GORDONVALE 1:50 000 SERIES Wtmaveg Vegetation Survey QUEENSLAND SHEET 8063-1 EDITION 1

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GORDONVALE 1:50 000 SERIES Wtmaveg Vegetation Survey QUEENSLAND SHEET 8063-1 EDITION 1 Refer to this map as: Wet Tropics Bioregion GORDONVALE 1:50 000 SERIES WTMAveg Vegetation Survey QUEENSLAND SHEET 8063-1 EDITION 1 68 69 370 71 72 73 74 75 145°50' 76 77 78 79 380 81 82 83 84 145°55' 85 86 87 88 89 390 91 92 93 146°00' 17°00' 56a 70a 70a 159 61c 61c 2a 2a 43b 60e 47e 70a 70a 70e 51a 2a 61a 47e 19a 43b 81 47e 47e 2a 19a 2a 60e 17°00' 20 47e 70a 2a 28b 47e 43b 66b 70a 2a 4a 81 61c 19a 19a 4a 20 47e 70a 2a 47e 61a 70f 70a 2a 60e 61c 61a 47e MALBON THOMPSON 19a 47e 56a 61a 47e 2a 55a 70f 70a 61c 2a 66b 61a 70a 70e 61c 10a 2a 61a 70a 70e 4a 55a 19a 19a 47e 70e 70e 51a 61c 406 31b 2a 61a 70a 49b 70e 70a 61a 47e 70f 64a 19 31b 21a 70a 61c 2a 18a 56a 61c 61c 19a 31b 56a d 70e 2a 2a 10c21a 19 oa 2a 28b R 61a 5 47e FOREST RESERVE n 70e 70a d 10a 55a 10c so a 19a 56e 10c p 47e o 49b m 47e 31b o Page 70e R 21a h 61a Ro 70a 2a T ad 47e 61c 2a 47e 2a 56a 55a 70a 10c 61c 61c 18 70f 64a 61a 47e47e 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GRID LINES ARE 1000 METRE INTERVALS OF THE UNIVERSAL TRANSVERSE MERCATOR GRID, ZONE 55 (MAP GRIDAUSTRALIA ), GDA Kuranda Cairns ISBN 978-1-921591-18-1 GRID VALUES ARE SHOWN IN FULL ONLY AT THE SOUTH WEST CORNER OF THE MAP GN MN VERTICAL DATUM: AUSTRALIAN HEIGHT DATUM; HORIZONTAL DATUM: GDA94; TRANSVERSE MERCATOR PROJECTION; ELEVATIONS IN METRES TN Atherton GRID Tinaroo Gordonvale CONVERGENCE Allanton Hill (0.5°) GRID-MAGNETIC 221 ANGLE (7.7°) Rainforests Sclerophyll and sclerophyll Sclerophyll forests and woodlands Vegetation complexes and mosaics Shrublands and heathlands Unvegetated, cleared or non-native rainforest transitions Malanda Bartle Frere Cooper Point True North, Grid North and Magnetic North are shown 2a 25a 64a 67h Naturally unvegetated diagrammatically for the centre of this map.
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