This film gives up the “bed-scenes” and 置,甚至连摄影风格都定位在 confusion which are common in this type of 最简洁的固定镜头;我想以这 films, and ends with a happy-ending. I just want to use these simple love stories and 样的情感故事和极其简单的电 words to show a warm, clean and hopeful 影语言来呈现一部温暖的干净 homosexual film. 的有希望的同性爱情电影。 影片资料: 《 屋脊上的男人》 The man on the ridge

片长:22分钟 出品时间:2006年 类型:剧情 主创人员:张磊 梁菲 任爱群 崔建宏 梁永 主演:闵皓楠 冯喆 潘虹

故事梗概: 北京的胡同,二层小楼的一个 套间,四面都是通透的玻璃 窗。 两个性格迥异的男人,合租着 这套房子,不同的生活状态, 却让他们彼此相互依恋。

导演阐述: 短片出自学生作业,目的在于 用镜头讲述人物内心世界的一 次实验。故事的内容,是根据 拍摄场地的特点进行编写的, 故事改编于欧亨利的《最后一 片长青藤》。


A student’s work, a experiment of narrating the interior of people by managing scenes. The story is crated based on the shooting place, adapted from O. Henry’s story: the last leaf.


Old Hutongs of Beijing, a suite on a 2 floored building, glass windows around. 2 different men sharing this apartment, have different way of lives, but attached to each other.

37 影片资料: 《 箱子》 The trunk

片长:15分钟 出品时间:2007年 类型:剧情 编剧 导演:崔霖 摄影:雨不亭 崔霖 主演:邵宇华 孟诺 常程 林豆斗


“The trunk” is a suspensive and color- ful fiction short film. The story happened at the waiting room of a railway station. A man is walking into the waiting room with a large trunk and sit down, fluster and nerv- ousness in his face. Lots of passengers around him, of them three different peo- ple have different imagines on the trunk, a man, a woman and a queer…. At the end of the film the answer to the riddle of the trunk is released


The conception of the film is to illustrate people’s different comments and response to the same matter, and usually they get conclusion based on his/her side, but the truth is on the other side. 故事梗概:

《箱子》是一个具有悬疑色彩的剧 情短片。 故事发生在一个车站的候车厅。一 个男人拉着一个很大的箱子,神 情有些慌乱有些紧张的来到候车大 厅,坐在座位上。周围坐着很多候 车的乘客,其中三个不同类型不同 层面的人对这个男人带着的箱子展 开了迥然不同的想象…… 一个男人,一个女人,一个同性恋 影片的最后,解开谜底,箱子里到 底有着什么样的秘密


《箱子》主要表现的是人们在不同 背景、不同角度看待相同的一个事 物时,往往都是站在自己的立场对 事物下结论,但事实未必如此…… 影片资料:

《 祝福你亲爱的》 Best wishes, my dearest

(又名《男艺伎回忆录》) 片长:6分钟 出品时间:2007年 类型:MTV 创意 导演 主演:筷子兄弟(肖央 王太利) 摄影:廖拟 白玉侠 美术:宋晓杰 剪辑:申彭 造型:柳莹 合成:刘未 三维:陈刚 音频合成:刘沙 王涛 制片:贺敬东


前世今生的爆笑爱情悲剧。 故事大概发成在昭和天皇他爷爷 那个时代,浪人肖桑在酒馆中遇 见了风骚绝色的艺妓老王,四目 相对,一夜激情。也可能不到一 夜,总之是销魂过后,浪人肖桑 要踏上征途。艺妓依依不舍尾随 其后,正在二人感情境界由肉体 提升到精神的那一个神圣时刻, 一只飞镖劈空飞来……啊呀呀! 由此,展开了二人捧腹又尴尬的 前世今生……


A Mo Lei Tau half comedy half tragedy sto- ry about preexistence and present life.

39 导演阐述:

故事的灵感来自于《祝福你亲 爱的》这首歌。所以说严格的 说这应该算是一mv。没想当成 多深刻的作品来拍,主要目的 在于娱乐。片子里的一些悲情 的情绪主要是受到歌曲气氛的 感染,调侃中也还是流露了自 己对日常生活的一些感受。


This short film is inspired by the song 'Best wishes, my dearest', so maybe we can call it a Music Video, and I’ve made this just for entertainment. I don’t want to impose some heave subjects on it, so it is just for fun, and some reflections of my daily life. 影片资料:

《 真心话大冒险》 True or Dare

片长:18分钟 出品时间:2006年 类型:剧情 编剧 导演:陈双庆 摄影:杜志华 主演:郑茜 康恒涛 李仪 孙薇薇 朱江 胡申辉 蒋朝阳


一个剧组在酒吧拍摄真心话大冒 险的同名影片…


人们喜欢消费真实,但对真正的 真实却常常无动于衷,拍摄这部 影片是想唤起自己从眼前迷人的 假象前移开,重新把视线投向生 活中被几乎被我们遗忘的真相, 其实它是那么的美。 …


A film-making group is shooting a film in the bar with the same title: True or Dare…


People like to consume reality, but always keep indifferent in front of the real reality. I made this film trying to wake up myself to keep clear-headed in this situation, and place my sight back to the realities that are nearly forgotten by us- and they are just so beautiful.

41 影片资料: 影片资料:

《 阳春之春》 Spring of Yangchun

片长:17分钟 片长:23分钟 出品时间:2006年 出品时间:2007年 类型:剧情 类型:剧情 编剧、导演:杨平道 编剧:谭小黎 杨朗 孙思奇 摄影:杨平道、徐杨、吴宇立 导演:孙思奇 主演:查泽宏、杨平道 制片:周永瑶 摄影:黄超群 主演:张嘉怡 隋鑫 慧嵩 孟宪英 王欢

故 事 梗 概 : 导演阐述:

男A的女朋友被淹死,他似乎对 《阳春之春》并不是两个男人或 女朋友的死无所谓;好朋友男B 者男人和女人的情感故事,而是 当兵回来就马上去看望男A,安 想很纯粹地讲一个情感故事,不 慰他,同时不依不饶地追问: 管人物是男是女。在拍这个片子 为什么后来不回他的信? 之前我对于同性之间感情完全不 了解,现在,我发觉之前的想法 是对的,情感超越性别。 SYNOPSIS

Boy A’s girlfriend was drown, but he 这个片子讲述了三个人(一女 seemed indifferent; meanwhile his friend 两男)复杂的情感故事(应该 B demobilized from army, and went to see 说状态,基本上没有故事), him immediately, and kept asking him: why 男A的女朋友被淹死,三年前与 didn’t A reply his letters? 男A有暧昧关系的男B当兵回来 的当天就去看望男A,安慰他同 时又想把他们之间的关系拉回 DIRECTOR’S STATEMENT 到以前那种亲密状态;而男A表 面上对女朋友的死无所谓,内 “Spring of Yangchun” is not a love story be- 心却无法自拔,同时面对男B的 tween men or between man and woman, 步步逼近而左右为难。应该说 but is try to purely narrate a love story 是很复杂和细腻,但我尝试用 which have no matter with gender differ- ent. Before I shot this film, I was totally in- 最简洁、含蓄的影像来呈现复 nocent about homosexuality, but by now, I 杂的人物关系和内心状态。 found that my fore belief was right: love is beyond gender different. 简洁、含蓄。这是我把握整个 This film narrates a complex story(or bet- 片子的最高原则。包括景别大 ter say status, because there’s few circum- 小的问题,如果两双手或者两 stances), and I tried to express those sen- 双脚可以完整而准确地传达人 sations and status with the most simple 物内心状态那我就把镜头卡在 and implicit images. Simple and implicit, that’s my principle of making this film, and 手或者脚上。中国美学传统讲 also my idea of film art. 究空灵、诗意、意在言外,简 As to narrative, I attempted to make it an 洁本身就是一种美学取向。当 ambiguous way; it’s also familiar to those 然这个片子未必都做到了,但 characters in the film, and familiar to the 这是我对电影美学的追求。 feelings that I cherish. Indeed, film can’t carry too much thing; so 法,这样和人物的内心状态和影 as a director, why not to be simple, and leave the space of imagination to the others. 片风格很贴切。其实我很喜欢 这种情感状态,总是隔着一层纱 窗,薄薄的距离既然可以这么 美,这么有张力。 其实电影真的承载不了太多东 西,既然承载不了,我又说不清 楚,那就简洁点,把“空间”留 出来,让大家自己想去吧。 影片资料:

《 我们》 You and me

片长:23分钟 出品时间:2007年 类型:剧情 编剧:谭小黎 杨朗 孙思奇 导演:孙思奇 制片:周永瑶 摄影:黄超群 主演:张嘉怡 隋鑫 慧嵩 孟宪英 王欢

故事梗概: 导演阐述:

公车售票员小江和大学生妞儿 本片通过一对同性恋人的描写 是一对同性恋人。她们感情稳 表现当人们面对社会的压力, 固鉴定。随着妞儿的研究生考 面对生存的选择的时候都会展 试没通过,她正面临生存的考 现自私的一面。同性的爱情和 验。但是两个人却慢慢变得相 异性是没有区别的,都是脆弱 互不理解,相互怪罪。她们为 的。人们在年轻时,怀有梦想 弥补错误而做出了牺牲,没想 憧憬爱情。可当人们渐渐的长 到吵架却越来越频繁。妞儿为 大面对社会面对责任,有些人 了爱情和生存而痛苦和彷徨, 选择坚持,而有些选择了放 小江反而被动的站在一边不知 弃……但无论人们选择什么, 所措。朋友婷婷更是鼓动她们 生活都会继续下去。 分手。那么,最终她们会怎样 面对自己的感情,妞儿会做出 怎样的决定呢?


Xiaojiang is a busman, she and Niuer (an The aim of this film is to show that when university student) is the lesbian lover. They people living in the truth, they will meet have had a stable life for a long time. Now many difficulties, so they will become self- Niuer meets many difficulties because she ish under the pressure. The homosexuality does not pass the postgraduate examina- and heterosexuality is the same they are tion. But they can not understand each all brittle. People always keep a longing of other, even fight and blame. Originally they love when they are young. But when they want to overcome the obstacle together, grow up and take the responsibility for this but the fight is become more and more fre- society, someone will insist on their dream, quently. Niuer feels pain under this kind of someone will give up…but whatever they love, but she has to face the life and failure. will choose, life is always continue. On the other hand, Xiaojiang is also at a loss under the truth. Tingting is Xiaojiang’s friend, she encourages Xiaojiang to say good-bye with Niuer. So how their life will become later? What the decision they will make?

43 影片资料:

《 美丽情人》 Beautiful lover

片长:8分钟 出品时间:2007年 编剧 导演 摄影:刘启兵 主演:李周洋 耿杨


一对同性恋女孩,她们遭受着别 人的非议,人前不敢亲密。只有 在夜晚的时候,私密的空间里, 她们才敞开心扉交谈。虽然她们 的关系存在着困难,但是她们是 一对美丽情人。


这是摄影技巧课的作业,感谢指 导老师巩如梅。作业主要是训练 镜头运用。我在拍摄之前,看过 《情迷六月花》,影片里有一段 暧昧的女同性恋情谊,给我留下 深刻印象。这部短片里,我尝试 表现这样的关系。


A pair of lesbian girls, being criticized by the others, they don’t dare to show inti- mate in public. Only during nighttime, in private space, could they communicate freely. Though they have embarrassment in their actual situation, but still they’re beautiful lovers.


This short film was home work of the pho- tographic technique course, thanks to my teacher Gong Rumei. the main purpose of this course is the training of using scenes. I’ve seen 'Henry & June' before I started this work, in that movie was a romantic story between two girls which inspired me, so I tried to represent this relationship. 45

第二 卷首语 届同性恋电影节 《我们害怕》

《忘记她是他》 nd Beijing《上海男孩》 《人面桃花》 The 2 《少年花草黄》 《301的法则》 Gay & Lesbian《蝴蝶》 Film Festival 《好郁》




组委会: 《艳光四射歌舞团》 杨洋(常务主席) 崔子恩 朱日坤 万延海 外联:小强

47 一群相爱的孩子 点燃影像的火烛 走进歧视的昏暗 卷首语

一群相爱的孩子,照彻扭曲的晦阴 点燃影像的火烛, 走进歧视的昏暗, 照彻扭曲的晦阴, 然后, 吹起金号角, 唱起彩虹的歌谣, 然后 然后, 吹起金号角 在自身的光影中舞蹈……唱起彩虹的歌谣 神,爱我们, 我们,爱我们, 我们爱浊世人。 在自身的光影中舞蹈

北京第二届同性恋电影节组委会 (执笔 崔子恩) 然后

神,爱我们 我们,爱我们 我们爱浊世人 A couple of children in love A couple of childrenLighten the in candles love in the shadow Come into the darkness of discrimination Illumine the obscuration of tortuousness Lighten the candlesThen in the shadow To blow the golden bugle Come into the darknessTo sing the song over of the discrimination rainbow And then Illumine the obscurationDance in the shine ofof the ego…tortuousness God, loves us Then We, love ourselves To blow the goldenWe, love bugle the mortal world

To sing the song over the rainbow And then Dance in the shine of the ego…

God, loves us We, love ourselves We, love the mortal world

Written by Cui Zi’en

49 《我们害怕》 80mins 剧情片 2002年★上海方言对白 / 中文字幕★原 著:棉棉 ★ 制片/导演/摄影/剪辑:程裕苏 ★ 编剧:棉棉 程 裕苏 ★ 主演:棉棉 李智男 杨雨婷 周志杰 何文燕

Shanghai Panic 2002 80mins fiction • Dialogue in Chinese-Shanghainese / Subtitled in Chinese • Director: Andrew Cheng • Cast: Mian Mian , Li Zhinan

影片以上海为背景,展示几个迷惘青年的动荡生活和他们面临着的 个人成长过程中的心灵危机。他们被接踵而至的问题如药物、性取向、 艾滋病、色情网站等问题所困扰,又在彼此依赖中收获安慰。在他们背 后,是一座城市巨大的幻变身影。

Based on Mian Mian’s novel We Are Panic, the film introduces us to the seldom- heard stories of the hot-and-bothered lost youth of Shanghai. Bei worries that he has HIV and confides in his street-savvy friends, Kika (played by Mian Mian herself), Fifi and Casper. Ignorant about AIDS and scared, the four spend their time getting high, roaming the streets of Shanghai and sharing stories of attempted suicide and love. After bonding, the friends reject fear and take Bei to the clinic for an HIV test. With a negative result in hand, Bei pursues his old friend Jie and tries to convince him to be his lover. The two men spend a weekend at a house that Kika loans them. Sharing a hot tub and the luxurious flat spurs Bei’s longings, but Jie just wants to be friends. Meanwhile, on the Bund, Shanghai’s famous waterfront, Kika declares that she’s tired of men, and her two dyke friends tell her to try women. With Kika’s response (“Lesbians are even more annoying than men; they have the weaknesses of both sexes”), her two friends laugh and kiss. Shot with a small crew, this debut film from Cheng is an example of the explosion of diverse voices coming out of China today.

Awards: 2002, the 21st Vancouver International Films Festival, “Dragons And Tigers Award”

导演介绍:程裕苏 被美国《新闻周刊》、《洛杉矶时报》、英国《环球银幕》、BBC、“四 频道”,德国《明镜》周刊誉为:“中国最值得期待的新锐导演”。被 香港《南华早报》誉为“中国新电影的领军人物”。被柏林电影节青年 论坛主席克里斯多夫誉为“光凭两部作品,就已成为国际影坛的一支主 要新声,及中国前途最光明的电影艺术家之一。”◆ 1996 年获澳大利亚 悉尼大学电影制作硕士学位 ◆ 1996 年起涉足DV,是最早将DV引入国内 的人士之一 ◆ 1998 年在上海创立影视制作公司,亲任MV及电视广告导 演 ◆ 2001 年完成电影处女作《我们害怕》◆ 获2002年温哥华国际电影 节龙虎金奖★ 被邀参加包括柏林在内的20多个国际电影节≥ 被国际影评 家、将陈凯歌等第五代导演推向国际的汤尼·雷恩,誉为“一部开★ 启 中国电影新篇章的杰作” ◆ 2002 年完成第二部作品《目的地,上海》◆ 获2003年鹿特丹国际电 影节费比西最佳影片奖 ◆ 获2003年欧洲国际艺术电影节最佳影片金匙 奖,最佳摄影奖 ◆ 获2003年香港国际电影节银摄影机奖,影片被邀参加 20 多个国际电影节

被鹿特丹电影节主席塞蒙菲尔德形容为:“光芒和照耀了电影的潜能, 从张艺谋到贾樟柯时代的中国电影形态,被程裕苏的《目的地,上海》 ,翻了过去”。本片被美国《综艺》杂志誉为:“中国新电影到来的绝 好 标 向 。 ” 《忘记她是他》 15mins 纪录片 2002年★普通话对白 / 中文字幕,导演:魏星

Ignore the gender (Beijing) 2001 15mins documentary Dialogue in Chinese-mandarin / Subtitled in Chinese Director: Wei Xing

该片纪录了一个在酒吧工作的同性恋大男孩的日常工作和生活,也许这 里没有人们所期待的所谓非同一般的独特生活,而是从一个普通人的角 度来记录了他面对生活中人们的种种好奇时的态度,回忆男友生活中的 种种以及为同样处境的朋友去看望爱人...... 他其实就是一个阳光大男孩,对生活、对工作态度积极,总是热情的 拥抱身边的每一个。 “忘记他是他”也许就是我们面对他们时所应该做的。

This film records that a gay’s daily life. Maybe there isn’t any special as the people expect, but normal as any other: how he faces up to others’ curiosity, how he re- members his lover, and how he takes care of another gay’s lover… He is a lovely guy just like everyone, optimistic to his work and life, nice to others around him. Ignoring the gender maybe is what we should do when we face him.

《上海男孩》 60mins 纪录片 2002年 ★ 普通话对白 / 英文字幕,导演:陈苗

Snake Boy (Shanghai) 2002 60mins documentary • Dialogue in Chinese-mandarin / Subtitled in English • Director: Michelle Chen

COCO,一个属蛇的男同性恋者,一个出没于上海歌厅酒吧具有一定知 名度的爵士歌手,本片的主角。他穿梭于灯红酒绿的世界里,孤独、落 寞、放纵、欢欣,还有人之为人的一切东西,构成他的生活。属蛇的男 孩,蛇一般地在他的圈子里妖娆滑过。

有人说,COCO的演唱带着梦臆的力量,把上海揉进夜色里,也有 人说,他的歌根本称不上爵士,只是哗众取宠。但这些都无关紧要,片 子对他的音乐和同性恋角色进行了客观平和的叙说,然后,创作者将目 光聚汇在他作为一个普通人这样的身份定位上。他的音乐有人喜欢有人 不喜欢,他是个同性恋者有人认可有人不认可,但是,创作者在告诉我 们,COCO就是这么个人,对亲情、友情和爱情都只是从一个生命个体出 发而延伸出来的。

你看,他说自己是个天生的同性恋者,但他也花了很长的时间才能坦然 承认这一点。他有坚强的一面,更有脆弱的一面。

Coco Zhao, 24, jazz singer, has come out to the world. His world is Shanghai, former city of sin, these days a more conservative home for gays. But he has yet to tell his mother, a traditional Chinese opera teacher in the distant province of Hunan. Coco was born in 1977 in Hunan Province. His parents were both local opera teachers and Coco was brought up to respect the opera traditions of the area. At the age of 10, Coco went to study folk songs at the Middle School of Wu Hai Music Conservatory. While he was there, he had his first homosexual experience with a man much older than him. In 1993, Coco came to Shanghai to study music composition at the Shang- hai Music Conservatory. To make ends meet, Coco took a job as a singer in local nightclubs. He got chances to meet with several openly foreign homosexuals and he absorbed from them a lot of ideas of how to singing and to live. Coco’s life has been

51 full of ups and downs, including a friendships with Kika, and underground novelist, a love affair with Jelmer, a Dutch dancer, and a failed suicide attempt. In the years since, he has gone from strength to strength. He is now a successful jazz singer with a lot of fans. He sings in many bars and nightclubs across town. He is about to record an album. And he’s not afraid of his sexuality anymore. There’s just one more hurdle. He has to tell his mother.

陈苗介绍 陈苗,女,1969年出生,上海人。1987年考入北京电影学院导演系,开始 了电影历程。≥ 1992年又进入美国俄亥俄大学电影系攻读硕士研究生。 从俄亥俄大学毕业后,她在美国好莱坞Fox World Wide公司先后担任制 作经理和联合制片等职。≥ 1998年她从美国回到上海。国外的历练为她 的作品提供了一种国际视角和广度。几年来, 她作为制片人和导演制作了 一系列文艺类纪录片,《夜上海》、《我属蛇》、《上海恰恰》被称为上 海三部曲,先后在凤凰卫视,、中央电视台、上海电视台播出,并入围了多 个国际电影节,如温哥华国际电影节、阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片电影节、 国际教科文组织纪录片论坛等。

Director: Michelle Chen Michelle Chen is a Chinese-American filmmaker and was born in Shanghai. She returned to her hometown in 1997 to see the results of the city’s renewal. She is familiar with the local mentality, while she also has an international perspective to bring to bear on their situations.

《人面桃花》 92mins 纪录片 2005年★ 四川方言对白/中英文字幕,导演:杜海滨 Beautiful Men 2005 92mins documentary • Dialogue in Chinese-Sichuan dialect / Subtitled in Chi- nese & English • Director: Du Haibin

这是一部关于成都某同志酒吧一些从事反串演出演员的纪录片。反串即 由男人着女装演绎女性角色。片中的反串演员都有着与常人不同的性取 向,他们是同性恋这一边缘群体的边缘人群。他们在台上演绎着不同于 自己性别的角色,在台下过着不同于常人的生活,以自己的方式追索自 己的自由与快乐。 影片着重记录了反串舞蹈演员——莎姐(以下人名均为演员艺名)、青 青、西西与他们的生活伴侣以及他们周围人群的生活。 47岁的莎姐是是演出队中年龄最大的演员,早已不再年轻的他努力的守 着自己的那一角舞台,通过艰苦的练习,他仍能做出批跨等高难度的舞 蹈动作,但日渐臃肿的体态,迟缓的反应无法掩饰的昭示着他的衰老。 他被十几岁二十出头的年轻演员们作为消遣的对象,但是他仍坚持的跳 着,并准备这样跳下去。同时他是酒店老板的初恋男友,他们有过惊心 动魄的罗曼史,如今早已没有的性关系,但仍旧相濡以沫,彼此扶持。 25岁的青青是该酒吧的元老级人物,他出道较早,因为长相出众在成都 同志圈中颇有名气。不久前,他和一个特别喜欢他的女孩袁静结婚了, 二人结婚生子。如今,他们的女儿佳佳已经半岁,他们共同经营了一家 有小弟的水吧。妻子袁静默默的承受着内心莫名的不安……≥ 22岁的西 西来到酒吧之前也是一家酒店的服务生,一个偶尔的机会他开始了反串 演出,两年后便跻身于“四大金刚”之列,甚至超过青青成为酒吧的新 台柱。西西有一个女友叫微微,她是女同志中的T,他俩曾相约将来一起 结婚以安慰双方的父母。但微微开始慢慢喜欢上了西西,一度使二人的 关系变的紧张微妙...≥ 通常酒吧的演出是在每晚10:00,一台节目大约 有一个半小时,包括小品、中国传统舞剧、现代流行歌舞……在这段时 间里,他们有的在完成自己作女人的梦想,有的为了生存,也有的想在 这个圈子里找寻安慰与快乐... ≥ 他们生活在夜晚...... ≥ 他们生活在灯光下... ≥ 你时常会恍惚舞台上的是“他们”,还是“ 她们”... 但无论怎样,舞台上的他们个个“人面桃花”......

This documentary explores a well-known drag bar in Chengdu, China and records a slice of the life of three drag queen dancers, on and off stage. Sister Sha, first love of the bar owner and now the joke of the troupe, still practices and manages to dance at the age of 47. Qingqing, the famous veteran dancer, ac- cidentally married a girl and became the father of a baby girl. Xixi, the rising star, delicately maintains a relationship with his lesbian girlfriend, and plans a marriage for their parents. Every night from 10 PM, they become the opposite sex for 90 minutes, to play a bal- let or to play a folk dance, for a life or for a living. Year by year, peach blossoms the same, while smiling faces are different.

杜海滨简历 杜海滨,1972年生于陕西。自幼习画。1993年,在中央工艺美术学院摄 影教研室学习摄影,并开始图片摄影创作。1996年,始就读于北京电影 学院摄影学院。2000年毕业,至今在北京某电视制作部门工作。

作品: 1997年,短片《午餐》5分钟 ◆ 1998年,短片《假日》20分钟,◆ 1999年,纪录片《窦豆》45分钟,◆ 2000年,纪录片《铁路沿线》 ,120分钟,◆ 获2001年日本山形国际纪录片电影节特别奖,2001年北 京首届独立影像展最佳纪录片奖。◆ 2001年,入选并参加柏林电影节青 年论坛单元,新加坡电影节展映,参加法国当代艺术展 ◆ 2002年,入 选香港国际电影节,韩国泉州国际电影节 ◆ 2002年,纪录片《高楼下 面》,100分钟。◆ 2004年,纪录片《童年•电影》,91分钟 ◆ 2005 年,纪录片《人面桃花》,98分钟

Biography of Directory Name: Du Haibin Place of Birth: Xi’an China. Education: Institute of Photographic, Beijing Film Academy, 2000. Membership: China Art Photographic Association, Bei- jing Practice Society. Films and TV: Beautiful Men, 2004 • Under skyscrapers, 2002 • Along the Railway, 2001 • Best Documentary, 1st China Independent Film Festival • Special mentions, 2001 Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival • Dou Dou, 1999 • Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival • Hong Kong Inter- national Short Film Festival • Beijing Film Academy Collections • My Mom and My Dad, 1999 • CCTV Documentary. Photographic: Film stills, Seventeen Years (1989) Platform (2000), • 26+1 Kodak Photo Exhibition, 1999 • Shanxin Journey, Photo Exhi- bition, 1998 • Bashang Photo Exhibition, 1997 • Freelancer for China Photographic, People’s Photographic 1996-2000.

《少年花草黄》 90mins 剧情片 2005年★ 普通话对白 / 英文字幕★ 导演:崔子恩,摄 影:史岳,录音:冯吉吉★ 主演:湘文,王桂峰,制片人:吕建民

Withered in a Blooming Season 2005 90mins fiction • Dialogue in Chinese-mandarin / subtitled in English • Direc- tor: Cui Zien • Cinematographer: Shi Yue • Producer: Lv Jianmin • Cast: Xiang Wen Wang Guifeng

小峰和文文是一对双生姐弟。他们一直保持幼年的生活习惯:穿同样的 衣服,睡同一间房,上同一所学校,同出同入。这个夏天,文文开始穿 自己独有的衣服,并且坚决提出与小峰“分居”。小峰很不习惯,每天 夜里悄悄潜回原来的房间。对于他来说,这是“断奶”。 文文与男友小俊约会,被小峰看到。为了拆散他们,小峰为文文物

53 色“好男人”。好友乐乐当然是他的首选。但是,乐乐喜欢的是小峰。 乐乐胜利完成任务。轮到小峰还报他的时候,小峰开始退缩:先是 拒绝与乐乐手拉手逛街,然后是拒绝每天发短信…… 这时,文文发现小俊有了“外遇”——对方竟然是自己的妈妈。伤 心的文文重新穿起与小峰同样的衣服,与乐乐一起,背上背包,沿着铁 路去旅行。

Synopsis: Xiao Feng and Wen Wen are twin brother and sister. They had always kept their child- hood habits: wearing the same design of clothes, sleeping in the same room, going to the same school – they live like each other’s shadow. This summer, however, Wen Wen started to wear clothes different from Xiao Feng’s and also insisted on staying in separate room with her brother. Xiao Feng couldn’t become accustomed to this. Every night, he would sneak back into the old room. To him, changing these habits was just like “weaning”. Wen Wen’s dating with her boyfriend Xiao Jun was spotted by Xiao Feng. To split them, Xiao Feng attempted to seek “good guys” for Wen Wen. His priority choice was his buddy Le Le. However, Xiao Feng didn’t know that he himself was what Le Le really cared about. Xiao Feng also managed by hook to expose Wen Wen’s “adolescent disturbance” to Gui Gui. After an “interrogation”, Gui Gui decided to put Wen Wen under a house arrest. But Gui Gui didn’t fire Xiao Jun, on the contrary, he promoted Xiao Jun to the position of manager. Thus, Wen Wen became Xiao Feng’s object of monitoring, and the latter regained the pleasure of staying in the same room with Wen Wen. Yet, Wen Wen is no longer the Wen Wen in the good old times. She kept wreaking daily havocs at home and destroyed everyone’s peace. Xiao Feng was at the same time overwhelmed by and addicted to the troubles she made. When Wen Wen exhausted all her tricks, she turned completely mute and went on a hunger strike. Xiao Feng hesitated to report to Gui Gui about this. He tried to pass milk to Wen Wen from mouth to mouth while she lost her consciousness. Wen Wen didn’t die of hunger, but started to throw up. She was sent to the hospital for ex- amination and the test result showed she was pregnant. Wen Wen refused to have abortion and she declared that she would for sure deliver the baby. Xiao Feng started to hunt down the “father” of the “embryo”. Peng Peng disavowed his identity as the father. Xiao Feng tracked it down to Xiao Jun and threatened to send Xiao Jun to father. With a wish of restoring the relationship with Wen Wen, Xiao Jun admitted that the “baby” was his. However, when the three people sitting face to face, Wen Wen insisted that the “baby”’s birth father is someone else. Xiao Jun proposed to feign the “birth father” but the offer was turned down by Wen Wen. To everyone’s amaze, Wen Wen declared that the real father is Xiao Feng. Le Le hit upon Xiao Feng and asked to be his boyfriend. Xiao Feng made the deal by asking Le Le to confess to Gui Gui that he is the “father” of Wen Wen’s baby. Le Le accidentally witnessed Gui Gui’s intimate actions with Xiao Jun. In the name of a “trade”, Gui Gui pardoned Le Le’s “crime”. Le Le successfully fulfilled his mission and it was turn for Xiao Feng’s reciprocation. Xiao Feng, however, started to evade: he first refused to go strolling hand in hand with Le Le, then he stopped sending cell phone messages to Le Le. Le Le felt deeply hurt and he menaced Xiao Feng by claiming that he would disclose to Gui Gui that Xiao Feng is the real father of the baby. Xiao Feng has no option but to submit and went into Le Le’s bed. Wen Wen eventually became able to date Xiao Jun with no restrictions. But Gui Gui started to put limits on Xiao Jun’s freedom and made Xiao Jun yield to his wills. The heart-broken Wen Wen started to dress in the same clothes with Xiao Feng again. With back-packs on, she began a journey along rail track with Le Le. On the way, she told them, the baby she bore indeed belonged to Xiao Feng and she insisted she would give it the birth. 《星星相吸惜》 90mins 剧情片 2004年 ★ 普通话对白 / 英文字幕, 导演:崔子恩,摄影:张晖林,主演:于博,王桂峰,张曦文(★现场 交流) ★ 星 星 相 吸 惜

Star Appeal 2004 90mins fiction• Dialogue in Chinese-Mandarin / subtitled in English • Cast: Yu Bo , Wang Gui Feng , Zhang Xi Wen , Hou Jian , Xiao Wu , Wang Wei Ming , Yu Bin , Qi Nan , Wang Yue Jie , Liu Da Wei.

ET赤条条从火星来到地球,被小博带回家中。小博的女友文文根本不相 信ET是个外星人,小博的男友小剑对此也是半信半疑。只有小博对ET的 身分坚信不移,对他百般呵护,倾尽全力带他见识地球景象。 ≥ 为了 转移小博对ET的注意力,文文把自己装扮成木星人。失败之後,作为报 复,她向小博宣布,要与ET生养一个地球人与火星人的混血。她把ET带 回住处,玩弄他,试图说服他与自己生养孩子,导致ET昏迷不醒。小博 赶来抢救,无意中说出了“我爱你”,一句火星人也在使用的语句。ET 听到火星语,苏醒过来。 ≥ 一向不吃不喝、靠吸收阳光生活的ET,为 了小博,亲尝了咖啡里的人生滋味。他慢慢地体味到地球人生的苦辣酸 甜,爱的方式和肉体的极限。 ≥ 离开地球的前夕,他用地球人爱的极限 方式,把火星人的爱情献给小博。≥ ET走后不久,小博来到与ET初会的 地点,找到了前往火星的道路。

Synopsis: Coming alone from Mars to the Earth, ET is brought home by Xiao Bo. Xiao Bo’s girl- friend, Wen Wen, totally disbelieves that ET can be an alien, while Xiao Bo’s boyfriend, Xiao Jian, is simply skeptical. However, Xiao Bo is rather convinced of ET’s identity. He is very attentive to ET, enthusiastically showing him what the Earth looks like. In order to distract Xiao Bo from ET, Wen Wen masquerades herself as someone from Jupiter. Her plan doesn’t work, however, so to get revenge, Xin Xin declares that she’ll have a mixed Earthling-Martian baby with ET. She brings ET home, teas- ing him and trying to persuade him to have a baby with her, but instead ET ends up losing consciousness. Coming to his rescue, Xiao Bo inadvertently utters “I love you,” a phrase also used by Martians. Upon hearing this, ET recovers consciousness. ET used to survive merely on sunlight, never taking any food or drink. It is for Xiao Bo’s sake that ET savors coffee for the first time. He gradually experiences various aspects of life on Earth, learning how to love as well as what the physical limitations of humans are. ≥ On the eve of his return to Mars, ET uses the same ultimate hu- man way of expressing love and makes love to Xiao Bo. By this means, he dedicates his Martian’s love to Xiao Bo. ≥ Not long after ET has left the Earth, Xiao Bo, who was “infected” by a certain Martian quality during lovemaking, comes back to where they first met, and discovers the way to Mars.

崔子恩 著 名 电 影 导 演 、 编 剧 , 影 评 人 , 小 说 家

主要影像作品:《丑角登场》(ENTER THE CLOWNS)2002,80min, 原著/编剧/导演 ★ 《旧约》(THE OLD TESTAMENT)2002,74min, 编剧/导演 ★ 《脸不变色心不跳》(Keep Cool and Don't Blush)2003,70min, 原著/编剧/导演 ★ 《哎呀呀,去哺乳》 (FEEDING BOYS,AYAYA),2003,80min,编剧/导演 ★ 《 夜 景 》 ( NIGHT SCENE)2004,73min,编剧/导演 ★ 《雾语》(The Nar- row Path)2004,73min,编剧/导演 ★ 《 星 星 相 吸 惜 》 ( S t a r Appeal)2004,90min,编剧/导演 ★ 《男男女女》( MAN MAN WOMAN WOMAN)1999,90min,编剧/演员 ★ 《蔓延》(Pirated Copy)2003 ,90min,编剧(联合)

55 Cui Zi’en Director / Script / Critic / Novelist

DV Work — Script/Directing 2002: 'Choujue Deng Chang' (Enter the Clowns), 80mins • 2002: 'Jiu Yue' (The Old Testament), 74mins • 2003: 'Lian Bu Bian Se Xin Bu Tiao' ( Keep Cool and Don't Blush), 70min • 2003: 'Aiyaya,Quburu' (Feeding Boys, Ayaya), 80mins • 2004: 'Ye Jing' (Night Scene), 75mins • 2004: 'Wu Yu' (The Narrow Path), 73mins ≥ Films & DV Works — Script 2003: 'Man Yan', 86mins. • 1999: 'Nan Nan Nu Nu' (Man Man Woman Woman), 52th LIFF FIPRESCI • 1992: 'Huoche Huoche Ni Kuaikai' (Getting Faster), 90mins • 1991: 'Liehuo En Yuan' (Passionate Love), 90mins.

《301的法则》 北京 70mins 剧情片 2005年 ★ 普通话对白 / 中英文字幕 ★ 导演:张 迪 ★ 演员:李健,许凝,万涛,王硕,张镕,宿岩,王品一,张楠 ★ 王安然,张宏毅

The Rules of Room 301 (Beijing) 2005 70mins fiction• Dialogue in Chinese-mandarin / Subtitled in Chinese & English Director: Zhang Di • Cast: Li Jian , Wan Tao , Wang Shuo , Wang Pinyi, Xu Ning.

大学是人生走向社会的中转站,在其间感受着人情事态与自我精神 的层层转变;同时也遭受着种种折磨与自我挣扎。 面对突如其来的社会,热诚执着的男青年侯爵、李萨在恐慌与压抑 中选择了绝对化情感。二人相濡以沫,亲密无间。然而胸怀大志的侯爵 倍感无助,拮据的经济状况使现实与理想差距越来越大。压抑境况下, 现实像恶狗般无理狂叫。深爱侯爵的李萨坚持贯彻着无私付出的爱情 观,他毅然用身体与第三者赵鼎作交易,企图以肉体换取为侯爵实现理 想及改变二人生活所需的经济财力。 不料事情终被侯爵发现。误会越来越深,感情濒临破裂。性格极端 的侯爵萌发杀意。然而在即将除掉赵鼎的一刻,事情发生了戏剧性无可 挽回的逆转…… 导演以马加爵事件为背景并发挥大胆想像,运用客观新锐的手法, 展现这样一出类似传统的同志情杀剧。片中大量场面渲染使人感到同性 的恋情与暴力事件皆源自唯美。其中宗教音乐、虐杀金鱼、鲜血书法、 焚书殉情等处理手段更富有唯美暴力神圣庄重与英雄性,将一件残酷事 件 悄 悄 蒙 上 了 人 性 化 的 面 纱 … …

A university is a door through which university students will step into the society and experience the change of the world and self-consciousness. Meanwhile, they will suffer from various ordeals and struggles. Facing with the unfamiliar society, Houjue and Lisa, two enthusiastic young men, prefer the absolutely emotional pre- disposition. They are intimate friends, depending on each other. However, Houjue is ambitious, and when the indigent condition makes his dreams unrealized, he feels helpless. Harsh reality is tearing up his heart. Lisa deeply loves Houjue and believes in unselfish love. He makes a deal with Zhaoding, the third party, with his body, hop- ing that that will help Houjue to make his dreams come into true and change their economic condition. But finally Houjue finds what happened. Misunderstanding between them becomes deeper and deeper and their love is at the edge of ending. Holding extreme views, Houjue decides to kill Zhaoding. However, when he is going to kill Zhaoding, unex- pected thing happens dramatically… According to “ the event of Ma Jiajue”, the director directs a traditional homosexual love story. But the imagination of the director is bold and the directing style is objec- tive and innovating. The depiction of love and violence scenes presents the beauty existing in the homosexual love. The way the director deals with the religious music, ruthlessly killing golden fish, blood calligraphy and burning calligraphy work to die for love shows that, with charitable humanity, he focuses on the beauty of the tragic scene and the heroism of the personality.

导演个人简历 姓名:张迪 性别:男 出生年月:1983年3月23日 籍贯:广东省深 圳市 学历:北京电影学院表演学院2001级本科班毕业

主要作品 话 剧: 《蛐蛐四爷》(饰老大) ◆ 《霸王别姬》(饰段小楼) ◆ 《一声叹 息》(饰梁亚洲) ◆ 《一个达利主义者的对话》(饰达利)(原创独幕 剧) ◆ 《风月无边》(饰李渔) ◆ 《屋外有花园》(饰理查) ◆ 《老 顽固们》(饰卢纳尔多)(哥尔多尼全本)

电 影: 2003《机关算尽》(副导演;国语配音) ◆ 2004《小城民警》(男二 号:民警刘涛)◆ 《燃烧的香蕉树》(男二号:瞎子李哥哥)◆ 《仲夏 日之梦》(男二号:工程师的鬼魂)◆ 《美丽无罪》(副导演)◆ 《刘 庄布偶》(编剧;执行导演;男二号:小启) 2005《冬之云湖》(男一号:流浪诗人) 《冰鱼琥珀》(男一号:平民大款)

独立作品:≥ 2003 短片《劁猪》(编剧/导演/摄影/剪辑) ≥ 2004 地 下电影《301的法则》(制片人/编剧/导演/美术/剪辑) ≥ 奖项: 《劁 猪》2004年第五届大学生电影节录像短片大赛最佳编剧奖。

Director’s Resume Name: Zhang Di. Sex: male. Birthday: Mar. 23, 1983. Education: Studying perform- ance art in the Performance Institute of Beijing Film Academy from 2001 to 2005.

Works created: In 2003 ≥ 1. shooting personal DV work “Castrate a Pig”, mean- while as the playwright, the director, the photographer, the film editor. • 2. in the film “Profession Killer”, as the assistant editor. In 2004 ≥ 1.shooting DV work “The Rule of Room 301” meanwhile as the producer, the playwright, the director, the film editor, in charge of art. • 2. Film “Policeman in Town”, starring. • 3. Film “Dream of Mid-summer”, as the assistant editor, starring. • 4. Film “Burning Trees”, as the assistant, starring • 5. Film “Beauty Innocent”, as the assistant editor. • 6. Film “Puppet Of Liu Zhuang”, meanwhile as the playwright, assistant director, starring. In 2005 ≥ 1. Film “Lake in Winter”, starring. • 2. Film “Ice-fish and Amber ”, starring. • 3. Created 25 songs. Prize awarded: “Castrate a Pig” was the winner of the first prize for play writing for DV works on the Fifth University Students’ Movie Festival.

《女同性恋游行日》 北京 21mins 纪录片 2002年 ★ 英文对白 / 中文字幕,导演:石头

Dyke March 2002 21mins • Director: Stone • Editors: Ming Ming Stone

在人称同性恋之都的美国旧金山,每年的6月是同性恋自豪月, 有来自世界各地的人们投入其中。6月底专门有一天是女同志的游行日, 大家汇集到Mission公园,然后一起出发,最前面开道的是骑各种摩托车 的女人们,可以载上自己的爱人朋友,然后是以步行为主的人们。整个 街道飘扬着象征同性恋的彩虹旗,这是真正如七彩般多元的女性们的自 由参与,还有社区工作者,持不同政见者,性工作者等等。途中会遇到 许多支持者——老人,共同领养孩子的男同志,家人朋友们。

57 女同志游行的主张: 自由 平等 和平 作者从个人角度参与并纪录了这次游行,这是最友好的一天,没有人拒 绝镜头,而平时是不可能这么自由地拍摄的。

Synopsis: In the San Francisco, the world famous ‘Gay city ’, every June is their month of pride. The homosexuals all over the world come here to celebrate it. At the end of June one day is special for the Dykes, they gather at Mission Park and have their long march together. In the front the women drive the motos with their lovers, then followed by the pedestrians. All the rainbow flags fly over the streets, standing for the girls colorful like it and free like it, including the community worker, the political dissi- dences, the sexual workers. They meet many supporters on their way, such as the old, the gays and their family. The claim of the Dykes is freedom, equality, peace. The director has participated in this march and recorded it. It’s the friendliest day; no one refused the camera lens.

石头 毕业于贵州艺术学院 工作: 绘画、摄影、独立影像 ≥ 展览与经历: 1992年 住进圆明园, 独立创作。◆ 1994年 油画《武器》系列等作品参加“亚洲之屋展览” 荷兰鹿特丹 ◆ 2000年 主演电影《今年夏天》◆ 2001年 《今年夏 天》获2001年第58届威尼斯电影节的艾尔维拉·娜塔丽奖,本片还是此 电影节上的“惊喜推荐影片”◆ 《今年夏天》柏林电影节获奖 ◆ 2002 年 美国纽约大学讲座(NYU)及个人作品(绘画,摄影)展示 ≥ 美 国芝加哥大学(CHICAGO UNIVERSITY)≥ 美国芝加哥心理大学(ILLI- NOIS SCHOOL of PROFESSIONALPSYCHOLOGY,CHICAGO CAMPUS) ≥ 美 国旧金山同性恋电影节 ≥ 7月 上海个人作品巡回展 ≥ 8月 南京个 人作品巡回展 ◆ 2003年9月 北京《DNA影像展》◆ 2005年1月 深圳何 香苓美术馆

摄影与影像作品: ★ 《在一起之图画》系列 ★ 《活佛》 ★ 《北京笔记 ★ 《杠香》 ★ 《女同志游行日》≥ 绘画作品:★《凹凸》系列 ★ 《武器》系列 ★ 《女友》系列

《宝宝》 90mins 纪录片 2005年 ★ 山东方言对白,导演:韩涛

Baobao 2005 100mins documentary • Dialogue in Chinese-Shandong dialect Director: Han Tao

宝宝是一个暂居济南的外来流动人口,他勤勤勉勉的打拼,由一家小餐 厅老板到茶社经理再到酒吧的大堂经理.本片记录了以宝宝为主线、济 南同志圈的生存状态:琐碎、凌乱、乏味,自娱自乐。镜头冷静捕捉了 他们两年多来日常生活中的点点滴滴,而随着时间的流逝,宝宝所呈现 出的变化暴露的一览无余,更加平实。影片冷静的阐释“同志”与“社 会”的关系是互融而绝非猎奇,穿插于片中的各种小细节也隐喻折射了 中 国 当 今 社 会 … …

韩涛简介 生于70年代,高中就读于莱芜十七中,大学就读于鲁迅美术学院油画 系,2002年结业于中国研究院焦应奇当代艺术研修班。 展览:2005 《未来考古学》中国艺术三年展 南京◆ 《喻体与镜像》 当代艺术展 北京798艺术工厂 《划痕》中国-新加坡多媒体艺术展 沈阳 北京 新加坡 ≥ 2 0 0 4 中国影像展 比利时 ≥ 2003 河北首届独立影像巡回展(韩涛影像 艺术专场) 河北师范大学 ◆ 1+1行为艺术展 济南 ◆ 长春国际影像 展 长春 ◆ 灰姑娘国际影像展 济南 ◆ 西安现代艺术展 西安 ◆ 平遥 国际摄影节 平遥 ◆ 10-31国际影像艺术展 ≥ 2002“亢奋期”新状态 艺术展 广东美术馆 ◆ 北方影像艺术邀请展 北京 ◆ 360度艺术方案 展 上海 ◆ 第三届韩国行为艺术节 汉城 ◆ “异”术频道影像展 沈 阳 ◆ 韩涛、白丁油画展 济南名人画廊 ≥ 2 0 0 1 第 一 届 济 南 影 像 展 济南 ◆ “凌云焰”实验艺术周 济南≥ 2000 感动行为艺术展 黄河 南郊 ≥ 1999 有效韩涛艺术个展 济南名人画廊 ≥ 1997 “迷失的回 归”水墨个展 莱芜

主要作品: ≥ 纪录片: 2005《宝宝》◆ 2005《大雾》◆ 2005《原爆》◆ 2005 《狗的命运》◆ 2002《时间唑的女人》 ≥ 故事片: 2002《酸枣》◆ 2002《阳光夏日》 ≥ 影像作品: 2001《塑料》◆ 2001《枪》◆ 2001 《线》◆ 2001《空间》◆ 2001《公民》◆ 2002《禁果》

《蝴蝶》 124min 剧情片 2004年 ★ 粤语对白 / 中文字幕,导演:麦婉欣★ 演 员:何超仪 葛民辉 田原 陈逸宁 蒋祖曼 车沅沅

Butterfly 2004 124mins fiction• Dialogue in Chinese- / Subtitled in Chinese Director: Yan Yan Mak • Cast: Josie Ho , Tian Yuan , Eric Kot

第61届威尼斯国际电影节影评人周之闭幕电影 第 2 4 届 香 港 电 影 金 像 奖 最 佳 新 人

每一只蝴蝶破茧而出时,总经过黑暗和痛苦的过程,没有外来力量 可以帮得上忙,任何加速破茧的企图,都成为接近死亡的前奏。 蝶一开始就知道,该来的事总是会来的…… 蝶(何超仪 饰)是生活平稳丰裕的中学教师,一天在超级市场内遇 上了偷东西吃的女孩小叶(田原 饰)。小叶拥有孩子般笑容和倔强,令 蝶深深着迷,叫醒了她体内多时的欲望。 阿蝶思绪无法平复,她甚至尝试更频繁地亲近丈夫(葛民辉 饰) ,企图挽救自己的失控;她努力教书,认真做家事,抱着孩子告诉自己 ─ ─ 不 能 自 私 地 毁 坏 这 个 幸 福 的 家 。 但,周遭发生的事,将蝶推向另一个属于她的世界。蝶重新审视生 命深处中每一个结──包括年少时的恋人真真(蒋祖曼 饰)。蝶与真真 有过一段没有开花的感情。 本来已经习惯放弃的蝶,再无法轻易顺从别人的期望,满足旁观者 的评断。 就算只有一次也好,蝶也要让自己做回真我……

Flavia is a thirty married teacher. She has suppressed the memory of her adolescent lesbian fling with Jin and is stuck in a stifling marriage. A chance encounter in a supermarket with the playful and seductive singer Yip reawakens dormant feelings and she begins to think back on her teenage affair with Jin.

麦婉欣生于上世纪70年代的香港,1998年毕业于香港演艺学院电影电视 系。1993年开始电影、电视及广告制作,曾任场记、副导、制片、美术 助理及服装指导等工作。1998年的毕业短片《了了》获香港独立短片及 录像比赛剧情组优异奖,此片亦曾于多个国际学生电影节中放映。同年 创立华莲战队,支持香港独立电影、录像以及多媒体艺术创作。 第一部长片作品《哥哥》,于2001年第25届香港国际电影节获国际影评 人联盟奖 - 费比西奖 (FIPRESCI Award)、第五十八届威尼斯国际电影 节获国际影评人周 - 最佳导演奖 (POVEGLIA Award The Best Film

59 Director of “Critic Week”)、二零零二年韩国全州国际电影节获亚 洲新导演奖 ( WOOSUK Award )、以及分别于斯洛伐克伯拉第斯拉瓦国际 电影节及瑞士费尔堡国际电影节两次获天主教人道精神大奖 (Ecumeni- cal Jury Award),并于多个国际电影节中邀请参赛及放映。 曾执导及监制的香港电台外判制作计有《秋千物语》、《梦幻组合》、 《宾顺漂流记》、《在那遥远的地方》、《希云在线》、《以棍连心》 、以及入选第廿六届香港国际电影节独立时代的《萨拉弦》。 第二部长片作品《蝴蝶》被选为第六十一届威尼斯国际电影节国际影评 人周及法国Creteil电影节开幕电影。于第廿四届香港电影金像奖获最佳 新演员奖,以及第四十一届台北金马奖获最佳新演员, 最佳改编剧本提 名、第十届香港金紫荆奖获最佳女主角, 最佳男配角及最佳女配角提名; 并于五十多个国际电影节中邀请参赛及放映。

Yan Yan Mak was born in the 1970s and graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 1998. Since 1993, as a student, Mak had worked for the film industry as a continuity girl, assistant director, production manager, art director and wardrobe designer. Her graduation short film Snapshots won the Distinguish Award at the International Short Film & Video Awards of Hong Kong in 1998. After directing number of short dramas for Radio Television Hong Kong, she estab- lished her own production company Lotus Film, to make her own film. Her debut feature film, Gege (Brother), although using a very limited budget, a small crew and an all non-actors cast, was awarded the FIPRESCI Award at the 25th Hong Kong International Film Festival, the POVEGLIA Award at the International Week of Film Critics of the 58th Venice Film Festival, the Woosuk Award at Jeonju International Film Festival in Korea, as well as the Ecumenical Hury Prize at the International Film Festival Bratislavan and Fribourg International Film Festival 2001. Her second film Butterfly was chosen as the Opening Film at Venice -Film Festi val Critics Week and Tian Yuan was awarded as the Best New Artist at the Hong Kong Film Awards in 2005. The film was also nominated at the Taiwan Golden Horse Awards in 2004 for Best Adapted Screenplay (Yan Yan Mak) and Best New Performer (Tian Yuan). She has also directed music video for singer .

《好郁》 香港 87mins 剧情片 2002年 ★ 粤语对白/中文字幕,导演:游静 ★ 导 演/编剧/监制:游静 ★ 摄影:陈行一、甘文辉 ★ 剪接:陈博文 ★ 音 乐:龚志诚 ★ 主演:黄颂菁、小黑、顾嘉玲、肥妈、张志坚

HoYuk-Let’s Love Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 2002 87mins fiction• Dialogue in Chinese-Cantonese / Subtitled in Chinese • Director/ Script: YAU Ching • Cast: Erica Lam, Wong Chung Ching, Maria Cordero, Colette Koo

第26届香港国际电影节参展影片 葡萄牙费加拿霍斯国际电影节国际影评人协会剧情片大奖 金 马 奖 最 佳 新 人 奖 提 名 一个亦真亦假的香港,三名实实在在的女子之间疑幻疑真的性爱/ 感情。当空间愈来愈少,我们愈来愈穷,科技愈来愈快,沟通愈来愈 难,我们如何表达欲望与爱?Zero不断做工又转工,陈国产有口难 言,Nicole只享受电脑玩伴,阿姐最知道自己要什么。透过三名女子相 互的跟踪、挑逗、嬉戏与拒绝,是否看到一个离我们并不太远的香港? 游静的首出长片大胆地将三名女子的生命轨迹慢慢重叠,交织成这封对 香港爱欲纠缠的情书。 “《好郁》捕捉了一个世界上被拍摄得最多的城市的真实影像,透 过颠覆了的电影语言去质疑我们所看到的东西。这不常见的手法直承早 期的香港新浪潮电影。” “为了捕捉急速好郁的城市,我们选择了沉静迟缓的人物与镜头, 与千奇百怪的电脑特技相辉映。” Three women chase, seduce, resist and fantasize about each other. A Hong Kong that is as fake as real provides the perfect setting for their games, secrets,screams and tears. "Made-in-China Chan" (in Chinese: Chan Kwok Chan)works as a stripper in cyber- space but she often has headaches. Her only solace is from her mother who is clue- less about what her daughter does for a living nor what she is thinking. Nicole has money and power but she depends on "Made-in-China" to play with virtually at night in order to get some sleep. Zero does not have anything but she knows what she wants and is determined to get it. Three women meet in a Hong Kong somewhere in the future. How do their desires manifest themselves in this forbidden city? From totally different backgrounds, they look like they have very different problems but do they?

导演简介 游静,香港出生,自香港大学比较文学系毕业后,赴美国纽约攻读电影 及录像艺术,后于纽约电视台工作及于视觉艺术学院、加大圣地亚哥学 院及密西根大学等任教。后赴伦敦攻读媒体艺术,获伦大皇家可露威学 院媒体系博士。九九年回港,开始筹拍《好郁》。电影及录像作品包括 《卡拉〔超住(你)〕OK》(1989)、《你有什么特别的要我告诉你? 》(1993)、《流》(1993)(日本视象论坛节评审团特别奖)、《理想 家国》(1993)(德国国际录像艺术大赛最后决赛入围)、《录像书简》 (1993)、《另起炉灶之耳仔痛》(1997)(香港独立短片展纪录片组银 奖)、《我饿》(1999)(捷克布雷电影节银奖,香港独立短片展公开组 银奖)、《白雪仙的妹妹》(2000)、《搵自己》(2000)(香港电台监 制)等。并活跃于香港文坛。诗集《不可能的家》获 ≥ 2002: 年香港文学双年奖诗组推荐奖。《好郁》为游静执导之首部 剧情长片,于葡萄牙费加拿霍斯电影节获国际影评人协会颁予剧情片大 奖,并应邀参加香港国际电影节、夏威夷国际电影节等。

Director's Bio/Filmography Yau Ching was born in Hong Kong in 1966, studied Comparative Literature and Phi- losophy in Hong Kong, film and media arts in New York and London. A graduate of the Whitney Independent Study Program in New York, she is currently living and work- ing in Hong Kong as a filmmaker, writer and educator. Her short films and videos have been awarded at the festivals worldwide including Image Forum in Japan, Ann Arbor Film Festival, Cindy Film Competition, German Video Art Prize, Brno 16 Film Festival, Image Forum in Japan, Hong Kong Independent Film and Video Awards and exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Guggenheim Museum, New York Public Library, London Film Festival, Yamagata Film Festival, Hong Kong International Film Festival, Flaherty International Film Seminars, and the Worldwide Video Festival in Den Haag, among others. Her video works have been broadcast on US National Public Television, Eins Plus and ARD3 in Germany and MX-TV in Japan. Past films/videos include: Is There Anything Specific You Want Me To tell You About? (90), Flow (93), The Ideal/Na(rra)tion (93), Video Letters 1-3 (93), Diasporama: Dead Air (97), June 30, 1997 (aka Celebrate What?) (97), I'm Starving (99), Suet-sin's Sisters (99). Her latest film Ho Yuk – Let’s Love Hong Kong (2002) was awarded the Grand Prize for Fiction at the 31st Figueira da Foz International Film Festival, Portugal and is being nominated for “Best New Performer” at the Golden Horse Film Festival, Taiwan. Since its release this year, it has been invited to Hawaii International Film Festival, Hong Kong International Film Festival, Asia Media Festival in Rome and Rotterdam International Film Festival.

《艳光四射歌舞团》 台北 72mins 剧情片 2004年 ★ 编剧/导演: 周美玲 ★ 演 员 : 陈 煜 明 钟以庆 ★ 摄影:刘芸后 ★ 装扮皇后:王学仁 王明璋 马翊航 赖昱琦 电影音乐:张羽伟 张见宇 陈建骐 钟国栋

61 Splendid Float Taipei 2004 72mins fiction• Dialogue in Chinese-Taiwanese / Subtitled in Chinese Director: Zero Chou • Cinematographer: Liu Yun-hou • Cast: Chen Yuming , Zhong Yiqing , Wang Mingzhang , Ma Yuhang , Lai Yuqi

2004年四十一届金马奖最佳台湾电影奖、最佳原创电影歌曲奖以及最佳造 型设计奖 ◆ 2004年温哥华影展国际竞赛片◆ 第 4 8 届 英 国 伦 敦 国 际 影 展 ◆ 入围“2004年韩国釜山国际影展”亚洲之窗单元

Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival, 2004 *The Best Taiwan Film Award, *The Best Make up & Costume Design Award, *The Best Original Film Song Award • Vancouver International Film Festival, 2004 • Pusan International Film Festival, 2004 • CJ Asian Independent Film Festival, 2004 *CJ AIFF Audience Award• The 48th London Film Festival, 2004 • The 53th Mannheim-Heidelberg International Filmfestival, 2004 • Hong Kong Lesbian & Gay Film Festival, 2004

本片为中国第一部以扮装皇后为主题的爱情影片,媲美《沙漠妖姬》 华丽灿烂的歌舞场景.蔷葳(阿威)夜晚是个扮装皇后,白天,他做另一种 装扮—葬仪场合中的道士。在一次意外中,蔷葳的前男友阿阳,溺水身 亡了。蔷葳应阿阳家属的请托,前去牵魂、诵经、做法事。 ≥ 在熟悉惯性的安灵仪式中,蔷葳请出阿阳的牌位。入殓前一天,蔷葳 心想,这是看阿阳最后一眼的机会了,决定偷偷跑去看望;没想到眼前 所见,竟是一个身穿长袍马挂、头戴西瓜花帽的「清朝古人」,如所有 往生死者。蔷葳大惊失色,泪眼磅礴:“你真是难看啊……” ≥ 蔷葳开始觉得,这样的葬仪,不适用在他心爱的人身上。他想要自行 奠祭他。阿阳的新牌位,被安置在歌舞团的梳妆镜前。滨海公路上,阿 阳的灵柩队伍,由资深老道士的父亲亲自引领,队伍的末端,远远的一 辆电子花车跟随著,间歇发出奇异的光。队伍行至墓旁,“十殿阎罗” 的阵头正引领亡者穿越一关一关的生死界线,恍惚间竟与“艳光四射” 的 歌 舞 俨 然 重 叠 。 ≥ 掩在树旁的电子花车,此时开始艳光四射、大放光芒;扮装姊妹们个 个胭脂粉黛、摩拳擦掌,皆已准备就绪,“……艳光四射歌舞团,就要 带您进入永恒的天堂——”一场超渡阿阳的歌舞表演就要开始……

Rose (Roy) is a drag queen but in real life, he makes another dressing—a Taoist priest in rites. In an accidence, Rose’s ex-boyfriend, Sunny, is drowned. Requested by Sunny’s family, Rose serves the rituals of calling his soul back home, memorizing chants and other services. ≥ All the funeral rituals are held in a familiar and common way. But Sunny’s family forget to bring his clothes when Rose was doing the service of calling Sunny’s soul back home. Without Sunny’s clothes as guide, Rose is worried Sunny’s soul can’t find the way home and thus he takes off the yellow shirt on him, which is actually Sunny’s shirt and ties it to the “soul-calling stick” to continue the ritual. Although everybody is grateful for that, they also wonder why Rose would wear Sunny’s shirt on himself. ≥ In the ritual of settling soul, Rose holds out Sunny’s memorial tablet with honor. Sunny’s mother complains with sadness when seeing it, “ It’s because Sunny does not get married so that no wife or children can serve around now….” On hearing this, Rose feels so sad that his words just slip out suddenly that he is willing to take Sunny’s memorial tablet home as his “life spouse.” At this time, Rose’s father finds him too ridiculous about doing this and worried how he can manage their family industry in the future. ≥ But, Sunny’s memorial tablet is still brought home by his mother not by Rose. The only thing Rose can do is just charge less on these funeral services. ≥ The day before burial, Rose’s uncle and cousin help the dead put on some make- up and dress them up. Rose grasps the last chance to “see” and to “say good-bye” to his lover on this day before he is being buried. He is astonished to see Sunny being dressed on long robe and with a hat of Ching dynasty on his head, just like the people of Ching dynasty and no more difference from all the dead people’s dress before. “But, Sunny is a sunny boy!” he yells out with bursting tears “You are really ugly like that….” ≥ Rose starts to think this traditional funeral ritual is not suitable for his beloved. He decides to bury Sunny in his own way. Then he starts to throw the “sacred pairs”(a pair of wooden tool in a shape of used in the traditional rituals in Taiwan) to request Sunny’s permission: “Will you go with me?” asked Rose. For times, the way the sa- cred pairs shows is negative. Rose asks again with anger and sadness, “ So, you really wanna leave me…?” and throws once more. He gets his permission this time; therefore, Rose requests for another memorial tablet of Sunny’s takes it home. ≥ Sunny’s new memorial tablet is settled in front of the mirror in the “Splendid Float.” For those “cross-dressing sisters” who come to memorize Sunny chat with jokes to comfort Rose and relieve the sad emotions. Therefore, they start discuss- ing: how much powder they should put to cover the beards? How many pairs of silk socks they should wear to hide their penis…? Rose wipes out his tears and realizes it should be laughters rather than tears to accompany Sunny. ≥ When all the “sisters” stay around merrily in the front, Rose alone holds the mirror to see his own reflection, mourning for his loneliness. In this moment, he finds that Sunny stands beside him, looking at him affectionately. Rose says with excitement, “You are back?” and complains with happiness, “Please, do not send me yellow roses this time….” ≥ “Mic test, mic test, mic test… “Splendid Float” is going to open the eternal heav- en for you.” Shouted by those “sisters” in the front. Rose steps ahead to the front, amazed by the brilliant splendours and these gay performances. The atmosphere of masquerade is rising. ≥ While Rose is singing excitedly on the float, Sunny is walking leisurely on the sandbank with bare feet. Sunny stretches out his feet to the cool water on the hot day. On seeing Sunny far away, Rose shouts out “Sunny is back.” But the sandbank is sinking, disappearing in the rushing river. Everyone starts to dance Cha-cha. Sunny’s yellow shirt is drifting on the rushing river. Everybody on this sandbank is on a spree, embracing with one another to circle Rose and Sunny inside. Rose is singing gaily, “Beautiful moments, splendid life and wonderful love make one moved.” ≥ On the high way along sea-shore, the funeral process led by the senior old Taoist priest is carrying Sunny’s coffin to the graveyard. The splendid float follows along with it, sprinkling with brilliance. ≥ When they arrive at the cemetery, aunt and cousin, one of whom plays male and the other plays female, dancing the games of “Yen-Lo(Hades) Jumping”(one kind of soul-calling ritual) Through this cross-dressing performance of dancing and singing, they are leading the dead to pass various gateways between life and death; suddenly, the music performance of “Yen-Lo(Hades) Jumping” and “Splendid Float” are overlapped and converged. ≥ At the darken night, the funeral procession have left and it’s time the splendid float gives forth splendour and brilliance all over around. Cross-dressing sisters are all standing by to show up. “Mic test, mic test, mic test…….. Splendid Float is going to lead you in the eternal heaven.” Rose dresses gaily, walking toward Sunny’s tomb and Sunny is sitting on his own tombstone, staring at Rose. The prelude of “Yellow Rose” spreads out from Splendid Float at this moment. ≥ On the high way along sea-shore, this splendid float full of coquettish drag queens speeds over at night. Wherever this float passes by, “underworld papers” fly to the sea. Every boat on the sea and every light on the road have witnessed the eternality of the past love in memory. ≥ It’s getting bright at dawn. The very first sunlight shines on the tomb of Sunny. Rose is also greeting the sunshine in the morning by throwing the yellow shirt to the sea and amazingly the yellow shirt is suspending in the air. The splendid float leaves but merry singing stays, “Beautiful moment, splendid life and wonderful love make one moved…”

63 导演介绍: 周美玲 生长于基隆,毕业于国立政治大学哲学系;其作品重视哲学思维, 并重文学意境,说故事方式常有“寓言”式的深度与趣味,是一个对生 命课题用力甚深的影像创作者。

1989~92年电影年制片班,主修电影制片。◆ 1993年作品:1993《 灯》,电影剧本,获选为“优良创作辅导短片”。 ◆ 1995《单打双不 打》,电影书 (编著) ,获“金鼎奖”选为年度优良图书。 ◆ 1996《 身体影片》,剧情片。 ◆ 1997《艺术家和他的女儿》,纪录片,民 视“纪录台湾”节目特选播出。 ◆ 1997《走找布袋戏的老艺师》,纪 录片,1997“金穗奖”纪实报导类佳作,获1997“地方文化纪录片影带 奖”,获“1998新加坡国际影展”参展。 ◆ 1998《飘泊的港湾-基隆 港》,纪录片,获1998“金穗奖”纪实报导佳作,获1998“地方文化纪 录片影带奖”。 ◆ 1998《断曲》,纪录片,获1998“地方文化纪录片 影带奖”,入围“1998台北国际电影节”。 ◆ 1999《辐射将至-乌丘》 ,纪录片。 ◆ 1999-2000《流离岛影》联合制片计划,推动十二位纪录 片导演联合制拍岛屿纪录片。 ◆ 2001 创作《私角落》同志纪录片,被 誉为“新世纪最亮眼的同志电影”,受邀十余国际影展参展。 ◆ 2002 “私角落”与“极端宝岛”纪录片,破天荒双双拿下「台湾国际纪录片 双年展」大奖。 ◆ 2004 完成的新作“艳光四射歌舞团”,是第一部描 写“扮装皇后”的剧情片电影,也是“同志彩虹电影计画”的第一部。

Director’s Bio: Chou, Mei-lin (Zero Chou) Born in Keelung, Taiwan in 1969. Creatively and productively as she is, her works are both poetic and philosophically provocative that “amazingly make the content and the form an excellent combination.” She has been valued “ the most talented document director in the recent years of Taiwan,” who has often won the prizes in various film festivals. ≥ Years of experience in independent documentary and visual art production, re- ceiving 10 awards in total. Trying usually breaking a fresh path in making film to develop the documentary aesthetics. The creative work made usually in traveling around the country --Taiwan and all Islands surrounding to think deeply over the land, the culture, the humanity and the fate. A filmmaker full of potential in the cenozoic ones in Taiwan.

• B.A. of Department of Philosophy, National Cheng-Chi University in 1992 • Major in the Production of Cinema, Group of Cinema-Studying in 1993 • Screenwriter & Co-director of 16mm Feature “Every Odd-Numbered Day” in 1995 • Executive Pro- ducer of TV Documentary “The Bride from the Opposite Side ”, produced by Japan NHK Television Channel in 1996 • Writer of the book “Every Odd-Numbered Day”, selected by Annual Honorary Book of the Golden Tripod Award in 1997 • Location Producer of 35mm Feature “Flat Tyre ” in 1998 • Screenwriter & Co-director of 35mm Feature “Black Name” in 1999 • Director & Screenwriter of 16mm CF for Taipei and Taichuang County in 1999-2001 • Art Director of the image book “Floating Islands”, selected by Annual Honorary Book of China Times 第一 届北京


《东宫西宫》 st Beijing《男男女女》 《今年夏天》 The 1 《旧约》 Gay & Lesbian《蓝宇》 Film Festival

65 2001年12月14日 首届中国同性恋电影节在北京大学图书馆南配殿开幕。

首届同性恋电影节致辞 这是同性恋电影在中国历史上的第一次大聚会。中国本土的、独立制作 的同性恋主题剧情片,在这次聚会上无一缺席。它们是《东宫西宫》 (1996)、《男男女女》(1999)、《今年夏天》(2000)、《蓝宇》 (2001)和《旧约》(2001)。

由王小波编剧、张元执导、司汗和胡军主演的《东宫西宫》,摆脱 僵化的性别二元划分,直面性倾向自由,正视“情爱无性别之分”的身 体自然。影片中的小史似乎可以正名为“异性恋者”,同性恋者阿兰则 对他构成了坚决的挑战。影片华彩所在是:小史身为警察,身为审讯 者,却被受审人阿兰的魅力和故事所打动,情不自禁地对阿兰展开意淫 式的爱欲攻势。《东宫西宫》颠覆了权力/男人/异性恋中心的传统理念, 打翻所谓的原版的、经典的爱欲模式,把长期被歧视、被有意遮盖的另 一种爱欲自然——同性相恋“正常化”。与《东宫西宫》歌咏气质相当 不同的是《男男女女》和《今年夏天》。它们依序摄制于1999年2000 年。崔子恩编剧、刘冰鉴导演、于博和杨青主演的《男男女女》,以平 实朴素的风格铺叙出全无僵化的性别和性倾向概念的主人公小博在一个 暖冬里的打工经历。影片剧情从头至尾波澜不惊。演员处理人物一概采 取本色自然的表演方式。电影语态上的“零技术”,使影片中的人物与 场面全无障碍地完成了日常还原。平淡无奇的节奏,摒绝了任何大惊小 怪的戏剧可能性。同性恋、双性恋、性向模糊、同性同居,在《男男女 女》中一概丧失了有可能被人工附加的神奇性和神秘感。它们原本不是 怪物,妖魔化的是怪异的目光。透过这部影片的镜头,传统的、病态的 目光将被净化。

李玉编导的《今年夏天》,以平静的镜头语汇讲述了三个女子的交 叉爱情,没有渲染,没有夸大与强调,简省的画面构成和干脆的场面衔 接,使这部电影显现出一种凝重单纯的品质。潘怡与石头在影片中的相 识与相恋,来得相当相实,她们之间的欲情戏全不见一丝表演色彩。导 演和演员如此沉着冷素,体现出的是平和笃定的创作心态。李玉把较为 戏剧性的因素放置在主戏的边缘:石头与男友的聚散,张浅潜的犯人身 份和环绕着她的罪案情节剧,潘怡的大象饲养员身份,潘怡母亲在接二 连三为女儿筹措丈夫的灰色喜剧之后终于嫁给了一个提亲者。李玉大胆 地使用一定的类型片元素,在分解与冷却之后,把它们坚硬地修筑在女 女爱情的背后。

崔子恩自编自导的DV电影《旧约》,以流动的、手持摄影的影像风 格和无拘无束的酷儿状态,深入同性情谊的和性别秩序两间领域,步履 出中另一种电影蹊径。《旧约》包含着三个叙事段落:诗篇1981,箴言 1991年和雅歌2001。每个叙事段落都由歌队的无伴奏合唱来完成“高 潮”:第一个段落是“小博结婚了”,第二个段落是“小浩失业了”, 第三个段落是“小博去卖身”。《旧约》处处与惩戒和死亡相关,引用 着旧约时代上帝与人类的关系。但是,这不是悲剧,也不意味着悲观世 界。新约就在前方,走向前,新约时代就会到来。 改编自网络小说《北 京故事》的影片《蓝宇》,参展了今年法国的嘎纳电影节,还在刚刚落 幕的台湾电影金马奖上夺得4项大奖外加一项观众喜爱奖。它的剧情框 架,对于网络小说的读者来说已是耳熟能详。观众期待的是,将文字蓝 宇与电影中的影象蓝宇相互印证。这部影片,原作出自女性美籍华人, 编导来自香港,演员出自大陆,制片工作融汇了大陆和香港电影工作者 的共同努力。它也是迄今为止在大陆拍摄的同志电影中投资最大的。


相信这样的电影聚会有了第一次,就会有下一次。 (作者:崔子恩) ABOUT THE 2001 FESTIVAL

On December 14th, 2001, The 1st Beijing Gay & Lesbian Film Festival was held in Peking University Library.

LOVE - Oration to the 1st Beijing Gay & Lesbian Film Festival This is the first great celebration in the history of China’s gay & lesbian films. All Chinese gay & lesbian fiction films, which were independently produced, are included in this film festival, namely: (1996), (1999), (2000), (2001) and (2001).

< East Palace West Palace > was written by Wang Xiaobo and di- rected by Zhang Yuan, with Si Han and Hu Jun acting in the leading roles. This film breaks the priggish division of the two genders, directly faces the freedom of sexual orientation, and reflects on the difficulty to distinguish sexual genders from our natural en- vironment. The character of Xiao Shi in the film could be called an heterosexual, and A-Lan -- a gay man-- represents a strong chal- lenge to him. A wonderful scene is when Xiao shi, as a policeman, is deeply attracted by the man he arrested and starts to chase him around involuntarily. overthrows the traditional central conception of power/male/heterosexual, strikes down the so-called classical love model and then normalizes the discriminated one: love between the same sex gender. ≥ Quite different from the eulogizing tone of , and were produced in 1999 and 2000 respectively。Written by Cui Zien and directed by Liu Bingjian, the film tells a story of Xiao Bo, a boy who has no sense of sex gender. The whole story goes without any twists and turns, and all the actors acted the way they were themselves. As a result, the film comes out as a replay of daily life. With an unromantic rythm, the film lets go of all the fussy and stagy possibilities. Homosexual, bisexual, uncertain sexual orientation, these all seem so common in the film. None are monsters, there only is a monstrous vision. But through this film, the old and morbid vision gets purified. , written and directed by Li Yu, narrates the complex love among three women, without romance or exaggeration and -- by its succinct composition – brings out a sort of purity. In the film, Pan Yi and Stone get to know each other and fall in love in such a natural way it seems they were not acting. The di- rector Li Yu put the dramatic plot at the edge of the main story, and used some traditional Hollywood movie elements tightly built behind the love among women. , written and directed by Cui Zien, by using a hand photograph style and unfettered queer estate, goes deep into both homosexually emotion and gender order, carry out a new road of films. includes three narrative paragraphs: poems 1981, apothegms 1991 and songs 2001. To reach the climax, an a capella chorus sings every narrative paragraph, namely “ Xiaobo get married”, then “Xiaohao loses his job” and finally “Xiaobo sells himself” Largely related to punishment and death, the film quotes the relationship of God and human beings in the era of the old testament. However this is not a tragedy and not a pessimist

67 look on the world either. The New Testament is still ahead and the era of The New Testament is to come. ≥ The film , adapted from the e-novel was screened at the French Cannes Film Festival of this year, and also received four honorable awards as well as the audience award at the last Taiwan Golden Horse Awards ceremony. This film’s gut frame will be familiar to regular readers of e-novels. What the audience is expecting here is the connection between the words of Lan Yu with the images of Lan Yu. The main originality of this film is that is was written by an overseas Chinese lady, filmed by a director from Hong Kong and acted by mainland Chinese actors. The production team had then to cooperate with film crews from both Mainland China and Hong Kong. Also, it is so far the highest investment ever made on the mainland to produce a gay feature film. ≥ This is the first time all the films mentioned above will be shown in mainland China. ≥ I believe that for a film event like this one, if there was a first time, there will be a next time.

Author: Cui Zien

组委会:张江南(北京大学影视协会会长)杨洋(北京大学影视协会副 会长)崔子恩(北京电影学院副教授)

主办:北京大学影视协会 承办:北京大学图书馆南配殿 ≥ 盒子咖啡馆 时间:2001年12月 14日——23日

《东宫西宫》East Palace West Palace

故事发生在北京,某公园(可能是“东宫”或者“西宫”)的夜里。这 个公园是同性恋幽会的场所。公园派出所的警察小史在值夜班无聊寂寞 时,就要到公园里抓一个同性恋来审一审,让他们交待自己的“活动", 以此消闲解闷。那个晚上他似乎是有意地逮住了阿兰,而阿兰也似乎期 待着被捕。事情过去很久后,阿兰寄给小史一本书,扉页上印着:“献 给我的爱人”。小史翻开书来,陷入回忆。书里的故事和那个晚上的事 情夹杂在一起。这些故事里有阿兰的母亲;有中学班上的漂亮女同学“ 公共汽车”(就是谁爱上谁上的意思);还有一个古代的女贼,被衙役 用锁链扣住了脖子和双手,在漫天飞雪中踉踉跄跄地行走。阿兰也叙述 了他的同性恋生活的几个片段。整个影片就是警察小史在审问阿兰的经 过。阿兰像在讲故事娓娓而谈,不时反客为主地挑逗审讯者;听故事的 时而和善,时而暴戾。审讯者和被审讯者你进我退,我进你退,双方处 于微妙的胶着状态。不知不觉地警察完全陷入了被动的境地:他唯一能 够维持权威的手段就是施虐,殊不知这对阿兰来说是正中下怀——施虐 的一方无意中扮演了受虐者期待他扮演的角色,也就是说,原先处于弱 势的一方占据了心理战的支配地位。在电影的末尾,小史对阿兰无计可 施,只得使用暴力,但是阿兰在经受侮辱之后反而活像个胜利者,而小 史却满脸困惑。

In China, homosexuality isn't illegal, but homosexuals are routinely persecuted by police and arrested for "hooliganism". The film focuses on a young gay writer A-Lan who, being attracted to a young policeman, manages to have himself interrogated for a whole night. His life-story which he tells during the interrogation reflects the general repression of the Chinese society. The policeman's attitude shifts from the initial revulsion to fascination and, finally, to attraction. [获96年阿根庭马德普拉塔电影节最佳导演、最佳剧本和最佳摄影奖3项 大奖, 97年意大利陶尔米纳影展最佳影片奖获奖作品]

1996 Mar del Plata Film Festival Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best cinematogra- phy. 1997 TaorminaFilmFest Award Best film

到场嘉宾 导演:张元 特邀嘉宾:李银河

《男男女女》Men and Women

暖冬,小博由外省来北京打工,遭遇了三种色彩纷异的故事。 服装店女老板很喜欢他,让他住进家中。她与丈夫大康的关系很冷 淡,却热心为小博介绍好友阿梦认识,期望他们能够成为恋人。但是, 结果出人意表:阿梦发现小博不喜欢她,青姐也决定离开丈夫,搬到阿 梦那里与她同居。 在青姐家里,大康企图强暴小博。小博反抗成功,不 得 不 辞 去 工 作 , 来 到 同 乡 冲 冲 的 家 中 借 宿 。 冲冲是自命的公厕文学一级作家,每天进出各种公厕搜集厕所内的污言 秽语。小博来到时,他正在创办《灿烂公厕》杂志。与他同居的同性朋 友归归自办了一个电台节目,叫做"公厕时空"。他的听众原本只有一个: 冲冲。小博出现后,吸引了冲冲的注意力。在一个早晨,归归发现他与 小博睡到了同一张床上。归归收拾行装离开冲冲的家。小博从睡梦中 醒来,听到的是归归通过电话进行的最后一次播音:“亲爱的听众同志 们,这里是国际红星广播电台...... ”

Xiao Bo arrives in Beijing, gets a job at a boutique, and is invited to stay with his lady boss, Ah Qing, and her husband, Kang. Knowing that Xiao Bo is still single, Ah Qing recommends her best female friend, Ah Meng, to him. After a few dates, Ah Meng starts to suspect Xiao Bo is gay. She tells Ah Qing, who then informs Kang. After learning this, Kang attempts to rape Xiao Bo when Ah Qing isn't at home. Xiao Bo leaves the house, quits the job and joins his old friend, Chong Chong, and realizes that he has a gay lover, Gui Gui. Some time later, Ah Qing confesses to Kang that she had an affair... with Ah Meng. On the other hand, Chong Chong tries to "convert" Xiao Bo, much to the dismay of Gui Gui...


1999 Locarno International Film Festival FIPRESCI Prize

到场嘉宾 导演:刘冰鉴 编剧:崔子恩 演员:于博、孟浩、魏建刚

《今年夏天》Fish and Elephant

小群是一个动物园的大象管理员,小玲开一家小服装店,两个女人相爱了。 小群的妈妈搬来和女儿同住,两个女孩要约会就难了,因为妈妈想不到 女儿是同性恋,小群的妈妈和小群的爸爸离了婚。妈妈介绍了一个50岁 左右的老会计给女儿,结果女儿不喜欢,妈妈自己倒和那老头结了婚。 一天,小群的前女友军军跑到动物园请她帮忙,原来军军杀了经常对她 进行性侵犯的爸爸。小群铁了心保护自己的前女友,结果引起了她现在 这个同性情人小玲的猜测……

69 Two women, Qun and Ling, have a peaceful and loving relationship. But Qun's mother arrive to pay a visit and, not knowing her daughter is a lesbian, tries to arrange boy- friends for her. And Junjun, Ling's former girlfriend, reappears, after having killed her own father, who abused her.

[意大利威尼斯国际电影节艾尔维拉.娜塔莉奖获奖作品] 2001 Venice Film Festival Elvira Notari Prize

到场嘉宾 导演:李玉 演员:石头 制片人:程勇


雅歌 2001 小博住在男友大荐家里。未与大荐商议,他把与他有过一夜情的小刚带 回家里,目的是照应身染艾滋的小刚。起初,大荐不明情况,一心想赶 走小刚,得知他感染艾滋后,决定把房子送给小博,自己迁出。小刚病 重后,小博无力支付昂贵的医药费,想把房子卖掉。房子没有卖掉,倒 是有女性有钱人想买他的身体。为了给小刚治病,他走上了出卖肉身的 不归路。 箴言 1991 小浩苦恋大宇多年,始终未得如愿。正当他与肖雅发展为恋人的时候, 已婚的大宇来到他的身边,声称与妻子娜娜离了婚。小浩立即赶走肖 雅,与大宇同居起来。此后不久,小浩发现大宇并未与娜娜离婚,便把 他软禁在家,还骗来娜娜,要他们签署离婚协议。大宇与小浩举行了婚 礼。他们的行为直接导致小浩被工作单位开除。小浩失业之后,大宇把 他带到娜娜身边,开始了三人同居的日子。 诗篇 1981 小博刚刚把同性情侣正阳接到家中,就被嫂嫂青姐发现隐情。哥哥和嫂 子哺育小博长大成人,如今,他们用家长制的方式逼迫小博离开正阳, 去与一直暗恋他的女生小翠结婚。小博不从之时,哥哥嫂嫂双双以自杀 相 逼 。 小 博 成 亲 后 , 生 下 一 子 , 尔 后 病 逝 。


到场嘉宾 导演:崔子恩 演员:于博、于小宇、孟浩、魏建刚

《蓝宇》Lan Yu

陈捍东是北京的一位高干子弟,后来成为一位腰缠万贯的商人。他的身 边一直美女成群,但同时他也对男人感兴趣。蓝宇是一个东北男孩儿, 家境贫寒,正在北京求学。为了赚钱,蓝宇成为捍东的男朋友,一场色 情交易就这样开始了。捍东是情场老手,无论是对男人还是对女人。从 一开始,他就告诉蓝宇:“我们都不要认真,日后才能好聚好散。”但 是最后他们发现,他们已经不能分离。不过迫于社会和亲人的压力,捍 东最后娶了一位叫静平的女子为妻,蓝宇则默默地离开了他。后来捍东 做生意失败,因为经济问题被有关部门审查,这 个时候,蓝宇卖了捍东给他买的房子,又拿出了自己积攒的钱,终于使 捍乐重获自由。当捍东想排除万难,好好地爱蓝宇的时候,蓝宇却在一 场车祸中死去了… … Beijing, 1988. On the cusp of middle-age, Chen Handong has known little but success all his life. He heads a fast-growing trading company and plays as hard as he works. Few know that Handong's tastes run more to boys than girls. Lan Yu is a country boy, newly arrived in Beijing to study architecture. More than most students, he is short of money and willing to try anything to earn some. He has run into Liu Zheng, who pragmatically suggests that he could prostitute himself for one night to a gay pool- hall and bar owner. But Handong happens to be in the pool hall that evening, and he nixes the deal. He takes Lan Yu home himself and gives the young man what turns out to be a life-changing sexual initiation. Handong and Lan Yu meet often, and the boy is soon very secure in his love for the man. But Handong insists that he wants a play-mate, not a lifelong companion, and warns Lan Yu that they will eventually break up. Meanwhile, he showers expensive gifts on Lan Yu, expecting to deflect the boy's love by turning it into gratitude or dependency. Lan Yu is undeterred, until the night he catches Handong with another boy. They meet again on the night of June 4th, 1989. Handong goes looking for Lan Yu, worried that he might have been caught up in the army's murderous sweep through Tiannmen Square. Handong gives Lan Yu his most lavish gifts yet - a newly built villa on the outskirts of Beijing and a car - and they begin living together as a couple. But again, Handong shies away from his feel- ings for the boy. He enters a whirlwind romance with Jingping, a professional trans- lator who has helped his company in trade negotiations with Russians, and marries her. Lan Yu moves out of the village and Handong loses contact with him. Before long, Handong is divorced. He runs into Lan Yu by chance at the airport one day, and an invitation to try Lan Yu's home cooking leads to a resumption of their relation- ship. Now, at last, Handong is learns to feel and show commitment to his lover - just when his company comes under investigation for smuggling and illegal fund-raising. Handong is facing long-term imprisonment, possibly worse, but to the delight of his sister Yonghong and her husband Daning, he is bailed out by Lan Yu. The boy sells the villa and the car and pools the proceeds with his own savings - yielding enough to get Handong out of trouble. Finally, Handong and Lan Yu can be happy together. But fate can play cruel tricks.

[台湾金马国际电影节最佳导演、最佳男主角、最佳剪辑、最佳改编剧 本、观众票选最 佳影片奖5项大奖获奖作品] 2001 Golden Horse Film Festival Best Actor, Best Director, Best Editing, Best Screenplay Adapted from Another Source

到场嘉宾 制片人:张永宁


FILM FESTIVAL 第三届北京 第三届北京 酷儿电影节 酷儿电影节 3rd Beijing 3rd Beijing Queer Film Festival Queer Film Festival Graphic Design 设计 Nivard Thoes / Th-NL www.th-nl.nl

出版时间 2007 年 11 月