The Johnsonian December 12, 1941

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The Johnsonian December 12, 1941 Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University The oJ hnsonian 1940-1949 The oJ hnsonian 12-12-1941 The ohnsoniJ an December 12, 1941 Winthrop University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Winthrop University, "The oJ hnsonian December 12, 1941" (1941). The Johnsonian 1940-1949. 29. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The oJ hnsonian at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oJ hnsonian 1940-1949 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact OUR CREED: The Johnsonian wants to deserve a rep- TODAY'S SERMON utation for accuracy, thoroughness, and fairaew; in the covering of the Winthrop The Best Soldiers caapw. You will do IU a favor to call our attention to any failure in measuring up to Keep Their Heads Under •ay of these fundamentals of good news- onian Any Conditions? THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF WINTHROP COLLEGE ROCK IIILL, SOUTH CAROLINA.' DECEMBER Wishing You All . Mary And The Angel' In A Scene Of "The Guiding StarWinthro" p Rating In Southern FROM THE JOHNSONIAN Association Never Stronger Although we do not feel as much like "Merry Christmas" as we have In past years, The Johnsonian staff wishes for all Its readers a pleasant holiday and a thoughtful New Year. Perhaps this Is a good time to think of the underlying Christ- Is Opinion Of Administration mas themes-the birth of Christ, of "Peace on Earth, Qopd Will to Men"—Instead of so many parties and (lances. Maybe it will take the horrors of war to make us regain the true Interview with President Phelps Clears Up Christmas spirit. Maybe this will be the best Christmas Versatile Misunderstanding of Rating Status of Col- e've ever had, since there Is such a feeling of unity among lege Credits—Winthrop Scholarship Stan- 0, In spite of all the reasons why we may not enjoy Christ- dards and Tcaching Facilities Stronger Than 1, we are sincere In wishing you a very merry one!! Actress In Ever A Study of Catalog Listing Indicates; THE JOHNSONIAN STAFF Faculty Members Get Posts of Honor in As- Assembly sociation. FROM STUDENT GOVERNMENT That Winthrop college has never stood higher in its TO EVERY WINTROP STUDENT: Mary Hutchinson To credit rating with the Southern Association of Colleges and Although present world conditions arc not conducive to the Play Shakespeare Secondary Schools and that it has never been more insistent Here Tuesday on high standards of teaching and scholarship are the in- same holiday spirits which we have had during the past years, escapable conclusions a college news service reporter drew af- we as college students have much to be thankful for. As the At 12:10 ter an interview this week with President Shelton Phelps on Christmas season approaches, there are many things we can do the rating of the college. to make It a happier one for those who are sacrificing so much Impersonating the great It cannot be too strongly empha- for us as Individuals and for our country as a whole. Shakespearean heroines, Mary sized that credit ratings of a college Here's wishing each and every one of you a very Merry Hutchinson, versatile actress In the South arc based primarily on Christmas and a Happy New Year! and dancer who is prominent Tap Sixteen the standing of that college in the FRANCES CROUCH on Broadway stages, will ap- Southern Association of Colleges and pear in assembly Tuesday at Secondary Schools, and that the two 12:10 o'clock in the last pro- Girls For Pi organizations reportedly investigat- FROM THE ADMINISTRATION gram before the holidays. ing the college have no connection From Booth Tarkington's Lola wlUi the Southern Association. It A CHRISTMAS WISH FOR WINTHROP: Pratt In "Seventeen" to Puck In Kappa Delta is understood that these Investiga- "Midsummer Night's Dream." Miss tions grew out of the failure of thrf As once again we celebrate, we recall the Christmas Story Hutchinson has starred in roles that college board last summer to renew with its wealth of meanings, and we remember with gifts those portray her versatility in the acting Strawberry Leaf Also the teaching contracts of two teach- who are dearest to us. We listen to the Christmas Carol* and profession. From Bethlehem. Pa., Extends Bids To 23 o.ur souls are attuned to the pleasures of peace and the har- HMHM she made her debut on the stage as New Members BEST FACULTY EVER monies of home. The Christmas Season is with us again, the Above is one of the impressive scenes from the Christmas pageant, "The Guiding Star", a dancer In Earl Carrol's Vanities. story of the Christ Child, the Angels' song, and the tributes of in which the angel, played by Wildred Brannon, gives Mary, enacted by Mary Elizabeth One of her most famous ballets Is A study of the present year's fac- the Wise Men. Stanley, the blessed news that she is to be the mother of the Christ Child. The play will be "Columbus Circle." deplcUng i Sixteen .Strawberry Leaf members ulty IJst. reveals that Winthrop. has The shadows of war shut off the sunshine. The evils of hate given Sunday night at 7 p. m. (Photo by "Sneezy") quence of portraitures around the wcie issued bids to Pi Kappa Delta a better trained faculty than It has threaten the blessings of love. While we work for victory, and statue of Columbus centered In New by Sarah Patterson, president of the ever had. an dthat Its course offer- look forward to return of brightness, of peace, and of freedom York's crossways at Broadway and national honorary debate fraternity. ings and teaching facilities are un- to the world, let us pause and again celebratg the Christmas. Show Party Central Park. Friday night at the Grand Alplia cclled' In the South by schools of My wish for Wlntlirop' and for ail ft touches, a Merry Christ- Pageant "Guiding Star" ceremony In Johnson hall. excelled In the South by schools of mas and a Happy New Year! Nell Mealing, president of Straw- comparable size. "We arc trying, 8HELTON PHELPS For Classes berry Leaf. Issued 23 bids to Straw- and shall continue to try to give To Be Presented Sunday Other great characterizations are: berry Leaf. Dr. Ruth Bourne of the South Carolina girls the best there Is Portia In "The Merchant of Venice", history department. Dr. Hampton to offer In higher education at the Movie, "The Mikado", Rosalind in "As You Like It", Mary Jarre!, of the English department, lowest possible cost." President For Everybody Tues {Miracle of Christmas Story At 7 p. m. In The Audi- Clare In "Smllln' Thru", Asia In and Dr. Walter B. Roberts, of the Phelps points out. "Everything the "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch". music department, received pins for administration and Board of Trus- Frick Gives Names torium, Second Year In Succession; May tees docs is done with that In mind." day at 7:30 Ophelia in "Hamlet", Lady Macbeth honorary membership to Strawberry Become Traditional Winthrop Program In "Macbeth", Juliet In "Romeo and Leaf. he says. At the same time. President Ail members of the freshman, Juliet". Goncril In "King Lear", The following girls received bids Phelps expressed a regret that such 75 Training School sophomore. Junior, and senior class- Pordita In "The Winter's Tale", and to Pi Kappa Delta: Earlinc McNeil. a misunderstanding of Wlnthrop's The miracle of the Christmas story will be presented in rating had been created. es are to be entertained at a moving "The Guiding Star", a nativity play by Esther Willard Bates, Cleopatra hi "Anthony and Cleo- Rose Cannon Hancock. Elbcrta picture show party Tuesday night at Sunday evening at 7 o'clock in the auditorium. patra". Wiles. Janle Hcrndon. Kathleen That Winthrop is in the good 7:30 in the auditorium, at which In many of her appearances she SmIU). Doris Taylor, Sarah Howie, graces of the Southern Association, Teaching Positions In pageant form with time the Gilbert and 8ullivan op- uses a little dressing room on the Eulallc Lake, Anna Alrheart. Mi- the most important crediting agency, and a musical background. I he ac- eretta. "The Mikudo", starring Ken- stage and opens Its doors when she nerva Waldcn. Jean Fawcett. Harriet is indicated by the fact that four tion deplc's the annunciation ta ny Baker, will be shown. wishes to stimulate an "interior". Gere. Anne Hetrick. Clara Allen, Winthrop staff members were sig- Mary and Joseph, the fulfillment Superintendent Says Seniors With Appoint- The arrangements for'this inter- SECOND IN SERIES She actually dresses Inside It and Is and Dorothy Willis. nally honored by the Association last the working of three miracles, and week. President Phelps, who is a ments Should See Supervisors Right Away class Christmas party, the first of its "The Guiding Star" was presented observed, as a silhouette, as she con- finally, the adoration. NAMES NEW MEMBERS member of the Council on American kind on the campus, were made by last year, and may bccomc the tra- tinues the dialogue during the To Make Plans; Commerce Assignments Nell Wolling. chairman of the Higher EducaUon. was renamed sec- officers of the four classes, led by ditional Wlntlirop Christmas pag- changc of costume. She manipu- Invitations were extended to these special meetings committee of the retary-treasurer of the Association, To Be Made at Later Date. Mary Katherine Llttlejohn. senior eant.
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