In Organizations: What does a sorority mean to someone? Read about an HPU senior and her sorority experience with Alpha Gamma Delta on page 9. „/ UNIVERSITY Campus Chronicle

'"' ' .1... ■ ■■ ■ Vol. 16, No. 8 www.CampusChronicle.org Friday, January 30, 2009 New curriculum effective fall 2010 By Pam Haynes and Mike begun the three hour curriculum will choice. traveling options, other options such Nuckles not be affected. "A large number of our students as independent study, internships, The curriculum includes come in as undecided [majors]," said and collaborative learning would be Staff Writers switching from three-credit-hour classes Carroll. "We wanted to give students the available to students. to four-credit-hour classes, resulting opportunity to explore and for faculty to The final piece of the system The High Point University in students taking less classes but go more in depth." overhaul is the reinvention of all majors. faculty voted on Jan. 22 to change the receiving more "breadth and depth" in A "May semester" will also Every major will be redesigned to fit the university's three hour curriculum to their education, according to Dr. Dennis be put into place. A current system is new curriculum and to offer students a a four hour curriculum that will be put Carroll, vice president of Academic in place that allows students to study more "modernized" education, Carroll into effect in the fall of 2010. Affairs. overseas or throughout the United said. The new curriculum will be A freshmen seminar will be States in May, but the new semester A potential drawback of phased in and will only apply to entering put into place requiring new students would greatly increase these freshmen in 2010. Students who have to take a 4-credit-hour seminar of their opportunities. In addition to these "New curriculum" continued on page 7 Student attends inauguration HPU asked By Jessalin Graham have gone no matter what. to buy Oak Staff Writer Living in the area also al- lowed him to attend extra Over one million people at- events in addition to the Hollow Mall tended the inauguration for inauguration, and 44th President of the United he got the op- By Bryan Rothamel States Barack Obama. Du- portunity to share Organizations Editor wane Rager, junior, was one the event with his of them. family. They went High Point University's "It was just one of to Obama's speech administration has been approached the most interesting experi- in Baltimore the about purchasing Oak Hollow Mall. ences of my life," Rager said. Saturday before "We have been approached 'To be around a crowd so the inauguration. [to buy the mall]. As any sensible and large, everyone was so happy On Sunday, Rager reasonable leadership team should to be there. It was pretty attended the Inau- Duwane Rager, a junior who attended the Presiden- do, we are investigating what that all amazing." gural Concert at tial Inauguration in Washington, D.C, snapped this means," university president Nido After becoming an Obama fan the Lincoln Memorial with photo as he stood in a crowd of over one million Qubein said. He continued to reiterate more than a year ago and working on his sister. people. university officials did not initiate the his campaign, Rager was determined to "The most memo- talks. that it was "amazing" to share the expe- attend the inauguration. rable part about the con- Rumors around the mall rience with someone two generations "My time and effort in the cert and speeches was Garth Brooks," speculate the university has bought away. campaign made me appreciate it (the Rager recalls. "He performed three the mall and will demolish it to build Rager is familiar with the way inauguration)," he said. "It was my main very uplifting songs and got everyone a football stadium. Two store manag- that downtown D.C. normally looks, and motivation for going." really going. It was amazing to be at the ers stated they have heard the rumor he noticed that it looked vastly different Rager's hometown is 45 same place at the same time as all of although mall officials do not confirm on Inauguration Day. minutes away from Washington, D.C. these famous people and all these other any transactions have taken place. "The day started for a lot of which made it easier for him to be able people." Qubein stated, "[University to attend, though he said he would His grandfather attended the inauguration with him, and Rager says "Inauguration" continued on page 7 "Mall" continued on page 6 : What's new International Club hosts Gaza HPU and GCS unite for mm®: Awareness Week Feb. 16-20 educationl program In Opinion: In A&E: In Sports: The International Club will Maurice Green, superintendent host a Gaza Awareness Week on Feb. of Guilford County Schools, recently 16-20 to discuss the dispute between announced an educational partnership Gaza and Hamas. between HPU and GCS. Is global warming EPs need some Women's basket- The week includes a showing The announcement states that for real? love too ball still in control of a documentary about Gaza, a discus- the university and GCS will collaborate sion of the war, a poetry night, and a on "innovative programs and services" vigil and night of prayer held for victims for students in the GCS system. of the war. Get a pair. HPU Radio: Launching You'll want to hear February 2 at 4:00 pm The Sound. www.hpuradio.com EDITORIALS Friday, January 30, 2009 Chronicle Staff: Let's shift our focus to academics Editor in chief Pam Haynes Staff Editorial their time at High Point, resulting in signs might be overshadowed by the more students sticking around to get superficial aspects of campus life at Editorial Writer It is a simple fact a university their High Point education. High Point. Mike Nuckles exists in order to educate a student "The concept is that students The first step that must A&E Editor body. Granted, a residential college get an entire extraordinary, holistic be taken is to work even harder on Holly Iverson must house its students, and any learning experience. Things like improving courses' rigor. Students need physical institution must maintain a the Chef's Table expose students to to learn a lot of material, and they need Opinion Editor presentable, functional campus, but opportunities that they may have never to be held accountable for that material. Katie Nelson each student at High Point is here to been around before," Clodfelter said. It has been our experience that grade Sports Editor learn lessons to prepare for careers. "We are approaching this in the best inflation has been quite apparent at way we know how. More money is spent High Point. Increasing the amount Mike Nuckles High Point University clearly meets these needs. It also has many covered in classes and increasing the Organizations Editor unique characteristics that give it its amount of assignments would help in Bryan Rothamel own persona. Students can get wake- "It would benefit the that way. Online Editor up calls, go on basketball road trips, school much more to have Next, the ways in which we Jesse Kiser watch free concerts of renowned treat our faculty must be improved. a smaller, more intelligent Professors should be compensated Photographers artists, and live in residence halls that have flat-panel televisions, high-tech student body, instead of a better, and less adjuncts and part- Pam Haynes computer labs, and restaurants. time professors should be hired. Jesse Kiser But how much is too higher enrollment. The Occasionally, adjuncts are good Printer much? To what extent does this focus should be on quality, additions to campus, but more Mullen Publications University need to build, expand, times than not, the less credentialed teachers make worse teachers. Adviser and improve in order to finally satisfy not quantity." its expectations? We believe the Finally, admissions should Dr. Bobby Hayes changes made in the past few years be focusing on raising standards of Staff Members: have set High Point University out admission, not on admitting more Courntey Adamo, Jona- from the crowd, but administrators on academics than anywhere else in the students. It would benefit the school than Benentt, Jesse Cherry, should be careful about not putting the University. We are also looking to add much more to have a smaller, more Jessalin Graham, Michael "experience" before the "education." 100 positions before August, including intelligent student body, instead of a Roger Clodfelter, HPU's many faculty members." higher enrollment. The focus should be Goins, Scarlett Hester, Al- Director of WOW, says the wow Academics at High Point have on quality, not quantity. lison Hogshead, Megan Ke- concept is meant to be a supplement also seen upgrades in recent years. For Now that our university is any, Drew Littleton, Camara to academics in the entire student instance, the faculty approved a new on the map for the "WOW factor, McLaughlin, Jennifer Paolino, experience. He says the school's curriculum just last week that we hope administrators should shift their focus will make courses more rigorous. Our to promoting academics as a means to Latasha Sessoms, Justina Re- improvement in retention rate is evidence that students are happier in big concern, though, is that these good recruit and keep successful students. mold, Angelo Rizzi, Samantha Tuthilljody Wicks Closing Guantanamo Bay was the right decision Contact us: (336) 841- 9042, news@highpoint. By Katie Nelson armed conflict and therefore can be one were actually drowning. This would Opinion Editor held and prosecuted. The problem is definitely cause pain to the mind and edu. that we are not prosecuting them. We the body. The opinions expressed This is truly a time of change. are just holding them in a detention Amnesty International did by this newspaper do not nec- The United States has just inaugurated center that seems more like a prison a tour of the U.S. with a model of a essarily reflect the perspec- its first African-American president, camp than anything else. This action Gitmo cell. I had the opportunity to and he's not wasting any time working is totally against what we stand for as go inside of it and look around. The tive of High Point University Americans. Due process of the law cell is an extremely tiny room which students, administrators, staff toward the change he has promised. President Obama has declared that is written into our Constitution and contains a cot and toilet. There are or trustees. Signed columns, he will close the Guantanamo Bay is one of the basic foundations of our speakers hooked up to the room so that letters and cartoons solely detention center and has already system of government. It is extremely the people in charge of the facility can represent the outlook of their begun the process to do so. On Jan. hypocritical to hold men without trial deprive the men of sleep when they 20, Obama's administration ordered and pretend it isn't happening. If these see fit. Also the room temperature can authors and creators. Un- men are truly guilty, they need to be be modified so that the detainee can signed editorials, appearing a suspension of ongoing trials for detainees in Guantanamo Bay. This tried in front of a jury and sent off to experience freezing or scalding hot on opinion pages, express the way Obama's administration can begin prison. If they are innocent, we are temperatures. majority view of the staff. evaluating who needs to be released obligated to release them. The U.S. Regardless of whether or and who needs to go to trial and where. is one of the most powerful countries not you believe that sleep deprivation I am quite pleased that Obama in the world. If we show that we are is torture or not, it is important to Letters policy... has chosen to make this a priority. The willing to practice these actions, it know that these techniques may not The Campus Chronicle United States' use of Guantanamo Bay sends a message to other countries and be effective. A book recently written urges readers to submit letters has been a poor choice on our part and fuels their hatred for us. If we torture, by Matthew Alexander, called "How to the editor. has damaged us greatly. The U.S. is the they will most certainly torture. to Break a Terrorist," describes how The salutation should "land of the free" that offers "liberty This brings up another issue he used respect and humor to get read: To the Editor. Letters and justice for all." How can we claim related to Gitmo - are we torturing information out of some of the most this when we are holding people in a the detainees? The definition of dangerous men in the world. Instead should be typed and should torture is to inflict severe pain on of head-slapping, he understood who not exceed 300 words. They military base without a trial or, in some cases, probable cause? the body or mind. The government the detainees were and used that to must be signed and include has declared that they do not define get information out of them. This is the author's phone number The detainees at Guantanamo Bay, also known as Gitmo, are termed water boarding or simulated drowning how we need to approach matters of and address for purposes of as "unlawful combatants." This means as torture. During water boarding, interrogation. Hopefully, President verification. No letter will be they are civilians who engage in one's body experiences the same Obama will see it this way too. published without confirmation involuntary reactions that it would if of the author's identity. Please do not send anonymous letters or form letters. The election of Obama could unite races The staff reserves the right to edit letters for length, By Latasha Sessoms After the election, I called my bathrooms, or drink out of the same clarity and grammar, in ad- Staff Writer mother to tell her who won. She didn't water fountains as whites. Blacks also dition to the right to reject a believe me, so she turned on the TV had to sit in the back of the bus. letter based on the judgment of The U.S. is known for making to see for herself and started crying. I I've personally witnessed the editors and advisers. history, and on Nov. 4 we made history asked, "Ma, why are you crying?" She racial issues, but I can't even begin Mail your letter to: The yet again. Barack Obama, an African replied, "I grew up during segregation, to compare my life to the life that my lh a time where decisions were made mother lived during segregation. In Editor, Campus Chronicle, Box American, was elected 44 President of the United States. based on your race." My mother didn't my opinion, racism will never stop. 3111, High Point University, go to school with whites until she But, compared to the past, racism has High Point, NC 27262. Email Now that we have our first black President does this mean changes was in high school. During that time, declined over the years, tremendously. your letter to news@highpoint. in race issues will occur? I sure hope so. blacks weren't able to use the same edu. "Obama" continued on page 3 —— Friday, January 30, 2009 OPINION Global warming is turning our planet to liquid By I Manna Bell areas in which land ice is a fixture in What is the cause of this back out into space after hitting Staff Writer the environment, it is fatal for everyone. worldwide devastation? Greenhouse the earth. With higher amounts of With the melting of ice, sea levels will gases. The major forms of these greenhouse gases, the more sunlight Temperatures increasing, rise. Our beaches will diminish and gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, is absorbed, creating the higher glaciers melting, sea levels rising- those cities that are below sea level will methane, and ozone. Some may argue temperatures and disaster that are these are some of the realities of global find themselves suffering the same fate that these occur naturally, and while slowly plaguing the earth. warming. as Atlantis. this is true, humans have increased the For those nay-sayers who Many doubt the existence of The rising temperatures create production greatly. Carbon dioxide, for do not believe that the earth is global warming. They assume that other hazards as well. Diseases, such instance, is released by volcanoes and slowly warming and turning into a the rising average temperatures are a as malaria, that have been extinguished animals into the atmosphere; however, ball of liquid- beware. In 2100, the normal occurrence on Earth. This is are beginning to return. The ferocity it is also removed at a nearly identical Environmental Defense Fund predicts not the case. of Mother Nature is increasing. rate. With the increased burning that sea levels will have risen by 82 feet. The Environmental Defense Hurricane Katrina and the tsunami of fossil fuels, this is impossible. Start gearing up now, because unless Fund has found that since 1880 average that hit the east are just some of the The amount is much larger than the drastic measures are taken, we will all temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees most recent weather extremities. The atmosphere can handle, causing a be swimming with the fish, or what is Fahrenheit. By the year 2100, Time extinction of many species of animals build-up which can not be removed. left of them. For Change estimates the temperature can be seen across the globe. We have The more greenhouse gases in the of Earth will have risen 3.4 to 4.1 all seen the commercials of the polar atmosphere, the more long-wave, degrees Fahrenheit. This may not bears stranded amongst their melting radiant energy is trapped in our sound drastic, but when thinking of homes. One only has to watch the news atmosphere. to see the destruction that is occurring. Normally, sunlight is radiated Global warming occurs naturally By Bryan A. Rothamel Between 1500 and 1850 our wrong and we are speeding up Earth's Organizations Editor planet went through a period known as global warming rate. We are in trouble the "Little Ice Age." It was little because then. Global warming, that evil term large sheets of ice didn't develop like If this global warming is we hear our political candidates throw during the actual Ice Age. The average because we are making our atmosphere out there to scare us from voting for temperatures were as far as 2 degrees denser then we can turn out like Venus. changes the landscape. Hmmm. While their opponents. Our planet is as alive colder than present day but that varied Venus' atmosphere is 93 times the mass I, like many, do not believe in the global as we are. Just like you get hot and by location. of Earth's. The pressure at the planet's warming effect being caused directly by cold from time to time, so does Earth. The EPA admits, as do I, the surface is 92 times higher. That would humans, I admit I do not like the idea of Is there a climate change? Yes, in world has changed in the last 100 years. be the equivalent of being one kilometer a high of 842. fact. Is there global warming? That's Are we to blame? Partially. Is it a under Earth's oceans! Talk about Global warming, climate a complex question resulting in a natural phase of the Earth? Partially. feeling the pressure. change, greenhouse effect, whatever complex answer. As of 2006, we are almost Scientists believe Venus was you call it, is not a matter of belief. The The Environmental Protection .6 degrees higher than the mean actually like Earth at one time with question is, "Do you want to be like Agency, a trustworthy government temperature between 1880 and 2006. beautiful water and land. Maybe it Venus or not?" agency I hope, calls "global warming" Land temperatures are warmer than was even able to support life. Then I support any effort to eliminate what it really is, climate change. In ocean temperatures. It could be the greenhouse effect from its dense gasses entering our atmosphere the last 2,000 years there has been because those pesky "greenhouse atmosphere created the planet to warm not because I'm confident in global drastic climate changes. Between 900 gasses" are slightly increasing the like Ugg boots around your feet; that's warming but that I'm afraid of being and 1300, Europe, Greenland and Asia natural rise in Earth's temperature. what women tell me at least. The wrong. Can we nonbelievers afford to experienced relative warmth according I still do not believe we are temperature on Venus' surface is a mild be wrong? That's not a question I want to the EPA website. The American as responsible as certain politicians 842 degrees Fahrenheit. my offspring to answer for me... West experienced dry conditions at this portray. The one thing I know is I The surface literally consumes time as well. better not be wrong. Let's say I'm itself. It becomes lava and completely Dr. QubeinrThree ways to learn by doing* By Dr. Nido Qubein who could give you instructions and you achieve your objective, but you're 2) Acquire a learning mentality - You point out your mistakes as you drove. not sure what it was you did right. You must become better tomorrow than you We learn by doing. With each endeavor, you can build on productive success. are today just to stay even. Develop an Think about the basic skills started as a novice, and you learned The more actions you take, attitude towards life-long learning. you've acquired in life. You learned to proficiency from the mistakes you the more productive failures you'll walk by pulling yourself up, turning made. experience. The more productive (3) Seek positive and negative feedback loose and taking a step. You fell the first It's that way in any failures you experience, the more you'll - Encourage those you trust to give you time, but you got up and tried again. undertaking. learn. Thomas Edison experienced both legitimate criticism and earned Each time you did it a little better than When you begin taking 1,100 productive failures before recognition. the time before. You were learning by action toward your goals, you will he found the right filament for his doing. make mistakes. Don't worry about it. incandescent lamp. The greatest enemy of your Somebody may have told you Everybody makes them. Successful To turn your mistakes into creative powers is smug complacency how to tie your shoes, but you didn't people learn from theirs. They know learning opportunities, follow these - being satisfied with less than what really learn it until you had tried it the difference between a productive suggestions: you are capable of doing. yourself. You made mistakes at first, but failure and a non-productive success. Make a strong and permanent eventually your fingers learned to do In a productive failure, you 1) Have measurable goals - You won't commitment to invest your life and the task subconsciously. don't achieve your objective, but you know whether you're moving toward talents only in those pursuits that You learned to ride a bicycle come away with new knowledge and your goals unless you have some way of deserve your best efforts. Then, act on by getting on and riding it. You learned understanding that will increase your measuring the motion. That's why your your ideas, because we learn by doing. to drive a car by taking one out on the chances of success on the next try. A goals should be specific. highway with an experienced teacher non-productive success occurs when

'Obama" continued from page 2

Blacks and whites now go to school Barack Obama has, hopefully, shown one day this nation will rise up and live opportunity as the next person. I together, use the same bathrooms, that race will not always be a problem. out the true meaning of its creed: We don't think racism will ever stop, but I drink from the same water fountains The event consisted of blacks and hold these truths to be self evident: that believe since our President is an African and sit together on the bus. That in itself whites gathering together to welcome all men are created equal..." Dr. King's American, things will begin to come is change. the new President into office. Even dream is beginning to unfold with an together within the next four years and Inauguration day was definitely former President Bush, a Caucasian, African American President; it shows that Caucasians, African Americans, and a day that showed change in the U.S. welcomed Obama showing that blacks that blacks and whites are created equal all races will begin to appreciate one People from all over the country and whites can get along and come by the Creator, who doesn't discriminate another, love one another and unite. traveled up and down the highways, together in any given situation. against the children He loves. After all, this is the United some in inclement weather, to celebrate The late Dr. Martin Luther This election also shows that States of America. change in the US. The inauguration of King, Jr. once said, "I have a dream that each individual should have the same A&E Friday, January 30, 2009 EPs with enough to get you hooked By Jen Paolino their music is also happy. Their melodic Park? Lead singer Andy Jackson. VersaEmerge gives you that and a lot Staff Writer hooks and catchy lyrics will force you to Why You Should Listen: For fans of more. Completely disregarding the put a smile on your face every Hot Rot Circuit notion that female-fronted bands are who have hung synonymous with cheerful music, Sometimes it's about quality, single time. up their flannel these guys, and girl, manage to bring a not quantity. EPs are albums too, and shirts and darker, more intense sound to a world they deserve just as much love as Band Name: The Summer Set decided that otherwise flooded with pop music. any full-length record. So show some Album Title: ...In Color -EP maybe there is support for these five awesome bands Who They Sound Like: Lead a silver lining Band Name: Take Cover that are just getting their foot in the singer Brian Dales earnest after all, Death Album Title: Take Cover - EP musical door. Trust me, you won't be lyrics and passionate vocals In The Park's Who They Sound Like: Fans of We the sorry. will hit pretty close to home for anyone who is a fan of self-titled EP will Kings and Motion City Soundtrack give you exactly will eat up all five songs of pop-rock Band Name: Mercy Mercedes Bryce Avery and his band, what you're goodness off their self-titled EP. Album Title: 1.21 Gigawatts - EP . looking for. Plus, Why You Should Listen: Music doesn't Who They Sound Like: If you were to Why You Should Listen: their song Fallen always have to be complicated; these mesh the vocal style They pumped out an indie/ features guest vocals from the always guys churn out songs that are fun to of Cartel and the powerpop version of spunky Hayley Williams, lead listen to, and electro-pop sound of Usher's "Love In This singer of . don't have to be , you'll Club" and they have deconstructed get a pretty good idea a chick drummer. Do Band Name: VersaEmerge to understand. of what all six of the I really need to give If you're looking songs off their poppy, you another reason? Album Title: Perceptions 1 I Who They Sound Like: A soft- for something upbeat EP will sound core, more melodic version to turn on that like. Band Name: Death In overworks your Why You Should The Park of A Skylit Drive. Only, in brain, songs Listen: Other than the Album Tide: Death In this band, the lead singer is like "One More fact that these guys The Park - EP actually a girl... and doesn't Shot" and "Lady are a local Greensboro Who They Sound just sound like one. Love"should band who has Like: What does post- Why You Should Listen: definitely be at managed to share the grunge emo-rock If you're looking for stage with big names such as Taking band Hot Rot Circuit have in common intricate guitar riffs backing the top of your Back Sunday and Jonas Sees in Color, with alterno-pop band Death In The super meaningful lyrics, playlist. Inauguration fails in some areas, succeeds in others By Jessalin Graham well when he rhymed about different right." It should definitely not matter highlight of the inauguration itself. He Staff Writer races saying, "Let us work for that day what race you are; everyone should also acknowledged his appreciation to when black will not be asked to get strive to embrace what is right and work former President George W Bush for Excitement and energy from back, when brown will not be asked to towards that daily. The benediction the congenial welcome and peaceful the inauguration seemed to transfer get down, when yellow will be mellow, should not have been so blatantly race- transfer of power. through the television to the worldwide when the red man will get ahead man, driven, but focused on welcoming the We also cannot forget to viewing audience. Anticipation began and when white will embrace what is new president into office and blessing mention the Inaugural Balls that lasted building months prior to this historic right." This seemed to be a strange his years as the new leader. into the early hours of the following event; even a special Spider Man comic request since a pretty overwhelming Of course, there were morning. The new president and first book was produced about Inauguration majority of Americans just elected a more positive aspects of the event, lady attended 10 official Inaugural Balls Day. After all of this hype, a little let multicultural president. Our country specifically Obama's uplifting speech including The Neighborhood Ball which down was to be expected, especially included guests from the community since way over $140 million was spent as well as celebrities, the Home States on the inauguration during a time when Balls, the Commander-in-Chief Ball Americans and American businesses made up of military guests, the Youth are struggling financially and many are Ball and, in case they felt left out, depending on Congress to bail them Inaugural Balls for the rest of the map out. including The Mid-Western, Eastern, Not to say that there were Southern and Mid-Atlantic Balls. not good aspects of the event because Of all the Inaugural Balls, the there certainly were. It just failed to Youth Ball was the most important since meet expectations since Obama has the youth became an integral part of gone all out at events in the past, such this election. More youth than ever got as the Styrofoam columns he included involved in politics, many for the first as a backdrop for his speech and time, and it was a great way for Obama using Denver's Pepsi Center as the to reach out to the youth once again and location for the Democratic National show them that their hard work paid Convention. off. Instead, the Inauguration Last but not least, the first lady Ceremony festivities seemed mostly should be commended on selecting simple and classic, opening with the an elegant textured floor length gown United States Marine Band and closing President Obama takes the Oath of Office at the Presidential Inauguration in adorned with Swarovski crystals and with the United States Navy Band. Washington, D.C. on Jan. 20. CNN.com ruffles designed by a young designer, However, there were aspects in between the 26-year-old Jason Wu, instead of the opening and closing that could have choosing from designers who have been better. Aretha Franklin's rendition has traveled such a long way and has after taking the Oath of Office. This been in business for years. Not only did of "My Country Tis of Thee" started off overcome racial differences to get to speech seemed to motivate the nation she make a good choice in a designer, strong but seemed to lose steam in the this point. It sounds out of place for and unite it for the common cause of she selected a dress that shows off middle and was somewhat inaudible at the minister to acknowledge during improving the country. He was able to her unique style and one that was times. But, she redeemed herself with his blessing of our new president that be straightforward about the conditions perfect for the occasion without going a powerful ending. The large bow on individuals of different races are not of the country without arrogantly overboard. her hat certainly captured a great deal being treated fairly in America. Of all placing blame. This helped his speech There were a combination of of attention, and replicas of this coveted these statements, which all seem a little successfully edify the nation as a whole positives and negatives in the inaugural accessory are selling for $179. offensive, the most startling remark was instead. As a result of this technique, festivities. It will certainly remain a The benediction by Reverend when he said we should be working for in conjunction with his captivating memorable historic event for many Dr. Joseph E. Lowery stood out as a day when "white will embrace what is phrases, this speech was by far the years in the future. www.CampusChronicle.org Friday, January 30, 2009 A&E Box office war between two WWII movies By Jessalin Graham before it was detonated and shut down audience also gets a look into the lives many times how they were going to Staff Writer the lines of communication. This plan of a secret community that lived deep in survive so long without being caught. seemed ingenious, but the film hints the woods for many years while fighting "Valkyrie" also lacked many Director Bryan Singer's to failure early on. After Stauffenberg off German invasions. Relatively early in German accents. Most of the actors kept "Valkyrie" debuted explains his plan, the film, conflict occurs from within the American accents unlike "Defiance" Christmas Day, and another character camp when Tuvia and his brother Zus which had correct accents and "Defiance," directed says, "Remember, begin to compete for power. Zus leaves languages, even using subtitles at times. by Edward Zwick, was this is a military the forest camp to join the Red Army to "Defiance" is also slightly longer lasting released on Jan. 16. operation. Nothing fight the Germans. The audience has to 137 minutes while "Valkyrie" was 120 These films resulted in ever goes according wait until the end of the film to find out minutes. two World War II tales in to plan." Just before whether or not the brothers reconcile. These films had similarities as theatres simultaneously. the explosive is Unlike 'Valkyrie" which built well such as popular actors used for the Even though these films about to go off in up energy and anticipation in many main characters in both of these films, are about World War the war briefing, one scenes that kept the audience captivated allowing each a more equal chance of II, however, they are of the characters and anxious, attracting moviegoers. Most dramatically different while slams his fist on "Defiance" was importantly these films were retaining a few important the table and loudly more of a journey based on true stories. What similarities. announces, "It will of survival happened to the actors was a "Valkyrie" focuses be a catastrophe." about how long close depiction of what really on a group of soldiers in To find out how the these people happened to the real life people. Hitler's army who devise a plan really turns out, were going to It is important for the audience plan to assassinate him and you have to see the successfully to remember this as they watch take over the government film. hide from the so they will take the films after they realize the corruption and On the other hand, "Defiance" Germans. more seriously and, in turn, inhumanity that has overtaken the is told from the viewpoint of Jewish "Valkyrie" began appreciate them more. establishment is not what they are people who are trying to survive after in late 1944 and As for which film is fighting for. They decide they want being captured by the German Army. went until the best, these movies cannot to prevent Hitler from taking more The main character in this film is Daniel end of the war. compete with each other in this innocent lives. Valkyrie was the title Craig who plays Tuvia Bielski, a Jewish Stauffenberg's area. They are both intense of Hitler's back up plan to continue man who sets up a community in the plan was nitwit masterpieces about real people the war in case something happened forest of Belorussia with his three executed only who humbly dedicated their to him. The main character, Colonel remaining brothers after his parents are a short nine lives to make a difference in a Claus von Stauffenberg played by Tom killed by the Germans. Tuvia brings months before time of horror. Since the two Cruise, was brave enough to edit the hundreds of people to live in his forest Hitler committed suicide. "Defiance" films collectively explore such a wide plan. Hitler signed the new plan, which camp and even rescues a large number began in 1941 which covered a much range of content from different angles, was actually Stauffenberg's plan, into of Jews from a German controlled longer time period. I kept hoping that it is important for movie-goers to view action without knowing that the plan ghetto without being discovered. The the Jewish people would be rescued, both "Valkyrie" and "Defiance" to have had been changed. Stauffenberg's audience follows the progression of war but I had to remind myself that this was a clearer understanding of what people idea was to take an explosive into a from updates of new people who join near the beginning of the war before went through during World War II. war briefing attended by Hitler, leave the forest community from the latest other nations were involved. This invasion of the German Army. The created anticipation, and I questioned Best video games of 2008 By Jesse Cherry the senses. "Burnout Paradise" is the Japanese graffiti art style that pleases Staff Writer "Grand Theft Auto" of racing games. the eyes and J-pop that pleasures the From ears. The story is wordy and often Top Video Games of 2008 the start, IXBOX 360 uvc melodramatic in delivery, but even a giant with my tastes lying elsewhere, I found Top Videogames 4. Super Smash (Wii) city and the game With the Wii targeting itself towards hundreds charming of 2008 the casual crowd, "Super Smash Bros. of races and the Brawl" can please both the video and combat one game addict and the mom trying to events are of the most spend some quality time with her available unique and angst-riddened college student. The without entertaining 1. Little Big Planet game includes Mario, Luigi, Donkey a single games I played 2. The World Ends Kong, and hundreds of other Nintendo loading last year. mascots. It isn't subtle about using screen. With You ,. nostalgia, Where 1. Little Big Planet (PS3, $60) but taking "Burnout "Little Big Planet" is a unique game 3. Burnout Paradise Mario and Paradise" in that every person I have handed 4. Super Smash having sets itself a controller to, including myself, has him beat apart from most games last year is in its always managed a smile. "Little Big Pikachu online play. With just a tap of a button, Planet" is the start of social gaming. senseless other players will seamlessly populate With a friendly interface built around is a special your city - no loading, no waiting. Its community made content, it's the joy that is $30 price tag and near endless content Facebook of video games. On the Honorable hard to find makes it one of the best deals out there. most basic level, it controls like "Super elsewhere. Mario Bros.," but the creativity in the Mentions Grab four 2. The World Ends With You (DS, $30) design sets it apart from anything I have friends "The World Ends With You" is the first ^^^^ experienced and work game I have played on the Nintendo DS AtfLi.. \1fca>i .-afc-i i in years. out those that could not have been done on any Every week, Left 4 Dead frustrations other system. On the bottom screen, I turn on Gears of War 2 with a monkey and a plumber instead of you'll tap, swipe, and slash your way "Little Big each other's fists. through waves of enemies, while you Planef Metal Gear Solid 4 use your thumb to rhythmically press only to find 3. Burnout Paradise (Xbox 360, PS3, PC, the four face buttons to control your dozens Valkyrie Chronicles $30) second character on the top screen. All of new Braid "Burnout Paradise" is an orchestra of the action takes place simultaneously. levels to blurring speeds, thrilling racing, and It can seem overwhelming at first, but explore, and Mirror's Edge tantalizing crashes. The shattering of with practice comes the satisfaction not once a windshield and the crunch of metal of being able to multitask and control have I left has never brought such pleasure to both characters at the same time. unhappy. The excellent combat is coated with a NEWS Friday, January 30, 2009 "Mall" continued from page 1- HPU Radio begins broadcast in February officials] have made no commitments. ByAbbyWood The station will be automated munication building is completed, the We do not believe we have any inter- Staff Writer during the day and operated by students radio station will move to a permanent est." in the evening. location with its new facilities. Cur- One of the store managers The Nido Qubein School of "The station will run 24 hours rently, the station will broadcast from a said CBL, owner of Oak Hollow Mall, Communication will launch HPU Radio, a day, seven days a week, and the an- studio in the Fine Arts building. does not renew leases for longer than High Point University's first official on- nouncers will be live from 4 p.m. to 12 "We are trying to be the a month-to-month basis although line radio station operated by students a.m.," says Tremblay, director of the student voice of High Point University. other reports are stores have signed at www.hpuradio.com, on Feb. 2 at 4 school of communication. People sending messages on the air will five-year leases recently. The store p.m. Currently the DJs are made be HPU students. We are trying to be managers have asked to remain The station will be advised up of students in the radio practicum a balanced radio station and abide by anonymous. by Dr. Wilfred Tremblay while senior class. The station will allow students to social tastes," Tremblay said. On Topix.com, anonymous Bryan Rothamel will serve as station volunteer to be on the persons have stated the mall would manager and senior Sara Vitale will air, but each student close in January 2009 although earlier serve as marketing manager. must abide by rules the site's users said it woud close The station's official slogan is, regarding what is and before the end of the 2008 calendar "The Sound." what is not allowed to year. The mall was still open on Jan. "We think listeners will find be broadcasted. 29. Users on another website, Yahoo! that HPUR will live up to its slogan, Sophomore Answers, hypothesize the mall has The Sound,'" said Rothamel. "What you Katie Little says, "I been bought by the university. hear on the radio should represent the think a radio station High Point University has student body. We play what we listen to would be cool for stu- not had a football team since 1954. and what you listen to." dents. It would bring In order to start a team the athletic In the beginning stages, the a sense of community department would have to follow station will provide music, a sports talk to the school because federal guidelines set forth in Title IX. show, upcoming event announcements you could hear your Education Acts of 1972. The univer- and public service announcements. own friend on the air." sity has not announced the addition of Music will include anything Graduate a football team. that students listen to, ranging from student Megan Mur- HPU currently funds seven pop, hip/hop, rock, country, indepen- ray says, "It will give male varsity sports and seven female dent and alternative. students at High Point varsity sports. Women's lacrosse has "We have a little of everything. University more been added and will begin competition A few DJs enjoy hip-hop while a few like options, and profes- Bryan Rothamel Geft), station manager for HPURadio. during the 2010-11 season. the indie sound; some like pop while sional opportunities com, and Mike Nuckles host a sports talkshow on the others like '80s and '90s. I think listen- for those interested in student-operated radio station every Tuesday night ers will really become loyal to certain broadcasting." from 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. Photo by Pam Haynes DJs because of similar taste," Rothamel When the added. new School of Com- Administration takes no stance on 'Amethyst' By Jesse Kiser Currently, the HPU administration says debate the (university) presidents are Online Editor they need to dig deeper into the subject calling for." and collect supporting evidence before McCardell has his fair share The rise of binge drinking they choose a side. of opposition. Mothers Against Drunk by college students prompted former "We truly have not invested Driving, the organization that led the Middlebury College President John research time into the subject," said fight to raise the drinking age to-21 McCardell to start an initiative - the president Nido Qubein. "I hesitate to originally, is now fighting to keep it Next Issue of the Amethyst Initiative that aims to stop speak without thorough investigation of that way. They are accusing college binge drinking, particularly among all the pros and cons." presidents of being lazy and avoiding Campus Chronicle: college students. His main solution Kim Soban, Director of the tough work of cracking down on is to lower the drinking age, and he's Counseling Services, often counsels underage and binge drinkers. Feb. 13 recruited 123 other colleges to support students with substance abuse issues After public opposition from Amethyst. and disagrees with the lowering of the MADD and the National Transportation The Amethyst Initiative is drinking age. "No one law is going Safety Board (who issued statements named after the Greek gemstone said to solve this problem," she said. She saying it would lead to injuries and Copy due date: to ward off intoxication. McCardell has considers the problem of binge drinking deaths), Robert Franklin of Morehouse gained support from schools like Duke, to be a form of self-medication for College and Kendall Blanchard of Feb. 5 Dartmouth and Johns Hopkins, along students with serious personal issues. Georgia Southwestern State withdrew with public schools like Ohio State "We need to educate students their support. and the University of Maryland. But even prior to college," she said. "It is Turtle feels that the Initiative HPU hasn't jumped on board and isn't unrealistic to say underage students will was originally more complex than just Send your letters declaring a stance on the issue. not drink, so we need to say, 'If you are lowering the drinking age, but was a "I'm not so sure that lowering going to do it, here is how you can be call for an open national dialogue to to the editor and the drinking age will curb binge safe.'" confront colleges' problems with binge story suggestions to drinking or curb underage drinking." According to the Associated drinking. said dean of student life, Gail Turtle. Press, McCardell said, "No matter "We all need to try to get a [email protected] She wants the administration to gather where you stand on this issue, it's handle on binge drinking by seeing a collective opinion before she makes impossible to...say this is a settled what we can do as a community," she her own. question. It's also impossible to say the said. public isn't ready to participate in the St3ff Pr0fll6: Brian Ross focuses on customer service By Katie Nelson became his maternal figure, as did his Brian was a huge class clown. He and he just acquired. He just moved into Opinion Editor sister who is 13 years older his friends were always a two-story house that he shares with than he is. getting into something. some friends. He plans to celebrate his The famous line from the Brian enjoys being They loved playing upcoming birthday there on Feb. 3. Wizard of Oz that says, "There's no the baby of the family practical jokes on people, Brian cares about people and place like home," is especially true for and getting the resulting though they never did any reflects that not only in his attitude but employee Brian Ross. special attention and harm. also in his work. Customer service Brian, 22, has been making treatment. His sister, who Brian also loves music is the most important part of the job coffee at the Starbucks on campus for is the person he admires and is constantly listening to him. As a result of this dedication two years and has no plans to leave. most, is always there for to it and singing along. to customer service, the university Brian is a native to High Point, and he him. In turn, Brian treats His favorite artists include Starbucks has received 11 awards enjoys living close to home since he is a his nieces like princesses. Brian Ross HPU Starbucks em- T.I., Neo and Trey Songz. for excellence from the Starbucks self-proclaimed momma's boy. He loves visiting them and ployee Ph oto by Katie Nelson He also enjoys playing corporation. However, when Brian was five, helping them out; he even basketball and football So if you ever stop by Starbucks, his biological mother died. This left him, helps them sell Girl Scout cookies. regularly. you know that Brian will take care of his older brother and his sister to live There is more to Brian than Brian is looking forward to playing you. with their grandmother. She quickly just a strong family bond. As a kid, these sports in his new home, which Friday, January 30,2009 NEWS Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

High Point University students participated in a "Day of Service" on Jan. 19 in The annual Martin Luther King Jr. service was held Jan. 19 at 11 a.m. The honor of Martin Luther King. Jr. Day by volunteering in different areas of the mssage was delivered by Reverend Dr. Raphael Warnock, senior pastor of community. From left to right: David Perez, Alicia Landale and Jessica Bookbinder Ebenezer Baptist Church, the spiritual home of the late MLKJr. From left to plant flowers at High Point Regional Hospital as part of their service for the day. right: Dr. Warnock signs programs for freshmen Symone Graves and Kenzalia Photo by Jesse Kiser Bryant after the service. Photo by Pam Haynes

"Inauguration" continued from page 1 people before 4 a.m. I left at 5 a.m.," Rager says. "The train ride lasted 30 minutes, and it took us to 45 minutes to get off of the train. There were Obama chants in the station. There was a very good air about the entire day." And Rager didn't mind braving the cold for the event. "The excitement lasted even through the cold and hours and hours. Excitement was all over the place. If you were watching it from home, you didn't get to be part of all that." "Curriculum" continued from page 1 switching to the four-hour system might be a reduced opportunity to take a highly diversified set of classes at a single time. Carroll believes that this effect will be minimal, since major classes would be condensed and the number of major classes required for graduation would be reduced. Carroll also noted that it would be likely that the university would raise the maximum credit hours a student can take in a semester without penalty from 17 to 18 credits. "This is the most exciting academic change made in university history," he said. "We want to take ourselves to the next level academically." Administration and faculty have been looking into the new plan for about two years. According to Carroll, the vote was "overwhelmingly high" in favor of the new curriculum. Schools that already operate under the four hour curriculum system include Davidson College, Furman and .

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Editor in Chief Editor in Chief - Arts and Entertainment Editor Organizations Editor February 12 Advertising Editor Sports Editor All other positions - Photographer March 1 Staff Writer To apply, contact Dr. Bobby Hayes, Campus Chronicle adviser, at [email protected] Friday, January 30, 2009 ORGANIZATIONS Sorority life gives an only child a huge family

By Bryan Rothamel helped her bring her stuff into her new The residential hall made it Organizations Editor dorm, Mae immediately began spread- easy to find friends because ing her green and pink accessories all of the community bathroom Sunday night is finally here for over her side of the dual occupancy living style. The residents Mae Norman. It has been a rough day room. became friends but also mad for the High Point University senior. Her roommate saw things a bit a few enemies. Early in the morning she was different. Two weeks into the year, her The hall had two woken by her roommate, Melissa. roommate finally finished moving in, major circles of friends that Melissa needed Mae to drive her to the Mae remembers. That proved things did not like each other. Mae were going to be differ- was in one of them with her ent than Mae had ever hall neighbors. She was very experienced before. close to those around her Tuesday Mae enjoys but they ended up transfer- "Chapter Lunch" with ring from HPU or dropping Mae Norman , HPU graduate Alana Esposito her sorority sisters. out. and Rachel Shutt posed together in Mae's house. Huddled around three Brittany was in tables in the Cafe, the the other circle. Like Mae, The "Previously on Grey's" doesn't suf- proud sorority talks Brittany was close to her hall neighbors fice for these fanatics. about everything from and her friends also ended up transfer- The first five minutes of the upcoming school events ring. show they all sit, eyes staring towards to hair woes. Mae and Brittany hated each the television set. No one moves and Many of the women other, but second semester of that first no one talks during the opening scenes. At the first commercial break Brittany Seniors Sarah McArthur, Brittany Crews, Megan ask how Melissa is do- year they both became sisters in AGD. ing. She has been to "I remembered hating my life knowing joins the group and they begin debating Keany, Christin Anderson, Melissa Nauman, Rachel the show. Shutt and Mae Norman pictured before Lip Sync the doctor's office a few she was going to be one of my sisters," times with Mae's assis- Mae said. Mae begins, "I could use a two of Greek Week 2008. Alpha Gamma Delta won the hour special every week." Whether event. tance. After the pledging period they After enjoying each began to get to know each other. From that is because of the show itself or the emergency room because of excruci- other's company, Mae then on they were best friends and event she makes of it doesn't become ating pain in her abdomen. Mae had moves to the second floor of the Slane sisters. They lived across the hall from quite obvious. three hours of rest and for a sleep-de- Student Center. Outside of the campus each other for their sophomore year. The show begins again and prived college student sleep would be Starbucks, she picks up a Greensboro The past two years they have been in they turn their attention back to the set. assumed to come first Mae sat in the News and Record. the sorority house together. The rain outside is deafening, making it waiting room for six hours to find out She comments on an article Thursday night is the "Grey's" seem that someone is breaking into the Melissa had kidney stones. here, an article there. "Oh look, High night, where sisters stop by the house house. They don't divert their atten- Mae has a deeper connection Point University," Mae says when she to watch ABC's show, "Grey's Anato- tion. Another break comes. with Melissa than just roommates. noticed a High Point University adver- my." Two other sisters come to the One watcher says, "I definitely Both are sisters in Alpha Gamma Delta tisement on page three in the A section. house to watch the show. Mae sits on heard something." Grey's Anatomy is sorority. They are two of almost 45 To Mae, reading the paper is a daily one of the armchairs while Ashley sits too important to divert their stares from sisters. habit. next to Melissa, who is still ill. Melissa the screen. After an inspection outside That's a big change for Mae. Huddled around are a few fel- has a plate of food Mae put together for of the house they realize the source of She is an only child and still close to low senior Alpha Gams. Christian and her dinner. Christian sits across from the sound. The show is back on. her parents. Until college she had never Sarah sit on either side of her. The only Mae in another armchair and next to As the show comes to its spent an extended amount of time away junior, Ashley, sits across from Mae. Christian is a seat reserved for Brittany, dramatic end, Mae changes her seating from home. Now, she's about 30 min- Senior Brittany Crews pulls up a chair who is coming home from work. posture. After the show's cliffhanger utes away from home. to join the four. The show has ending they come to one conclusion, To Mae, High Point became Brit- not started but they "We have to watch next week!" home and one big family. tany was the huddle around the TV They gathered for the show Leaving Lewisville was rough AGD president 20 minutes early to but no one leaves when it is over. Mae for Mae. She left early in August 2005 for a year and make sure they don't checks on Melissa and they all just sit to get to High Point another room- miss any of it. Mae and around and talk. "Mom wanted to be the first mate to Mae. Christian sip on a small It is just a normal week for one in line," Mae remembers of the day. They have had glass of wine as they de- Mae. Alpha Gam sisters to begin the They pulled up to Yadkin Hall an up and down bate last week's episode. week. Alpha Gam sisters to end the and noticed she was on the third floor, history togeth- Ashley is hav- week. Pretty good for someone who which was four flights up because of the er. ing the most trouble re- came to High Point University scared exposed basement. No elevators and Fresh- membering the show's of leaving her family. HPU gave her more than 200 other freshmen women man year, both Brittany Crews, Mae Norman and story and Mae quickly another family full of a bunch of sisters. were moving in as well. women lived Sara Vitale pictured during Bid Day reminds them, dating After the Orientation Crew in Yadkin Hall. 2008. back a few weeks prior. Panhellenic bids for largest class DOES YOUR ORGANIZATION By Bryan Rothamel said Sara Vitale, senior of Alpha Gamma working at HPU in July 2008. This year Organizations Editor Delta. she focused on making sure the sorori- HAVE NEWS? The increase in interested ties did less of the administrative aspect The HPU student body saw participants has been such as reserving rooms. the annual parade of honking trunks, expected because Another huge help screaming women and males throwing of increased enroll- McCrea noted was the work E-mail the water balloons the afternoon of Jan. 25. ment at the university. of the Panhellenic Executive There were 146 women receiv- Another key attribute Council. Some nights those Campus Chron- ing bids to one of the four Panhellenic has been the increase women stay far past mid- Council sororities on campus. All four in awareness of Greek night to make sure the week icle with your sororities gave out the allotted bids plus life on campus. went smoothly. additions for reaching the quota set by "Greek Week With Panhellenic lead- information so Panhellenic. was pretty success- ers doing the grunt work, This year's recruitment was ful this year; it was the current sorority mem- we can get you another record setting year for partici- a pretty big thing. bers were able to relax and pants surpassing last year's by 51, a 54 There's been a lot meet the recruits. McCrea covered. percent increase. A total of 241 women of visibility among the Greek organi- said this relaxed many of the women registered for formal recruitment. zations this first semester this year during the sometimes stressful time. 'This is a such an exciting time which I think definitely contributed to McCrea stated the university for all of Greek life on campus. Not increased recruitment numbers," Greek is looking at extending Greek life to in- news@ only do we get to meet our new sisters, life coordinator Meredith McCrea said. corporate another Panhellenic sorority. but new sisters of the other three amaz- McCrea started working on The process is long and regimented. highpoint.edu ing sororities of Panhellenic as well," recruitment week since she began The process is only in its infancy. 10 SPORTS Friday, January 30, 2009

Women's basketball beats UNCA, holds second place in the Big South

By Drew Littleton and Winthrop ence schedule night. Brown, the conference's highest- Mike Nuckles on Jan. 19, against its scoring freshman, was ll-for-12 from the 55-54. Win- oldest rival, floor, and finished up with a career-high Staff Writers throp led Elon. The 22 points. Every player saw action, and most of the two teams ten players finished with at least three Overshadowed by Christmas game, but have played points. That concluded a perfect four- break and a recent men's basketball the Panthers each other 73 game homestand to keep the Panthers home stand, the women's basketball never let the times, with undefeated at home. team is second overall in the conference Eagles grab the Panthers As students were returning with a record of 6-1. They are set to play more than a holding the back to campus on the Monday after first-place Liberty on the road on Satur- seven-point 37-36 margin. Christmas break the Lady Panthers day. margin. In In years past played host to Gardner-Webb, which Most recentiy on Monday, the the end, this game had entered the match winless in conference team defeated the third-place Asheville High Point been close, play. Sophomore Jurica Hargraves led Bulldogs, 59-51. Sophomore center was able such as last High Point with 22 points, 15 of which Mackenzie Maier set a new single-game to take a year's 77-71 came from behind the arc, but the story school record in blocks, recording seven shot for the overtime win was the team's defense, which forced on the night, and also scored 16 points. win, but a by the Pan- 26 turnovers from the Bulldogs. High LaTeisha Dean was the main ball-giver desparation thers, but this Point won its second consecutive game since Frances Fields was in foul trouble shot fell year the game by an 11 point margin, defeating Gard- for most of the night. Dean delivered a short, and was domi- ner-Webb 55-44. In the Panthers' previ- career-high seven assists. Shamia Brown the Panthers nated by High ous game, the conference home-opener had a career-high 15 rebounds, while suffered Point from the against the Radford Highlanders, the scoring 16 points. their first opening tip. team led for the majority of the game, The team dominated last-place conference At the first of- and won the game, 65-55. Presbyterian last Saturday, 75-33, at one loss of the ficial timeout, High Point, winners of eight point going on a 54-8 run. Dean led the season. the Panthers of its last nine games, will look to stay team with 15 points and seven rebounds. The Sophomore center Mackenzie Maier takes a were up 15-2, strong for the rest of the season and will Fields dished out five assists, while team con- shot in a game earlier this season. Maier needs and that set hope to continue their momentum into Maier rejected four shots. cluded their one block to tie the school record for blocked the tone for the conference tournament, which will be High Point lost a nail-biter to non-confer- shots in a season (52). Photo by Mike Nuckles. the rest of the hosted by High Point this season. High Point has major influence over alum Smith's coaching career

By Bryan Rothamel outstanding players, me not included," in seven seasons. The two mastered year at HPC. Being the "Big Man on Organizations Editor Tubby laughs about finding his way to the art of the ball-line defense, a style Campus," as Tubby puts it, he didn't North Carolina. Barnett used at High Point. think it would work out because of the Growing up, Orlando 'Tubby" HPC won 28 games in the 1968- Tubby's head coaching career age difference. Smith had dreams of playing basketball 69 campaign. Gene Littles and Jim Picka would begin at University of Tulsa. She is a native of Richmond, Va. for University of Maryland. He was just graduated, both of whom were in Ironically, he took over for Barnett. and on breaks Donna would frequently reared on the southernmost tip of Mary- the top five all-time in scoring in HPC Tubby would coach at University of ask Tubby for rides home. Her house land in a city named Scotland. history. Littles still leads-the program Georgia and the University of Ken- was on his way home so he would more He is the sixth child of 17 in his in scoring. In the '60s the program had tucky. Currently, Tubby is at the helm than willingly drop her off. family. They lived in a cinderblock home won almost 70 percent of their games. of University of Minnesota's basketball He wasn't the only big deal on with no indoor plumbing. His parents Tubby unfortunately never was program. campus. She was a cheerleader and were sharecroppers picking tomatoes, as successful as those previous teams. In the past 15 seasons, Tubby Homecoming queen, which was monu- cotton, corn or tobacco. The teams he played for never had a win- has won at least 20 games and been in mental at the time being African-Ameri- The idea of "family" was impor- ning season. The closest they ever were postseason play. He won a NCAA na- can at HPC. When Tubby started school tant. If someone didn't feed the chickens was 13 wins and 16 losses. tional championship at UK in 1998. His in 1969 he was one of only three African- or get water, the whole house suffered. Tubby also played for four head teams have appeared in four Elite Eights Americans on campus. After three years After he graduated from high coaches in four years. Vaughn only and nine Sweet Sixteens. He has an of dating, the two married. school in 1969 he had an opportunity to coached Tubby for a year and a half be- overall record of 407 wins and 159 losses Tubby and Donna have three play for UMd. They had just hired a new fore Bill Davis finished Tubby's sopho- in 19 seasons as a head coach. sons. The eldest, Orlando Jr. (known coach, Lefty Driesell. Driesell was a hot more year. J.D. Barnett coached his He also was an assistant coach as G.G.) is an assistant coach at Loyola commodity at the time. He had won 176 junior year before Jerry Steele coached for the USA men's basketball team that (Md.) College and played for Tubby at games in nine years at Davidson College the fourth. won gold in Sydney in 2000. UGa. The middle child, Saul, is an as- in North Carolina. "I tell people all of the time-I ran Tubby has been character- sistant for Tubby at UMinn. Saul was Driesell told Tubby that he was so many coaches off, I thought I would ized as having one of the best ball-line on the national championship at UK more than welcome to enroll at UMd get in the business," Tubby says with defenses in . He calls The youngest, Brian, graduated from and try out for the basketball team. If a chuckle. "I actually had four head it his, "defensive philosophy." In three University of Mississippi last year. He he made the team, he got a scholarship. coaches in four years at High Point. of Tubby's first four years at UK his was the only son not to play for Tubby. If he didn't make the team, he just was That's unbelievable." teams had their lowest field goal against All three sons played in the basketball another student. After Tubby left, Steele would percentages since 1962. powerhouse Southeastern Confer- Tubby didn't like the chances. coach another 30 years at High Point If it weren't for that junior year ence. He gave up on his dream and before retiring in 2003. at High Point, Tubby might never have The family man left his home went to a small NAIA school, High Point Maybe Tubby wasn't running had the chance to meet Barnett, learn in 1969 looking for something similar. College. HPC had no idea what it just coaches off. the ball-line defense and get a start in Tubby has kept a relationship with all of received. At the same time at UMd., head coaching. his coaches after he graduated. Tubby Driesell coached at UMd from Driesell coached all four years. His team Giving up the dream of play- tries to meet with Steele, who still lives 1969-86, winning 348 games. Tubby won 77 games while losing 37. They ing at UMd. actually led to fulfilling the in the High Point area, every time he missed out on an opportunity. won a National Invitational Tournament dream of being a head coach. comes back east. Barnett stays close Then again, did he actually find championship and also went to the 833 Montlieu Avenue did more with the old player. Tubby hired Barnett another? NCAA Elite Eight. than just cultivate one of the best bas- as a consultant for Tubby's basketball HPC head coach Bob Vaughn, Although UMd. had more ketball minds in business. It also helped program in Minnesota. who previously won a high school state success, HPC gave Tubby something Tubby find another love other than In 1969, HPC thought it was championship in Maryland, recruited Driesell couldn't. basketball. just getting a good basketball player. In Tubby. Vaughn had a relative that Tubby's third coach, Barnett, "[Meeting my wife] was a 2008, High Point University knows it has played at HPC years before. The relative became very influential to Tubby's significant moment in my life. She has quite a notable alumnus who couldn't be lived in the greater Washington, D.C. future coaching career. Tubby would meant so much to me. We have been prouder of his alma mater. area and sent many players Vaughn's become Barnett's assistant at Virginia married now 33, years," Tubby said of His alma mater couldn't be way. Commonwealth University where to- his wife, Donna Smith. prouder of him. "[They were] recruiting some gether they won 144 games and lost 64 She was a freshman his senior

Listen to Bryan Rothamel and Mike Nuckles debate issues dealing with High Point Athletics every week on Tuesdays from 10-11 p.m. on www.hpuradio.com. Friday, January 30, 2009 SPORTS 11 Harris' selflessness an asset to his team By Bryan Rothamel "My main focus is becoming a role, Harris also has adjusted to new leading freshman to a measly seven Organizations Editor better teammate and putting wins up on defensive schemes coach points. the board," says Harris. has implemented. Harris, known for "We are a scary team." Imagine doing something your VMI was a game Harris didn't his staunch defensive whole life. Your whole life you have start for the first time in 52 straight abilities, has learned new been on teams that have won and you games, a streak that stretched back to roles in the full court 2-2-1 yourself have won many personal ac- the last ten games of his freshmen year. defense and the 2-3 half colades. People think you are so good He still only speaks of what the score- court set. they decide to pay for your college edu- board of Cameron Hall told him Jan. 24; "If s a nice little cation to continue doing what you do. his team lost, for the eighth time in nine adjustment. Our defense That's how it has been for Gene games. is tricky, like a matchup Harris. His senior year of high school "I came off the bench, but it zone. You try to dominate his team was ranked fifth nationally His wasn't about that. Our main goal was to on the defensive end by junior year of college his team is ranked get the VMI win," Harris says. getting deflections instead in the top ten worst teams in division one It is a transition time for the of straight shutting them basketball. HPU men's basketball team with 13 down... it's more like a "It's an experience," says Harris. underclassmen on the roster. Harris is team defense thing," says "It tests your character when you are for the first time in his college career Harris. down and out and adversity hits." being looked at as a leader. Two years Harris is very It hasn't been a bad year for ago he was in the same shoes as the optimistic on the team's Harris. He is averaging 12.5 points likes of freshmen David Singleton, Nick future. The team still has a game and is close to becoming the Barbour, Steadman Short and the other to play every team one 28th member of the High Point 1,000- six first-year players. more time except Liberty. point club. Against VMI he scored "Certain mistakes that young Harris thinks 19 points by converting on half of his people make, I was in the same boat two HPU's record shouldn't attempts. years ago. I kind of told them ahead ease opponents. They Ask him about the game. He of time to try to avoid the mistakes but have lost five games there is nothing like going through it by seven or less points. doesn't know how many points he Junior guard Gene Harris drives to the bucket yourself," says Harris. They almost stunned Lib- scored. He only remembers one set of last year against Winthrop. Photo by Jesse Kiser. numbers, 92-85. Besides the new leadership erty, holding the nation's Can high school ways lead to college wins? By Bryan Rothamel Organizations Editor

Pop quiz: Can the men's program become suc- cessful? The men's team hasn't won a game at home ver- sus a NCAA Division I team. We have already lost seven games at home total this year. Our most losses in the Millis Center is eight. We are too close to that dubious distinction. For most of our players this is the worst team they have ever played on by the numbers. At 5-15 they aren't setting the world on fire right now, especially considering three of those wins were against non-Dl op- ponents. On realtimerpi.com we are ranked 336 out of 343 teams. We beat NC Central and they are ranked higher than us; they only have one win. Yeah, this is a come out to the tough year. Where can we go from here? You would think BIG SOUTH there couldn't be any further fallout. We are last in the Big South with a lone win coming in Rock Hill versus TOURNAMENT Winthrop. We can only go up, right? hosted by High Point University Well, no. We could stay last and be the first March 13-15 team to be left out of the Big South tournament. That would be the lowest of all lows. We could also lose every Millis Center photos by Mike Nuckles (L to R clockwise: LaTeisha Dean, Amy Dodd. game for the rest of the year including a game on MASN Dean, Shamia Brown) against Gardner-Webb and the home contest against independent Longwood. Traditionally, we have not done well on television. Also, we lost at Longwood last year and they have key wins this year against James Madison and George Mason, albeit both games were at Long- wood. On the flip side, Bart and the boys could figure out how to hold on to a 10 point lead at half or even a nine point lead with two minutes remaining. It isn't like these guys are used to winning. Melvin Crowder won a state championship in high school against a little guard named Chris Paul. Paul now plays in the NBA for the New Orleans Hornets. Gene Harris lead his prep team to a top five ranking nationally. Cruz Daniels' high school team went 55-5 his final two years. The prep team for Jourdan Morris was state runners up in Maryland. Steadman Short's senior year included an 18 game win streak. David Singleton lead his prep team to their first 20-win season in over a decade. Nick Bourbor lost one game last year. This team knows how to win. They have done it before. Can they piece their previous success together to make a successful Panther program? Time is running out to answer the question. Let's raise the bar together. EP

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