ECCLESIOLOGY Ecclesiology 8 (2012) 235–240 Article Review Justice, Rights and Wrongs Nicholas Sagovsky Liverpool Hope University, Hope Park, Liverpool, L16 9JD, UK
[email protected] Nicholas Wolterstorff, Justice, Rights and Wrongs (Princeton, NJ and Woodstock, UK: Princeton University Press, 2008) xiv + 400 pp. £35.00. ISBN 978-0-691-12967-9 (hbk). Nicholas Wolterstorff’s Justice, Rights and Wrongs is a major contribution to the contemporary debate about justice. It is, however, more narrowly focused than the broad brush title would suggest. Wolterstorff’s aim is to show the secure grounds on which a belief in natural rights can be the foun- dation for an understanding of justice: ‘I think of a social order as just’, he writes, ‘insofar as its members enjoy the goods to which they have rights.’ What he does not discuss is how to specify those rights, and how ‘natural rights’ can be deployed in a strategy for justice. The argument is in three parts. First, Wolterstorff examines ‘the archeol- ogy of rights’ to defend the claim that a belief in natural rights is not the product of the possessive individualism associated with the Enlightenment, nor is it the lineal descendent of the nominalism of William of Ockham. He follows Brian Tierney in tracing the line of descent of the notion of ius back to canon lawyers who pre-date Ockham. From there, he traces the pre- history of the notion of ‘right’ back to the Hebrew Scriptures, the New Testament and the early Christian writers. In his second section, Wolterstorff argues that the eudaimonism (belief in the ‘good life’ or ‘human flourishing’), which was central to the thinking of classical philosophers like Aristotle, could never have provided the basis for contemporary belief in universal natural rights.