THE 3 RD BEIJING FILM FESTIVAL 影中岁月 ——致辞酷儿电影论坛 崔子恩 有朋友说,你们办同志影展,像 办夏季奥运会,4年一届,可谓重 大。影展草创,龄在婴齿,虽然未 来广远无限,但眼下还是要在大人 们的手下屁滚尿流。 我们无法认同也无意攀比电影的奥 运会,于是提前,距上一届影展, 时隔3年。 此前两届,收展影片基本为已在国 际有影响力的长片。此届变化最大 的是增添“短句”。一旦短小,势 必年轻。80后、85后的编导摄录 美、演员、制片人纷至沓来,令今 年影展蓬荜生辉。 论坛开启,为的是活跃讨论。创 作者、评论者、观众济济一堂, 不分伯仲与疆域,论语生心,会 神会意,摒弃审判,反对“观众上 帝”“评论家上帝”。重要的是, 尊重与交通。 我们的影展,组委会采取轮值主席 制。影展不设竞赛单元,不搞评 奖。我们不认为电影可以像奥运那 样比出个你高我低。下一届,我们 意欲办成全国巡回展,会有新的组 委加入。这次影展现场,杨洋委员 身在布鲁塞尔,不能出席。第一届 同志影展闭幕时,作为直同志,她 说过十分感人的话。今年的闭幕 辞,我们请同样是直同志的朱日坤 来做。恁多直同志撑持同志影展, 意味着中国同志电影从婴儿期开始 就不是孤军奋战。 时光进步,不荏苒。婴年的影展, 以屁滚尿流的尊严姿态,向前进。 TIMES OF LIGHT AND IMAGE A Forum of Queer Films Cui Zi’en A friend comments jokingly: You guys are celebrat- ing the Queer Film Festival in the same manner as the Summer Olympic Games – that’s four year per tournament. Being a new born infant, one’s future is beyond conseption, one has to fumble with dust and blood at every turn in the grown up world. We don’t mean to be a form of cinematic Olympics, neither do we strive for such,.. So we have moved up the Festival by a year so that it takes place every 3 years. We last hosted a festival of this kind in 2004. Previous festivals featured films which already had 影中岁月established audience; but this time we have added a “Short Films” section as part of our innovative ap- proach. This is to afford young filmmakers with an opportunity to showcase their talent. As expected, considerable numbers of young talent belonging to the post-80’s even post-85’s generation have carved Timestheir images ofin verdure asLight creations inspired by the brilliance and vitality of this Queer Film Festival. The Festival allows for the opening up of spaces for discourse and for the formation of forums where film- makers, critics, and audiences alike can sit together and andImage seek to rid themselves of the gulfs and fences that result from mis-information and to facilitate un- derstanding through engaged discorse. This exercise need not be governed by a specific framework nor theoretic authority, its most important aspect is that of respect and communication. The Organizing Committee of the Beijing Queer Film Festival adopts a Duty Chairman System. The festi- val does not adopt a competitive approach nor does it present any awards. This is a means of avoiding the assessment of films through competitive crite- ria much like those governing the Olympic Games. The next festival has been planned and will begin with a tour of China This will assist in attracting new members to the committee and raise the status of the festival to that of a national festival. Our delegate Yangyang, who is currently in Brussels and can’t be present today, made a very impressive speech at the closure of the 1st Beijing Queer Film Festival although from a heterosexual individual’s perspective.. At this time we would like to hand over to Mr. Zhu Rikun, who’s also is of a heterosexual orientation to make the closing remarks. The support received from the heterosexual community goes to show that the Chi- nese Queer film festival is not striving alone. As time advances one is sure of difficulties ahead, however our Queer Film Festival is still in its infancy and will continue to strive though with dignity. Beijing Queer Forum and the 3rd Beijing Queer Film Festival RD BEIJING 3 THE Mei Mei Welcome to Destination Shanghai From chryaslis to butterfly FESTIVAL FILM Carmen Tangtang My fair son VOICES ABOUT QUEER FILM 2. The Female Society 女女社会 A ≥ 酷儿电影论调 ( 刘波 ) Round table guest (tentative): 圆桌嘉宾(暂定) Sha Sha (Liu Bo) 《莎莎 Lost in you (Zhu Yiye) 《啦啦啦》 (朱一叶) Chris Berry The summer solstice (Li Ruijun) 《夏至》 ( 李睿 ) LiYinhe 裴开瑞 Shitou and that Nana (Cui Zi’en) 《石头和那个娜娜》 (崔子恩) Eve Wen-Jing Lee 李银河 Meet you again (Du Ai’en) 《再次遇见你》 (杜艾恩) Pan Suiming 李文晶 Women fifty minutes (Shitou)) 《女人50分钟》 ( 石头 ) Tongge 潘绥铭 Lothar Von Falkenhausen 童 戈 Guo Yaqi 罗 泰 Huang Yingying 郭雅琦\黄盈盈 Zhen Li 甄里 Cheng Qingsong 程青松 Xian 闲 Binglan 冰蓝 Remy 瑞米 Li Dan 李丹 Zhao Ke 赵珂 Zheng Hongxia 郑宏霞 Bian Jing 边静 Fan Popo 范坡坡 and all of the directors of attended films. 所有参展导演 PROJECTIONS & DISCUSSIONS B ≥ 上映下论 1. Transgender, Transvestite & Transnature 变装、变性、变质 Mei Mei (Gao Tian) 《美美》 ( 高天 ) Welcome to Destination Shanghai (Andrew Cheng) 《目的地,上海》 (程裕苏) From chryaslis to butterfly (Wang Yiren) 《蝶变》 (王逸人) Carmen (Zhang Di) 《卡门》 ( 张迪 ) Tangtang (Zhang Hanzi) 《唐唐》 (张涵子) My fair son (Cui Zi’en) 《我如花似玉的儿子》 (崔子恩) 2. The Female Society 女女社会 Sha Sha (Liu Bo) 《莎莎 ( 刘波 ) Lost in you (Zhu Yiye) 《啦啦啦》 (朱一叶) The summer solstice (Li Ruijun) 《夏至》 ( 李睿 ) Shitou and that Nana (Cui Zi’en) 《石头和那个娜娜》 (崔子恩) Meet you again (Du Ai’en) 《再次遇见你》 (杜艾恩) Women fifty minutes (Shitou)) 《女人50分钟》 ( 石头 ) 3. Short Films 短句 Song of spring (Meng Nuo) 《春歌》 ( 孟诺 ) The personals (Raining) 《征婚启事》 (雨不亭) The man on the ridge (Zhang Lei) 《屋脊上的男人》 ( 张磊 ) The portmanteau (Cui Lin) 《箱子》 ( 崔霖 ) Best wishes, my dearest (Chopstick Bros.) 《祝福你亲爱的 (筷子兄弟) True or Dare (Chen Shuangqing) 《真心话大冒险》 (陈双庆) Spring of Yangchun (Yang Pingdao) 《阳春之春》 (杨平道) You and me (Siqi) 《我们》 ( 思奇 ) Beautiful lover (Liu Qibing)) 《美丽情人》 (刘启兵) PROGRAM RESEARCH C ≥ 运筹帷幄 Dawei 剧本与计划项目圆桌:大玮(Dawei)等 组委会: Preparatory Committee: 崔子恩、杨洋、朱日坤 Cui Zi’en, Yang Yang, Zhu Rikun 文秘: Secretary: 范坡坡 Fan Popo 场刊: Publication: 郭小晖 Emma Guo I 变装、 变性、 变质 Transgender, Transvestite & Trans- nature 7 影片资料: 《 美美》 MEI MEI 制片:赵晖 导演:高天 摄影:高天 曲江涛 导演阐述: 剪辑:高天 宋体涛 片长:82分钟 我感触到美美是一个心地善良 出品时间:2005年8月 的人,他对他的每一丝爱都心 类型:纪录 存感激与渴望,使他每每受到 伤害。 在拍摄过程中我们从猎 奇,新鲜到后来接受以至成为 兄弟姐妹般的朋友。使我们了 解到他们大多数从小就渴望成 为一名女孩子,长大后有的由 于生活压力,有的由于要面对 家庭,朋友的压力与歧视,尤 其不想因此影响自己现有的工 作,使自己的生活产生困难, 他们只能以反串演出等各种方 式释放自己内心存在的欲望。 他们渴望以新的形象与方式重 新开始自己的生活,也知道这 其中存在着很多困难与问题。 我们希望通过我们的影片让更 多的人和我们一样感受他们内 心的痛苦继而理解他们接受他 们,承认这种生活方式。我们 更高的渴望就是通过我们的影 片能使他们中间即可能多的人 得到帮助,能走入新生活。 故事梗概: 导演简介: 美美是北京的一名反串演员, 高天:男 汉族 1978年3月生于陕 ,在2004年他终于找到了自己 西省西安市 ■ 2003年毕业于北 喜爱并且能接受他的男人,他 京电影学院导演系 ■ 电影《李秋 们举行了公开的隆重的婚礼。 实》副导演 电视电影《悲怆的黎 美美对自己这次婚姻充满了信 明》副导演 8集电视剧《丽人公 心。他的朋友们为他举办了“ 寓》执行导演 ■ 短片《眼睛》导 美美告别同志舞台演唱会”,他 演 东京国际录影节参赛 ■ 纪录片 用演唱会的方式告别了北京的 《美美》导演 ■ 韩国光州国际电 朋友,放弃了在北京稳定的生 影节评委会大奖 全球华裔首部电 活,准备到上海,一个新的城 影节参展(新加坡) ■ 2006 写真 市,用新的生活方式开始自己 中国记录片双年展(美国)2006 新的生活。但事与愿违,短暂 年5月第三届中国纪录片交流周 的婚姻生活并不快乐,他很快 ■ 2006年9月平遥国际DV影展 又回到了北京。重新回来后的 2007年4月“云之南纪录影像展 尴尬,使他陷入了困境...... 2007 惊蛰 ■ 2007年5月 剧情片 《车逝》(胶片) FILM SYNOPSIS: Meimei is a dragqueen in Beijing China. In 2004 he found a man of his love who also accepts Meimei as is. They held a public ceremonious wedding. Meimei is filled with confidence for this marriage. His friends held a “Meimei Farewell Concert” for the gay community. Along with the farewell concert, Meimei also gave up the stability of a life in Beijing attained as a result of many years of hard work. He prepared to go to Shanghai, a new city, to begin a new way of life. But things did not turn out to be as planned, as the brief marriage was not happy at all. He came back to Beijing soon, embarrassed to see old friends while falling into worse financial strait than ever before. DIRECTOR’S STATEMENT: I came to know Meimei as a kind-hearted individual whose pure devotion and sincere thirst for love always lead to emotional wounds with every relationship . During the filmmaking, Meimei and I evolved from curious stranger initially to brothers-like friends. I also came to un- derstand transvestite males as a group who from childhood on desire to be girls deep inside. Due to various pressure from life, discrimination from family and friends and an unwillingness to sacrifice their ca- reer and the ability to make a living, most of them can only release their desires deep within through cross-dressing perform- ances. They hope to initiate their own lives with a new identity but also recognize the inherent difficulties and problems. I hope that through this film more people will come to feel their deep pain as my team and I have, so as to understand and ac- cept them as who they are, and accept such lifestyle as is. We also most sincerely hope that through our film, this group of individuals also obtains the kind of support needed to build a new life. 9 影片资料: 《 目的地,上海》 WELCOME TO DESTINATION SHANGHAI 片长:89分钟 出品时间:2002年 类型:剧情 编剧 导演:程裕苏 摄影:史岳 林凡 主演:扬志英 熊黛林 崔子恩 高云翔 周毅 故事梗概: 有关:做鸭的长发上海男孩, 曾插队落户现在拼命挣钱的中 年老鸨,光头变态嫖客,客串 临时演员并且开起了性病诊所 FILM SYNOPSIS: 的下岗女工,伪装成联防队员 A story about: A long-hair “call-boy” from 的杀人歹徒,做妓女的闸北女 Shanghai, an once member of the “Young 孩,下岗女工的同性恋丈夫, Intellectuals” and now a mid-aged pro- 问路的云南女孩,内向寡言与 curess, a bald metamorphic customer, 捡来的小狗为伴的下岗女工的 a Laid-off woman worker who sets up a 儿子,漂亮的外地女孩,以及 clinic for venereal diseases and works as 她的男友。 part-time actress, a disguised murderer, a Shanghai born prostitute, the gay husband of that Laid-off worker, a passed-by Yun- nan girl, the quiet son of the woman work- er, a beautiful girl from some other place and her boyfriend. 故事梗概: Being considered as “the most expect- 有关:做鸭的长发上海男孩, able new come director in China" by News 曾插队落户现在拼命挣钱的中 Week (U.S.), LA Times (U.S.), BBC, Channel 年老鸨,光头变态嫖客,客串 4 (U.K.) and Der Spiegel (Germany); South 临时演员并且开起了性病诊所 China Morning Post (Hong Kong) said that “he’s playing a leading role in the new 的下岗女工,伪装成联防队员 cinema in china”; Christoph Terhechte, 的杀人歹徒,做妓女的闸北女 President of Youth Forum of Berlin Film 孩,下岗女工的同性恋丈夫, Festival, praised him as “ achieving as one 问路的云南女孩,内向寡言与 of the most successful new director in the 捡来的小狗为伴的下岗女工的 world by only 2 films, and the most expect- 儿子,漂亮的外地女孩,以及 able director in china.” 她的男友。 Recently, films without a fixed protagonist become more and more popular, such as 'Babel'and'Crash'.
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