ISSN 0818 - 335X July, 2005 ASSOCIATION OF SOCIETIES FOR GROWING AUSTRALIAN PLANTS ABN 56 654 053 676 THE AUSTRALIAN DAISY STUDY GROUP NEWSLETTER NO. 72 Leader's letter and coming events 20 Tribute to Alf Salkin Joy Greig Fond memories of Alf Salkin Bill Owen Segregation of three brachyscomes Joy Greig A new plant on Heard Island Jenny Scott Olearia astroloba at Ocean Grove Margaret Guenzel Olearia rugosa study Joy Greig Garden visits Pat Webb Report from Myrrhee Barbara Buchanan More about gavinone Maureen Schaumann, Natalie Peate and Judy Barker Daisies of the sub-antarctic islands of Margery Stutchbury New Zealand A note on Cassinia arcuata Beryl Birch Snippets Propagation pages -Jeanette Closs, Margaret Guenzel, Maureen Schaumann, Judy Barker Members' reports - Syl and Syd Oats, Bruce and Thelma Wallace, Irene Cullen, Coral Hughes, Christina Leiblich and Beryl Birch Show and tell May meeting Joy Greig Editor's note Judy Barker Olearia teretifolia (illustrated by Betty Campbell) New members, seed donors, seed bank additions and deletions OFFICE BEARERS: Leader and ADSG Herbarium Curator -Joy Greig, PO Box 258, Mallacoota, 3892. TelIFax: (03) 5158 0669 (or Unit 1, la Buchanan St, Boronia, 3155.) Email
[email protected] Treasurer - John Webb, 99 Fiddlers Green, 57 Gloucester Ave, Berwick, 3806. Tel: (03) 9769 5 Provenance Seed Co-ordinator - Maureen Schaumann, 88 Albany Drive, Mulgrave, 3170. Tel: (03) 9547 3670 Garden and Commercial Seed Co-ordinator and Interim Newsletter Editor: -Judy Barker, 9 Widford St, East Hawthorn, 3123. Tel: (03) 9813 2916 Fax: (03) 981 3 1195 WEB PAGE Leader's Letter It is very pleasing to report that a large and enthusiastic group attended the May Meeting.