A Bibliography of Publications of Stanislaw M. Ulam Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 17 March 2021 Version 2.56 Abstract This bibliography records publications of Stanis law Ulam (1909–1984). Title word cross-reference $17.50 [Bir77]. $49.95 [B´ar04]. $5.00 [GM61]. α [OVPL15]. -Fermi [OVPL15]. 150 [GM61]. 1949 [Ano51]. 1961 [Ano62]. 1963 [UdvB+64]. 1970 [CFK71]. 1971 [Ula71b]. 1974 [Hua76]. 1977 [Kar77]. 1979 [Bud79]. 1984 [DKU85]. 2000 [Gle02]. 20th [Cip00]. 25th [Ano05]. 49.95 [B´ar04]. 1 2 60-year-old [Ano15]. 7342-438 [Ula71b]. ’79 [Bud79]. Abbildungen [MU31, SU34b, SU34a, SU35a, Ula34, Ula33a]. Abelian [MU30]. Abelsche [MU30]. Above [Mar87]. abstract [Ula30c, Ula39b, Ula78d]. abstrakten [Ula30c]. accelerated [WU64]. Accelerates [Gon96b]. Adam [Gle02]. Adaptive [Hol62]. additive [BU42, Ula30c]. Advances [Ano62, Ula78d]. Adventures [Met76, Ula76a, Ula87d, Ula91a, Bir77, Wil76]. Aerospace [UdvB+64]. ago [PZHC09]. Alamos [DKU85, MOR76a, HPR14, BU90, Ula91b]. Albert [RR82]. algebra [BU78, CU44, EU45b, EU46, Gar01a, TWHM81]. Algebraic [Bud79, SU73]. Algebras [BU75, BU76, EU50d]. Algorithm [JML13]. Algorithms [Cip00]. allgemeinen [Ula30d]. America [FB69]. American [UdvB+64, Gon96a, TWHM81]. Analogies [BU90]. analogy [Ula81c, Ula86]. Analysis [Goa87, JML13, RB12, Ula49, Ula64a, Jun01]. Andrzej [Ula47b]. anecdotal [Ula82c]. Annual [Ano05]. any [OU38a, Ula38b]. applicability [Ula69b]. application [EU50d, LU34]. Applications [Ula56b, Ula56a, Ula81a]. Applied [GM61, MOR76b, TWHM81, Ula67b]. appreciation [Gol99]. Approach [BPP18, Ula42].