The Glenville Mercury Student Newspaper GL ENVILLE STATE COLLEGE Published W eeklu Vol. XXI. No. 28. GlenviUe, West Virginia, Tuesday, May 23, 1950 History Is Made As President Heflin, Anderson Receives Coach Ratliff Break Ground On Site Scientific Award New Men's Dormitory Cy Anderson, Glenville s ti\.t~ \student, was one of the six parti­ Next On List -· Heflin cipants to be presented with an Home Economics Building, Farm Shop honorary award at the West Vir­ Are Other Major Needs For Future ginia Intercollegiate Science Acad------• Glenville State college has come emy meeting held at Bethany col- \a long way 1n the past. few yean. lege May 6 and 7. but there are stW many tmprove- Will1am Ice also presented a COMEDIES ARE ments needed at the Pioneer paper at the meeting. The papers school, Dr. Harry B. He!Un told were written on the subject · of 'YII1.I... students and faculty members at botany. 4.T SUCCESS a recent assembly in the audi- 1 torium. Much needed improvements dut· 1Dg the next two years include a Slop,ooo home economics practk:e ho\Jse; a $400,000 men's dormltol'y;: Vesper service, under the dire<:· An excellent performance was a. $5,000 farm shop; bet\er JY.U'kinl tion of the Student Christian as­ sba:ged by Glenville State college's areas and more paving and walks; sociat1on, was held on Verona Mapel lawn last Sunday evening Ohnimgohow, Players, when they ~':si~ ~ui:~n:;th:~ fi~ti~:ar 7:15. 'J)lesen.ted a group of oomedies in books for the library. Special organ music was pro­ the newly remodeled auditorium on These were the .major items to~ vided by Prof. Bertha Olsen, and May 1?. be stressed during 1951-52, or.. Prof. Harold Orendorff led the students in group singing. '"The Imrportance of Being Er· ~~~ ::~~:~~ ~ ~=~it; Vespers are to be continued this nest", a. comedy played with a gay of the starting of construction on snummer under the direction of abandon. ~ a great success with the new hearth·physlcal bulldt.Dg Prof. Jobn Wagner. lib> very capable characters. and to herald the end of the school Fury and uncontrolled temper at year. l1ts peak a.nd the suge.ry sweetness President Heflin also emphasized of young love waged an amusing cont!Jtued friendliness and help­ conflict m the one-'&Ct "Wby I Am fulness on the part at students and A Bach 10 r " faculty members, and he said we Jane Myers, '53 of Studley, Vir- Hidde~ balen'ts of four stars in should all strtve to become better g:inla, was elected president of the tbeir own estimation at any ~te Iteachers . Home Economics club at a meet· were displayed m the rhymtng and Physical improvements for tb.e tng held recently In the home :rhymthtcal "Ladles of the Mop." year inclued ev~mg from the ~nomlcs department. These plays were produced under purchase of a tlew coffee urn to Other officers elected were 'tbe direction of students to give the beginning af construction OD Mabel Welllngs, first vice presi- them pra·cttcal and invaluable ex-~ 'the new one-h-alt. mllllon dollar dent; Helen Fl.sher, second vice . in their fields health-physical building. president; Betty Langford, seere- penence · Dr. Hentn reviewed last year'a ~~ H~::..~":Iiel~:;:,::;d Art Classes Give =~~ byoiitmfh:'e .~~~~ A aew chapter In GlenvUle State coUep'1 pbyl:lcal ed.uc:atlon ~ nm wu IDJII&Ied lui weet when Prn. Harry & Ht!Un. a bove, br oke "b "t Of W k 1teache r 's boU3e ; audltol'!um allera- ~d Orendorff E X h l l 8 or I ~Ions; small cottage added for rroand on the propoM!d site for the ultr. modern GSC R ealth-Phy­ HaroC.i s • , farmer; and the appropriation for ·IWaoatlon huUdlnc. Students of three different Art the health-physical p1ant. -Loc*ID&1 on II Bead Coach Carloe BatlU'f who wiD cuJde Glenville classes held an exhibit last Thurs- t He went on to list under miscel­ Stale'• athletic fondlles In the DeW, spaclou I'Uuct.Dft. day afternoon from 3-5 1n the art laneous the new walk between sct­ room. · I ence hall and Louis Bennett dorm; 'nle Representational Drawing sanding of the halls; pa.tntlne af Art 200, presented charcoal the dormltortes; rewiring Kan­ 1950 Grads Make Farewell chall::: drawings, In- a."Otla hall; new lighting In maDJ Painting class, Art 307, of the buUdlngs; atldltlon af equip­ water colored and oU ment and band uniforms to the and Art 102, Practical music department; shelving ln Bows To Ye Old GSC Campus for Elementary many campus bu1ld1ngs; boDera showed posters, converted to gas, and a new' coffee Awards Made, Coaneil • crafts, clay wort, group proJects, urn. Installed At Annual and ot'her work on the elementary 1 Dr. Heflin continued his review !Spurgeon Is Elected level. by naming faculty additions, in- Senior Assembly Here Punch and cookies were serVed eluding a dea.Jl at men; field eer- Kanawha Hall Head by the art studen~. tContlnued. on page 4) By Bill lluper Members of the 1950 graduating Winoma Spurgeon , '52, or Au­ class o( Glenville State college burn, was elected president of the D1'8de farehrell bows to the Pioneer house governing board for Kan­ awha. Hall at a meeting held 1n the campus at the annual Senior as­ lounge May 9. sembly ThursdQY in GSC auditor­ Other of-ficers Ium. Shirley Porter, '53, of Gauley An at humor and good spirit Bridge, vice president and Verlyn ~tlh an undertone of sadness­ preVBUed as the class accepted a Purr, '53, of Glenville, secretary­ treasurer. !inal tribute to their college days. Prof. Harold S. Orendorff, bead Program !or the assemblY ranged The nominees were selected by a nominating committee appointed of the GSC music department, has from the reading or the humorous t-een selected "Who Is Wbo in class wlll to tlhe installation of by Mrs. Stanley Ash, matron or the .halt. Mwdc, Inc... 1950-51 student council oftlcers by This is a publication containing 'President Harry B . Rerun. Practical Clothing Class biographical information coneern­ Class President Glen McKinney Jnr outstanding people tn musl.e. conducted the meeting, and the Presents Garment Display program, in order, inchlded college song by the class; senior history, A style show was held last week I Mary Prances Henery; senior will, by the practical clothing class 1n Grace Holcomb; senior propbecy, the home economics department. V-a.ndall Bingman; Wbo's Who At this time all garments were mercurq awards by President Renin; Inter- displayed. Mrs. Lillian Chaddock, n-ational •Relations club a.wvds, instructor, reported, "All garments were very nice and. above average." musinqs Come And Get It'-C ry Of Day When GSC Campusities Gather For Annual Picnic So lon g, pards. The prinker's ink bas dried and the press has come By BW Harper fee, punch and "tee cream. .to a sereechinr halt on the last There was a brief Interval of Despite a number of mustard be- issue of THE MERCURY. 1 would tense watnng in an air of exicted smeared shirts, a few drenched llke 1o upress 1o au students, fa.­ antlctpa.Uon, then a yell of .. Who skirts and pants---because or a lit· culty and others who have made wants to be first!" followed by a tle jostling here and there-stu- this paper function throu,-hout the mad, oonfusing rush of humanitY. dents and faculty members finally year. a hearty tb.a.n.ks for your eo- The mad.rush or humanity- as came to rest on the Bleachers, operation. In aootber term. THE you JII"'bably guessed-was the where they devoured the truits of MERCURY was a smooth GSC student body gathering for their labors. auiomobile, with you. tbe readers, the annual picnic last Wednesday And when tbe last faculty mem- a.e~ as cas which made the at Rohrbough stadium. 'ber passed the cot'fee table-they wbeeb turn. Anyone can put ou.t a However, aner the first race for have long since learned to respect paper but DOt everyone can make a ehoiee position in the chow line, lthe eager" .students' hunger-the the news. You have done tbb a.nd order 'W'a.s restored by the expert remnants of the repast were con- done lt weD. maneuvering or Dietician Mabel flscated by a. number of individ- :We, the staft, are proud to have Todd, and the line of hungry stu- , uals '9.1:lo had faUed to satiate their been at service to such a spirited dents proceeded to the succulent Iappetites during the ttrst fOUDd. ~up of oollege people. We hope ""vltb!es•• lytng before tlhem.' Ofttc:iating on the chow senilng 'tlha.t the paper bas been an inter- Par a birds eye vtew of the llne 1n addition to Supervisor Todd esting and Wholesome project picnic lunch which wa.s spread.1 be- were Mrs. Joe Bail, Prof. Bessie which will carry over to tut'ure fore the campusttes, the folloWing Boyd Bell, Prot. L1Uian Chaddock, years and which makes for a better . . Rlchllrh tlnr the lnst.aUatlon cenmonJes of the Slcma Tau Gamma ~ph will have to suffice: Mrs. John Wagner, Prof. Pearl and b'i~er Glenville State college. fra.lernity here on the campus la8t. weekend was the prese_otaUoo of Plrst, then: were steaming buns Pickens, and Mrs. Rtgg:s. w ll, that Just about covers the :the natt.nat io Alpha Xi Chapter by a D&Uonal decree aDd long, fUll frankfurters; second, TBZI MEROCRY will not be 1' except a.h content~ team from Fairmont State. a plate of; then potato salad; responsible for apologies regarding -eh---6Ubscrtptton for next year's Participa.tlnc in the ceremonies abo•e are. left to r4ht: Prof. Bad­ Jlext were lar'Rt' bowls of some mi9pelled n•mes, or omittance or MERCURY will gladly be a.ocepted. den B.hod.~ Fairmont S't.ate; Steve BaJl. Glen'fflle .State; DAD K.ea­ other kind of $lll&d, tift sumptous pel30ns who ass1sted at the plcnlc Keep up with the scoop of J'OUl' nedy, F..UU.oul Staie; ~- J'laber, Falnnonl Stale; aad BID Bar­ dllbll "' pol>alo solid; -· cof- -4>eeause Ibis Is the Issue. (Oonllnu«< on pace 4l -· loeal chapter pr...... L

002_R.jpg THE GLENVILLE MERCURY The Mercury Writes Finis To Another Y~ar 1950 Cl When the prmters ink drys on this issue THE MERCURY sentor . ass u·IStOrJ • -will write finis to another year of successful tmblication un- When the class of '50 enroUed was elected president of the clus .der able leaders. For some years it has acted as the voice at Glermue State ccUese In t.he this year . ON the CAMPUS 946 .of the student body, expressing their ideas and customs. ~ o;.;,.. ~ ~d;:! j~~::r.:~ c~~d ~!, wB":u "::,~. prtn- ;;:;;;;;;;;J;;;-;;;;;;;;;;..,.;;;;;;;;;;c=';;;;;'a.,._!!!!!!!E• The staff played a minor roll in the production of this nmg to clear. 'l'he ttrst attempt slnoe 1942 -. - scandal sheet and you, the students of Glenville State col- The Battles were over .:':!de to ecllt the "Kanawbacben ", Tbe wdtiDc or t1a1o - r. 0 lege•. shared the leading honors in making this publication The War dnrmll bad ce'l.sed to beat •Pl&ns ,!:;~':.,.,::,':.. ~--!i Ualo - llltDp • ..,.._. posstble. It has .been you and your actions that have made No more was heard on the battle- lack of student tntereat. U.Oachl--U>Ia 1o - - - - 7 the newa. We thmk and hope that you will show the same co- Tb field IDurlntr this year Mary BagweU ":;11 Ora aDd operation to next years staff that you have shown us. 1 • sound ar dying feet. · ~klal~e .J:,"::, =.:: moot ~ this !.: :,~ . ~e student rhody of Glenville State college is growing- OoU"8" days were 1uo1 beginning of the Ollmpus. students ftre 1111: to clllte ao late In llle - · so tt ts necessar>: tha~ THE MERCURY advances ~long w.ith ~~:~~~~~':.': .~n t.he, blU ~ter shocked and hwrtfted to he;U ..::;: =~';:'"...':':'::..._.. you. We ha~e big things plann_ed ~or ~his paper m coming From Uncle Samm:v'apa~bW . 1n~g~~ :U~".'! April 'ZI. llliae years and wtth your help we think tt w1ll be a succeeaful ad- . · the Hn&-'lhe Kent"'*Y llDe that !Bob Wine abel WUida -- vancement. We are making plans for a six page issue to be Weu, lets get ·baek to t.he subject 1$--Wbere they ..., married on hammer ban been getttnc· ....,. r ed to t ' Tu d Th. . I For there stW a !at to teU Dec 3 The announcement or ..,.,. lately. There may be dom!lap- d e tver you on nex year s es ays. IS wil enable us About the history ot the ·so class .RoJim P..zto·s IIIIUTtat!e to Juanlt menta abeod. · as well as you to become more familiar with campus affairs Durulg four years of-helpful SelvY was made on Dec. 18 ~ Woilder who this "Jiohn" lo ·- and traditions. education. Edsel Moos and Erma Ban' made lllleen Wblte bas been r&vllll ·t f th' r' M 'II b another Kmtucty border wedding about? The e d1 or o IS yea s ercury WI not e present As usual the freshmen class of Aftentton .Jun!o Bo 1 Do 't 1 i Edith AJen and Jim ._.._. when the typewriters begin to click on copy fOr tbe first •1946 was the largest tor t.hat year yourself be tnnc!:entt;"dr.tnr~ are tUIDr advanuee "' lhae ' r:- """' 11 issue of 1950-51's weekly news sheet of Glenville State col- with 222 hoophytes enrolled. Dr. ward the Kentucky border tor a -= u.daya """"'· -. - 1 leg~. His work has been one of pro~ess, and .outstanding gie~;.u~:u~la::' ~~ pr=tt ~~ w~::'w~~~n~ucaled toe ccn- ..~arlea ~~;!:"'r'da~n4 achievements have been made under his leadership. We know Crawll>rd a<>ting as dean. Eight tlnued to be OOacb Ratlll'f's most June Boggess must lmve a lot to ' that the new Editor will unroll other achievements just as mstructors were added to the potent al'fenstve weapon. WUaon ta~ ~\"'ut. great, and THE ,..XERCURY will continue to be a hot pancake ~w;:rr:_t'.f/ :~tci!'et~~n~r~gst~ ~e;!b t~ekl~:;eg :~;:, th~~~~~~ wlthu B~,::::a~~"':O: ~= among college students as it rolls off the press. on the payroll. These are: Mrs. ed near the 50 yard mOI'k. Kenny ''Bud" Oooperls mmance. You Maybe this writer is being very optimistic but with your Roland Butcher , Stanley Hall, and Koon and Eugene Lee were co- still have the week ends, Barbara. ']] · . A. H. Anderson. ca.'}1talns or the football team Merlyn Byrd seems to be edgtnc h e IP we WI try to put to prmt the news that IS made by you- Kenny Koon and Ross Morgan This was the year that Disha11Zi· out Glendale White In the race t the students of Glenville State college. were elected class president and McKinney and Oonley . started for Evelyn -n\Dler's alfec- We, the staff of THE MERCURY have enjoyed work- vice premdent, respectively, Haze( performing Jn . tlons. What's the matter, Glen- . · h d · · · ' · . . R eedy was chosen as one of the Ed:W"ard P. Adkins assumed post dale? Are you losing your teobnl- l.llg Wit you an puttmg your Ideas t.nto a JOUrn~1 lStic form. year's cheerleaders and , Alfreda as Glenville Sta'te Dean. New ad- que? We hope to ·be back next year, workmg, s trugglmg, and en- ~ Taylor represented the class as ditions to the faculty were Max The ~nswer to Lowell Clay joying life with you a nd keeping THE MERCURY presses princess tor the Annual Homecom· Ward, Byron Fleck, Barbara Moor- Sampson s question, a to~ Ume . ki · 1ng. Thirty-three freshmen were head, Harold Orendorff, Mabel a.g'O. about P auline Vande.l's love c IIC ng, as time progresses. listed on 'the football roster, in- Todd and Eddie Kennedy. hf~ is a steady -boy friend at home. eluding Chief Elan who finished Fazio, Rengers, Conley, and Ball He s from Oalhoun, too; but not Farewell And Good Luck, 1950 Grads! ~~~":,~rlnsci!'~'i" years by attending ~eag~b t~~ who revised the wi::~"'Henthorne and Charlee Yep, this is the end of the line, 1950 class, and we are ¥ormer instructor H. Laben McKenney Wlj...S eleCted judge of $=urry were .~een at one of the local · · b) f b · h White :V."TOte the now famous Alma the Holy Roller Court. S teve Dis- hot spots. b emg as smcere as we are capa e o emg w en we say- Mater song, Lloyd Jones an- hauzl, Bob Conley and "Chuck" HOlbert Prunty slips ou't two or "Good luck, and may you proudly carry the name of Glen- noum:ed an Increase In room and Adams held other offices. three -es a week to see Verlyn ville State College into the tumultuous world which awaits board, Dale Davis reigned as stage ;sy the aid of the "Pine-Ear" and Purr, resident of Kanaw!m HaU. ou." for three one-act plays, Jthe ever busy had of hls wife, Kay, Edna Dawson and Harry Peters Y and .. Adventures of Ma rco Polo" Steve Dislta.uzt's college education- have been seen manuvertng arouncl It h asn't been an easy journey, there have been times W'lls plaYing at the plctureland. one might say-"came from m;. the campus together. when you felt like saying "to H _ _ _ with it!" But, you didn't 'Louis Bennet hall received a new NEA.'l'H the basketball court" Ath- Clau~ette Parson~ has broken b·ot water tank ; Kappa. Sigma letic Scholarsthps are now · open the spell af W'l.llla~ Harper's - because you h ad partaken of t he " Pioneer" spirit of fight Kappa fraternity, the first national tor this posftlon. Iba chelorhood. Does Claudette re- and win in great quantities, and it was not in you to quit. organization on the campus was The recruits of Emily Post who Gemble Parkersburg gtrls, Blll? We said this was the end of the Jine, but now a contra- formed: Robert Harrison, who h as 1.lved in V. M . H. gractously accep- Joana. Nub haa foa.d • aew since transferred, was elected as ted the task of transferring their in&erest, or should we .,. Seo*l di'ctory statement is in or der, You have j ust finished four of president of that group; and llbe culture to the "Chow Hounds" of Withers, o&adeat at Weoleyaa. haaf the best years of your life, and now you've really got to class saw 91 sen!on; graduate to Kian&AMa Hall. They agreed to t<>ke Thl• ctrt rhe KSK fraternity dance. The to Glenville this summer. son w h o WI come out on top." Other..,. will fall by the way- of the class. main event 01 the evening was to Susie MUUenlx and Don Ellyson side. Dr. Hefiin, an alumnus of G. s. lbe a. jittel'!bug contest for all hep- seem to be havmg difficulties. Tnle But you, 1950 c]ass, -need have no fears, f or you ar e C., assumed duties as the sixteenth cat.s. Applications poured in and love never runs smooth. adequately fitted, for work of the highest calibre in a field president on OCtober I, 1947. The among the firSt received were thAnyon"t,., ~g ~tm;u Inagural Ceremony was •held Jan. George Howard., John R. Wagner 1 mg ,~ u ana ":t where efficiency and ability are of paramount importance. 16. The vaC'ancy W'8.S lett by. the and our class sponsor, Bessie Ball. / P erry Como" Smith. "' .. resignation of Dr. D . L. Haught The biggest news event of this We · hear that. Ray Booa.e During your time here, you have helped to make the 15 name of Glenville State college an honorable one, and we '9.'ho accepted a teaching position year was our admi'ttance into the Waldo rolar Into the Jewelry at Davt.s and Elkins college. No}'th Central Association of Col- , business. Rines are the mala Item. know that you wili continue to do so as you go out into the Six new faculty members joined leges we were oroud to have gain- Bob Pugh and Georgia Reed find ·the staff this year. They were ed thts recognition and Jrnew it Psychology an Interesting class. 1 troubled world. · Mamie Brooks, Clares:sa W'illlams, 'had been the result of hard work. F areweII • a I umm 1· ' Pearl Pickens, Grace Fullerton, and efficient !)Ianning on the part jl950 Grads Make Eliza:beth deGruyter and Michael of our administrators. (Contlnued from )ALge u P osey. K an1D, BlngmDn, Taylor, BaU IB rooks WOlfe; Installation of offl- Dorothy L. Cooper, R . N., of a.nd w:on posts as Stu- cers, President Hefiin. 1950 Senior Class Will Spencer, became the college nurse. dent Council offt.eers for the year Who's Who awards were ginn We, the seniors of the class of easy l\\l&lk to Ed~el Ford. lin J~~~a ~~pa~~~nt b~:ft ~~~~ ~ ~~·s A~~g 1~he~:~:n lis~~ Barfbara Fulks, EUeen White, Rob- 1950 of Glenville S tate College, .s·teven Bail wills his shoe sh~e resignation of ~amte B rooks. leges ~nd Universities we found 1:art ~~N~~~~ 'i~?t·a !:se ~ ~~~nv~~knm:i'~~ed.Vlra~ i:~~:~: kit and four magic shines to K1bo ~e faurteenth annual Home- Jack Stmon and Ruth Fore.. I Childers was bhe ;eciPlent of the 6ound of mind and bodies, do here- Th~~"Bingman leaves his quiet :~m~o:-sr~~~ ~~b:~e~· :i~~ t!h~;~~~gcl~th~a~a~CU:n~.;;r;~ I~~~attonal Relaltions c 1 u b by make and announce Vhis, our manners and Nellie to J im Marsh. Margie Jack_ representing the ·so Robert MtNemar was elected class 1 ArtU the installation of next last will and testament. "Chuck" Adams leaves his curly class as princess and Kenny Koon president. This year Alfreda T aylor year's student councU its president Section II ha1r to Gene White. ns escOrt. reigned as queen wit'h Mary Ann Bob Arnold expressed apprectat~ To the faculty members we leave WUltam Berry leaves his artistic Dan Rengers and Alfreda Taylor Heal as princess and Ralph Gwinn for his eleci:ton and asked for stu- our thanks for seeing us safely ability to Margaret Westfall)' wer~ named as Glenville State Co~- 1ln esc;ort. "Chuck" Adams ~as elec- dent cooperat!o~. Other oftk:ers in- through our years at Glenville Mrs. Freeda Burke wills her leges tint Daisy Mae and L'll ,ted Pioneer. Sl!alled were Edsel Pord vtee-presi- Stat~ college. "Home Ec.'' interest to Barbara! A1bner by student balloting on Dan was chosen to edit dent· Bud Oooper ~ergeant-1Lt- Sectton U F ulks. Sad1e Hawkins day. 'flhe college publication "The Mer- anns'· U>is Martin 'secretary and To the jU!liors we leave our ab- Sylvia cunningham leaves her/' The student union opened Jan- '0\llY." Shirley Osbourne. treasurer. ' 1ltty to get mto and out of scrapes good. penmanship to Tony Megna. uary 20, 1948. Stydents cast bal- Alex Jokay was brought to Glen- "Should Old A uaint>ance Be -and. all the chewing gum we so so t.he teaChers. can reatJ his papers. lots. to name the union and Harry vill. e State Oollege by the World F'orgotten" was th~ air tmt rang car~fully placed on 11he old audi- qt~le Davis wills his talking abl- Pritit's "'Pine ~Ear" won as the Stul1ent Service Fund from Ger- f-orth as the class became Alumni of iOOrn~m seats. Utv to all speech majors. most appropriate name ror the many. PerhaP5 a future graduating Glenville Sbate college and the as- Sect•on 1,!1 . · Bob Curry lea.ves h ls trailer to campus P . X . class will boast of a a tennis cham- ..sembly e'nded. ' To the sophomores we lea-ve our Sm..,'<:ey and Betty Tharp. I The first Senior Day was ini- pion. excess knowledge. We think they Frank Bock leaves his position tia'ted. With 654 attending. Don'8ld Cobb· and Nourine Mor- may find a need for it. , at the "Hub" to "Poodles" Hayes. Work began on the field house r1son , Ruble Clenenger and Esth- Colleges an.d Universities." Ruth 1 SecUon IV , Bob Conley wills his apartment land the completion date was set er Hangman, Bob Oonley and Pore and Rl<:bard Bolyard lead the T o 1ihe freshmen we leave the to Marilvn and J im Cunningham. for July 25. Bettty Hardm-an were v1ct1ms of graduating class with SUmma Cum right to hope that sOmedDy they, ' H arold. Collins leaves h is dark Bustness picked up at the Valley cupi~ arrows. They took the bliss- t: aude honors. George ChUders, 'too. will be seniors. Ihair to Jerry Henthorne. T avern due to a teq dollar boost fill step into matrimony. Mat1eda Rogers, Gordon Dale and Section V Junior Childers wills his ability 11n the veterans allowance. Dan Rengers and Al1reda Tay- Bernice Crawford are graduating ~~c~!il~ Bt;>en~~~l esburg . :ee:'~;d ~~c~~ieG~~~:. every du~f~:r ~e d~r:m~ . -~f~~eerto b~~~~ ~!r :~~e ~~~ ~~~s~ t~~ ~~um:~s~ ~:re ~~to ~~~~~ep~e~ Steve Dishauzi leaves his ath- R IChard Bolvard leaves his extra game at Spencer , Charles CUrry Thirteen students from Glenville U6teS 1n the class ot 1950. lettc a.'billty .oo Sid Addlesburg. honor points io anyone who forgot 1was oflf'icially oonverted from State College assumed adminlStra- The ~ at '50 feelS honored to IR!alph Glw:mn wills his reserved -and spent too much time at the manager to first strln'g by lt'lve duties at Troy High School laioW that the auditorium has been 6eat In Veron-a M-apel hall lounge unton t'his year. " Ourly" Ratlif-f. April 13 and A'Pril 14. They were tor bhelr OQmmencement nerctses. to Charles Mal'!ks. Stanley Ash leaves his position as Euljean Cogar Gross, one of the Dan Rengers, Ralph Gwinn, Mary 'lb.e class regrets not being able to RalPh Fazio ,M.lls his a'biUty to Kana.v.·ha Hall house father to CecU 1newly-weds of the SOphomore Frances Henry, Ava Nell I.oud:Ln, take advantage at the convenience~ " things easy" to Miss WU11- Johnson. · class, W'8.-' renting a seven room John Rom'ano, Gordon Rhinehart, of the new health butldlng but we ems. Weber Bagwell leaves his sing- 11louse on a week. end ba&ls. Van Bl.ngman, Donald Oobb, Grace lewve this privilege to the under- P'reeda Davis leaves her lady-like l:inR ability to Joanne Nash. I By th1s time the '50 class was Holcom, MQJ'garet K iVVfn.s, Robert classmen hoping they flv.IIl p.lD. manner to Josephine Whitsel. Don Oobb wllls his dancing abl- using "VersatUrty-We Have It" Blake and Noreen CObb. much from this, another of the Merlin Byrd leaves h is old grey Hty to Don Starcher. as their slogan. They boasted of GlenvUle State College served as many Improvements we have .seen. de~ar~ N~ ~e . ~ box of tom~r ~:u~~~\Ves his low voice I :~~~ J~h~~~nw~~::r a P~r;r~ ~~ t~~an::;! · ~vr: 5~:~ ~t.h;ur~:~ C:: Kleenex to Perry Smlttt. to be used George Childers wtUs his abllltyI The sophomore boys won the class and directors partlctpated. -and ac:lmlnt8trators at G . 8 . C. we to remove excess to rl1~y a guitar to Ann Martin. Jtourn•men't by 53.45 and BemaTd The class of 1950 boast& the hon- feel tbey bave adequately prepared ~~:::~Je= ~aclc~~tyLo~ te:~nc~:-~1~~ ~~ ~~t- ~~ta~~:J!e tlbr~r:~pw t4 join ~~veafev~"::Jedt~= ~=m:. us~ ~o~ -~ur~ ~~=~ ·Martin. summers Furr wills hJs news- On thetr retum to the carDJJUS DurlJrg this year the namea ot eel anoUte- nmg of the ladder of RUby Clayton wills her car to ~ner abtl1ty to Stanley OOstey. as Junlon In Beptember, 1948, th

005_L.jpg THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Mick And Hardman Mentor Ratliff Releases DIAMOND DUST Win In W AA Contest Mick and Hardman were the winners 1n last Wednesday. ntgbt's Women's Athletic softfball contests. 1950-51 Sport Schedules; CUB'S L&liiBNT I 'Mlck ocored a victory over Stai- To l»e a eorlbe 1 do up1re ~~~~r Hardman defeated Wave Eleven Has 8 Games Tbat•a why m:r brab:l d.oea ,dally These gauies are played each 1 ...:=-·weboler wHb lleOl Monday and Wedneoday evenlng 1D Pioneer Coortmetl Open •------..,.- lll>ohrt>ough stsdlum. Season With M-H Eagles; Is· T I I ~fo&Ca'- Pn>f. Elder• SCA Members Hold Steubenville On Schedule I tgma au s Tho :0.:0 jounlaiiR maot loam Last Regular Meet By !BoDDie IBoD!Do '0.::.: :-,don't, be wiD oarely M.-rs or the Student Chris- H=n~ AC::':u:r":a. :: Loop-Leader la.DQ' co1~ ' i try to pHflcate &Dd. tatn association held their ftnal released for publication the 1960· ..,oai =ay ~;::.g of the year last 51tlSChed~kfor the GlenvWe State -The cba.mptonsb~p finals 1n the BU It always10 ltOUIIds like IIOme P lans were made for next year ~ines .an~ln ·~~ to= MAA double e~nation aottball y J:~ :1e ell tb d •t and an annual report of thJs year's sports an attractive card has been 'boumament are 'blUed for the tlnal oareounlour 1 ' "' ey on activttJes was presented. slated, hlghltghted by the boolting week at school with the Sigma Tau u you aren't a WincheD, tbe D's There wa.s also a discussion of of several new' colleg,tate foes Gamma fraternity aggregation and 'Wblte wW go into Sa:tur- tb~ will mount.. the posstbllfty of SCA 'having Wave Opens With Catamoanis the Grantsvllle gang being tabbed dt.J' ni&bt's tray with a 2-4 confer· Fresh verbs, Jln heads. the amtbe special activities for Freshman The Pioneer grid macb1ne wm l as tbe teams to tame. .- reoonl and a 3·4 overall sea· .he doe~ seek Week next year. open 1t6 1950 eight game pigskin The Greeks of Sigma Tau are the .em •te C that n I MER Prof. John Wagner announced season in an away game with!' top of the heap at tlhis writing with Olenvnie nine lost to strong Sal· ·~Y come:'::~:::,. week!... that he intended to go on wlth Potomac State's catamounts who , a s~tless l-O record but the em twtoe, 9·5, and 23-6; COncord The studenb they read it they SOA this summer. Inave reappeared on ~e wave tall waldo-sparked Grart:tsvrne outfit is ance 12·'1; Fatrmont 5·1; whUe moan and they .crlpe . . menu. ~~ s~u ~~d =~n a 2-0, slate...... ,....erlng Alderson Broaddus 8- AD add Is misplaced and the Ink Dmn~t" Hall To Be Closed The last time the Ratlil!men In lost week's skirmishing Sid- :: Wesle,.n 1'1-8, and Mvtetta l8- blots the type: Friday Evening, ~ay 26. i:_~~l~ wf~1 t~~e~tath~o~npststa= ney. Adle!berg held Emmett' Wil- ODach Splar'ky Adams will pro~ A ~::·':s ~et: lovely a scribe's The di~lng hall wtll close after were beaded for a. bowl bid. It was 60f1: s lads at bay With his uncanny ~ nominate Bob Da.wson his 1 tbink it is, it. !Is Uke iB-.! the evenmg meal Friday, May 26, Ia. David-slays-Goliath tiff · that af- deh.very as th~ GTeeks won 14-4. afteady junior flinger, or lanky Dave The above example of poetic wiz- ann?unced Prof. Mabel Todd. ternoon as the G-men battled tlhe ~~ts fanned ~~ and gave up four - to go to the hili against aroy glvestheldailyoonsumerofthe Jll S , Cl W 'll visitors to a 77 tie, but the Wave T~m Arnold and Emmett Wilson tbe in:vadens tn Saturday's contest. MEROURY a tlhumbnaU sketch of ,750 ~RlOT QSS l later lost IW!hen it was learned that was the battery !or the losers while G-Mea Ban Depth this callow columnist's feelings as (Continued from Page 2) GSCFo used! an ttnellgtbl~ m:aztd· Adelsberg and Megna. pitched and Pilot Ratlifif may use any one of he closes the cover on another gJor- I grew to my present size" to Harry I ur oh nex seasontes gil" lthgrathp- caught for the loopleaders. a. tfour hurlers 1n the White tous year of meeUng deadlines, mis- Smith. pes are arne encoun rs ,w e Allan Keeney's Oak Hill nine felt waves' finale. Dan Rengers, Steve spelling wonls, eulogizing G-men, J ack Fling Wills his ability to invasion of Davis Elkins the v.-:rath of Vbe Grantsville crew Da11auzi, Gene White, and CecU and reoord.tng Glenville Sta!te ath- marry a high school girl to "Moody" HuiTicane here o~ Oct. 14. mau~ last week. as Keeney bowed, 14_ . Jabnson comprise the GSC mound Jette history. W.addell. 'ing the Homeconung festivities. Hayhurst socked a 6a &Wt. R. !R. Bits Road Fred Deem wills his mathema.ti- A flock C1f speedy back -and husky triple a single While Boone waldo Kon1s Harvey lras won five of Yes, tt t.s again· time to stash cal m'ind to Lonnie Miller. linemen are expected to enable the poled' a triple and a double to led IMJI¥'eD outings rhls season and their aW'By my sesquipedalian adjectives Bill Decker wills his ability to T-formatlon minded P ioneers to the victor's RIBI attack. httt1ng attack is led by Gene Curtis toss the Vtlrga babes on t'be office raise a. family to Ireme May.v.ard come out of the doldrums next Grantsville Wins a busty catx:her. wall a kiss, slip llhe black hood over and her futlure husband. season as tlhe locals attempt to Classy George Johnson and Jtm Jones at first, Dewey Ro- my typewriter, and piok up my Cecll Davis wills some problems snap a. 16~game losing str~ak that " Hose Nose" Marsh cut the cor- =:~~~~~~ s~~~; ~~!_:~t remuneration at t)l.e 'City to an~ne who will take them. ~!vea~r.u:~h~~~dwtde mterest. ners for Grantsville while Joe up the Eagles' infield. which is not ~· I sit here and nunlna.te over nu~e~~m~a.~~ta,:t~ h~ad~; The las': timep the Pioneers cap- ~~~~d !t~~ey Costy made up tddicted. to committing errors. ihe events that n ·ave taken place Clark. tured a football victory was back on Foll~g is thr;· standings in the Besides ~s ~gers and Dls~ •this ld running seen at Rohr- o'clock nights she did not use to v1s-Elkins. G-men will play 10 Marks ...... ,, ...... H I S Orne Un bough lleld in a long time but it Elsie ElsWI<:k and Doris Perkins. home engagements. 1 2 With Bags Laden ;;~fa:t er.ough as Tech prevalled, ~ve."~~u~~IDN~:'"'" or her t~~~,!;;· ~u~"..~~et s~[3; sept. 16 Potomac State There By ao';.me IBoW... Grldders Tie Salem Mary Ann Heal w111s one G . I . ~~ ~~~;ry':eg ~~~a ~:~ ~t: ~ ~~ont .::: 0 1 Pepper-pot Oharles " Chatter" se!:~ . t~eN:'o~~~e!~~ ~~~e= h~~~l~~. t;i ~~~ ~l~ahts unique O:mcord, and Tech are the teams Oct. 7 Tech At Mt. Hope CUrrey, a fauryearPioneerbaseball delega'tion got tts long-awaited Jitterbug technique0 to Verl Gar- entered. Oct. 14 'Davis-Elk.l.ns (Home- performer, wbo bas been hampered chance to cheer. It was on this Sa.t~ ster. Beckley, St4fubenvtlle Added coming) Here by injuries all year is leadoff in urday that the wave gridders ba.t- George Howard wUls his croon- Beckley epllege Blue Hawks and Oct. 21 Shepherd There Ia this week's Pioneer Personality tied a heavier Salem college eleven ing abUity and "George" to oaro- the steube:n:v11le, Ohio Big Reds are IOct . 28 Concord Here JJ~,Nde an ••Chazz" ts ~ne of tlhe 1n a 13-13 tie, tihat broke a string line Boyd -tlhe two new additions to the Glen- Nov. 4 Wesleyan Here few departing seniors on this year's at losses tha't dated back to the Worthy· Husk 'W'ills ·his speclal ville state pine plank slate. The 1950 Basketball Schedule: blue and white clad Wave squad. !Season at 1947. . tennis tedhntque to Alexander Jo- Wave will meet Beckley at Beck- Dec. 14 Morris Harvey There standing 5' 10" and weighing a The following Saturday in Elkins, kay and John Brooks. ley on Dec. 15, and Stubenville at Dec. 15 Beckley There compact 150 pounds, Currey 1& not Coach Ratliff and his underrated BaJTett Johnson w'Uls his father- StnJbenvUle on Feb. 9. Jan. -t Patrmont T·here only a hustler on the field but ott pt~n maChine had a. nightmare 1y appearance to Taylor Phillips to This past season the towering J an. 6 TeCh Here ~ field as well as evidenced by of a second half in a tttf with D-E's - h im tn his duties as v. M. R. Pioneers tinlshed in fifth place in Jan. 9 A-B Here ,;be tact that he lHls already landed 5en'ators. After leading 21-6, at house kther the 14-team WVIC while averaging Jan. 12 Concord There hbnself a coaching job tor next Joe K ania 'wtus all the headaches 66 points -per contest as compared ~:: BT;:;ey ~~= 1X: ~ ill J 0b three impatient men on the bags wonies, and work that accompanies ~:!/%~e th~=:~u~:si.e~ ~; Jan. 20 Balem There ~ey aswill return to his old licked their chops and waited. !Continued. on page ~) Pioneers' opening tourney action: Jan 25 Concord Here AlDa Mater of Ripley high school The Harrisville hurler tossed, 1 "Books'' Will Return Jau. 27 West !Liberty Here next September to retgn as head Currey connected for a home run halftime, 'llhe victory-starved locals Returning lettermen next year Jan. 30 Morr1s Harvey Here eQQtlh in 1lafseball and assistant and three RBI were Chalked up af- let up and allowed the Senators to shoqld 'include All-stater Bobby Feb. 6 Salem Here tn track.. ter Currey's moniker. Yep, that come back and nose them out 34-28 •'Hooks" Hardman, Glennard. Van- Feb. 9 West Liberty There •Majoring 1n :9hY61cal education CUrrey always did have a penchant on a. payof!f thrust that came in the noy, Sidney Adels'beerg, T ex Gain~ Feb. 10 Stubenv1lle There and biology, Currey may be just ~!~~~~s ~tt!ramatf.c! last 38 secontls. er. Joe R'ader, Carlton Gandee, Bob Feb. 15 Fairmont Here :~~·~t~~;t ;~ ~!!:~hene:.!rt~ [Janky Glennud Vannoy, one of co;:~ m;;,~Sh~es ~rsin:~·sp~~ ;!f~~g-~~':~~. ang several pro- ~e:: ~ 'Z~~leyan ~=~ tng scene as a diamond power. He the fe~ marr\ed ·men on the start- lication's f-ace, but the sand in the 1950 Football Schedule: Feb. 27 WesleYQn There p&Jd tor that plug. .. . ing Pioneer nine, has also shone hour glass is just about dNlned out. Ohattel'box CUrrey who came to in recent Glenvllle State engage- So until next fall when I shall re­ aec tn the fall of ·4& plays inde- ments and Glen is developing into turn wtth a SWl'tan and my old peJJdent ball in the s~er montlh.s a consistent hitter. · , man's chec~book, I bid IBON With the Ripley Moose and the Glen played first base last sea ~ VOYAGE! II Spencer American Legion 1n the son but was switched to the out­ J • c k. s on County Independent field this season to make room !or ~.! .. Splns Yam ~~ ~~~~.l~u~rf:~:~. 00 bolster f~~~-;~~-~~~d~-~:-i In recalling some of his head- Vannoy, who is on the tine-hJttlng feats over his a.ctive Glenvtlle State hardwood quintet, : your shopping list l four-year diamond career, CUrrey is a. former all-state basketbe.ll . , States that •h'is btggest thrill 1n player from Normantown high • • tJueball came one a.ttemoon back.. school. : and remember that when : :.e~~ in a hlg'h school pitching j ...... ; : you need a small cash loan • Ripley high school and Harris- : For Good Food At The : • you can depend upon this : ville high school were bartering : Right Price Visit I : : bank for personal consid- : All was closer : CONRAD'S : : eration. are treated : =~es. a~e~e00~~e : with confidence : eurrey steppec1 into the batter's : RESTAURANT : • • box and unlimbered h1a bat as the ~ ...... :. • • r··----·············--1 iGlenville Banking i r····;;,~~~~~~!-~~~~-----·-·----·-······------~ : Umm! ..• Good :: & Trust Co. : •,' S E NfO·RS ; • • • , , We extend : : CAKES - COOKIES : : : 1 to you o : : : FrlendiJ, efftdent aenfee : : our heartiest : ,--MURP---BY-'_S_S_TOR--E---, ! BOSTON CREAM PIES ! ! ! i congratulations !

Groceries and Mea18 •••, ::MEMBERFEDERALDE-::: : POSIT INSURANCE : : STRADER'S $,• Glen-'n... w. VL : Kanawha Bakery : : COMPANY • , : ...... , : : : ! ; The Clothing Store For Men And Women : ...., ...... ,,...... _,......

006_R.jpg THE GLE,NVILLE MERCURY 1950 Senior Class Prophecy Ne'fc!ft!!sf!!:';.":.i~ory Me~~~::!'-M~:!~, One Clay as I .. Ule banks of Leading creek 1 came GI'O'Ve and has decided to devote ::::': ~~=~n~ ::nt; Acoordb>c to t1>e •I9H ~- copleo of lllr. Ball'B Ito a nJce quiet pool that was part- her time 1>o homemaking. program ,the block system or nine Slate baseball &eam, a plaqae wiD >to .lad: Rulll and Don ~sh;~~~ ':' Jceb~g~eOru::! Harold B. Cblllns, will soon fin- weeks; improved counaellng; and be uaveUed 1D hoDOr ol t.b.elr re- Benard Poole wWa so I decided 1>o sit down awblle and Ish hla -k. HOW TO BE THE j)mtor testing programs. speeled oldpper eo.cb Corloe Ba&- of ml1lr. and one pint rest in the shade whlle I flshed. BOSS OP THE PAMJJLY. "I;be president closed his ad'dre&s Ulf. Frem eu.ltea ~~ ra- Ju1ce to Boone W&ldo I leaned my pole 1n the forks of Robert lt. COnley and hla wife, ~en~lt~~in~n th~cr;=. ~ =~ :ill' :::e ~..=mhU::::O '!i: ~ Reed wUls ~e ~~~ tl~estrtre:e~ anr: 1~!: ::! ~~germBeci:u: : ::J~i. an increase 1n instructors having of A aDd P baloDeJ. All .&14 we14- goM clUb wttlh 3 used balla OI&D mlnu'tes, 1 heard a rustling In the livelihood, Bob Is aoslstant swim- lng doctor of phllooopby degrees. ::.,..-;:.,.co~= apr~ Thomu. 1 busbea alons the stream, and as I m!ng Instructor to Esther Willi- - I Here's a ..,II deserved Alllll for ~I Reedy willa one torn Obeer­ =~ to ~:~e~cl~::mm;n ::!~ -~~ Nell Lloudin as well lmo the open. After we had artiSt. . She has recently finished the\ third Louis the fourth .;.,d fk:ult and ha1r-pulllng Job of ell- YD!Iltls to PonY Ann W*"'­ ltalked awhile I learned that he a ~mous picture of modem art I.culs th~ fifth. ~ m!gbi want ::~=t!cs ~~er:tU:~ls~ G1ow.nno Romano ~ ODe­ was aloo a IP"'<lems, g:r1pes and ele ~ st&te college and as a hobby he senior. The Diame af the picture 'Ibere ain't no Mo. dve ay, not once has he been pre- B:~ ~erWws hJ& !1~SO: ~gt ~f ~~~ ~~· ~e';r:;:~ is ~';{"'~.'~ey Is rwm!ng a Mae Leslie Deem has at last llented with a big, .~lny '"'!, apple. l>er 1; brogans !D ~ -=:­ record - 1n the knap-sa<:k that 'traUer camp behind the library. 11tolned the position she has W'llllted of~~t'~e :!~ts•:,~ Belt>elt ltvea to - hung flt>m his shoulder so I was Any newly wed couple who would all her lUe. She J,s house mother a great year, tha.nks to the read- 0ooper two -eratra teeth _... a Dl& eager to hear about the class of iike a small home see Bob. at Verona Mlapel ball. ers of THE MIJROURY, and SOOd- lkan-- "!_,4. to nm tbat 1 ,.rds revezw 1950. He opened the book ·and be- Cbarl~ E. CUrrey I t.s a sp:>rts by 1 ...... gan 00 read to me about my class- announcer over sta.tlon C-R-A-z-Y. James Kernen is the owner of e Helen Je.clulon Slack wUla her mates: , BUly D. Decker is the educational the only newspaper in the country quiet, ttmk1 personality to Marie Charles Adams is the leading reformer of the century, complete- that pnnts baseball on every page. 1950 Senior Class Will Hardman. tenor or Wagnerian music at the ly tearing dct\Jm Dr. ,John Dewey's Glen McK'1nney is still that •Continued from Pale ll 'BUlle June Walker wUla one Uled MetropoHtan Opera. theory on education. pleaolng, rich and handsome "man the Student OouncU presidency to rolltnw Pin to Betty 'lbup. Stanley Ash has never left G s F'reda Davis Is now peddling about town " Bdb Arnold NeiJie Lee Wenzel willa her olli- e. Be remained there as an a~ts~ "Mercurys" on Tobacco Road. tmogene Wimer is still teacb.1ng James Kernm WUls ttl:e road be- lity to keep her husband at bume bant to Mr. W1ard In botany. Oecil J. Davis has Joined the In graded school She must be good tween S!stersv!lle and Glenville and I'to Mrs. Jolm Oarullo. •Ruby ClaYton 1s a well~k:nown army "to get away from it all." to •have held this position so long one W'Oitl out pair of ll1ldng shoes Bob Wtan't wUla cme ftve-step ,ta.Jc!onom'ist. In her lesiure £Lme sh e • Fred G. Deem is a. famous voc- Donald Thomas McPherson 1s a. 'to Btny Dean BandliD. and Three BliDd Mlce tD Boee N'oee teaChes the bh'trd grade 1n Cairo artst of the GSC hall of tame. famous professor of psychology 'Bill Myers w1lls hts motoreyele Man1h. · She 1s round each day trying ~ Steve D. Dish&ouzl and his Wife, eventually he will take Dr. Under: wtth all its and abWty to Harold Wilson leaves three bole· lteach her third grliders to us ay are running the Student Cen~ wood's place at GSC arciuse verona. Mapelites ' from ,in--ones, 258 btn:lies and 28 eatlles- Gray'-s manual for keying flowers. I at GSC Robert E. MeNem~ is a. noted peaceful sleep 00 Joe Henn&D. I""' his brother Arnie. W'eber Bagwell has made the We see Mrs J'~ Clifton, the bull~ratser but not on his farm Alfreda. Taylor and Dan Ren- !Betty Jean Wtmer w1lla 23 bro- f'odtt-.U team world' famous at Po- fonner Miss Hazel Reedy, giving Forrest Messenger 1s studymi. for gers will their 8ad.1e B&wklns day ken mSle hearts to June Bone& ldunk untversJty. her little Cliftons their warm-up his doctomte art the University The oOstumes to next year's LM Abner Imogene Wimer leaves ber dim· Steve Ba11 will soon become a exercise m her own backyard at Tick-'gt"nus Larwerance-apec1es • and Daisy Mae. pie to Dr. Mo~mery. lawyer if not convicted fli'St. IOam'Cl:en-on-G:auley, West ViJ'ylnia. Betty Jean Wimer has d~ed I.Jal* Slmcms w11ls the school or- !Lyman Brooks Wolfe willa b1a ·Slyv'ta Mae Cwmingham is a !Ralph has replaced Vic she likes school. we see her every gan back to Miss Olan. 'honor roll abi.Hty to George .JobD.. iteta:cher at Flint Run in W1rt ~t~ in Hollywood.:s new produc- summer in Glenville. She says she Margaret Klgg1ns 'W'Ws some oiOil. county. She just ft!.nished a book I~ton 'The Casanova. ~ tak1ng subjects that she never tpOinters on ~ent of hus- ~ In witness ~Whereof, we, the Clua en'tltled "Wby I '-ever Left Home." J a:ck Fling 1s an aocrobat with h1Ld a chance to take before such bands to Edith Heavener RJ.Ule. of 1~. have set our hand and .-1 This Js -a sequel to her first book the Bamam and Bailey circus. as ..How to care for a baby .. and •Mary Pnmces Henry wtns the ·here'to this 18th day crf May in tbe­ ""How to M-ake OoUege a success- 'Rush Plo}'tl ls the manager of other subjects perta1ning 00 ' home key to her room to Bonel PoUng, year of our Lord nineteen bUDd- The Easiest 'Way." t he New ,..Pictureland theatre. me.king. ·Ru'th James and Mary GOes so that I red and tlfty. Wtlltam J. Berry, through hia Mary Ann .Heal h'BS her own llttle Andrew Mingy9r wUJ bti the next next year room stacltlng wm not / ·Slgned, sealed and dec!ared, u art, has put Glenville stat·e col-,. barber shop 1n a tr&Uer at Sum- amtJa.ssador sent to Russia to warm .prove so d1tftcult. and tor our last wUJ &Dd testa­ lege on the map. mersv!Ule. She also gtves skattng up the cold war Grace Holcomb wtJls her special men't by tile Class at 1150, iD &be Vandall D. Bt.ngman 1s an up.. lessons at night. Por a hatr cut Paul M1DIYV ·baa become a wo- bed mak'tn'g tec'bnlque to her room- ']lreSellce of us and each otiM!r IIWN 'llnd-comtng author and an eon- or sb.tlng lessons call 23+1 Sum- m'l.n hater until he gets marrted nate susan Rippe eo that 1n tbe subscribed our names beJetlo Oil •• ~emporary of Erskin caldwell. mersvllle. if he ever does. ' future she can readily tell wen day and tbe ,...,. afor-. Faye H. O..IT!sOn 1s the f1rlt summers Furr is the leading VIolet MDrron has murned to her bed has been olbmt-oheeted. S!Rned grade teeoher at Auburn. She ta do- journalist of tbe ceDtUr7. her native county Ntchola.s to re~ WD11am D. Hl.adlln lsvea fO Mr. The 8mlor ClaM ing -post enutuate W'DI'k at Olen- Ralph W. Gwinn is a. suceessf.ul :tire aa an oJd maid school teacher. Hall one beaten up Chevrolet and ,., ...... , 'VIlle speda1l.zlng In eounes in Phy- designer for automob!lea. Rl.s mot- l!ld!el Dale I\40ao Is the largest 'l>wo spare tires. •: W b r' n.J ' olea! sc!ence. . to Is '"I'he bi&Pr, the better." 11mc1 """er OD "Gods Uttle acre" Charles A. Knotts willa hia In- 1 e e 8 UU&'rJ/ I Robert J. Blake, through hJa In- . LJ'IIl'&n Brolob Wolfe has re- Wiillom M. Myers has become a tereot In a happy married life to' • Warton. W. Va. S genlous and scienti!flcab!llty, W11J p!aeed. 1141ss Bessie Bell and Is now world4omouo mmt man and auth- Harold SUllivan. IS I 1 event""lly find 110me sul>etltute for aponsor of t!le Imernst!on&l Re- or of the -k "HOw To Wredl: a Ol~n McK!Imley wills one upper .• Pasteurized IIIUl ' study. lations club. ~le .ADd Not Get Killed plate and What'& left of hb throw- • Homogen'--' ...... S cPrank o. Boct. wUI be a Il'Oted We no every Freda Bn>wn -~!san uutruc- Don Mlll'benon wills hla Ions\ ' <;offee C....., ~I MOron" tf he conttnues to study. summer to work on her master's Wr or home econom\c:s at w. v . u. wavy hair to BtU Rosenlelb. ' Cream, Cottap a- : !Richard K . Bolyard is a. world- d$ee. ·WUltam w Perkins has become a Bob McNeo».r wU1s one lave : Ch ...._ I 111mous economist and an assistant Forest Dale "~Tone" Davis bu gree.t builder' second only to Pres- stze t()()d)aU helmet to Wayne cun- , ocolate ...... ' 'to the Democratle presidents of the at last found the WOI1t he was cut ldent Heftln ' , nlngllam. ' Use milk sealed with the S U'nfted Sto- out for. He is a cowb>y on a ranch Bernard iee Poole Is the pres!- Forrest Messenser ert B. Holstein later WU1 be get back to Pocahontas county that : QUALJTY : Webster Springs. Through the ef- known as Dr. Herbert Basil Hol- .she has never left. , • forts of Miss Henry, la.w and order stein, a noted educator and ath- G!ovanno "JOhnny" Romano was ' :'Jf EN'S WEAR ' have finally been enforecd in Web- ·letic supporter. 1ncapalble of teaching sChool, so he ~ : ~ter Springs. George Om'a.r Howard 1s starring has adeepted a. position as head • HUB 1 James Douglas Carpenter is now with "Cher'Okoee Sue'' at the Orand boss of the WLPA in Webster county. : : •bat boy for the Pirates. Old Opera every Saturday night. A Billy June Walker's school days , , George F . Childers has become a very noted vocalist. are over and she has settled dOIWn ' ' world-famous theatrical star-sec- Thelma Morgan still owns that with her husband In a l!ttle white : Clothing Co. : pnd only to the great John Barry~ blue F\:)nl." She can be seen driving cotbage In Spencer. ' ' 11 m~~e E. Holcomb is the editor :e/n~~ov:a~u~~s~ ~~~ :~ sn!~in~ee a~~~~~ ~;:e :m~~ :MAX NACHMAN & SON: ~!n~~; ~:Y h~~:ie:e=~- ~ !~t ~.:~:d v~\~;~~~h:h;ea';!i~t =~~Uy~~t~~lle~eer!~at he wtll ':::::.::::::::::::::::::: place and iS now writing comfort- has lived. big and soothing words to the love- Worthly L . Husk is a noted lorn. wrestler known as "Husky Husk." r;.-:,;·i;;;rt·w;..k·;;;·o;;·: OLewls J. Ohllders is still working Barrett L. Johnson h as Decome : Tonsorial Artists : May 26-27 on his M.A. degree at w. V. U. He a professor at the University, gtv­ • • l£X BARHR "TARZANS MAGIC m'ight be able to finish in the near btg "Blscu1t~m'aking lessons with : C. C. RHOADES : tuture 11 he wouldn't spend so Sunnyfield nour." B•I~OI IO!U ... fOUNTAIN ' : Barber Shop : much time visiting Ruth Talbott Louis Joe ~nta, has .started a. ., at "PUnkin TO'WD" r;maU MO!mrchy of his own. Hls fol- ...... ;...•...... Rube B. Clevenger, through his 8HOTHfRS11r THtSADDlE 5alesmanshfp ability, has eventu­ 'ally become the manager of the Clothes TIM HOLT • JUOW1D MAm,N Puller Brush company. · Donald K . Cobb ts famous for For The Family his lnterpreta:tton of M:. Einstein's 'theories. His assistant Is his wife, GLJ
