DATE: 11 SEPTEMBER 2015 MARKET: EURONEXT CASH MARKETS; EURONEXT DERIVATIVES MARKETS PROJECT: DR MIGRATION EURONEXT DISASTER RECOVERY SITE MOVE TO NEW LOCATION Executive Summary Euronext will transfer its Disaster Recovery (DR) system to a new location by end 2015. Members do not need to make changes to their technical configuration for DR set-up but are still advised to take part in a Saturday DR test following the transfer. Euronext informs customers that it will transfer its Disaster Recovery (DR) Centre to a new location. This move is expected to be completed before the end of 2015. As no customer impact has been identified, members do not need to make changes to their technical configuration for DR set-up. Details of the official go-live date and any interim milestones of the change will be communicated in due course. A common Cash and Derivatives Markets Disaster Recovery Test, identical to the test held on 20 June 2015, will be arranged following the move, and members are strongly advised to take part in this test. Connectivity checks will not be necessary for those members who already carried out these tests in preparation for the DR test on 20 June, as connectivity details will remain unchanged. For further information in relation to this Info-Flash, contact your relationship manager at
[email protected] or contact: Euronext Market Services: Tel. (calling from): France +33 1 8514 8585; The Netherlands +31 20 721 9585; UK +44 20 7660 8585; Belgium +32 2 620 0585; Portugal +351 2 1060 8585 EMS Customer Technical Support Group +33 1 85 148 588
[email protected] EMS Customer Access Services: +33 1 8514 8589
[email protected] This Info-Flash is for information purposes only and is not a recommendation to engage in investment activities.