District Census Handbook, Jaunpur, Part X-A, Series-21, Uttar Pradesh
CENSUS 1971 PART X-A TOWN & VILLAGE DIRECTORY SERIES 21 UTTAR PRADESH JAUNPUR DISTRICT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK D. M. SINHA. ADl\:IlNISTRA TIVE SER:IC~: OF THE INDIAN OperatIOns D·rector of Census I Uttar Pradesh. SULTANPUR c;o; DISTRICT JAUNPUR ~\ e;,-<" Q' I'ro 10 15 20Kms. m S(J1tO{)pur ? ! SliJ4 0 .". IJ'I .). q...Y- 1l ,,~ .". q C' ~~ .). Q;V: <I. .., < .., .t, ~ .... .., Q -9 .y D / s s I _c..._ "'8o y A TAHSIL BOI,JNDAR"t' <t VIKAS RHAND BOUNDARY DISTRICT HEADQUAltTlRS TAHSIL. HEAOQUARTERS VIKAS KHAND HEADQUARTERS TOWN WITH POPULATION SIZE: Bilow 10,000, 10,11011_",9".50,000_",999 STATE HIGHWAY ••• IMPOkTANT ROAD ... RAILWAY LINE WITH STATION: BROAD GAUGE METRE GAUGE RIVEII, AND STREAM ~ POLICE STATION '" PS POST' TELEGRAPH Office PT REST HOUSE, TRAVELLERS' BUNGALOW, ETC, •• RH HOSPITAL, DISPENSAR'r, P. H. CENTR~ETC. .,. + DEGREE COLLEGE; H. S. SCHOOL '" '" MANDl; IMPORTANT VILLAGE MARKET ...... B I East of Greenwich CONTENTS Pages Acknowledgement Introductory Note iii-xv TOWN & VILLAGE DIRECTORY T<)\1U D:ra:hI'Y - Statement I-Status, Growth History and Functional Categer, of Town, 4-5 Statement H-Physical Aspects and L'lcat ion of Towns, 1969 4-5 Statement III-Municipal Finance, 1968·69 6-7 Statement IV-Civic and Other Amenities, 1969 6-7 St:ttement V -Medical, Educalional, Recreational and Oultural FaciHties in Tow.Q8, 1969 8-9 Statement VI-Teade, Commerce, Indl1stry and Bankiag, 1969 8-9 Statement VlI--Population by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, 1971 JO Village Directory-- I SHAHGANJ TAHSIL (i) Alphabetical List of Villages 15-21 (ii) Village Directory (Amen ities and land use) 22-81 2 MACHHLlSHAHR TAHSIL (i) Alphabetical Lillt of Villages 84-89 (ii) Village DirectQry (Amenities and land use) 90--143 3 JAUNPOR TAHSIL (i) Alphabetical List of Villages 147-155 (ii) VilIag:!: Directory (Amenities and land use) 154~-219 .
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