7.0 for Everybody

“Continuous Integration is a development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily — leading to multiple integrations per day. Many teams find that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly.” Martin Fowler

Key Facts

“So the reason I made the TeamCity is a user friendly continuous integration (CI) server for switch is because of the professional developers and build engineers. It is trivial to setup and time it take to set it up: 20 absolutely free for small teams. minutes. Everything was fully functional in under 20 minutes. I absolutely got no Key Benefits error at all. I just got through all the step of the wizard and • Automate code analyzing, compiling, and testing processes, with having then: done. Unit testing, code instant feedback on build progress, problems and test failures, all in simple, coverage, build, reports, etc... intuitive web interface; And it’s absolutely free for • Run multiple builds and tests under different configurations and platforms small team.” simultaneously; Sebastien Lachance, Software Developer at • Make sure your team sustains an uninterrupted workflow with the help of BXSYSTEMS Pre tested commits and Personal builds; • Have build history insight with customizable statistics on build duration, “Teamcity is totally awesome, success rate, code quality and custom metrics; after i got the grails project • Enable cost effective on demand build infrastructure scaling thanks to tight working the rest was peanuts integration with Amazon EC2; and i got all the bells and whistels i was looking for.” • Easily extend TeamCity functionality and add new integrations using “In fact my evaluation period API ended prematurely because TC gives me all i wanted Key Features from our new Java/.NET BuildServer.” For .NET Andreas Fink, Head of Development, • Support for Visual Studio solutions, as well as any other project using Mark 5 GmbH MSBuild or NAnt build scripts; • Testing with any of the .NET testing frameworks out of the box, including: NUnit, MSTest, MSpec, xUnit and all Gallio. Usually, there’s no need to make any changes in the build scripts, TeamCity will report tests automatically; • Automatic support for all coverage engines currently available for .NET: NCover, PartCover or JetBrains dotCover; • Code duplicates finder backed with FxCop and ReSharper; • Full Visual Studio integration: build notifications, browsing build results, www..com navigation to the source code, code coverage highlighting (in case of using dotCover) Headquarters and For Java International Sales • Out of the box CI for any Ant, Maven 2 and 3, or Gradle based projects JetBrains s.r.o. with zero modifications to the build scripts. IntelliJ IDEA projects are Na Lysinach 443/57 supported as well; 14700 Prague 4 • Over 600+ automated server side code inspections for Java, JSP, Czech Republic JavaScript and CSS out of the box; Tel: +420 2 4172 2501 Fax: +420 2 4172 2540 • JUnit and TestNG based unit testing without modifying build scripts; On the fly failed tests reporting; Tests auto re ordering “failed first”; [email protected] • Server side code coverage with Emma, or with the IDEA based code North American Sales coverage framework; [email protected] • Code duplicates finder for Maven based and IntelliJ IDEA projects; • Full integration with and IntelliJ IDEA East Coast 324 New Brooklyn Road For Ruby Berlin NJ 08009 • Support for Ruby projects, building with RVM, Bundler or Ruby SDK; Tel: +1 609 714 7883 • Unit testing with any of the publicly available tools, such as Test::Unit, Fax: +1 866 838 6784 Test Spec, Shoulda, RSpec, ; West Coast Sales and • Full integration with JetBrains RubyMine, including running builds, pre Business Development tested commits, browsing build and unit tests results 1670 So. Amphlett Blvd. Suite 214 San Mateo, CA Other technologies 94402 • With 3rd party plugins, TeamCity also supports following testing Tel: +1 650 378 8571 frameworks: Gallio, xUnit, Boost Test (C+), CppUnit(C+), Unit test Fax: +1 650 378 8591 (Python), and Nose (Python) Distributed Systems • TeamCity supports: Subversion, , , , Team Foundation Server, SourceGear Vault, CVS, IBM Rational ClearCase, StarTeam, Visual Source Safe; • With Mercurial or Git, TeamCity can be configured to trigger Personal Builds on selected branches chosen by a pattern. Such builds would not trigger the success status of the whole project. Personal Builds is a great way to test personal changes before merging them to the main branch. System requirements • TeamCity is a Java based server side application, it installs on any platform with Java support; • TeamCity comes bundled with HSQLDB database, but can be configured to use external database. External databases supported include: MySQL 5.0.33+, MS SQL Server 2005, 2008, PostgreSQL 8+, Oracle 10g+, Sybase ASE 15.0.3


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