Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services Recently Cataloged Titles

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Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services Recently Cataloged Titles Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services Recently Cataloged Titles June 2019 Title Author ISBN# Call # Publisher Focus GodwinBooks, Henry Holt and The nature girls Aki 978-1-62779-621-7 * Aki Picture Company How to care for your T-Rex Baker, Ken 978-1-250-13751-7 * Bak Henry Holt and Company Picture The important thing about Margaret Wise Barnett, Mac and Sarah 978-0-06-239344-9 * Bar Balzer + Bray Picture Brown Jacoby The stuff of stars Bauer, Marion Dane 978-07636-7883-8 * Bau Candlewick Press Picture The highest mountain of books in the Bonilla, Rocio 978-1-4413-1999-9 * Bon Peter Pauper Press Picture world Amy is famous Bottner, Barbara 978-1-250-13490-5 * Bot Imprint Picture Bear needs help Brannen, Sarah S. 978-0-525-51650-7 * Bra Philomel Books Picture Chip and curly: The great potato race Breisacher, Cathy 978-1-58536-408-4 * Bre Sleeping Bear Press Picture In a minute, mama bear Bright, Rachel 978-0-374-30578-9 * Bri Farrar Straus Giroux Picture The little guys Brosgol, Vera 978-1-62672-442-6 * Bro Roaring Brook Press Picture Dancing through fields of color: The story Abrams Books for Young Brown, Elizabeth 978-1-4197-3410-6 * Bro Art of Helen Frankenthaler Readers The unbudgeable curmudgeon Burgess, Matthew 978-0-399-55662-3 * Bur Alfred A. Knopf Picture Fly Clment, Nathan 978-1-62979-937-7 * Cle Boyds Mill Press Picture Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services Recently Cataloged Titles June 2019 Title Author ISBN# Call # Publisher Focus Karate kakapo Cunti, Loredana 978-1-77138-803-0 * Cun Kids Can Press Picture My Mommy medicine Danticat, Edwidge 978-1-250-14091-3 * Dan Roaring Brook Press Picture The epic adventures of Huggie & Stick Daywalt, Drew 978-0-399-17276-2 * Day Philomel Books Read-Aloud La luna mango Anda, Diane de 978-0-8075-4959-9 * de A Albert Whitman and Co Picture Snakes on a train Dennis, Kathryn 978-1-250-30440-7 * Den Feiwel and Friends Picture How to walk an ant Derby, Cindy 978-1-250-16262-5 * Der Roaring Brook Press Picture We're going on a treasure hunt DiPucchio, Kelly 978-0-374-30641-0 * Di P Farrar Straus Giroux Picture A piglet named Mercy DiCamillo, Kate 978-0-7636-7753-4 * DiC Candlewick Press Picture Abrams Books for Young The cook and the king Donaldson, Julia 978-1-4197-3757-2 * Don Picture Readers What if…? Then we… short, very short, Dotlich, Rebecca Kai 978-1-62970-909-4 * Dot Boyds Mills Press Picture shorter-than-ever possibilities The great outdoors Falatko, Julie 978-136800083-3 * Fal Disney Hyperion Picture Honeysmoke: A story of finding your Fields, Monique 978-1-250-11582-9 * Fie Imprint Picture color Sadie and the silver shoes Godwin, Jane 978-1-5362-0480-3 * God Candlewick Press Picture Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services Recently Cataloged Titles June 2019 Title Author ISBN# Call # Publisher Focus Smile: How young Charlie Chaplin taught Golio, Gary 978-0-7636-9761-7 * Gol Candlewick Press Picture the world to laugh (and cry) Versify, Houghton Mifflin Vamos! Let's go to the market Gonzalez, Raul 978-1-328-55726-1 * Gon Picture Harcourt Simon & Schuster Books for Nobody hugs a cactus Goodrich, Carter 978-1-5344-0090-0 * Goo Picture Young Readers Lost and found ducklings Gorbachev, Valeri 978-0-8234-4107-5 * Gor Holiday House Picture Oh no, Bobo! You're in trouble Gosier, Phil 978-1-250-17683-7 * Gos Roaring Brook Press Picture Maybe I can love my neighbor too Grant, Jennifer 978-1506452012 * Gra Beaming Books Picture Under my hijab Khan, Hena 978-1-62-14-792-4 * Kha Lee & Low Books Inc. Picture Me, Toma and the concrete garden Larsen, Andrew 978-1-77138-917-4 * Lar Kids Can Press Picture The happiest tree: A story of growing up Lee, Hyeon-Ju 978-1-250-14567-3 * Lee Feiwel and friends Picture Simon & Schuster Books for Paper mice Lloyd, Megan Wagner 978-1-4814-8166-3 * Llo Picture Young Readers I can only draw worms Mabbittt, Will 978-1-5247-8822-3 * Mab Penguin Random House Picture The hideout Mattiangeli, Susanna 978-1-4197-3416-8 * Mat Abrams The art of books Picture Brave ballerina: The story of Janet Collins Meadows, Michelle 978-1-25-12773-0 * Mea Henry Holt and Company Picture Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services Recently Cataloged Titles June 2019 Title Author ISBN# Call # Publisher Focus Anya's secret society Nayberg, Yevgenia 978-1-58089-830-0 * Nay Charlesbridge Picture Simon & Schuster Books for the remember balloons Oliveros, Jessie 978-1-481-48915-7 * Oli Picture Young Readers Ondaatje, Griffin and Linda Muddy the raccoon who stole dishes 978-0-7358-4337-0 * Ond North South Picture Wolfsgruber My papi has a motorcycle Quintero, Isabel 978-0-525-55341-0 * Qui Penguin Random House Picture Mi papi tiene una moto Quintero, Isabel 978-0-525-55494-3 * Qui Penguin Random House Picture Un nuevo hogar Regil, Tania de 978-1-5362-0675-5 * Reg Candlewick Press Picture GodwinBooks, Henry Holt and Pup 681: A sea otter rescue story Reidy, Jean 978-1-250-11450-1 * Rei Picture Company Mermaids fast asleep Riding, Robin 978-1-250-07635-9 * Rid Feiwel and Friends Picture Atheneum Books for Young Another Robinson, Christian 978-1-5344-2167-7 * Rob Picture Readers High five Rubin, Adam 978-0-525-42889-3 * Rub Dial Books for young readers Picture Teddy: The remarkable tale of a Sage, James 978-1-77138-795-8 * Sag Kids Can Press Picture president, a cartoonist, a toymaker, and a The chickens are coming! Samuels, Barbara 978-0-374-30097-5 * Sam Farrar Straus Giroux Picture There are no bears in this bakery Sarcone-Roach, Julia 978-0-399-55665-4 * Sar Alfred A. Knopf Picture Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services Recently Cataloged Titles June 2019 Title Author ISBN# Call # Publisher Focus Like a lizard Sayre, April Pulley 978-1-62979-211-8 * Say Boyds Mill Press Science Ultrabot's first playdate Schneider, Josh 978-1-328-49013-1 * Sch Clarion Books Picture Bedtime for beasties Staub, Leslie 978-1-59078-930-8 * Sta Boyds Mills Press Picture Fergal and the bad temper Starling, Robert 978-1-250-19862-4 * Sta Imprint Picture Not your nest! Sterer, Gideon 978-0-7352-2827-6 * Ste Dial Books for young readers Picture Music for Mister Moon Stead, Philip C. 978-0-8234-4160-0 * Ste Neal Porter Books Picture Ojiichan's gift Uegaki, Chieri 978-1-77138-963-1 * Ueg Kids Can Press Picture GodwinBooks, Henry Holt and Bearnards's book Underwood, Deborah 978-1-62779-757-3 * Und Picture Company Dear ballerina Wellington, Monica 978-0-8234-3932-4 * Wel Holiday House Picture Because Willims, Mo 978-136801901-9 * Wil Hyperion Books for Children Picture The pigeon has to go to school! Williems, Mo 978-136804645-9 * Wil Hyperion Books for children Picture Mine. Yours. Arnold, Marsha Diane 978-1-77138-919-8 *Arn Kids Can Press Picture Simon & Schuster Books for Mr. Monkey bakes a cake Mack, Jeff 978-1-5344-0431-1 ^ Mac Triangle Young Readers Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services Recently Cataloged Titles June 2019 Title Author ISBN# Call # Publisher Focus See me play Meisel, Paul 978-0-8234-3832-7 ^ Mei Holiday House Triangle The quiet boat ride and other stories Ruzzier, Sergio 978-1-4521-5289-9 ^ Ruz Chronicle Books Triangle Charlie & mouse even better Snyder, Laurel 978-1-4521-7065-7 ^ Sny Chronicle Books Triangle Computers are for everyone Machajewski, David 9781538329634 004 Mac PowerKids Press Computers Solving software problems Faust, Daniel R. 9781538329719 004.2 Fau PowerKids Press Computers Connecting a computer system Idzikowski, Lisa 9781538329559 004.6 Idz PowerKids Press Computers Gaming with Bloxels Quinn, Amy 978-1534107823 005.1 Qui Cherry Lake Makerspace Protecting personal information Shofner, Melissa Rae 9781538329672 005.8 Sho PowerKids Press Computers What is data mining? Bard, Jonathan 9781538329511 006.3 Bar PowerKids Press Computers Will robots ever be smarter than Jackson, Tom 9781538226582 006.3 Jac Gareth Stevens Technology humans? Theories about artificial van Lent, Colleen and Making a web page 978-1534107809 006.7 Van Cherry Lake Computers Christopher A visit to the library Hoena, Blake A. 978-1-5435-0830-7 027.4 Hoe Capstone Community Environmental journalism Dakers, Diane 978-0-7787-5349-0 070.4 Dak Crabtree Publishing Company Journalism Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services Recently Cataloged Titles June 2019 Title Author ISBN# Call # Publisher Focus Human rights journalism Dakers, Diane 978-0-7787-5351-3 070.4 Dak Crabtree Publishing Company Journalism Health care journalism Dakers, Diane 978-0-7787-5350-6 070.4 Dak Crabtree Publishing Company Journalism Sports journalism Dakers, Diane 978-0-7787-5352-0 070.4 Dak Crabtree Publishing Company Journalism Human emotions Bozzo, Linda 978-1-64156-437-3 152.4 Boz Rourke Educational Media Science Dan's first day of school: A book about Dinmont, Kerry 978-1503820197 152.4 Din The Child's World Health & Safety emotions Experience nature: How quiet time makes Lawler, Jean C. 978-1-6344-=375-7 158.1 Law Red Chair Emotions you feel Experience mindfelness: How time Lawler, Jean C. 978-1-63440-375-7 158.1 Law Red Chair Emotions outside makes you feel Be a mentor! Mikoley, Kate 9781538220078 158.3 Mik Gareth Stevens Community Clara is left out: A book about bullying Dinmont, Kerry 978-1503820241 177 Din The Child's World Health & Safety and kindness We are better together Bonwill, Ann 978-0-531-12912-8 302 Bon Children's Press Citizenship We have a government Bonwill, Ann 978-0-531-12916-6 302 Bon Children's Press Citizenship Be an activist! Keppeler, Jill 9781538220115 302 Kep Gareth Stevens Community Experience media: How your media Lawler, Jean C.
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