The Glenville Mercury Student Newspaper GL ENVILLE STATE COLLEGE Published W eeklu Vol. XXI. No. 28. GlenviUe, West Virginia, Tuesday, May 23, 1950 History Is Made As President Heflin, Anderson Receives Coach Ratliff Break Ground On Site Scientific Award New Men's Dormitory Cy Anderson, Glenville s ti\.t~ \student, was one of the six parti­ Next On List -· Heflin cipants to be presented with an Home Economics Building, Farm Shop honorary award at the West Vir­ Are Other Major Needs For Future ginia Intercollegiate Science Acad- --- - --------• Glenville State college has come emy meeting held at Bethany col- \a long way 1n the past. few yean. lege May 6 and 7. but there are stW many tmprove- Will1am Ice also presented a COMEDIES ARE ments needed at the Pioneer paper at the meeting. The papers school, Dr. Harry B. He!Un told were written on the subject · of 'YII1.I... students and faculty members at botany. 4.T SUCCESS a recent assembly in the audi- 1 torium. Much needed improvements dut· 1Dg the next two years include a Slop,ooo home economics practk:e ho\Jse; a $400,000 men's dormltol'y;: Vesper service, under the dire<:· An excellent performance was a. $5,000 farm shop; bet\er JY.U'kinl tion of the Student Christian as­ sba:ged by Glenville State college's areas and more paving and walks; sociat1on, was held on Verona Mapel lawn last Sunday evening Ohnimgohow, Players, when they ~':si~ ~ui:~n:;th:~ fi~ti~:ar 7:15. 'J)lesen.ted a group of oomedies in books for the library. Special organ music was pro­ the newly remodeled auditorium on These were the .major items to~ vided by Prof. Bertha Olsen, and May 1?. be stressed during 1951-52, or.. Prof. Harold Orendorff led the students in group singing. '"The Imrportance of Being Er· ~~~ ::~~:~~ ~ ~=~it; Vespers are to be continued this nest", a. comedy played with a gay of the starting of construction on snummer under the direction of abandon. ~ a great success with the new hearth·physlcal bulldt.Dg Prof. Jobn Wagner. lib> very capable characters. and to herald the end of the school Fury and uncontrolled temper at year. l1ts peak a.nd the suge.ry sweetness President Heflin also emphasized of young love waged an amusing cont!Jtued friendliness and help­ conflict m the one-'&Ct "Wby I Am fulness on the part at students and A Bach 10 r " faculty members, and he said we Jane Myers, '53 of Studley, Vir- Hidde~ balen'ts of four stars in should all strtve to become better g:inla, was elected president of the tbeir own estimation at any ~te Iteachers . Home Economics club at a meet· were displayed m the rhymtng and Physical improvements for tb.e tng held recently In the home :rhymthtcal "Ladles of the Mop." year inclued ev~mg from the ~nomlcs department. These plays were produced under purchase of a tlew coffee urn to Other officers elected were 'tbe direction of students to give the beginning af construction OD Mabel Welllngs, first vice presi- them pra·cttcal and invaluable ex-~ 'the new one-h-alt. mllllon dollar dent; Helen Fl.sher, second vice . in their fields health-physical building. president; Betty Langford, seere- penence · Dr. Hentn reviewed last year'a ~~ H~::..~":Iiel~:;:,::;d Art Classes Give =~~ byoiitmfh:'e .~~~~ A aew chapter In GlenvUle State coUep'1 pbyl:lcal ed.uc:atlon ~ nm wu IDJII&Ied lui weet when Prn. Harry & Ht!Un. a bove, br oke "b "t Of W k 1teache r 's boU3e ; audltol'!um allera- ~d Orendorff E X h l l 8 or I ~Ions; small cottage added for rroand on the propoM!d site for the ultr. modern GSC R ealth-Phy­ HaroC.i s • , farmer; and the appropriation for ·IWaoatlon huUdlnc. Students of three different Art the health-physical p1ant. -Loc*ID&1 on II Bead Coach Carloe BatlU'f who wiD cuJde Glenville classes held an exhibit last Thurs- t He went on to list under miscel­ Stale'• athletic fondlles In the DeW, spaclou I'Uuct.Dft. day afternoon from 3-5 1n the art laneous the new walk between sct­ room. · I ence hall and Louis Bennett dorm; 'nle Representational Drawing sanding of the halls; pa.tntlne af Art 200, presented charcoal the dormltortes; rewiring Kan­ 1950 Grads Make Farewell chall::: drawings, In- a."Otla hall; new lighting In maDJ Painting class, Art 307, of the buUdlngs; atldltlon af equip­ water colored and oU ment and band uniforms to the and Art 102, Practical music department; shelving ln Bows To Ye Old GSC Campus for Elementary many campus bu1ld1ngs; boDera showed posters, converted to gas, and a new' coffee Awards Made, Coaneil • crafts, clay wort, group proJects, urn. Installed At Annual and ot'her work on the elementary 1 Dr. Heflin continued his review !Spurgeon Is Elected level. by naming faculty additions, in- Senior Assembly Here Punch and cookies were serVed eluding a dea.Jl at men; field eer- Kanawha Hall Head by the art studen~. tContlnued. on page 4) By Bill lluper Members of the 1950 graduating Winoma Spurgeon , '52, or Au­ class o( Glenville State college burn, was elected president of the D1'8de farehrell bows to the Pioneer house governing board for Kan­ awha. Hall at a meeting held 1n the campus at the annual Senior as­ lounge May 9. sembly ThursdQY in GSC auditor­ Other of-ficers Ium. Shirley Porter, '53, of Gauley An e.ir at humor and good spirit Bridge, vice president and Verlyn ~tlh an undertone of sadness­ preVBUed as the class accepted a Purr, '53, of Glenville, secretary­ treasurer. !inal tribute to their college days. Prof. Harold S. Orendorff, bead Program !or the assemblY ranged The nominees were selected by a nominating committee appointed of the GSC music department, has from the reading or the humorous t-een selected "Who Is Wbo in class wlll to tlhe installation of by Mrs. Stanley Ash, matron or the .halt. Mwdc, Inc... 1950-51 student council oftlcers by This is a publication containing 'President Harry B . Rerun. Practical Clothing Class biographical information coneern­ Class President Glen McKinney Jnr outstanding people tn musl.e. conducted the meeting, and the Presents Garment Display program, in order, inchlded college song by the class; senior history, A style show was held last week I Mary Prances Henery; senior will, by the practical clothing class 1n Grace Holcomb; senior propbecy, the home economics department. V-a.ndall Bingman; Wbo's Who At this time all garments were mercurq awards by President Renin; Inter- displayed. Mrs. Lillian Chaddock, n-ational •Relations club a.wvds, instructor, reported, "All garments <Continued on Page 2> were very nice and. above average." musinqs Come And Get It'-C ry Of Day When GSC Campusities Gather For Annual Picnic So lon g, pards. The prinker's ink bas dried and the press has come By BW Harper fee, punch and "tee cream. .to a sereechinr halt on the last There was a brief Interval of Despite a number of mustard be- issue of THE MERCURY. 1 would tense watnng in an air of exicted smeared shirts, a few drenched llke 1o upress 1o au students, fa.­ antlctpa.Uon, then a yell of .. Who skirts and pants---because or a lit· culty and others who have made wants to be first!" followed by a tle jostling here and there-stu- this paper function throu,-hout the mad, oonfusing rush of humanitY. dents and faculty members finally year. a hearty tb.a.n.ks for your eo- The mad.rush or humanity- as came to rest on the Bleachers, operation. In aootber term. THE you JII"'bably guessed-was the where they devoured the truits of MERCURY was a smooth run.nJ.ng GSC student body gathering for their labors. auiomobile, with you. tbe readers, the annual picnic last Wednesday And when tbe last faculty mem- a.e~ as cas which made the at Rohrbough stadium. 'ber passed the cot'fee table-they wbeeb turn. Anyone can put ou.t a However, aner the first race for have long since learned to respect paper but DOt everyone can make a ehoiee position in the chow line, lthe eager" .students' hunger-the the news. You have done tbb a.nd order 'W'a.s restored by the expert remnants of the repast were con- done lt weD. maneuvering or Dietician Mabel flscated by a. number of individ- :We, the staft, are proud to have Todd, and the line of hungry stu- , uals '9.1:lo had faUed to satiate their been at service to such a spirited dents proceeded to the succulent Iappetites during the ttrst fOUDd. ~up of oollege people. We hope ""vltb!es•• lytng before tlhem.' Ofttc:iating on the chow senilng 'tlha.t the paper bas been an inter- Par a birds eye vtew of the llne 1n addition to Supervisor Todd esting and Wholesome project picnic lunch which wa.s spread.1 be- were Mrs. Joe Bail, Prof. Bessie which will carry over to tut'ure fore the campusttes, the folloWing Boyd Bell, Prot. L1Uian Chaddock, years and which makes for a better . Rlchllrh tlnr the lnst.aUatlon cenmonJes of the Slcma Tau Gamma ~ph will have to suffice: Mrs. John Wagner, Prof. Pearl and b'i~er Glenville State college. fra.lernity here on the campus la8t. weekend was the prese_otaUoo of Plrst, then: were steaming buns Pickens, and Mrs. Rtgg:s. w ll, that Just about covers the :the natt.nat cbart.er io Alpha Xi Chapter by a D&Uonal decree aDd long, fUll frankfurters; second, TBZI MEROCRY will not be 1'e.re-you-weU mes:sa.ge except a.h content~ team from Fairmont State.
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