
USOO824211 OB2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8.242,110 B2 Deregnaucourt et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 14, 2012

(54) USE OF ANTIHISTAMINEAGENTS FOR THE FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS PREVENTIVE OR EARLY TREATMENT OF FR 2802 101 A1 6, 2001 INFLAMMATORY SYNDROMES, IN JP 4-89428 A 3, 1992 PARTICULAR THOSE TRIGGERED BY JP 2001-151677 A 6, 2001 TOGAVIRUSES WO WO-96,04787 A1 2, 1996 (75) Inventors: Jean Deregnaucourt, Paris (FR): OTHER PUBLICATIONS Etienne Andre, Seyssinet-Pariset (FR): Wilson, Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, 1953; 12(1):38-39.* Jacky Tisne-Versailles, Castres (FR) Storms, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2004; 114:S146-153.* (73) Assignee: Pierre Fabre Medicament, Satake et al., Journal of Cardiovascular , Boulogne-Billancourt (FR) 1994:23(4):669-673 (abstract only).* Toovey et al., Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, vol.2, No. 3-4, (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2004, pp. 189-191. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Suhrbier et al., Current Opinion in Rheumatology, vol. 16, No. 4. U.S.C. 154(b) by 809 days. 2004, pp. 374-379. Stocks et al., Australian Family Physician, vol. 26, No. 6, Jun. 1997. (21) Appl. No.: 12/224,830 pp. 710-717. Paganin et al., Presse Medicale 2006, vol. 35. No. 4 II, 2006, pp. (22) PCT Filed: Mar. 9, 2007 641-646. Ware et al., Medical Care, vol. 34, No. 3, 1996, pp. 220-233. (86). PCT No.: PCT/EP2007/052237 Bruce et al., The Journal of Rheumatology, vol. 30, No. 1, 2003, pp. S371 (c)(1), 167-178. (2), (4) Date: Oct. 8, 2008 * cited by examiner (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2007/101884 PCT Pub. Date: Sep. 13, 2007 Primary Examiner — San-Ming Hui (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & (65) Prior Publication Data Birch, LLP US 2009/OO693O8A1 Mar. 12, 2009 (57) ABSTRACT (30) Foreign Application Priority Data The present invention relates to the use of at least one anti Mar. 9, 2006 (FR)...... O6 O2O87 agent for the preparation of a medicament for use in the preventive or early treatment of inflammatory syndromes (51) Int. Cl. of viral origin, in particular arthritis of the distal joints, more A6 IK3I/54 (2006.01) particularly those triggered by togaviruses. The invention (52) U.S. Cl...... S14/227.8 also relates to a combination product of at least one antihis (58) Field of Classification Search ...... 514/227.8 tamine agent and of at least one antiserotonin agent for its See application file for complete search history. simultaneous, separate or sequential use in preventive or early therapy for inflammatory syndromes of viral origin, in par (56) References Cited ticular arthritis of the distal joints, more particularly those triggered by togaviruses. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,726,976 A * 4, 1973 Glasser ...... 514, 186 6,720,318 B2 4/2004 Dib et al. 12 Claims, No Drawings US 8,242,110 B2 1. 2 USE OF ANTHSTAMINEAGENTS FOR THE or viral infections. Acute infectious arthritis is generally of PREVENTIVE OR EARLY TREATMENT OF bacterial or viral origin. With regard to bacterial arthritis, the INFLAMMATORY SYNDROMES, IN bacteria involved are gonococchi, staphylococci, strepto PARTICULAR THOSE TRIGGERED BY cocci, pneumococci, Haemophilus, Spirochetes. Non-gono TOGAVIRUSES coccal arthritis is usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Spirochetes, streptococci or other gram-bacteria. With The present invention concerns the novel use of antihista respect to acute viral arthritis, the chief identified causes are minic agents to prepare a medicinal product intended for the B19 parvoviruses, flaviviruses, Hepatitis B and C viruses, the preventive or early treatment of inflammatory syndromes, rubella and measles viruses, togaviruses (including alphavi more specifically in arthritis of viral origin. 10 In general, Subsequent to localized or diffuse tissue attack, ruses). Other pathologies are also associated with arthralgia whether by trauma or infection, a complex cascade of reac and arthritis. These are chicken pox, mumps, adenovirus ill tions is set up by the body to eliminate the infectious agent nesses, Coxsackie A9, B2, B3, B4 and B6 viruses, and and to initiate a repair process. This sequence of events is Epstein-Barr mononucleosis. called the inflammatory reaction and associates local phe 15 In all these situations, the infection leads to an inflamma nomena with the production of systemic signals. The trigger tory reaction at the joints following a process similar to that ing of the cascade of inflammatory reactions can have a large described above. number of causes: bacterial, viral, parasitic, mycotic, The clinical signs of infectious arthritis are joint pain and tumoral, traumatic, physical and/or immunological. The sys tumefaction at the site of inflammation. This may affect sev temic, biological and clinical anomalies ascertained at this eral joints. These signs are usually of Sudden onset, accom time form an inflammatory response syndrome. The produc panied by fever and shivering. Infections of viral origin are tion of cytokines by macrophages plays a central role in also accompanied by feelings of generalized faintness. orchestrating the mechanisms which contribute towards the Treatments currently available have recourse to non-ste setting up of an inflammatory reaction. The systemic circu roid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in particular to lation of the three chief cytokines of inflammation (IL1, IL6 25 relieve pain, Swelling and stiffness caused by infectious and TNFC) whose production is excessive when the inflam arthritis, but they do not contribute towards preventing joint matory response is exacerbated, leads to what is known as the lesions and their consequences. In stronger doses NSAIDs systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). also help to relieve inflammation. For infectious arthritis of The present invention more particularly concerns inflam bacterial origin antibiotics are used, but for arthritis of viral matory syndromes in which it is chiefly lesions of joint tissue 30 origin generally no is prescribed so as to treat the which are observed. Rheumatoid arthritis is an example cause of the pathology. In most cases the infection Subsides thereof. Other tissues may marginally be affected e.g. the spontaneously. heart, lungs, skeletal muscles, peripheral vessels or the cen There is therefore a need for active pharmacological sub tral nervous system. The aetiology of this disorder, even stances, capable of acting at an early stage even preventively, though largely researched, remains obscure. The triggering 35 to avoid the harmful consequences on the joints of the inflam factors include infectious agents, heredity, food factors, but matory process set up at the time of bacterial or viral infec also auto-immune reactions. In this latter case, the starting tions. point of response to outside attack is an antigen/antibody The Applicant has evidenced that some antihistaminic reaction leading to an immune complex which is the trigger agents can fulfill this purpose. ing factor of a sequence of biological phenomena. Alongside 40 are Substances which oppose the activity of this cascade of phenomena intended to combat attack, the histamine on its specific receptors, and therefore oppose the immune complexes have pathological potential. Whereas various reactions caused by this activity. These inhibitors antibodies have two combining sites with antigens for IgG only act selectively, even specifically, on a sub-type receptor, immunoglobulins or five combining sites for IgM immuno hence there are several classes of antihistamines: H1 antihis globulins, the antigens are multivalent. The complexes thus 45 tamines, H2 antihistamines, H3 antihistamines. formed at the time of this antigen/antibody association have H2 antihistamines are powerful inhibitors of gastric secre different sizes and solubilities, and their pathological poten tion, and are used for ulcer conditions and secondarily against tial depends on their relative proportions. The mechanisms gastro-oesophageal reflux and pyrosis. via which the immune complexes can lead to lesions at Some H1 antihistamines act against the vascular effects of hista tissues have been the Subject of numerous studies. In particu 50 mine and reactions of hyper-sensitivity. These are intended to lar, it has been evidenced that they can influence the release of treat the symptoms of a certain number of allergic signs, in vasoactive agents of platelets, neutrophils and mast cells, particular of the skin and mucous membrane. They are pre both by complement-dependent action and non-complement scribed for the main indications of allergic rhinitis, allergic dependent action. Amongst these agents, vasoactive amines dermatosis (papulo-Oedematous forms), Quincke oedema, increase vascular permeability, which causes extravasation 55 against the side effects of desensitisation treatment, to treat and the depositing of a large quantity of antigen/antibody serum sickness and allergic reactions to medicines. complexes at peri- and extra-vascular membranes. An inflam These anti-H1s are grouped under a classification derived matory process is then triggered if polymorphonuclear leu from their chemical structure. A distinction is made between kocytes are recruited and accumulate. Lesions may also occur five main classes: if the antigenfantibody complexes precipitate. Activation of 60 ethylene diamines the resulting complement sequence, after phagocytosis of the benzhydryl alkylamines complex, leads to the release of cytokines and lysosomial benzhydryl enzymes from polymorphonuclear leukocytes and mono pridylbenzyl alkylamines, and cytes. These enzymes can be the cause of an increase in phenothiazinyl alkylamines. inflammation, giving rise to lesions at different tissues. 65 Among these families, the phenothiazinyl alkylamines are Aside from rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammation, powerful H1 antihistamines but they sometimes exhibit prop there are joint inflammations derived from bacterial, mycosic erties against receptors of other biogenic amines. US 8,242,110 B2 3 4 The present invention therefore concerns the use of at least The Applicant has also evidenced that the treatment of joint one antihistaminic agent, or the use of at least one antihista inflammation according to the present invention can be con minic agent or its addition salts to a pharmaceutically accept siderably improved if the compounds used, in addition to able acid or base, for the preparation of a medicinal product their antihistaminic activity, contain an antiserotonin compo intended to be used for the preventive or early treatment of 5 nent. is another vasoactive amine involved in the arthritis of viral origin, and in particular arthritis of the distal inflammatory process, and has an influence on vascular per joints. meability. One advantageous aspect of the invention concerns the use According to this other aspect, the invention therefore con of at least one antihistaminic agent to prepare a medicinal cerns the use of at least one antihistaminic agent to prepare a product intended for the preventive or early treatment of 10 inflammatory syndromes of viral origin, triggered by an medicinal product intended for the preventive or early treat alphavirus, in particular the Chikungunya virus, River Ross ment of inflammatory syndromes of viral origin, such as virus and Barmah Forest virus. defined above and more particularly those triggered by an Chikungunya is an infectious tropical disease due to an alphavirus, characterized in that said antihistaminic agent arbovirus of the Togaviridae family (alphavirus) transmitted 15 also contains an antiserotonin component. Preferably an by mosquitoes of genus Aedes. Aedes reproduce easily in H1- is chosen having an antiserotonin compo stagnant freshwater, and in the shade. The larval sites are nent, and advantageously a compound chosen from among abandoned receptacles, for example Swimming pool tarpau aminopromazine, , carpripramine, , lins, abandoned tyres . . . . , , eproZinol, , These species are also involved in the transmission of other , , , , , arboviruses, such as the Dengue and yellow fever viruses etc. and compounds of the family, in particular , chloropromazine, , levopro Contamination of healthy individuals is caused by the mazine, meduitazine, , . saliva of infected female mosquitoes. The transmission of the To implement the present invention, the compounds may virus from an affected person to a mosquito is made via the 25 have one or more asymmetric centres in their chemical struc blood Sucked on biting, the blood then passes through the ture. In this case, the use according to the invention concerns mosquito's stomach barrier to enter into the salivary glands. both compounds in the form of a racemic mixture and those in The incubation time of the disease is 4 to 7 days. the form of only one of the possible epimers, diastereoiso Signs of onset of the disease are high fever followed by mers or enantiomers. erythema and very painful joint stiffness chiefly affecting the 30 The invention also concerns the use of compounds accord small joints of the wrists, ankles and feet. The pain is of ing to the present invention in the form of their additions salts inflammatory type, very strong in the morning and being with a pharmaceutically acceptable acid or base. somewhat relieved by gentle movements. Swelling of the Among the pharmaceutically acceptable acids, non-limit joints may occur. ing mention may be made of hydrochloric, hydrobromic, This strong joint pain is associated with stiffness (bent 35 Sulphuric, phosphonic, acetic, trifluoroacetic, lactic, pyruvic, appearance of patients). Skin signs consist of papular or malonic, Succinic, glutaric, fumaric, tartaric, maleic, citric, maculopapular rashes reaching the torso and limbs, accom ascorbic, methansulfonic, camphoric, axalic acids . . . . panied by pruritus and irritation. In the severest cases, these Among pharmaceutically acceptable bases, non-limiting symptoms may be accompanied by headache, nausea and mention may be made of sodium hydroxide, potassium Vomiting. However, asymptomatic forms of the disease also 40 hydroxide, triethylamine, tertbutylamine, . . . . exist. The present invention concerns the use such as defined At the current time no medicinal product has been devel above, characterized in that the medicinal product is in the oped and no vaccination has been finalized. Also no viricidal form of a pharmaceutical composition adapted for any usual treatment exists. Treatment is therefore solely symptomatic form of administering. These pharmaceutical compositions and consists of reducing temperature and pain. 45 contain at least one antihistaminic compound Such as defined Amongst the antihistamines Suitable for implementing the previously, used within the scope of the present invention, present invention, preference is given to H1 antihistamines either alone or in combination with one or more pharmaceu and in particular those chosen from amongacrivastin, astemi tically acceptable excipients. Zole, azelastin, betotastine, , , Among these pharmaceutical forms, particular mention , , , , 50 may be made of those Suitable for oral, parenteral, per- or clemastin, cyproheptadine, , dexchlorphe transcutaneous, rectal, lingual or Sublingual administering, niramine, , doxepine, ebastin, emedastin, and in particular plain or coated tablets, Sublingual tablets, epinastin, eproZinol, fenspiride, , homochlorcy Sachets, packs, capsules, bars, Suppositories, creams, oint clidine, , hydroxy Zine, isothipendyl, levocarbastin, ments, drinkable vials, vials for injection and/or solutes, Syr levocetizirine, , , mizolastin, olopata 55 ups. Dosage varies with the patient’s age and weight, the din, oxatomide, oxetorone, pimethixene, pizotifen, rupati chosen route of administration and possible associated treat dine, Sebastin, terfenadin, tripelenamine, tripolidin, and the mentS. compounds of the phenothiazine family. According to one preferred aspect of the invention, the Particularly advantageously, amongst the , medicinal product is in the form of a tablet whose dose of those chosen are alimemazine, aminopromazine, chlorprom 60 antihistaminic agent Such as defined previously lies between azine, cyamemazine, , levopromazine, 0.5 mg and 200 mg, and more particularly between 5 mg and meduitazine, pipotiazine, , thioridazine and thi 100 mg. Preferably this antihistaminic agent is meduitazine. aZinamium methylsulfate. One phenothiazine that is particu According to another advantageous aspect of the invention, larly Suited for the novel use according the present invention the medicinal product is in the form of a syrup whose con is meduitazine. 65 centration of antihistaminic Such as defined previously ranges The above active ingredients and those indicated below are from 0.01% to 1%, i.e. varies between 0.1 mg/ml and 10 called by their International Non-Proprietary Name (INN). mg/ml. Preferably this antihistaminic agent is meduitazine. US 8,242,110 B2 5 6 The medicinal product may also be in the form of capsules -continued whose dosage of antihistaminic agent such as defined previ Corn starch C.S. ously varies between 0.1 mg and 15 mg, in the form of Gum arabica C.S. drinkable solutions whose concentration of antihistaminic Anhydrous colloidal silica C.S. agent Such as defined previously varies between 1 mg/ml and 5 Talc C.S. 70 mg/ml, or in the form of a solute for injection in particular Sodium carboxymethyl starch C.S. in 2 ml vials whose concentration of antihistaminic agent Magnesium stearate C.S. such as defined previously varies between 5 mg/ml and 50 mg/ml. According to another aspect, the present invention con 10 EXAMPLE 2 cerns a combination product of at least one antihistaminic agent and at least one antiserotoninagent for its simultaneous, Syrup Containing separate or time-release use in preventive or early treatment of inflammatory syndromes of viral origin, and more particu larly those triggered by an alphavirus, and more specifically 15 the Chikungunya virus. Mequitazine (INN) 1.25 mg perms.sp.* The choice of the antiserotonin agent or agents to be asso Ascorbic acid C.S. Soluble essence of Mandarin C.S. ciated with the antihistaminic agentoragents in the product of Sucrose C.S. the invention, is made in relation to the extent of the antago Purified water C.S. nist nature of the antihistaminic compound. For example, the Preservatives qs.** simultaneous action on both the histaminic and serotoniner gic receptors may be modulated by the association of two (perms, sp, = per 2.5 ml measuring spoon) Suitable agents. (**quantum sufficit) Advantageously, in the product of the invention, the anti 25 histamine is an H1-antihistamine, e.g. chosen from among EXAMPLE 3 acrivastin, , azelastin, betotastine, bromphe niramine, buclizine, carbinoxamine, carpipramine, cetirizine, Effect of Mequitazine on the Preventive and Early chlorphenamine, clemastin, cyproheptadine, desloratadine, Treatment of Inflammatory Syndromes Caused by , diphenhydramine, doxepine, ebastin, 30 the Chikungunya Virus—Results of an Observational emedastin, epinastin, fenspiride, fexofenadin, homochlorcy Study clidine, ketotifen, , levocarbastine, levocetizir ine, loratadine, mepyramine, mizoelastin, olopatadin, Oxato Protocol: mide, oxetorone, pimethixene, pizotifen, rupatidine, Sebastin, 104 patients were included in this observational study terfenadin, tripelenamine, tripolidine and compounds of the 35 involving a limited number of doctors held secret: mean age phenothiazine family. Preferably, among the compounds of 39.6 years, 61.9% female. the phenothiazine family those chosen are alimemazine, chlo At the time of inclusion at D0, the patients were slightly rpromazine, cyamemazine, isopromethazine, levopromazine, feverish with a mean temperature of 38.4°C. meduitazine, pipotiazine, promethazine, thioridazine and thi The patients consulted after various periods following the aZinamium methylsulfate. One particularly Suitable phe 40 onset of hyperthermia, but generally 1.1 days after this onset, nothiazine is meduitaZone. the phase preceding the onset of arthralgia. Among the antiserotonin compounds Suitable for imple During this first visit, the most painful joints were the menting the present invention, mention may be made of the fingers, wrists and ankles. antagonists of the 5-HT2, 5-HT, and/or 5-HT receptors. At this first visit on D0, the doctors gave meduitazine to the Those chosen are for example amixetrine, bencyclane, chlo 45 patients, possibly in combination with an anti-inflammatory. rphenoxamine, , , fenpentadiol. A questionnaire was handed to each patient and completed , , perizacine, oxaflumazine, ris with the patient. peridone, , seroquel, , mesulergin, This questionnaire included the content of 2 conventional , ritanserin, , , dola questionnaires: setron, ondensteron, , , , 50 HAQ questionnaire (Health Assessment Questionnaire) , , , to assess the functional capacity of patients (function and . index) i.e. the handicap generated by the pathology; The present invention is illustrated by the following ASF 12** questionnaire to assess the quality of life of the examples which are in no way limiting thereof. The use of patient using the SF 12 score. antihistaminic agents according to the invention can be shown 55 At D7 and D14 the patient again filled in these question by observational studies and clinical trials conducted follow naires. ing standard techniques and methodologies. At D28, at the time of a further consultation, these ques tionnaires were again updated. EXAMPLE1 HAQ: Bruce B and Fries J. The Stanford Health Assess 60 ment Questionnaire (HAQ): A review of its history, Tablet Containing 5 or 10 mg Mequitazine issues, progress and documentation. J. Rheumatol. 2003:30(1):167-78. SF12: Ware J Jr, Kosinski M., Keller SD. A 12-item Short-Form Health Survey: construction of scales and Mequitazine (INN) 5 mg (or 10 mg) 65 preliminary tests of reliability and validity. Med. Care Monohydrated lactose C.S. 1996:34:220-33. Results: US 8,242,110 B2 7 8 Statistical analysis of these questionnaires gave the follow 4. Method according to claim 1, wherein the antihistaminic ing results: agent is an H1-antihistamine. Measurement of handicap generated by the pathology 5. Method according to claim 4, wherein the antihistaminic (HAO function index): the administering of meduitazine agent is selected from the group consisting of alimemazine, leads to a statistically significant improvement at D14 5 aminopromazine, chlorpromazine, cyamemazine, iso and D28. promethazine, levopromazine, meditazine, pipotiazine, Between D0 and D7, meduitazine leads to a significant promethazine, thioridazine and thiazinamium methylsulfate. decrease in the number of painful joints, this decrease 6. Method according to claim 1, wherein said medicinal continuing in time. product is in the form of a tablet whose dose of antihistaminic The earlier a patient consults, and hence the earlier 10 agent ranges from 0.5 mg to 200 mg. meduitazine is prescribed, the more physical recovery is 7. Method according to claim 6, wherein the antihistaminic Swift and extensive (SF12 scale and HAQ test). agent is meduitazine. The combining of an anti-inflammatory with meduitazine 8. Method according to claim 1, wherein said medicinal does not have an influence on the SF 12 physical score product is in the form of a syrup whose concentration of measuring quality of life. 15 antihistaminic agent lies between 0.01 and 1 weight-volume percentage. The invention claimed is: 9. Method according to claim8, wherein the antihistaminic 1. A method of early treatment of arthritis of viral origin agent is meduitazine. which comprises, administering to a patient in need thereofan 10. The method according to claim 1, wherein the arthritis effective amount of a medicinal product comprising at least is arthritis of the distal joints. one antihistaminic agent, or its addition salts to a pharmaceu 11. The method according to claim 2, wherein the alphavi tically acceptable acid or base. rus is Chikungunya virus, Ross River virus or Barmah Forest 2. Method according to claim 1, wherein the arthritis of virus. viral origin is triggered by an alphavirus. 12. The method according to claim 4, wherein the H1-an 3. Method according to either of claims 1 and 2, wherein as tihistamine is a phenothiazine compound. said medicinal product also contains an antiserotonin com ponent. k k k k k