NÚMERO 472 VÍCTOR CARREÓN, JUAN ROSELLÓN Y ERIC ZENÓN The Hydrocarbon Sector in Mexico: From the Abundance to the Uncertain Future DICIEMBRE 2009 www.cide.edu Las colecciones de Documentos de Trabajo del CIDE representan un medio para difundir los avances de la labor de investigación, y para permitir que los autores reciban comentarios antes de su publicación definitiva. Se agradecerá que los comentarios se hagan llegar directamente al (los) autor(es). • D.R. ® 2009. Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, carretera México-Toluca 3655 (km. 16.5), Lomas de Santa Fe, 01210, México, D.F. Fax: 5727•9800 ext. 6314 Correo electrónico:
[email protected] www.cide.edu Producción a cargo del (los) autor(es), por lo que tanto el contenido así como el estilo y la redacción son su responsabilidad. Abstract Oil in Mexico has been the cornerstone on which the Mexican State has built upon since its nationalization. It has been the main federal income source, it has supported industrial development and has allowed the State to increase international reserves. Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), the National Oil Company (NOC), is a supply of vital resources for the government by financing public spending, providing certainty to the economy as well as providing extra resources for local governments. However, for decades, fiscal, institutional, legal and organizational constraints have not allowed the NOC to fully behave as a profit maximizing firm that chooses optimal strategies for reinvesting its own resources and/or subcontracting other firms with advanced technologies, such as deep-water technology. In this paper we describe the history of the hydrocarbon sector in Mexico, discuss its performance, analyze its legal, contractual and fiscal conditions, and study the corporate governance of PEMEX as well as its financial, operative independence and regulatory architecture.