DOCONRIT RESUN2 ID 185 343 SP 015 875 Sex-Role Stereotypinn And
DOCONRIT RESUN2 ID 185 343 SP 015 875 TITLE Sex-Role Stereotypinn and Women's Studies.A Resource guide for Teachers Including SuggeStions,Units of Study, and Pesource Lists. INSTITUTION Ontario Dept. of Education, Toronto. PUB DATE 79 VOTE 90p. EDRS PRICE MF01/P:On Plus Postage. DESCRIkT3RS *CorricuYum: fleaertary Secondary Education;Foreign Countries: Ramat Pelations: *InstructionalMaterials: Interaction: Primary Education: RoleModels: Self Actualization: Sex /ABM: *Sex Pole;*Sex Stereotypes: *Social Attitudes: Socialization IDENTIFIERS Canada 'ABSTRACT This dncument was developed to assisteducators in the onaping task of developinga learning environment that is free from'set-role stereotyping, anda curriculum that accurately depicts the'roles of women. As aresource guide, this document actively sgpports a number of Ontario's Ministryof Pducation guidelines concerning the education of children inkindergarten through grade 13. Among the topics 45.scussed bythe guile are: advertising and sex-role stereotyping: industrial andtechnological female professionals: science education and thedepiction of male and female traditional roles; pioneer women, andtheir contribution to Canada's history; family relationships and therole bf male and female parents and children, women, sport, andCanadian society: women and the law; and, women in the arts. (AuthorS/LE) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by !DPS are the bestthat can be male * * from the original document. * *********************************************************************** LtStsris S ISSPAINTWINI CA millAIN vatic or.00r a *Elf Aft AsTIOAdt. OA OUCATIO.4 VI AA, frit I AdWt PH; f t, a*, /w A, 14W t, W41,ttt P 6.,,t14 Uli,,AwIt /At ,t1 tfA Ar, I) W (11 tt,( 71wo, 't% t ttlo PM, t W NA. 14 i A A, ww$, , ( FIS.41`,SION TO Hi PRotItIt tTHIS IVIATriltAL HAS Hi N (.44kPv 11 I) BY ,Hf FOULA TIONAI.
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