HUGH CORN WELL Has his bails removed


HUGH CORNWELL pc by PAUL COX IF' A disco in St Tropez refused John entrance II would have thought he'd PAUL heave a sigh of relief at this news but no, he was determined to wiggle his bum to the jungle rhythms). The irate John promptty went around the back SEES and pole vaulted over the well, only to discover there was a 20 foot drop and made a teensy bit of a mess of his tootsies. RED The wiry Kenny Everett was in forming people of his own athletic prowess in various directions (I'M too (and buys it) much of a lady to tepeatl. Plus, horror of honors there were boys dancing with boys GOSH. WHAT a thrilling week, comments about the Revike awful • Wan Krer one of the few what with the glortous Indian party on Richard Brennen', barge (I felt like an extra in the Long Ships) as members of the Summer, the golden sun beating Mr Ronald Herbert said "apart from bend who doesn't weer gins down on Yates' rippling IOCks. I the noise there was adiabolical mess knickers or steel Penes sat in the garden eating boxes of numeious beauty aids, left in the street. - What was this Mr Kipling mince pies (getting in auditioned for logy Poes mess Ipondered , Bits of Fay Fife's band at Rockfield on the mood for Christmas) and wig perhaps' The "Scottish punk Saturdey. Poor boy is now reading 'True Romance'. So this hand's party, as it was called didn't probably totally confused week, the column will be extra rust annoy the natives of Pad- between Patti ming a tesn mower on her legs and inspired, like it was written by dIngton." The handsome press officer, Mr Manzi added, sticking Wry old someone watching a moose in sharp °blest in nine.« "Richard Branson, who owns the spats singing 'Heatwavd. Apparently. Patti has told her boat, wasn't aware of the party. rin bond to go and oleo with sure he isn't going to be happy about «moor* else Male she I LOVE a man who's decisive and the situation 'as his boat was used neeee a solo album Is there strong Ion swoon/ and won't take no without his knowledge." Th. ICan r'Ct piece t for an answer. In fact, a man like the almost believe, as Irn sure that if delightful Paul McCartney. who Ricioepoo' had known his Duende THE CRICKETS gig, in honour of was recently making a video of one was going to be overrun with Buddy Holly week, at the Ham. of his stunningly romantic toons. He drunken thugettes, he would have rnersrnith Odeon was preceded by a pOlitely asked Farmer Cries if it would removed all pieces of evidence party that started at 6.3e so the be OK to film some of the epic in a pertaining to his secret hunting, Chckets could be in their beds. elloe field of Ochgeies that the red shooting and fishing career, having beeboes by 11 at the latest. Present at the gig wore the won derful McCartney family. includIng the devastating Linde, who was sporting a rather impromptu looking quiff, in order to fit in with the fifties feel of things She spent ages discussing horse riding with vartous guests and Iwas dying to know what her pc:Moors looked like on that PAULA'S PAGE svelte figure but t decided d was probably wiser to go and inspect Andy McKay's sIdeboards, which are flown to a ch.., n Canvey, wnere work on a lurgh, Jots Mitchell album sort of porgy like Dracula's. Clan.» has gone out for a rave up Ithe wages were good) Anyway one Lol Cierne was complaining about with Roberto and Fergel (whom day nature called (as it does with Arnencan audiences who sit in the she's only out with because he owns boys an awful lot/ and he walked into bar snoozing at his gigs until the last a pink sut). The DJ, who's naturally the loo, only to find Joist 's producer long and then they eventually in love with Clarissa, and hase chip heavily involved in communing with stagger in to slump in a seat like on his shoulder because his name . the toilet and Joni sitting on Me sank baboons He then told mise loads of Tristan Pill ISO would you n'est peel flattering away like only an American things about his Gizmo, Well. Iwas puts on a particularly virulent pas a boiler can. getting pally worried, Imean s what doble record and Juan (who's rather does any girl feel when a boy starts overweight at the moment due to his THE DELIGHTFULLY cute Elton describing his Gizmo at great McCARTNEY tries to raise acheer from the audience false teeth) conks out in a heap on John had he birthday party last lengths Then at the end of our the floor, thus getting him out of the week. The party was on a yacht on COnverSatiOn. ne said it sold very well ATTEMPTING to become blonde as series for at least the next month. faced farmer owned. He was refused the Themes called Queen of the in America, yvhIch explains a lot, Just thank God. in no uncertain terms, so the strong, over, so to speak, in Ibiza last Thames or Queen of the Nile Well it about the best looking boy there weekend twas temporarily stunned determined Mr McCartney bought was deftnely Queen of Something, was. of course, Nick Lowe. into silence by the fairly horrific sight the field promptly. ending arguments • While the rumours run rife The boat was decorated With very At the moment Iani preparing a of Whispering' Bob Harris leaping on the point. Naturally their stun- eiound town that the people festive fairy lights arid Egon (who's double page spree) of rock stars around liku his wobbles were alight ningly athletic pd Tony Braineby is on the Seta sleeve are in fact something of an authority on underpants, so Iwas terrified to ask in the unfortunately named disco. strenuously denying this tale of male Vis Alberto@ was on °burette) had exactly 100 hand anyone so obviously statuesque as rode informing her In- wealth. Coons. What made the whole sight picked guests What baffled me was Nick to pose but naturally, he said terviewer and the nation the, particularly awful, was his crushed the seating plan Ifelt like Margaret her main interest was he'd be delighted (he's so roblel. He velvet, lime green trousers and the Thatcherpoo at one of those HIDEOUS THOUGHT of the week preparing notes on why even promised to ask the usually white suede blouse he had on with a frightfully clever summits she's fer all you aesthetes out there. people shave According to inebriated Wieckleas Eric d he'd dreadful frilly thing down his back It always climbing. Picture this the extremely spotty Me blonde VW front al the pose. Tragically, Nick is once again looked as though a lizard had at. serious preparation on Elheboots' cake was rather gory, it Judas Priest group roller skating in alone in , despite having got tat hed itself to poor Bob's wondrous bristles, a song we emerge resembled a scene from 'Alien when the States chased around the rink by himself married (hiss, wail etc) physique. for new album. rolled rs by the bearers In the middle hysterical gels Ina doubt also with because his vedette is on tour to of d were twq bleeding great mar. pizza faces-)trying to to off any bits America, land of wide open spaces TALKING OF men who wear folly IWAS talking to a young man last roan feet, in memory of his manager of clothing they could nab, or even a and cow poking. shirts. Juan Marlyn, the other man in week who works as an engineer in John Reid's recent accident For bit of lavatory chain off of Rob Also piesent were Mrs Buddy my novellete. 'Cold Wind Over one of the large over air conditioned those of you who don't recall this Half ord's fiat land I thought people Holly and Buddy's mother, a cheeky Clapham', this week drags himself London studios and was recently at memorable tale I'll recall it, only toed to get clothes off hand blonde in short socks some bands like Cheap Trick I. The gig went frightfully well with Wings, the Crickets and numerous other people milling around singing loudly. Backstage Imet Don Ever*. THE Boomtown Rats resident_ stud, who was rust about to go onstage whoops, t mean tour manage.. A meeting at the and sing some of his former hits. He Robbie McGarth, has recently been tried to persuade me to sing 'Hey sweating blood over the booking of TWO years gone and decidely not forgotten Last Sunday. September 16, Hey Paula' with him but fortunately for the Rats. upcoming tour of was the second anniversary of s untimely death and in for the audience, Iwas striken with recognition of the fact the faithful paid their homage. the nation Thr r proving IcelY amnesia and forgot those wonderful difficult lespectally with hi heavy Pat Bolan, afficianado and editor of 'Rain', one of the many excellent smutty schedule) as he found when Bolan mags. informed nie of the plans for the day "It may sound funny Still, the show went on and there trying to convince the manager of a but some of us are going down to the tree on Saturday night to be there at was plenty of flashing lights and o Manchester. "Just give me the time that Marc died. Then on Sunday we'll be going to Gokters Green tambourine bashing, mainly by the one good reason foi not taking us." and than we'll be returning to Barnes." lie added that around .5iX) people enthusiastic Linda. he pleaded "Well, we never take were expected to visit both the grave and the scene of the fatality. bands in our hotel, because the last On the day, the devotees carne to the tree in twos and threes and mated MORE TALES of the smutty band, band we had to stay were found at around with no purpose The crowd, which on average was around 30 at Boston, whose search for available four o'clock in the morning, scoffing any one time, placed roses, potted plants, scarves, stickers, poems, boilers appears to know no bounds. a resident's wedding cake, lad out messages and wild flowers around or on the tree which has been This weekend the band went to for the next morstig; So, despite mutilated by all manner of bark stealing fingers and felt tips Sweden, where they were hornfied the hunky McGrath's threats of The crowd all look very plain remnants from '73 with glitter badges and to find it cost far too much to get leaving a pair of his socks in the hall. fiares. Two have covered their faces in white foundation and these lads drunk so they decided to attempt to that was that both try hard fo /oak like the little Elf, though their attempts at becoming Poll .. even in Sweden this can be ghostly apparitions fail absyrnielly. hard if Vois look like a mountain yak. Walking back through Barnes Common Icame upon the two crouching Having dragged their little Swedes THE Paddington Mercury, a tocal in the ferns removing the blanche with a Paisley patterned rag. it seemed back to the hotel, they were told to paper of that exotic bit of London to sum up the whole sad adoration poo off as no guests were allowed to well known as the birthplace of Iwent home and listened to 'Life's A Gas' it seemed a more pertinent have girls in their rooms. (No they Sarah Bhoritroan and other wigglers. way of remembering. RONNIE GORR weren't stang in the 'MCAT Just had a field day with the locals MARC BOLAN desserts if you ask me. Record Mirror, September 22 1979 3

T WAS a glorious sunny day when we piled Into the re "Paddington Green" Ibriskly asked the driver. Uy escort spat out of the window and Iknew I? was going to be • well organised day filled with thrills. As usual Iwas wrong, we ar- Irived alter about three quarters of an hour stuck in the sweltering trafic at •patch of grass about two feel square_ Iwas naturally horrified, such was the length of time I'd spent rolling my hair up In • ball that we were late already for the stare versus the journalists cricket match. There certainly wasn't enough room for a good gar» of tiddlywinks, Pet alone the Stranglers throwing balls around like yobbos. "Where's the cricket then," I AMANDA LEAR asked the driver_ "How the bleedin"ell do Iknow." he politely replied driving into a heat hue over Shepherds Bush flyover At THE DISCO event at the Embassy long last we found the stupid cricket match got In the papers mainly because The game was In aid of Help A London Child end little men kept Amanda Lear Its she or isn't she is wandering around with dustbins waiting for people to thrown 10 the question:1 got sea sirchin spines pound trotes and solid gold bananas in. The Journellsts team in , in her little foot. Natives of tropical eluded the Freddie Truman of rock rournelisrn, Editor All Martin. islands usually pee pee on these who had given up a whole weekend's cupboard building to conte spines which draws then, out and bowl devastatingly slow balls and to swear blood in order to mediately but tsuppose there was no come up with • truly devastatIng 11 runs before he was hit in that one around to pee pee on Amanda sacred bit of man's anatomy and was removed from the game. On the Mars Ci side there were three of the Stranglers. who I whes'i the accident happened. thought ran frightlully taster! things considered. Anyway. she limped around Sadly, despite all this valiant effort. the Stars lost by three presenting a prize to Real Thing who wickets (wherever that means. Ithink it's when you knock the lit- had necks like walnut weeps -tying to tle sticks that are precariously perched on three big sticks). peer up her red jumper dress. Still. Struggling on were David Cunningham of Me Flying Lizards, who the Embassy kindly provided a satin ought lo change their rreurre to the Tight Plimsolls The Incredibly COvered pouffe for her to rest on athletic Eddie Grant (who virtually leapt over the wickets in his between twirls. eagerness,. Plus various members of Motornead (best not described in sporting attirmend the Damned (very spotty). FOR THOSE of you who long to The Motorhead bit of the team had to keep vanishing behind wave at Mum troce a TV screen, you bushes and under trucks Ireally couldn't figure out if this was for should attempt to drag your çiuttering Lernmy to rest or have some more talcum on his feet which he tights down to the British Boy •Girl kept whipping out front the little paper bag_ Al least Ithink It was disco dance contest at tefe Cats talcum, you can never tell with these rowdier boys. Whiskers in Streatham on Wed A wonderful day was had by all and some of our more lethargic nesday 26 of September. As for it pop artists got a good run Unlike their usual trip to the Musk Machine's bar and back that they normally indulge on Pees of being Boy Girl Ialways find this a money were made by the little men lot chulty 30 everyo. was little debateable at these thrilling happy— even the injured All Marlin who Is currently resting events. eViihrle talking to Magic Aloe who used to work for the Beatles and whose main Claim is eventing a rel.° allele a green apple, achum of mine found hen in a 1.1 snot because of the rumours of the Beatles reforming for a charity benefit for the boat people. "John Lennon doesn't Me Paul so he wouldn't do it for any cause." he griuled, turning he at. tentron quickly to his newest invention, a mango shaped Oath mat.

HOW TERRIBLY tactless these record company people are. Newly signed band Def Leppani (sounds like a terminal Skin diseasel. Were supporting Sammy Hagar (who Hugh Cornwell gets ready f. apparently is an American giant but Press team (above nghtl. I'd never heard of him and he looked add a few more runs (above lolly small to me: when mis well cricketer pose lbelow left) j, .. MU 'VIM>, respected member of the Phcnograrn breathes a sigh of relief after nearly being stumped A & R department said he thought (below; the load singer was "a bit of a wimp and needed artificial hair on his chest and needed numerous props to gel the girls going." The rest of the audience too, Iwould have thought. NICK WELLINGS, rhe tiny ere ran off with a young lady and then tilt sadly dragged home to a life of being in the papers with page three g as, has a record oui. Sue, his young lady, probably shrivels with en, barrassrnent, puts on extra lipstick and wonders why Juliet nieve' had to put up with Romeo making singles like Nick's 'You Better Move On: Still, Ithink their romance is probably as safe as houses, seeing his motorbike has her name printed on the side. A definite sign of troc love. FINALLY. I leave you with the in. milting piece The Saudi Arabian Love and Aftectron lo MR. & MRS. version of the Boomtown Rats album ends with two Crystal Gayle tracks FELD, HARRY, GLORIA & They were obviously stuck on by some drunken foreigner. Weil next ROLAN from the Members of the 1Rex riveting week, areverderci, bon soir. Love PAULA XXXXX. Appreciallon Society 4 Record Mirror, September 22. 1979


f•i" LI A5i4

EOLLOWi'Vei 1He SUC CESS of 'My Shelore rte ALBUMS Knack's next angle wilt be 'Good Gee Bond' released this week The angle is taken from the Knack's debut platinum LP 'Get The Knack, and it will be available in a BONANZA picture bag PATTI SMITH'S new single will be 'So You Want To Be Bob Marley, Eagles, Elton John, PIL A Rock N Rolf Star reteased this week The Beside n 'Frederick Leve' a lee versa., AS EXCLUSIVELY resealed in RECORD MIRROR Wet month the new album 'rpm of the original !Angie horn Bob Mart. - 'Survive - ell be in the shops on September 28. 'Wave'. Full trust Fisting n' Side One So Much Trouble In The World . I limber.' f Top Rene. I•Babyson System "Black Survival' Stele Two Africa Unite' e'One grew I Ride THE FLYS, who have been added as special guests on Natty Ride r'Ambush In The Night' 'VVake Up and Lew' 'So Much Teoubte In The Wane will be produced ma single on September 21. the Ruts tour, release thee second album 'Fly's On' on SIOLIXSIE (right). Steve Sevenn, new drummer Budgle and dar lettl PUBLIC IMAGE Lirreed Meese thee second album on October 12. na metal boil October 12 rep/a,ernent guitarist The "album - will in fact cones, of three 12. 45 rten singles - with a combined alloying A NEW 12 inch disco single firm of longer than the average album The meta' box will only be evadable in Whited from IRoy 'Fire In A Wire e edition of 50,0X1 eSewage of raw materiels again , - Ede and will cos. staggering E7.45. released this Friday Ire SOng The album, in afilm owlet'sr is preceded by a single. Memories'. on October Se Paekaged was written by the man en ordinary Peeve SIOUXSIE RECRUITS himself and recorded at Channel One Studio in SIOUXSIE ANO , •• ' , • • a' with Sininisre THE EAGLES have finally made ill Kingston. After an extended M P' of almost two years, a new Eagles album, fittingly entitled 'The Long Run% is set for release at the end of the month. These ate Budge. former dnennxt, of the 51.15 uik.r, on alums. and Robert BIRMINGHAM fee piece The &Raw contains 10 Mete, including 'The Disco Strangles', 'The Greg. Don't Want Smith. gunanst of the Cure. Smith will not be leaving the Cure to play the gigs we band, Magnum, miens their No Freak.' and 'The Sad Cafe', mostly written by members of the bend. A single, 'Hear- playing two sets a night with the Cure and with the Banshees new singe 'Changes' on tache Tonight', taken ftorn the album, is out On September 28 At the end of the tour Sew. and Severrn intend to tend p emanent replacements Sertember 21 The single is And no, the eagles won't be playing any British dates in the foreseeable future *Most of the tour dates termer, unaltered but Bradford St George nHall is now September taken horn then longeaweted although they are set to tour Japan in the meter. 24. O il oed New Theatre is now September 26 and a gig ras been added at Liverpool second aeries, 'Magnum II - onginalEmote on September 30 Ta ,,,,, on Odeon has been unc Iled. Tickets fbought oe ow wnen wer be released on ELTON JOHN'S follovr•up to 'A Single Mare will be the album 'Victim 01 Love' foe dares will be va l.,' tor ¡hp re ,hedided dates and relu dv can be obtained from bra. Ocobee 19 release on October 12 FINGERPRINTZ reiease then The album packaged en esteem with a new picture of Ellen by Dave' Bailey, was recorded al the Museland stud. in Muneh and produced by Pete Ballotte, best-known for first album 'The Very Dab' on October 5 The atturn he work with Gems. Monde end Donna Summer. Veber,. Love', it is promised. is "a real diversion from the Elton John ballad style " features it songs written by the title track of the album is reeased as asinge on September 21 Jernme 0 Neel and was produced by fingerprints. MANCHESTER based rock pro. gramme 'Something Else PHIL CORDELL'S mcond repeated on BBC 2 at single well be Movie Star' SHAM BACK (AGAIN) on Septet.. 20. The released on Swamis.. 28. SHAM 89 have reformed . only a few months elm farewell gigs in London and invite includes the JIM It's the follow up to his Glasgow. .ry their current sangle 'Hearts On Fire' single Now Jemmy Pursey, Dave Parsons Dave Treganna and Ricky Goldstein are hack • You're Young'. released earlier this year together again and we be beginning the first gigs of a 'No Surrender Tout in October -. YEAR'S Duane Eddy All plans for Pursed us WOlk with Pau Cook and of the Sex %tots have now. WIRE'S third album foe ntron will be held al the been abandoned. Harvest Records ma be 154 Hotel, Upper WObern The group will be billed as Stem 69, and they pion the IhPowlog dates Glasgow Apollo released the Friday . The first London WC1. on October 19, Benunghang lIfiney Hall 70 (not 18 as oersted elsewhere', Manchestee Apollo 20.000 copies we include a 22, Coventry Theatre 23 and Mth Pavilion 24. Sunday October 21. The free EP A new single teen 'lie group entitled 'You're A Bete Man Than r, is released on Oc • convention, welch runs horn 10.93arn to 5 30pm features lobe' 19 TROJAN rush release 'Al video shows, competitions Capone' by former Radio One and other attractions. Tickers disc eteckey Emperor Rosko [eked £4.25 lor asingle ticket this week. The single will be area ES double ticket are available in a melees sleeve eable in advance from and wIlsell for 99p •' et Richards. Duane Eddy . 'UK I25 Manor Cese THE OFFEND ING single cover GONZALEZ' new single Harpole, Northampton NN7 'Move It 1o The Music' will OBX be available this week- It's the FLB SLICK TOUR A COLLECTORS record lared title track from their for will be held at the Ivanhoe thcoreng album AMERICAN DISCO Pars Fat Larry and Slick are to make their fast ever Breen tour e asa double headlining package. Hotel, Bloomsbury Street, London WC1 on Sunday PRECIOUS LITTLE 'S follow Fat Larry's Band currently in the chants with 'Looking For up to 'Ain't Got No Babe' will Love Tonight and Slick, whose latest album 'Space Saes' September 30, be an updated vensen of the was released recently play the fiallowng dares Dunstable THE EAGLES CLUB in SOs classe 'Come Outside. FIRE AWAY Owensway Hall October 4, Norwich Cromwell% 5 London released on Segatembee 28. Southgate Royalty 6, Leeds Warehouse /, Brighton Top Wardote Mews, D'Arbey Street, now features name' AFTER THE FIRE, whose new atburii tame Loye ,ncludps rhea Top 40 hit One Rank 10, Bournemouth Maison Royale 11 Swendon Brunel FRIDAY ROBINSON releases Rule For You' and is the tale of thee new single" is released the Friday, begn an extensive Rooms 12 punk and mime music on tour next month. fredeye arid Saturdays TM a boob 'Zoo' on RK Records Other dates are still be added to the schedule this week. During their tour the band wilt be appearing on The Old Grey Whistle lost on October 9 • SLICK have run ergo °ogle with the BBC -even before club es open from 11pre to and datez are. Folkestone Leaschlte Hall September 29. Horsham Capitol 30. South thee show reaches Breeni their current single 'Sexy Cream' 7am ICE RECORDS are re Glamorgan Institute Of Hen. Education October 2. Uxbrodge Brunel University 3, Nul Ism picture abovel was banned horn Radio Ibecause of the releasing Rudolph Grant's 1-.•.toute of tight., Education 4, Durham New College 5 Sunderland Polytechne 6. "conuoversdal" lyrics, even though it entered the charts last GINGER BAKER and os new 'Move Up Sleety shortly mampton University 7. Wolvermemston Polytechnic to, Oxford Polytechnic it, North week. Slick subsequently recorded a cleaned • up 7 inch tead app., al the London The original singles have imme Polytechnic 12. Bristol University 13, Steathclycle Universe, 16, Dun.. meson of the song - without the lyrics that have made it a Venue on September 21 The been changing hanata tE'15 a -ens Hall 17, Edinburgh &Steele 18. Aberdeen UniveSty 19 Dundee Technical College deco favourite urgiy e find that the BBC 'Sena wee that band Imbues former Cannel ,firoath Condo Club 21, Norwich Croenwells 30. Colege of Repon and York St John nee ether , Met member John Mear0111 filanchester Universdy Institute of Science and Technology November 2 Keele 'The record had been played but only on alate night disco .e•.e.ahI F,I,rno,J , Polytechnic 8, Dorset institute of Higher Education 7. Barry show," a Radio 1spokesman toed RECORD MIRROR "We EDINBURGH•BASED hem, THIN LIZZY'S new angle released on Septernbeg 28 • , •.•.el hUneversity 9. Sheffied University 10 stet don't consider the song suitable for daytime play' Nights/aft have been seed to EMI records The band's will be 'Sarah' It's taken troll thee recent 'Black Rose' two singles 'Love Is BE ON AN LP COVER! album Blend' and 'Jet Set' appeared MADNESS HAVE decided to celebrate their signing with on the independent Zoom MAINLAND, who have been Stiff ei Motel style by offering everyone n Britain the tabe chance to appear on the cover of their debut album' added to the Leo Sayer tore e TELEPHONIST/RECEPTIONIST Anybody es therefore invited to send a photo-green of iii, or DAVE COUSINS founder release ther new single 'No Required for Spotlight Publications Ltd.. here. ro Stiff Records by October 4, and a selection will be member of the Stewbs, Money on Seplerebee 213. plays a solo concert at publishers of Sounds, Record Mirror, made from all the pictures sent in. "A normal booth photo will do," sew Stiff spokesman Harnmersefith's Riverside PAUL JABARA'S third sole levee; el the Music Week and Hi-F1 For Pleasure Andy Murray -We'd past like as many as posed.r to be sent Studios on Thursday October album 'The Third' AIM.. sticks you .PMBX-4 board experience desirable. in. How often does anybody gel a chanes to have their 4 Inctuded in the set will be released shortly, features the old Strawbe faymotes guest éppearene. by Donna could get Contact MRS. J. STARR picture On the cover of a chart topping &bon,' Stiff's address is. Stiff Recouds 32 Alexander Spree, 'Hangman And The Pepse Summer with whom he has into one. 40 LONG ACRE, LONDON WC2E 9JT Leedoe, W 2. and Lay Down worked len the pe. lTELEPHONE: 01-836 1522 Record Mirror September 22 1979 5 ,,04 STRANGLERS STRANGLERS. added date Liverpool nomeo and Items October 22 o • h

PENETRATION TELEPHONE PENETRATION: will now be playing the London Electric Daytime. 01-838 1522 Ballroom on November 4 and not the Lyceum Tney ve also Evening: 01-838 1429 canceled the., gig at Edinburgh University on October 4 )1F-11 NO DICE MEKONS EDITOR NO DICE . London Camden Music Machine September ic CLIMAX BLUES BAND ALF MARTIN Maidstone Mod Kent College of Higher Education October CLIMAX BLUES BAND: Nottingham Trent Polytechei Hach ,'North Hens College 0, London Marquee 11 Loon, September 27 London Venue 29, Bath University October Victoria Venue 20 ASSISTANT Oxford Polytechnic 1, Norwich Unrvermy of East Angle a EDITOR Stafford Stehfields Hall 4. Guildford llneverety 5 Man SAXON Rosalind Fiussell SAXON: the recent heavy metal discovery play added cheater University 6. ecocide University 9, Southartetori dates at London Camden Music Machine Seldeolen 24 arid Univerety 10, York Dehsent College 11 Newest, 30 Polytechnic 12, Sheffield University 13. LEW LEWIS REFORMER NEWS EDITOR YOUNG ONES John Shearlaw LEVO LEWIS REFORMER: Rises Polytechnic September TE, THE YOUNG ONES: vein will be supporting the Pirates on Sere...bury Cascade 26, Leeds University Hall 27, Card t' their forthcorrung tour will also be playing dates in the ,, own Unrverety 78 Roporrigharti University 29 Swansea Tenn H ARTIST/SUB right at Bud. On Trent 76 Club September 21 London October 2. Warwick Unnerety 4 Kekesington Country Clio Graham Stevens Marquee 23, Upounster Windmill Hall 26. London Carreen 5, Newcastle Uneresity 6, Loughborough University IL Dingwells 29. London Marquee X) and October 7, Fulham Norwich Univetsity of East Angba II Notongharn Sandorto ., Greyhound 9 and 18 REVIEWS EDITOR PRIEST 12, Bradford University 13, Portsmouth Polytechnic 16 Mike Nicholls THE MEKONS JUDIE TZUKE THE MINORS: who released tiren debut sangle 'Wort Alt JUDIE TZUKE, added dates Poole Arts Centre Seer., r EDITORIAL Week. on October 5, play the following dates, London 29. Colchester Instieute ot Education October 9 L'irr• Ronnie Gurr MatClum October 9, Met-truth Clones 10, Portsmouth Runt. Piketon 18, London Venue 23. Simon Ludgate PARADE Polytechnic it, LIverpote Frics 1/ Middlesbrough Rock Robin Smith Garden 13, Eclonbsegh Trflanys 15 Sheffield Lord Club 16, HEAVY METAL . •5 en have announced the dates THE DRIFTERS Chesterfield Fusion 18, Leeds Urine's'', IX BirrnrngMen Danlela Soave for the Bette ieg Iii 111.5. nie lit tour but feuil have to wad THE DRIFTERS: whose sangle 'Pour Your little Heart L.5., i• fieddech College 70 Glwis Westwood until March to see therm , featured o Joan Cakes' new blm 'The Bitch piay tor The band who recently released the Unleashed From The foleveig dates, FIrmersgham Nile Out September 19 -27 East' live album recorded in Japan, look likely to set a new THE RUTS Wakeleld Theatre Club 23 29. Stockport °setters Cliut. SERVICES DEPT record veth the lour .with all dates cordoned sIn moeths THE RUTS . who are due ro release thee debut album shortly, October 1 and 1, Farnworth Blighty's 36, um Stardu st to EDITOR play the following added dates. Camel University October 1, in advance. 13. °unstable Geese's Palace 14-20., London Grosvenor Susanne Garrett Dates are at 'Mows. Bristol Colston Hall March 9, Man. Nottingham Urevenity 3 Essex Ursverety 4 Portsmouth House Hotel 21 cheater Apollo 10, Sheffield City Hall 11 and 12, Lecealer De Locerno 9 Wolverhampton 11, Leicester Uniyeemy 16, Plymouth Clones 29, Esetet Routes 30 Sheffield Polytechnic GEORGE McCRAE Montfort Hall 13, London Harnmersmeh Odeon 14 and 15. CONTRIBUTORS Southampton Gaumont 16. Abetdeen Capitol 18, Edinburgh 31. Hull lewerety November 1 Dundee University 2, GEORGE McCRAE ,e cmccr Barley s September 1/ 17 Barry Cain Odeon 19 Newcastle Mayfair 20 and 21 Glasgow Apollo 22, Glasgow Seatleryde Univenity 3 Dunlenterne Kasen» 4, Brighton Sher ry's 24 Dercastet Horneo and Jule, 25 arel Liverpool Deesde Lenore Centre 23. Stoke Trentham tdmburgh Tatar,' 5 Leysdown Island Hotel 27 -29. Birmingham Barleys October Mike Gardner Gardens 25. Birmingham Ode. 26 and 27. 1.6. Philip Hall Tickets will be wadable by postal and personal applecaton STARJETS James Hamilton at all venues born October 1. Penes range from C3.75 to (2 25 STARJETS• Edreburith Aspen September 2g Gr., •• THE PHOTOS Alan Jones for all venues creep: for Leicester De Month. Hall 1E3.50 Bowness Town Hall 21. Isle of Aria,, Whiting Bair • THE PHOTOS: London Clapham 101 Club September 24 Susan Kluth only I, Harnenerereh Odeon 1(4.00 to 12,501 Newcastle 22, Dumfrres Stagecoach 23 Emden Camden Orngwalls 25, London Hope And Anchor 2/ Tim Lott Mayfair (C3 00 only, and Trentham Gardens 11350 only!. South Bank Polytechnic 28, City of London Polylechne 29 Mark Manning ROY HILL Roster Locarno X. They'll also be mope eng Squeem an, James Parade ROY HILL. Framrni.,11110. ,,,Priode Studios Octreicr fr 'lie Undertones on some of their dates RUNAWAY SUCCESS Kelly Pike THE SMIRKS Paul Sexton TEENAGE 1.0V111 Nick Wcr'i Robbie Vincent second runaway success i• i •5 r THE SMIRKS: West Glamorgan College of Education Oc. Nick. 16. who hit the headhoes rcceerh is tc^ Sc a opc oilier 1, London Bed.) College 5, London Queen Mats Paula Yates with res 16 year old goitre.. has never sung before. But Calrege 6, Nottingham Sandpiper 11 Corr of London l'orytechnic 12. Manchester Polytechnic 13 Snood Sim when the couple gave themselves up to ',Mee after a week IN AMERICA on the run last month Nick was approfrched by producer la The sm., one.. that Pm could well ter NEW YORK Dave Goodman to make a sangle . thew farewell tour unless a record company steps in wits Jim Green Goodman, who once planned to record an LP web the dn.,. contract , Great Train Robbers, chose a 20 •year •old song, 'You'd Better Move On' for the debut TEEN BEATS SMALL HOURS LOS ANGELES And now it mil be rush. released on The Label nest week SMALL HOURS: following London dates, Camden Mu,. Mark Cooper - I'm sure that once people hear it they II realise a isn't rust a THE TEENBEATS Machine September 76. Clapham 101 Clot, 28 'swelter, Hoes gimmick" said Goodman - He really rs agood erne, Arid Anchor October 1 The song was a hit for the writer . Arthur Alexander in 1959, THE TEENBEATS: wht, have lust released that rev. sic ri MANAGING and for the Rolling Stones in 1969 Now the oueston n Wd, Can't Control Myself' play the following dates. Ram, .- ORCHESTRAL MANOEUVRES DIRECTOR rir”s year', nic ,r ynun, or ma, r ...ri 'ne lucky van Goch September 15 London Rock (e erier , le Ir. • Jack Hutton ORCHESTRAL MANOEUVRES IN THE DARK, will ter iii 1979' Harrow Road Windsor Castle 21, F.ici reporting Tubevyay Aims on thee forthcornent tour. Their Ineenee uerlormancer 22 London .• dictum 'Electredy' will be evadable on the Dot>Sc label from Wycombe Nags Hmd 26, Blackpool hi rl • . DIRECTOR Cemember 28. PARKAS TOUR Good Mood 29 Canning Town Brodgehori rr PUBLISHING THE MERTON Partas begin Mee fast mate British tour nest She lied Lim, 2, Tees. Polytechnec 3, Hay 5 Adam 7. TOURISTS Mike Sharman month -promotong their second single naLserc seeks . are Eve 11 Manchester Polytechnic 13, Kingston Polytecho Nottingham Sandpiper 25, Brunel University 28, Mando',' TOURISTS: have cancelled and added dates on thee for thee debut album Face In The Crowd, both out to coincide Oncoming tour They've cancelled University of East Are o ADVERTISEMENT voth the start of the tour. University November 7 :3clober 4 London Queen Mary College October 5, Cam MANAGER Dates confer, eri so far are. West Ruoton Pardon October trudge Corn Eschange 6, Middlesex Polytechnic 9 Lennie,. 5, Stables Good Mood Club 6, Jacksdale Grey Topper LINDISFARNE University 12. Lecestter University 13, Stirling University 30 Steve Rush Harris Cardiff Unerefety 9. Nottingham Unrverety 10. Bath Pavilion LINDISFARNE, added date. Canterbury University October Strathclyde University on October 31 has been changed tc 11, Keels. Uniserses 12 London Chelsea College 13, Poole 4 Birmingham Polytechnn. The Tourists have added ADVERTISEMENT Wessex Hall 14. Brno, Proem and Jukes IS. Nottingtern Wakeleld Unity Hall November I. London LyCeum 4 REPRESENTATIVE Trent Polytechnic C'7Ei Norbeecl! Castle 18. Dundee SPEED LIMIT Plymouth Woods Imes Exelejlootes1 5 Exeter Routes (eras Carole Norvell University 19, Cl.. : •. •• 20 SPEED LIMIT, University of Kent Drone Hall October 3, Plymouth Woods' 6, Leicester tiny. my 10 Redco Geof Todd Lincoln College 5 Aberystwyth University 12 Martleyffl Coatharn Bove 11 OFFER TIME Cros. Hands Inn 20, R.IrOindheel Weer., Cortege 27 UNDERTONES ADVERTISEMENT WANTED. Two rri „ ir.15 and one to PRODUCTION SLEDGEHAMMER UNDERTONES: added date, Heldeisfield Polytechnic play rhythm guerr .iir u Please apply Michael Hitch October 19. Thee date CIO October 20 which read Abeedeer 10 li29Y POP. c c Arie iori irro • J 1.491 3,870 SLEDGEHAMMER: Hounslow Red Lion September 20, Unwersoy should have read Aberystwyth time, ety YET ANOTHER serious offer folks! Slough Cal Balm 24, Slough College 29, London Camden logy Pop, Pon to become ttse band, is currently Music Machere 30 Gueldled Wooden Bridge October 2, SQUIRE TELEPHONE looking foe two musicians to ern hen on his forthcoming Arnersharn College 5 Becester Nowhwe Club 6, Brighton SALES MANAGER SQUIRE, London Islington Hope And Anchor September 2C AmenCan tom. Ada/cations to the above! New Regent 17, Oxford Corn Dotty NOvellbet 1, Coventry Eddie Fitzgerald Clenas la Ntelespeern Tiffany's 15 RAF Reeser 17 Putney Whde Lion 21, London Waterloo Wellington 22 Aberystwyth Univerety 28, Cardiff University 29, Londe, 15 OF THE BEST Camden town Brecknock October 1, London West Hamp- DIESEL stead Moonlight Club 2, Reading Uneretety 3 Levesham PUBLICITY/ THE INFAMOU '• teen DIESEL , mu. ho e ',tom by Status Quo s John Coghlan as Goldsmiths College 5, Clapham Juinctron 101 Club 8 Nod, PROMOTIONS Lore. Polytechnic 9, Loree., West Harnsteed Klooks Kee/ DIRECTOR September 21 (Pod 12, Hammersmith Swan 13, London, Marquee 27 the album was recorded at the Bodge House o London's Brian Batchelor Canning Town on May I the year Me Ormschrid of Bodge House manager Terry Murphy The first 2 000 copfs p erases PROMOTIONS by Murphy sold out almost eneriedriney. Bands featured on the album are Secret Affair, Beggar EXECUTIVE Small Hours. The Mods and Squire - ••15 tracks «If the besi THE FIRST EVENT FOR PROFESSIONALS Angela Fleldhotise bye Mod mute around" says Murphy. "Mods Mayday '79 will retad for the special pone of 14.00 AMIN THE BRITISH DISCOTHEQUE CONVENTION AT Yorim Grampian ma MN. °alders«. Ht CHEAP EFFECT Landon Elle Id 14H• THE NEW album from the Tourists, scheduled for release or FRENCHIE October 11, is to be scud for the special price of (2.45 for a Reg, • s a limited period CAMBERLEY, SURREY, ON TUESDAY OCTOBER 2nd 1979 newspaper at the PM The band are currently finishing the album - mmted Offlee. Peel's/led by 'Reality Effect' - and, according to their spokesman, lee Including all major record companies, club managers and promoters, plus Chris Hill, Spotheht Publications that the dramatic price reduction is a "good move for a nth,. Ltd, so Lana Acre. Robbie Vincent. Ian Levine. Chris Brown. Sean French, Steve Walsh, etc, etc London WCOr Sit, and bend veth new product in the marketplace". Limited Tickets Price 15,50 to include Buffet and Cabaret, available now from s, printed by South Eastern The Tourists have also added a London date to their us, Newspapers Ltd Lark. corned tour - at the Lyceum on November a Paul Wheeler or Robin Nash. Perhan Old Lane Gardens. Cobham, Surrey, ne.. MnIdenne Kent, Or Phone East Horsley 1048661 2531 MEESO MG 6 Record Mirror. September 22, 1979

iournalist and several film HERE ISN'T enough room to swing an companies have pricked up their ears. emaciated mouse, let T "had a dream that my father alone your favourite was knocking on my door." cat. Sammy's in town. at the continues Sammy "Then I got a Newcastle Mayfair and the call that he'd died. The guy was place drips with the a drunk but we shared the same accumulated sweat of hairy blood and you can t break a bodies, welcoming a new relationship like that — so I was star in the magnificent heavy pretty upset I guess experiencing that kind of metal firmament. sadness has influenced my Alright, so irs only the quieter songs. Mayfair where a nrItculously old "These songs are probably mock satin canopy hangs over what help lo ser me apart from the stage, but Sammy delivers people like Nugent. I think the full impact of his big Nugent's a mouth without soul. I American Show Watching rust can't believe in him, he Sammy Hagar is like trying to lust shouts all the time and keep your eyes on a bead of meres no warmth in his mercury as he ducks and performance. I also reckon that weaves about the stage like a Van Halen's success is pretty bantamweight boxer. much undeserved they're lust Sammy's extremely loud and re-hashing Deep Purple oi to the Mayfair's whatever The only honest second floor vibrates in person in that band Edwa sympathy. But. like Deep Purple Van Halen himself. in the days of their former 'I don't like being a tough guy glones, the sound is not a myself I've given up trying to muffled roar — you can actually change people. If there's hear everything Nat's going on. anybody in my organisation that There's no way on a studio I don't think is working hard album that you can capture the enough. then I eliminate them. dynamism of Hagar's live t 'l dons o te claiml to bye tthat haa er performance. For me his studio hero. , old work still doesn't compare to and boring compared with the Hagar unbridled new wave, but f don't think 'Turn Up The Music' features they're doing anything new. A Sammy on clenched teeth, as if lot of thorn just re-hash old he's got a python cuddling his Stones' songs. - leg while he flays his guitar But hang on to your seats kids. it's time for 'Young Girl Blues — a AMMY wanted to be a rock star ever since he slow, melted chocolate song was a kid He with Sam on lazy guitar. lifting sremembers his sister him out of the Ted Nugent screaming over Elvis Presley on league the N •Wreckless' and 'Trans Am' "I decided that twanted to get are coshes on the head up there and do the same." he capturing the crowd's beer says - Even when I was a kid, besotted dreams of owning last my sister used to dress me up cars and even faster women. By in Eivis type gear. I used to love now the crowd have bonded to Sammy and there's a sprinkling So Sammy locked himself in of mock guitarists in the his bedroom and practiced on a audience, plucking at Invisible 39 dollar guitar. His mother strings. One even boasts a bought it for him as a reward for custom made cardboard guitar, learning to play her favourite with strings painstakingly inked song. 'Never On Sunday'. • and 'Fender Stralocarler' Sammy joined a few local bands scrawled down the side He before his first claies lo lame in can't spell, but he's happy. Montrose, who later split. 'This Planet's On Fire (Burn In -We broke up because I Hein' is the epoch of the didn't think t was getting enough evening. Grandiose wrist slitting of the action," he says. "I lyrics about the stale of our walted to play guitar in the precious planet. Sam doesn't band but they wanted me to sing " forget his Montrose roots vetth Sammy could have signed a 'Bad Motor Scooter' and 'Space deal to become a second Boz Station Five' Both curios from Scaggs but after he had a Tarot the past, but still interesting and card reading he decided against sharp it. "The cards told me that ift HE Mayfair is now awash accepted this deal I'd be very with flaying hair and successful and very rich. but waving hands. while very unhappy — naturally t TSammy smiles like a decided against it Idecided on cartoon chipmunk. He encores doing things my own way and With 'Cruisin' And Boosin" people were ready to sign me " (which surely needs no further guess it's just the way I'm built HE Hagar entourage Rom the Califbrnia Highway Sammy loves his wife Betsy, I keep pretty fit and I like to go travels back to tne hotel Patrol They threw him in tail explanation! and 'Straight To who's with him on his short The Top' a favourite with his running every day. so I guess t in a plush coach and beat him up. surprising him British tour. mum cover 25 to 30 miles every week complete with a video when he was asleep. - It's important for me to have Although his chest is pumping "My body and nostrils are machine snowing Tawny - Anyway. my dad appeared in a special relationship." he says and adrenalin is bursting clean. I don't take anything. so Towers' episodes on lap. Back court and he leapt out of the - Sometimes it's difficult for my through his veins, Sammy's not this way Idon't mess myself up at the hotel Sammy relaxes in dock and attacked the judge wife because I have a career even sweating. As he raises his I had a guy in a band die on me. the bar, revealing the intimate For that he did 90 days hard which isn tvery private. A lot of arms in the final salute there's he was injecting himself with and often painful details of his labour on the roads He used to marriages get wrecked by being not even the slightest tell tale cocaine. I won't have anybody in early life His father died an attack my mom but left us kids on the road for so long and a lot wet patch my band doing drugs. alcoholic, a professional boxer well alone. Sometimes when of marriages can get wrecked by Backstage in the dressing Sammy needs to be fit, if the who seemed to go downhill things got really bad at home we casual room he changes into his great Hagar plan for world when he was called up for the used to go and stay with tracksuit and prepares for the domination is going to take neighbours or even sleep ••I don't mind if some barrage of autograph hunters. shape. The sprinkling of British armA 'he war experience drove outside in the fields." people find me a sex symbol He signs posters. jackets and dates are a breather after a him nuts." says Sammy . "He It this all sounds like a film when I'm on stage. there's shoes. Un. un. Sammy's warm massive 10 month tour across even tried to shoot his company script of the downfall of a nothing wrong with good famous fighter, then that's and wonderful to his public. the States supporting Boston. commander and he was given a healthy fantasy. But the only When Sammy flies back home, dishonourable discharge He exactly what it's going to be. - Idon't sweat heavily and I person who shares my bed don't dmell," he says, taking a he'll be starling a headlining took to booze and he got Sammy's been working on a is my wile,'' sniff at his nearest armpit "I tour lasting until next year. involved in a fight with cops screenplay with an American 0 ROBIN SMITH gets in amongst the sweat on the first night of the Sammy Hagar tour and, with the rest of the headbangers, shouts II

We are the Lucky Ones... We've got the album. PLAY IT AGAIN SAM Record Mirror, September 22, 1979 7



EMC 3307

Moon tope le 8 Record Morro. September 22. 1979

His first words on TONY entering the studio after a late session the night VISCONTI before were "If I don't get a McDonalcfs fast I'm gonna de" and it was ON Y VISCON TI during the Big Mac that o slouched In a he told me about his lold-Up chair in introduction to record his vitiate green T production "the first room at Good Earth week I was a record studios which he owns. producer I was walking He wears a Cheap around asking everyone PiCadilly T-shirt and an what the hell it meant." old pair of tatty bodged- Visconti attended a up Jean Machine jeans school for musically gilled Front humble Brooklyn children in New York and beginnings he has played his first gig in a graduated by accident school hand at 12. There TONY VISCONTI to becoming producer he learnt the basics of for Bowie. Bolan and T music theory which would Res. Rick Wakeman, later enable him to Thin Lizzy, Sparks and arrange strings for Mc- most recently has pro- Cartney's 'Band On The duced the Radiators Run' album and ended up flowiesque album on his late teens signed to Howard Richmond. a New Y o k publisher - Iwas really scared of Richmond who was a totally domineering IN A LITTLE NAME character and one day I got a call front his secretary saying that he JAMES PARADE encounters the golden eared ones wanted to see ne. At the time I'd rust done a demo UST TAKE a quick glance at your record had it not have been for the Spector 'Wail 01 Sound' of a couple of my songs collection when you get home from work or as he called them himself 'the Mlle symphenies for which he'd listened to and tonight Look at that little name pushed up the kids'. I though that I'd be on the left hand side of the label where it It's well known that in Britain groups such as chucked off the company. says Produced By" and the chances are you'll Sweet, Mud, Suri Oiastro and Smokie would So, shaking with nerves, I went up to see him. To my see names like Tony Visconti, Giorgio Moroder, probably never have even existed had it not been for Mike Chapman. George Martin, Phil Spector and commercial masters like Chen and Chaprnen and amazement he said he Mickie Most popping out of that plastic. Phil Weinman being seated at the controls. And hated the song but liked the sound of the tape and Mockie Most, who has manufactured more bends as he was 10 years ago when Visconti This name is usually the real location of talent and Iwas going to be house than Racey have sisale ha had crane loads of hits first produced fiel, money in our modern music biz. from the days of the Animals, Herman's Hornes and producer. Iaccepted and Donovan up to the wonderful Racey. Un- wandered out of the office was John McLaughlin and 'I can play like that' Ito 11 The roles of film director and are charactensticelly. Most failed with his punk and wondering what that Jimmy Page on guitars. him not to be so stupid basically the same within then respective trades. Ihe powerpop proteges the Vibrators and the John Paul Jones on bass He said, 'Just give me 3 producer is an overseer whose lob it Is to take ab- Autographs. It was decided that and Nicky Hopkins on classical guitar and in two solute responsibility and assume total control over Vosconti would be sent to piano. Ihate to think what weeks I'll be able he play It also works the other way round. The rampant whet performance is being recorded in the studio England where he became it would cost to get that like John Williams. Ican thunder of Generation X sounded like a blob of mud apprentice to Denny lot together these days do anything: That was Often the producer selects the songs, gets hold of as produced by Phil Warnrnan and Martin Rushent Cordell, who did the The finished product was lust how he was. Iused to the musicians, is responsible for the sound, the feel — Weinman produced 'I Don't Like Mondays' and Move's 'Flowers In The awful and Idecided that if give up." and especially when working with a band often finds 'Blockbuster'. R.hent worked with both Shirley Rain'. I wanted to get anyone Visconti received 1400 himself taking over several managerial duties. He is Etassey and The Buzzcocks — but found a hit with "Fox se months Isat by really worthwhile I'd have for the first Tyree, also the person usually delegated to tell the bass 'Kong Rocker' under the musical direction of Ian Denny's side in the studio 10 stan plodding the clubs. nosaurus Rex album player that -perhaps it would be better if he didn't Hunter who is better known for introspection and every day and watched "One night I walked which is a drop in the play on this one" etc. Mon The Hoopla than he is in the role of producer. how patent he was, how into UFO in Tonenharn ocean compared to the It s certainly true that the producer can make or American Richard Gottehree who has directed he'd coax people to do Court Road anit there was thousands he ca. break aband. In some cases he is the band Robert Gordon, the Yachts and Dr Feelgood let thongs they didn't want to these two guys playing command today after so Seminal sob. 'smog. Don Kirshner assembled a Blondie who he also discovered - have their rein do and learnt about some acoustic guitars. One was much success. I asked on 'Plastic Letters' though he had completely of Inc technicalities of the group of LA hanger -on actors with dubious musical singing in an incredibly him about his lest controlled what was critically lauded as their most let> This was about 1967 weird voice. Rather meeting with Beene. credentials and from their conception to their death inventive album 'Blonde' but which was to no avail he hyped and exploited them very cleverty through and eventually it came nervously f wee , "At the time Dave vv. es far as success went. the media of children's TV. They were called the time for me to actually backstage and asked the on Derarn. One day the Ceram man called me into Monkees and nevertheless they did make some They always sounded confused and badly produce something main one, Marc Bolan the office and said 'We've classic records (mainly because the writer and arranged with Goners., and though Mike Chapman myself. whether he was interested in a record production got the young man David producer was Tommy Boyce who later turned up in of Chinnichap was heavily criticised for making there One day we were all sitting around the office deal. He replied 'You're Bowe and no one guile Britain as producer of the Darts). sound 'too commercial and tinny' his involvement led to hits like 'Heart Of Glass', 'Sunday Girl' and when in carne this the sixth producer to seems to know what to en Kirshner rater invented the nauseating Archies 'Hanging On The Telephone' Before Eionehrer, the amazing Indian guy with cone up to us this week with hirn. Er, you seem to until in 74 he discovered Kansas Playing in a unfortunate yachts also suffered at the hands of Will Elvis haircut and a kahan you know, lest night John be the expert on weird nowher.ville bar. Birch lof the R.ordsl and exDeaf Schoolboy Clive who imitated Presley and Lennon was in here and people, I'd like you to said he wanted to be he wants to produce us. meet him. Aged 21, Phil Spector was reputed to be a Langer. All of which can't have done very much for produced. He said he'd So, feeling quite deflated 'I remember the first millionaire purely from earnings he'd accrued since thee commercial feceeeets corne straight off the boat I left Somehow we got time we met he was, and the age of seventeen Whole, still at high school Before the actual recording the producer will and we all just burst out together again and Iknow still is, the complete Spector created The Teddy Bears out of various routine the band in rehearsal, generally clean up the laughing. But, partly at that time absolutely no engfishman. He Played ne schoolfrends and wrote and produced their massive arrangement, ie put a verse where there was a because I felt sorly for one was interested in T this song called 'Sea , ' hit 'To Know Him Is To Love Him the title of which chorus, mess ineh the rhythm and invent as many hen Isaid I'd do it. We Rea I produced two Oddity' which he was he stole from the epitaph scratched on to his father's hookerse, as possible later found on he'd been albums for Marc before he convinced was a hit but I gravestone). The often Laborious baseless of recording the working down the road at changed the name of the thought it was lust so The Ronnettes. The Crystals and the Paris Sisters band can easily take up to three days to create three Wenpy's for six months. band and we started corny. It was the week of would never have enjoyed their subsequent success minutes of sound — Roy Wood is famous for once His name was MOO. having the hits. the space walk and he d having taken three days to get a drum sound and "Later he became "At the time he was still obviously coped the idea Brian Wilson in 1966 went to four different LA famous for being the living with his mum and from that. Anyway I studios arid took six months spending 5.000 to 'Disco King of Great hadn't got a record player didn't like it so he r' 1 make 'Good Vibrations' -and with malo studios in Britain' and producing so he used to cone round with Gus Dudgeo , • London averaging out at about EE6 per hour Three Tina Charles. We did this to mine and play Beach You know what hap, days studio time could easily cost in excess of terrible oecord called Boys records and my tthink the tracks that e, C1,500. 'Daughter Of Love' with electo. guitar_ He used to did do together must've Apart from that there will be at least one engineer some people who rust say ridiculous thongs. One been what finally got him involved whose pot) it is to get the sound out of the happened to he hanging day we were ester-mg to chucked off the Deram efenTellf and instruments that the producer requires around at the time. There John Williams and he said ewe. pace il and one tape operator whose sole job it is to start and stop the mastertape and to make endless cups of tea. The producer wilt usually want to be present at the 'cut' and then will have to listen to various test pressings to test tfie quality of the actual reproduction on to plastic. These days, an ordinary producer will ask for about for a single plus around two per cent of the record returns which for a chart hit adds up to a lot of money and is very often more than the actual members of the band are getting, whole someone like Tony Visconti can command 110,0N) in advance AFTER LAST NIGHT before he even thinks about percentages or studios. From the band's point of weer, the attitude is that The A's Single, apart from success breeding success and the ARIST 295 presence of such undoubted talent if the names of Spector, Visconti or George Martin are on that little label, your record e bound to attract alot of interest BLONDIE — a 01.Me Chapman success &JUST&

10 Record M,,,ol Seplernber 22. 1979


?efrzavnee'LOVEHUNTER' LP ((CM UK TOUR STARTS 11th OCTOBER With Special Guests 'ManedIles'

OCTOSEN !hurxioy Ilith Newcastle City Hell Sundoy 28M London Hammersmith Odeon Thursdoy 1lth - Portsmouth Gullean Saturday 20th — It. Albens Clty Hell Tuesday 30th Bristol Colston Hell halm 12th Brighton Dome Sunday 21,1 - Ipswich Gaumont NOVEMUR Saturday 13th . Illreninekrom Odeon Mandey 22nd Henley Victoria Hon Thursday In Bradford St. Georges Hall Monday 15111 Preston Guildhall Wednesdoy 24M —Orford Neer Theetre Sub", 2red Sheffield Nand., 16M — Weapon Apollo Mork, 25M -- I/Wester De Month:art Hail Sunday 4•11 Liverpool Empir• Wednesdoy 1101, IrlInburph Odeon Fralay 26.1, — Menchester Apollo Monday Sth - Southampton Geumont Q. Record Mirror, September 22, 1979 1

'born page "David phoned and sad when Iturned up with the label. They were leiiiiy he'd booked six weeks at arrangements he was awful. this studio in Germany ecstatic about them and "I did the 'Man Who and got Brian Eno and asked me to coproduce his brother's 'Mike Sold The World' album some others to go out McGeari album in four with him after trying to there, he said m Uet him to write a asking you to do is to weeks' time., he phoned me the day before he collection of songs that corne out and give up Sur wanted to begin it and were in some way Similar weeks of your life for said we were leaving the That was supposed to be something and I don't next day, expecting me to 'our Sgt Pepper'. We even know how it will turn shared a flat in out, if at allf What carne drop everything and go. "When Iexplained that Beckenham but we kept out was tjust couldn't do that he falling out about various 'When RCA first heard said not to worry and that things. We shared our it they hated it and Iknow LASER LOVE he'd phone back but girlfriends but his friends the company man in the never did. When Ilooked were really weird and we states said. 'I'm gonna at the credits for the didn't get on with them buy David Bows° a house Wings album - which and vice - versa, so in Philadelphia so he caen turned out to be 'Band On eventually we lust fell out. write an albums worth of The Run' - Ifound it at Ilost tOuCt, with him until 'Fame'. the bottom of the inside after the 'Young With all the bands he's sleeve where it says lefiteirelikrogilyogg. Americans album. He produced in the past ten 'Thanks to. . along with phoned roe when Iwas in years and having had the the roadies and the lea - the studio and said he was opportunity to work with boy, etc. That's not over at Olympic in Barnes After "One Rule For You" comes "Laser Love", lust about anyone he exactly what I'd call a fair and he was producing wanted. I asked him if credit," himself again and having there was anyone he What about money' the debut CBS album from trouble. Would I come wouldn't work with again "eve been told by my over and have 3 liSte& I and if there was anyone lawyer to ask for eight per After The Fire, went over and he played he'd like to but hadn't had cent which usually en- me the start of 'Diamond the chance_ sures Iend up with featuring both of their big singles. Dogs' which he'd "I would never work lound Visconti a finished. Ithought it was With Paul McCartney fascinating character with incredible and agreed to again. He treated ma the a wealth of rock 'n roll produce it for him.' worst, he phoned me one knowledge. If n's It was this second half Sunday and asked me to production abilities ever of their partnership which do string arrangements fail him in the future Irt ., led to what Bowie calls for anew Wings album for sure the B8C could the 'triptych' of his the same week, which squeeze him into an op, albums starting with normally I would never - ended spot or' 'Low' have the time to do. Then Jackanory.

CHRISTOPHER NEIL - "¡kid> .•* e • OW WELL • •••• s established as ••• 'V -0 t• • • • • the new • producer of hit • • • • • • • • N • • • parade pop tack. Christopher Neil has 1• • • • • • • • variously been a .1 '00 •••••• singer-. a .*1004 ee Eurovision finalist, .....,••••••••••••••*** appeared In several *41.41141110**••• ••••••••... •• •••• .•••••41 notorious seventies pop fums including the • • • • . ***41 e ee soft-porn 'Adventures • Of A Private Detective CHRISTOPHER NEIL and played Jesus Christ on the West End Captain'. 'Grandma's always leave iI a couple stage. Party' and 'Heaven On of days before Imix the He started his first The Seventh Floor' thing, so tcan at least Studio experiments which was in the Top approach it with some when under contract to Five in America." freshness. As far as Mickie Most and was influences go I've • • • given cane blanche INCE then he listened a lot to studio time for three h a , S Maurice White whO years. successfully produces Earth. Wind • • • • • • "It was around '72 added New and Fire and Roy • • • • and as t didn't have York traffic and Halee's first side of d'• 0 • • • orange hair and operatic choirs to 'Bookends' was a big d, • platforms Mickie was at Gerard Kenny's 'New influence. Among my 4 4 a loss with what to do York. New York', put favourite singles are 4 d with me. I started off thundering drums and Procol Harum's 'Salty doing these piano and lightning effects into Dog' and at the moment voice demos for him, Marshall Hain's I'm working on a duo ••••••• • later adding bass, 'Dancing In The City' called Leeson And Vale • •••••• • guitar and drums but he and turned two cabaret who sound like Steely is.... 4 never liked what 1did. outcasts from Guys Dan and in fact are a •• All the time I was And Dolls Into • bank clerk and a • progressing with my streamlined. geography teacher." studio technique until it synthesised outer - You'll have noticed got to the point where spaced chart duo called that almost without •• rd go to him and he'd Dollar. exception all of Chris -•• say 'I hate the song but He also produced Neil's singles get • • I love the record', David Essex's 'Imperial played on the radio, ••• probably because at Wizard' and also the probably because he the time Iwas making very heavily airplayed has a knack of picking a up any old riff lust to 'You're The Only One' song with a good tune AFTER THE FIRE get into the studio. for ex-Labelle Nona and hooks. Apart from "Then one day Igot a Hendryx. I asked him his trademark of his TOUR DATES , call from Robert about his studio productions always SEPTEMBER Stigwood who'd heard procedure. sounding clean and 29 Folkestone Leescliffe Hall something I'd done and "I suppose Itake two sparkling he manages I went up to see nim and a bit days to do a to seem to coach an 30 Horsham Capitol Theatre and Paul Nicholas. single and an album exuberance from the OCTOBER Soon after that we had can take me up to about performer which 2 Cardiff South Glamorgan our first hit with six weeks. I've made it always comes over on Institute of Higher Education the record and they can 'Reggae Like It Used To a rule that fnever work 3 Uxbridge Brunel University at weekends so I can truly be called 'radio Be' and soon followed 4 HullInstituteof with 'Dancing With The listen to new material. I records'. Higher Education 5 Durham New College TAKE 2: NEXT WEEK Album 83795 MARTIN RUSHENT, MIKE CHAPMAN, K(f)) Also available MIKE VERNON, CHRIS RAINBOW on cassette 40-83795 12 Record Mirror, September 22, 1979

PUNILUX, better then the boar LUX ON THEIR SIDE so they are familiarly point out that they aren t whose apparently blood. HAT HAP- PENS when described, was christened just a group of ex.drarna letting fans appeared tc two cultures Neville. Understandably school dilettante, not. appreciate she finer points Collide? A he wishes his band to be withstanding their interest of Neville and his masks. W photographed outside the in acting and its in 'Still, it encouraged great deal of fun, apart frOrn anything else In- Neville Suite. This is corporation into their some kind of response.' Congruity, they say, is where the fun begins. A stage act. says Brian. -even if it wan the very essence of bemused lobsworth "It's lust that if aviolent one. - humour and few sights ushers this band of something visual alters Getting a reaction, any Could have been more gypsies into a lift and your head." begins sort, would appear to be Incongruous than some towards the rain-spattered Neville, "then why not do an integral pan of the Punduo raison d'erre How Iwo dozen garish strays street where he feels they O It gives everything a else is one to explain the, suddenly laying siege belong. more unified feel as the to a swish hotel. At this point, your most natural thing you do highly unusual debut album, the rOCOntly• An increasingly roving reporter arrives on is move. What's the point released 'Laughing common scenario in rock the scene, keeping his of trying to be hip and 'n' roll outposts, but appointment for an in• cool by not moving Academy'? What is the consider the conditions, terview He has around , academy, anyway - loony bin> Leeds is the very epitome discovered an alternative His group did actually of northern resnectability. lift in the car park and start out as part of a "Not really," explains An unpretentibus, thriving leads half the troupe up to travelling theatre in that Neville_ -It's more of a city. affluent and in- his third storey bedroom. great cultural backwater, place where people teem dustrious. The heart of the Meanwhile, half the the Lake District. Their to laugh. For people with rag trade, it houses the entourage, not having favourite play was called new ideas that have been headquarters of the made good their exit from 'Axe Me Another' and laughed at all their lives multiple clothing stores the lift, have been in- was based on a real life Where they can go and get their ideas out in the which line the high streets voluntarily shunted back situatioh in that area of every major town in the up to reception only to be where a local Freemason open. Like. deoxesSiOn ii not the only way of country. confronted by the appeared to control all impatient gaze of the getting nd of energy. You Buyers. stflesmen. stage activities. jObsworth. The next stage was can laugh at yourself and agents, reps and so on Before long the Our combining their acting be happy. It's like curing a descend on the Yorkshire nalist is obliged to with music. disease." city like so many crows on deputise as diOlOrnat and "But. they never gelled, a cornfield. They need a satisfactory conclusion admits Brian, who along MMm, sounds a hotels in which to stay bit deep to me. is reached. The entourage with Neville does prac- and to wine and dine their - Well, like drape themselves around tically all the talking, -so Clients. So a combination Woody Allen." the hotel bar and min we're concentrating more offers Brian by of supply and demand, polite, bourgeois residents on the audio side of things and that old friend, the way of helpful analogy, .1 in being entertained by a expense account, give rise suppose we re Inc Woody polite. bourgeois string Did the band never Aliens of rock to a multi-star establish- quartet. fancy the idea of putting Meanwhile Neville ment like the Pregonera. on a rock opera , returns to the bit about Unfortunately for sorne, • - No," they all chorus. new ideas. "All man' the hotel happens to be a N contrast, across the -that's far too studied and history has been a negligible distance from Isome Cabaret Voltaire restricting. You'd be catalogue of people with the Queen's Hall, where or some such ex. better off suspended on a something original to sa this particular weekend, a perunental dance band belt out their moms- stage from a high being laughed at and local promoter had taken ingly less unique brand of building." abused. Take Einstein and it into his head to organise. intergalactic rock while Eh? Apparently, this TrotSky. Both were called The World's First Science upstairs Punilux and would be one way of schizos. And then before Fiction Music Festival. Presspersons prattle per- garnering greater that there were witch Amongst those per ftosefulty audience interest and hunts and people forming were Punishment The first thing you there follows a brie spending days on end in Of Luxury. an •'avan- notice about the band o excursion back to the 16th the stocks if they couldn't tgarde" Newcastle outfit their light Geordie lilt, a century when the idea of conform to their A MASTERPIECE whose rock 'n' roll fabric refreshing contrast from the theatre was to spread surroundings. - FROM GARTH HEWITT is coloured with a bright cockney whines. What And now' theatrical thread. their accents convey, "The theatre was a tea "There's been the Now, the Dragonara however, is more in- event in those days," whole punk thing that' PRODUCED BY CLIFF RICHARD happens to be situated in teresting. informs Neville. "not the a classic example o Neville Streer And the Y'see. Punilux don't arty-farly heavily people laughing at the ALBUM WOOF 1001 lead singer of Puniluo, for just argue for hours about state•subsidised stuff it is next new thing before such subjects as whether CASSETTE TC WOOF 1001 today. In those dayS, if going on to take i the real golden age of rock you performed rubbish. seriously. And don' SINGLE GRR 1 'n' roll was the fifties or things were thrown at forget us," Brian adds sixties or the selling out of you. Sometimes actors "We've taken more than the punk phenomenon as even got killed on stage. our fair share of stick," we know it. Rather. None of this polite Ana. So Punishment Of discussing medieval handclapping lark." Luxury are the next new theatre is more their bag. Punilux didn't exactly thing , The group - arouse politeness at last "Could well be," he Nevilluxury (guitar and month's Reading Festival replies with appealing synthesiser), Brian Bond This might have had conviction, - but then fkeyboards1 Steve Sekrit something to do with that's not to say We won't (drurnsi and Jirni Giro appearing amidst a sea of laugh about it. MIKE (Bassi are at pains to heavy metal acts, none of NICHOLLS Record 72 19,9 13 THE CLOSING CHAPTER....

....OR IS IT JUST THE DEGINNING 14 Record Mirror. Sep nitrer 22 1979 cL L.— Reviewed by PAUL SEXTON Good enuff to eat NAMES FOR NOW BLONDIE: 'Dreaming' (Chrysalis). Blondie are getting typecast in their 45s even if this is new from Eat To The Beat' But everybody will eat it so who's to complain Soundwise. it's Picture This' compromising with 'Sunday Girl Another number one. by Me way.

THE SKIDS' 'Charade' (Virgin). A pneumatic drum intro and into an IFought The Law' verse and Masquerade' chorus Not new. in other words, but another tight. vital. Skids.sounding Skids single

SIOUXSIE AND THE BANSHEES: 'Mittageisen (Metal Postcarde (Pole«). By Popular request . that foreign violet Ifind Smiersie and her decimated Banshees intensely depressing in English, but in German. well, the sky's the limit But it slots into place in their row 01 ma and has biggish heaps of aggression A heavy metal postcard in tact

ELTON JOHN. 'Victim Of Love' (Rocket). Begins like 129 other DISCO records. but grows out ot that, becoming in adulthood a moody moaning thing, yet catchy with En's vocals (Spot them a mile off) the main feature. 'specially on the rocking Chorus. From the like•narned

STATUS QUO' 'Whatever You Want' (Vertigo). Perhaps rock n' roll IS here to stay. Another adventurous Status Ouo rawest, delving deep into new musical recesses formerly unknown. Actually. it's a bouncing, real goodie,. kopfbanger — almost goes up and down on the turntable. And their biggest hit for a while Hangron, their first single for a While, RELUCTANT STEREOTYPES: 'The Lull' SOUTHSIDE JOHNNY AND THE ASBURY THE DOOLEY& 'The Chosen Few' IGT01. (Oval). Ott the wail. °neat, off their JUKES. 'All IWant Is Everything' These you have hated. Funny how rockers more than likely But amid all the (Mercury). everyone seems to avoid the Dooleys lagged guitar spikes there are countless Has all the makings of another Southside expressly but every single's a damn two-second melody snatches and a monster non-hit. All the fluai Smoky winner. eh? Do some of you have handful Of pace cnanges Weird and nightclub ingredients, but no great hook something to admit , Ah well another almost wonderful So probably nothing dong cream cake 45 from the maestros. At least 10 years dated and thus another success. THE QUICK, 'Sharks Are Cool, Jets Are STEVE HARLEY: 'Freedom's Prisoner' HOE (EpICI. Oh yes. sunbeam Sharks are (EMI). The hook comes before the vosals NAMES FOR THEN cool, lets are hot — a point Iwas apoul to with a call out melody. Downhill Iron, make myself. The week's most interesting there. but Hadey's return may still be VAN McCOY. 'The Hustle' (H&L). Either this is a timely and wise re-mix lob, or it's piece of strangeness, fairly indescribable, timely with blotches of Beatles. Ian. new and old a mercenary cash-in on a dead man. More waves. A co-credit goes to one Campsie, Plan A than Plan B. Ithink, the song CHEAP TRICK: 'Ain't That A Shame . another to Pentold. and Iwouldn't mind meets the challenge of modernisation (EPIC). Cheap Trick sing Fats Domino al betting that the Quick is a new version of quite well and could get another first-learn the Budokan What do you mean. Fats Grand Hotel chance Domino never played tne Budokan ,

GLADYS KNIGHT: 't Just Want To Be With BRUCE WOOLLEY AND THE CAMERA You' (CBS). Far away from her realty CLUB, 'Dancing With The6porting Boys THE MEXICANO' 'Move Up StarSky (lee) poignant ballads of before, its little more lEpic). Nondescript and yet attractive, Out for the rIb time but rightly so One et than a middle-aged meander into ground slight but impressive A mid-paced, much. tne most genuine reggae non-hits that's too familiar. narrnonied little something from Cousin Bruce, Stroke It, it won't bile you BARRY WHITE: 'I Love To Sing The Songs JEFF WAYNE: 'The Eve Of The War' ISing' (20th Century). The title's the first (CBS). Oh no. not a disco remit of THIS. THE 45s. 'Couldn't Believe A Word' (Stiff). problem, but not the only one. This is The original's still in there somewhere an, Stiff are rather good at finding purveyors someone should let it loose. Barry m a good mood, too lolly by half If it ol shiny. new pop records How Kirsty an t"Big Bad Berry" it ain't worth it. MacColl's single dodged the chart Ican't tell. likewise if this one doesn't There's a JOHN STEWART 'Midnight Wind' IRSO) CAROLE KING; 'Move Lightly' (Capitol). Cut the cackle about the tire. Stewart's People will always compare the current lightweight organ sound and good establishing a niche at the hard end of the bubblegunk chorus, lust like rit •old days Carole to that of 1971 and Tapestry'. but solt-rock line. Forst 'Gold', now this, each there's a slinkiness and looseness about with Stewart's clinging voice blending well this which suggests she hasn't given up ELLEN FOLEY: 'We Belong To The Night* with Stevie Nicks' the light yet (Epic' Meaty. Loafy. Big and Ellen is Mr Loaf's vocal associate and now steps THE ISLEY BROTHERS: 'Shout! (Parts lieu with a rnegaballad of her own VARIOUS ARTISTS: 'The London Boys' 162)* (RCA). Go on, guess the birthday 01 Heartfelt, imposing and strong Meal musl (Dacca). Decca cash in on the mods. but this one 1964? 1962, No, older yet — 1959 be proud o) her. He package s excellent 'Hey Girl' (Small MODS and Stilt sounding good 'n' fresh after 20 Faces). 'Leaving Here' (Birds). 'London years. The 12-inch segues tne two parts CAROLYNE MAS: 'She Sane' (Mercury). Boys' (David Bowie)Jones) and 'The "In" tor the first time It's the song Lulu and Hot oft the American presses comes Crowd' (Debi° Gray) Mod , Not sure, but the Luvvers !honest, kids) had a hit with Carolyne Mas The ad dept will halm some worthwhile in spite of any labels here, and a fascinating exhibit from the fun with that name (Mas exposure, etc) but old soulyard it's not needed. She wrote this mid-rock EDDIE HENDERSON: 'Rennin' To Your MAYDAY character herself and it's full of good vocal Love' (Capitol). Henderson turns up NAMES FOR NEXT WEEK and saxophone touches Not unlike trumpets A soaring clisCO-iazz goodie Southside Johnny. in fact, and look, there Also this week Randy Crawford goes solo THE CHORDS 'Now It's Gone' (Polyd0r). se is down there ift the last category on the pretty ballad 'Endlessly' (Warner ve yet to hear an authentically exciting Bro. Edwin Starr goes for his third of the -sod single and alter this — I've still yet year with the catchy 'It's Called The Rock '79 There's a lot of metallic threshing but NAMES FOR NOW AND 120th Century), Ralph MacDonald smoothly me hook-fine has no claws and the song ,lides harmlessly away. THEN (when you have the opines 'I Need Someone on TIC, Archie odd moment) Ben and the Dretis return with a relentless RIKKI AND THE CUFFLINKS: 'Nervous disco anthem, 'Strategy' and the O'Jays THE LITTLE RIVER BAND: 'Lonesome with 'Sing A Happy Song' (both Phil Intl Breakdown' (Different). Probably a one-of , hallway good modern rockabilly item Loser' ICapitol). Very LAB. bud. They're and Boll Summers ties the string on the Stuttering sax ana vocals, and a hint of among the best at lively AOR and this is a disco package witn 1>IP ,Ing,ng Dancin' mon Everybody'. typical example. Lady: Phew Record terror, Seuternber 22. 1979 15

adifferent kind of tension

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It's true Blondie have created some BACK TO masterful pop. The first two albums bristled with quality and vitality. 'Parallel Lines' had the odd nice tune and bowed low to the demands of American commercialism, 'Eat To The Beat' is merely half baked deletion bin bad. 'Dreaming', the current single and no doubt hurtling ha-wards as you read, is THE ROOTS 'X Offender' with no gonads 'The Hardest Part' and 'Union City Blue' are straight hard rock, the first with funk overtones and both boringly American and derivative. 'Shayle is the arc hetvPal Blanche ballad that has bred contempt in it's familiarity, the only half way decent track on side one is the title track, a slice 9ionsie jini) The Boni bees of fine R 'n' 8-based pop with exem- plary drumming from and neat harp break from one Randy Hennes. 'Accidents Never Happen . available now sounds like 'Detroit 442' and fizzles the BLONDIE: running out of ideas side out. Side the second opens with 'Die Young Stay Pretty', a limp reggae work BLONDIE; 'Eat To The Beat' out that would shame the Flarron IChrysalts CDL 1225/ Knights. 'Slow Motion' sound like a Tamla Motown reject, even so it's the THE BIG one, eh kids , More wrist best of the side. 'Atomic' most surely be fodder and a soundtrack too. This, parody. Imagine The Shadows playing 8 Illittagelsen Blondies fourth album s the work that disco version of 'Three Blind Mice' and described as "eh, ex- you have it. 'Sound•A•SleeO is a lullaby IMttol pottrarig (Griaihmet John harttntIDI perimental though a bit like da furst that works. 'Victor' is unret•gated crap album - .The similarity la the bands first Again the sub-Batman riff is employed, outing is undeniable, though on an Debs screams while Me boys in the experimental level it is on a oar with band audition for a part in 'African Status Ono. What is clear here is the Oueen'. More mediocrity closes the Brunie Inoue ¡Muffin Mt Tordirn letannr fact that as trie face of the cattle-market albums. 'Living In The Real World' is reaches even more frightening levels the ma Lineal (dos «¡Milan. tum fflitiogtflcn'Freitag preceded with a screamed '(-2 34' and music falters, the band slip the cabbage sounds rilly punky. It would shame some fernfehen (Inert. im Iluckproll Dertrihunp in their back pockets and knock out sub- of the worst supports eve seen down fur nod) rtnr Deere standard pap Ther sole consolation is the Nashville tune muttidi Futrell the fact that they can spout, 'Blonde is No one is going to convince me that flintrn ['then Olt ¡Men meint urbe Illof dinett e' groop' and hope that this untruth is this is a good album. No one. 'Eat To digested. Really it's all a bit pathetic, Der (Mennen fnitre The Beat marks Blondies arrival as a fs brIgrgent unite Men, Debs dear. All the kids want is a picture supergroup. It stinks. 4. RONNIE .Metall In hark, metan will ¡elm Es bring! Arm fied of you and Iwouldn't have minded a GURR unreel nicht menn atfthmitri unD rein' idlichrtibt rtn poor }Men eight, hOOk that swirl CHEAP TRICK: 'Dream rowdiness of Stoat°. 'I insistently around the Know What I Want' is .Metall It hark, Dletollwill team Dos Metter hire ifl fun Police' (EPIC [PC head playing a form of possibly the best track on Mttoll nett in Memel)) %Der-Dian - Dorn Orate es Iop uni) Rodil pinball on the grey matter the album, displaying all and hating all those lights mectionlidem Duel bunt) buttpreer. ITS BEEN said before. the band's trademarks and bells. and an overwhelming slice brit to these ears Cheap The title track is aprime of that irresistible humour. .0Houm tionslotion: Dom Moot» Trick go a long way example of the true The only down spots towards being the perfect meaning of power pop, are "Gonna Raise Heir and pop aggregation not that anorexic mess the studio version (alb. In the gaunt blond pushed as last year's thing superior) of 'Need You Robin Pander and the but a meaty, filling en' Love', both are ron tong equine brunette Tcan them about paranoia. and have too few ideas to Petesson they have the 'This House IS ROckin' sustain the length and pretty boy teendieam pin is a fair description of its should have been left to btv up market sewn up. But tone 311 11 tloíD impact. 'Voices' is a the live airings they were the ace in the pack is Rick ; UK TOUR DATES marvellous filter of Beatles designed for. Nielsen A guitar hero for and ELO. 'Writing on the all seasons anp an Wall is Roy Wood's i I • • • MIKE GUEST ARTIST irrepressible personality. 1114:11111. Wizard crossed with th e GARDNER Despite the fact that he FRIDAY 2Ist -SEPT APOLLO THEATRE MANCHESTER commands the stage limelight as though it was SECRET AFFAIR SATURDAY 22nd SEPT WINTER GARDENS MALVERN divinely ordained, flicking Time For Action - et Your Hcad Dance MONDAY 2:40SEPT ST GEORGES HALL BRADFORD guitar picks into the I'm Not Free But I'm Cheap aud'ence, charging TUESDAY 25th SEPT SOPHIA GARDENS CARDIFF around the stage as thouoh he gets paid by WEDNESDAY26th SEPT OXFORD NEW THEATRE the yard, changing guitars SQUIRE FRIDAY 28th SEPT GAUMONT THEATRE SOUTHAMPTON faster than Concorde eats BA BY Baby Love •Walking Dawn eke King% Rd. miles and generally bent' Live Without Her Love SATURDAY 29th SEPT PAVILION HEMEL HEMPSTEAD the showman, the rn in SUNDAY 30th SEPT LIVERPOOL EMPIRE possesses the gift . sensibility. SMALL HOURS MONDAY lsr -OGT SPORTS CENTRE NOTTINGHAM Pop sensibility o, •• precious commodity •• Hanging In The BokInce •Midnight To Sir WEDNESDAY 3rdOCT POLYTECHNIC NEWCASTLE bands like (LO, flocku End 04 The 'light THURSDAY4th OCT MARKET HALL CARLISLE Costello and the Yachts display, nay, flaunt. It's a SATURDAY 6th OCT PAVILION WEST RUNTON craft built over years of MODS MAYDAY '79 listening. estrai.r.-., MONDAY 8th OCT CITY HALL KINGSTON UPON HULL iustapositioning. im••• • THE MOD ALBUM and a spicy dash ir TUESDAY 9th OCT GAUMONT THEATRE IPSWICH Four 1 spiration. In Rick Nit"...• WEDNESDAY 10th OCT BRIGHTON CENTRE BRIGHTON case it expresses its, THURSDAY 11th OCT ODEON THEATRE CHELMSFORD stomping bedrs avalanches of guts , and SATURDAY 13th OCT ODEON THEATRE LEWISHAM hooks. Hooks in the verse, hooks in the chorus. • MONDAY 15th OCT ODEON THEATRE HAMMERSMITH hooks in the middle Available at£4 R.R.P. Record Mirror, September 22, 1979 17

by the strength of the Trans Ant' reflecting AFTER THE FIRE: following tracks, each SAMMY HAGAR: Hager's car obsession, is Laser Love' (CBS memorable, slick, skilfully 'Sweet Machine' unfortunatehr fat from NIGHT OUT TO 83795) produced, each showing (Capitol ST11983) being a fast -driven track. flashes of inspiration. Itgets stuck in third and especially the vocals in ON WHICH the Nick disappears up its men WII H A SINGLE of the 'Take Me Higher' and Lowe of heavy metal, exhaust-bumping and same name hovering synthesiser in 'Suspended poises on the brink of grinding when it needed a REMEMBER around at the lower end of Animation' British stardom (these smoothei sound. the chart After The Fire proceeding words come 'Plain Jane' is the look posed to scoop the Side two, and the f10111 'Great Hack Intros lightest track on the ELLEN FOLEY: 'Night prize with this classy healthy roar of jet engines Of All Time Volume111'). album, a good Nerd of Out' (Epic JE 38052) album as well Produced congeals Ina Sam assuredly will heavy metal West Coast by four very competent stereophonic mass make it even though this arid a hit with enough IT'S BEEN a good year for musicians there are no somewhere above the album (as Imentioned on anplay. Side two proves the ladies and with 'Night weak links ,in fact virtually living room fireplace. In Page 6 and why haven't that Sam's the thinking Out' and the help of a all are of the hear twice - bursts we witness the seal you read ell does not trans skullcracker with couple of famous friends and you're hooked of quality, bouncing even come near to 'Never Say die'. a song Ms Foley, who, in variety. Each track has the tumbling synthesiser, capturing the might of sanely pondering ove the cidentally, sang on synthesised keyboards of tight rhythm work and Hagai live deep meanings of life and Meatioats 'Bat Out Of Memory Banks indelibly clever vocals. Somebody Hagar's somewhere in 'This Planet's On Fire Hell', maintains the status stamped across it a said this band were too that gieat school of Paul Mien In Hellj, fast quo. trademark as clear as the polished on stage. I can Rodgers singers with becoming the Hagar Ouste simply the girl's little lions of olden day believe it as, telentlessly, morning after the night anthem. 'Wounded in album is a gem. Without egg fame. the clean accessible tunes before vocals. Sometimes Lové Words courtesy of detracting from Foley's are pumped out. 'One he's not averse to his wife/ is a steady ohymus vocal talents It has influences Rule For You', 'Time To plundering Bad Company plodder .411If 'Falling In Messrs Hunter and ranging for back into the Think', 'Tirnestar' and into either, as on the sultry Love(yvhat a line in titles Hanson deserve some of pas) and they are meshed the track with everything. intro of 'Child To Man'. this man has) is Sammy the kudos here. The two together in a fresh and 'Check It Out'. An album But 'Growing Pains' is well done and tende. sham production cgedits vital concoction with all with all the appeal of an oil HIS song and ridiculous therm he goes off with a and contribute vannas the distinctiveness a hit well, not half as deep but as this may sound. the blaring exhaust on guitars, keyboards album needs. 'Laser Love' at least as profitable r yncs should be given a 'Straight To The TOP'. A percussion and harmony opens side one, its listen above the Storm- prophetic title. Itell Yoe- vocals. Indeed Ronsoo familiarity soon overtaken GRAHAM STEVENS trooping going on behind. + • • .• ROBIN SMITH cornes out with some of ha best guitar work since the Bovne heydays. Night Out itself is unequivocally the pair's finest ELLEN OLEY: gem ola., album production to date. The album opens with the emotive piano PlaVine hints, it's lyrically of We Belong To The redundant but the hone Night', the only song here fails to compensate. Of that Foley had a hand in the other straight dance venting. A true romance numbers. 'Burn This the overall sound share, " -•no Out' ptobably has most genuine ex. the same Speetor 'SF , fascination that mement but 'Rock With Springsteen perfected on You' offers some int• 'Born To Run*, What's maculate vocal har- monies, Mike layered on The Matter Baby , and Mike. 'Sad Song' sound, and MICHAEL JACKSON: Rut it's on the slower, probably age sixties '011 The Wall' (Epic classics, both highlighting stop for a - moment EPC 834681 songs that Jackson really the brittle and e q site Ronson guitar and vocals. THE JACKSONS made makes his noise Always On drums Hilly Michaels the transition horn soul to used to,of course, you'll deserves a special disco pretty smoothly. remember solo hits like commendation. The Too smoothly, for my 'Ben' and 'Got To Be Stones"St upid Girl' liking. 'cos a good disco There' — inc identally record's got sou), and 'Don't Stoo' in his first slants In, is delivered with al encompassing con- some of the Jackos' last solo chart entry unce those 1972 days of viction and hits home few lobs have been ultra harder when sung by a Stick, but largely tunefulness — and he girt The 12 bar is positive emotionless Yes. I am makes a return !comes., proof that Cleveland thinking of 'Shake Your especially on the elegantly indeed rocks. Body' , sad 'She's Out Of My Life' The title track here, one So Iapproach brother and Stevie Wonder's 'I of two Phglip Rainbow Michael's solo Sidedurn Can't Help It', Carole comPositipas. makes one with care - since it has Bayer Sager's 'It's The realise that the man is a that shiny little Single Falling In Love' is a yet1/11 of the ineoneeS of 'Dow( Stop T.: You (jet doubtful choice for Jack°, Enough', since Michael but so is McCartney's tr the lite Rainbow o one of the great unrecognised has co•produced the 'Girlfriend' and that works talents and with 'Night album with Chancy 'Disco' surprisingly welt. Song for song this has the Out', a neo Springsteen Jones, since Mike IS the professional touch. Sure osque street elate and vocal sound of the 'Young Lust, a seamy Jacksons anyway. And it's smooth, but st features teen scenario that there are moments here of one or two emotional features Ronne licks arch-blandness, never gOosebumps to roughen redolent of Ned Young's worse than on 'Get On up the surface. • • • latest album, he stakes his The Floor'. As the title PAUL SEXTON NOW ITS GONE clam as a real talent foi the Eighties. Elsewhere we have a distinguished version of Graham Parker's 'Thunder DONT GÓ BACK And Rain', Hunter's THE MODS 'Don't Let Go'. a typical Tonight's The Night •Let Me Be The One NEW SINGLE offering with more placid piano and Foley's voice Love Only Me AVAILABLE NOW cracking with emotion. and the mysterious F Goodman's 'HdeawaY, a TOUR DATES tatlCOUS choogle bristling BEGGAR ERIC'S LIVERPOOL with gutter breaks. All Don't Throw YOU. Love Away 8roodwoy Show SEPTEMBER 21st 22nd GOOD MOCO CLUB HALIFAX von/ *eclat stuff, All Night Everyone concerned 24th TRACY'S IPSWICH with 'Night Out', he they 25th MARQUEE LONDON involved with the writing, 26th CLONES PLYMOUTH producing oi playing, MODS MAYDAY '79 27th CIVIC CENTRE TORQUAY acquits themselves ad 28th SANDPIPERS NOTTINGHAM moral*. That is in no way to take anything away THE MOD ALBUM 29th WEST RUNTON PAVILION CROMER from Ellen Foley who is a Four 1 true find and areal stag. OCTOBER 3rd BRUNEL UNIVERSITY 'Night Out' should be 4th LOUGHTON COLLEGE released over here soon 5th CITY OF LONDON POLY Good thing too, my im- 6th LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY port copy ms perilously worn already. A betteg album you'll Avoigoble of í4 R.R.P. have difficulty hearing all veal Fact • • • • • , RONNIE GURA 18 Record Mirror, September 22, 1979

PENETRATION 'Coming Up For Jr' Wirgin V2131)

COMING UP for a yea , since that evocative obstacle, 'Moving Targets', and Penetration have stepped lightly into that minor clique: bands who care, who count, who make the most of the mainstring. Penetration's music pampers and stirs the senses. They are like ,.. those unutterable ap- pendages to life's leisure: e, there to be eneoyed and -3 appreciated, not analysed- x! But. What's lacking on e 'Coming Up For Air' is a kind of production enforced group solidarity PENE I/ON holding Me fort something to bind up five entities - guitar. guitar, bass, drums, vocals there are stilt layers of FRESH AIR sound, textures and A NEW BUZZ strata, but Lillywhite's improve with repeated ••peclat kke production work II plays, the way tracks like most h,--re, this has However, it comes dangerously close to would've expected hint to 'Come Into The Open' a detailed construction BUZZCOCKS: 'A Different Kind Of throwing the side oul of synch and Shelley be the perfect sidekickl Ithe single) and 'She Is and special care Tension' (United Artists UAG 30260) Only manages to rescue the ingeniously rolling ends up too studious. too The Slave' and 'Shout *Coming Up For Air' is momentum of the whole side with more heart- clinical for its and. Above The Norse' all well patterned, dotted felt sluff in the form of 'Raison D'etre' on ultimately. Penetration's initially seem bereft of with occasionally un- IS THIS Peter Shelley making it easy on which Diggle fortunately restricts himself to own good_ sparkle. But they even. necessary studio- himself or is it the Buszcocks that always his own personalised style of splintery guitar- tually creep up and assert theatrics, but remaining The aesthetically should have been: fast, simple, sharp, work. their excellence Ihe an its feet, providing - perfect sound-front is uncluttered and clever? Overleaf we have Peter deadpan quality of material superficially -- momenta clean, dynamic. shderule To some extent, both, but as can only be performance es not to be of extreme pleasure, and unequivocally spreading his wings and precise, almost totally expected from this diminutive. semi- questioned: 'ES lost that - more substantially - producing his three finest tunes to dale. devoid of flaws . but it philosophical fiction romancer, the album also here and there, one is moments which become Certainly he's not a brilliant song-writer. but hinders Penetration's shows some acute insigM Into his highly- presented with this steadily infectious, im- his words are clear without being natural flow of warmth, organised psyche. inescapable sense of possible to shrug oft straightforward and combine with his excellent inhibits emotional muscle, The album opens at break-neck speed with band-in-studio something there's no oftspeng sense of melody to result in some highly and Penetration are a 'Paradise', whose dynamic pace almost which never occurred on sprung front 'lovers Of memorable sounds. massively emotional band. detracts from the seemingly smug 'Moving Targets'. Outrage' or 'Movement' The introspective 'Money' fades straight into Gripes aside, let's lust contentment shown in the lyrics. Steve Diggle 'Honor/inside% an insistent pop-rocker with something which niggles here, no songs to contest point out that this record though it doesn't mar the tantalising highs of weighs in next with the easier 'Sitting Round some great jangling guitar. Then follow the two only disappoints because t things. their greatest moment. At Home'. where the sentiment is matched by meisterworks of the album, the sullenness of believe Penetration to be There's still the sensual the 'Nostalgia' cover, but a Beatle-style jog offset by an unusual tinny- the first paving the way towards the stripped- capable of the highest flash of dynamics, the what we have is a solid lannoy vocal which doesn't work. down honesty of the second. standards, and that tingling subtleties of fon.holding second. A familiarly love-sick Shelley bounces back The tille track is a laborious list of opposites there's still much Pauline Murray's voce The Penetration with 'You Say You Don't Love Me', good- which gets things off his chest for the open- recommendable material playing off against Mesterwerk is still not humouredly accepting his non-affection heart surgery of 'I Believe'. The latter is what, to explore. supportive stripes of with us. But it will cane situation: "Though I've got this special in Shelley s case, must be seen as his The thing with guitar. There's Lifeline' eventually. So for now feeling/I'd be wrong to call it love/For the inevitable trip to the confessional and Penetration is the way hinting at new directions, . • • • CHRIS word entails a new thing/I would well be rid. comparisons are likely to be made with John their records always building into something WEST000 Lennon's 'God'. Delightful, and swollen with a sincerity Is he trying to tell us something, or still wordeessaying gutters. Diggle doesn't quite manage in his gauche playing games? Whatever, he and his band THE KINKS: 'Low garb. Such is the case CHRIS RAINBOW: 'You Know You Can't Help It'. Nevertheless. have finally conte up with an album realistic of Budget' (Arista) here with Mr D and of 'White Trais' (EMC it's fast, rapid-fire stuff, like his new stage their stage potential, and like their success course il sells records, but THIS ALBUM is currently 3305) lave. 'Mad Mad Judy' complete with the same Stateside, shows the band firing at full cock. I lust can't imagine him at Number It in the gruff voice of 'Harmony In My Head'. + + + + MIKE NICHOLLS with askinhead haircut. American charts, a fact CHRIS RAINBOW is an which proves two things' While Kink Konk steals archetypal hitmaker But he's never had a hit Chris open for a heart-felt cry of have. Jim. and they've still companied, leads into Ray Davies (without his reduced vocal in- "Someone's gotta help got you if you keep it cool. 'Whatever Happened To whom the Kinks would flections from lesser is an Entarsh, souped-up me 'Sympathy defeats I know it must be very Us'; a song that displays have no Konk) is not as experienced singers, with version of what Brian and the Reach Floys were in nsel can't help myself." 'ara, but won't you try , • his jaundiced view of daft as this record makes one hand, he 'aft -inches Lush, breathtaking The Yardbirds"You're A + -• MIKE NICHOLLS "relationships" It's aptly him appear, and the snippets of secondhand Better Man Than l' ap- followed by 'Natural American record buying musical styles with the harmonies, unusual propriately concludes the Disaster'. Wainwright public's preference for other. The first few bars of harmonic modes and LOUDON WAIN- introspection of side seems to place commercial banality sell each track begin to show steely-clean production all which also includes the WRIGHT III: 'A Live 'relationship' on a level looms as hideously high sortie of the promise and wrapped up en perfect corral -storming 'Money' One' Radar with fire, flood and ovin the heads of self- quirkiness that reside RD three minute little enigmas and 'Joey's On The famine. respecting 'sons of the what he is . was 2 like 'Solid State Brain', should''u'e been but then, 'All Night', 'Mr Man' or Street' In° relation, rat "AS HEROES go. I aril 'Suicide Song', another times'. In short, 'low SHAM 69: 'The Ad- track after track, It 'Ring, Ring'. fans/. unsung." A line from a 'B- early classic, urges us on. Budget' bounces along ventures Of The dissolves into something On side two self- side' that's sadly still true "If you get the blues and with about as much When I hest heard Hersham Boys' entirely different and yet identification extends to of Loudon Wainwright. you want to shoot energy as a slow budge 'Solid State Bran' beech IPolydor Deluxe POLO perhaps more interesting James Dean on 'Lost On So let me sing hernt yourself In the head ... go without any trill. came out at the same erne 5025) Highway 46', but you're Since 1971, he's been ahead". The side closes Not a very com- as Sparks epic 'This IDEA I Wacklingtons ALIVE Jimmy, as well as pouring himself into his with the fine 'School plimentary start to the Town' I remember AN UNSATISFACTORY being rich. famous, songs. Love, hate, sex. Days' and 'Kings And review you may think, and should get in on this, a thinking that at last here conclusion from Sham, brand new game It could popular and accompanied , delusions of gran- Queens' Inotable for a you wouldn't be lar were two records with but then it appears by an excellent sidesrnan deur . Often brief Van Morrison take- wrong. As much as I monopolise on an already some kind of flair they've not really con- in Dave Parsons. outrageous, a cynic, respect the ability Ray monopolic record in off). With this new album of cluded so maybe it Like 'Flersharn Boys', blasphemer, something of Davies has for writing dustry. "Spot The Steal - Side two, rather eight lwhy only eight') doesn't matter anyway 'Questions And Answers' a psychopath: but Hours of endless fun for weaker, begins with seemingly sincere, some- new songs I can't and Pursey always was a is already owned by all the charming with it. And erne sympathetic and all the family At least you 'Down Drinking At The honestly say that his confused mass of con fans. and its inclusion is almost always humorous. habitually humorous lyrics wouldn't fall asleep Laid Bar': picturing a favounte music strikes rne as being tradictions in the first hardly compensated for He's on tour now, so back , Search me man, Wainwright figure, the about the current brick as fresh and stimulating as place. by the free 12 inch single. catch him if you can. walls most of us are from where I'm lying drunk. In '8-Side'. we et was five years age After being single- This features awful and Seeing is believing. But aidout would be a more have Wainwright the bashing our heads handedly iesponseble for overlong verseons of 'If listening to the man on against: for example, "I appropriate term 'Ring. Ring' is an ots- bumble bee; extolling the the unnecessary The Kids Are United', record is OK too. Well there you are. the vious Number One single merits of insect life. got some downers, some resurgence of the skin- sung throwaway-style and Somewhat tamed by speed i All the drugs that Kinks Slow Budge LP to me but then I'm known head movement, Gen. sounding more like the studio. Wainwright 'Nocturnal Shim- you need But Ican't get Lyrically rather tasteful, to not silage the same tleman Jim decides he's 'Roadrunner'. and a live 'live' comes into his own; debut!' and the puzzling a gallon of gas" and also musically rather wasteful opinion as the boring 'Red Guitar' follow. really acowboy. 'Borstal Break .out' and the new album ''I'm shopping al It's an album that's made melody. 'Streetwise is a But it's not 8 lail you The latter, fortunately, captures something of leading into 'Clockwork Woolworth and low purely for the Arnen•ari very successful departure Chartreuse'. A jovial need to break out of Jim, adopts the words - It's this. The songs, no new discount stoics ,' I'm market and overloaded front ultra-harmony and or even a borstal - Kist never too late to break ones, are a fair invitation to carnage; dropping my standards so with bottom drawer the title track es the epic' your own elaborately - out" and there I'm right representation of his "Let's bust some heads." that Ican buy more." Iam Americana It's now now not a 1.11.1 Mies from woven paranoia, if a song behind you. Jimmy. material. IA good in- The album closes with amazed by the way he has been released here and Brian's 'Surf's UP, and like 'Voce.s' is anything to Christ, after a few years in troduction for non- Lullaby; a variation on a chosen to sing some of I'm sure that's the only that's probably what Chris go by. Or the self-made a factory Idid myself. The believers.1 theme. "Shut up and shut them on this particular Part of il in which Ray intended. 'Don't Take The Martyrdom of 'Fly Dark older but •wiser lyrical Side one opens with your eyes. album. Davies did riot take the Night Away' is Rainbow Angel', hideously howled change is matched by a 'Motel Blues', a Wain- So, 13 tracks in all , OK, so most new ksh initiative The blame lies hack to he trademarked With Dylanolue vocal, similar modification on the wright classic. A Unlucky for some, but not vocalists tend to smother elsewhens and all Ican say harmony slush schmaltz 'Cold Blue In The Night' album's live 'What Have I desperate plea for e bed' for those who buy the their words in an im- to the guilty parasay rs - which may be the key 10 rides a similar theme, Got', where the reply is mate. 'Hollywood record t • • • penetrable armour of how greday can you get Peter Powell's heart • • insecurities thrust into the "I've Got Your You still Hopeful', sung unac- DOUGLAS SHEPHERD cantrnakeOula POP EYE • JAMES PARADE

1.1.1,111kv.11,14 Record Mirror, September 22, 1979 .19 BATTLE OF CADOGAN WOULD Y believe enhance hi whole. "Like lady'S the regg he whole Fut ' or string seek° dle was for !h N OW' is MI Indian me, It's cla don't write on the guitar, I baCkStreets ial e piano which !can't play the temptation IMUcture 7 Id it was an q to use too chords. If I insight int0 theE upper do It on the e to think class libido. a C ton high more about and it's Class girls in YOu've better." beard of the angers , NCO.... well nS it all, n the Gee., a girls who "Sloane R couril h .wear Gucci eadscarves Var he nd velvet around their most recen was jackets with dandruff on 'Fallen Ange eel 'to make it I ont care has oscalat a kind of Then there's bunch of musical del and a girls called t Mercenaries commercia(i e. He haled "who usually re. They're backing big refused to Scandinavia 90 off Push himself Met. "I'd With all the naires never hustle rd loane "And of c companies' eventually Rangers are t ately to destroys the believe In. I keep up. Th h other so know it sou but It's net. Wares this Iknow Sooner than Iand bred Cadogan people from sheepdogs. IKerduggin Kate. Lady Bill Lovel ness Jane and Ma hey know cor.deratt Ic ones and who they are. 're all trying hopes to ay trating to be, well. t with it' musical rut. be someone That's all my about" who tries to Pal39.4 Ah. you ure clash and musician," dignity. crossover. T British Although will be "a hybrid reflect ti facial BILL LOVELADY, jump amid barriers with 'Reggae For It Now. slightly S reggae .'there Society. Bill L a country is no grand ned because of boy who's d A nati 01, single Vidni ions' flopped He counts airily, George direction. "I that you've hts dusky eh LOv ad the because of p en. An Benson. SL rand Blab got to be t can who Actually Bi •artistic man on° unknown ha it and made Dylan armo., influences doesn't cas meta. And 1 on his mid-30' Id easily pass music acad hool. Number One but as he se ______en through really M." as ex •public e çan and It was easier nd than get "So after t end went to every phase every stage Idon't k tion is a tonic than s his loose an exhibition ound at the Wales and st ding you can irealM bORrt Ian to rock to practical today but connections ffilations with age of 18, sO 85 sheepdogs I nting, blues to claksicar 'London it's certainly "I'd never the upper cla to the abandoned. ayed around composing ern into the Rhapsody whiefl fe• sort of classical give lip moll you can do reggae single, with a band Clubs in Eur notables guitar. The idallIMMO get enough Gershwin to= io have its that you're 111119+Cian I of ex-Etonian 1kinds of Such as Ben Memphis technique t Md come back debut at th e Hall in October. don't even Manager parties foral e did all the Slim. and do the g tul when I Rather tha and ripping rija Concern is to debo parties e occasional did come be sn't what confusing hi inds that the get my son gig with thernel: In 1969 he band whoSe people wan the reggae." diversity of h range helps TEBBUTT

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Essex bus* - Itmelineeet MOO Grove, Banana, Waal, new :angles from past 25 Southwalk, Middleton, D.. - 10.11 ••••••0. afn. 000 for desks Was, Always over 10.000 MI Sussex. rimier - Senn yew rm. mrff R 00 TONY HANCOCK IN. Mk le... Or DI 00 MISSED TWAT NIT SOUND WHILE IT WAS AROUND? stock including loads of RECENT RELEASES. oldies, TERNATIONAL: Callin Sw...n. Mrs. - en yew body .. It 12 CO special offers. Send 12p bargain priced, send this lery CAW« The Tow. 0 ID GET IT FROM TIN DEALER WI111 AU WU CLASSICS Hancock Collectors , ITHII, 2 stamps for list Gemini advemsernent and receive Pock. -Caeca NI• 0 SO e.• s.cstw but wwo *am mn mew SSW Newbuildings, Milveran, 11.0 S.. ena NIT MAI 000 Records, 123 George Street, free sangle. 18p p&p - ',aeon, 000 LP. Ibred e «rah. allue, Somerset "ida,. Jar.. - Ow up* Uwe. 11 50 Al We rosià lined aka as He ace, Iter (ley le ler £3 Mablethorpe. Leoranshire. Church Lane, Birmingham Aoc. Me. •01•0..w. Dr OD SINGLES COLLECTION. 820 2RL. SIOUXSIE AND THE L. - Swy C.o. ID 00 (4-25, potree Haile) Man Moors ea let BANSHEES 'FILE' - regular S.m.11 Nanern NW ira 195679. many rara SAE lists. LPs FROM »e 45's from news Background in JoRmnellYande - Ox.... oat El 00 211 ALESSI OsLoil - 2Waverley Street, Groves, 10p. SAE 24 Beaufort NeD Alwe 1•••• 111 ID formation and photos Send as 11001 SRO.' Do vo wan.e_t We .1 York Avenue, Blackpool. ConIL.Don - Ch./So •, ,, fl a 11111 NAM C00000[ Cheque ' PO for 0 Pe Torn •rown Tillat • ...... Sa a co It en rtwort to an tol CLEARANCE SALE, new CASSETTES FOR Sale. as Elms COSTIlte and the Banshees ...... - Miar Gay a go LW EA° tS LO• tIno low singles. 18o New LPs, CI. Secondhand, fully C.•••••. Owe We n re ca 1 Cava... Street I•74 tsecttorec LION/ OFIC NESTS A Seana •In. low Plus cassettes Send 89 guaranteed Send SAE for fa wir -He •Illeb&eiett 11«.. ti CO OA LORRAIN( tumor, nui wITIL ono IN* es. I II 00 stamp for at. - Chadians, to: Dave Banks. 36 Sate' London. EC1M 6E8 for elown M.. NO.( - 0 W ere 110000 Swat Ow Waal folder, photos, in la NOT CHOCOLATE envoi.« low in ow 131 Ralby Road. Doncaster, lane Chesterfield. Now raw. - ...i.,,.:, ... .. 0 50 SR DE( I' JACKSON ...Do lee South Yorks1oe, ZERO'S NEW del • disc on troductory letter and some 01.1.•••• - .. . 11 OD • LIS• 11111 OVINCY JONES OLDIES, 56.78 pas 1979 ex 078051026. attrenteS Fe LAOLT0 Swot =new low te... II 00 One Sc • SDN.INE «MD S. vow funk, horn THE WHO &tic.. club - SW. WI. - .1,....- le bed ID W antre CltrartrAGitt 'eke box, some in charts now. JUDGE DREAD "The Vin Cool NA. - SW NSt LIMO SAE - 63 Jerome Dire, tage Year 22 origins' Send SAE for deeds to The Ade. •111.1.0or- 9 0.110 our• MIS se....weee, Who Club, PO Bos 107A, OD. C.... - AWI Se Peoenti u• ..... II 50 Nonhfield, Berninglorn 831 tracks on special edit., Don". Su.. - 111. WI . Ile. a DO lia va mee0, ▪Th eMerge London N6 5TU, lea &IMO ▪ w•••• 2XS. casette. Send PO for CS to Mod* Am.. - 0.1 Ms IT SO 1547 UPU TSOS SECONDHAND SINGLES Ailed Productions 33 Baker OFFICIAL U% Subs Fan Club Eden. Sw•• - TWOS. OW UM WALTER 1101011•10 ASIOL of ...Own. for sale. fully Ovarafltaad. 269 - Send SAE to PO Box 12. Wen Tow. IlersT ASaxon OW Street, London WIM 2DS. A.« are. -Si?, GononDon US IS0 MATT • SWOON Gu.ldtord, Surrey. MI «DNA KAISSINA TOM« H. Kr1.0 Me. ZERO'S NEW dell a disc on Est. INLAIN• - Or., Ow ..1. 10,-. a earn SOUTH GROUP 141.01.• 079351026. BLONDIE OFFICIAL fan club census Denerr éarwoes ...ego . an 1157 1000 Tone", • th• nIaNt - Sae ro PO Box 133, London 0..0.4 ITO. you worsen. ono MS CASSETTE a. Mweeen 0. cm WS . . • 11011 WALT SWAN Ican .0 W2 381 IWO TON1ONT Drummed met Records Wanted Al a Jol•npn Your Me. Pe • aw1/ On M. OM a leases Des0 'Anew HIRE Irole Mere' 01.1=atr''' WI 1011 STEVIE WONDER M. Rev ormAno 0 lot new TOP PRICES paid for records For Hire awe ease.. Fml.fleal • town« Los. Lou tan Iwo Von riAcC '0 -lle 1.01100104.1 we ALSO AGHAT IARSAIN en• o@ our II 000 I...... and tapes LPs and 45s - Alwe Kee - o...... e.e. as [wen. @o. 0.0 Phone 639 8783 DISCO HIRE, lowest rates. Ofebie - ears lea 100 NI, SINGLES Mt •ID If ovenben1 Ito' MI 0•04• nown. Chen RaINR•ro - NM« tad, . OS tOoSout sflaøttl MX ow.. e• ••• re our L. ewswo ALL RECORDS, tapes no deposit - Discotronrcs. 100 WOG. vidait? II I• ET If ow.. bought exchanged. 10o Morecambe 420779" 414880 ena TN. homer - STEREO CASSETTE ILO Oon 1e. Neel.. Ma OLDIES UNLIMITED 12 20 each cash paid 110p DISCO EQUIPMENT. PA Powaot Como on end do N110... • Ma LENDING SURNAME In. C•To• -VW •••• Kt.. MO DSPAITM?STI ,ails PAFFORD STMT. Et SIMMS. 12.50p exchanged, Ms Systems. sound to light units Ronny Bourm - Oot to Law el •• CM Séant. was solutely NONE refused Bong reasonable rates - Newham MFOOD, PlIalkS11111 Male Canterbury CT1 Dv Dep. • A rn Ow 0 n OM in ANY Quemoy,' in ANY Audio Services. 01-534 4064. Send SAE for liste AR prim Induct* P To I RICHARD JOBSON

fri RONNIE GURR takes tea and Intellectual sustenance with Skid RICHARD JOBSON

416o.ftorwodd doofotddo, for, ft.- tutor...of off foe. llotunion oft, • enbt a• • .peng 1•••••• .10•311.• due we. ora—no to •mount 'de. Wood UP! 'an S M- a, •••• (*Item tiedbelgo. ' «Moo ntft t000tefoo duo* pouf, end poor anohnott IS gifted for* 'eft offeror, fo Om Old- elf Mot Om net Ott oftodattuded tot tutu and IS nu..., bo *odd noo foe odeld •Ot• loot.dUtodlltoulettotottouf. —w— Mot out oddelfad Odd ado, *Wooed In deer Of000lop «odd Wu • noduft or, mu Id*, tod fug Pura ff., +It dfddoolt fo dfdfddrto «mho dodo.. fr. "no to orf in Po frodoot ."..d.o .... out n a Me ommulftmo okoleulo ...Inn woo donne... doe doom ooddeveedeof tofeutOU tfer note woo our flue unfold ou of dortuo fool%Of .W1 offhoffedet tddo....«. kw, Inunfoofoontwoff eon...offs out fonds...h. foul quo friets to nude Dap s! nod Out force.. eienoorra ow_s tow run for troe Itookstwouto I kfallofl maim *to a...factotums. Toe downed dodoodoelo IfOo didodo Joldfon.o. Ms moth od footed red lad ftfeWlottoorad. go.. MIO Ofooffoodoo, doom too... Sat* end du baud • So doff outf thot -h.pé.t IO .0.1.10•Mrel••411.16.1011.119 off'fot too, old. Mow fo tumour ro Node, offel ed Ind - Moot ow* oot Ottoddo d or. • fed* term Moo John %rood ~fro neon *toot eft due mu router, do MK TO.. •• bar I *food Mond. Ito -An,. (11 Pty. owe .. re It Mould. ftedIfelOfy Out doe Wong W.... ens Olmos, ma ere •• MY mrva dratfedou our.. at Moue at id1.0 11•• Mt..., tut ovf mold of demo., • wort Out do = "0:a' jtreftref.:.,r:ore I Ye fmen Too So do foododu moo rm.. MOM. to.soretuote. at ofooftwOlo f by Mu, ornate dowl fr boo moo dummy of do food, ton Po «looted, floff eon woo of. bump., toed n dfd I odd ...E. Mr noes* •ewe. cone too. Of Ow one... vow Mo. my.... tudu of fid to" foo dOodit Ito,. Ike •Inunoodoo. to nude* Won. • tto gym nted note toff fuOVadf its ..mein. det Venoms. 1011 rife' ontuletdlitdonl.lotdon. -We .10•011slotofold. offdo tea... to IOUs ...nut Out eat... It *off tot, dote. p.m emu dle Mode ond tot...... foe "ff. • nIfIlhf•defuod ....ff.* *dd. foe, . fo sto.n. You .tfoout deem ado.* dedWouldefletiodoefee one *ten rod fdlout fn *PAW the Orro0011,, , mama.? f.dolf. lot ondtal todfuovao hem ore en ▪ r...• beecalw nags de *WOW. I'M elnp to rat mow *of Owned'', cd ...SOU«. [dove So. 0.t-a_ tapons TIOd. .01,101•11.. Neon and %done food> hot Fear,. Pndooloodedroft Doane. ofifto toreffltv • uffOr tom duel, Motor.. *4 5 01, DM olbbe. htleoreeedbm neuter.. 'I ho Olwrodu..411. Iwo ofoloutddlobto4o0.119100110 sou. eel, *Po nee M•N •ue cof tno *eft, feutf co.». •••'lOp Mp. nostoodroung feud of Wades.. Ilfoorogottn effeetnio tefer odd,. fof too ended, or d ...Sus • hum. Of SKIDS FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Record Mirtor. September 22. 19 79 23

Write to Mailman Record Mirror. 40 Long Acre London. WC2E9JT

Thanks. Mike, my own diving this that he noticed thoughts echoed Great avast amount of his T teview, Ibuy RM because Rex collection had been of Voto stolen •For the first time in his We think we know vvho life, Mike is lost for words. did this, and we know Anyway at least he wasn't they buy RM. So corne orb the only one to enjoy the you two nut there reading gig this, all Tony wants Is his records back Nothing will be said if you return thern PUT THE BOOT IN If you have aconscience IWOULD be very gratef ul of any sort, you will know if you would print this that it is nigh on letter urn your page Your impossible tar Tony to editor, Bob Marton (Doc replace these recordings Marten, actually - MM) and that you are upsetting knows me, so d he won't him for your own greed. gut It printed, I'll Just get in touch with tern THIS WEEK as soon as possible his face on. Idon't believe in messing about Thanks, Paul Vitas. Editor OLIVIA NEWTON.JOHN: not sloppy. Actually this is quite a 'Slider' magazine, Tyne-wear. DIY OLIVIA serious letter. Just over seen) and my group thousands bf fans were slootol slurp, burp, hoc, two weeks ago. my best Yes, folks, lust cut out the pix along Amway° Shanks la cross there. art ail friend, Tony, became the dotted lines and nimbly stick between Teenage Jesus Who knows who'll he Rover. Surrey. engaged to be married. together. Hey, presto! — You have arid the peeks and The the next to see the light' Like myself. is adevout leanest will be doing Carta Simeon. Herts. Marc Botan tan. For this •Roll over, Beethrover. your very own ex-Greaser! several gigs in the reason, a few T Rex fans Makes achange from lichmond and .Me - tse ant taken my were amongst those WAAAAAALLLY!!11 I Ieddegton area. If you shades oft. invited to his engagement SINGLE MINDED HAM ROLE suppose resent a copy of RM party. I THOUGHT you would he IAM FED UP with people we'll let You in afreeol am a The party went along bored reading all the usual offending Olivia ocaltst in both bands, the SNORE JOKE 1HE ONLY ONES Played really well, with everyone letters complaining about Newton John because I .ioraled and weanst in SNORE. snore, snore, a great gig at the lyceum having a nice time. etc etc so I think she's very pretty and he second and dancer in were, snore, grunt. grunt last Sunday. I'm no When the party have sent you the latest has agood singing voice he first. grunt, splutter, cough nurnalist and can't finished, afew of us stayed Top 15. vet once 'Grease' People who have seen cough puke. crunch. descnbe the show, but behind to help clean away Whoops , Run out of 1 'Morman A Woman' finished, people have X.Bein before will know splutter , wheeze, fart, Mike Nicholls did it for the mess etc. Tony decided space Never mind, buy next weekS issue for the - Joyce McKinney. been Criticising her by that Iam the star of the belch, burp, howl, woof, one. Guess who's clOing to put the records away. 2 6he's So Modern sayong she played a set and my display rs woof, monts, bee, chomp Mailman this week? - Ed. and it was when Other 400 pictures Oxfarn sloppy part in 'Grease'. woilh going to see alone. 3 'No One Is Innocent This is not ture, and However AS have better The Pelee. aller and was her first Also look out fix a 4 'I Don't Wanna Go To 'ewe acting a bog role. So lexidisc by X-Bern called Chelsea' - Kenny please lets have less adlone out soon with 'The album is absolutely essential: DakIksh. errors being made about yore coronet:tens from 5 'Accidents Will ONJ. Oil It NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS Raffle. Family •Look. chum, you'd be W Collings. King of the Planning doppy after steno around °settee& 6 'Bright (yes' - Helen There's no answer to Featuring 7 Walk On By - ZAMBIA CALLING ny of that - not even Douglas Bader. YEAH, hi) I've got to Men nia. 8 'Cracking Up- rode right away, since Peter Tosh Ronnie Gun. (Actually yours is the most excitin FATHER, SON there are more severe magazine that Iread evey psychiatric nases in the weekend, though we ND HOLY ZIM office MM) receive them very late KAY, so Bob Dylan's Big Youth 9 Sugar Sugar' - Tate Icame across ohe ,econlea Christian. And b Lyle interesting page that aima iS wrong with with 10 'I Was Marie For you've produced a new hat , U Roy e Dancin' Arthur magazine called Pop Star It sterns to me that »alai° Congratulations' May I eare condemning sun for it Ithink it's great 11 Hooray It's A have one sent to me hat he wants the world to Holi Holiday - Rolm, please? There are no Dennis )e that he's been saved. Leyland. copies of Pop Star lilts new album is hat of 12 GI& Talk' -Norman magazine here yet. Brown Scott. John Karl Sakala. la faith Idon't think he's 13 Wanted' Joyce tying to ram it down his Zambia. ans' throats, but merety McKinney •No more copies round Leo. ere_ 14 'Grease' Olive 011 putting his new The here, either, pal. By the Ewa:9sec. Newton John (Cheat °evict.ns into words One you mad this you • • • • and mime. MMI should have twigged the • • 0_6 15 'In The Navd' - Billy There are quite a few Heptones awful truth. Until then - Button. Christians in the music snigger. ene. We ve even got Judie, Delon, Kent. NOSE BLEED KING at Number One la he fourth week running 28 superb reggae tracks •LP winner. RFMEMBER ME , King of the Nosebleeds. otherwise riot forgetting After The known as the Alien, The Fire and Writ, (some of whom are living in on on one double album. STRANGLED Geester, The Hater, PRAISE Kazarriel Krirreson da Krud etc etc. Sr, leave Bob Dylan to IREAD your lobo( estay Ihope you'll accept tie no what he believes in week (and presumably back because 18 months nd Ihope his rivirvsage An Anthology keep taking the pats - ago Iwas undoubtedly its across to SOTO MM) and tant fed up with one of the biggest soften 17 seeing ',metiers of Paula gimmicks you ever had I By the way, why was 'faits and riotitvroh like Ian became acult e AM and here rio menten of the of Reggae Music Duty and Gary Norman. didn't even demand any ock Festival of the year It's about tome you money fo« my services. - Greenbelt '79 in pointed more pictures of Iwith to inform [CORD MIRROR , INo 'I can't imagine you'll see a better The Stranglers or are you everyone of the koom and that's amatter hightened It's about time 'Scrounge The compilation all year and probably not people appreuated good, Equipment' tour which is Reviews Ed) honest muSiC. commencing this month. Cliff and After 1he Fire all next year either....'- sounds Stranglers fan. Elena. X-Rein (across between plus many great bands PIL and an ambulance and singers plus te.. Ito, Raai. doiWiOl&4MAN •Where you hin, moil? IttleierwateCall ererage TRLD 403

saki. retreeeisaaaa 24 Record Mirror, September 22, 1979


ARE SECRET files keel on you need help to Meek the school students? What smoking kick, hypnosis happens to them , Is the,: could be one poseble anything schoolkids can solution It should only be undertaken by • do to stop this , Are schoolkids • •.• That's what Julian u. professional htenehester asked lat,' See your doctor, who week. Unfortunately moi. ' may be sympathetic, and of our reply was Cut by a put you vi touch For sub - editor possibly /r spied on? details, contact the British symoathy with the fine Hypnotherapy upstanding body of Association, 67 UPI,. education officials who Berkeley Street, London. approve the -secret filo PART TWO W1 (01-773 44431. Useful system which certainly publications explaining school students over 16 the contents to other fidential" files believe that exists, and is updated how hypnosis works we sccess to these teachers, social workers, teachers and schools can from the time sou start 'Hypnotism Its Power documents recently welfare officers, health only honestly record a school onwards And Pmetice'. by Peter discovered, more than authority staff, the careers true opinion of a student • No authority allows Wyche (Arthur Barked. one local authority, Wirral, service, the courts and the and his I her family parents full access to WyjettOnSfIT Its has files going back to the police. background if files are these "confidential" Potential And Practice'. 1930's , If you've always been kept secret. collections of opinions on by Peter Blythe IArthur viewed as honest. reliable, character as well as Who sees your con- The NCCL argues that Etarkerl, and 'Medical And co-operative. hard - academic ability, and they ?ident 'al fil•? A not only the pupil but Me Dental Hypnosis And Its working; have never been don't even have the legal prospective employer can entire family can suffer if Clinical Apple:miens% by check - out this accused or suspected of information logged is right to see them Usually J. Hartland Menem / background information if theft or generally anti - wrong of out •dated, or if the files are stored from Tindall social traits, and you five to 10 years aher the the local authority or head vital medical acts have time you leave school. teacher agrees. And, in come from a con- just not been included. But, as the Advisory any case, a confidential ventionally "respectable- The Model Bill On Did she KISS Centre For Education lob reference from your family - no problems. School Records, to be (ACE/, which has been school will also draw upon But what happens d the introduced in the House mean it? fas on file are wrong? Kiss round-up investigating this system these documents. Head of Commons this year by Although most reports are TV GAMES Ad Nan« wag/ add. Reny Whanco of secret records with a teachers, at their Andrew Bennett. MP for LAST WEEKEND Imen a accurate, what happens if LAW6001 Mks Ns Clam tO oroundmp of al Km woe, view to geeing parents and discretion. may also fever.. Stockton North, proposes girl called Jura who was owelenel eow mimed. (Jr. ew 'harts Ice de wore to o a teacher's comments that parents and school quite drunk, unforturetdy (puteshed as nee* black 'n Mate) eflect an arbitrary value - students over 16 should but really nice We started wOddreade nweetch Wenk ludgment made have the right to see the kissing and one thong led Remaly f Etel WI welt the 111( oneteneE Worheig Iil somewhere along the secret fees and censure to another . She would-it teeee. ICBX 9:137 Sew./ 100.0:0 Yeas', 'Rock 'N tOri line? Both ACE and the that incorrect or fell me where she Intwl on Noni /Geureere tallif 5101, 'Shout is Out Laud /Sweet National Council For Civil inadequate information is anything, lust her age. Pan', ICRX 510: '85.157 God 01 Truster% (CBX 5197 Liberties, currently charged. She's only 14. although I Hard roe Woman/ (Jr Low IDWI' (CAN WI, campaigning for the right Worried? What action thought she was a lot 'Than SW Wand Me', I 110 and CAN 130 121. -Reckon Role / La.. GM'. ICA11 DTI, Rocket Ride r to know, have handled can you take? Your older . The next day tsaw 'Dee« Car Root' I inte 12-lids / KAM. 1171. many complaints horn parents should ask the her on the sense place with Rock 'N admire. /C's WO Law Me'. (C.APl 12M. both parents and older school for permission to a crowd of friend', hoys Thwr Yu* Groom / Sloe Meet', ICPJI 1357 an AM school students who see your complete and gods, and they started Freese lido. Iliad Me Teach (CAN 1407 Pool believe judgments made records, not just a part of to make fun of ene She Stardey, 'Duet You Lot Me Dom', ICAN Pets are inaccurate or unfair. them. If the school shouted out Mat she Cook Naelœoliee KAN 1341, Gars. Semmes 1 Was ACE has seen files where refuses, they should wog, didn't want to see one Mede For Leung You'. MANI. Ise 'So.. Kim schoolkids have been to the local authority anymore Sorreohng: (CAN 11531. US male& -Sauna / 100,0X1 described as "generally Education Department If Mere. Ide Me Go Rock 'N Rol uFloner Then nor. (NP I was really upset 13/31: Nook 'N ere aa FAte I Geemel. (NB 82* hoe disfik.ble", "easily led - , they refuse, write to your because she's the first gal studio smear, Nook N Rd aa NM I Rear 'N haa Ai "unreliable" and MP suggesting that he / Eve liked a lot Do you 11ile'. 1148 B5118 Voue It Out Loud /Sweet Pam', (NR "dishonest". She backs Andrew dunk she meant who, she 8E41. liserma Mods /God Of Ilemder'. (NB 858). 'Beth One ex-policeman Bennett's boll. Raise the said` Maybe she dodn't Demo Coty Rod'. (NB 11/1131: lied Leer Women /Me discovered that his son's issue on the letters' know what she was doing some. (NB 123), Gallrep (Jr Low ITake FM INS FM> school record accused columns of your nearest Ghnebre Semen i Shock Mo', OM BM. 'LOue Gun , the previous night hem of theft, even though newspaper. the success Or Hookroan. (NB BM. double bee swim of'Shoo It Our John, Tyne él Weer. the head of the school had failure of the Model Bill Loud / Nodwr To Lou', (NB 1011: 'Rocket Mae previously assured him depends on your interest Toronto And Towatr. (NB 9151. 'Sound '18 /Shock • This girl most like you to that this accusation had and that of your family. INBRIEO sorne extent, even though Stokeede N. ore*. IN. Me Touch Me'. Pad been deleted. A student she Yeas drunk when you Stmley. INB 9•01, New York Groom', Ace leeMoit1H11. who suffered from WWI her, Perhaps de 9411; 'Court You Lei Me Doetr. Poor Om. (NB 9E21 depression during his first Trying to reacted as she did later Berbanwe'. Gene Salem INB 9611. 1Was Made fo year at college. and had a give it up through sillineess or sheer Lowng You', INS983): 'Sue Know Sonedeng: INI3 purely academic interest 7209. emberramment at your in the symptoms and People who'w mud as. Amman bred tomb ce I'VE BEEN trying to ylve close encounter of Its. treatment of mental illness up smoking for some time do KM tan dub web no aye ri do pm. Mould me twth first meeting. In new of hi doses of mho/lid odes dox Woe rworrilowlw was astonished to find now and have hoard that her mates hostile reaction awned end money ont tr Memo Room. Kees INIW, It himself labelled as having hypoofism can help. How she may have decided Crow Kays Clow, Landon WI "a history of mental do I find a hYPnon'id and the going along with the illness". Parents corne in are there any books you mood of the moment was Darts run-down for their share of the flak can recommend whet, ACROSS 2 Palo W.nd an,/ 1oo 5 the safest bet, OUR SPORTS age conume ese week wren • ntn too - one mother, ob- explain this kind of • A mlo, The 'Coact/2 /1 favour/. month 191 Only one way to find Moen or. Otro, Ulises,, treely pastern welch, at 6 Ow clogs want roo 161 3 Thera was he Moe tor Ow viously not conforming to treatment? out for sure. Summon far ten concert etemlencos pees ,Mom the gerwanen 7 Giko Noonan duphcanew /A N.c.q./5si the standards of a Roger, London sue... rip 4 See ti flans possibly fashion • con- your courege and yea. IPP, 'tre's e durum Mcergorphy plus mom deem 9 1973. win The Jeff Beck 5 Ceey ni Paul151 • Hypnotherapy can sense or humour and oak group. faetureg Rod o he 6 b 14 Acton She [woke Mous school staff, was depereed feeble Mom treed. I. Karen Soon, of bows cassi3 4el Tacessaan 1131 described as - ertronehr take you on a voyage 01 her again. If her mates do Med.. and Clem &ea. or debe for Warne, 12 Monday haws 18 41 8 tie de /Ow way 131 slovenly". discovery into the deeper happen to be on the SeNEler INOter Mar, Moom Iktag 1001, October 191) 14 See 5Dow/ 10 rainy Sewn ha 13.441 Schoolkids have recesses of your mind, horizon, make sure you 'Come Back bey Lore'. 1101. January 1971.- 'Om stumbled upon intriguing allowing you to realise and ¡the diem as good as you Four Nee. 'Ice CM. 111.1eg 118), Aue 1918. Iltt iaFtVentet:ct "17111.5/"t ti ve7 "1:.-°•,onal sPz'.°.': III Ma Ifaetarn 151 12.341 information about cane to In with any get. Ring'. 11Am 1, Jet I91 13ttrt koor li Fed.% IllArg 20 Wean O'SvIlnien skirt IN 13 tow and Oateppew Lahr themselves when base anxieties and hang - 134), Noumea. Milk 'GO IT. Clieg 14131, 1419. 21 lato Dow refactong an whet it/n.4171 ups. 'Duke Of E.r. two 1471'. .My19TV. wet fa Peen 14 15/ 15 Epees pee. 13.51 teacher's comments and Album Dens'. IMAGL SOM, Clones 1977. When practised by a 22 A Moody Due /3 6, 17 Shan cornet:en 15/ index cards have been 'Ssersone Meys Dens'. BRAG/. ffl'7). Min 19M. DOWN 18 1he set. that ees a ho 1ft carelessly left on desks, professional therapist this WHERE TO Pk. Stooks 151 'Anneals. Dote', (OLP MR. K Tel / Magnet 'Cm and many parents begin treatment has been 1 What you might do when 2, Anweina OWN Rosh swat. WRITE Anna% (MAGI 93301, SOMeho 18f9. W. Met ow 011.1 11.51 131 to wonder whether some successful in resolving a lbolwa am Mating angle we. of come. 'Boy From range of emotionally New York OW Watch he ele novena woo mot o the decision on the character SEND YOUR problems of thee children hasn't based problems and mom ol 1475 Motnalorte de Ineko dumps Ms LAST WEEK'S SOLUTION to 'Help', Record John. Ohba. London) Who leh and why> been made when a school "habits", alcoholism. ACROSS 1Beat P/L Clock BCrnon fewbudy 9 too, to Adorn End Mirror, 40 Long Acre, no, bend toed ran mow champs en Me Autumn of -leaver is refused ob after allergies bed • wetting, 12 Thuhdef 13 Retou 15 P k 16 Too 17 ori Get to 20 Stew L' 1978. when MO ocelot DM liwarty, who de...0 blushing, learning dd. London WC.2. Please ARC 23C onyyc nii xiie 26JusiW7iliINtelbd job, or when teachers emme on »ado mom me merge by Kenny Anek otr. enclose a stamped DOWN pass cryptic comments. ficultes, migraine, over • and Homo Nome (key...) amen tor • yea off lo 1Back To The C. Anweeemse 3Then, 4Ley Lath Lee 5O W Ea Those who want to eating, sexual fears addressed envelope to tate a mum al mum, se. useueded be Mire Doecon Cats 6 Ite. 7My Mond sEye 10 Ali ore 11 Adowls 14 Oxygew 19 shyness and smoking. If ensure a personal reply. Tut« 21 M.24 Ice 25 Ur. continue these "con- Hamm a now beck we de berel own

I Record Mirror. September 22 1979 27 , mateneezumlaffl ereilliMMOVICW

usse' off WALL Michael's new solo album is crammed with great tracks, including songs written by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder and the hot new single written by Michael himself 'Don't Stop'Til You Get Enough.'

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remains all th ese and m ore. siower Lae Ram where his soft core reel, came into its so why full -scale commercial Nils success ',mad still elude 'Ms own appealing figure anybOdy s guess On 'No Mercy' where the A SPACED ODDITY... rising youngelood wens the it One of the original tough d boning crown horn the older n' tender stateside street Punishment Or Luxury, an interview with ea.n, pievenled veteran, you wondered FUTURAMA '79: The World's First Science the Inweles and Cabeet Cohere being pigenunk were whelher he was malt, gong Londonpoets, heappeorance kicked offwith 'bis y Fiction Musse Festival, Queen's Hall, Leeds. form/Saber entertaining .to cry when he sang the heart felt Cry Tough'. and What with Nesslhouty .s masks and Brian Bond's words "t fkahi back tears as I rrnmedeately had an .f AN ADVENTUROUS idea was simnel ruined by a cowboy polymoogc, they caw. KM» et a nwertot Genet days destroy halite." fectronate audience cranng _at foltkng company whose footsie around meant that the Genesis and Hawkwind an excellent band for a Sw.11 nut of Ms hands with sis then there's the easier ive, nous hall could not be kilted out science Wrenn -Style festival. pawed vocals and rearing going 'A Fool Like Me' and Staggering surprise of the Saturday were Leeds group Hmeheers at wound one a rn, were Public Image who o slide guitar work 'You re So Easy' from the anger 1 han Fiction an astoniskengly good new group made thee meet credible entry er a police escort John There followed a selection album, one of the best ...nine combination of hard rock, synthesrters and corn was ...tatty patent with moronic Moans lof The aunts of feces old and new ekach and certainly most under harmonies mil inevitable have various MIR dews and Sid, but spent too much Iswe crouching with his back NILS LOFGREN, washed through the thrum trued records of the year. Its ' Porno over one another in an effort to ago them lone audience and complarnmg about the monitor's. • The Rainbow, London ',nth gicckblyer flouredh. The rock-out time on 'Cron' Back he next highlight of the day were Orchestra .While Wobble remained seated amorist his own corn. proehetrc Keith Don't and Crowd participation for 'I Manoeuvres In The Dark A leybaud °helmeted duo, their mendable rhythmic barrage of bass Ines Keith Levine GLT LEGEND ovum hero Go ana 'Hearts Of Fee' Came To Dance with delight Eectrocrty singe could well have made the playasn, and Orracticath ItOle the glow, wgh the most original style of expressed at trie artist calling bhp the rest of thee material fared exceptionally well with guitar playing since the last PH gg 'Ire Lego", contrasted well with the fris manage a tool the.' erratic PA system Most of the material was new. perversely nesmifereand An emayable set which could not men behooves's' by rrefeesingly accessible. Throughout ne darted fscurry work mates Joy Deveron who like many of the The no predictable-encore short set suas a most incmaknory about the stage ions.. the nett nand stage, Suffered from pc. sound. satisfying climax to. croft day on space MIKE NICHIBLLS •stadeig licks with hts band and dodging Ns guitar lead maktog s coupler" loot ,.r noceurs like Sammy Hark, and the, triellicient cord hstrurnents

the set ended wth the feestatlY perfectly envined back somersault on the tramposos before a couple n1 encore's including trie damn 'Moon Tears One thing"; for face There were ,10 tears Shed that night and d won t he too soon lor me _ fdr.,e5 gefore seeing nuns back on anon MIKE NICHOLLS reLS LOFGeEN Norm

act from New Zealand CRAZE Albany Empire. named The Shaky Deptford Islanders. Goode, relied heavily or, CRAZE conte from theatricals and their off- Deptford. Craze are beat style is probably MODern, Crate aie raw more suited to the college Adig energy Crete are The circuit. However, they Who minus the proved to be an M- destruction. teresüng - starter - . These five guys are The Shaky Islanders destined to go places. A were fir horn shaky as they quickly endeared 1 mote vibrant bunch there JOHNNY ROMEN mmHg Me MAN couldn't have been as themselves to an ap- they ripped through a prectalove audeence, there mixture of updated sixties is much to compare them with Blondie musically, as sounds and self com- positions. Lead singer Jan Preston's rasping ... STARS ON SUNDAY «step, coupled with her Tony bode and guitarist skate keyboards plawng ,»N THE Sunday were total bend Aeon', lost re the crash., • but Its the Steve Little were the two was well complemented iTobenn with mer Joe Jackson type $ongs sheet refreshing powm il she bend that members who shared the eeluch came over amazingly owe and makes them so Medlar Ow lawsumes low spotlight. Toole stood by Richard Kennedy's inevitability of his stardom The Visitors, Their uttered when removed to O Mt of the Motorway City' and 'Urban Gorski' were excellent guitar riffs. ;with an aggressive pose takes but a second to hit position is not an en. mat went down that day Roger «env receved by the faithful followers. as he Spat Out the vOCals. The Shaky Islanders are you. Tudor has found barrassing one. Whilst '.skin Spear added wen relief from the due to go to America whilst Little bounced harmed the perfect band they have TenpOle up ',Lion by doing welted things to Mot i - There well a fantastic synthesned ren three weeks - time. yo you about the stage mth real to flesh out his insane there with them they :e'en oddly eOpooroned tailors dieninws, define of Michael Moorcock's sonic attack enthuhaSm. During the are advised to go and see creation and exhibit what haven't a chance of taking Tle om a teeny mixed reception for MS and the big aurorae of the matt was when them. Quick. NORMAN ',out., but Iliked him encore he even climbed he has dreamed UP in the the limelight, but they N* Turner walked beck on to sarn with the As Pm day wore on the pare hotted UP, onto the speakers and SMITHERS, most enjoyable form. take great credit in others_ lo the seem of'Brain Storm he N. Turner, later of Heerkwind and now staggered aroma the stage almost shaking invited the crowd to Be A Lacking nothing in visual bringing to life a set of with firs own band 'Inner City Unit did a himself to pieces It was the cue the Mod'. THE LOW NUMBERS / or MuSICal attack Tenpole unforgettable material. ',emend.% set and they were followed by eudencepeeded to go veld and from Sherri TENPOLE TUDOR well get the hits whrlst Considering that if you This was the number The Fall whose nigh ponetei muse On there Wgle no 'coking back They that Craze opened with, at Moonlight Club, others get the shrts. taught Tenpole how to urepared Me way for Hemmed, finished off mth 'Master of the Unnews, which lane they were London Apart from Who Killed turn iron into gold he'd liewawind thundered on to the stage and they hall to come back to do Sity•• haying problems with the Bomb'. grven 3 new probably forget it, it was a they were on their best form ever The Machine For men 'Teeple the, sang v sound rms. However, in INITIALLY the evening working with spoken remarkably efficient format of thee muse hasn't changed but a always be Harwewma Strange really to v.- nl grnmecky that characterised the the crowd's eyes the local was memorable purely fog intro, and 'Rock Around performance from the a Sci Fi bawd haussed by it's (Mr, C., sid band has gimen. The load brakes writ MARTIN ASH favourites could do no the lack of warmth in the The Clock' the newer rnan with the world's wrong as they tan through club. Ice floes formed in material was unknown to most hideous shirt. a string of early Who, the drinks and people all but a few Of the Shaking lit to please any with the visuals, otska.dr, Ain and tone. Gryen that, Kinks Small Faces and huddled in corners to newest stuff several dandruff fetishtstS present DARTS, undertrents and all lie wa, :zit, the', no room for Troggs material. marmite fife. In such classics - tO • be exist, he moved around stage Colston Hall, Bristol cletinch Bruisn when v. .- ncrmtion, so white ti. Their blitzing version of gloomy conditions the most noticeably his like a gigantic dustbin on where Darla Orange in 'sane 0. rr houses are bobbing Wild Thing' got an irm Low Numbers, cleat:We typically bizarre mini-epic, castors. This sort of IT WOULD be nice to strip your Stateside high - step Me number, P100 on, mediate reaction from a being lardy messy in their 'Judy Annual'. All tunes movement. accompanied with a three word definition ding stuff strutting ..190101,5 but rigid, like a stomping, chanting mod arrangements, managed possess a relentless in. more often than not with of Darts Moo woo 130O, bol Their set was loose without Vicar's daughter. following. Ska rhythms 10 coax an encore out of citation to dance and the a guitar or microphone lot the curious, and to earn being Slack. and the self About half lire set cornes were used on 'Petty Love' the despondent crowd responded, setting that went through hell, is my kerb, a little more detail is conscious lack of elegance is from a new album, and almost endearing An al' remains true to form We .ind 'Could Have Been onlookers. a trOtOus assembly in generally associated with called for. Dade ale in a class of their wresting contrast in the fact have all seen Darts On TOTP: Now, but the ace Tenpcie got two and If action. Contortionist own so their melle can be triai the moSegin1 are all m well the view's better on the numbers on the night the crowd had their way The othet three skateboarders. He does it classified mote easily by daub so Is While the vocalists mli screen, there are case, were 'Friday Night'. and the. gig would still be collaborators are Dick on standing up! His presence ofluences than comparisons are as tinght as alighebiose roo. On stage it's going. His latest protect bass Bob (brother of remaining phenomenal 'Rag and Bone Man' weh Influence , Well, you name d, AIMOSt two bands, yet ti but not exhilarating, June the Mo-Dettes t's Duryesque lyrics. finds him with the envious and indelible gospel, rack 'n' loi, Motown roost successful aspect nr t luit COn temporary PPPreceding Craze prospect of fame and drummer' and Gary who It's part of the new rave and Freddie and the Darn us the way that t. Igh 10 diSCOorage write Grinder, an Essex fortune should he want It, was also the drummer in exploston. Dream•rs. Remember harrennes and • gut Me. I was dart- band, plus an interesting there for the taking. The Teneree's previous band MUCK MERCER Radtke , FM was the man . FRED WILLIAMS 33 Record Mirror, September 22, 1979 OVER THEIR THE SK,DS. D aprla, jicng Baeir,etthaoyt,en lsiNn inttt41 Odeon Edinburgh audience flash Nazi FOR THE Skids, Ibis go salutes to it. The scene is as important Not only HE in no way helped by was a the final event in Jobson's apparent at the Edinburgh Festival, rl preceeded by a black and show There, Of course, traction to well • known was also a preview of new white newsreel entitled the comparison ends, for fascist Nietzsche end the additions to the line •up, 'The Eleventh Hour. The Stuart Adamson and back protection of an of attempts at on -stage moving footage front the Richard Jobson have Aryan receiving the laurels visual effects, and of new Greet War is backed by written some of the most at the Berlin Olympics. material from the recently 'Grey Parade,' the band's intelligent and pertinent 'Scared To Dance' and complete second album. forthcoming B •side and a around, If I 'The Saints Are Coming' More on that later. perfect elegy. As the final were Jobson. however I inspire, though both Meanwhile .. scene of a barren sea would have great pangs of contain shoddy moments, Support for the evening shore tails off, it becomes sell doubt. His, to say the particularly the latter on The Berlin Blondes apparent that the film and least, substantial lyricism which Egan »erne to try provided the first in. self penned soundtrack is totally wasted here. The too much. 'Vanguard'. dication of the fervour of has gone right over the kids are merely content to Crusade is a gem from the headliner's following. heeds of the Odeon's imitate his dervish dance the new material. A great Throughout their set of young crowd. and there it ends. A melodic race with electronic interludes for Whereon lies a problem. shame. Adarnsat playing Hank the new age, the crowd The Skids, like it or not, 'Animation', the opener Marvin playing the theme constantly chanted the have gained afollowing se and a track from the forth- from a Western, it wel be top band's name. young as one might find coming album rs bolstered a high on the album. The Skid, are at, say. an Osemonds by the strident drumming 'Home Of The Saved' is a of Rusty Egan, though the slow lament whilst keyboards of other new 'Charade' with it's metallic recruit Alistair Moore throb and claw. Skids seem low in the mix. The climax into the last verse STUART ADAMSON song is horrendously will be the next hit. The last 'Masquerade commercial and would Young Dudes'. 'Charles'. be, such as the rampaging sees the back stalls THE WIMPS/ seem to set the tone for Be •Bop's 'Panic In The Tn., On Fire' or 'Urban seething with youngsters the album. 'Out of Town', World' with Bill Nelson, CHELSEA, 'Kids' but now croons like 'Anirnatron' is brilliant, acting out their fantasies 'Into The Valley' and London carefully on those two though bad levels in the and is quickly followed by 'Charade*. well developed tunes mix completely obliterate another two songs. 'Days THE WIMPS got treated 'Fools n' Solders' and It was a great show, trie keyboards and Egan's Of Europa'. the title of the to one of the most vin- 'Trouble Is Today' which sloppy, true, but with only more complex drumming new album and dictive gob attacks of the get better with continued a week's rehearsal with a tars somewhat after the 'Thanatos'. the Greek year by the ?elks at the listenogs. new drummer and compact drive that was word for death we're told. front of the stage. Whilst I His throat only suffers keyboardist that e to be Kellichan's forte. Both are excellent though didn't too much care, on horrifying pangs of expected. It was a greet first hearing, for the 'Melancholy Soldiers', the crowd goes placid. It remorse during his periods audience, though I can't another epic, is followed occurs to me that perhaps Wimps impish little pop of onsuer banter when see why so yOung. The by four new songs. there are too many new songs Ifelt both sorry and the inevitable cock ups Skids. Ithink airn too high amazed by them. Sorry Working For The Yankee songs, too 50041. occur. when Gene will above their heads. Dollar'. 'Dulce Et The Skids dOSe with for having to put up with turn to the crowd and hurl Decorum Est', 'The 'Of One Skin' and a Ileave considering the such tuyenile antics of the good natured insults at Olympian' and 'Pros And version of 'Sloop John I3' stupidty of people. All creeps with the empty h.m. An unswayed man of intoned over Big Wull's around the crowd's heads and amazed that integrity in fact they all 'The Olympian' I have classic bass opening to unrequited screams for the singers boots are. MICK MERCER serious doubts about. It 'Into The Valley. 'Albert Tatlock' ring in my remained• RICHARD JOBSON opens with the organ Encores were 'All The ears. RONNIE GURR. clearly the boy deserves a THE DAMNED/ of plorna in self control NIGHTMARES Shirt ...h., was The Moon, 'DeathensW, new single. the Sham mixed audiences I ve ever Ch I e e also JOHN COOPER- dovetailed in with some 'Beds Too Big Without like 'We Make A Noise, it seen hung on for what soaked by the crowd, but FIRST A mention for CLARKE. The Old horrendously delivered You', and especially seemed for a short while amounted to a kind of this time in adoration Nightmares in Wax, who I Chaplaincy Centre. jokes. 'Message In A Bottle', that the meagre gathering service of nine lessons rather than childish believe are from Liverpool Edinburgh Criticisms' Merely the received more than a fair would at least be treated and carols, much hatred. 'Either way you and are all that a support fact that 12 admission for hearing nevertheless. to a decent gig for their preaching from Prince look at it its ridiculous) as band for the damned money Unfortunately, it Lincoln and muttering of they played like demons should- be. A heavy, JOHN COOPER-CLARKE a show of little over an The gig sold out within was not to be and as the Jah Rastafari between to the full house, brazen sound continually stands head and hour's duration is two days of it being made set wore on, the line bedazzling the merry bombarding the ea.' shoulders, both literally outrageous and un. available the popularity songs. between good -time rock throng with a truncated drums, with covers of And metaphorically, above doubtably affected the of the bend is incredible - After a reserved start, so it was inevitable that 'n' roll and grossly but highly successful set 'Kites'. the Simon Dupree most of the pseuds who crowds. With such a the band picked eP speeded -up heavy metal that wore ones brains song and 'In the Year trot out their ansy piffle surfeit of good reviews on the gig would be equally noticeably around halfway incredible. became thinner and those who had ens — to 2525', which gave Zager each year here at Festival elsewhere, most costing through, at which point thinner, each song more the core. and Evans a Number One, time. Guile why the half the price of this show Looked at more coldly. the heavy lights carne on predictable than the last The Damned take their gangly beatnik performed it seemed silly to put such the musical quality was, for the benefit of !so we Dave Martin looked, in places. dubious t until the whole thing and acted, strangely time in coming or stage, aweek's season as Pad of a high price on the poet's were told) a German TV dissolved into one big bad gradually all the members the Fringe is beyong me. It pate. doubt, for example. if camera crew who hap- normal, having ditched nase. are assembled, but not was nice to have him. Still Cooper - Clarke 'Rosanne' or 'I Can't pened to be in the nee, the mod Windy Miller Thankfully, there were before Captain Sensible though provided fine en. Stand Losing You' would bourhood. At full till, their image of yore. He now one or two bright spots in has hogged the Spotlight Johnny Clarke is to be tertainment and hie is be so popular had they songs are delicious wjth stands almost mohonless, a set totally lacking in while singing 'Jet Boy Jet admired for his acquired unique. A quality which is been released with the strong, pop-typo quite content to let the rare enough to still be dub section in the middle. basic musical discipline dwarf Stevenson leap Girl'. A ludicrous figure in powers of observation melodies, a plain arid his furry temper, red beret Praised. RONNIE GURR Some might say such The classic 'Saturday square drum figure, and around in his best Mick and perception. As with and dark glasses and a effects were a Night Beneath the Plastic then the reggae, lofting out Jones impersonation, all fine humourists his art person who can get more development of the Palm Trees' as fresh and of the hot pulse of guitar, praying all the while that is pure realism, ens. THE POLICE. Odeon. abuse into a smote sen- original Sound. They may invigorating live as on the front row can detect bellished and Birmingham bass and above all the vinyl and their debut his presence. tence than anyone else. exaggerated. Analysts of be right. But. no 'natter swell keyboards of Pablo how competently done, I single 'I Don't Want To Eventually the show his poetry is of course STING, and friends, need Black. Tonight the old tunes gets moving, with frantic have started wondering Go To Art School' both silly. He is merely a very, not feel "so lonely" after A degree of shyness on were great, the new-er drumming from Scabes when the band would served as timely reminders very funny man. all. the instrumental side tunes even better, and I erto also has a turn on release that 'Yes. The that the band do possess With local Pr:rosters The As the lights dimmed wasn't surprising con still say arce that 'Greatest vocals with 'Burglar'. and Echo Was Working'. a good deal of potential Revillos playing across prior to the start of the siderog the Pass-es were Hits' routine. ("What do the frenzied Vanian The Police need some and given time to develop 'own the Monday 'Per Police set, the motley swelled considerably in you want to hear , etch dynamic and competing. tirria to develop their new their own sound could crowd was severely assortment of people number by members of it's almost a new Chelsea They do all the familiar well become a force to shed, Regardless making up the audience materia/. Given that time support act the Israelites we're seeing these clays reckon with but with the songs -from 'New Rose' .-enre treated to such dived, cheering and they'll be even better. Iwho'd already done and the material should be eighties approaching so to Love Song, 'Stretcher tried and trusted classics bellowing with gleeful STEVE COKON. themselves quite proud found to match. 'Dont Get rapidly , they face a hell of Case' for Lord Mount- as 'Salome Maloney'. abandon to the front of with songs like 'Hap- Me Wrong' was a virginal a lot of revision on the batten and 'Problem 'Twat', 'Psycle the stage THE BUZZARDS piness'). That hardly product and sounded very months to come. PAUL Child' for Pete Shelley, as 'You Never See A Nipple 'So Lonely', adding a Music Machine, seemed to cramp their good. well as 'Ballroom Iit- GREEN In The Daily Express', touch of peculiar irony to London style however, particularly Gene is lust as much s' —competition foe The the scene was the first Married A Monster From THE RASS-ES the long flood of thee final responsible for the im- Barron Knights , Outer Space'. 'Kong Fu number. FAC1. At present The songs like 'Notion'. provement in the band's Nashville. London The Damned are known Expert' and 'Beasley Bobbing heads. Buzzards Iformerly the With care. the Rasa-es performance, whilst the for Sensible's clowning Street'. clapping hands, seething Levan Buzzaidsl are LATEST IN line to break are strong contenders in playing is far sharper, the around on atage and New gems included the bodies • masterfully about as popular as the from tee Ballistic stable, the burgeoning JA meets singing has improved Vanian's strong visual hilarious 'Evidently controlled by Sting - scavenger from which and this (unlike the Jolly UK stakes, and even immensely. Previously image, they entertain as Chicken Town' in. stretched all the way to they take their name, Brothers, without the without care, wire-faced. Gene would torment our well as 'Nay the well loved terspersed liberally with the back aisles. 1hursday eight's sparsely benefit of a hot hit single, dagger-voiced Lincoln ears in a series of moans songs. They encored with colourful adjectives and a Thdugh it was plain attended gig at that well • the Raw-es left a queue Thompson remains a and groans and howls a commendable version of number of unfinished that the audience were known North London stretching halfway to commanding frontrnan. which were muted '' indicating .r,r1, Highlight of the there to hear the hits, rughspol, The Music Olympia after the Nash- They return for a series of whenever emotions were the band's tendency la though, was the originating in both singles Machine, convinced me of ville's door had to be countrywide dates at the called into play, Today he rely rather heavily on -• • autobeteePhY "Te end albums, the newer that. closed. end of the month can still bellow with the other people's matelot Years in An Open Necked numbers. 'Walking On Kicking off with the Inside, one of the roost SUSAN KLUTH - rest of them when needs AMANDA NICHOLLS. Record Mmor, September 22 1979 31

The into...nation her, is corr. tat arm of going to press but may be subrect to BIRMINGHAM. Roden, 1011 orange Please cneck with 6430172. Sil the venue concerned BISHOPS STORTFORD, Triad Liteuue Centte THURSDAY 1563331, Double Expanie BOOMIN, Bode,e, Jae Metro SEPTEMBER 20 »en P., BRADFORD, Palm Cove ABERDEEN. Capita. Don Club Cool Notes BRIGHTON, St Rarnabas BIDDULPH. Town Halt The Hell, Hove. Lnle Tam And Veins /Solt Vieron Tomtesma Rebelit BIRMINGHAM, flour BRIGHTON, The vau lt ypg nebrook, Bnoor Road 1021 Scurnbags Chaos /Peter 472 01461. Coberus And The Test Tube Babied BIRMINGHAM. Odeon 1021 CHELTENHAM. %,...h,tcornbe 643 6101). NM Lofoten / Lodge (33,11., The Serener Um Wee COvENTAY. New Theatre BLACKPOOL. Norbrerk (231411, Loudon Wain- Castle 1573411, The wright III Selector DUDLEY, it's 1535971. BRADFORD, PrIncrville Focher.Z 1788451. Storrntroepre DUBLIN. National Stadium BRIGHTON. Buccaneer 17533711, Lndiderne 16»061. The Tinsels EASTBOURNE, Conlyndge CI1ESTERFIELD, Fueron Arms 163310. The Dials 1325941. Rambo« Ilitighton bard , COLNE. Union Hotel GLASGOW. Roollo 1041 r...2 19827591, Accident On The 9221,, Dorm Willierve Eut Lams GREAT SUTTON, eulle DERBY. ApInle Cinertin Head. England's »Mee 1329061 UK Subs DERBY, Tolk of the Midland. CASA ', Lan Barn. Ear. 132543,, Gina N' The *wake Rockin' Rebels HARROW. Co Op Hall, DUNOON, Queens Had awe /On.. SMke /TM Flowers HASTINGS, HOilinglen EBBISHAM. Ebbesharn tra, Youth Clue, RmenaStone Rosetta Stone HATFIELD. The Forum EDINBURGH, Amore (031 GARY NUMAN .debut tour starts at (J aSgOvy Add 0 On Inursday 1712171. Chas And Owe 661 16671. Stamm I The HOVE. St Serrabas Hall. Vision COMPLETE WITH Mo "electric' robots in tow, (afar Beggars Sangre, breinsrawn GARY NOTTINGHAM, Sandpiper UM* Tony 'N' The Tan. EDINBURGH, Odeon 1031 MANCHESTER. Salt 1nver Hall, TM Fromm / The NUMAN leads TUBEWAY ARMY int0 their debut headline tour, a 16-dater opening am 1543211. memo Rebels 667 38C6I. XTC OXFORD, New Theatre Eyelids Glasgow Apollo IThursday!, fonowed by Newf... Cif, Hart (Ender/ Covent, New Gfl.,01" 436411. GLASGOW. Amu° 1041 332 1445441. Dens. MANCHESTER, GO ,thMn These. /Sunday/. Breta Colston Hart (Monday', Liverpool Emma (Tuesday/ and Mon. Sky 92211, TubeemY Army chime Apollo (Wednesdoyi Up ho' coning Liverpool duo ORCHESTRAL MANOEUVRES PORTSLADE. Town Hai ISLE OF ARRAN, Whiting GLENROTHES, Rumes turns Garter 1061 43/ 76141. ON TDARl(,o,porton alldaras. IElughton 41/102i Rosetta Flay Hall Stet.. 17537011, A/ee Johnstme Mary %Neon NEWCASTLE, Madsons Meanwhile THE Sur S. whose first album Cut' has rust been released on 'Wand Stone. JACKSDALE. Tow. Band Records, continue thA, musical cross-culture stint at Birmingham Defeo, Civic HO PORTSMOUTH. South 1Leabiooks 32321. The GOSPORT. John Peel 1249101 Power Eschenga Parade Phr 17322831 NEWCASTLE, Red House, fSundert, Edinburgh Aston@ IMondayl, Manchester Apollo /Tuesday/ Ind Glasgow City Members 12818931 Rein, Hisa IVVedneadryl. ksrth tau tnemeter CON CHERRY and Jamaican toaster PRINCE Secret AffereThe Nedra. KINGSTON. C .ton)o Club, HALESOWEN, Ttlany's .071 Hot Smut RAMSGATE, Van Gogh OXFORD. New Theatre HAMMER The Rocker Shadm 422 0761.. Dogemle. Ithan. 557661. The Rivals. 1445.441. Dens FASHION replace the unpronounceable WASMONARIZ on THE POLICE schedule, LEYSDOWN. 11,, of HULL, WelIngton hib pounding rile bear at London Hentmersmith Odeon ISaturdary end Sunday). Brighton REDRUTH, London Inn SheRbevi !me. Island 1232611. The BUILeall PENZANCE. Dernolra's Seafront Gino DOMIIMOrlfli.J. Mee.. COIICE.3 for sortie tune ahead. 12155911. Metro Glee, Hotel rern Road. LEYSDOWN. ile of RETFORD, Porterhouse. We:Mkt/ton And The Ram Despite rumours to the contrary. SIOUXSIE AND THE BANSHEES will be ',tawny; the:, Natural High Shepirevl New Island gets lead up for Ins week. Verb temporary band members Budge), ex-SLITS ldrums1 and 17049811, ChM». LIVERPOOL. ft., t051 236 Hotel. Leysclown Road, Jam Band Robert Smith of THE CURE Igniter ,.Manche's, Apollo lindayl, Malvern Winter Gerdens ROTHERHAM. Clifton Hall 7881, The Revilers 12 Crecy Cmen And The PETERBOROUGH, ABC 1783001. XeroiTh• 1435041. Leo Sayer (Saturday). Nate MPOodrome (Sunday', Cardiff Sophie Gardens ITuasderl And shows , Rhythm Rakers PENETRATION comer al from the cord warming-up •r Brighton Top Rank (VVednesdayi Prarns/I'm So Hollow LONDON. endue House. LIVERPOOL. ErK6 1051 736 Meinemd eneflad trua RUSH follow their recent solour Etreish tour mrh adouble- MARI, PORT TALBOT. Troubadour Canning Town 101 476 78811. The Astronaut. / niter et Stafford Olney He (Friday and Saturday), feanutn0full Amen.. .1417 1nO and STAFFORD. New ging1ev 7Siff(, Choke AMIN Md The Mob /Androids of Mu 17796131 Seeff'N• The back (Kowa. 6/rns loo. And in complete contrast. tittle LEO SAYER embark, on • Hell 158ore RinnWikl Tears The Medomenours /Zounds nerethon of professronat endurance rncotporaling Minos) 100 parlormances ouer Erre nerd Homes_ LONDON. 1.71 Club, St ST IVES, Peggotty's 16011 , LONDON. Bridge House, mo months, starting with Petertàonaugh ABC (Thursday). Bradford Sr George's Mel ST HELENS, Nrigs Head John's Hill Ctroharn 101 Canning Town 01 476 Metro Greer (Friday). Adàddhpbrough Tow., Hall Igisturday), Linares, De Montfort hall (Sunday), 1219151, Happy An. SHEFFIELD. Lem (730Aso. 2238309.. The Son Boys 2E039), Never Never Band / Wolverhampton Live Hall (Moneldame, nervirsars. FiecheeZ LONDON, Oongwalls, Pretty Brdish More hoer DARTS .BONE Y e •maror Britian tour for SKY, and one-offa CO, the now SHEFFIELD, Um., Club Camden Lack ‘01 267 LONDON. Carle. ImIng SOUTHALL, White Swan GINGER BAKER band PING, London Venue IFnaml. JOHN COOPER•CLARKE. St Paul's 1730E1401, Sniff 'N' Tb. Tb. Infections 49671 Soil i Red A/lat I 101672 7018/ V1P's Church Hammersmith ;Saturday). followed by ancient hippy ROY HARPER, same venue Tors, Buzzards IPAM LONDON. DIngwalls, SOUTHAMPTON. Jane. ISundiry). And Detroit cult bend DESTROY ALL MONSTERS, fronted by the ultra-knout SIDCUP. Dutch House, Arms 1266121. The Dials LONDON. Hammersmith Camden Lock 101 167 Nines put the boof a, at Nonveh Cromwell, ITueadayl, nutting their London debut at Cram 1Mod night/. Odeon 101 /48 40811, The (Brighton Band) , 49671 The lamina Dingwatts (Wednesday,. SOUTHEND. 61 n•rva Police I Feshion LONDON. Grove Tavern, SOUTHEND, Galls. Chat 17146911, The Rockin' And Dit. LONDON, Hope And An. Kingston, The Modena / BRIGHTON, flanflomy Arms LONDON, Clerkenwell Youth LONDON. W.ndsa Castle, Shades STOKE. Gaiety (24302), TM char. lengtemn 101 369 The Door 1605799), Poison Club Bowling Gem Lane. Harrow Rd 101-2136 8403, STIRLING, unnetsey 131111. 46101. Red Beans '67 Rice Chanel LONDON. Hammersmith, The Suspects/TIM El- Teentmets. ShMe/le• Honerneln. LONDON, Maiouee. Wet STOKE, Jollees 13174921. Gins/Penots. Swan (01 748 10431, Fin CHELMSFORD, Rock Club, fact/Th. Voes MALVERN. Nags Head STOCKPORT. College of dour Seem 101 437 een. AM The Sholovn 14373111m %nob. Technology 148073311. WATFORD, Releys (39846). Football Club 1530521. LONDON, 101 Club,' St The lanbdetwa LONDON, Kope And An- Johns Hill. Clapham 101- MANCHESTER, Apollo 1061. Dina Hits. High Roma Lan Operator LONDON, Mum Machine. oho., Islington 101 358 CHESTERFIELD. Elrentnertnn 223 »091, The Thane 273 11121. Smpus. Md SWANSEA, He•thchfle WELLINGBOROUGH, Dun Camden (01 387 aye. No 15101, Squire Irmo 1323141, Xere. LONDON, Drngivalls. The Banshees/The Cure. Social Club 1S3260). Real, Cow. Cherdrim Dice S.M. LONDON. 101 Club St CHIDDINGLEY. Srs Bells Camden Lock 01 267 MANCHESTER, Factory. Mary. LONDON. Nyemsme. Ken. Royce %in Hoene 1061- John's 1/111, Clapham 101 (U7/. HOlbesvOCKIW444 . 49671, Fleadboya/ Mimeo. WAKEFIELD, Theatre Club Wpm, 101 603 80711. Joy 223 8309), Reluctant DARLINGTON, Oddleltoves LONDON. Duke of ten 22613821/. 1750211, The Shadows. eion /The Onnacdons Stereotypes FRIDAY Arrns. Angel Street cast«, New Berne 101-449 MANCHESTER. Golden WATFORD, Mims 1338481 LONDON. New Gorden Lien. LONDON, Kangs Head, CHESTER. Deeede 1.5.1fl 04861. Rednlle. Getter 1061.437 76141, Flansis. %Worn (01 395 3942), Dcrod. 1h. Afficted SEPTEMBER 21 Ceram 11167311, BcneY M. LONDON, Greyhound, Mary Wlbon, WEST RUNTON, Peeler, Jidda Lyntone HD Bend LONDON. Marquee. Wet' DOWNHAM, Goymnor Fulham 101.395 06261 Rod NEWCASTLE. Madmons 12031, UK Subs. ONDON. Royalty. ABERDEEN. Coped 1231411. 1249101 Power E'«c dn. Street 101 437 6933). Gannet The Afflicted. Beans lf WORTHING. Ba1moral Southgate ,01 8138 4117), Mentere Don Warm DUNDEE, Potytechnrc, LONDON, Hope and Ancha. NEWCASTLE, City 14411 1362321. The Ilremkt. ALFRETON. Station Hotel LONDON. Moonlight. Saran. IsLreton 101 369 46101, 1200071 TubeweY R ee. Rma) Fest.val Hee Redw•y Hotel West 123E61. Spawns Mee of EXETER, Routes 1596151. The Flicky Cool And The rey/Otcheebal Mancarnme tOI 928 31911 John Merlyn Harrows» 101 677 14731. the ChM benefit Farr. Icebergs. In The Dark. SATURDAY The Xdrywreme BIRMINGHAM, llownebrook GLENROTHES, Rotten Am., LONDON, Marquee. Wei NEWCASTLE. 641/7 14. , SEPTEMBER 22 MORE DATES LONDON. Muse Machine. 1021.472 04161 Th• 17537011. Tramiel. dour Street 101 437 86031. (2111091XTC. Camden 101 W 04281. Astronaute! The GOOLE, Station Hotel 13981), The Members. NEWPORT, Video., (9119861 BEDFORD, The Crown, OVER PAGE Angel Street / The Mob/Androids of Llee MUM. LONDON, Moonlight, Frocher.Z. O- Hummers PAulZmAxis. HIGH WYCOMBE. Muth- Rada.,, West Hancesteed NORWICH, Cromwells LONDON. Nenvelle. Ken. BIRMINGHAM. Norton Hall. Race' Club 171E8981. Privet, 101477 14731. The Crooks. 16(2909) G•no ungton (01 1333 60711, Salem The Au Pam. EY•a/Sae• Wain. LONDON. Muse Mechem. Washington And The ROM Anger/eau 57 Men BIRMINGHAM, Odeon 1021. HOUNSLOW. Red Lion Camden (01-3237 0423). Jam Band. LONDON. New Golden Lein 643 6101) Loudon (57034133!. Jabs Bend. Emden/Number One. Fulham Road 101 3» Weermight III. KEIGHLEY, Down Town LONDON, Nash.,!)., Ken »421. Red Beene N Rim BISHOPS STOSITFORD. Club. The Exits. unglon (01.603 »711. 20 CAROLGATE, RETPORD, pions LONDON, Royalty, Triad Insure Centm LEICESTER. TUL Club, Necheddic Furs. Southgate 101 1106 41121. 1563331. afli«.1110.10Uf Yekaty LONDON. New Golden Lion. The Rocklre »del BONESS, Town H•11. LIVERPOOL. Eric. {021-236 Fulham 101-874 4138 1,On LONDON. St Paul's Church, Stamm/1M Frame 7181). The Chords. The M. Hammenrrittm 101 74) BOURNEMOUTH, Town Hall LONDON. Bridge Hoom. LONDON. Two Brewers, 3696). Th• Albion Band 1210861 NMI And The Canning Town (01-476 Clapham (01-874 41781. LONDON. The Venue. Culfleks. M I, Jackie Lynlon's HO St» Fright. Do we ham Victoria 101 834 56011, Rory BRADFORD. St Georges Hail Band. LONDON. The Venue. to spell n 1 3 7 5 1 3 I . Lia LONDON, Chats Priam 101- Victor,* 101-834 5500) LONC"e7Wrndsor Castle, SmorMelnland. 985 13111). Brookshy's Ginger Baker's NNO. The Ruts BRIGHTON. Dome 16821271. Harrow Road 101 296 Walt, Horn•rton LONDON. White Hart. new album The Police/Feeson. DeMoNlen »melon. Tottenham Rolm Semen- 8403/. The Nana. rn CRACK 32 Record Motor, September 22, 1979

BRADFORD. Princevelle FROMPAGE 31 171»451 L.. Sole Effect PORTSMOUTH. Guildhall (lunchtime! 1243116). Loudon Wain- MANCHESTER. Manchester BRADFORD. Royer Suinderd wrigM III The Cheaters 1278981 The Wall PRESTON, Chan« Theatre MATLOCK, Pmd.on 13848), BRIGHTON. Buccaneer 121921). Deers Fnedrnen Geno Woehington And 10013/3061. Lembreme SHEFFIELD. Limit Club The Ram Jam Band BRIGHTON. New Regent 17309401. The Selectee MIDDLESBROUGH. Town 1273001. Saxon SOUTHAMPTON, Gaumont Has 12454321. L. SeV« / BRISTOL. Locarno (281933 (297721, Don 1861.rter , lAwnland UK Sul« STOKE HANLEY. vroona NEWCASTLE. Madisons CHICHESTER. Rock Society, Hart 1746411, Sky (249101. Pon« Exchange Retry WATFORD, Baden 139E1481 NORTHAMPTON. Cricket COLCHESTER, Ernbaser Band Club 1329171. The UK Subs Sude 16910/, He Flamm NOTTINGHAM. Sande.. COVENTRY. New Theatre 1543811. FAlum I The 123141/ Tubeway Antey / WED Out /Gordon The Moron Orchestral Menoeinnes he OXFORD, RAF Brim... The Dek JALN Bend DUMFRIES, Stagecoach SEPTEMBER 26 PRESTON. The Wareno.e 6061, Punrshrr.ff Leal Clucken N The Shop ABERDARE, The Conway. Or Lkutury RETFORD, Porter's° s Graham Larkbey EDINBURGH. Harvey s. (7046811. Snit'N' The BIRMINGHAM. Bogart) Cr, Heels Teem JACKSDALE. Grey Topper (071 643 9413), Eric Bell ST ALBANS. C.ty Hal ffeebrooks 3232/. Flot.,. Band 1645111. Budge / Bleak 2 BIRMINGHAM. The Swan, Home UaCESTER. Do Mond. Yardley. Force STAFFORD. Ebner, HM flell 1278321 Leo Sayer BRIGHOUSE, Clifton 1580601. Rush / Wild Arms. Proposition 31 Hams tONDON. Brecknock, BRIGHTON, Art College. STEVENAGE. Bowes Lyon Can.., 101 Az 33731. Basement, The Dials Youth Centre, Yrturty Yak S..- tBrighlon bandi WAKEFIELD. Theatre Club L Etrrtge H.S.. BRIGHTON, Top Rank 17511211. Tlket Shemin Town (01 476 1258051. SiOusere And WATFORD, Bete, 09848) el Branham Band The Benshees/The Arms era Drngwalls. Core WEST RUNTON, %neon Cernden Lock 101 767 BRISTOL. Colston Hall 1203). SoMed Out »671. Booed Woospe 12917681, Loudon Weln- WORCESTER. Turntable MOM with Bob HO *right III Trtiomen 13.ffge Green / len BRISTOL, Stonehouse LONDON, Sr H., Car Mew. / AM« Korn« / (Behind Bunch of shalt. 101 642 29961 Wed MCI, Bruce and mom Grapes). Creature Beat MUM LONDON. Greyhound. BURNLEY, Clarion Club, LONDON. St Paul's CI... Fulham. Dr Mx MM The The Piranhas 101 741 ReMix DUNDEE, Teasers, Writ, 36967 Jo lm Cooper Clarke LONDON. Hammersmith 18.00pm) GLASGOW. CIty Hall (041 Odeon 101 748 40131). The 552 5961). The Slits/Don LONDON, Swan. HOT Poke /Feehion mersmith 101 748 10431 Cherry/Prince Hemmer LONDON. K.ngs Head. HIGH WYCOMBE. Nags VIP's DepONe d The Affected Head (2)7581. Th• LONDON. The Venue LO Marquee. War- Noon.. MI 834 56003 Teenbeets dour Street 101 <17 awl. IPSWICH, Gaunionl Kokomo /Souherd T N Young Ones LONDON. Woihogron 1536411, Don Williams LONDON. -NashwIle. Kerr. LIVERPOOL. Masoruc, Waterloo 101 928 l. 00s910.,(01 603 60711, T. Lies All Lies Seiecter /TM Beet LONDON, Brecknock, MALVERN. Weter Garden. LONDON. Reek Garden, Camden 101 485 3013L 127001. Samoa, And the Covent Garden 101 240 Geneva Bombers /The Cure 38611, Tennis Shoes LONDON, Bridge Hotrte. MANCHESTER, Golden LONDON. Sr Paulo Church. CannIng Town 101 478 Garter 1061 437 7614/ Harnmermoth 101 741 Mary Wason 36961 Roy Hamer 113.00 25881. EF Band MANCHESTER. Mayter 106 pm, LONDON. 101 Club, St $34 391971 The Ambrosio LONDON, Torrington, North John's Hill. Clapham (01 Andrade Of Mu The Frnchley 101 456 4710), Red 223 8309). Stan's Blues Mob /ZOYMIS Beene N Rice Band/The Works LONDON. Trarnshed. LEO SAYER .marathon tour begone at Peterborough ABC.Thursday LONDON. Oingwells, SUNDAY Wookvmh 101 855 33711, Camden Lock (01 267 Bob Keen'. Whoopee Bend 4967(. Destroy All SEPTEMBER 23 OXFORD. Morro.) Heed. Monsters LONDON. Hope And An BIRMINGHAM, Combat!, Earthwork. The Mob /The Androide of LONDON. Notre Danko Hall, GLENROTFIES, Roth., Atm chor. IslInglon (01 359 Cork Hat 1021 235 24341 OXFORD. New Theatre Munounde Leceste Square 101 437 (753701). The Alleged MONDAY 45161. kledium Med.. The SN. / Don Ow. 1445441. Sky BRIGHTON. Alhambra 55711. The Gmbh« / Red HALESOWEN. Tdfany's 102 READING. Targe,. Butts LONDON, Marquee, War- Mince Hammer SEPTEMBER 24 1278741. Dirty Weekend Beane And Rice 4220761/ Venom BIRMINGHAM. Star Non Centre (5858811. Zilch dour Street (01 437 6803) BRIGHTON, Conference LONDON. Rock Garden. ILKLEY. Rose and Crown Club. 13rornsgrove REOCAR, Coatham Bowl BILLERICAY. Mayflower Rambo* Comm 1203131). Don Covent Garden 101 240 Lim Al Linn Bertib Downbeat« 1144701, Sniff The 39611. The SelaMer IPS(MCH, Cons Som. Club LONDON, Music Machlne BISHOPS STORTFORD. T,. BISHOPS STORTFORD. Camden 101 387 0428) BRISTOL. Colston Hall LONDON, Upon'' , Al General R And The Triad Leisure Centre REDMILL. Lakes 1610431. Trred Leisure Centre Small Hours/The Bees 129176131. Tubs.. Army / Ronnies. Fr. Sheer (01 Meanies (563331 Track, Ilunchtme OoHA 1563331. Two Mamma / LONDON, Nelson's Orchestral Monoeumre les 43907471. The Dem., IPSWICH, Gaurnont 153641) The Dark LONDON. Wrndsor Cos.. Darts Wimbledon Football EDINBURGH. Astor. 1031 Harrow Road 101 2116 LIVERPOOL, Empre 1051 709 Club. Tie. Savoys 661 1662/. The Slits / Don 8403/. World Service 15551. Tubeway Army LONDON, Royally Cherry /Prince Hammer MIDDLESBROUGH. Town Orchestrel Manouevrea he Southgale 101 5199 82121, EDINBURGH. Tiffany's 1031 Hire .245432). Lindisfarne The Dark Froggy 56667971. The Renee PLYMOUTH. Monroe., UK LONDON. Bodge Hou. LONDON. St Heber. Car- GRANGEMOUTH, In- Subs Canrtng Town 101 476 Mallon 101 642 2696/ ter.tional Hotel, Channel RAYLEiGH. Croc. e 26891. Red Beene I( Rim Nauss Dog 4 Flying Saucen LONDON. DIngwells LONDON, Trarnshed IPSWICH. Gaumont 1636411, SLOUGH, Car MN° (22901) Camden L.k 101 26 Woolwich 11)1 855 33711 Darts S 49671. The Sincere,. 64 Spoons/Switch IPSWICH, Tracey's (214991). STIRk r le'm« nrevry 131711, LONDON. Hope And An LONDON. Two Brewers The Chords She. Oh. Islington 101 359 Clapham (01 674 41281 LEICESTER, De Montfort WALLASEY, The Dale, 45101. Dah. And The The Bumpers Hall 1276321. Sky Happy Ann:rearm Tendenpobe LONDON. Windsor *Me LONDON, Brecknock. WATFORD. Baileys 1398481. LONDON, 101 Club, S Harrow Road 101 286 Ceneden (01 us »73/. Fetbeck Bend John's Hal. Claprwrn 101 84031. One Eyed Jacks Fast Aid WOLVERHAMPTON. Cr.. 273 82091, Street Preechir MANCHESTER. Apollo, LONDON. Bridge Houses Hall 1213591. Leo Serer / LONDON. Three Rabbas Ardwick 1051 273 11121, Canning Town 101 474 Mainland Manor Park 101 478 06601 Tubew•y 29M1. The Lamborn«, / WORCESTER, Hole...v. Jerry The Ferret ArrnyMANCHESTER. Speeded Sniff 'n' nee Teen LONDON, Marquee War' Didsbury College. LONDON. Greyhound, dour Street ,01 437 66031 Roark,' !Ws Fulham 101 385 05261, The The Chord./ Srtere NORWICH, Theatre Royer TUESDAY LONDON. Muse Machine 1282051. Deb LONDON, Half Moon. Lower Camden 101 387 04281, The PLYMOUTH, Clones Richmond Rood Putney, SEPTEMBER 25 PM.« 165136), The Chords Sonje Krietkko LONDON. Nashville Ken. PORTSMOUTH, Guildhall engton 101 603 60711 LONDON. Hommersmrth 1243551. The Mildew* Odeon 101 748 40811, The ABERDEEN. Ruffle Renbow /The Jukes Writ: /The Squibs PRESTON. Guildhall Studer. LONDON. New Golden Leon 1217211, Sky ASHTON, Bach Hotel, Mi.,,. uMarn 101 385 »421 LONDON, Hope and Anchor. READING, Hexagon Bee« Freer Nadi lengton (01 369 45107 Dr 1552151. Lindislarne BISHOPS STORTFORD. LONDON. Upstarts At MM And The ReMur SOUTHALL, White Hart, Triad Lersure Centre Ronne., Fran Street 101 LONDON, 101 Club. St L1111e Tony N' The Tan- 1563333 The Bumpers 439 07471. Fnt Art John's HSI, Clapham 101 nee« Rebels BRISTOL, Polytechnic. LONDON. Caerle , 223 83091, The Photos / UPMINSTER, WIndmIll. Bow. Ashton Sue Harrow Road (01 286 The M.11.6 Hall, SI Mary's Lane, 16621781. Lew Levee 84031, Crdou,r Vier. LONDON, Marquees War. The Young One, dour Street 101 437 86031. Reformer MANCHESTER. Apollo CARDIFF. Sophia Gardens UXBRIDGE, Brunel The Brakes Ardwek 1061 273 11121 1201811 Srtuasie And The University 101 893 7188/. LONDON. Music Machine, The Slits / Don Cherry / SnIff N The Tears Camden 101 ei 0428r. Banshees /The Cure Prince Hemmer EDINBURGH, Aquarius (031 WATFORD, Eladeys Saxon I Angel Witch / NORWICH. Cromwell. 229 61997/. Switch /Trax 139848/. Fatback Band Preying Mamie 18129091, Destroy All LONDON. Nmhvale, Kefl. EXETER. R.tes 1586151. UK Moraeors WIDNES. Commundy Centre. Happy Annie.. vow. 101 603 60711. Sube NOTTINGHAM, Tr•rrt FRODSHAM, Bodge Inn, Sary Fl Fm. Trend«. Polytechn.c 146725). WOLVERHAMPTON. Lord LONDON. New Gorden Lion, Annivertary SouNd Out Fulham 101 305 39421. Bob GLASGOW. Unrtersoy 1041 OXFORD. Corn Dolly Raglan (25863/. Ken's Whoopee Band 33:38696/, Saxon 1447617 Angel Stmrt CirClett/ Urban Paranoia Record Mirror. September 22, 1979 3,1


GlEr •THE Rem THIS WEEK'S vdmi eon

BADEM REPORT MOW F TO 107,653 Lens ,BC FIGURE Musseres other criticism •le eke. "OH DEAR. isn't it hot in some cases. Disco is Product, with a corn. concerned the preparation here , "Yes. well you largely the preserve of the mentary by Capital for the show. Exhibitors know what it is, they've young (although it doesn't Radio's Mike Allen. It was were allowed into the • .11, got some exhibition going have to bel so it must be a shown regularly through hotel late on Monday •••7' on.••"Well perhaps we good thing when each day, and Cerebrum evening, but the fair can get through this way. teenagers bother to take cleaned up with it. Their • opened at one o'clock on dear." an interest in what is Sales Director Colin the Tuesday. "We needed It was a cuddlesorne largely atrade laor Whittaket told me "We rigged up a screen at each one full day to set (MIe couple, residents of Most of the exhibitors everything up. Fair the Bloomsbury Centre reported good business. end of our stand Iwhoch enough you could start on Hotel. who'd obviously They were bound to say was one of the bigger the Monday. but everyone taken a wrong turn that anyway. Iguess. but ones) and it went really who'd travelled down was somewhere, They were a lot of stands were very well. There wasn't The stand that gave everyone a charge - RECORD MIRROR'S display feature-et another firm with a video bloody tired then. The the famed buzzer. tryIng to get away fret, crowded a lot of the Ume. result was that on the BADEMS Discotek 79 American Greg Janes, in the place." Cohn was Tuesday. a large number exhobotion, lust about head of Discotheque enthusiastic about the of exhibitors were still everybody else was trying Consultants (GLI) said at show as a whole. "I putting up their stands to get on It your the end of Wednesday's thought it was excellent. It credentials were right, marathon 10 am-8 pm was very well planned by when their foreign visitors arrived, which didn't look Give me the showlight .. . there was no problem session: "I hew have BADEM, a lot of people very good." there, but it sure wasn't as been my best two days on turned up, and we did Predictably enough, the easy to take a quiet, England." He was par- good business " ticularly pleased with Cerebrum's certainly was Lasertronocs stand leisurely look round. The NEW FROM Showlight channel has Its own slider determines how long one orders from his new ERA. one of the mote eye- grabbed a lot of attention. two elements that carne System (Nelldoon Ltd/ control, so that bogtoness bulb stays illuminated Oro catching stands, Boss man Mike Goofy out right on top of the 2 speaker - and it is corne a pair of four can be vaned to any level the Phase, 4000, the is displaying their new seemed to be forever reaction register were powerful little number. channel lighting con The "Master" brIghtru•ss between 0.01 sec and five portable dance floor in all surrounded by crowds of heat and loudness. And if "My dream is corning control Tlit115 that each seconds, but on the 9:00, inquisitive. would•be trotters. the Phase. 4000 there's any current disco true." he told me its glory, a new channel's balance ran be additional circuitry Is used suspensive cradle for their customers. The firm's and 8000. Each caltroller hit that wasn't at sone somewhat colourfully. is totally suppressed bust preset when the 'Masi,' to add an extra period of giant strobe. and several "Lasertheatre" was also stage blaring Iron, one "getting some decent is at zero When yo'i •-iiik• between five and 40 crammed with as many like you used to be as a stand or another. Ican't American sound systems new lines from other il tu lull boghtness . all seconds. people as possible. kid). so that it generate, think of it. into Britain. I'm fed up firms, such as the Pulsar four channels are Nought watching the Lasertrace next to no radio or The effects panel can with hearing distortion." 10-way chaser and Zero to thee preset levels Ihe 88 Loghting's Loghtmaster and its offshoot, the RM1, television intm let ence. produce eight different But Doscotek 79 was The exhibition used a phase, also has an It But each can control all basic effects: chasing; sort of display rota in 611 control desk. drawing and veiling. The always going to be like types of load without fects" slider conuol and sound activated chase: volving several of the machine really started to that if it was going to be a achustment. The 4000 can "Auto Fade" feature firms. Each was given a No one denies that from show off when it spelt out Mesh, sound synchronised success. And it's switch four channels, which successively flash, chase with flash on few minutes of "airtime' . the business point of "Welcome to Laser' reasonable to say that it each of 1000 watts, and crossfades each of the channel, charge, sound so that a company view. Discotek 79 was troncs Laser Show at was, the large.shownaorn the 8000 can "vetch lour. four channels with the activated chase with flash; representative could give very worthwhile indeed f3ADEM's Disco Show" and the two smaller rooms 2000 watts each channel. next in sequence. There's chasing effects running in the public a rundown, But a few criticisms can or words to that eflect upstairs were constantly The Phase Is suitable for a "Rate" slide which sets both rfirecturis and fully often using a mike, of be made about the lcant finish before I've heavily peopled, both prniectors, pin spots, the rate of the cross1 ade. controllable four channel during the trade and what was on offer. At the organisation Mr Mussed, mentioned the RECORD motors, neon discharge At its fastest, the fade sound to kohl. end of the session - by the Director of MIRROR stand, which public seasons. It was tubes, tungsten lamps, takes about half a second. was positively raking in good to see a lot of young which time a sizeable Lightornation Ltd, said: fluorescent tubes, and at its slowest it takes Prices start at around crowd had usually "The exhibition needed ta fans with its "buzzer" people among the punters spotlights, helicopters, about 16 nwoutes - but f1) retail, and the Phaser who carne along on gathered - the puntera be larger, and the upstairs competit ion with AM topelights, illuminated even then the lade is free is available front Nelidonn were directed onto the part was not particularly So Wednesday or Thursday. teeshirts as prizes. we floors and so on, of Bodies Ltd (Tel: 01-940 06151 at Not everyone who turned next stand having a well signpostecl" No can't complain about the 1he new Plisser has 11 11 Oreslow Road, Rich- exhibition ourselves. If up was a slick, hardened dosplay. prizes for guessing that standard effects; each Ihe "Period" slider morel. Surrey. rock knowing all the One firm who had the Lightomation were YOU want to though. Or technical ins and outs of right idea were Cerebrum themselves on the lest want to make any other the trade. Lots were, sure, Lighting, who are based in floor in the Langham observations about but there were a good Surboton. They took the Room, but he has a pont, Disco.", 79, whether you number of kids there on trouble to prepare a 12 tonly spotted one sign. al were an exhibdoo, a DJ or heir own with friends. minute video of theirs. the foot of the stairs, lust an Interested spec- even with thed parents in and other people's. pointing the way Mr tator, drop me aline SCOOP! A MAJOR scoop for the disco page - lam able to announce some price changes whereby something is actually wog to he cheaper than it was belorei You may remember an item last week on Discotheque Consultants IGLII, the fern run by Embassy DJ Greg James. We discussed the new FRA. ? speaker, of which he's been shifting so many at Discotek 79. and the new nuxecegualtset the PMX-9000 1he comes of both IrPflls has now corne down, the rRA 2 lion, C225 to 1.195, and the PMX 9000 from E269 to 1245 So buy now. etc

Another show — but not yet

HERE'S NEWS of another exhibition SEAS, Tannoy, Aka, Pioneer and - but don't worry, you've got plenty Raysonic There'll be several spewl of time to recover from Discotek 79. offers. including the cheapest This one's in November. presented rassette tape in london - one to be 'by Raysonoc Hi -Fi of Hariow in careful about, by the sound of ni Middlesex. They're caffing it the North West London Hi-Fr Show, and Ill give you onee details abat rIsc holding it at the Eurocrest Hotel ei show nearer the date, but it goes on Empire Way, Wembley. November 9. 10 and It, If you're a The chief exhibitors at the show rock with an ear for good wale, home hi•fi, it could be worth awet. One 01 me successes of Discotek 79, the Lasertrace RM1 from Lasertomes will be Hitachi, Techrms Any, •15% OFF these CONSOLES CLOUD CALBARRIE SERIES 7 mono Pro MONO 150W SERIES 0 mono STEREO BUDGET 150 • 150W DISCO SALES 8/ HIRE SERIES! MM. MONO budge, 150W Present their DS 1000 Series


TELEPHONE BRAND (M) NEW 'COVER TO 411733 COVER St 31021 REFLEX SPEAKERS: Built to a high quality in 1/. inch marine ply with heavy duty leathercloth covering an a semi flight case format. These speakers use Electro - Voice components in a cabinet designed by computer to Part Exchange No Deposit Crete Facilities Mail Order Secondhand Equipment Servicing the highest tollerances. DIY Service -Speakers Reconed -Open Mon Sat The most CONSOLE Is available in two forms, as standard using •While Stocks Len o n, prehensive the Garrard SP25 Mk VI decks, or in deluxe form using ever the new BSA P184 decks with variable speed, 12 inch compiled RM7773 platter, and strobascope. Stanton 500AL cartridges are also fitted as is the superb Citronic 607 mixer_ AMMIIMAlles POPORNO. Ulule Plein. SEAS rt. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM FOR A DEMONSTRATION! ROLL YOUR OWN CABINETS? OPEN 10 am to 1.30 pm and 2.30 to 6 pm Mon to Sat ADAM HALL IRM) SUPPLIES CLOSED ON TUESDAYS RINI OHM Soh. Mr CASTORS MET H•NOSES COVERINGS PRETCLOTSI GRILLE THE ABOVE AIRE EXCLUSIVE TO: LOCKS CATCHES HINGES SPECIALISED HARDWARE CORNERS PIPINGS TRIM ETC QUANTITY DISCOUNTS Om. Sn SAE for Mee rem Catalgeo Disco Sales & Hire Ltd Um, 0 SM.. Woe. 0rwnsa. Mood Sect.. cm Sae SISP SUA 378-380 Vale Road. Ash Vale, Aldershot, Hants. Tel: Farnborough (0252) 513713 for further details

I.SnfOvtUtI6 * WWI WS 01-5610510 NOI)F1111r1IEU%kr m_sonuirs 89 SCOTFORTH ROAD - LANCASTER DISCO Tel 0524-62634 CENTRE Eltects, Projectors, Strobes, Sound -to -Light Controllers, Sequencers, Fug Macnines, Merorballs, PyreflMtt Systems, Fitd• Opt.. Ropelights. Furdights. woo.% Subtile Machines, Pero liornsAlicroohonet, Drocostando -"X PROJECTS STAGE LIGHTING Mtn of tire product range Wadable from Northern Light. 4e; errie, Drotnbutors tor the following manutxtures OPTIKINETICS •PULSAR. PLUTO •LE MAITRE -ILLUSION * SECONDHAND Discos aUGHRtte It* momememlecaune elMr• mode. hO.l hat an N.*

tenir.. vole. 200. ammll. rho. 012.11 Jecc AMR, MOI con.. 40C Acyla Maerm SAS lmpla Alachma CPC S.. y holm? reuenu me red ”ereet iu 'art SAC é Soundout Soon dc•ntre• with amplifiers Len. rm. coedema. neemp.o• M. Phantom 000001, Rec Price CM 50 Our Price [SOO CIO ham. MOP co.,. 125 »en ATTENTION All Cd ionic Delaware ▪ Pee In.. béra he* Sedum rnmlent Drs Rec Price I:345.00 Our Price 1275.50 Smonehand me-acorn...a eom ),0)grA'Uî FOR HIE IATIST lo DISCO Solar 250 Mee Price (12.00 Our Price£65 00 .11 SIMMS DISCO CONSULS ADD SIOACKATT mow Am. TOMAS CONTACT Solar 1008 Rea Price £65.(KI Our Pnce E50.00 loe.. caIllot nocerder mméer 0.01/am • POO 1.• amp ENE EL LD.ISTUDJOS GDC Tona Cue Jingle Machine JelrerIS Ow Mama re IRANSIL ROAD Reo Price 175 00 Our Price (60.0) ▪ INNEOlt Ma. IMAre.3111{Mo • queue, AIIIIVRIATII GDC 4 channel sequence and sound to light • Mee. Mom GI RINI LIA I 11G unit . Re. Price MOO Our Price E46.01) m.o.... so or ▪ Albdi. TEMNisce Tam dme a ph. 01 NM kW 'SA 110...... ens G d Disco Drier (10 Alm bode ere Nec Price C32.01) OUT Price (22 03 YUMA J. ASWAN Optikinetic Sound Animator "Y• IARIAIN OEMS Reo Price (72.00 Our Price 150.00 • omiimmede.erva Record Bones lholds 500) Olemberiermelleauserre 1/10 00 •TO* MM. la Pa ems 0.1 Rec Price (19 OD Our Price F17.00 Pr NImpm11.1.1.• Col DJ DJ DJ DI *Pr *a. Plan. Oc Corry Seers tempt for Rope Lights Multicoloured 3011 en. men ri preadan mod Ilebn yes Reo Price f-75 00 Our Price E50.03 Ise ItedelMenmeme MS (MCI nun MAIL Otte ix Ans. Ism oc PO on Sum. PM SO Fur, Lights Reo Pnce (2900 Our Price 12000 .1gb a mammy CPS SO DISCOUNT PRICES 1111 Ali prices plus VAT and PbP Me Omer. m.o. Imen Tel SO LAMPS 111.1•1111. •c hannaf mend meant unn ne Wm. M. re. e..." cab mmtel parta •Rd.lit e Part exchange and finance jg Pme ala. rend comer. c.c. cm.. WM.. doh etc Goad rm. La. mode of es... ••••••• I etocli P.c.«. earn MO 0 • U.K. and Overseas Mail Order MO Cleft @am PP Pi pre co. Le. Oar- el eh mend enacr• Coma In and Mow one • Open six days a week see nor la e.... 11IS 4IKUll LOTS MORS GEAR AND ACCESS.. SUCH AS MIS JI . 0 • Generous discounts on all sales over r_ .mu L Macemec MOO - ON PO JINGLE SIN D-1. RV (1A/0) J. Came. Pme• bolt «Olio. CAM - •II••LE MACHINES DAM YMCA TAO HARLOININNIIII • Stockists al all leading tfiscothoque IA M. 11100M STANOS (MSS 0.0 STANDS el• 00 bun, OTIS, ROAD 1 1 cu.. Lamm Cam er nr rer .AROGATI N TOR. MUIR 0°1 üukounlent SEND LARDS IS A E foe CATALOG. PO la 0.W Add Zen; orpm emA• Ammar obombobey Pm whey memo of d=gm DISCoa3fin %, ILOTTIA au peas Wier raw. owe wee IMAM 1111111101 VAT mew ve ewe sae rA 9 Market Parade Gloucester Telephone 33.084 k , SIM NO MIX« Al wen inr VAT Nona MILO r Irde ldr410 ' C Record Mirror, September 22, 1979 36

By JAMES HAMILTON MODS AGAIN UK NEWIES me MODS piece o, goo ern • • • • sage evx1 -goes 1003hprn tee track GAP BAND: 'Baby Baba 63', V/ 1:_rg 12ebarn been vene grateheng - thana• ROGER 1HEORALOS g Nano. terggef deed slow - darling Boogie' IMercuey 9198316/. tenew 1pheeell and a de. 'T bob. YOU ebr 1119.01 0 , you almost as a close Now •starting Ia,or 117tem Dem Rossesh 126-1213born "end but 1 ve been teasing YO,, reeews unce you os001 en do The Frnafty on UK 12rn and wiety B-side 'Oute, Space version, 'Dance Forever' clopper MOM' resales do Doctor Soul df le: to be bog, the severs, rein° beefy 121-123bom .4010 book /lee enonosol yOte netnews from nape heach glan The structured thumping flit big in Brewton ore uncle on Moda bought beck nog. mow haunting ...ea There THE MEXICANO: 'Move Up 'Nobody Knows' bunker winds up twin a short goWel- ish 12600m 'Finally nas gale 1100F . ROB , ma due beet done gong un to Mae days t25bprn intro into 130- Staosky' (Ice GUY 31-12). and 1 Punt ne Newel, Mod. wee an as gnfarnan as Owe Lorac CHEESECAKE CORNER 132hpfn cre and thudding Recosed powder blue end 22:440001.Got To Me''Crary''Cf strutter weir, ourgerparts el.,. we eldn t have ode es mosfl of a clue sane 12* of the powerful'', - here's Honey SfSI UnOS 1104 Gala was abbe THE place then I can ranee.. weep rhythm Meats with some and ternpoless deed •.• dectarnetory 0500m regd.e Benson, the Dutch DJ [awl Starr prayed Mere bed nee follonno hen out lo IOn Pei an Gene Chandler•en -gel Follow Your Heart' - Ofr• Oldie by Eddy Grent's treat from nffiloYs ill Woof Raton, Ito.. viole I. Oath Croen soul slaty nId lo noels. down batty baba' hits before Found A Cure', toasting blather -Gtoocester. Miss o.00in ene weeetg end whee rho., fake E.t.a So-and So' • clapping 1330pm fade RUBY WINTERS: 'sae To p Otenan en. promoted by nee rd... guy I'm wag ewe Jaraier heavy funk 102bprn CURTIS MAYFIELD Et Dynamda hits the road -en... I think yOuf iden no Punts Inn. .bet one, Con, t op• The Love' (Creole CR 1741. B-side 'Shake poplar was log UNDA CUFFORD: 'Between from the beginning of 'enebbeethenbeng needed toted Ma clubs fate loke cletwg glen Dated base • ousted 125bprn up Norte You Baby An Me' TASO ISO ...togs There we. also French Mow and Black bombes and I rn 431. Superb sweetly sung nelelic romp°, mg, syn. October with her own wa den .:mot I.ce men aa dangerous es they were aw LOVE DE-LUXE. 'Here Mete overlays. on 71n. roadshow for most of Cane. Thet Sound Agen' 30 •600prn sour duet gwenetlwg to sea ono.. at mg18 en could wy any reao on Ma LARRY GRAHAM: 'Stet the week, and invites 'gas Mena Tanda Motown or Cness labels e those days *gape leitlentic IC 11393T1. Son*/ aneocher on Tin Welk' (Warne Brea K 17451). and toot awe.. RALPH MACDONALD, 1 Tiny interested clubs Or .sungtorso to is he aay Then there was a. the We US fete 12in of the tntey Strange soueekrly • sung end Pue beet suet on obscure lebele Mot were gag, had to tee e Nan! Someone' ILP venues to book her, via simple but nagggngly t22borr, lin slower win Norwich - My ...unto Of o Mee [nee slot Long Vy.II fr take by powerful 117bpen UK grIe *Counterpoint' TIC TKR her agents P.V.A., on "at Koh, and 'Swan Lase by In Cats but I no longer hme eurg . "outer space" synthetic-send group thunder, a noce chop ern' Ft. ,‘snooped catchy Bristol 6025021 f3ristel gut when the Moll On] cul ton rid of ette ol my owl Motown and I1 ropm wog, al. on Ion seenng sax break. maw with Al Hudson, out sounds a bit cheeky -.Se stud Much I reeky eon now Thee wee al*01 the area 1.00 ITKR 7559) llospod by tre OMAN'S: 'Sing A enov Jews. ft The Vapabands and Geno Wash/ndon Et The 0.wn originally on limpet 12in early und•r the cir- LP's percussive tidbit,* Song' 1Phe Ici PUR Jan Rand who hotted to L owe here often - Jeury being tbe this year (when d only hit Lacklustre would - be 'Discolypso other album cumstances, don't you ',eon ballot rotes! TO my med Ire...Le hoe '11b1.1•00 Vetne '. but Norfolk , I. utey envy both grial fat oblabg ne nob, tomosphete e. Trie slut.. "nappy" 1230pm rapper chino. POUSSQ: 'Conte On And Cuts bong the lushly hustling 11000.0.40 1. groa0.t01 we, was the Sta. Volt tar al the 12413.1 'Y. Are In Lag', never mk. off. "Wary Perk Amore en London nosy me Rana., *an Doi Do It* (Venal-teed VSL 0015/. SANDY MERCER: 'Now Super-charged 12m rem of arrily logging 10100m 'East a...9 Son b Owe %oho T Carta Thanes Bid Mag sai go., Dry River , pleasantly That YOU'le In (What Oso and I found the tame son Of e Nathan Sot het. to the buoyantly 1, 00ing swaying 10000m 'Tag The Gm, . Do About (HBL ODDS 'N BODS olaces like the Tweed Whew ana the Twsh In.« been to Wipe. 1221:sorn geles group stmt07 81050911. Brent lilt. 120bpm Truth' and reggae Morn Peoughl un. I got ego tne Tuna dew and mail rho ,sroe best now has sexy [toning added DISCOTEK wee her ne but mewl go kick etoga pore One yet...cone a end woke end gust can't keep tea eon 4011m. lin canter« with sexily libe 'Always SOtflelhlhtÇ Meseta'. 7,n stets with id ahe. suggestive title line finally montanflf.enough malign abeam, 04 , 0.55115 commy.e" 00F b udget it Mneawe@ ~ sounds now What a noe Poe Steyeep o Eau Anat JASON Me bongo - backed Peathily JAMES BROWN: 'Star I. WEST ICembroloal wee« -Congas on an etagere once Beg,' ¡rang Wale admen On 1Ze excited "there'd you teem to Generation' (Polydor STEP% FeWase, Clob came e for men nerd Werteeere follearno the heeet an orgnal Mod playeg in bane norn GI and DJ, ban late 68 I prate nee when/if:1.o Aweed menu. wee Mort of drink, food are funk like that C'est bon" 2). JO s normal singing style sae* O. Me nee hica are not yea much like the , marnes uneasily with a KC b THE SUNSHINE decent DJ to...go many indeed? leedees WI? angry Indeed . ghee newer, blbeneetunetnieng, oo, :k•o k L.. fun' BAND: 'Do You Winne Go MM. Genes' (dawn "Fatriten- Canter wen lit. indueery.sehel THE EMOTIONS' 'I Should speeding 135 139born bass London Oat 0./ mare ISteve Wen nagget.upl, Guano* Debra& beat on presurnebb Snare,. Party' Ilk TKR 753a). Party Pen.. Zote Mate Gant Wanneeton Sr , Ele Dancing' (CBS new. konlerbeas Big Al geeing the Nee. pia* . Gef Abb. ett - Ci eoul. 1tweet» «Wed* gm, .. • •, ',spited "disco' gimmoce - noies backed clapping Laughter •.ntroe. lyard 120tern Tin buneet. riggreire Pete (hot. EMI 610015G plume . Meg. Khan • 12fibprn strutter sounds a tat pocked 17tri. ralrilot Pves.1.1 Ittailoig let tree PO egg 220 Die .. . Genre, amide volume PM um. caleguenent - 400w PA. Mars. I.»w ALTON McCLAIN Coke o lo /me Mute pewee* rentleten deepite ISLI promos thin on lin. JIGSAW: 'Sky Sigh' (Spite statelt when reot big banga under* 100e. PA's Mel V« AC Xrs SPL won 1975 UK POP In DESTINY: 'Crazy Love' gerep out ems will ba Mend, .. !Pelee 110. LP by Oda. b The WINHe pope ead rot sedate MN eiell re it teen', reel me" THREE DEGREES: 'Jump (Polyglot POSP 727 Dune Beagle" Morn -fenenethe Erradore- e due in en *seas. ra The Gun' Menlo ARO 1831. stretched out to make a Item pow enealeakee boolubleen 0723 »MED frreate ter lushly unhurried 12900e, Rose • eh slow lush 108:54. Serneinke DJ Aget meets Monies *owe» en In the Oak mow adun of Me Pen he wee obese wend nut time *vine hen ten Beef ay chugging 125bprn Sheba* Streeebey, gee feirle flaky %grader eredencY tI ado 12in 110 barn Kgraing lin swayer melee 0.1 TOP TEN . bxkbeat baiting strutter on on promo only 121n Chlined One Dunes woos ammo«, 109951 . . DJ ign DIANE LANGTON: 'Climbin' Feeerater, 090 Mae McLean no« mere. Me weekend 2,06 ant TRIPLE "S" CONNECTION: deaus on Radio C.a. Pee Itee artegraminea ld.ivdid as I KNOCK ON WOOD, Era. Reed ATMOSFEAR: 'Dancing In Wye 12P 1341. Summing*, 2 IN THE MIDNIGHT elOult wipe Reken Ann< good wetting Sylvester style 'My Client Amour' 120th roe, adeo ere on efferent nip« dangle. mach a yeadaked that 3 HOLD ON 1 M COMIN Son b Nee Monte Outer, space dine DAZI 1. Century - Fox TCD 24131. ,ff nak resigned vto cner nuns. off Ine Deal $110610,01. DJ Asee via 01-965 60411. Sole 13300m 12,0 pounder by the 4 YOU 00.1'T KNOW LIKE I KNOW, Sant b Dace Menge busty 'Rag Trade lady. Pleasantly slutlertng 13100m . Gadoe Store has read. Pe now Lendeabeeed PhI Mahal ICAN'T TURN YOU LOOSE, Cons Redd. Anon. undemonstrative fen -funk ce BBC Rode Humbeadas Tue.. SAS o, mad noun Ion, mum ASHFORD Et SIMPSON: 124n remake of Steve s wetly 6 IGOT YOU II FEEL GOOD.. James Brown Pre HI reggae 12,nown/mental we/ dare bens to a 136born mu woo 10 onotend mane, due gleeli of Negaree Porn the RAREFOOTIN.,Rob. Poke Wend lotse changes end mad 'SW Free' LP (Werner Bros radt athando soul lens Robete vneees Rade London ee 8 AL CAPONE, Prince Bea« Blue beet K 567031. Wetegog corn. syndrurn break rear end. nee me sunny Salaam ago aye from ee women grant dening 133 127 -122 128 9 SOCK IT 10 'He ..1 B. Roo Gown F.," Nt men Choi Brown Seen French. Tatman 10 DON'T THROW STONES...Budd awe Beat 8.01.• Loue Sieve WMd, Old yranous tribes wow ar lo wad havoc at a mar innocent sole DJ cornaseun log ea. cluornenewre Mote memories of the Men land So. ea neat week Mea,goiga IMPORTS edsce sawn,. Georoe Posse seemed to hen enteeed. medal ne can't really Mee Ow re* drnerden for eta., onto re regrow unee , . Froggy blew 1,160 on wane wean, Technics her eo gelhoge having lead Ovatopft dt roots touch,. heehaw van sped decks when • *in hen n Sourream Raley Sial JUPITER BEYONO The River DEXTER WANSEL, Tin,. N PATTI WHATLEY. llackereet Selo.. 129i - now theme • Mee . 61,011 Tote. (tonne. ',is RFC DRCS SOMI Theironst Deng' 1US AZO Pry .117 , legra.tr4a."Le lIJE (lotI loi j? Mike Law of llactbuon roidi,, PM. Cawr,4,sn Celloseenes ••• • • • ,eaty 171ban eau as me ad be Mont Er Inept. Rorneoa h Jules, ek row ar Bleckuct tee., be. and hot la e rogurng rasty J.n, Ragoess.mted arnd sage. • cereloW Hitineed moist of hew rot cia L lo get t2Staprn tone., each cued00 Pie hew N00 'Whom (bén sans sueciellyd.unun. new disco product on en mutt system as one w an toeefee1 Pet" ff. , emended 132bper brae ww round esenpel ornmobon eo sta Pgra and die érhg ten the amen* T Count, Vnc,fl0 pi ere a ma. Ag.. tenner Gran. , Ihr.kton 'ow ann. tun. Orsco al Leeds From on BREAKERS o ureente fl ode sitio aeg lees 126tiore Pena ,' " May fiono. , Mon Wed Tow fg des Mader Ggeotos wm home home Wyn. It* ettn , ionered nor. •nr me Ciusaderk Mann, treo Tuna ma Me Blocs 10222 BUBBLING UNDER hT,. Off •, 'cage 3e 5E16121 592/d/ • 567888, hop05 go oat Code Ise afew mega woof. are Uncle Loa ad In Buoge 11.1511( 12101, G . • sat e loaton eg We end o, the mono, and pint. Pas -pity ne 'Better øo It Sane Wee kees Oue Seea Mr Vida . . • melodo, . Tea NEIL CLOUD ORCHESTRA: G.., 111cc,. up at a«hoard ,' feel, Roer Decoth.. Sawed, • Posy deadhuntei tee 12ei *WS 'When Will V. Be iv - .• • enact..'Funk Arlan o Ide Of The Seem. IUS TK lOi sgp ion-now etuipleefli saws 1.elure .0 á umeul 12,e manly Sedan. Love Deluge 'Here Cones 1 he' r altaan Plunk 'Cane to, 0.100 4041, Pod Aegent s • fr,rwi. pUnnor type ISB) gig cage.« for covermo 511fr aloe. Aga.. lAnanto 121n1 Bleed Seeds 'Ring My Rea 'Sound Ci, '.• 20.0 goad re a dogn %be. gor, lAgsg. tn.>. .'.nrwes Nan becomes e 00 ,5 >100.05 Penton oft man Don eery report& a recenth ranee Jett Wayne Eve Of The We ICBS 12.1. Ham Awed Fuse la,. shun..., late-funk tole nee, Inpng 122teen 1701 caw out, wak eat*, demo ow. off 78 rpm records - he became 12e1 lillo Oar 'Mere. Heals' IGTO 17eL Her., Mann Jo,. anucchers of the set a -a a.s0.ts tourpet teat., ee ether, re bawd tee ne COO nicker Darr' g 'groin tetra.' latest 12ni, Earner Phil. MONDES BRASIL 111. 421, bon tree hat ana IS gar, • Johrg Masser, or Eballords gay Tag,. Clot taw Iwo as the gay We Come glades, lilt - wady Scotland, SILT... 'that IS VOS1' (US vent AS •Nene Regrnor. ,010lt100,O cts toe Ouse ald; record on Manchester a News.. Ree.n' 'Wend 12101 W. Bd. Pala" . Reason IS Len I..• 10251, lea" , tc sacral° KAREN SILVER 'Hm Stufr IUS clubs soon geo..c. meows.. e Radford - C. do the Man- [donee Leg /dead b Simpson 'Stay Free .• Dance Feet , ,. 0 .09 Conlon trin SItIO LES Ith-CANN: le Oars b chester ed hewed. ,golgs keep gets09 metes,1 tor no nsnoel Nobody Koons Tegaey Got Me Caw' 1Wernet Bros LPI. Ruth h. anneeSed 1770pm 17.ft Handeonsi LP 1US *Ede SP. Amu CP-707) Cneedui 123bpen tie pop gee., tak si te• . 1100 Nunn,. 'Haydn sown Le. new., returned hem eaten 'Buck to The Lan IC.... Mermen Dream Wee.' smelter has • banking moo that 47801. •Oenea Agen rs aMow wonnsp 501•000 in Penna.t tan net rhee the older lee ode Mit Eat 15th Street' 101..lan 17. Kat Monde 'The Break' (US TK 13. mutes rood blowegly wart no of 124 126hon reoeldwe stet. worked tee re eased NOT Donna's song play Itsa loot ewe record woes age f 1 75 for 8n, fl plus tug 12e ['I Pau, Lent 'Inner Coy Woes US Sur.. Sounds 1.1, Date • detly vaned up and Peon. note 01,00 flume b.,* roars le. LP US 17n +roans nee ken., et around £D.115 Ont. of People Fly Away' 15.1112., Tree Siege 'Wee Funk': Aber The Gene Chendlet - You sae gon from Les vow Me of Lame Gat Neel 15,4,0 Reeves , eg so be a nth Jusf 4Mo •Shour 'SSdragoo' and Stone .' 'Ateinnt Ann 11)5 Source let Nod Power Ing w ree lac 100•11set for pun • enn, MADISON STREET. gley one Monet Slag issuing meannosetc fiflajing., lo othe took that You 1Clido Concenol 'US UA LOI Dad% 'Yest Dare Mel!!' •' Walk and nobody knout 'Compared To What' fame dad he rs ready to .swe acharlagge to Mane peso.O, wen though he geed on Me mediums end grwtos Yee. ounce •1US bent,' INF Retort Y. Rue (US Orr Lee LP>, Anon Mete b Dee, 'Gan .10«.1 MM10 what sIta cheerer, tor - hoe about a roust at sweetened • Ail My Love ranee. If. Skip.. Len rat to a Love' Wohdor 12e pear. Jupiter Beyond 'The «ad Drier IUS LALO SCHIFRIN. 'No Ore Horne' dawn , Co...van Idead. lods' AZO 12.11. Reedy Cardona 'I S.. Arco.... 'Feeney' Marc. MS Tabu 461186201 Moon, Peed., d unacerracour roamo 120con 12a., chow., dreg h. en Bros U.I Jeer 'Sly Won 'Sawn 12e1, Tate Vega 'If Late Mon P•tetns.on and yaw., MIGHTY POPE: Seen bee Go' Motown/. Beeede Moshe Body Pa. 'Crater 12. The Rwg new' ,US RFC DeICS 8111161. odify not fear.. Mee male vorcebor weer bued tee roger grout, - buf then rt 'Stage S., IVe.gued 12.. Sege blondes erave 88 -re Tee You' wet, Betty Cbppety-clonyno 122800, enat 12in burb. along reth bongo oral gene bv Nee tremor, or IUS Fla. 12M1 John. Maths •Ben The Bedard 1CBS LP US and bow 116.11 ,6116114afo Rindy b The Ron.. Men. DISCO DATES 12011, AnnotM. Outer Space' Mile 12.1. Jeff Load Fwen 'Tads rhythm on Me e.fonk 17b beet and some Mega ',rodeo Oboe' • Weer Sian Tioie 1ff "Rae Dance' IUS And. Instrumental nee *bee In stMe0WrnMe./e. chor. tame WEDNESDAY 1191 Hord Room Al The lapse. tansy drew gth 1 'Cora. Ifeend 121. Capdal Lean 'UK S.a.e. Othennse Ws. %neat nip nag. RISCO CONNECTIONS 'Ain't An...a he halt ,Pece Wires. Stick Gold play Mayl. THURSDAY i2Di Mee Alen me, Blonde On pia. 0. tapes, .it an Pun' (Greseorms 12001 0-Jam 'Sera A Hem Song. tome «emend ohs No Stooge' Us Noe IUS beer drag., twee Soc. Foment Wagon 12i 01, Nature rog CREME O'COCOLA 'Dot The Steve Grey ens Steve Day el Cangtad Aseennery Hall. STovo Quinn Rate Mee JIM 140)11. Oddly Dog' (US Ventre V0•6036) eurgawey Lae' Dom 12m1 Mat. Sh.Boorre 10enples 12•11. Joe STERUNG- Dealt«, Stew nmarogc new ingesh sung Wefts wee. ben Demos Banner If. Scuthoneton Baba.. Totals, eenveloye 109tern 12.• ' coannV - ne., FRIDAY 1211 Ste. NW. bent 71 went, faunae b Sample 'There Are Many Slops Peons The Way (ABC •MCA CPI IUS Moto. M E0332 011 II, .1.goet I2in ',dement wen e anon Instant Fons tempo and Pap P. gock of Mayfair Cw antegs, Bob Jones nos Woofed Jeff Hollendproduceo to .,,,get rafflecurn.Lingn led and 6 See Sledge ()anew Nee. rat.. 1 Woo, •,..1syndrums Yang at Cam, Gnamine Owe Cash does Bournemouth Sao.» beeper truth e usefully toe Center J. Nee... funks S.R.I enmesh.. Beer heater agent rear dad ouch a' MELBA MOORE gaim Thing. Ash. Woods supports Me 'Fantod< Charm. Of IIi. Board at than the remade, bee , Epic 18-8/07/11. (as. toeing Seaford Cartes Gramm. Sidool 1.1, John DeS.e does leyseloon • load one go weed ," 115ben 120, drupe RISING LOVE: l'neekre Owe 00 -Sn Kong Henrys, Rob dernee fur Not, L,coqiOol Kee.. 0-0 ad style REtdorte fee to Mg Velure VDGX61 Stow wet.. SATURDAY 1221 Bob Jones C. Rana 'n mote fun CITY STREETS: Die It UP be. goemong day -SOng vocal steneng 127bon 12on Rage Cnancefof Hall from 4inn tor an en day tool test Woad np all. In' IUS RCA P0117031 Be , Oogre OOgre lCd Lo. b Fr.. funk Swage. Poke', Slept GM.. moves PAUL MADDEN (Can. Clayen pet . et. One. -Ahef oteP chogong yl•Ccalo -HE RAffSi 'Don't Ten ArMantr ..I.trf hoe,, Sneaky Pete n to ylai-reak Ifourneennoth Outlook ping from D. Yore Funky Stun' ',no 'Good Tirnea end ter at, etto 1lebprn MEOW on row,- ,US Abaa Deco SPIRO/. Bale weekly. Keen Janes funl, One howelee 01 Lnedon's Tottenham 'Odd WI. A Life' - Son lbe or course - leas by an SILLY PAUL. 'Flee Mow WS Ile ...Aunt, sons15 foe e• a horned last Pen° 134-135oprn Coud Rood wee. 'whoa beam. roarroenonty darned woe to out •of .town reenter 0sae tel by It,. p.m, bonne re Me PM In 42831061. Disenoontingly nace nnty. fIle ...Woo o •7.0 galloper in sordenthe ..., howl, Slave Dee his Antwelsen Scat Mall - end wk Weer den forte 'Dy. daet you en any nun to dance ton renee tooted Lem engo et pop due Ig2trom 12n egg« pods TUESDAY 125i See Deems wygerve Town04 Z ee kre lee the ankle. , mom row rope - The. you, Neng meat even good une gyre beg. sage doped , sty.. 36 Record Mirror September 22, 1979



NOW OPEN IN REIGATE. SURREY DISCOTHEQUE DENNIS JASON EQUIPMENT HIRE DISCOTHEQUE SHOWROOM g 1r v. ,• 'op. REgOIRG Srcc Lo.•ir 019 Pua MDOVO«. SOUNDOUT • CITRONIC • SIS • rVi I• STAR LIGHTING EFFECTS • ETC Decks ewes. ewes.. AL Pei or Oese aWes Iere te are aseer ...di ein ve yen empire Pio• Tuesday SA / tr: horn ...ate Noel thjrSday BC" l • le nie, weaker ca01•91., ta.. met need. DIWO GERITIR re, moo en* us OJ eater." COleneilewiyi 53 LESBOURNE ROAD. REIGATE. SURREY arreakie wearers Or mis meet sae et roe Duessere .•tem.,... xr iere ewe. Ns *Me Sown.. mim11111114fflte... »undo., AsTo del spk• Tel REIGATE 48144 here NEW IN THIS MONTH .. , MO Satyr.. Sedes I mono Console at We Inc VAT FAL Sewn 00 roam». visii ems iir en SEND NOW TOR COMPLETE PRICE LIST THE RECORD b ne woo Wythei Seel aaa, an. «I enc.. we Weil (ISO 120 Want FINTS Plus 100 watt Speakers et £lt5 ri•i• whew...WW1. werthr.. sew •ob or bur Chem.« DISCO CENTRE each set In..• , OM Rayqers Len.. Lighting display must be seen Crowe. be* N. • 100 eel »beam p. • pee o. Pinner Míddtfl** Full range of Olscosound equipment in stock Dark Cdr.. 2 a le we•••• awe. 1. bee Sm. Leo Um Mogen., and Magnum Plus Speaker. .,'11 WHEN PAYING FOR TM 01 MOLT :..3>',eie" s.7,Z. vlo`,7,— "."'" a" "" "" Ze) PA II *bob. eeeee ... te Dubbed leu wen I eke. HP ARRANGED WITHIN THE HOUR raw .....l and del. alb • pe1, SOL/1•0010 .6/rocket,. olas am wet amp prus •per lt ADVERTISEMENTS PLEASE Open 7 days per Week IS1.91911y by appointment OH 1110 spew 9.0.9.• (711 0010110 6 8 30 on Thursdays Per.. .04..01. 0 en. Mogro ... •••• De« moo be... It,. Soundo. eterb100 Meet.. tl. READING 697142 Sourboul ebe VI dbco 1715 Soueeloulbt••• VI een Sao., 0.0 00,0 DO NOT SEND CASH 51 RAVENSBOURNE DRIVE, WOODCEY Melt NTTO CONSOLES HT Mt 0511 OtaLS AND READING, BERKSHIRE MINH ONLY TIT UTII Al pm» bLlud. VAT fIl.Vllbart wadable lboue our POSTAL ORDERS AND Tel me , wd. bdeT• difb me 1. ebb G °bd.^^ • udde Tebeen. ...At teed sal. CHEQUES ONLY Top prices paid WE BUY DISCOS for en Disco Eais DISCOLAND Sell quickly — pious 01-546 9877 for oquick cash deal HELP DISCO We else sell gear ... CENTRE Fantastic selection new and used discos speakers. lighting, etc. THE BEST IN LIGHTING CONTROL Instant Credit up to £500: Pies welcomed' East repel,' High quality units with four channels and push button sffictaS.ction. COMpllet The Disco Eguipmeel and reliable. Pend mounting or cued. service. Hire People Access Barclaycard •• • MUIr144,1E am Sane for Price List • a 197 Watford Iced e .. .. . • • • • • Coidey Green eidionansteoeth, Hens ABC discomart MULTOPII-1A 405 &410 Tel WeHord 44127 MUSIC 56 Surbiton Road, Kingston 01-546 9877

FOUR PUNKETTES seek Personal punks for gigs Loverpoo. Write Karen 95 Tarbock QUIET BLOKE, 73 seeks a Road, Hoyt.. pretty girl whO 9 hiding in MERSEYSIDE GUY 19 seeks Coichesler. Braintree. snylar for friendship. In Chelmsford area She terests music, discos. haver probably Hie, goad music etc Box No. 7101. including ELI), Wishbone EXCITING NEW Friends Ash. and is a good snort Box through our up to date ho. 2100 magazines SAE for details NORTH AMERICA Club For Golden Circle Promotions. 10 anyone interested in living, John Si, Poeon. Oldham. Quadrant, Brighton, Sidaea, main man My love alwa. you babe Sandy - "Ed Stillman Shows" working, trawl, arid Greater Manchester OL2 BN 13GS. Alison, Tyne and Wear six MARC, OUR tears am your,. Wanted "The Dorsey Broedcasts" o the USA 5JR HOW TO GET SOLID GOLD memories of LOVE you always, 7.9.71 PLUS' PLUS' - Come ,' Canada. For deter. and 16 LANCASHIRE / CHESHIRE GIRLFRIENDS. What to say, Marc 116 9'771 God bless Jule and Gary. xxxx .... EXCHANGE BEST Tuesday TOUR COLOUR PHOTO 901 Page magazine of On - 22 would like friend into how to overcome shyness. You Marg MARC. 2 YEARS of pen and Abbe Wembley Tickets for SETS - ALL Lioseicos portion." send 50p P.O. to IRS. Joan Arrnatrading how to date arty grrl you MARC SOLAR, We'll meet love have gone by. You nave best Thursday of Friday. Will Action, Seed 50 P and beg. Ndth America Club 5 Oison soort, countryside. Box No fancy. - SAE for free details: again Soli eye re babe been in our hearts ever since sell toot John McGurk. 56 SAE to: EPFC. Street_ Glasgow Gt 4AL 2102. Matchrite Pubircatione Melplak and Henny. then Groover and Wild Bearnagh Drive Belfast. Newbuildings GARY NUMAN nerdrends DAVE 21 needs girlfriend 16, School Road, Frampton, FROZEN ROSE. Good luck Apple Girl Glasgow. MONKEES MAGAZINES. Somerset fans of other artistes also 24. for love and frienckno Cotten''', Bristol BSI7 785 with the OertIO's hope you gel MARC TAN% for the I books or cleipings requeed. PERSONALISED BADGES available SAE Music Fans Plump wench or tomboy LONELY , WANT a new toyer your contract, Lus, Jacque. Restacy vOu give us all State once. - 345 Con Ser' any cutting Club, 10 Charlton Road. -would be groat Must live in every night' Or something MARC BOLAN. You re still Keen (Stoke/. • smote Road, Grimsby, oho, dewing ta Terbury, Clou Enfield North London or more permanent' You need "Solid Gold - . In my neart MARC BOLAN. Gloria Jones ABBA TICKETS. Two cooTesi.ns mar. ir,?, , LONELY , LISTS of pen teeth ends anywhere, all "Lovers and Friends". Lots of Tan. for the seventies Purple the world s greatest artists. wanted foe Wembley con- 2' blends in your area only 15 tellers answered flu. No. .nformation plus addresses. Pre Pete. Liverpool_ Boogie on Fred cert - St.enage61272 each -' each. anywhere M Kelly. 4 7103 lis unique! 11.00 postfree MISSING YOU MARC with MIKE / OXFORD That ANY THING on Blonde. fete' , ' Eastleigh Road, Peter WORLDWIDE PENFRIEND Hamilton Publications. all o,e hear? 'one You always Kidweily holiday, Wow , records. tapes, books. scrap borough. PE7 570 serve& over 51.660 mom' Devon Debbie Phone Janet and Alison. 045 boots, newspaper clippings, Avenue I • BRIAN 30 seeks girlfriend bers ages. all interests. FRIENDS. YOU need nol he ROBERT THERE must be no 431 4019 090877 678. posters. photos T-shirts. DJ FAN clubs , anywhere - Write 50 Avon Sarno for details to: IPCR. alone send stamp for free further contact Happiness ter METAL GURU why did he badges anything at all to 30 letters ii' -''', push button per, Once. Northampton NN5 37A Hatheeleigh Road. details and magazine to you. Patty. go Boogie on Marc, I miss wanted. State 110.. Wr 414 7H1 Ruislip Manor. Middle.. Friends for Leisure 120 MARC BOLAN the highight you . Bob to Jo, 82 Kenmore Road, 18 Deakins Road iri, " STEPHEN. 19 obi h., JACKY JUST reminding you Chinch Si Bright., So of my 1 fe was meet.. you SLADE NEWS. 5with Noddy Kindrurn Cumbernauld Birmingham 1326 8D, metal seeks reserved girl into that I love you very much Two years gone but you'll Holder interview • new Dumbartonshire. Scotiand ONE RATS' tic W.I. I mesmith Od.n. same. Box No 2096 Cnos 400 mees up in the Special Notice never be forgotten. An my format 250 Pins SAE Dave. JERRY JEFF Walker, viva ItOW TO GET GIRLFRIENDS clouds. love Margaret. Eccles 24 Ingham Reel, London Telingue and Wallses Vol 1 27th Stalls, C3 50 - Writ.. Hutchinson, 32 Chard., overcome shyness date any FEMALE 18 like anyone to MARC I rdsols yOu more IN REMEMBRANCE OF Marc NW6 Various artists. - Contact Road London 1416, girl you fancy SAE WF ,10 BOX Number 2104 everyday, love you more than on rho second anniversary of GLASGOW. T. REX deco Wood, 129a Hunter Road BOWIE - LODGER cover T tree details Match.. UFOs, famous flying saucer wards can say fi IP itry his death Bolan rocks on Sat 29th Sept Bar. Pol.. Chandlres Ford Hants SHIRTS, £2 95. sweat sWris Publications, School Road. photograph, badge cm, cosmic dancer Love Enid, Stephen etc 5 11 pm Also signatures 14.95 inc postage. Thee , Frampton, Conerell. Bristol. prehensare booklets etc - Liverpool risks WIDNES GIRL 1113-20/ needed for Bolan TO TF TV For Sale good. PISTOLS Swindie BSI] 795 Send Ct to UFO s. 47 Belsze MARC BOLAN - coal track required by Widnes Boy 1201 shows to Groover 5 Strom,. Iwith Sidl picture. SHIRTS FOR FREE list of pen pals Square, London NW3. cloak Ill nysty mist and to form .ng•vniting part. Street Germiston. Glasgow CUTTINGS: POP. PI , Hen _ same dens send stamped addressed FLYING SAUCERS, P.M.. smoke Ikeep On thinking of nershdi and for friendship ROLAN FELD. Happy bir- soorts . 1960s. groups. BOLAN: FAN Club . Iles' envelope to Worldwide 'reeling,, skyvVeteher• when Iwas a child with Musical knowledge un. thday - Bob and riven SAE details. State Desdernona French singles Friendship Club. 46 Cemetery news/enc. - Details. SAE: love Cdrn and Kim Jackson_ necessary. Please send MARC. HAPPY birthday. requirements. Sally, 28 Oh Baby. Danish Werti01 British UFO Society. 47 STATUS OW thanks for photo Joe Leo, 43 Regal Keep vvetching over us. Rock Road, Denton. Manchaste Seekdon Court, Handbridge. American Board T Re. Belsze Square, London new snore "Whatever Y. Crescent, Widnes, Lanes on my little long, lain Mc- leate bel. Chester Asean T Rex. Offers - SAE NW3. Ward" liniliant WA1313BN. Dougall. BOOMTOWN RATS Box 2105 GAY SWITCHBOARD. 2. MARC ECLIPSED by fate BOLAN IS God, Rains 'Monday] T-shin. 'hewn, PINK Et GOLDEN oldiri hour SelviCe for c.d.. know Love you Athiede P MARC SOLAR FAMILY Single and alone?... 1. C3 Christine Robb. 95 catalogue. also TED GEAR were 1,90 homosexuals information. MARC BOLAN two years socirrvcosivenon Deshee. MARC, WHEN were sad we or. eeé] .90 5,90.00, ewe rin,eixtvii.o..14. Boghall Dove, Batngate WL Large SAE plus 20o PO advice and entertaoments Slide. Gary Marc and Michael have passed since you said P.9i, •• ken dl 1A, Pow .01 Scotland Recont Cellar, 12 Begs , gu... 01 8377324 POPSTARS IN Mrs world ere goodbye but time can tstern neenov.Theren veer... Ai situ I, A oe ime ELVIS PRESLEY - Centre. Pve Lane, Peckham the ears Icry. wart for me in 1cret. stereos m. JANE SCOTT, genuine many. but Marc Bolan Ieyed crke t1.50 ULTRARARE LIMITED SE73. rd •jur leer *red. ro trends. introductions, CO you more than any. Hot Loue the ballroom of mars Barry a rev. 2 Sense Ga.teel poiyioNgi RARE CON: MIRROR TIES, blue Oeleew. beet. , poste ses, with sincerity and Iron, Sarah, NetthentS child of fern forever. Br eon Ler09.5We 13 AN... Reed. leadas wt. CER TS "Behind Closed reflective, It. • SAE. - thoughtfulness - Deets LIKE FALLEN leaves tote MARC BOLAN, you gave ut Ye 4 W. Pekl O Mellaele, eel , tie ewe Doors" - "The Gr.... Bentsleather MMI, 45 Ires. Stamp to: Jane Scon, all the chance to dance. Tam grps by, but memories of you S.C. hem. EP leeis 4 Gai • Archives" - - Burbank Church Lane. Whitwick 3/FIM. North Street, Marc we never die Still my all my hot love forever Mies el We 711111111)dinem, Semen*" - "Eternal Elva- Coatville. Leics. Record Mirror. September U, 1979 37

SEX PISTOLS belt bookies YOUR NAME onmel on date ayelabn Mecherux. 11,93, complete veth belt. 'ethic self - &Peso° labels. and prices ro. UK SUF - YOUR WEEKLY POSTER GUIDE 12.90 ee SAE. - Bent Identity records cassettes, PRODUCTS, PO Box 1: WE NOW STOCK Pelee (BM). 45 Church 1 Guildford. Surrey tapes. etc. .000 CluMery labels 20 DIFFERENT Lane, Mkneck. Coebolle. in handy delINK.K Bargain T.SHIRTS, DESTROY. 011111111•0511111 Lees price C4.95. post paid 1UK swastika mont I, Sham STRANGLERS BELT buck/es °MY'. Cheat.. PO's" - intoodstained). Skids. Cloi• 11.90 Complete wilh belt. JOMACAST. Dept RM. PO Jam Ibloodstaone , CHERYL [ADD 12.90 - SAE - Bern- Bon 39 Banbury. Oxon. SAE Generation X, Adverts, XT. LA slender 1RM1, 45 Church samples Small medium large 1.2 Lane. Whireeck Cunene, WRIST BANDS, black 250 P b NEW Lees. lea., wide . Pawed Reynolds. 36A ' PUNKGEAR BONDAGE brass. studs, tough thong Road. Restock b. •• MIMI« unseal most Ma"'ME' If Et ED straps, £1.90. Etunniaos racing. lust £1 50 Inv° for Yorkshire 11,20 £1.913. Straight tin, El. Shiny (2.801. Send SAE for fan- FANS. FANS. FANS, FANS. Pones, Cl, Wristband (1 • tastrc catalogue of studded FANS,tn '1,e dive h live A SAE. - Bernsteethe, 117M). belts wt.*, bands and guitar dy , ,living sirop With 111111MMIT 45 Church Lane. Who:wick, straps. - Seagull Trading the lot It's at Fans 83 4Yrtt 011111111 Convene, Leics. Company Dept RI. 9 Ter- Channg Cross Road, London mu tin Pm ON. MOO TIES, blue loather gra.n minus Road, Eastbourne. WC2. If you're after badges look, ft. I- SAE. - Ben] Sussex or postes, T -shots or MAMMY • WINO Meath*. (RU). 45 Church WHO T-SSIIRTS, badges. trousers, photographs or £.4.1 LE.A.S Lane, Whoveck. ConeIle. stickers. - Send SAE to The fanzines, put one loot In front Leics. Who Club. PO Bo> 107A. of the other and shuffle down FANNIN MD11000111 wristbands, 1.n London N65RU and see us. We're about 1 w. la LI.T1 wide leather hide, brass -Él ,0 mitt 11112. 03 GENESIS T-SHIRTS. books. minute away from Leicester studs. 12.90 • SAE - badges, etc. - Send SAE to Square tube station, in cali' Bentsleather IBM). 45 Genesis Information. PO Bon you afield and can Church Lane. Whamck. 107. London N6 5RU. make it. wave got a ma Coalelle Leics. JOKES, FART powder. order list. Send for ii or PATTI SMITH AT WEM- I sup, s fI le imitation sick, el-appal°, lea closing an SAE It'll be vet, BLEY' , NEW COLOUR DEBBIE a GarNIP bags, bloody mouth cheveng a More news soon. P. S Ea- PHOTOS NOW AVAILABLE , Ito, - (1.71 gum, exploded pens, smoke. heard of a group called T NEW °um 10 different 5m s 3'rin ponts NEW MOM Swill ti te slink bombs, cigarette LAST WORDS , You will Ns 011 21 for f3.65. 20 different £195 or Dig it,, MOTORHEAD, OVERKILL - all 30 different for only 1990' bangers, mucky OOP. Se ,c CI 20 caroms's. red hot sheets, Shirts, S.M L. £3. - T l1 ilhre Satisfaction guaranteed' saucy sugar when melts little it 2 • Blenheim Street olio. new WHO at Weenies Mee floats to top. Hitler Newcastle on Tyne. ''"o' LED ZEPPELIN at , T.I.T.S. - SWEAT SHIRTS 1t's , meth' KATE BUSH at 'semis. sea monkey. now wonder pets, lag bang guns, same designs as on our T. i• iiit um le Hanvnwsnothli Shirts, only £4.96 - Tell it ,• ,ind latest READING over hundred super pokes. shirts. 12 Blenheim Soon, FESTIVAL pis including saucy posters, novelties, Newcastle on Tyne POLICE. SCORPIONS. magic tricks. - Sena SAE 9;8332 MIMI ILI 10 299471, MOTORHEAD, for colourful brochure and FREE GM to Miffs Corner TUBEWAY ARMY. WHITESNAKE, GILLAN. Die 11E1 21 IDept R 1. 67 Winchester REPUCAS T.Sfsirte, S M LI 30 WILD HORSES. LOFGREN, MUM "CARDS £3. - TITS. 11 lbenheu , S HACKETT, P GABRIEL Road. Bristol FIS4 3NJ. ae Street. Newcastle on Tyne Nee Me« 3I1 MOLLY HATCSIETT. BUTTON BADGES. T shirts, Tff itt f. ,/ THE WHO - WEMBLEY ,,,‘, POSTERS CHEAP.TRICK, WILKO, peke.* rented lo your own SNIRTS (CellmelfeeNelt AUGUST 1979, T-shu ,s CLIMAX BLUES. CURE, design - Send SAE to • 22 MOOR STREET, b„,, ,...0 U.... , MEMBERS and others. Alm Winston Promotions, 9 SML f3. - TITS 1:7 iSt.:10'1,ii'°Coer1:: Mil( CI te nrs ts 10 mitt I11.21 BIRMINGHAM ILO. Lao. Near new IAN DURY Et THE Hallan Place, Hatton Garden. Blenheim Street. NeWcesii London EC1N BRU, 01-405 on Tyne. UT OF ICOL PHOTOS IS el) BLOCKHEADS at Hare- -111 0906/4127, A.NGEUC UPSTARTS. Loc- , El 1101401 penman, and MCKIE LEE Iltre tleS ADePottjer»s75.;•:errtnot%e" 147....10. 4"...1 In Of Jell 1011f 111 ,11110,114111 JONES at London Lyceum. T-SHIRTS, S-SHIRTS, Sid T•setirts. S.M.L £3 Many moge including latest Vicious, . Damned. T I.T.S. 12 Blenheim Suent Status Duo. AciDe, Jar., Strangles. Cush. Dun, Newcombe on Tyne. Stranglers. Lan Rush, Boomtown Rats. Blonde. CHEAP TRICK, Logo Tisitirtk NIW O 30 IACN Posy. J Priest. logy. Run- Led Zeppelin. Owen, Rush S. M.L 13. - T'TS. 12 Ica ei.o. liss No. IS, dgren, Blond., Bowie. AC "OC, Bowie, Thin Lrtn, Blenheim Street, Nerscamis Wee, Dee*. Cera 3. Dynn, Genesis. Queen. S Kiss. Pink %yd. Status On. on Tyne. lab Odell No O. Quarto. Sioux... Tubes, Van Yes, Kate Bush. Black STIFF UTILE FINGERS. 7 Am Strew, Tubes. Mormon, Van Helen. Yes. Sabbath. Wings, No shirts, S.M L. f3. -TITS 11113TOMIEND Zappa, etc. etc. - Send me Vaucking Funies, Elvis. Che 12 Blenheim Street LIZA 11.13 CI.VISIIIMMo III 20.11ew 2 II te.ii 1/101,t1.111 'or latest catalogue. 30p for Guevara. Southern Comfort. Newirsalle on Tyne. Blenheim Street, Newcastle - T !T 5 11 Blenheim sample photo. PETE • black, while. Teslarts STRANGLERS. LIVE (X Gardens, Chelsea London On Tyne. Street. Newcastle on lyse. STILL PHOTOGRAPHY. 56 C2.75. S-shirts £4.99, post CERTI Titles, S.M.L. 13. - SW10 Situations Vacant NEVER MIND THE XTC (LOGO) T-Shirts. SMI Marmon' Road London tree. - Gentry. 33 Queen TITS. 12 Blenheim Street. BOLLOCKS T Slurts, SML £3. 1 I.T 5, 12 Blenheim RESIDENT DJ wanted tor SE15 5TE sway, Bollinger., Cleveland. Newcastle on Tyne. £3 TITS, 12 Blenheim Stint Newcastle on tvile. Mobile Discos Austria's leadmg nightspot. LED ZEPPELIN (Knebesorthl, FANTASTIC USA glitter £2 TARGET T•SHIRTS - Photo and details. Les. Street Newcastle on Tyne. LED ZEPPEUN ILOGO) Te WHO iVi,Innbieri/ POLICE designs on too guidon ONLY f2 WHITE T-SHIRT International, Wrty RAINBOW LONG LIVE Shits. SML f3. - T.I.T.S. 12 Mau Gabriel. Wild Horns teeshirts. sweatshirts. KM. RED AND BLUE TARGET sbach ROCK N ROLL TShirls SML Blenheen Street s Newcastle NICK JEFFERY Stereo iReachngl. Rosy Muse. Boston, Queen, Disco Sucks, S.M I - TITS. 12 ALTERNATIVE EM- C3. - T.I.1 5, 12 Benham. on Tyne. Roadshow, book for Scorpons, RusS,. Len. Die Bad Company, Punk. Rush, Blenheim Street. Newcastle PLOYMENT. Jobs with Street. Newcastle on Tyne. BONDAGE TROUSERS • Consoles. Harlow 2509 Straits. Otto. Motorheed. Deco. Ron. Company, Rock on Tyne. record companies, radio (2 MOD ARROWS t.Sh.rts TARTANS in red, yellow. DISCO PARTY Sounds wen Judas Priest. Jam 1979. b Roll. Elvis lives, Frampton. SPRINGTEEN, HE'S THE stations. etc Full time, pan f2 on., S M L., white T•Shirt gen, or black. Also PLAIN County Disco DJ Reg C.vour concert photograph. Bob Seeger. Must by seer to ONE T-Slert, S.M.L C3 - time. Eiperlence un. red and blue arrows - BLACK drill. All with burn- 686 6992 A Blondie, Bowie. be gspwrved. leshrtts Only ITS, 12 Blenheim Street. necessary. - Muse Industry 1 I1.5, 12 Brennen Street, Rafe ziPS, leg steps. SIZES STEVE DAY. - 01-524 4976. so. Yes, Rainbow. £2.60. Sweatshirts £4.75, Newcastle on Tyne. EmPlOYerMnt Goode." Cl. Newcastle on Tyne. guys 26, 28. 30, 32. girls 8, 10, DAVE JANSEN. - C694010. Dylan. Purple. post free. State colour and RUSH TOUR Of THE -Radio Employment Guide" YOU TELL IT WE PRINT IT. 12. 14. only £19.00. T. VFMD. -012266077 ol,ciadi Stranglers. Olive. ere of garment IS.M.I, es.L, HEMISPHERES 1-Shirts. 16th edition,. f1 "British Your slogan on a T•Shin SHIRTS Skeeter,. 939. Adam HALEFIRE ROADSHOW, ti 45s] each. Erl for 10. Send Er design required S.M.L (3 - T 1.7 S. 12 Music Index - lincludes 500 S.M. L Stale 3 col., Ant iSmt.s. £3.50. Teensy Superheated Sounds SAE for FREE sample and lot Cheques/PO's to SPRINT Glenn. Street. Newcastle enamel addressee. El. AO choices. f3 to - T.I.T.S. 12 leopard print (M.L (4.00. Waterloovine 2091, to: ALAN PERRY. PO Boa 4. PRINT, 120 Shaftesbury on Tyne. three £2,40 - R S Blenheim Street. Newcastle REAL LEATHER PUNK TIE S, KEITH LAYTON'S Stereo Lipton, Wee, Mermyside, Avenue, Seentlen.Watshne Productions. H•rnilion SCORPIONS, LOVE DRIVE on Tyne. black o red, (3.50. WET RoaashOw. Professional THIN UZZY. BLACK ROSE UK SUBS official met - House, Stench:1n, Devon. T-Shirts. S M L. 13. - THE WHO ILOG()) T.Shotts. LOOK CIRE JEANS, black, Discotheques 01.521 T.shirts. Sksl, C3. - TITS. chandising. "Tomorrows MONEY. MONEY, MONEY. T.I.T.S, 12 Blenheim Street. £3. - T ITS, 12 lberthelto red, blue, yeeow. Sues - 2322, 12 Blenheim Street, Girls" badges, T•shirts. homework wribng Newcastle on Tyne Street. Newcastle on Tyne 26. 28. 30. 32, Gilt 8, CHRISTMAS AND New Newcastle on Tyne. stickers. "Another Kind of Guys adaremos mating circulan. T-Shirts (state LOOK 6 Colour Conceit 10, 11, 14. Amazing value at year coming. so for your ran ACMC - LOGO Teshirts. Blues." Badges. Tenn.. Send SAE today fo. Pee which one) S.M.L. C3. - Photos to each set only £9.50. CUT AWAY COLLAR disco m the seventies and SML £3. T.I T S. 12 stickers colour posters, details of weekly wort TITS, 12 Blenheim Street. (2.50, David Essex. Rod SHIRTS - Glared cotton first in the eighties contact Blenheim Street. Newcombe imulnoiaphs. etc. Send SAE parcel! wa can tend you by Newcastle on Tyne. Stewart, Slade, Dena Ross, Electric Blue, £9.95. Creare. Geeslin Disco 01-896 9437 on Tyne. Fos, LISTING of no to post to HorneworkerA SHAM 09 - LAST STAND Dana. Lulu, Leo Sayer. Also 4 £6.95. Satin 'Mackie.] stripes MOBILE DISCOS bid. Business Opportunty, 45 T-Shots S.M.L. £3. - Marc Botan £2 Please state shows inteœried in agency on cream. £1.50. iSMLI. Air Sandringham, Road, Nor- Rep send details of ecruip T.IT.S. 12 Blenheim Street. artist and send to R. Cleaver. dens post free, money wich, Norfolk, NOR MG. Newcastle on Tyne. Actscon, The Green, cheerfully refunded if not ment etc To Western Disco LYRICS WANTED te Mu* GOO SAVE THE QUEEN T Winghen Canterbury, Kent, Agency 15 Jodrell St satisfied R Leach SOD PublIshing House - 11 St Shins, SML £3. - T.I T S, 12 M,r, I. , Chas', RUSH 2112 T•Shms. SML 1Basenksiiti Albans Avenue 1,-. I.., , SMALLS - order form

Rotes &Cognition: PLEASE PUBLISH my advertisement under the heading for (Hective free 1616 October 1978 Insertion, sl commie-no, issue dated Ienclose a cheque postal order for to cover the cost made le to RECORD I CLueS ete Fittoos satunotis MIRROR .emir mcosos FOR SALE FOR Sell ri3ORDS WANTED INShl..».(NTS EON Set ALL SMALL ADS MUST II STRICTLY Mlle» IT CHEQUE Re POSTAL ORDER. CASSI MU NOT IS I -1,qh SPECIAL .T.C1 RF.CORDS WANTS° ACCEPTED , rui•FlORS t'.iinr wen Formes hide erretnieneets Ilks pr. •••• Ali, 4. me Si *Cnds ri wito he bow

BOX SUMeI RS M.o. nee wane eie seer. lee _ I

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S DISCOORMS !RE usesyrtmerunorosa !Slot reeetnine teene•eisoeore rem * ler 13 merlon. le, in 3 rhetem Noes 'Qs. le. St eemenne emen. emseie own • Sena tarnprere in, wen Cheep. Pm. Order s. Mew» eera at Mee. Mee. Mere. el Lem M. arnew wen 531 Name and address when included in advert must be paid for PIRIRWIRM.

38 Record Minty. September 22. 1979

Qi" ALglim5 SiNCLi

- THE PLEASURE ERWCWL GA: ryliwEr Becop 6 ETTER TRE LOVE HAS GONE FATE W.nd awe 40 I IF. THROUGH r. OUT 0003.1...Zeoetin THE DEVIL N• WAN TO GEORGIA Chan. Cenées nocE N• FIDEL JUVENILE Ceele EITLIWO ROE Rao 0.1011 2 DISCOVERY 51051,4 Lon, CREE•610 .:.• E.Nla ON, 14.0 11. Nominee@ 3 5.0W RAW COMINO. PLO OHM, GE1 6. SAD EYES...4441401a X sTAING Of HITS Slweloes ETA LONESOME LOSER. Lone All.. Rand lAM Earts Pend «M EP, CB, ILL NEVER LOSE THIS WAY AGAIN Donne Weesect PARALLEL LINES INool. CHHEE141 SAIL ON CommoOpes HIE BEST DSCO ALBUM THE WORLD. «EA DON TBAWD HE CONN Elect, Lease Ocemem VOULEZ VOUS. Abel GOOD TIMES Oyes REPLeCAS. Taseym, Arm, 6559415 Barpuer 20 0051 TSTOP 'DI YOU OFT ENOuGH Manama...on SISEAKEAST YA AMERIC A. SuReTrEPO AIM revei You MOM Nek Lope JOIN S.M. Sou.. ana Tla YesnevE POOP 14 HEAVEN MUST NAVE SENT YOU 3.1115 Nomad OUTLANDOS 13.0U14 PoIme A6P IT BASIC/0E0E LOVING YOU Rear, PRAHA STREET LIFE Crusaulecs MC A I, 01110ÉRS SEAT S.511 .6 TneTwO 1 NIGHT OWL. Deny Reefer 19 POET RUSIN, IA s4CL:f F MANIFESTO. Reer Nun • 17 BORN 1015f ALIVE Eatraa 1401,100E4 7 we.. MAGIC Comm.:Pee e Il MAW EVENT ewes Seeman! 2 CARS GAR Num. HIGNIR•4 TO HELL. •CFCG 21 100 LONE YOU GO , A Tco, I TALO ANTLIcUL F, 6Pc 44 ,0 HORNING DANCE SereoGym 23 DIFFERENT WORLDS Wawa. McGowan • 6 'TWINS ME Doe, ri0 DOWN TO (AND., Rambo* 2 THE ROSS Dam Ross Motown FOU HAD A BEM:IA, Taw, Woe., Wawa By', INTO THE MUSIC Yen Memnon 77 wear.. GON Na 00 WITH MM.!. . Sleadmew PER »X Can't., 11GOTTA ROLD ON ME Dc.tar WELD.* TO THE CRUISE. Juee Treehe .1 AI LOVI0 TOUCH. SOUEEZIN JOCIIPY 0444,14.4 ' CT Leff Chem.,* ELLA ^ SOME PRODUCT CARRION SEX PISTOLS GOODBYE STRANGEO.SAP.Il1llIP ASIA BANG El A REPRICE, .„ 'e TOMCAT ARMY Seen. U.. , SPCOET Attara RERNmSe41104. 141 01,10, 0,0E MY A BOTTLE PRI/d• emu »ANA.. NAGIE C1FA ALL DM LIGHTS °con. Sysene Comeau. 6 ALA, WHEN IN EFCIED YOU HOST R.., FSISBIIT'Bl IS. -'. 24 THE BEST Of THE OWLETS 011.4 GET IT RIGHT NEAT TIME Grin R.Irerr, une. Arteala 6 ENGLE EYES May Musk X 25 EXPOSED...01We. IT SGO Cp. EWES 51 STRUT YOUR ELMIK11 STUFF, Frannare PI 45 WAR., THE WORLDS MR Wayne IOatmeal Vela, LAWMAN ON LUI. Ocoee 1.40440 Wwrer Bros 1a REGGAE FOR IT NOW SS Loyeeler Cheesy , 30 n BRIDGES 0165 40111110E GOOD OWLS CONT. The oeseele Goode •e. GOTTA GO HOYE Xama M Allen. X T. , - 31 At Mt Our Of NELL MAN Leal ...Ent WERE YOU WHEN IWAS FALLING IN LOVE Lc. Cab. EAC• SAXON Commor3010-6 31 34 IMOGIRLS DerP4 Summer HOT SUMNER NIGHTS. Sant 5.1.1 71 GONE GONE GONE, Jonnny MAP. CS - 33 35 DON YOUM31 LE en Deor MAMA CAN'T BUY YOU LOVE E/an WW1 MCA Pe CRUEL 10 OE KIND, MO Low RAIl A! X 2? ENE KK.LERS.Ca•-•4 • 511 DIRTY WRITE BOY. E0 441,141 Mantec MONEY. ENTex Lama. V.ea X 3) FEAR OF MUSIC TAN, Heads X X ANY INAT A SHAME. Chew 'NNE En • 3 DUCHESS. Sams.. IL, IS 52 WE ARE 'AWAY. Sestet Seam 1/ YOU DECORATE:est ./LPL Kenn Roes' ee um./ meats GANGSTERS. Sponlee TI 3/ THE VERY Elf ST Of LEO SAYER IS 0 FIOLESE. Moon 1.-ton C.o. F LOST X MUSIC SW. SISO. 331 32 OUT Of OM BLUE. Elect, Lone 0464.4•1. a A X ARROW Telenet, tiF ehnoè Columbe .7 TEAR FOR ACTION. 5•0101/1310. U,L, 10 3. DRUMS AND WIRES OTC • AS 'KNOW A HEARTACHE wed ,. UT ONE ipaen Warn. WHY :1 BOY 01.110Y. W EIR ,1 .1 40 32 LOON SHARP. Joe •lx Mon 41 4. CRILDREN OE TEE SUM Reny Thom* PLANO, IRE MENGE. NM next Toe,. AI H 30 GOLDEN GELAIS Bean BOW •12 THIS NIGHT WOMP AST ED:REPO, Weems, Jammer EMI Amon. r 100N 7 Leaf MONDAYS Eloonsayen RAIS Ens, 41 44 ERSOUE CIPY 43 U FIRECFIACKER.1.44a,P1006clan C01.114p • LAP AND TICKLE Seelwas Al ,,, al /0 CON1NUNIGUE SIX. da 0000 FRIEND SRN McGreop RSO YOU -VE BEEN GONE. Rentes• SI AI AT BUCCONAN 13015 Cyan AS 46 WONGHT RIND. John 5111,111 RSO BUSH USE ON STAGE. Kale sum F • ant GASAT BOCK AND ROm SWWIXE See Aims Vert, • 44 51 RENE WEER WALK NG de THE SAND toe se CIONIn Asylum , 4-6 IA X DIRE SHANXI • 61.4ORROVIS OWLS UK SRO. 41 1133 FOUND A CURE Assead Ind Sandeso Werner boo •• DOM TSTOP Ill TOU GET ENOUGH U.e.peel Jot. yyn Ie 32 52's MNIA II 53 GET A MOVE ON few Noway CHene ON 1, GET TT FRONT NEAT OWE Gere., RaeNor s 411 - ROY TRECA010.10. 1101 PLEASE DON T00 KC emel.SunsweBand ra • 00H «NAT A LEE. Gee. leolfee. AD x wEvwesewalsorainakilligligniehifildrie a SI $00000 MEMORY Wend. xeamee Henan 71 WHEN YOU ARE YOUNG ANN WERT 54 so o ¡Y, ALL TNIO091104001111WGERIVERREO, 11 51 HOLD ON lee Gem. SM.. En .1 SOMETHING TNAT ISAID. Res 51 50 MCKIE1301.1010ES 1.7 It SAD OWLS Donna Somme., CALMAseca e‘• BACK OF My MANO Joe Isieva 33 II NEW BOOM AND *NNE& XXIV, N. One Eenekhemees 53 79 SUSPICIONS S10000RIEOIII E14•144 - WILATEVER YOU RIEKE 514145 Duo VIM v 53 51 RUMP.", r4414...1 ad 64 IYE NEVER RIEN IN LOVE 5euee Cloao, xy, •. 45 YOU CAN CO IT AJ Wean 6 Soul PRInas SI AS LAST ThE WHOLE NO , DWOUGH James lose 55 33 WREN TOU• RE IN LOVE Mere A BE AUTMUL WOMAN AP-1101110 LOVE HAS GONE Earth INITIO610 C, 55 33 EENAGE WARANG AflOro 01314.1. Warne De Hoe Came* -11, ova ALA THE MUNI'S Omenaltuntener 56 III RuST NEVIN SLEEPS. Neel Young. GAD... GROOVE ME IT ern ashen FT 15 SHE REALLY GONG OUT WITH HIM. Jos 00004 A. Sy M To', EGG Winos I TOU REMEMBER ME Cs,. Thompson 0411.1 •7 NIGH/SRS WHITE SATIN Oa.. A8.14 54 - CUT al, 1114.-.1 THEN YOU CAN TELL ME 0001301E tWay Flaw OCA • •5 DUKE OF EARL Dacts 54 - TOR PRXWITY /am GaNd.ea CA00 16 STnEET uFE Censers . MCA 11 II IN IRE BROWNIES BAH Connolly c,... lU 5.5 TAKE :7 HOME BB Keg MCC SURE KNOW SOMETHING, Km* 43 IS WREN YOU RENUMBER ONE Owe II S !JCR. Sneer , BOOM BOOM Pm Temers Renew Ii le FELL THE REAL Deem Bemlem 62 64 LODGER Owe Whwe 10C• TOU RE ONLY LONELY 40 50140.1 cmien. ee5 50 THE LONELIEST MAN el THE WORLD Taerines IV 54 BOP TX YOU DROP Ray Comae, Warne , STOWE, COSAS TO ME eiarce 411. Welude AA r2 SKY Sky ao:4 46 31 SPINAL SCRATCH lauteocle• Mar /101 11,0^, FINS Jernma XPIRIT MCA A? X RE ASONS TO BE CHEERFUL lId Lao a inelliwErearls 65 T1 SMEDETACTIEDSURSURYN MAW. Ms,,. REASON TO BE .Kennel Xesnnee.C111 II - NEW HORIZONS Oon Yeah.. K 14 34 63 SEAT CREAM, SWE 1'4 41 . GM. TALK. Owe [demands 6.419019 03 14 NERSRAIA BOYS Shama Tr 63 T1dE BEST Of EARTH WAND AND EIRE CB, IT lI KILLER CUT. CWT.> Nelm FO 73 TRIS111.41 BABY Jack. Ware COI 16 51 BLACK nOSF - A ROCK LEGEND, 1/5.41..40 Ved,•, u - GOTTA SERVE SORER:50r WM Deem CAW.. 11 VI WAR STORRS. Slames Er seems e.w. mown. ate Goes 05 83 WILFRENTLL YOUR 147 Eat TAKE YOU Bucene 101 7001 6- OUFEN OF HEARTS Daw Eerawas Saws Soh] IT TI TONG FOR THE TROOPS Boonown Saes Ewe, 20 73 HELLO EIFELO HELLO New kappa 14 114.14 11 Y3 E DOM COCHR•N SoNGLES ALI30M UP. hell". Il kaAKIN• It CPLId ftwonIon ss0 II /3 ONE FINE DAy, Rev Conseepe MN. 72 - RAINBOW CONNECTION IV Row Ea,d• e• LINES. Penney Sum HELL ON WHEELS CPer Cmaniance n n 'MOOTING St ENS Du. - EVERYDAY HURTS. Se Gee RCA el 75 STILLSAME. Cawood mees Mae., • - WHEN YOU RE IN LOVE CS Nee Carnal II n Taff KIDS AAEALRON 4 TIl. 0400 101,0 a 45 GROS , DANCER Adds. , tleolry ,, Svolt- Baln9,• - SIOEO KILLEQTHE RADIO STAR. Suede. lIBIA PS O DARK SIDE OE imE MOON pow 114.4 lOA la mneseeNG DANCE 904,4,55 ,1 war., 46 64 APAERIGAN HEARTS BA, 04.4En OTO SC Il YOU NEVER KNOWN/4AT YOU'VE GOT, WAY. F. O X SWEET EETTIF ROCA N ROLLER. SnoraddyeRETH SI al HORNING DANCE. levee Germ ST X BeeE•K AAST W BED Sh•PaNNIan 63 - MAKING REAMS FOR NIGEL, HIC (AAMILE

OA A WHEN WILL YOU BE »WE Ayer•Cle MYRON«, RCA JEFF WAYNE'S ambitmus 'Wet of The Worlds' album Number, COnnucléon Redeem Sly P.1 Mumma and K. ASCRIN. 51 - OK FOLD. ERR CLAPP, S5404 whICh took over TWO and • had years !o complete, MIS evho *Me 1250005101e TO, Many oe III. Camonlows' doges . es e ANGEL ErESeVOUlt2 SOUS ABRA !pc Den Peek. /0011001 eeth soft-rooters Amen.. MAN a L.S fli! *Neal re-enters the lop 30 Last year's 'Eye of The War' ee ee DAY THE EARTH CA UOT4 TFIRE C. ,'OCT Veri, wIth 'All Tempe Are ROSATI. .. Lee Zesetenee 'In Tyrouon hit has been re-mised Iron the album and is no* _ Of THINGS TO COME. Weeltors coo The Out Door rim been rapturous'', recaNed IMEOLICHOUT th0 .N YSEA GUMMY ARE. Ducar. 4441, available as a pounding severPMInute 12-etcher. La81 wodd Number One m ftlhaln Prat e.t.d. and Number One Il tinte Out 'Eve of The War' peeked at 3 disappointing 36. •IONS ENE US eg. MMHG& OR 1t9 11•CORD vfeek, UM &burn Teal Neatly sotd wee •17- CEVII. WANE DOWN, Clarlm WW1« The album was more successful, entering the chart Of dear two mifilon.pes Of lappet/1's m. Anne., Sil newt made Nominee. in Amens. 'Out Osor 5110 debuted al DONN F011 LOVE TONGA ,.ENURE EIMER Fead, • June 24. RM. at Number 24. To date Il has Spent 64 Number 0. In New Zewere, MAID. Am in Aimee. and weeks, on the chart selling over 700.000 copies. It was HICINWAY TO NELL AC' A11411, Taufnbed 10 1K Jepan The new awn hes arso generated eaes the llth best-Selling album of last year, wheat Justin • CHOSEN rEw ow ,ddy . IX older Zoppealf, matene with 'led Zopoein and •Physioal Ileyrard's 'Forever Autumn • hit, the first to be called - THERE «UST BE THOUSANDS 0..44 Gm. , WIN telorang 10 The US elbuen chart AIM buleets IV from Me album. Sn Me year's 48511 most successful Elation, Ire 'Four Sentries' Mum 11 Number 69 single. sellsng well Over 250.000 in a chart run *Inch TOO« Gary Human's SuCOTass Continues to Sneed:el HIS 'Pees.. it to Number File coincldentally the highest potition Prms1010 Mourn nee, surpnatney. oebute at Number Ono one A 416. . 111 achieved by the album. Week - teal only poem.. Mr Abbe :twee1 are by Led A MIX XIV. Deed Emmet, •gratio New WOOD' 16.5 • WOOER Zeppeltn In me last twit roans In addilex IC, 'Tn. Pumeure NUM.., reaching Idflly NNIIIIINE 55 The »Aunt stands el a Ponta/If' Gy PAS Iwo TutereeT Arm,' ann.", - ARpIlCaS Mousing Inoue to H O Wen' CM.. 000k and Shamed In menu, 111 Nod Tobwaymy Army 114.111hOr 251 en lew chart. II. Ills ()Tyre (fAer shear up Ree1 1 In the yeas-end chart erIalySeS The ernes nun 'Cars soots a urea. Number One toftemlfed FROMeN3 Ms, NeeeseneeD 10,04,901, 11111051 guaraellee of ClOsely beheld Ina 'Are Frends Eiectelc?' succoas. An MECUMS hew lull bed an American Top » ems. Rlth Peter 011efiTubewly Army WORD *LIDOS° single pied 'That s Too Ofeen'S'Oh Wei' The sortg ondinelty HENNUIRD II 0.010 HUGO Bee is bubbling Met Del. the Gnarl In 440151a1 •Replicas' 1 1 WALK ALL OYER YOU. AC DC Number TWO 16800 101 ESPEINT000 I, In In. Slate. II era the Debuted al NuTTICH It) Silb o bullet last week - Gary's 11 ,31 2 2 LOVE Dann, Scopes. gar only Mac Rack ever to chef dietng NEW Mites dine. memo It ELInelCOM SuCCPSE New Album in Arnen,a - •Mk key Moum Disco - including deco- 3 a At L NIGHT LONG. Rambo* PHEW, 131reber 55 America passed anon.. On classes Iihe Albelreas'. Man al The Wore' and 'The Green telanaleMsT mrSionS of Chan Chin. Chee-Ee' a. 21c4A-Dee.0.-Oahr . 4 5 ALL NIGHT LONG. Scoolon5 RC Mee MON) 1000111 Yea/WHE4110n WIC Mn scored seven dom. STP having thee fourth cOnsfeCut ye re welt Me Moan 5 3 AMERICAN GIRLS Toternsm NC M1 consecidne nits Stateside. 'Over My Head' Chamber 201. ekes olde •Neuhly in While f, Meioses' versien *SS 6 9 HEAVY ON YOUR LOVE, Rem Same...Bon naltiten.' lteiternbor Ile, 'Say SSW Love U. (Men. ele. Del't orEpereily • wey merger bit en 1467 reschong NumnbOT 19 an 8111.110 '1 STALUONS Of IRE HIGHWAY. Saxon Care, Slop' INeeinlWr Three,. OTWITS INUMbOP OTIR1. '00 VOW DINT -E MAT Databeentel See WW1* Ihe US not huntited ff11111 year. inter - 10 MAKES NO DleF ERE NCE. Pse Teasers Pnar. Way' IlionIteet ID, You Make /OWN Fun' (Number M.I. MTh tna song wee a ma.. reaching Name. 9 in Breen Era 011* 11.4 WOMAN, SAWN link. Eve the tencTs nee Mow51, atmfl emuINd sheeny and a 1111w senate becOrmeg Me group's bluest own US nit reechmg NuMbef 3 12 HIGHWAY TO HELL AC OC AMR,: 11Cleedulea. thee success Woes sure to continue... and sading ower a nelson minas Ins ferreat man run E DAMAGE CASE Maus Head Wm, Hamnd entered the US Chet, ST DO vole • butte. $24. 15 00.115.10 • Illeale disco chart placing and entenne the MAFIA IS GETCHA ROCKS ors Dee Lemont, Verow V005' has rum. Into 4 XIX OR 00 second went Me nude, oh. tam we.. tetlere •Sery Comm' is not been played by • engle OK Win amen .. The Denture' 'Wnal IWent' IS ER El-8 BOOGIE. Sleyhooles 1.15 wen remained Al 80 and the follOwine. twee dwed »93. • Mane't dectsion to reemee the weak ae the sore Ann« ebentlenece hers oreele3 000 het transferred from Manceestee's - 'SON MAIDEN. hoe Medan feemehere Andel EN. has been WM ISWe'Sedae hA4 been Rhesus %cores to Dacca • re-act:het« Deem label 14 IAM THE STORM. Blue Oyster Cult rot feverled and 'Angel Eyes' Is now otrlcelly 1151511111 at Me tmeratted to note that Nick WNW'S Cselfent Crue: To Be Nerd wesees top track A 12.1,1CHOT version me 511ii been nastily Oil cx. tx found on tne me of me ampere°, 'Little 111110E 15.011 ex..] by THE POWERHOUSE HEAVY MET AL ROAD SHOW eeloneed to boost utati Rtlebovoti Chad euecess 'Sire* You ADA 12t which was rates. laey ID, 1978 .. lalsjnp oT Nita, he :1 3M191152 Been Gone' mu written by former member DI Aipent and The can be 1oure wen Wed.. Eric EA" Coaretto snei tan Our, on Uwe Bailee). Ilee •OACIX•11,11PMX , LTIla fRiffled We StMalosan - now on MFP at 13011174n way e"Eisa. ,Moppets et bat an Pewee nit pith leek of fi,. .. ALAN »HO, scord Muror, Seplenlbe, 22. 1979 39 4111111111111.111F AL gum5 401)L ue pr« STREET LIFE Ceemetios PS TIMIOUOPITOW OUT LOOM LHRZWUILI*7100113 ,, STRUT TOUR FUNS Y SlURP. FIBINlIqU, 0(41111E KNACI1 T.KAch AFTER THE LOVE .10011F EWE MIME, LP E.CnosaPers SLOW TRAIN COMING, Bob DyIer Coneretea YOU CAN 0012. 11,400 re, STRUT YOUR FUNIT! srusr. Frs+ITSM 111114LAMUMI IN AMERICA 5upNte Ton0 MM 00H WHAT A LB L. Gonso 13.0, We. 00411 WHAT A LIFE 5/144.111.14mTI '

MOW. Che 11.0114 GONE GONE GONE, TIonnny 9161104 CBSo L001110 - 00111.0Ve 101110141. PUP • -AR 11ILMALL. Miele.! .440000(1 EPA MORNING DANCE soyfoOno 1n9.9 G(.101.1 TIMES Colo 11101440.11 MAGIC Corernoncres Moen, ell TOUR 13011T TN II Stecamme Mode 20.0 CAT TOUCAN 00 IT A' MwAan IL The PEON. IOTA Eve.. NM ,. CBS 5 TMT GENERATION Jon,. Boron LI]GT$NMUSLC See Sedge CAMPO - Ces /Ye, 000 MT FOR LOVE TONIGHT Fat L Banc, EmeaT /Re TINE BABY Ten Te Mmte

• ...AY WHAT A CONCEPT...Me A.. 114 ,44, 9.6N YOUR NUMBER ONE. Gene CluntIlm CNT.SOLAT FEEL TMF REAL Oarn Pardee T RUST NEVER IN SUM. NY Madon) se Cue Mow • WE 0145 A TASTILY Sole, SNOT, Aome • FIRST UNDER ISE WIRELIBe. River Bare T I 0000 TIMES, Cilla Anon T. WHEN YOU Elk NUMBER T Gene Ovelber Cfs•Seyer FoILLoN NILE REFLECTIONS Cnedo 0.00.e1111 Band ,,MonoL DIM ALL THE LIGHTS Donna Summer Comonlan. yONE GONE GONE 10sosy «ors. CBS /An DISCOVERY EINETAL•01,1 Owneotra T - DoN T5100 •TIE 000 GO ENOuGH Norsoo..1•Ofbn FO. MORNING DANCE 00r0 0114 Ineny /214 THE ROSS One Roma Meow , T TONE N WILL YOU SF ARNE. AMR ANGEL EVES, Roy, Mot: Nam), The T LOW BUDGET klms Arno I II 5.6 ON II To AT TER THE LOVE e GONE E ans «MPS. Anon 1 DONNE ()Femme Warm, T 15 BF ITER NOT LOON DOWN. SO Ron IS e Row, TOO( ALIVE Pe. Threanam Gen An

STREET TAFF C•JmnerT. MCA r 17 BREAK FAST IN BED Snell. levom II 2.2 FOUND A CURE AsMor0 Senpoon Wemer (Roe Ibe 1 RAP (30.5, Catablen...3 70 TO SF TT CREAM Soo. 17 13 BAOGITILS Donne Sumner CATIMATACe T2.1 Coom00 te. GOT BLUES /SOUL 153 PTavel SneeT Lumen Vi.' 70 20 INGO. Lit fONES. Ny Lye J000• sews, ssy 10 TT SWITCH. Bono A 4 Nano" OTIe Zee, [I I41,02 4•1 2, THE CARS Tb. Cm% TO TT SPACE BASS 5.0 • 10044.0 T7m In 22 SECRETS Robenearnet Ebel.

.3 TA GIT.AGO Owego 10 37 DONT Sr.» in. You GL TLNOUGN Menmo Jeken EINC 12Ir 74 25 WHAT CT. GONNA DO WITH MVI FATE ste,FAL, bbee Te II IT THE BITCH 0111.0e. OmneTO 0011.10' TUT. 71 20 STAY FREE •M'oul Stooge 22 21 'MA SUCKER FOR 40010 LOVE Teilna Wee Robson INT 71 74 TECOY Tangly Pandlepass fa 74 ref DON 1TALI( ANYMORE OM Pleclema Eh« 2, 2, MOIONWO RANCE Sr, GO• AT 29 0111 YOUR BOOT 04 II.'NHAT CNA GONNA DO WITH MT LOON 74 01 VOLCANO. Awn, INTFMN Mr A Se.. tee 20111 Cenète9-Fe 1144 li 20 CO SOR INMAT 4011.1044. Pat TT.n0000Yi ',We> DON T SOUPIR. SOU GET ESTUuse Mere :A SAA Oil canonnomores Nome ✓ 31 VOULEZ VOUS. Abed ooutgo A CURE 44/4.019 Seven 76 Ili THE BOSS Dena Rom Moloone I14.• II IN LA004.04 Of LUST Nei Lore 1 II JUST WENT TO RE Como, 7/ 45 5(0 1.0041000 leck FenUOT 171. 12 0 HIGHWAY TO ITTE11.. ACTT% Aloe, 4 iNTECTIACIFEI Mass PTeckorme TM TT TOLL NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU VI 60/.160 A Wu Laser 17011 0 4 5000 TIMES Cne 33 0 ITEAROF MUSIC. TMENOTTINCIII el 20 MOHOUARE AT Vele0e FICA Tbn 3. IT Ref LIVES. Arm Somemer, 6 0 NT TIA THE (OVE RAS GOAT Folk Vand ea/ Iore

15 117 IDENSTel YOURSELF 0 -lan Lb, 7 SOLS A WA., SONG OJO.' 30 21 DEJA VIA LOVE TILL THE END OF TT. 16 17 STUDS/ 11 Vaned, Ames Casableo II MAKI Ml ISTIFAVIS A FRALTET frO %NMI. EN Colla uSP•Olo 10011 17m II 7/ CHEAP TRICK AT 1.217011Ale 0040.00,1k rir IT TAFF DEEP eteeTNIN GROOVIN YOU Here, TMawr Alum 111n PI 45 EVOLUTION me., Ceitent.• TO IT SAIL UN Conmedoret 12 34 IVE GOT THE NEAT DANCE Doom. ONIFuene CBS Tbn •T A TURNOFF THE LIGHTS T.. Penclemem 11 1 SI EVE One Aien FnoTeTT Ane T CI ET BOOGIE WONDERLAND kW, 1.sonoso COS tfs • 4) MOO NIGNT. 0 0 T'T '2 12 THE 0055 IS... Ras 13 TO WAY LEAVE US ALONE Go 5001111 UT 75 REASONS TOISÉ CHEERFUL PT 3 RN00l0 50017e. I IT CAMOREN Of THE SUN Belk Reallie Gelmem` n A ST AR 'IN THE STONE TYOUR FEELINOSSMOWAOCA Al 0 LUCICT SEVEN B.-Memo 10 RISE, Hob Ainea CAN To El GO EATITT Wone 6 7me CBS, TS II RAOCO11.5 Dora Sawn« 02 44 DESCRATON ANGELS Ra0Comodan/ SANT50 e1. 14 51 WAUTATIGOTT SUNSHINE FOOT GMAT 04 47 FrUTIE »EMT 601 ISO lees 16 13 ONN Le YOUR STIND Gm see IT 42 CHASE ME Con rum 501 0 1, Marro(' •7 45 MP IF /At PUREST FOR1A, Mae Amon lOO Mien, I/ 19 Oa,' GOOD A Teat 011Mo, PT 30 WARN TT 0,061 Ranges, M 50 LIAO TAKON.1444.1110M.44444 RCA 110 19 STPEE ILIFE Enwelm• 0 It rue Remo 49 Hot ,RuNNIN• TO TOUR LOVE I15UNCH ASER. It 16 CRANE LIP RNA wok., TIT TT SECRET OWNER, GENII CWT.. 70 M WHAT CHA GONNA DO WITH MY LOVE Sealmns• Man ',EASE TOUR MOT D. Abe Rena., US C. • 04 441 VAN II Van RoMon • Vermat Mes 49 54 PORN AGM. Re11101•1eMn We. Bole TO 56 DIM ALL. 11.« LIGHTS Donee Somme, Casablanca 50 IA 'HE JUKES.SOMMOMMAnny Aseev WICe/I? I. [41401.1 A PRAT.. 'JINGO 0.0040 Tbn RSO SI 73 BOMBS AWAY DREAM OAKS Jonn Smeee LT 35 C.R., GIRLS CURLS 130.4,0100 Rae 32 33BOSS TO THE EGO Winos Gee.. IT 54 REACH, OUT Lee Moue US Seer. ITTe 93 SI TorsGuS no To L You A404e II HI LOCK .TDON" TAMA f101L WATT,. FORTIS, TLOVE 1. 03 AN 1015 ,50 AIM IOU RE AFTER/WONDER WHERE COY ARE foyoGsT SO 55 THE GAMBLER Nee. R.Tbm• Un BAD MOTHE01 FUNNE PLISATT 4aB4RO,o WIT.tbeel LP C 01 TNE MAIN EVENT SounIna•-• C44011.9 2 ETTA, TO TM F.arm U J. IS 33 BOOS& 00.94 LGE ITUNA(' NON R.1 rung eye lan 2, ST MINUTE ST TIONLETE Doabe (MOTH. • O F001/17 A Let ended So SAnce 16 43 MOTOWN RENEW Poo, C.w.o. l.Tl.01 17T" re 50 00444400,101,11 DR•Sso,r. Weft. IA. /T4L /MI Al Km Noma, It n DAMMING ..A04 ,14E o THE HEAT 11115Manamm Mae. Um W III INTO THE MUSIC Van lAwnson 409000.4. 1 TOE 6055 Duna luie• It S CAILLE OM ROCK Eden SIS, nyn Sewn or II, Ni TO OTNASIT. bus Caul.nre 16 DON T• STOP Tit YOU GET ENOUGH Mohr. Jack., li M SUNNY SCE 00 1TTE STREET SWOT EMI 1.2m Comm. O 93 BORN TORE AI 1111F P.010110.11400111 IT WOE ON UP UP UP OTTLETTmon . TTE 04•TOTPT4 LID AMP I4 TWAT NIVTAATTICE 1,onettplo 50 31 GET elOINER 40. CA...Cu. P/e 63 44 THS RECORDS. IA Reeneh, emu, New yew Teo 9 POW NTTAT Cwv Dave • 05 GET uB.013000S !odd...Mere US Waver 1.3. TATT ef PI REPLAY WHEN NECESSARY [Misfit...ends See, Tong 11 FANTASY flme. ••••-• TT 1.2' IT 6 ARMCO NIGHT IMAT SeeMers LIS T.14966 •INT 00 77 LOVE DRIVE Scemens 15 HARMONY Son Lem 53 61 TURNOUT THE LEPTISTCOTAt GO WITH EIE LIFE IS A C1FIGLE • 66 311 ,TIE ROSPA. ALTIGHT F1. Who MCA 1 4 THIS TIME (MAY Jecli• \Meer 00 ME. Teen Pendeneme PTO Hu, 4,400 0/6 41 - JOE S CMAAGE Men lan. 13 STANDUP .1 KAN. AE• SI 46 STRATEGY .311111 flee Ino Deets PRoinITUSTIn MO 64 190, 01. YOU 04101. 149 Cameo Warne Bras 6 GROOVE NE Fop aname. 30 - OFF THE MALL.POCIT WITH vuu ,GET ON TIM FLOOR IWORNIND 44 10 004111 10 EARTH Renton Penh, 7 GET ITP SETO ROUGE' THAW Jame. DAY AND MONT 'BURN THIS réésoaoan !Actual Jackson Eye Er Warner Boos 20 IT 15 52 y 8-521 • 0 PUT YOUR BODY TN T memo. TAN 16 10 .061U1NON TOT, Nabariona0 rgn1.18y 1,01 s AT CURTIS MAYFIELD NeerlbeeT Rso 10 MERE COMO 5 1001 SOUND AGAIN Love Owe. 1. 1 10 OIGILA(,OHITNOW Coles. n ET NILS MU coven AIM T 11 TOSI meeAbeu M 40 GRCOVE 51E Fen oL e'er US OIL oht 73 LOGe 5noMin Joemoonan AMA 301 POP MUllO M lA 44 KNIGHTs OF FAN FAST 'SPACE OUST TSHERLOCA •BACHMAN TA. 74 10 015 1 A GOOF •• e404 RCA 74 Mt.. MAN Pewee.< SHA2.1. Eve« (Andes 4116 Anne 44,- 0. 75 115 PARALLEL B. •T Germ. 20 71 ORIN UP FUN LOW 6-Ten



Nen/ A Tee Cue0 T-15 De,* 0 1 *suf.. ,


M is ICON , wANT TO RE ...ORE An Usnash, US...Me

vJET -I TL...7 LTV .0.• tee. El 0. IT S MAC. eTome. t S 11.15 TOGETT , OVE GANG. , GRODGOLT • LASS 1•1131.LY too. nys , NEE IT YOUR ROOT MORITA o Ansnie Urn., sAN TASI. 10 42 MY TEE, KEEP DANCAG 1AT 40.0014 10400 SOLI. YOU CRT STATTAMCFORCE WEIAT ABOUT ME Moe





/I - 110.41410 11 Cognac US Sesr,

II - iWINNA TX) THE CO ...Y. , . PTA et Ije ONE 'TEAR AGO , TON YEARS AGO IS4mterrber 20 MET , 1 THREE TIMO , Comm.., TN RAO MOOS RISING CNN :-. 2 DIMAIROLIK re, TOCC DON 1 FORGET 10 RENIF STRUT 03 - USOEFIEOVER LOVER el011 T YOUR., MT LOVEINOTT tN Tsr YEAR 2525 :el., AT (Tone 3 BROWN 01141, IN 1sl , 14 TNG Bur, M Deese foon.el 11/CA 0201010, LP Darts ..11 Y AIME M0114010 PT US Jane 004,4 and Sego Geo.., 4 IT S RAINING T. TO youtEz.yOuS. ANGEL EYES. 400» S OL1WHAT A CIRCUS OTReel 05300 NA1 URA, HORN 1100131E If'KM.. Pe 52 PART BABA 6001711 Gm Item Mee, 1211 II JILTED JOHN Nted.lonn TOO BUSY THINKING ABOUT MY BABY Munn Gay, 51 oro OHL scicAS .RIGHT 11144 FOR 416 Snameno US .5044450 7 HONG KONG GARDEN 5.3 Tse b Tne Banshee, VIVA BOBBIE JO! The Equals ▪ BRITISH HUSTLE 'PEACE ON EARTH 14 nreon GOOD MOUSING S TARSHINE 06.HTT ST ILI NOW TORE CITY Mow. MMus WM.+ Mee 12 , 9 SUPERNATORE Epee). S'IL NEVER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN Bob, Gent, rl /1 BARG PANG IS A Rolmober Ammer I V 000E WOMEN The Rob, Stoom 10 MSS YOU ALL Du HT E410 M - CIF, DANCIN ,IMI1A, MIS t FeE1404 PS ANUT BLIT TERI F1Vf YEARS AGO 154(1*21, 19741 FI TEEN YEARS AGO (50.1N0N594.TA 1SSF . unefor.0 SuNINSE TToesors.0,104", 0. 1TF uSEAR.N.LY I 'LUNG FU FGIST ING Coat...Tay 1 YOU REALLY GOT NIE TA K., or 5.1 SWEET LAD. CAA, RA> Teo uS1sNSesres• Tho 2 LOVE MF FOR A REASON The 2 FOWL, THE RIGHT The Floneysneha 3 Aneet S SONG John Denver 3 M INTO SOME THING GOOD Heenan L Seuno. TO - ROG. UN Redoes 4 HAN(; ON IN THERE SAS y Joe. Brno, 4 IWON T FORGET YOU alte Rene. 10 74 JUSTA TEE LTNG Sunny Mao. US Lye Tue S IM LEAVING IT ALL UP TO YOU Clonnd arn Mahe S RAG DOLL 19e Four Green... 10 'MT SAVE TE ',Aim a Ll offell FORGE ••LTY rovOLM•TE (r500 • Y MA ESPANA S o a 6 THE CRYING GAME Ann Stoordel f IWOUI 004 T TRAIN YOU FOU THE WORLD LI CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF YOUR LOVE BABE Barmy Wsne 11 00 WATT OTDDY DIDDy Morns, ,• 9 QUEEN OF CLUBS ILC and Me Simeon, Band 9 WHERE DID OUR LOVE GO ThOreut 10 NA NA NA Cary heel 10 AS TEARS GO 144

Alime.altittudiittt,eititttWeéfliïlii 40 Record MIrro,. SeotPrnber 22 1979 Irs PART OF TIN UNIFORM.