Please Note Due to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency State and Federal Actions Have Prohibited Large Meetings Or Gatherings

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Please Note Due to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency State and Federal Actions Have Prohibited Large Meetings Or Gatherings Please note due to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency state and federal actions have prohibited large meetings or gatherings. Pursuant to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.1, entitled “CONTINUING TEMPORARY SUSPENSION AND MODIFICATION OF LAWS RELATING TO THE DISASTER EMERGENCY”, a portion of the Open Meetings Law of the State of New York was suspended, and the executive order modified the law to allow meetings to be held telephonically or by other similar means. To comply with this emergency directive of the executive order issued by the Governor of the State of New York on March 12, 2020, the Town of Rotterdam Town Board Meeting will be held electronically via a video conference for the board and conference call for all members of the public. While the meeting is a public meeting, open to the public, persons may attend telephonically. Members of the public may listen to the board meeting by dialing 1 (929) 205-6099, then entering the conference ID no. 867 0373 0307, followed by the pound symbol. Video of the town board meeting will be posted on the Town of Rotterdam website ( on June 1, 2020. Special Rotterdam Town Board Meeting May 31, 2020 6:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SUPERVISOR’S REPORT PROCLAMATION/PRESENTATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC COMMENT/PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: (Those members of the public wishing to address the town board will be asked to sign in before the meeting is called to order on the sign-in sheets being provided. Speakers will be called to the podium in the order of their signing in. Persons recognized by the Chair to speak during privilege of the floor shall direct his/her comments to the town supervisor as Chair of the meeting. Persons granted the privilege of the floor shall first clearly state his/her name and address for the record. Persons so addressing the Chair through the use of a prepared written statement shall submit a copy of the same to the town clerk for the purpose of maintaining clear and accurate official minutes of the town board meeting.) General Rules of Procedure for Public Hearings & Privilege of the Floor: Any person recognized by the town supervisor to speak during privilege of the floor shall direct his/her comments to the town supervisor as Chair of the meeting. Any person granted the privilege of the floor shall first clearly state his/her name and address for the record. The purpose of privilege of the floor shall be for speakers to express their views, thoughts and speak freely. Each speaker, who wishes to address the town board and the public, shall have an equal and reasonable opportunity to be heard by the town board and the public. Each speaker shall be afforded a maximum of four (4) minutes to address the town board and public. INTRODUCTION OF MOTIONS, ORDERS AND RESOLUTIONS: Res. No. 168.20 The Town Board of the Town of Rotterdam hereby adopts policies and procedures in relation to the ongoing state of emergency stemming from the coronavirus (COVID-19). COMMITTEE REPORTS MISCELLANEOUS EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT STEVEN A. TOMMASONE, Supervisor Page Break RESOLUTION NO. 168.20 WHEREAS, the State of New York remains under a state of emergency due to the continued threat of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Rotterdam wishes to adopt a telecommuting policy and a workplace safety plan that formalizes and communicates the board’s current polices and procedure to all staff and the public, in accordance with applicable laws, rules, regulations and guidance from the State of New York, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Rotterdam wishes to effectively communicate with staff and the public that it will continually update policies and procedures as the state of emergency continues or is terminated, after the threat of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been eradicated; NOW THEREFORE, UPON MOTION OF Councilmember __________________________, seconded by Councilmember ________________________, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD AS FOLLOWS: TOWN OF ROTTERDAM NOTICE OF PUBLIC (OPEN) MEETINGS SECTION 1. The Town Board of the Town of Rotterdam hereby adopts the attached “New York Forward Safety Plan” to ensure the health and safety of all employees and visitors to our municipal buildings and work sites. SECTION 2. The Town Board of the Town of Rotterdam hereby adopts the attached “Telecommuting Policy” to be included in the existing “Town of Rotterdam Employee Handbook, Operation Policies, 522 Telecommuting”. SECTION 3. The Town Board of the Town of Rotterdam hereby modifies the “Town of Rotterdam Employee Handbook Section 1001, Organization Communications, Methods of Communication” to include the following: During any pending state of emergency, employees should check the town’s website and their email for updates, including but not limited to when or where to physically report to work, and may choose to register to received town related alerts by visiting SECTION 4. The Town Board of the Town of Rotterdam hereby clarifies that to the extent that the “New York Forward Safety Plan” conflicts with the “Town of Rotterdam Employee Handbook”, the safety plan shall be incorporated by reference to the handbook and shall supersede any existing policy that conflicts with the safety plan. SECTION 5. This resolution shall become effective May 31, 2020. DATED: May 27, 2020 NAME AYES NOES ABSTAIN Christou Guidarelli Miller-Herrera Signore Tommasone NY FORWARD SAFETY PLAN TEMPLATE Each business or entity, including those that have been designated as essential under Empire State Development's Essential Business Guidance, must develop a written Safety Plan outlining how its workplace will prevent the spread of COVID-19. A business may fill out this template to fulfill the requirement, or may develop its own Safety Plan. This plan does not need to be submitted to a state agency for approval but must be retained on the premises of the business and must made available to the New York State Department of Health (DOH) or local health or safety authorities in the event of an inspection. Business owners should refer to the State’s industry-specific guidance for more information on how to safely operate. For a list of regions and sectors that are authorized to re-open, as well as detailed guidance for each sector, please visit: If your industry is not included in the posted guidance but your businesses has been operating as essential, please refer to ESD's Essential Business Guidance. Please continue to regularly check the New York Forward site for guidance that is applicable to your business or certain parts of your business functions. COVID-19 Reopening Safety Plan Name of Business: Town of Rotterdam Address: John F. Kirvin Government Center, 1100 Sunrise Boulevard, Rotterdam, New York 12306 Contact Information: (518) 355.7575, extension 393, [email protected] Owner/Manager of Business: Steven A. Tommasone, Town Supervisor Human Resources Representative and Contact Information, if applicable: Evan Christou, Deputy Supervisor, (518) 355.7575, extension 393 I. PEOPLE A. Physical Distancing. To ensure employees comply with physical distancing requirements, you agree that you will do the following: Ensure 6 ft. distance between personnel, unless safety or core function of the work activity requires X a shorter distance. Any time personnel are less than 6 ft. apart from one another, personnel must wear acceptable face coverings. Tightly confined spaces will be occupied by only one individual at a time, unless all occupants are X wearing face coverings. If occupied by more than one person, will keep occupancy under 50% of maximum capacity. STAY HOME. STOP THE SPREAD. SAVE LIVES. Post social distancing markers using tape or signs that denote 6 ft. of spacing in commonly used X and other applicable areas on the site (e.g. clock in/out stations, health screening stations) Limit in-person gatherings as much as possible and use tele- or video-conferencing whenever x possible. Essential in-person gatherings (e.g. meetings) should be held in open, well-ventilated spaces with appropriate social distancing among participants. X Establish designated areas for pick-ups and deliveries, limiting contact to the extent possible. List common situations that may not allow for 6 ft. of distance between individuals. What measures will you implement to ensure the safety of your employees in such situations? Use of elevators, stairwells, and some hallways, as well as confined spaces and vehicles may not allow for adequate social distancing. All employees have been issued masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE), in addition to adequate DOH approved cleaning supplies. Employee may be assigned to work in shifts to further assist in meeting distancing and occupancy requirements. Employees have received and will received ongoing training and guidance regarding face coverings, PPE, handwashing, telecommuting, and occupancy of buildings and other work sites. How you will manage engagement with customers and visitors on these requirements (as applicable)? Non-essential employees, as denoted by Executive Order 202.6, read in conjunction with guidance from Empire State Development (ESD) regarding who is currently essential (available here: shall continue to work from home until Executive Order 202.34 is rescinded, modified by further executive orders or it expires on June 27, 2020. Visitors are currently not allowed inside municipal buildings and are seen outside the buildings by appointment only. The town is utilizing drop off and pick up measures to ensure safety. The town will provide any future visitors, who enter our municipal buildings, with a face mask if they do not have one, as it shall be mandatory to enter the building, and will require strictly adhereance to the requirement that all employees and visitors wear a face mask at all times.
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