A CONJECTURAL VARIATION COMPUTABLE GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODEL WITH FREE ENTRY by Roberto A. De Santis* The Kiel Institute of World Economics Düsternbrooker Weg 120, 24105, Kiel, Germany E-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a procedure to incorporate the conjectural variation approach in Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) analysis such that the strategic interaction among rival firms in international markets can be modelled. It shows how to calibrate the conjectured reactions of rival domestic and foreign firms. It also shows that the approach suggested by Harrison, Rutherford and Tarr (henceforth, HRT) is valid if Cournot competition prevails among domestic firms, among foreign firms, and between domestic and foreign firms. A conjectural variation CGE model applied to Turkey indicates that, if Cournot competition prevails between domestic and foreign firms, the results obtained under the HRT approach are very similar to those obtained under the conjectural variation approach. However, if foreign firms expect that rival domestic firms would react to their own action, then the results change dramatically. In a more competitive context, a large welfare gain from trade liberalisation can be generated. KEYWORDS: Price cost margin, Conjectural variation, CGE analysis. JEL classification: D43, D58. * I am indebted to Glenn Harrison, Thomas Rutherford, Frank Stähler and John Whalley for their valuable comments on an early stage of this paper. All errors are my responsibility. 1. Introduction The CGE modelling literature has developed quite markedly in the last two decades. Initially, these models were constructed under the assumption of perfect competition and constant returns to scale (CRS). In the middle eighties, under the wave of the ‘new trade theory’,1 models with industrial organisation features were used to study the impact of trade policy actions when industries are characterised by endogenous market structure, and the economies to scale are exploited at firm level.