Royal Valley Third Grade
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2017 Christmas Greetings & Letters to Santa Claus Seventh-month-old Zoey Casas-Sanchez (shown above) of Holton was pret- ty comfortable during a recent visit with Santa Claus at the Jackson County Braxton Luthi (shown above), 2, was happy to meet and take pictures Courthouse. Zoey and her parents, Alexis and Carlos, stopped by the Court- with Santa Claus during a recent trip to Holton. Braxton is the son of house to take family photos with the jolly old elf. Photo by Ali Holcomb Adam and Skyler Luthi. Adam is a native of Holton. Photo by Ali Holcomb Royal Valley Third Grade The following are letters to Dear Santa been good this year. I promise By: Isabelle M., Meriden/ gingerbread house or cookies Love, Eli, Hoyt Santa Claus from Sonya Linn’s I want shades for Christmas to lay out your favorite cookies Hoyt with milk, but whatever you third grade class at Royal Valley and a Jayhawk hat. Is Rudolph andk mil and carrots for Ru- want you can have milk. I hope Dear Santa, Elementary School. real? I will be sure to leave dolph. Thank you for the Xbox Dear Santa, you can bring all the reindeer How are your reindeer? Can I cookies and milk and carrots. One last year and the presents How are you doing? I have and hope Rudolph doesn’t have please have an ice cream maker Dear Santa, Tell everyone at the North Pole the year before and the year be- been good this year and the to guide the sleigh and I hope and an easy bake oven? Can you What is your favorite cookie? Merry Christmas! fore. I would like a Viper drone treats I gave you is cookies and theret isn’ any fog this Christ- get my dad a pair of socks? Can What do you do at the North Love, Joshua R., Hoyt with the GPS and P VC, an ATV, milk. Thanks for the presents mas. Now thank you for those you get my mom a pair of pa- Pole? I would like some clothes. and a new machine BB gun that last year. The main toys I want presents last year. They were jamas? Love, Alyssa B., Mayetta Dear Santa, shoots out p ellets. I hope Mrs. is a Nintendo Switch, Mario awesome. I would like a Hatchi- Love, Payton H., Hoyt I would like a Lego set please. Claus is ok. Kart 8 Deluxe, and Super Mario mal Gold Lynx, money , and art Dear Santa, I will leave you some chocolate Sincerely, Colin C., Hoyt Odyssey please and thank you. supplies. Dear Santa, I want a Pug and a kitten and some milk. Can I have a From, Manny O., Mayetta From, Panno W., Mayetta How are the elves? How is house. I will be sure to leave Playstation four game please? Dear Santa, Mrs. Claus? Are you doing reindeer food and sugar cook- I like your reindeer’s names. I How is Mrs. Claus? Is the Dear Santa, Dear Santa, good or bad? I hope good. How ies. like singing songs about you. North Pole really really cold How is the slay built? I was How are the reindeer doing? are the reindeer? Good? Ready Love, Lanna B., Hoyt Love, Optahgee S., Mayetta Santa Claus? I have been re- mostly good this year. My And thank you for the presents for Christmas? I want a Nin- ally really good this year. I brother will help my mom cook last year, they were awesome. tendo 2DS XL, a hoverboard, a Dear Santa, Dear Santa, want presents from my room the cookies and I’ll get the milk. I left cookies and milk for you. computer and a roblox toy. I am going to be at the lake I would like a pop socket. I all the way to the living room Thank you for the TV last year I’ve tried to be good this year. Love, Alex Jim, Mayetta this year. I have a question. How would like to get Jamie some and around my bed and all over and the Wii U. This year may I Could you try to get me a BMX do you fit down the chimney? sparkle tape. Thank you for the the house but only inside. My please have the Nintendo switch bike, a Xbox 360 racing game, Dear Santa, Can I please have a puppy like presents last year. My dog re- brother wants the same thing, and Super Mario odyssey? and a 4wheeler please? Thank I hope you are doing good. pumpkin and butters the labra- ally liked the dog treats that you presents from his room too. Please and thank you. you. How is Mrs. Claus? I would doodle not a pug and not a cat. I gave her. How are you and your elves? From Kyson L., Topeka From, Rowan W., Topeka like some toys for Christmas. am going to have baby kittens. I Love, Logan S., Hoyt The treats that I’m going to Thanks! will get you milk and cookies If leave you are either cookies and Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Rose J., Mayetta Ii do not, I apologize. Dear Santa, chocolate milk or just regular How are the reindeer? Is You are amazing. Have I been Love, Lauryn C., Hoyt How is Rudolph, Mrs.Claus, milk and crackers. My mom and rudolph okay? Are the elves good? Thank you for the pres- Dear Santa, and the Elves? Also, how are dad have been good I think. My okay? I was good this year. I ents last year. I want Minecraft How are your reindeer do- Dear Santa, the reindeer? I will leave the mom and dad should get pres- want a unicorn stuffed animal Asku please. ing? I would like an iPhone I would like some clothes reindeer some carrots and some ents and my grandma Nita and for Christmas, a turtle stuffed From, Shanehse W., Mayetta for Christmas. Can you get my and remote controlled monster milk and cookies for you. I Misho and Papa and Gejo. What animal, and a big LOL Surprise mom jewelry, get my dad a pair truck. How is Rudolph? would like a german shepherd I want for christmas is: Doll. I will leave you chocolate Dear Santa, of socks, and my sister a horse? Love, Dominic C., Hoyt puppy. I would also like a Dork • makeup chip cookies. We will put extra I would like toy presents this Could you get my dog a chew Diaries book. • a big twin hachimal chocolate chips in them. It is year. I would like to pet one of bone and get my cat a pet laser? Dear Santa, Love, Soonwy W., Mayetta • a mermaid tale going to be good with milk and your reindeer. Please come visit Love, Alex Jo, Mayetta I want a stick bot and a cat. I • lots of money. cookies. Hope you write back, my house. will leave milk and cookies for Dear Santa, From, Shawnot E., Hoyt see you soon. Thank you, Now W., Mayetta Dear Santa, you. I will also leave food and I will leave reindeer food. Can From, Hadley S., Hoyt How are the elves and rein- drink for your reindeer. you please get me a little ham- Dear Santa, deer? Will you please get me Love, Julian C., Hoyt ster with a cage. I will leave a How are the elves doing, be- Dear Santa, The following are letters to a red Razor dirtbike and a red present for Rudolph. cause mine has been a little How have you been? I will Santa written by students in Razor helmet to match the dirt- Dear Santa, Love, Chloe W., Mayetta naughty. I have been extra good. leave extra cookies for you. I Brittanie Triplett’s third grade bike? Will you also get my dogs What is your favorite cookie? I will put cookies and milk for would like $94 please. I was class at Royal Valley Elemen- some dog toys for Chritsmas? I Can you please bring me a Fast Dear Santa, you and I think they are home- mostly good this year. My tary School. need 14k gold earrings, please. Lane remote control car. What kind of cookies do you made. Thank you for last year’s friend Nate wants a toy that re- Also can I have a pomeranian Love, Jaxon G., Mayetta like? I would like a Polaroid presents, Santa. I want an iPod volves Youkai watch. What do i Dear Santa, husky? Plus logan paul merch? with film. Also, I would like a touch at my dad’s house. I want do? Should I get it for him? Let This is what for Christmas: I Love, Byokee M., Mayetta Dear Santa, rabbit. a unicorn at my moms house. I me know and write back soon want a Lego Star Wars, poke- I want a great Christmas this Love, Lilly W., Mayetta also want a Whipple starters kit please and thank you. mon cards, a Nintendo DS, a Dear Santa, year with my family because ats my mom’ house. From, Lucas S., Mayetta pokemon blanket, a pokemon This year I can’t think of what I want to have the best Christ- From, Mallorie F., Mayetta hand book, and a stuffed tiger I would like for Christmas. But, mas in my life. I want a puppy. The following letters to Santa Dear Santa, for my sister. I do know what my dad would You can bring any kind. What is Claus were written by Elizabeth Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I’ve Love, Landon B., Mayetta like…a pair of socks! Please your favorite cookie? What is VanHoutan’s third grade class how are the reindeer because been good this year.