Councilmember Terry Ryan September, 2016 Issue: # Day/Month/Year Terry's September 2016 Newsletter QUICK L INKS 3000 Rockefeller Ave., M/S 609 Everett, Washington 98201 Office: 8th floor, Robert J. Drewel Building Phone: 425-388-3494 Share with a Friend E-Mail:
[email protected] Snohomish County Council Assessor S erviices S n oh omiish Cou n ty Homepage Cou n ty Cou n ciill Homepage Liin k to Cou n ciill Webcasts ________________________ Evergreen State Fair recap Ellectiion In formatiion Jaiill Regiister Job Opportu n iitiies Ou tstan diin g Warran ts Pu blliic Records Marriiage Liicen ses Property In formatiion Recorded Docu men ts Regiistered S ex Offen ders S olliid Waste S erviices Zon iin g Maps ________________________ Keep In formed On Neiigh borh ood Devellopmen t Projjects B u iilldiin g Permiit an d Lan d Another year of success at the Evergreen State Fair in Use Actiiviity Reports Monroe! Con stru ctiion Traffiic Allerts Vollu n teer Opportu n iitiies We take great pride in our county fair and in all of the family Wh o represen ts you ? friendly activities such as-free entertainment at the Courtyard _____________________________ S u bscriibe to S n oh omiish stage, livestock shows and competition, equestrian, rodeo, Cou n ty''s Week lly Roads arts and crafts, rides, carnival, 4H presentations and Con stru ctiion Update competition, many food options (love those scones!) and fantastic concerts with Christian singers Mercy Me and Jeremy Camp, Country singer Hunter Hayes (Incredible concert!), 80's star Pat Benatar and others.