PORTLAND, SATURDAY MOKJVING, MARCH _ 11, 1871. Terms $8.00 per annum, in Tlu* Portland advance. Hally Press BONDS. BUSINESS even _INSURANCE. DIRECTORY HOTELS Unpublished lay (Sumlays exoepted) by _bonds._ Portland Publishing Co., Annual Statement THE Advertising Agency. DAILY PRESS. Middle Hotel At in. „,"TSmi the through Embracing leadini Hotels in the State,at which mortgage country at the publisher's lowes rales. Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year in advance. Firemen's Fond Ins. Co., of San Francisco, Central Railroad the Dai)? Prest may» Kays be round. Agricultural Implements A Needs Allred. SATURDAY, MARCH 11. 1871. The Maine state Press For the year ending December 1870. BAWYEft 7 31, * Per OF WOODrQRD, No. up Exchange St County House, litcbar.i H. Coding, Proprietor. Cent Gold at Capital in Geld... tiAAiMM) CO.r IOWA. Aararm. Is published every Thcrsdav Morning at a Capital paid in, dald,. Auctioneer. Elm Coml. St. W. S. Sc A. HellgiouN Department.. $2 50 a year; if paid in advance, $2.00 ‘.‘/.I V.V.*.*500$00 have now House, Young, Fropri. Beal Estate owned built and equipped, is first-class ; manner, bonds, year. by the Company. 150 000 327 Congress St. Auction Salei etors. about NS; ty Icms of 'be cltur. ho Suti- “ prlBtea ii flieU wVtta iiiV Maine every Evening. Private Sales during tbe day. ViiNE Hotel. Davis & Intelligence tronj Paine, Proprietors ON A div »c'.ool» and uiissionuiy n tctprisee ol Jit.lne will Rates of Advertising.—One inch of space, irB™?,fcebyCoBraml',1oner0r'ga*'i’ COMPLETED be Cash in .fllceand ROAD, »elcume1city County Franciaco, se—January Persoual'y appear. Line Across the State &tai>les’ “‘evident above named, and made oatn to the truth of the loregoing statement by him Throngh Boots and Shoes—Gents Tear. Under head of “Amusements,” $2.00 per subscriDed Custom Work. trom north to south, and, a detour WALTER Eaiger. Burlington, Cedar Rapids Rev. A. J. square per week; three insertions or less $1.50. Before me, F. I. T RIB AULT. by malting slight BERET, No. 101 Middle Street. Harbiman Weaver, of on r at one House. J. e. Barriman & Biddefor.l, his Advertisements inserted in the “Maine isEAL.j Commissioner i’or Maine in California. point, they give Co., Prop’s of the Penobscot Exchange, a. & resignation Universalist of that State Press” (which has a large circulation Booksellers and Woodward, Proprietor, Minnesota 12. R. pulpit Direct Communication Between St. Louie Stationers. was in the In every part ol the State)'for $1.00 city, surprised Lecture Room a per square Skeels, Bowers & Boughton, Managers, FOGG Bilk by for first insertion, and 50 cents nnd at. Paul. HOYT, * »BKED, 92 Middle Street. The crowd of who per square for Bath completion of tins K aj has given to these parishioners presented him and each subsequent insertion. Hotel, Washington St.C. M. Plummer, Pro- esf Limbed 114 Broadway. New York. Thi# line of Railroad advan- prietor. *?»“•« character eonal to anv mort Mrs. W. with a beautiful Address all will have very special tnge i-sue Iralt in at the silver communications to Book-Binders. Stoc< Kxclianeo 'We are pitcher tage, for both local and thtougb business, besides Sagadahoc House, John S in,J 8e" as a Room 11 Milliken, Proprietor. buy "«n. at any at our salver, and goblets, testimonial of PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. such Printei’s Exchange, 8 House, at *me, regard. superior railroad connections as will secure to No. A-W7IJCY.Ill Hiddeferd. ini market price—thus placing them . Exchange Street. 5f f0r his three a L S. T WO MBL it a teraiJOrary or permanent m- During years pastorate debt of Y, Agent, large portion of the carrying trade oi the great SMALL* No. Biddeefobd House, F. Atkinson, Vvestufcntm^ilSi& SHAClKFOKD, 35 Plum Street. Governments or any other security. $5000 on the church edifice has been Korth-west. The Th^!LThese bonds Ith are a first removed Dining Booms, Shaw’s Block,Lane & Young, Pro- and only mortgage ou a BUSINESSCARm rai road that has cost double the and a raised for the 30 EXCHANGE STREET, Bonnet and Hat prietors, amount oi the is- $2000 year expenses of JS'IRST MORTGAGE Bleachery. Blddefard Pool. *omuu*to, without competition, all H, E. the traffic oth*ici Northern religious worship. March UNDERWOOD,No. 310} Congress Street. Yates House, F. Iowa an Southern Minne- PORTLAND, MAINE. Yates, Proprietor. sota—shortening the distance from 1.1>. la. 6;1871.-d3w St. Paul to Chi- The Methodist festival at LANE, Ellsworth House. G. L. cago 45 *nd to St. Louis more Westbrook netted Cabinet Furniture manufacturers. Evans, Proprietor. miles, than 90 miles. 7 1 he net earnings are already in excess of $150 last and that of the Per Gt. Gold Bonds THEO. JOHNSON * largely week, Congregation- Counsellor at; Law CO., No. 13} Union Street. Baeikkay, interest on the bonds, and no doubt exists that they ATLANTIC. which are will mote than double alisms this week about the same. issued upon tbis road are In Boothbay within the ensuing year. probably limited. House, Palmer Dnlay, Proprietor. A contract has amount to Carpenters and Bnllders. been secured with the Chicago, Fluent Block. No. $16,000 per mile (whim many roads issue and Rev. Walter Chase of New Room, 3. WHITNEY & Burlingion, Quincy Railroad Company oblig ,t- Gloucester, and trom $20,000 to and are MEANS. Pearl Bt, the Park. Botiaa. Mutual $40,000,) oflered at 90 and opposite ing tbe latter to invest 50 per cent, of gross earnings Brown of RE. Insurance Rev. S. Cherryfietd PORTLAND, CompV, accrued interest, in currency. amehioan House, Hanover at. S. Rice Proprietor derived from traffic with the Burlington, Cedar acknowledge mar4d*Tw IN Ids Rap- (ORGANIZED 1842.) The most Cement Drain and Pabker School St. and Minnesota Road in the bonds or this coin- liberal gifts from their also Rev. experienced financiers agree that Pint (Pipe, Housb, H. D. Parker & Oo„ people, C. L Proprietors. pauy. This arrangement is a strong guarantee oi 61 Wall corner New ™»r,«a*e Beads, to a limited Chimneys Ac. Nichols, of Pownal. A et., of William, York. amount, npnn a the.bonds, and establishes a large sinking iuud for GAGi: DAVIS, finished J.w. STOCK WELL * CO.. 28 and 163 BevebkiIouse, Bowdoin their railroad, which is well located foi Danforth Square, Bulflnch, Bing- redemption. Insures Marine and Inland Street, orders received by N. M. Perkins * Co., ham, Wrisley Sc Co., Proprietors. Rev. H. Small is preacher at and ha* Against Navigation Bisks are one of lhe and * ..The convertibility privilege in these bonds enables Knox, business, very safest forms of invest- Kendall & Whitney. St. James Hotel—J. p. m. to be Stetson, Proprietor. tpern exchanged tor stock, at par, at any time, received a number to the of and Provision ment inis secures to the good fellowship Flour, Grain, Tbemont House, Tremont St. holder, at his option, a share m MUTUAL. The whole PROFIT to Brigham, Wrisley lux; reverts the ASSURED, and are divided Parties House. any excess of over luuilu. AKNtr??r'vanjJ9 u!BP,TP^•m,lm, t6rmia*t8d desiring to secure a first class Dye b& Co., Proprietors. earnings the interest obligation. during the year; lor which Certificate. are leaned, hearing security, F- interest baaed a railroad SYMONDS, India St.,(the one in 1Government securities lor these COMMISSION untilredeemed* upon practically do“e, and in the I only Portland.) bonds returns Rev. H. A- Philbrook leaves an MERCHANTS, FOSTER'S Bryant’s 9J per cent, interest, instead ot 5 per important lB --- DYE No. T9 Middle Pud, J,,",r7 *870, the A net. Aeeimilaled free. Pj Ba.iaua were ne rrmi tapivauiiB wuu nave a HOUSE, st., ear cent., which is ail that Governments at 180 Washington St., fellow., targe pe- the corner ot * P0NE pay present field in Calais to take of a Chicago. United and Exchange. Hi>rsE—N- B- price, besides an charge parish In States and State of New-Yerk Bank and other juntary business interest in its success, will do Crookett, Proprle- leaving immediate gam of about 20 R. NY. GAG Stock., City, Stock.,,.87,836,390 00 FOREST CITY DYE BtorAi,T per cent. In ior E. C. P. DAVIS. Leans secured by Stock, and roll to HOUSE, 315 Congress st. price reinvestment. Shirley, Mass. otherwlae.! ..77777,. ." 3.118 400 OO apply at tho office of the Company, or ot All mr3-3m ^ Bi,lB B*®1 any marketable Securities taken in exchange free Eece,t8l)le' E.tate, Bond and Mortgages and other securities.. 9,931,031 Its advertised lor ot Elder CaB™in,B?nkeB agents, pamphlet and map, ehow- Dentists. Bethel. Commission and Express charges. John Vance will resume public re- Ingthe characteristics ot the Chandler F. S. enterprise. DRS. EVANS * 8 House, Chandler & Co., Prop’rs. ligious services at Shaker in Alfred in WOODMAN & Total amount ot Holders STROUT, Clapp Block, Con B HENRY village WHITNEY. Asset....914,469,308 of Government Bonds may them JOSIAH Chapman House, S, H, CLEIFS & Co., Manufacturers and dealers in the exchange HEALD, No. 105 Middle Street. Chapman, Proprietor. May ne*t. Finest and most lor Central lowas at a Fashionable JnKS Jonis, Preaident. large present profit, beside a DR. W. R. 33 J. D. Hkwlktt, 3d VIce-Prest. JOHNSON. No, 13}, Free Street. Wall 8tr-20’s, 6 222 50 •< Berry’s Hotel, C. H. style and finish. To Let. ’62, per cts., 2.53 BEALS A cor. Berry, Proprietor. testimonies were to tbe love <• CO., ol Middle and Franklin given of experienced mill man,to fit up and take ’64, 221.25 2.4*1 Streets. JAY Jesus, KST*Our Now us increased facilities charge LIST o( all the vacant tenements in the WALTER COOKE & Factory gives AN ot aS'eam Circular Saw-MHI at city, ’65, 221 s5 2 42 « x COREY & CO., Arcade No. 18 Cape Elizabeth. CO., in besides and tor uusin t-s. Apply once A with all necessary information in to them Free St. ninety minutes, prayer tbe to EDW. G 2 1 2 Union regard ’65. “new“ 210.00 *■ « N. Ocean Otter tor Sale at Par and HIGHT, Wharlj Portland. can be tonnd at 351£ Congress st. 2.37 TARBOX, corner Federal and Market sts. House—J, P. Chamberlain, Proprietor, Accrued Interest the usual amount of Doue lo Order. mrlOdawti 210.00 « x singing.” This is doubtless Upholstering N. B. Kents entered on our list ’67, 2.37 Iree of charge.6 " •• FIRST lib Mar ’68, 215.00 2.39 >< MORTGAGE the best time on the Beilast Nos 5*4 54 and 56 st " x Furniture and Ceraiab. record, says Exchange Wanted 10-dtf_ 10-40’S, 198.75 2.3i ., House N. M. Immediately! Furnishing JORNI8H House—P. Zand Journal. WOODMAN. GEO, A. WHITLEY. Subscriptions will be received in Dargin, Proprietor Grant Gold Bondo Feb 11-t.ti GIRLS to do general Housework in To be Let. Portland Goods, tamilies in this and a >y BENJ. — TWENTYprivate city, tew in the COMFORTABLE place in Falmouth, tour miles ADAMS, cor. Exchanee and Federal sts. Damariscatta. -OF THE The asessment of Congress Square Church Heman A. crane. Boraee A. Crane. Geo. Jr. country. from Allen, A Portland; House, Barn and out-buildings HOOPER A EATON, No. 130 Maine Sanborn & None but those who can furnish Exchange Street. Hotel, Jacobs, Proprietors, of this city for the $1900 b references in nice order, good orchard, never failin'* we1 etc. SWAN Ac Murray fund, need to BARRETT; OWELL A HOYT, No. U Preble Street. Northern Pacific H. A. CHANP & apply Ke a horse and cow. Above p'ace will be 1st to a Eailrcad CTc* been cancelled the of CO., CITY ps WOODMAN A Daasariecetta by payment $1000.— EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, so-alt family, at $125 year. of Cerner middle and WHITNEY, No. 58 mills. per Inquire L. A. Pinna Street., nnd Exchange Bt. rbat of the Formerly 4} Free sc., 351* CoLgiess st. BACHELDEK, 185 Commercial St., Portland. OAMAMSfoTTA House, Aleiander McAlllater church in Westbrook by a sum GENERAL Mar lo-dtt mr»*lw Furniture and Proprietor. HBNJRY P. Upholstering. equipments, ttcond. by a First on louble that which was assessed. WOOD. DAVID Mortgage its W. DEANE, No 89 Federal atreet. ail Orant, being more than Twenty-Two Wanted 1 °' Daiville Javctlei. ThousandThllLK Acres n The Boston Commission To Let. earner ef Fare and Uuhol8terln£ *ntl Repairing done to Land to ea. h mile 01 road Journal has an editorial plea la Merchants, Exchange 8b. order Clark-s Diking The Bonds are tree SITUATION ns honse-kf whom I. T. $1,010. »5,001) and a pamphlets and full information JOHNSON, 135 Cumberland near $18,000. Merchandise of Every YOUNG lady as cashier Apply In person at may St., Wllmot Farmiagtaa. The Trustees under the sailor who had been rescued from Description. DAVIS & he had. St., and cor. Oxiord and Wnmot Streets. Mortgage are Messrs. Jay a wreck A CO., No. 10 Clapp's Block. bui’diog on the corner of Congress and Ceu- Fcuebt House, J. S. MHUken, Proprietor. Cooke, ot Philadelphia, and J. Edgar mar8-3t THEtre St, has been lately VF. B. President of Thomson, when almost exhausted, ever when GO BAY remodeled by Geo. M. 8BATTCCK, Stoddard S. F. the Pennsylvania Central Kailroad Co afterward, ST., Hair Goods Hotel, Stoddard, Proprietor. These Harding Esq., Architect, supplied with Sebago Wa- and Toilet Articles. Northern Paciti 7-30 Bonds will at all times bis watch on deck was went ter *nd m dein in out, aloft with- Booms Wanted 1 p ovements, and u now one of the F. Defoio maturity, be rei elrah.e at Ten Per Ceut. Pre- best ‘tores and locations in Tbsasukeb, J. SHERRY,No. 9 Clapp’B Garham. out Irom Savannah, Georgia. ihe city. 32 Pine Block, Congtess* St' mium (or l.lu,) In exchange lor .he orders, merely sympathy for those by tt*e 11 th inst. Tot. Lower *t«»ry.— Street, Mew lark, opposite old City Hal). Company’s lands \\? A^TKD Furnished Will be finisbe I to su»t a tenant. Gorham House, II. B. Johnson, Proprietor. at thoir owept cash price. Jgfr-Consignmeot« and orders solicited. (or one room a,id use who be in the same condition as Room., ol parlor ) Being eery spacious it will accommodate two bran- In addition to tbeir might that Biters permission to Messrs. DANA & with GOOD Absolute safety, these Benda by CO., b.iard, witbiu flye minutes' wa'k ot the l‘U8iI,etB *8 deti abie Horse an income rom Portland, dc2*6mo paiticuiar:y tor Shoeing. Bpeat IF. a. yield larger, we believe, tnan any other which ho had been rescued. In this t,1,s Pnsr office, lor Grntlemau and wile. Terms about Dry or for a SWBJRT Jb Co Falls, _ Goods, Apothecary dea'er in f'idno BRIt'WSTBIl, S. YOUNG, 187 Coinin'! St. first-class Persons t.WA'VPHnllarB nor vaalr AH.lroaj Firtt Premium awarded Great Falls security. holding United Staie* work he was Fortes and Music, as it is accessible horse cars at New Hotel, O. A. Fro»t, Proprietor. bv rood the means of a mar8-3t* by Bnglaud fair for Beet Horse Shoes. e-Jo’s can, converting them into Northern Pa- saving ship. Mr. P. R. WRI'JRT, P. 0. trnru a*I directions. 40 State mcreaee their HAWKS & Street, Boston, H iraas. clflcs, yearlv income one-third, and Ele reported a large vessel dismantled CRAGBN, Se<*0Nl»ST »ry—Has three rfflees which an be still have a partly Jewelry and Fine Mt. Cutler House—Hiram Baston, Proprietor, perfectly reliable investment. WM. counecied The Front is large and Watches. 1 md with a of (SUCCESSORS 10 PAINE,) Profitable. Office very pie*s- General GET Bank or signal distress Hying, much to Agents Wanted 8n^ 8 Asrents for these Bonds 301 “*V»our "'.a*®®1 Dentist, Physician or Music teacher. ABNERLOWELL, Congress Street. Agen-K lor Banker will these Bonds O’A ii bi ne's History of ibe Great Reforma- Rear^ Howard Watch I.ewlstaa. sopp’y in any desired he annoyance or his own who AGENTS FOR Office 4<»*22tt suitable lor a Salesroom ot any Company. amount, and »f anv needed cap'ain, de- FORtion, complete m one volume: illustrated. For other b'i- inesp. Governments and other marketable secuiities re- DkWht denomination. Per ons House, Lewiston. Waternoute St to stocks ninded with an oath his the “Light oi the W.,ibi.'’a choice I in Mellen, wishti.g exchange or otb-r hoods tor these, busiu< ss to go aioft and rapidly sell- Also a Smah well vived exchange at the Proprietors. do so work. Also Office lighted. highest market rates. We manufacturers of Valises can w.th anv of our Agents, who will allow tbe McPBAIL PIANOS, ing tor Zell's Poptimr Encyclopedia, Please examine the Trunks, without sent. The »ind was fair and premises. Enquire ot ecomend these bonds as as highest current for all being embr c ns 126.(KiO subjects, with 2.600 Illustrations: entirely sale, well as and Carpet price marketable t-ecunri s. AND TilK CEI EBRATED 0 SAMUELKULKE. or Bugs. Limerick. ihose living in localities se uau 10 run on a great work for expeilentad agents. Send lor Cir- irofi table. remote irom Banks, may 013 course to speak the dia- mr8-3w3taw George M. DURAN A JOHNSON, 171 Middle Limerick send or other culars of either wo k. HORACE KING. Publish- Harding E*q, ft 118 Fed'l Sts. House, a. M. Darts, Proprietor. money, Bonds, directly to ns bv ex- pie.-s.and we will send back lled vessel. She was commanded the er, Conn. mr8t4w ieb7d&w3mBREWSTEK-SWEET&CO’ Northern Pacific Bonds by Thompsonrilile, at oar own and without Rurdeli Booms to Let. masons and mecbaaie Falls. risk, cost lo investor. For own son, and was bound Organs. Lodging Builders. farther leiormatioo, :aptaiu’s from Liv- Eagle N pampblrts, maps, etc., call on DEALERS IN or N. E. RED LON, 233 1-2 Hotel, H Peakes, Proprietor. or address the ALSO, Cutter Wanted, without board. Also a large Front Congress st. undersigned, or any ol t*ie Banks or erpool for New York. Both father and son K om with bed Bankers to sell A GOOD reliable man to cut sale work. WITH room adjoining.* Apply at 29A SIX PER employed this Loan. Employ- Ffee CENT. rea a'ded the watchful sailor and meut couBiant and marbnwtf Organ A JUelodeon Maples. liberally, Melodeons,G uilars, Violins & pay prompt. manufacturers. Elm FOB SALE BY Strings J. T. LEWIS* St._ House, Nathan Church & Sons, Proprietors. ever afterward, he made man when re- CO., SMALL ® every Of Hie Best Qnalfiiy. mart tf 68 and 60 Middle St. KNIGHT, No. 154 Exchange Street. Booms to Let. on MMX' a) VU., ieved from his trick at the wheel go alolt and front Nerrldgewacb. Call and examine the exiens ve stock of new Booms to Lee with or without hoard. Also GOLD Paper Danforth D. 40 3TATF iweep the horizon with Girl Wanted. TWO Boarders wanted at 38 Centre 8t.. Cor. ot Hangings, Window Shades House, Danlortb, Proprietor. STREET, BOSTON, asp.glass. *ree BONDS, and GIRL at No 20 Carlton to do Weather strips. One of our fine was saved street, general St.___mr7»lw Free from Her b Central f*r clipper ships Sheet Music and Music Books. A house-work. Government Tax. GEO. L. LOTHROP A No. Ann. Agent* maine, New Batnp- Co., 97, Exchange Street. from the Alabama by such a look out. Messrs. usic sent by mad. E^Qoocl references required. mr7d3t Boom to Let. Somerset Hotel, B .own dk Hilton, proprietors. ■Ure and mawachnaetta. PLEASANT Fron* Pierce & Bacou of Boston have Wanted. Chamber and side room, to P hotographers. IncurreJ $3n,‘ 77 Middle Portland. A let, with Board, on Danforth St., near Slate. Portland and Marth Urldgtaa. PORTLAND Street, Railroad A. 8. DAVTS A CO., No. 80 AGENTS: 001 expense in saving men and vessels. Coti- in a Wholesale Silk, Ribbon, and Enquire at29 Freest. mr7dtt Ogdensbnrg Middle street. Wyomeqonio House, O. H. Perry, Proprietor. Straw Goods one J. H. LAMSON. 152 SALESMAN House, acquainted with the M’ddle »t.. cor Cross. ®' WOOB, Car. Fore A gress.sliould aid in a work so humane and Maine trade. Address, Box Post Bos- Exchange St*., 2244, Office, To Let. Marth Misdhaa. Christian. It is HOLMAN’S ton, Mass. mr3-ttt Plumbers. ■« PAYSON, 30 Exchange St., m very pretty to sing: ‘There’s large well-lighted STORE and Nemasket House, W. W. Stanley. Basement, First Bonds. 91 W. E. a sweet little cherub that sits to THENo. 14 Exchange st. Mortgage MILLER, Federal Street. Every des- WOOB, 07 Exchange St., up atott, keep Wanted. 0Tt ^Y'irer General Insurance Apply to JOHN NEAT. & Fixtures arranged and set up in Ktrway. watch for the life of hut it Agency, SON, the best manner, SWAN 4 BABBETT, lOO middle St. poor Jack,” would SITUATION for a boy abou' 16 years ol age Hy- Exchange st. Jobblngpromptly attended to. ■lm Main St. W. < cntral Block, Lewision, Me. ror6dlm__16 and Interest House, W. Whitmarah, Pro- ttsilm wl2t-4 be much better to send Jack himself aloft 10 A ing in the city. Apply at this office. mr3#lw Principal Payable prietor. jo27 8^*Fire insurance effected in the leading New To Let. Plasterer, Stucco Ac. watch for his brother iu in Gold. P. Worker, keep distress, and ou all kinds oi on Cor. England companies, piopnn«I..JI 93 Old tvtt T.r aim a nnrin rur TER’No” Street. Orchard Beach. The ou a recent sermon to in To Let. UKONR°GEO. R. n??,DA imprint by Kev. engage light, pleasant, 0|4rubir| Railroad Company at fit,, No. 3011 Congress street. Gorham House, Charles E. Gorham, Proprietor. Immediatelymoney making uusiue-s. Addresses will be No. 56 Exchange st.. formerly occupied by Leonard W. Bacon of Baltimore, “Printed CIVIL. the very low price of SO with ae- Ocean House, B. ENGINEER, ■elicited lrum a ■> City Town or Village. En- STOREMessrs. Woodman & Whiney. Silver .Smith and Gold Seavy, Proprietor. ICE COMPANY. close 3 cent tor .o cracd itlma and Silver Old Without Bequest,” reminds us of the title- conterenee in the line ot his* stamp particulars, addiees Apply EMERY & FURBISH, ia currency. OBcnARD HOUSE, E. C. Staples, Proprietor. profession mai4tt buX mrldtf and parii on the tot ransmtssion 1667, Portland Maine. Union Wharl. Plater. Russell R. S. page ot one of Dr. Samuel Austin’s INVITES ii>avly suhjc _Head M. House, Bonlster, Proprietor. The subscribers having secured a slock ot political ot power whether ot s’eam or water, and its deliv- Tills road is now PEARSON, No. 22 Temple 8t„ near completed to West Baldwin, Congress. sermons, delivered at Worcester iu the ilrst ery at points iemote lrom the source. Tenement to Let. Ml kinds Silver Oxford. power Wanted. ind trains are running to that point, 33 miles lrom of and Plated Ware Repaired. Otiice 30 Exchange street, ivoom 8. RENT of part of House, No. 65 corner decade ot this at the desire about lire rooms, without board, by a Cumberland, Portland. West Baldwin tbe Lake_House—A.'bert G. century—“Printed del Iff LOWERAnderson Street. Price Ten fil- Beyond road is graded Hinds, Proprietor. A small family without must be near *300. rooms, Silver and Plated Wore. ef some who It children, tered and fixtures. lo Fryebnrg, *0 miles from and PURE heard and liked it; and of oth- tbe line ol the Horse Cars, either in or out of the water, gas Apply to Portland, the rails ABNER F. G. LOWELL, 301 Congress Street. Penh’s Island. ICE, H J. H. LAMSON,. city, inquire as this office. mr2n4t R1C & 00.’ Printers. rill be laid to that point as in the ers who heard but didn't like and ot mi*tfCtr. early spring as Union House—W. T. are prepared io lurnisa it, it; Middle and Exchange Streets# he weather Jones, Proprietor PHOTOGR APHE it, will permit. From Fryebnrg the road Schools. others who did not hear it, but think they From Wanted. s under contract to N. Philadeldhia, Conway, H., to which point ENGLISH and FRENCH Portland. Families, Hotels, and should not have liked it if bad heard it.” .. VESSELS to take Stone to Merrill’s Wharf! SCHOOL, 430Congress st. Stores, they Has opened a new and completely appointed Building Tains will run in July, 1871, Adams House, Temple St., John Sawyer Pro’tr. iz\, Bosiod. Vessels, Zion’s Herald reports revivals at Peaks’ Is- NICKERSON & LITCHFIELD, To Let. The road has thus far been built and equipped Stair Builder. Albion House, Ur Federal Street, J. G. Perry" land, Boothbay, Gardiner and Lubec also at GALLERY I .//lULX 12SCom’l Street. from cash subscriptions to the hut to B- F. LIBBY. Union Proprietor. any quantity wanted, Rally or for the lenou. FIRST-CLASS largo front offices in second story ot the store Capital Stock; 171 Street, np stairs. IK POUT -MBU Feb 27-dlw it to Aherioan House, India St. J. H. Mae bias and Lewiston. LAND, TWOat head ol the Wharf. Also one large Room in complete Bartlett, N. H., and to provide addi- Dodge, Prep’r. the rear S3T OBBEBS SOLICITED. suitable for storage. tional equipment for Its the Stoves, Furnaces A Kitchen Goods) BRADLEY Cor. India and Com. The No. 152 Middle 6t., cor, Gross St. Also increasing business, HOTEL, opposite Portland District Ministerial Associa- A (rents Wanted Warehouses lor the Storage of Merchandise c. 29 the Grand Trunk in Company has issued bonds to the amount ot C.TOLMAN, Market sq. nntler Lancaster hall. Railway. Motto—Good Work and Moderate Prices. Bond, or otherwise $800,- tion, held at Saco, Feb. was at- ready! The best book of the season is, Good secured a ommercial Cor. Fore and Cross 20, largely feb2U!ti Dockage, at all limes at reasonable rates. 300, by mortgage ot its [entire property to House, Streets, No. 14 Gross Street ___ “Prussia and the F arco-Pruss an War.” Teas, Coffees, Chamberlain & Office, aDd NUW By Apply at the Wharfinger’s Office .at tbe head of the the Trustees: Spices, Ac. Foss, Proprietors. tended, very interesting. Most of the John S. C. Abbott. No other will sell so well. Now following J. DEEMING A Wbarr, or ot DANA & CO.. Co, 48 India ft 162 & 164 City Corner of and in DAILY PRES8 PRINTING H0U8E. is the to make Who WOODBURY Congress sts H"TEL, Congress Green street, preachers the district were Sam* time money. speaks first? fe2ld2mo DAVIS, John P. Davis & Co. present. H. A. McKENNEY & CO.. _Commercial street. SAMUEL E. SPRING,' Watches, Ac. however, were detained at home to take care janttfUAw 2 Elm sr,., Portland, Me* Jewelry, Falmouth Hotel, P. E. Wheeler, Proprietor. LEAVITT, BCRNBAM & CO. wm. mTHiarks, For Rent. WESTON F. J, AMBROSE MERRILL, No. of the revival interest in MILL1KEN, 139, Middle street. Portland House, 71 Green St. R. March 1871. iruOtf Is their charges. The We now offer Potter, Prop’r. Portland, 9tli, Tenements in Block on Green St., 7 these Bonds lor sale and J.W, AH. H.MCDUFFEE, cor Middle A Union Preble Rooms confidently sts. House, Congress st. W. M. Lewis & Ce„ resident clergymen of Saca and Biudeford Wrfjr ted. GENTEELea«:h; Sebago water and gas. Also Two recommend them as a safe and profitable invest- Proprietors. Book, Card and Job Printer, Tenements in house on St. Lawrence Street, conven- were in and ment for these reasons: St. Lawrence attendance, added much to the I iently arranged. Will be rented to small families House, India St. J. O. Kidder. Herds Grass Seed ! J 09 Exchange Street, MAN with a of four 1o six and tenants at X. Low interest of the occasion. The Association A capital (cash) tbou- permanent, low rates Apply to Price. At the present value of “GENUINE” STi •S1’1** .Uotel, cor Middle and Plum Sts. G. rand dollars, to take an interest ina large m.an- JOM T Room No. 12 Fluent Block. E. HULL, U. S. Bonds, these BoDds pay one cent, Ward, Proprietor. Ear Sale by the Car T.ond or Smaller Lota, closed with an interpst.inrr TVmnnr^npp PORTLAND. u'Bcturirg business, already established, which can tebl5eod3w per more interest in C-S. Hotel, Junction of Congress and Fedo Tal Sts 1* easily increased to a much extent. The gold on the Investment. B3?~ Every description ot Job Printing neatly larger Gibson, Burrell & Co., Proprietors. ing. parly can be silent „r active. The above would be a 2. The ST. JOHN SMITH, and promptly executed, and at the lowest possible To bo Booted. Ample' Wrenrily. entire mort- Walker good investment for the capl'alist. Address, with NICE modern ELIAS HOWE House, Opposite Boston Depot, Geo. Lay Delegates to the Annual Conference prices. Tenement, within five minutes* gage upon the road when completed to'Bart- Bridgham Jr real name, “MANUFACTURER,” P. O., Portland, walk of Hall. Pri e Proprietor. Orders from the country solicited, and promptly A City $266 Enquire ot lett will be 270 Commercial Street. from Portland District are: Alexander Den- Maine. Iebl7*tmarll only $12,500 per mile, a sma'ler mr9 tf attended to. ja7dtf a GEO. C. FttYE, I Je21tf Corner ct Congress and Franklin sts. incumbrance than upon any other railroad Pari* Hill. nett, of Kittery; F. A. Booth by, of Saco; C. Hubbard To to Maine, with a single and Hotel, H. HnbDard, Proprietor. Ship Captain* and Ship Owner*. tV. II. CLIFFORD, Boarders Wanted. exception, lees Sturdevant, D. M. C. Dunn, Portland; R. G. than the valne of Its rails and equipment. TO LET. BaYasaad’e Tillage. LANE a- ALLES fS Harding, Gorham. 3. Large and Preamble ■ Local Counsellor at Law, Furnished Front Rooms central House, W. H. Smith Proprietor CONVENIENT FRONT ROOM, with large Trafle. Tbe business upon the line al- Boston Items.—Rev. XV. M. Thayer, Sec- AND SOLICITOR O room in the Combined Steamer and Condenser. ATENTS, with A tear, with steam power. Tw Let Bear*, at ready completed more than meets the expec- 1854! 1871. arn. retary of the 450 Has remove to Enquire this office, _ Alliance, reports quarterly tations of its most aco House—J T. Cleaves Jt Sob. B. Be Jel2dtf At 86 Free street. sanguine lriends, and se- Proprietor. FORBES, E*q., temperance conventions held under its aus- Wo. 80 Middle Street, To Let cures thus endorses this beyond a doubt the Interest on [its highly Condenser:— board a. China. Feb. 29.1871. pices the past six years; 4554 addresses BOYD BLOCK. auz4 Permanent Boarders ,a front chamber on New High st. Bonds. The line is the natural outlet Boston, made; WITHAddress P. O. Box 1917. dc7tt [ot lake House, J. Savage, “I have examined the Condensing and Conking from AN obtain genteel accommodations at reasona- some ot the finest Proprietor, seventy five to one hundred thousand waterpower in the State, Apparatus ot Lane & Alles, and think it to 1 C. J. Cl ble prices, at No. SB Franklin st. seplttt fugbt SCHUMACHER, New to Let. on the Presumpscot and Saco rivers, hither- ■hawbegaa. be attached to tbe cooking stoves ot all vessels. One children pledged and nine million pages of Cottage ot suitable size will make water tor th*» to unimproved on account of the Turner House. pare whole A NEW French roofed Cottage, containing five difficulty ot T. H. Husseyt* Co., Proprietors. crew. tracts circulated. While it supports Prohi- ** It. B. FORBES FRESCO PAINTER. rooms, on the line of the Horse near the sea-board. It RnpwBTi-D’a U/vitnT a d «__a_n__ Railroad, reaching taps the large In- For sale by MAYO & TYLER, tom mission Mer- its members act in their Woodford’s corner. Rent Low. bition, independently fficc at the Store ot Messrs. A. G. Schlotter- LOST AND FOUND.. Apply to terior navigation ot Lake and its trib- chants, 80 Commercial street, Boston. Manufactur- Drug novl2tf WARREN 72 St. Sebago Machine Meth- SPARBOW, Exchange Si. ed JOSEPH SABGExx 42 Clinton political relations.—The New England teok & ntarler.over 34 miles ot inland drains Sewing Andrew*, New Brunswick- by street, Co., , and 1 Thb Rail Prices, $10 upwards, according to pize. odist Conference meets on the 27th in Bos- 303 a district —— WayHote'„—Michael Clark, Propria? CougmsSl,, Portland, ITfe., Lost! To Let, very large agricultural lying on the -ann For further particular* app y io LANE ALLES, and tor. jan 12-dti One door above Brown, BI.ACIC Stores on Pearl Street and Cum- shores of Lake Sebago and on the bai ks ot 156 Cambridge sireet, Boston. Mass. mi7o3m ton. Bishop D. W. Clark will preside and A and tan dog. about medium size, ears HOUSESberland Terrace bad collar on when lost with S. by the Ossipee and Saco and clipped c'ose, seu27-lv -T r. pahwrti riven, penetrates B UTTE RICK’S Sprlngralc. about 200 Massachusetts ministers compose & U Dyer Inscribe.’ on it. Whoever will return »he SHERIDAN GRIFFITHS, the heart of the White Mountains at Tidbets House, S.f. Tibbetts, Proprietor. UJTJl same to J. M. No. 6 Free Street will Conway tr. it.—The Boston S. S. and Missionary Society Dyer’s, Block, and the be regarded. mr4*3t To be Let, Bartlett, most popular summer re- PLASTERERS, liberally Hiaudinh. had its annual meeting last Tuesday and re- whole or part ot the block ot Brick Stores on sorts of tbe region. Patterns of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Portland Pier. Garments, Standish House—Capt Clias Thompson, Prop'r. E. ported $2984 expenses. Missionary Ames ar.d Lost! THE 4. Prospective connections. This LORD, JR., Apply at the Merchants National Bank. and his assistant 7isited 1954 1TUOOO& MASTIC WORKERS, Wednesday evening, between Deering Hall road Is to form part ot a trunk line from Lake Weil Gtrhan. families, gave ON and Park street, a Coral Ear The finder Jyl8tt__ 200 and Bing. Champlain to tbe seabord. Its sister corpo- 173 Middle Stairs. West Gorham Pio garments 7180 pages of tracts and .vo. e sorrn sr., Portland, me. will be well rewaroed on it at the office ot St., Up House, kJedediah Graflam, 101 & 103 Federal Street. leaving To I*et. ration In is prietor attention all kimlsot this parer. Vormont, rapidlju building the secured the co-operation of a number of vol- ggp* Prompt puxlto Jobbing Store recently occupied by MARK PLUMMER Sie ,i apr22rtt» Portland, December 29, 1870. dc30tf Western dlvisiou ol the road, flora Swanton WILDER, HAIR, unteer BASEMENTBROTH ERS. Possession given immediately Farter Noth. helpers; 45 induced to attend church of to the Connecticut and tbe entire line felil3-dllGeaerttl Enquire MARK BROTHERS, over Davis, Has- River, Agent* MOSS, and 13 kell & Co. corner conversions reported.—The revivalist J. II. Fur Lost. Market and Middle streets. when completed, will be tbe shortest connec- Salts IlOtfPRR, rollar Oct, GET A PAIR OF Repaired! Portland, gth, 1870,ocgtf tion between “■uapp lb urawing crowus at i lemont tem- P. w. (the 24tb inst.) on Congress Street Ogdensbnrg, the great dis- JOB PRINTING. HOSE, between Made Laeign UPHOLSTERER FRIDAY Ein and Green stieets, a Ddy’s far tributing point ot tbe lakes, and tide water. ple. In reference to the devil's offer of the Collar. Astrachant The TO LET. AJID (Rlad’k finder will be suit- We offer these Bonds tor the in Cable Screw present denomina- Wire to Order! Repaired! world to Christ he is as “If Nos. 31 & 33 Free ably rewarded by leaving same at 95 Brackett St. Press House. reported saying, Street, leb2b*l wis IN FLUENT BLOCK, tions of $1000 or $500, at Daily Printing EXCELSIOR All Kinds this offer had been made to you, you would all MANUFACTURER Or QFFICKS BOOTS & SHOES, Spring Either or in Suit*. Elegance in Stjle, MATTRESSES! have been down on knees in double Single Ninety and Accrued Interest For Comfort, Elasticity, Durability Repairing. Rede! your Parlor Suits. Lounges, Spring Beds. These others sre the most desirable in the Excellence in he out efty Workmanship, 101 and 103 Federal St. mr'dlw quick.’ji Wednesday evening poured NOTICE. being pleasantly situated and heated steam. and Economy, by in Moderation in his wrath ou “the devil s Matthewses, Also, Desk loom and desks furnished it desired. Currency. Ohargeg, kvia’s ,of dancing, The best In Portland to McDonough Patent Bed Lounge*, En- place bny mar9dtf Excel ■all Others l Promptness in Execution, Executor’s Sale of a ou room drives our honor and Any further information will be They Building snubbing which ameled Chair*, Ac. gladly given by Fulfilment of Plum 'l eneiuents to Let. the subscribers. Ot sold last two Bos Prom Street. virtue from the heart.-’ ESP*Ail kinds of Tobacco & 110,000 pairs year by leading nepairing neatly done. Furni- Cigars, Pipes, ton and wairunted CARDS, POSTERS. w'-d. the nn”, an^ryle of Tuero, who used to be at 337 Congress HEREBY GIVEN, Apply JERRTS, Estate Agent, 1 as supply tor Ue has BRENNAN & Tuero’s cnsiomers ar« requested to make a call at ber has beeu duly appointed Executor ot thi LABELS, HAND BILLS, mr3*2wNext East of City Hall. HOOPER, IF J \T ntDDzvivr Will of been in Canada before.—Rev. A. is di-s lveo bv Ponce’s store where will tind the best stock in ----- wd- Gage Is this day mutual conR.nt *u they } CONSTITUTIONS, TAGS, Ac., Ace. having can TOPPAN claims against ibe late li: in are he mark* t, and :is cheap or cheaper than .they ROBIE, late ot Gorham, at Dexter.—A ot the canceled in correspondent here else. in the ORDERS SOLICITED. NOTICE. preaching t'-em, and iho-e ndeb ed, to nu,k2 findanyw Corner Middle and Plum sts. county of Cumberland, deceased, and has ta lias visited Rev. a thj B3f~Don’t the number and street. dclOtf ken himself a Reyiater Mr. Elder at EIoul- ment. The atfui. of laic fiim will be lorget upon that trust by givng bonds Portland feeu?ecfbv’y the la * directs. All WM. M. MASKS. Dry Hock and Ware-House Co.” H. persons having demands upoi *fcrpHE ton, formerly of a J. HOOPER, -- A have leased tbelr Docks and oiber in Westbrook, with the estate ot said are to exhibi t property parish tbe bmlne^s of '’eceased, required Cape Elizabeth to James E. lor one has who will continue the same; and all ! Simpson that grown to be more than In manufacturing HENRY P. persons indebted to said estat from Jan. dnriu* said fourfold Par'oi at me old stand, Nos 31 WOOD, are called to make 1.1871, to Jin. 1, 1872, and Furnuu'O, anu 33 NOTICE. upon payment to Falmouth tor size the Fiee street. ! time the Company will not be responsible any past eighteen months. Dr. Gannett's Corner and Fore sts. H'hED&RICK ROBIE, Executor. Bowling Alleys sccouui, Portland. March 1871. mr6dlw Exchange debts contracted in their name or on their 4th, Gorham, Feb. 2tst, 1871. mr?,9,l6 president oi discourse on Unitarian Doctrine is Miss Falmouth on unless authorized or the published LATHAM begs to inlorm her friends and L. F. Dec rpHE Bowling Alleys, PLUM 8T., approved by 30-dtf I will Via nnonpfl Inr hliainnsa nn the CUA8 A.LaMBaKU, entire and Patrons that PINGREE, company. contains emphatic testimony to the Copartnership. she has removed to Boom No. 10, President P. D. Dock L.*ndWMr«\vJ?rC D. M. EAT. Cbicago, March 1st, 1871. Miss 192 Fore nonday, February 97th. Bv lit- Aitorn. v, following articles: the right of private judg- amwn ?'00k> formerly occupied by Bailey, Street, ttU« * pleaSei1 Port ;d, Janmry :8ih. J*1 undersigned have ihisd<*y formed a conart to receive pupils in Drawing and UP STAIRS. Ie27d2wE. H. GILLESPIE, Agent.H ment; Unity of God; an iuspired rpvela'ion; under the firm name of C Ibv & TiHsor Painting THEneiship the atonement of and fir toe of tiansaiting a Gtneial Ccuiiais* MAINE. Christ, regeneration puij'Ote ~U' B' Fred. PORTLAND, sion Business. S gued, F. Hale*KXCES *ir0®n; Cyrus Davis; CRUDE AND REFINED Ecclesiabtiea! Council made improvemtnts in Arti- TOWN REPORTS spiritual lit**.—An (J. J.COLRY lately narStt important _ HAVINGficial Legs widen are secured by l etters Pa- met in ou the SiSth, DAVIS, COLBY & GAGE, POINTED AT ThE which Wiscasset Tuesday, tent, daied will continue to receive J. W. J iLi S N. Ju»y 5th, 1870, Rev- Hi. B E M and execute orders tor legs adapted to all the various BEESWAX. ult., advised the dissolution of For past seven vears wtn J. W. POIi’LE and GKO. W. TRUE & 1 paisley soawl. and Dress _dc21-6m County Cumberland, deceased, give CO., re- as to b< bonus as the tbe same are —The first bell cist in Cjtttfer, Taught, Hai io recovered from recent injuries law directs All persons having dr mrCJIw 116 Commercial street. Any person or persons claiming edifice holding 1,000 BV $1400. mands the to and make such el aim with n twen- C. Dining Saloon tor able tu attend to upon estate of 6aid deceased, are require quested appear was on BROWN, St. L.uke’8 Society. Sale. to sai 1 hereof. Otherwise Boston Paul Revere placed the Employment exhibit the same; and all persons Indebted to 8. ty days from the date ... by Wo. I il IUn Johnson, w'tli the a, regtt,<,r 0f estate are called upon to make payment to will be disposed of in accordance Ilanover street this Cotijrctss * T ADIF.S’ and children’s for ssle at B^SrihlvSSKtaMM sSS1.**” 00 6 end goods uew Methodist church, tor AJ underclothing “«“■ <*“«• EM OFESSIONA L CALL DANIEL. M. COOK. Adrn’r, adjnrter of aceonnte, a oi Congre.z in nucb tarpatterns Sale, rooms over Mayor’s Ofllce, City Government sVdoWrSS i office 01 1(il8d3w V.rUe^^014 of Auburn, Me. BOOK-KEEPEB,Jotept JH. W ebtter, Ine. Agt.,lt>8 Mid ^oStortor. week. Budding, ,i»ry Friday aiterneoa. raarg-Xif XASLVK Si CO SQ State 1. t. dlawJw 2,.», 18 street, Boston, BY BAY OB 1UCB Naples, Feb 21st, 1871. w3w» ao20du Portland, March 1, 1671- ~~™ W*ws. Tss :an to a from i Enyojijan Dbosebs is ike Sorts.—-a write rapidly comtautiicatlon q C«1b*‘ SPECIAL NOTICES. ""Special li'iofi 09 the 27tb Dec. hah flatbed Jtsihareiog Jan The aoti-Cretman league In Parle 1 S. i« ier spectra! visitor, reiterating her previous 1 grow* ia, C.,< eapatch of Thursday says:—a latjte Notices WMn. and her OuPtatu uot being abl** to ra se rtn preset la and number*. Doke nec *sarr bad concludeJ to hef up daily" itatements and urging a gearcb for tlie docu- rapidly strength odv of armed men ftom East Tennessee and repair*, lay 11 COGIA l_ HASSAN ind wait for order* from h >iue. ments. was the next The that the first instalment of the i ] This begun night. It is thought forth Carolina have, made their HASSAN PORTLAND^ *‘ appearance «»'G;A marvellous tale closes: At 2 o’clock this be raised in cogia r- Done^TK p«pt*. ndemnity will solely France. 1 o York ana Cbestet'couoties and has nASSAN the had struck a brick arch- fighting COGIA h 'S'AN M, PUGET Strait* of Far* morning Finance has from H. SOL’N f>—Passed through diggers The Minister of requeued 1 ieen going on for several CO.IA excitement ran days. HASSAN PAYSON, ult. Old from Port (ium- MARCH 1871. work near the stump,. and [2th ship Dominion. Morse, SATURDAY, 11, an exact account COGIA » e the heads of tbe departments Major Whitehead of the 18th infantry sta- HAS'AN 'or Adelaide high.” COGIA He S'A N SAS Al- of the committed by the Prus- t ioned at arrived A kkaNOISCO-At 7tb, all ip J K Keeler, depredations Yorkville, this morning and COG H A'SAN ien, York. The C"GIA BANKER, Canadian Utopia. I.cttr from Dove sians as a basis for the abatement of the taxes that the most HASSAN eports horrible outrages had A 27th’ #cb Petrel, Curtl*, irtm N. March CGG HASSAN P.n*aco>a*TON“Ar We find the the Dover, H., 9,1871. in the revision of the next budget. ieen perpetrated in those counties COG A following paragraph going since Satur- lQ HASSAN Dealer in Government Pensacola. Editor the frets: GeD. Messieurs De COG A OlVnli* ,,vuo» Glover, rounds of the To the of Baron Baude, Caille, lay night by both the colored militia and the Dull rimes HAsSAN Castner, L'vemooL papers: COGIA the HASSAN Se- NKWORi,if*w0aDt We congratulate the Reublieans of Portland Moulard and De Clerg have been appointed £u Klux On CoGIA Ronds, and Town Bos,,™. ORL,tA**s—Ar lib, baiijuv It A Alien,Tarr Boston is the most expensive city to live in organizations. Monday Captain People Ha'S AN City their bant1 some over of France to a final mulaito COfilA this side of the Here it costs on victory the Democ- plenipotentiaries negotiate Williams,a commanding a of stuuy HASSAN Rail- ',av, 'r L,T* Alleglianies. company COGIA to HASSaN Tank Stock, erpo'pr tins Lowell Prussia. The Duke de curities, rhuilihsKf h*T’?S irim riuvana. f>r taxes $30 10 while in racy again. The Presidential of treaty of peace with nilitia, was hanged near Carmel Hill and a COG'A Sid in sw p0^«e7 per capita, campaign get HASSAN “n 1 Jolin Let us J Ha. vev har they let you stay tor ouly $10 58. 1872 causes that to all Noailles has been appointed French ambassa- comber of his men and COGIA goo l» HAS'A 4 Road Ronds, Western Se- i'u AA.'’n.l;'uKc",uck'un' saving party fo'go mongrel .inhumauly whipped, CHEAP! all move to Lowell and get rich by and Count de the » HASSAN ’e *1 l'i8n' "1 citizens’ movements lor theii fotces in dor to St. Petersburg Vogue ‘ince then fighting has been continuous.— C'lOIA heme •Jarirson villa, to uao' *T> eomes next >o Boston getting HAS'AV etc. i-al) *),, J*® taxes. New York to COGIA the curities, Gold, etc., is oe- better minister Constantinople. Major Whitehead reports that the Ha-SeN but $5 20 trim for 1S72. negro maii- New Haven .le, e *'rrcn,aa> $28 54. while in Montreal in lavor of the Goo > Trade HASSAN Hart, n desire annexation Tbe Journal Official declares Lia company commanded de- JOGIA rtV/ln’ou manded. Canadians won’t Mayor we to as a by Williams were COGIA at H assaN lllLnaUKh-lrlbb, UI Kingsbury, happen know, as a defluite torm of for 32 Street, or a Jolm rate. Republic government bated on Monday and fl d to CoGIA COGIA IIASSAN'S HASSAN Exchange (luanape. W..|ev. |f.>ru. New v'uik “Ll1 at this most official and night their camp New *ur“' Lb upright, capable and worthy and the not to distnrb HAiSAN Obi h*l. McOri'wck, York. to say that a national France, urges people at Yorksville. He disarmed them re* Pth. sch Reed Now it is nonsense with one more ad- and now COGIA Hosiery, HAS AN PORTLAND, MAINE. Ar Tookal.ta, New York. his yeat’s experience under of France is — or that taxes order lor the sole hcpe tranquility. to the GOUIA Dress P H I La DELF HiA Ltd eih »vb Auuie debt is a national blessing, high ports Governor for otders. Goods, HAs«an tar4 Mnrchlr vantageous circumstances, he twill undoubt Tbe Echo tlu Nord of Lillie neainBt COGia KdGloves, HaSSkN _ Mer'JH, -t Matys. **a. an unmixed and a protests Governor Scott will arc but evil to-day proclaim martial COGia H NgW YORK-Ar Mb, sobs O .ei'a, Watt*. Ogivc?- anything and show still better lor in circulation the Haudkeronleis, A'SAN edly improve things a petition among Frqnch law in York and Chester COGIA and Has-aV *on; Ma>'» Hrrron.O a t Hai.uuon-; Anna Lc at.cl curse. But it is an equally absurd fallacy to counties, and has tel- COGIA the H Portland; Mansfield, achoin, and i'oito 1871 72. officers in Germany demanding a plebiicite to to eSSAN -vnncit, make the rate of taxation the criterion ot egraphed President Grant and General Ter- Ci>GIA MOO HaSS'N Kic •, w ent worth. Providence. State election on the 14th decide on tbe future form of New Hampshire government. at for COgia and HASsan BONDS rid Mb. In gs Etta U Tucker, tie or of ry Louisville, asking troops. Pending Tucker, Gardena1*; happiness prosperity anatiou^as COGIA HASSAN So»r ling v* ater. L>»UI, Mur* h tad L'l v. m.*i a Vicks- instant will be an interesting sight. The De- their arrival the 1 the writer of the above under- New* bv Latwl Malls. Governor will send a regiment COgia art’cles Has.an burg lli'gin.- naracoa; E K Dr«**aer, Red Nor- paragraph for mocracy have a popular man as candidate of militia to restore order if COGIA t„ HAS-iAN state of Maine 6's folk: .»ulier. Sirour, Brunswick. G ». takes to do when he draws the infer- The American loan has been put on the possible. Hon James A, of CoGIA h|, HASSAN PROVIDENCE—Sl«i 9t ■. rebs Webster Kelley, Governor, Weston, Mayor maiket the times are in the north- COGIA Portland t« < ence, from the Canada has by authorized London agents. A Exciting anticipated uneqnnled HAS'AN City (I Thompson, ami Jane, Haskell. aiaw. advantage could not COGIA H a'SAN NEWPORT—Ar sc N*w public exactions, that the Dominion “won’t Exchange against tbe introduction -dnnmgion \V B Marling, Smith. career kius Court House between United Mar- COGIA HASSAN Uch I Luilwmkie, Eastpoit lor Nor- l’ike. His and military of the Russian loan into tbe market a States Portland & Vork; French, desire annexation at this rale.” A mo- congressional peuding COG IA HAS'AV Ogdensburg R. R. folk. shal W. A. Looker and Zicbarius an icflects credit and honor uDon him and decision of the Black Sea conference. Young, COGIA HASSAN piagu«, Caltiraore tor Bos on; to his statement, a head and Younsstbroush the breast. COGIA HASSAN Sunbeam. Ca uis tor ^ahington Miry L being, according eompe- will York to see Joba Thomas, tbe murder- « Bunker, be txceediDgly satisfactory. negro urrency 6’s Newion Mur.diy, d<* tor Richmond: »eveot ix, ttnce lor a wuoie jarniiy; uui «uen asaeu A Kasbv.lle, Tenn., despatch is as follows:— Teel Rock The candidates for to Con- er, hanged. He remained suspended twenty- Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe ort lor Norfolk; Junge Low, Wood Lu- a representation One of a of men iD bec tor New Vor*» L a Orcuti, Hart, Pt»;,a1-lphla why lie did not stay in country offering such five miDUtes before life was extinct. party disguised attempting gress, Hou. Wm. B. Hon. A. F. Stev- u. n: u urn lor Portsmouth; Ycnlia Gray, Port laud for G :orge- Small, to forcibly enter the cabin of and Wm. • unrivalled advantages to the laboring man, be A fire at Oianje Court House, Va., Thurs- Milley COME IN THE own, i»c and S. are nom- MORNING Central Iowa It. Gold ens, Gen. G. Griffin glorious Kim in Itulhtrford on I*., 7’s BOSTON-Ar 9tb, ship Glory of the Seas. Ch*»t« “Be the, trouble is to the a tbe bras, (colored) county answered, gorry, get day, destroyed hotel, Baptist meeting- rteid Loudon brig* Black St and will be elected was shot dead Burlington & cedar Swan, Podger. P»erre; inees, by large*majorities. Saturday nigbt, by Kimbras.— AND AVOID THE THE 1 Rapids isola, So ail shilling.” So it is in Canada. There aie no house, a store and three dwelling bouses, CROWD IN AETER1SOON biiowmai*, bay, tci. leriapm, Woo? ter. The Boston & Maine Railroad has a large The rest of the party retired leaving the body R. It., Gold . 7’» Port Johnson taxes to take the when Cid y.h. Geo S heavy away shilling lisas, ** brigs Bfrrv. Bradlov. Havana; Mel- number ot stockholders in this vicnity, and West Wiscon-in R. R., Gold 7 rose. Grizgs. Portland, o load t.»r nave once earned the trouble is to For a SHORT TIME we shall take at the LOW Cuba you it; A new Encampment of Odd Fellows, ONLY, pictures fallowing prices: •• ** Ar linh, Jess e interest has been taken in the railroad man. const a Die of tbe district. Edward Arnold, 7 3-10 brig Rlivmt-, .Cientuegot. gteat called Tobanro No. 18 was iustitutd at Con- Northern Buciflc the coin. There is no confusion LiBGE Cld loth, ship »*ii e Buck. Pendie’on, New Orleans get practical Sheriff of the and J. B. od PICTURE IN 8x10 OVAL FRAME,.$1.00 B ex tension contest between that corporation cord, N. H.,on Thursday. county, Beronge •fob sale by *cb S Hume Di gins M Jouii, N15 on this The Dominion is unable to LARGE PICTURE IN 8x10 RUNT IC) FRAME,.1.00 Sid 10fh, ship E She man. point. and the S. & P. road. Tbo Vassar College a dentist. Tbe whose land Kimbras resided, have been arrest' P. ot keeps yonng SALEM-Ar seh l a ism granting ..... tin, an Robinson, Bock- the emigrants that land on its shores ladies all sbow tbeir teeib once a week. of LARGE PICTURE IN RUSTIC FRAME, 99 keep the charter such ed on the charge being members ol the gang SWAN it BARRETT, land. by your legislature by large LARGE PICTURE auy than the time con- tbe cabin. Arnold bail to IN RUSTIC FRAME,.- tS Ar 8ib, fchf Z Siratfon. McFad len. for longer necessarily is The that attacked gave Roc*pdrt majorities, especially gratilying. peo- cost ot a ot a million. There aie tour SIX PICTURES IX -. SO Street, Norfolk, Annie Har-ir. Harris, tin Rockland sumed in the United Slates. Her quarter for trial next was CARDS, 100 Middle turdo; reaching appear day. Beronge com- Fmpir*. bos on f«i neliast. ple ol M line are alter ail enterprises. settling reservoirs holding 22,000,000 gallons of FIFTEEN PICTURES febPsaoodCm Ferguson, owu WITH CARDS, -.SO GLOUCESTER—Ar Florence native population run away, too, and water. mitted. Bib, hrlg Pye. Port- A beautiful incident occurred Sunday morn- THIRTY-SIX PICTURES WITH CARDS,.SO land for then negus; scha George ew». Tbe Battle and tbe ans not only in Maine but in many other popular in Chicago that a man has written a Frames of all Kinds very I "Victory. cor Boston. t.hfi v.aalor. Rhv. Mr. Rmom vaa in fho midot Cheap waltz on tbe subject, and a patent medicine The tight is over. Competition is at an end. Tht of the British America does ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. parts country. man has invented a “Little Church Around in all its as FOREIGN PORTS. of his discourse, a large, beautiful, yellow- Photographing tranches attended to usual! humbugs who have disfigured so mauy beads a-tl not afford the or neces- tbe Corner Calbaric Pul." Two million pairs of shoes are manufactured Ar at St Helena Jan 11 ship Coringa, Watson, tm money employment Particular attention eiven to copying. No matter how rmall or how poor a it endangered so many lives, are “whip|*ed and winged came into the sanctu- io Auburn picture you have, bring oat,*’ Singapore tor London, and to the butterfly flying It has been noted as a curious chronological yearly. to us and we will nioke a Lice one iroiu it. finished in Inoia Ids or Water Colors. proceeded. sary keep people at home. Even those At at 17.h Go ‘torn ary, and he continued to hover about the sa fact that wbicb commenced this ou The Directors of tbe Androscoggin railroad We would o*u a'toniion to ih<» RE^H lFft rHPOV0TYPFS »ak»n only at No. SO Middle afreet. Malaga nit, bug dwin, Craig, who do fix Lent, year Aiicaite their residence in the Provinces will end the anni- were in Lewiston on making ar- Also the Alba-Type, a new aad beautiful picture, aken only by Cristadoro’s Excelsior Hair cred place t'ii after the close of the services Washington’s L'iitbuay, .on Thursday, Dye sid tin Ardro*san 2d ult, barque M A Marshall, are of to make ot Lee’s surrender. rangements ror tbe extension of the road to obliged, many ihem, periodi- when he and versary Wnsthl, (iron Gre**no< k) lor Baluinoie was captured given to a Jiltle Dauville Junction. A, ft. remains roaster ot the field, and is acknowledged to Aral cal into the “States” for work. New Bedford is jubilant over tbe first her- DAVIS & CO., Liverpoo 8tb insi. ships J nr o Baker. Spear. migrations who took him home and be tbe Standard Hair of A Ch tries ton; Calli boy made a pet of of the and wishes us to A woman was lound dead in a Dye America. pc. l>ex

->il ■'* ■fiJi ---

MWHB'_' MJK «M*WB .mu __J« tberlirtog payment of 850 to B. W. Jopss, Hat ABBESTED OX SUSPICION.—Marshal Clark the for tbe purchase cf nullifying treaty bull movement was about to bor lor extra tabled Feb. 18th 1 the sta,e be inaugurated ;n this THE PRESS. Master, services, received a from Halifax Alaska, which secured an appropriation.-5* Z2%asszn«*wer®sf,cnr®in •took. Cleveland Sc be taken Passed dispatch Wednesday, is the PIrtsburg was a^o strong and ENTERTAINMENTS. from tbe table and passed. BY Mr. also said that when Gen. Sbef- chvil law adftn., ft ‘.W0 a»t*cts:-First, to him to arrest a man on the Cariotta TEKGRAPH Logca * advanced 118}. Pacific Mail and Western Union 12 none. asking and yeas nays mao entered tbe with bis magnificent col- punish w[oa8«l closed weaker. The are the ibe steamer city thosft fthoftre'1 ft86 following closing quota- SATURDAY, MARCH Mr. Bice of Ward 1 offered followini ; (when that arrived here Thursday TO ors crimes. y tb*‘?e tions: 11, 1S71. THE DAY PRESS. he refused to recognize Secrcary Stanton, Second, to what extent °l BAND which were unanimously Union PORTLAND resolution*, adopted morning) named Robert C. Brown for stealing with whom he was not on pleasant terms, yet ganization still exist and Western Telegraph Co.65A members of tbe Cominoi commit'ftcts of*v"o' Resolved, That tbe Sherman was but was afterwards leuce. The commitee Pacific Mail. 43} $400, as the disDatch alleged. When the boat not deposed hero review at TLT' n ! Council extend to tbe Hon. Benjamin Kings XLIId Gov. Holden s N. Y. Central and Hudson Kiver consolidated. 98} CONCERTS OONGBES-first Session. promoted. Tbe speech of the Senator from official course, his declaration CITY AND their tbauks for the eoursi arrived the man was arrested and. ft N V. Central : action Seuate ou a vote against him was lor debt rather than for cornpli with it. chairman, that of Committee on Foreign Re- ishmeut, first by disguise, aud secondly by per- be ootaiued at the door. That the sincere thanks of this Air. Sehurz moved on the ■Somr.lic Resolved, and tbiur her action lation*, was changed? if necessary upon the witness stand and Itlarkrt., Poors open at 7. Concert Board tt robbery Brown aod were dis- jury Mew York. — SPECIAL NOTICE COLUMN. are due and are hereby tendered his wife question oi to the com- At Mar.h 10 close precisely at II. agreeing t report of 4.25 P. Mr, Mr. Tipton moved to adjourn. iu the juty box. Third, that of a’l the ofiwnd- biles; Middling “es Notice.... Frederick Fox tor tbe faitblul and impartia charged. Sheriff arrested mittee he postponed. Not nplaud.'.im™ IVJ EggT’No postponement on H. Williams. Perry immediately agreed to. 28 to 28. jrs against the law in this order, and they bbls; State and Western dull °" I. U. o. manat r in which he has discharged his duties him Air. NVi.sou and •Itohttrffwl F.A. to. chase. on a civil process for another but seconded 1 motion in tbe hope end must be hundreds if not be- ta.or; state Gad®7 95; a* President ol the Common Council debt, that [The of the debate had hot reached us ct many thousands, Ko»a°l during coriect.ous may he tile before definite 7 55; Western 6<0® 7 9ti; ® ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. the Muu Brown settled it. 3.45 this cause these crimes are shown to be committed Southern 7 no , nn past cipalyear. action. morning ] Wheat more active and sa'es MINST-— Fashionable Dancio -_Kuss B, Walker. by organized banns ranging from ten to seven- firmer; ai.iiC^bniiT- Resolved, That tbe Clerk be requested to en- Mr. Sehurz then No. 1 Spring 1 58 in store; No 2at 1 (as I Gg- Music Hall_John L. Da 1. said wanted further op- house. not ooe has beeu convicted in 5GJ vvin' ter these resolutions upon the recoids. The Argus continues to fill its lean columns tv-five, yet tbe4 ter K< d in Amber Western 1 GO ra l portunity to procure itmodification. The Mr. of 67 (join I. Lost....Over-Skirt, Dawes Massachusetts, offered a reso- whole State. Such being the state of affairs it an sales .'8 000 Tbe Cleik called lor the vote on the resolu- with the chaff we office. anew scarcely firm; bush.; new mixed Sale.... W. II. have swept out of this country by this limb ,t there are diifi lution the number of is CLARK’S House lor Jetris. aud it was increasing the members surely not necessary that the committee Western 85 ® 85 tc. Oats steady; Ohio and Western WHITMORE & Hu & Co. tion, adopted unanimously, tbt It seems cutties in the which he of mess ChanceTuylor proud and in up 'he Republic party, the Committee on Public and should argue of reasons ns ® 70c. Bed Pnrlt lo.erjmw me«»2iro members rising. happy picking wanted Buildings iusufficieucy given quiet. MINSTRELS AND BRASS BAND. Residence f»r Sale... Mrs. L. A. Boutelle. to reconcile and calm the excite- Grounds to and for do 21 18 25 18 75. Lsrd Piesident Fox crumbs from our table and says it does so “with nine, including withiu its jur- establishing an order which has led to @ 21 75; old 37; prime @ is Rsta'e ot W. K»rz-Jo epb a Lucke, Adm’r. replied, thanking the member! ment growing out ut tbe of Air. isdiction all a* 1.74c. Uniter Ohio 15® CLABK 4 for their kindness aud splacemeut public buildings being construct- such results. .Whatever mav have been the leavv '2} ® quiet; 25c; UAHDV,.PrtfrhMn. 'J o Blacktumbs.... Bot uey & Pulien. courtesy duriDg his offi pleasure.”_ Sumner. ed the Stats Whiskey fiim; Wearern tree Warned-H. ».C 'nker. cial relations with by governmeut. Adopted ariginal purpose of the Ku Klux or offeLce 90@42c. 93Jc. one nl most entertain- them, and them Mr. Wilson of the Kice Carolina ® Muse meins ac potu'ar wishing said the gtt interests The bill toeuable sol afihoseto o u n firm; 8i 8Jc sugar steady; Naiice. .Estate oi Wni. H. Noyes. many prosperous in honorably discharged eract wh >m they ai'ege tit i® Mula« years the future. couutry would not he removing diers aud their or vado84®9j''; lair toyoo'l refining 8} 8|. Sprl- 2 Goo.is_A. fe. Webb. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. pianed by sailors, widows and orpliau ler was it nuw r- “,ce also offered of Mr. established, has gone ao lai sess New Orleans 58 ® 7"c. Spirits Turpen- Hals and ..Perry. *f resolutions thank! Sumuer. He protest the strik ehddreu to homesteads on as 11 an eany; Portland Caps to tbe Clerk of against acquire public prevent issue between the government tine at 5 Me Rosin stea »ales it 2 75 2 85 Theatre, the Council and the Mes- iug or to strike friend and quiet y: City PHALON‘S new perfume. seeming mow at bis lands was referre d. A joint resolution con- anarchy, and if it lias uot re- senger, which were of reached it is last lor strained. Petroleum firm; crude Hj ® 15c; KrliSionn Notices. unanimously adopted. T b < twenty years’ has mscharged the Internal R-venue act of .lulv approaching a point ® 'Jc. Mr. “1 LOVE YOU.” standingjbo struing 14th, whereiu there can be no fined 24} @ 243o Ta'iow steady at 8( Cleik, B. tb( bis duties as on Wednesday KveniDg, March 1ft. The usua' religious notices oi services at Barnes, ir., replied, thanking chairman otbe Committee 1870, so as to for tbe admissiou of ani- neutrals. With such an of Freights to ml Grain Sunday members tor tbe provide army criminals at Liverp steady; 5} uG^J, mauifestatiou of regard, and “I LOVE YOU.” Poreigu Relations with How- mals with no Tbl< ConiDinv la compn-ed ot the Sejond Parish, High Street, State Street, 1st sipl ability. specially imported for breeding purposes arge, power iu State tribunals to Onic.no, Mar b 10.—Flour dull; Spring extras Muticigna, Yeral- them he bad endeavored tc ever efficient Air. in other re- them lata. Dancers, and Comedians or the highest ord.r, au«i Churches faithfully “I LOVE SOU.” Camerouiay be was passed. bring tu justice, with an organization 5 GO® 6 12. Wheat is No 2 at 121 @1213- Baptist Plymouth have been with- lulnl the duties of quiet; 'Jhe Company constat. 0t 4 Comaulana. I the position, closing with soects, Mr. Wilson presuql that be (Cam- Mr. Hill of New introduced hills to oaths and secrecy and f'orn qui-t and nwer. tn s dull at 50c lor No. clog drawn, but the services are con'inued in “I LOVE YOU.” Jersey, bafihog defyiug all ap- 49} @ Dun/era. A noil Daice Men. a trail the church- good wishes to the members. eron) had no blue lor tbe ot and 2. Rye quiet at 00c lor No. Barley Nn. 2 Sung Quartette, special place.— abolish the banking aud to the pliances law, brijgiug them to each 2.. quiet; ol 12 led by es at the usual hours ou the “I LOVE YOU.” privilege repeal 75c. Hijh Brass llund piece., TIIEOPOKB J. Sabbath by their re- Cny Messenger Ingraham also responded in Hundreds of thousands thoughtful tax other’s aid with the Wines firm at 81140’, Provisions are dull (pure, income Referred. consciousness that they and aLLEn, assisted bv HERMAN M1LLEH, tbn celt* specti ve pastors. a few his thanks. “I weak. Mess Pork 2o25. lari at 12 124c. remarks, expressing LOVE YOU.” Republicans have had tbeihearts wrung by Mr. Randall ot presented a number enough to turn the scale of @ brated Trombone Solo'st,said to hay* th* ne*t Or- the Pennsylvrnia, political Dry salted meals dull; shoul'• is 74 ® 7jc Blessed West Congregational Adjourned sine die. THE M09T displacement ot Mr. Suoer. in favor of the which cheatra now travelling. I*d by THOMA9 MAY- Church.—Preactingat LASTING PERFUME. joint re.-oluiiou of tbe Pennsylvania Legisla- power p irty they act with dull at 5 90 @7 Cattie at 4 25 3 o clock P In of thanks to Mr. Morrill 12}. higher @ violinist. *xtraorol •■- M., bv ihe Pastor. Kcv. W. P Ober presenting the resolution THE ot Vermont is in favor of act- ture against further railroad land Re- so long, will other violence and intimidations NARD. the rele raied >ary P.-Jver MOST FRAGRANT grams. Hng^ G >KOlX. tL* French Meeting at P. M. sabbath School at City Ingraham, President Fox, in BOUQUET. ing on the of the coniitee as all. successful Receipts-4^00 bbls. gigerueut ol MON8 great 7j 10!* Messenger report now, ferred. be against those whom they oppose. flour, 9000 bush, wheat, 15,- C’clock A .Vi. behalf THE ujc.ua 0°0 Imsh. ami Barrel P*it riner. 11 * Man- of tbe members, banded him a band- SWEETEST OF PERFUMES. cuaugiug me comiltee uaa ueeu Mr. With these facts iu view he must coru, 12.0“0 bush. oais. 00 bush, Juggler Dancing Dawes of Massachusetts, introduced tbe have a cre- buriev at a Congress some sum of as a of Snipm»*utfi—30i>0 bbls. 900 ager. have engaged this Artist great vipena*. StreetM.E. meet- money memento regard. mar7-eod3mos exhausted. dulous nature who believes in flour, bush, wheat * 19 (ioo Cuurch.—Prayer deficiency hill,appropriating $141,555 aud pro- any temporary bush, 2000 bush, and take gjeai In announcing aim m eeu- ing. 9 am. 1‘rea at Sunday The number of of tbe CommoD Mr. Schurz was coin, rye, 1000 bu*h. pleasure liiig lOj. School at meetings sorry to hr Mr. Morrill say ceeded to how it lull in its Such au at once barley. lu Up. m explain became necessary. Al- activity. agency of nectiou with their Man moth Minstrel Troupe, Pre.ehingac 3 p. m. Prayer meeting, at Council in 1869—70 were 49; number of same The that. It was uot true thatlr. Sumner had ter Toledo, O., March 10.-Flour unchanged. Whea* P. M. Original Travelers Insurance debate au amendment for a crime aud ol power imoarts continued securi- all bis act# ol Juggling, Dancing Barrel, Balancing, All are invited. in attendance reiuoed adding $25,000 a Bh ide lower; No. 1 Red Wabugh i No 2 1870 -71, past year, 36. Average to entertain social lations with tbe post office iu to those who must become either 12}; do 4c., in winch be cbalimgas the wurld; l«* whale Kewiury Company.—Cash assets $1,588,088.27. building Omaha, Neb it was ty victims to 138}. Corn steady; high Mixed low Street of members 18. Surplus executive. So tar from 61^c; do 60*c.4 under the Chuboh,—Morning praver- reltng intercourse adopted and tbe bill passed. The House then their crime or submissive suppliants to their Oats unchanged. bclug dii,cl Ion I me^iing preaching in the alter noln at 3 o’clock, $641,227.29. Furnishes desirable with the of had everything Secretary State, lr. Sumuer went into committee of the whole on bill to re- GEOHGE H. CUBE, pteacQtogby ihe pa>tor in tlm at 7 o’clock, Uriel that power. Cincinnati. March 10—Provisions unsettled.— i ubitj evenulg Jottings. either in Life or Accident Insurance. While declared he was not to cou- aie invited, seats provided lor onlylisposed peal duty on coal aud salt. The committee state that they have been un Me^s **ork 21 00 a) 2! 50 Bulk Meats lower at 8*c Tbe Great Vucui Ciowu, and strangers. Hassan’s kid at 40 cts. sult with the hut him Preblk Cogia gloves, per pair, this company may not be able to boast of a few Secretary, wtiid regard Having 97 to to limit the discuss- able to examine all the witnesses for shoulders and 9} @ »0}o *or aides. Bacon Chapel, corner Pteble and Cumberland as old friend. Mr. agreed, 82, desired, par- neglect BAHK WHITE, — Schutz relvd a conversa- ed: shoulder' «dde* Mr*eU. Religious are off‘ like hot cakes.” There is nomis- aui L> UII Ul Vii Chief Justice 8}c; lo}@U]c. Lard 12 servi.es to-morrow: Suudav going oldjpolicy holders whose accumula- uisuutl/0| kUIVUI^dU ticularly Pearson and other offi- @ I2jc. Tbe World’a Favor it: Comedian. S. him lit 9 IV ... 1...... o _ ,r policiesand tion with tbe President, in wich he volun- Whiskey at bC} 87c. take about the article. We have seen and ered an amendment reducing the duty T)u salt cials engaged in the impeachment trial at higher @ | tions have “subsisted” on “confi-tested” teered tbe advise that as the an Admi(don 21 rents: RpiprY»d Rsst* Rfl mbMi ftr* hi ;sr L .MVers*list CHURCH, Congress Square. premi- Domingo to ten cents per 100 pounds iu bulk and six- Kaleigh, but the testimony of so aiaDy of the (Charleston, March 01.—Cotton quiet; Middling tried them, and find them to those for ums of project could not pass to cbestra Chairs 75 cents. Doors at T Morningseiv.ee at It .30 at 7 p. in. tho pntor will equal policy holders who were unable to con- drop it.nd those who teen cents 100 in sacks. officers of she State as we nplauds 14c. open o'deek, per pounds judicial have taken commences 8 o’clock. deliver the second lect.ire of the course on which we have and more. have opposed the measure atound lessous paid 81 tinue their it can furnish woufrally Mr. Cox ol New York submitted some sta- can leave do doubt that agaiDst the violence of Savannah, March 10.—Cotton a tliade higher; from tire—-Subject. Wisdom. insurance, insurant? him wuu earnestness. The E. P. HARDY Manager, The Oriental Powder pro.cution of tbe tistics in reference to anthracite trade. He re- this the Middling uplands 13]c. Co. of Gorham will re- to those who now desire it San organizition authorities of the Stale mrlOtd O. 9. HOLDEST, Mew Jerusalem nuRcn.—Rev. S. G. on as favorable Domingo schemes was at is bottom of Agent. Jordan, sume in ferred to the business of oue colliery iu Le- cannot secure to its citizens life, and Mobile, March 10.—Cotton is qu et; Middling up- of Si'em, vu l pjoacb in rue t emple on High to- operations the latter part of this terms as these acrimonious liberty st., any Company in America. Its se- feelings agai* Mr. Sum- high county, Pa,, which was organiz-d in 1859, the pursuit of happiness. The resolutions do lands 14c. morrow morning ar 10$ o'clock. Eveniug Lecture in month. ner and those who opposed 8'an uvvvyu IU It not the Nkw 7 o'clock, -‘-J Its LUUUilU orningo. which iucreaseu its stock to $60 000 iu 1860, charge committee with the of ex- Orleans, March 10.—Cotton active and ir- tbeVes'rya Subject, Memory, UUUC| JJIUIU was incumbent on the duty Will Fathers and Mothers The new Easter forth Seuato that they which iu 1861 15 cent and re- into the of afford a regular; Middling uplands — Carol, “Come and and paid per amining power Congress to 14}c. Second Univemsalist Society, Putnam’s easily to be understood and its should first profit An-l all Interested in the eduction of the yens, l policies respect themselves al when an served a iu 1862 85 for so great a of their Hall iu a St.—Sunday School at 10.30 a. m. Rev bring your garlands,” Kotzsch- large surplus which, paid remedy deprivation please read? composed by definite in amount, and surrender attempt was madetoiuterlere wittheir suffered Jiariteia. Geo. H. Vibberc oi Rjcaport, will at 3 piemium, rgbts per cent and reserved a large surplus, wh'ch rights hy citiz as ol the United Slates Fereign Mas?., preach mar of this and should staud ou p. in city published by Hawes & value. Its they their Was it w under the March 10—11.30 A. n. ... premiums which are and dig»y. tbeu itered its stock 8 1-3 it to government of the States. London, M.-Stocks very low, the ot times, raising They quiet; Mr. Vibbert will deliver a <» ucauuiui duty the Senate to Erie Illinois Central BUS* B. Temperance Lecture at uuinpesuiua, ana ouu its are in cash. disgracolr. Sumner $500,000 and paid 24 per cent on that increased have discharged their duty in reporting the 18}; 109]; Atlantic Sc Great WAXKEB, Coy H ill tu the losses, payable In benefits, this because be was Western 30. evening at7 \-i o'clock. A collec- objected to by ome of the not oue dollar facts so lar as their an earnest worher In cause ol tion will copies have already been ot which the caoital, in ca9h baviug been investigations enabled them Of Boston, the physi- r*e taken up to detray expenses. sold, Company has returned more money to its members of tbe administration? March First Parish pol- iVas it not added to the caoital and the last year paid 12oer to do so, and in the light of these tacts, whether London, 10—1.30 P. M—Conso's 91 j @ 91J cal educa-ion respectfully announce, to the eftisens Wesibrock— Rev 0. II took 200, aud a large Dumber of time that should for money and account. ol Fortlsnd he will u coarse at Gites of Buxton, icy holders than any other insurance company they reluse to tie notice of cent, on that 000 a much any or wbat can be must be that girt has at the $500 reserving larger remedy applied, American prea -econl hnrch to the remainder were ordered lor public dinners as securities easier—U. S. 5-20’s 18C2, 911: .'ougregational Boston. of its At this time when there is so being connectedrith public' sum trom its earuiugs tbau it had divided. left to the deliberatious of to deter- Twelre Leueu end ■■ la niotruw toieiieon ana afternoon. Kcv. age. much affairs t Congress do 1865 o'd, 91}; do 1»G7, do KMo’s ElUhldtu S. S. oura- sale Should Senators or the Mr: Due II the redaction ol 90}; 88J. Stocks, n.l i Senator to more than 15000 men, whose interests were make ao inquiry thorough and complete in re- Corn—new Mixed 35s 91. Tbe for truin Missouri. A Cheese l^Cd. The latest dances and the cultivation Ot Bethel Church, 97 Fore “Caspian,” Capt. Scott, will sail ANDBEW J. CHASE, majority ol the enate are identified with a large of the gard to one State, leaving tbe Senate to decide taught, Street.—S?rviYes Sab portion country Ihe adv ces frrm Manchester ot made a bitli a. hi ai uot tbe report goods and deportment specialty Tba eitqasUe of ., 10.3d o'e.ock; p. m. ai 3 and 7 Liverpool to day. Mails close at the Tost 59 disgracing Senator by remviD® him have to busiue9s. whether the interest tbe inves- o'clock. Exchange St. State would stop pub'ic require yams steady. Cottou quiet; stock at sea 512.000 ibe bail room, anti ibe street Communion se vie©.he Hr t Agent. lrom the committee. home, Illustrated* sabbath p. m. ot each Office at 2 p. M. No one has ri”bt to Mr. Garfield ol sustained tbe bill and tigation *o be pursued further. ot which aro And m >mli Also W. Ohio, Respectfully bales, 350.100 American. suggestion* regarding pupds re- mectiugs on »ni D,Little & Co., Loring & Thurston, Lo- service on a tUankiuily *'ouday Thursday perpetual committee. L’be”rules that the basis of the argument of tak- submitted. ceived. Terms, $5.0u per scholar, to be paid the cvciilnjs at 7 o'clock. All trom the sea and the of the replied laud aie Among graduates Boston Dental cal Agents. provide that there should he a third or tourth lesson Barents and cordially invited. re»st of the ing the duty from coal and salt would imply or (Signed), Freifibu, Pupila FttfcK on committees. It to Fathers ana Mothers College Thursday were Chas. N. Pierce aad was fit for the to se- induce an entire new tariff act. John Scott, Z. Chandler, Henry Exhibition,—and ws'ooasa Casco Street Free Timmons & Hawes. Market are in favor majcitv Wilson, Galveston. March 4.—'’I here is not much to Will Baptist Church.—Preach- Square, lect agents who best suited them lor F. doing ad lessons. people take tbeir children on Fred A. Locke of Portland. The he trans- Mr. Burdettol Missouri, said he Benj. Rice, James W. Nye. to the advanced of now tu-moriow at 10 o’clo k A. M. aud 3 o’clock P. former read of coal. that action ol steadily owing position rates. We the afternoon of the &tid aud visit the hail? You ;11- cheap They believe, however, cheap the pualic tavor »ie to M ny the Pastor, Rev. A. A.v mitb. an able on business, inducing confi- voted in of the reduction on salt aud had qu Liverpool at |d lor Cotton, to Amsterdam will then know mor» of of Sabbath Sob- o' paper Nutrition. and are dential my style teaching and will be held ai good Oysters equal promoters of comfort, relations with the executive. It was a to Bremen and the same the close ot the morning service. The no disposition to change his vote but most 1} Gold, ifc Gold, nominally method of management City Hail has been the virtue aDd small matter to make such to Havre. The room to be had is puohcare invited. engaged by Catbolics good feeling. Consequently, being loveis a noise abut, tie earnestly deprecated the movement now made FOREIGN. limltod and rates Youis faithfully, was reminded of the at New Orleans the la^t to Mission for St. Patrick’s night. We believe of their race, they keep at their saloon the best iu nursery story rhere an iu that directiou and the method iu by report being fully up mrll KUSS 3. WALKER. Chapel, Doering’s Bridge.—Sunday Bishop alarm particular these and the stock ot cot'on t<» forward School at p. given that the was aliou to fiacres, go every 5uu>tay 1$ jVI. All are very cordi- Bacon will deliver an oration. the market. sky fall which it bad been made. Tbe voting thus far we do not look tor when a heavy, any tailing otf in rates at ally invited to anetid. ooly rose had lallen from be busb. made it manifest and he as well he France. We are informed that Miss might plain ao early day Rates coastwi-e are not so firm, the Nellie Hudson under the Preble ex- fie repudiated tbe insinuation Chestnut Street M, E. CnuRcn.-To-morrow Hinds, House has the most that te Presi- and say at ouce that the advocates of the so- palabine’s republicanism. number of small ve-sels having increased, and srocks I will be devoted r.» in was the of the tensive dent bad interfered to influence Concerts missionary eresu?. Preaching recipient prize offered for the and elegant assortment of Tooth-Brushes tbe Senate in called revenue reiorm were in the majority iu Paris, March 10 —Gen. De Paladine ot beji and hides to .o i rwird though large tor the Conservatory at 10$ a m an I 3 pm. Addresses the of tbe yester- moment will by several laymen greatest in ever composition committees. the House and the movement was iti a soon be exhausted. We quote Beef in improvement penmanship at Mr. displayed in Portland. They were made to or- made day received the officers of tbe national ilie Rev Gilbert daven U. D. Mr. be guards easier at $ l 90 2 00 tor 30 1 4 nor eveuiug. Editor oi Corbett said would not haviadvised manner. Notice was to all in- @ tes, $1 (@ bbls. by Zion s tieialo will Geo. W. school at der in London one is warranted and bears particular given at who at the conclusion of the in- CITY HALL I be with us and preach. Noyes’ Woodford’s Corner Every fhe displacement ot Mr. Belleville, sail to New York. Hi*J»-§ are taken a’ inside ratrs. his Sumner, bit as tbe dustries in the whole laud that the time had terview to be satisfied with the St. Paul’s comer tbe term. name. The display ot them iu his showcases is appeared gen- We qu te Cot*on to Liverpool sail, tb; to Bre- Church, Congress and Loc ust past majority bad decided be it a }d otherwise, tfougbt come when not by general overhauling of eral’s answers. men lie; »o Havre to New street?, Rev. Mr Root, Rector —Hivine service at almost wondertul. ibeir t0 sustain Republican if (g) If @ Ifc; York, by The eighteenth concert the duty the committee. No the not in lair and battle ou tbe lc 10$ A Al. auo 3 P. M. This is a promenade by good tariff, open t-team, lb; by sail, @|c; to Boston, do, Iree church, and all could arise this TERRIBLE RAILROAD ACCIDENT. f |o. Tuesday Evenings, are welcome. Portland Band takes at by discussing question subject but by a nibbling process all the vast Hides—New York, si am, loose lb Ifc; do do bates place Lancaster Hall Have seen Mr. Scott A you those imported caddies of leplied to the remarks of Mr. industries of were to be struck long train of cars filled with German lc; dodo wee sa ted do sail, do wet Y. M.c. Hall and this "the country fc; lo«»se, fc; 4tS. Association, Free evening, and we have no hesitation in a9 to Mr. wounded sailed bdl do to March 21st, 28th and April Reading pre- Tea that have arrived Scburz, Caneron, who wasibsent. dowu one one and confidence de- returning borne was run into yester- 50c; bales, lb, j}; Boston, sail, Room, cor. i/ongiesa aud Cased streets, social .uect Japan just (via the great by public i- bis dicting a crowded house. Mr. Scburz disavowed day by a fr-ight train near Puteaux on the fc^ib. g (>aturde*y) evening, at 7 1-2 o’clock. Youug Pacific railroad) at Wilson & Co.’s Tea Store, having madtany re- stroyed. Agaiostthat purpose be protested so peop e aud The flections an the character ot Mr. Paris and Versailles railroad. Nineteen strangers especially invited. All are weather opened foggy yesterday morn- Catntron. far as coal was coucerued. He cared not about pas- Boston Mtock Likt. In announcing this series of Concerts, tba mana- welcome. 85 Federal street. It is of fine flavor and Mr. Scott wauted cars were to to know what lieu Mr. t. None ol bis constituents were interested in seuger broken pieces. The num- ing, wilh wind south and Sales at in® has the of tbs taloafc \v thermometer indi- Schurz meant the ber of soldiers killed or Brokers' Board. March 10. ger pleasare naming following illiston Chapel, corner ot and Danfortb great strength. by remark that ttvre were it, but he had watched with considerable in- injured is unknown. May 48° at M. streets. Sa -bath School at p. cating 10 A. Pleasant at noon. Brisk rumors that in the Vermont Central 1st mortgage Bonds. 1.30 M. All are cordi- chairmanship of the Com- terest those gentlemen from the west whose THIERS TO APPEAL TO THE PEOPLE—MOVE- 87J ally invited. Seats iree. wind and rain in mittee ol Vermont Central 2d mortgage bonds. 15 afternoon. Inquire for the Portland Star Matches. Foreign delations the executive arg iineot lor years had been denuncia- MENTS FOR THE BONAPARTISXS. Mendelssohn Quintette Club, Fut6r Second They staple Maine Centra) R R Six-s, gold..'. 90 advent Chtt a cn—Second Ad- At the are brought a propelling power of regular monthly meeting of tbe much longer, light easier, have less odor unwortiy the tion o! New Englautl, aud whowere waiting Paris, March Union Pacitic R R sixes. 82 of Male vent bull, 35^$ Congr s? street, Elder B. S. Emerv, [ better days of the 10.—[Herald’s special]— Temple Quartette Voioet, Men’s and republic. to give New Eogland another little bite on Thiers will soon Union Pacific Land Gram. Sevens.. will f.r«acii io-moiTow at ihe usual hours. The Young Christian Association next Mon- do not blacken the wall. Use no other. dissolve the and 7if 9 Mr. Schurz asked whether the no Assembly Eastern Kauroan are iuv«ted. Senttor had that account. He did propose to join iu will .. 121J Petersilea- public S»*ats tiee. day evt an will Da delivered not heard the appeal to the people to decide the luture Carlyle Ding, essay by rumors. that sort of movement. He saw in Portland.Saco & Portsmouth Railroad.. 120 Second Advent Hot and Cold Baths at J. nothiug government. Ducrot, and Faidherbe F- H- Meeting,—Unfcti Hall.—Elder John of this a rnembor of P. No. Mr. Scott “not until the a Cbausy Uoiou Pacific Railroad. Fianiita, Pratt oi Earls, Esq., city, the Smith’s, replied, Senator this movement but that fight would be made are tor ?6f Torrington, Hemy Springfield pieaches to-morrow 100 from Missouri working the empire. Bonapartists Minima® ‘lemrai lls >r_ n >T Alls.. la Wlalfmf^ Exchange street. lw repeated it.” Mr. Scott said be ou who the of Kanroau.... Spirit Hail —Lomereuco 3 association. those endorsed perils the mines in tbe ualisi’8—Congr-**? at would uot enter into meetings provinces are numerous. Manuiacturing Co. 122f o'clock p. m A'l are iuvited. a full defence of kis col- in this There were miners Hjll A captain of a Danish ship was arrested aid enuntry. 40,000 Chaoguier is seriously ill. The navy has been Beal Hair Switches and Curls at league (Caineron), but as the remarks of Mr. to he of Miss Isabel Stone, spiritualists —Reception Hall. Cogia struggling day against monopolies greatly reduced and the dock at Lorient City Building— brought before U. S. Commissioner Clifford Schurz applied to all who had & iv.irf in tlin yards Child*tH ? Progress.ve Ltceum at lo$ a. m. All Hassans. 2w mine uwuers and coal transporters, and the and Rochefort have been rented cnaoge id tbe Committee on o.y private Mis- J- W- mviio'i. a yesterday for assault on one of his crew. The Foreign Rela- membets who advocated tbe and their ENTERTAINMENTS. Weston,Soprano. and he poor companies. The foreign squadrons have been Au a< jurned AV iuivuvi tions, denied aud j tueetitig oi those in'erestod in form* I case luuuuuw uui new six cvru rna- repudiated tbe charge' cause were in cohorts against those is not yet finished. or gathering reoalled. The Moulmatre insurgents have Budolphsen, the Great German Tenor. iog a Fie- l»e lgioiu hociety in will be I insinuation that Senators hac been iufiu- not FortUnd, chine thread we shall for one week sell it in miners. He would aid in giviug tbe miu- erected an immense barricade in held at at 3 p. A water burst on the coruer of enoeo Rue St. Reception Ball, Sunday m. All are I pipe Temple by Executive dictation. He was tree to ers that sort of neither would he vole tor And othres to bo announced hereafter. invited. I oue doz. blow, Pierre and an attack is street lots;colored at 3 cts. a spool, white at •’ay that if the was expected to-day. yesterday, giving rise to quite a river on question sinmly between the special benefit ot a few New Eogland PEOPLE’S Reception Ball—Free 4 etc. a Mr. Sumner and Mr. Great Britain. CONCERTS, Religous Meeting Sun- tbe slreet. spool. This thread is unsurpassed by Cameron«s to the chair- manufacturers, or a few mine owners of Pic- Tickets to the series of three conoerte with re aiteruei n at .. day 3 in. manship ot tbe Relations PARLI AM EN TAB Y. on any. Foreign Committee tou, or that greatest of all mononolies, the AT CITY HALL. served seats, to be had of Hawes ft Cragin, and Travel over the iron over the Pre- he would vote lor Mr. re- bridge ___mcblO-lw Sumner. But the case Mauliattan gas company of New York. He March 10. -In the House of Third after March 11th, at $1.50. single tickets, with was London, Com- Concert Monday Evc’g,March 13, Superior Court. sumpscot is closed and the side is otherwise. When Mr. Sumner was not vote served seats, 75 cents. Admission 50 cents. finally sup- Vote early and vote often is the motto of would thereiore against taking off tbe du- mons to day Mr Gladstone stated that the MRS WtlVTlVftHTH STVITVCIW Mm on such terms with the RY The galleries of the Hall OODDaBD, j., presiding. President and the Sec- ou coal aud salt. government htd no intention ported by timbers until the removal of the vex- politicians. One price and that the lowest in ty of proposing any B. Sherwood, Miss Annie J. Ayers, Messrs. G. F wiUb^‘e£f{fr£MiMfcl Friday.—Luke Conners vs. Jeremiah retary ot State as to warrant confidential com- Murphy. ations and Mr. Speer a~gued agaiust the repeal of the legislation to pro.ibt the exportation of arms. Monroe, Win. D, Haskell, John L. Shaw, with Mrs. price of50 cents forth# se- dangerous structure is ordered.— New England la tbe motto of munications the of the ^^HSerA^foffinaS Action to recover pay rrr me of cart aud re- agents Senate sbonld duty ou coal. He did not know what tbe West In reply to a Viscount un- J. L. Shaw, Pianist. Also, Mr. Frank R. a. the reserved seats if procured before dump 4u be in question. Enfield, ries,—in 5—«■ adjourned meeting of tbe town has been Cogia Hass 139 Middle St accoid with the Executive to but knew what der of gree, a of Prof. on the Mouth Har- ifith. March pairs on the same. Verdict lor an, department. nropsed gain by it, he New secretary Foreign admitted that pupil Wullack, *“ ^Qw»h for Affairs, •• » 1 plaintiff $3.75. Mr. Schurz tlm uuaUm* — ordered, when it is believed a stone will explained that he did Bot charge England to Nova Scotia coal England's offer of mediator between v.,. mqnifcHL Howard & Cleaves. Reed. bridge proposed gain. IicEetsTor the two grand concerts, That’s corrupt means on the part of the was imcr rrumau Ambassador at London a fort- including be So.—People who have had the occa- President, mined by New..Em*land:—s--" reserved seats 50 cents. For sale at and PBOF. agreed upon. > Hawes WILLIAM Motley. --oaw m c* a DENTON but it was th-u.a,tw>-T».- cue auu ouujjuam* G(»|»nai, auu uuiiu and that beJieved up night ago, it stil! remained unanswer- Cragin’s. tickets 20 with Charles Bond vs. Clara W. Bond. Action tor mon- to ail Evening cents; reserved An English army surgeon contributes an in- £&£■- Mr. Sumner. Were ihey give up their N w England capital and New Euglaod inter- ed. seat 30 cents. will deliver aooilier course of a r_ a._ s ... had and received. Amount *i*» ..tiuN. uu „a, i*o me March Instincts as men and crouch to the President? ests. He it ey claimed $220- .-.tnv ouigery pro esied against iu the name of uuuci wiuuiiii Concert to commence at 8 o’clock. ~~ Rollins & tised at Was this aud and petTfiarv, SIX LECTURES I lumber of Good Health. Bonds._mar9th-lw ipstice dignity independ- the people in bis State, and said to his political explained the £9000 appropriatad for tbe de- Howard & Carleton. ence in omce? In a former caucus a Senator Irieuds if wanted to lose Cleaves. Ona of Murillo’s Madonnas will be Come immediately and see the Bankrupt they tbe State of fence of Quebec, it all was to be to -AT- exquisite from New was applied IPOIFtTIL-A.ISriD Kid Hampshire (Patterson) sought Pennsylvania to the Democracy of tbe nation tbe erection of works sooth oi river Bradoury. loon as a chromo stock of 1000 Ladies’ and Gents’ the St. published by Prang, the larg- pairs to be ousted because he was not in accord with all bad to was to Bit they do join hands with their Lawrence, none to the fortifications on OWN9 8 fsom 6 to worth for 40ots, the BALL, Court* est be has ever made, and another ot Farragut Gloves, sizes 10, $1.20 the President on tbe San Don ingo question, shrewder brethren ol New to strike north bank. ITflunicipal England an* and 6 but he was and no was now down the February 91, 99, Marck7, 9,14, 10, JUDGE MORRIS the Forts. at' 129 Middle Temple retained, attempt great industry of that State. PKESIU'NO. passing Cogia’Hassan’s, MARINE DISASTER. HaLL. at remove MUSIC 7,1-9 P« 91. lw made to him. Then why remove Mr. Tbe time for debate having amend- o’clock, Friday.-State vs. Stephen H. Rice, John Sulli- street. expired, __ Sumner because be also was to Sau ments Brig Ida Cutten, of and from St. N. Report of the City Marshal.— opposed placing lumber, wood of all kinds, tea, John, 1st. On the Method ot Mental Culture. van, William and Cnarlcs McMahon. McMa- Annual for has Tyler Jesse Freeman has on exhibition in his Domingo? Tbe reason assigned fur displacing coffee, potatoes aud bunting on the free list B., Matanzas, been abandoned at sea. Mb. John l. 2nd. From tbe annual of the Marshal Crew HALL,. .Marager ard Director. Astronomy and its Lessons. hon was discharged aud Rice, Sullivan and Tyler report City Mr. Lumuer, namely, on tbe ground that Mr. aud to reduce the tax ou and saved and brought to window what he calls a native of San Domin- apple peach Queenstown. 3rd. Same continued. were each fined $50 and ordered to recognizs each iu we learn tbe number const;tuting the police Sumner is not on good personal terms with brandy to 75 cents per were to re- gallon agreed 4tb. to be but if doubts his word in this the President and of was a Way Happy. the sum of $500 to keep the peace six months. All is a two go; anybody Secretary State, aud those to make the internal tax ou manu- MtINE. force 35, embiacing City Marshal, dep- Sonl be can to them that he as mere pretext. Some years ago Mr. factured tobacco 16 cents aud to J* L. 5th, ot things. throe were committed. 23 spect prove keeps flimsry per pound, FATAL ACCIDENT. HALL’S uties, V day patrolmen, night patrolmen, was stricken down in his seat here 6th. The as man in and that Sumner by pot barley and malt on the free list were re- Coming Day. Syiuonds & Libby. A. W. Bradbury for Rice. and one in good oysters any Portland, Waldoboro. March ono engaged in day office duty a Southern ruffiaD, and it was proposed to jected. 10 —Capt. Everan Yates, Tickets tor the Course $1.00. Single tickets 8ft they are one of the best dishes extant for Sun- of Round was killed at and to be had at night office duty. Two members ot the force strike him down in the house ot his triends. Many of the oponents to the original hill Pond, instantly his Adclphian, Comedy, Bulesque, cents, the door. City Affairs. as do not induce in the which tbe place to day by the accidental of a Portland, February 4th, 1871. Ieb21 have the and the vacancies day dinner, they sleepiness (App.ause galleries presiding sustained the amendment, homing thus to load discharge resigned past year officer gun. OPEItA COMPANY A of tbe Council was in church. suppressed.) it down and defeat it. special meeting City new An increase of __ filled by appointments. Mr. Howe said were told that there A number of ot held last evening, it being the last meeting ol they matters were ntroduced for (Late Adclphl Theatre Boston.) the force to 38 men is tbe Marshal, machines to be re- should be a the and the MISSOURI. tbe pre eut eny government. urged by Persons having sewing postponement pending ques- diliatory purposes, House adjourned Will open ihe above named Tbeutre for a Season of AUCTIOjn SALES. tion in order that come ana tbe till five Reports.—Tbe annual reports of the Boards owing tc tbe present length of beats and the paired would do well to Mr. Hobbs a call harmony may Monday. ii'shis, commencing give be beard. He bad beard of do dis- of Oveiseers.,City Marshal. City GasAgent and UDder such circumstances for tbe Gilson’s people Tbe Great Tornado. Monday Evening, March 13th, 1871, impossibility at No 12 Market Square, over Apoth- patches in condemnation of the action of the WASHINGTON. Large Stock of taple and Fan- C'*y Civil Eugiueer, were presented and ac- H. T. Craven’s beautiful comedy of Dry officers to give that attention to their territory ecary. His work aud prices give general sat- SeDate having been received. was the CeCUed. Why BEPOBT OP TBE INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE ON cy Goods at Auction, on tbe best interests ot tbe demand. tf barmuuy here disturbed? Let those whose The report of the committee tbe Fire De- city by Further Particulars of Losses Diiisi on Tuesday. to.r.h at is isfaction._ tbe. discord bad been SOUTHERN OUTRAGES. Meg’s iit; Ttb, on the petition o« Geo. W. Burnham Tbe total number ot arrests have been 2533 instrumentality produced ♦ o'clock, m. and continuing ar 10 A partment, is March OB, THE BROKEN Commencing every day the cate ol baud No. that Webster, under Fluent’s Hall, prepared answer lot themselves. For himself be acted Washington, 10.—Senator Scott to- TOW’S, M and 24 p si until the and valuable lor engine Di*igo 8, causes: assault sold, large the past year for the following his belief of what was submitted a liom the select com- St. March 10.—The losses bv tbe after which Byron’s musical and bur- S'Ock and t tbe prayei ol petitioners be granted wit bout to furnish ail kinds of Pastry, Cake, Ice upon right irrespective day report Louis, tor- laughable ixtares, In aud assault with of clamors. He that mittee ot their into out- nado Wednesday were much exaggerated A lesque of compeuiation for tbeir services; or the joint battery, 83; deadly weapon, all kinds of Dishes thought expressions bad investigation alleged Store Corner Congress and Brown In., Cream and Oysters; Fancy iu the Southern Slates. The cateiui estimate them at about a I committee relative to for a Dew to commit been made here by Mr. Schurz which did not rages committee plaees $355,000. ZA SO E. E LIT spec, grounds 3; adultery, 3; arson, 3; attempt at NAM BUZ A, occnpied by J LE. The stick onsets ot for and the nor state that were directed the resolution Tbe railroads are and statioj bous^.tor the Portland, Saco & Poris- and weddings, private public parties, become the utterer please his hearers. The they by busy repairing damages a large line of Cloaks and Cloakings, Shawls oi ail rape, 2; affray, 33; breaking entermg, 12; the citizens are Tuesday Evening, March 14th, 1871, considered the shortest notice. janlleodtf Senator from Massachusetts had refused to to ascertain first whether the alleged crimes endeavoring to gather up tbe gmies, Dr^ss tioo is in Varietv, 1.1 en Goods. Wool- mouth rail.oad,having carefully H. X. Cravtn'a in two acts breaking glass, 3; common drunkards, 9; were committed bands of a remains of their houses and comedy entitled en Goods. In fact all subject, report that the petitioners have leave give the Sercetary of-State an answer to an by organized polit- collecting together Goods, Fancy g<*ods usually 3rnnkenn.s9.1558: drunkenness and disturb- in Casco Bank Block, 95 Middle street, official ical character, aud second whether persons and their luruitnre. Reports from the country are kept in a tlr»t-claims Dry and Fancy floods store. t) withdraw. Report accepted. Coe, question. Kind to a '1 be slock is coming aed in some localities the Fault, all fresh and will be sold in lets to Of the committee on that three dead disturbance in is to a lot of new Hats and Mr. Sumner remarked that the properly are secure in the Southern States. in, damage suit streets, ance, 203; disturbance, 2; opening day style question and f he comic ot purchasers. asked must have a The committee have confined their labors is considerable. In great burlesque oak tiees oq Portland street may be removed jl been in slight wnisper. Morgan county, liliuois, Toe natures, consisting of Furnace, Show Csvs, school, one; disturbing religious meeting, 2; Caps. to the State North houses, fences and forests were blown or the Wonderful it can be done without expense to the city, ac- whisper. (Laughter.) principally of Carolina, away, AldliABIN, Scamp. Denks, t’urt **n»,i bans, cloak K< nu«, Sato. and and several Stouls, cepted. drinking-house tippling-shop,l; .embez- Mr. Howe continued in his reply to Mr. Irom which they have examined 52 witnesses, persons badly ipjured. At Hele- Wedne-dnv Evening no terfoi mince bv the Ade?- Iaree trench pia.e Minor Ac., will bo included iu Trophy Tomato Seeds, for sale by Kendall the sal •. Passed-That the sum of be Vts from fraud, 1; Sehuiz. He would not have among whom were 29 Republicans, 21 Demo- na, Arkansas, tbe same a'ternoon the hurri- phians as the Th-aire is engaged to o h r emit es. Orders $150 paid zlement, 2; lugit justice, 2; any crawling, leOJSld F. & me some of most cane a number of houses and O. BAILEY ft CO.. Auctioneers. to J oh u D. Williams, l»t A»s Siam Civil En- horse-stealiDg, 2; imposture and Whitney. but stand up like mcD. The Senator irorn crats, uding the pronnueut passed, unroofing Thursday Evening, March 16th, ’71, gambling, 1; members ot either 2 ol no other to gineer lor extra seivices; ihat tbe sum of $100 Massachusetts bad been chairman of the Com- party, parly, and 6 doing damage urof.erty. attempt to rob, 2; insanity, 13; larceny, 151; Now is tbe time to select your Flower and members ot tbe Ku Klux Klan. The Brand 1 i oi ot Land at Aui-tion. be pa'd to the citv messenger. Geo. T. Ingra- mittee ou Foreign Relations tor many years. report Opera Night a full of tbe and ham, for extra seivi‘es; ibat $50 be paid to larceny Irom the person, 2; lasciviousness, 1; Vegetable Seeds. Kendall & Whitney offer a He bad been elected to that pos'tiou every two gives history origin growth ot NEW i»RK. THUSDAY, March 16th, at 12, u’e'c k P. to. we phali W. harbor master lor additional but was that a reason he be the Ku Klux organization, which first appear- ON sell the valuable :ot ot laud on tbs Ben] Joues, lascivious speech, 3; malicious .mischief, 15; large assortment at Wholesale and Retail. Al- years, why should MARINE DISASTER. Rose rf ^astiK FAUST. uorih continued in that ed iu some cooniies of the State as early as western corner oi N**w -ury and Hancwck 8ts., services. under pos.tion. The Senator was Friday March cont.iu night walking, 13; obtaining goods so Tuberose Bulbs. marll-d3t&wlt No reasonable man can New York, March 10—The Evening, 17, >71, ng about^300 teetot land. Tins is ots oi Tne board adhered to their former vote rela- not arraigned for affairs of 1867, and coetmues: Brig Montrose, misconducting tbe Ponce for New the be-t lots in this location. Sale without reserve. falsa pretences, 1; open shop on the Lord’s doubt that the this organization is York, Capt. Peters, with a car- Great * l tive to bv'frams, adopting the majority report tbe committee in tbe past, bat is to be dis- purposeot of otnedy Night Terms sale. Use but tbe Polish for ou the of wit- go 385 hogsheads sugar, was run into of tbe comuii*t» e. a nothing Lightning for tbe reason that the rela- and any attempt pan by mrlot.l F. day, 17; over-driving horse, 3; receiving placed personal political, steamer hence for O. BAILEY ft CO Auctioneers. cleaning Silver and Silver-Plated Brit- tions of the nesses to give it the character of a league sim- Albermarle, Richmond last Fans in the Mrs. Juue P. Thurston presented a petition stolen away from work- Goods, Senator and Secretary of State off the Fire, goods, 3; running for the ot person aud pruoerty night, highlands, and sunk in fifteen represeutmg that Moses Gould built alter the annia, Brass, Copper and Glass. Manufactur- were such that they could not commuuicate on ply protection minutes. Tbe AND Executor’s Sale or Real Estate. away from Reform as an additional evidence captain and crew were saved tiie uu b«-r laud on Turner r.treet. Mud house, 5; running School, confideotal affairs. He for can be viewed ouly grea joy N. D. silver 111 Ex- (Howe) this reason, but lost their effects. to a license from the of tur- from set- ed by Stevens, plater, extent to which its demoralizing effect Judge Frc- a uuin »er ot woodeu houses which the cily 2, running away home, 8; robbery, 6; if for no other, thought Mr. Sumner could of the Turn bile lor the or ol My Neat. PURSUANT County of Cumberland, I shad sell aud to change Room 5. It them instantly a aud influence has beeu carried, their ig- uistiei money to ouild. wishing improve ting fires, suspicion of larceny, 27; suspi- St., gives serve tne country Deuer in some other place. Saturday March at pnbl'c auction, on the premies, on MON- 3; of ils real character. It is to be no- NEW HAMPSHIRE Evening, ISth, 71, said lai d, she requests the citv to clear tbe beautiful polish without injury to the most Mr. Howe said he understood Mr. Sumner norance DAY, »he twenty seventh ol vt.iroh, 1871, at cious persons, search and seizure, 137; steal- the first re- day laud of tfaid buildings. Leave to withdraw 5; mentioned this himself. ticed that after enjoiuiug secrecy, WEATHER ON MOUNT WASHINGTON. Sensation l three o'clock P. u„ the dwelliug house and lot No. delicate surface. It satisfaction is not given that the Night 38 as or ing a Sabbath swindling, ol membership is novitiate Chestnut street, Poitlacd Said premises was grouted, tbe city has nothing to do in ride, 5; breaking, 3; Mr. Sumner replied that he knew nothing of quirement Summit Mount via Little- Will be prodaced the siartling seus.it ion of the pe- belong- the will be refunded. tf member ot the "Red or Washington, ing to the estate ot Edward Robinson, dece sed. with tbe said pr* mises. of arson, of break- money it. is not a String Order,” March 10 riod. 5; suspicion 2; suspicion of in mind ton, —Observation taken at 7 P. M.— Terms Cash. Wm. H. *1 EKKiS, JCyscutor. Alderman Curtis of Ward the Mr. Stewart said there was a ol the "Heroes America,” bearing 1, presented and single sale, 3; seining fish simple, p'ain Barometer 2925; change minus thetmome- F. O. BAILEY ft Cu., uctiooevrs. ing entering, 2; J03 Printing.—Scud your orders for Jo that this order of “Heroes of Ameiica” .17; The Will and the following resoluton; principle involved, namely, whether Senators ter 25; change minus 11; relat ve Way Portland. February 20. 1871. law.1wM30,27,mr« That the of this at in violation of State ordinance. 4; truancy, 7; Press House were to the rebellion aud tbat its humidity 100; Ittsolced, members Board Printing to the Daily Printing mieht vote tor officers of their choice without opposed wind W. N. 62 miles hour. Seats reserved at the box office were charged with treason against W.; velocity per during the day. tin close of ibt-ir offi oat l «bors, present their and common prostitutes, 102; bathing their motives Senators members Tbe wind was Doois vagrants where they will be promptly attended to at the having questioned. aud that it had West until 4 P. M., when it open at 7, curtain uses ai 8 o’clock, R. K. HU 1ST, bis Honor ir. had a to the csnfederacy, for its object thuuks to Benjamin Kingsbury, within lim in right say they preferred Mr. Cameron as and it is now rorlltd city ts, 10; coasting streets,3; owest rates. Wm. M. Mares. to the constitution of the United changed above, growing cold. foa ilie ability wuh which he has presided over possible for chairman of the Committee on Re- adherence There have been Adve* tis r ai d Sunday Siar please copy. Gommisaion Merchant and house offal, sidewalks, Foreign the restoration ot the clouds in tbe mountains dur- Auctioneer our deliberations and 'be uniform courte-v collecting 4; obstructing lating. This was not the first States aud Ubioo. It r- time a mau the ing the day, and it has rained several times. has bis offi- bat and snow- had for follows that the spirit of organization ioto aou kmdues^ which characterized 2; playing hall, 6; throwing BUSINESS NOTICES. been beaten office and had his There was sleet half a O. 316 Congress st., will sell eveniug aspira- were admitted under this oath mile down the every cial aud relaiious with each one of us. tions He believed which men is railway li assortment ot and Goods. personal balls, 1; throwing stones, 9; assault on officer, disappointed. businets when it was raining on the summit. large Staple Fancy that ol rebellion, and that it refuses Goods wm be soia the iu lots to »ui Accepted by a unanimous aud rising vote.. Briggs’ Pile Remedies are a snccess. tf. would be more satisfactorily performed Mr. fellowship J. H. during day 5; resisting police, 5; open vault, 1; wit- by who are true to the United States.— Huntington. wholesale Cash advanced on a« Mavor Kiugsbury arose and expres>ed bis Cameron than by Mr. Sumner. to those turchasersat prices. 13. for membership were tbat ascriptions of goods. Consignments not limited. nesses, Get Corn and Bunion Remedies Mr. Wilson said Mr. Howe was a gentleman Other requisites ap- AIR Briggs’ OXYGEN 11, 1868. dtt 608 were taken before the should not have been members of TELEGRAPHIC ITEM*. February some appropriate and eloquent remarks briefly Of these arrests of high character and ability, but he (Wilson) plicants tbe or Grand of the A .qfflolncr rm vhinh nninfora nrara of nrotlr 344 reviewing bis official service, aud closing by Court, 101 were committed to the believed Mr. Howe had given no reason for Union League Army Repub- Congress Municipal Try Throat and Lung Healer, tf. as if these were Street, to of the Briggs’ ol Mr. Sumner lic; and net enough, an obli- fell Friday in wishing happiuuess every member ou 7 delivered the removal that could con- Charlestown, Mass., killing work-house Overseers’ warrant, was made that Established for the cure of government. vince the country. The reason for bis removal gation expressly no member of Bcnj. Barker and oadly injuring Lewis Kim- Tlie Famous “Weber" out of the 1 taken to Briggs’Allavantor cures Catarrh. tf. or A'derra in Curtis also offered the to officers belonging city, bail not been hut there was these organizations any bolding radical views ball and James A. Del any. following: yet given, a reason CATARRH, Is now the the lusaue 9 sent to their homes eat or sbou'd be allowed to bo iuit‘ated. BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, regarded Resolved, That the Board ot Mayor and Al- Hospital, lor it which baidly ought tube avowed any- opinions of the 2 delivered to the truant 2 The New York Medicine is mak- lurtber is to all radi- deruieu, recognizing the fidelity and courtesy city, officer, University where. Hi removal grew out of the San Do- The obligation oppose COMMLKCIAL, delivered to of Reform com- and negroes in all their C ON'S UMP TI BEST JPIAN J MADE ! which have uniformly been exbib'ted by the Superintendent School, ing more cures than all other medecines mingo quesliou. But for that should cals political designs. O N, 4 dii-chareed by leaving tbe city,4 committed they Some ot the members ot the order stated tbat City Clerk, H. 1. Ltobiusoo, Esq., ia the dis- bined. Branch Office, 250 Congress St. Ad- never have heard of Mr. Sumner’s removal. Ktccipf* by Kailionda and Npanboair. ED. B. ROBINSON, Sole A (Ml, ol his offi ial duties iu couuectiou with to wait ihe action of the Grand jury,2 taken they did not remember but whether it was DYSPEPSIA, SCROFULA, charge The people of the country will come to the Portland & Kennebec Railroad—1 car lum- Has also first-class instruments at reduced to Boston, 1798 discharged without vice free. P. Staples, agent. .tt. of tbe or the effect of tbe pries* this biard, do hereby express to him their cemplaint. conclusion that the trouble has part obligation nut, ber, 2 do shooks, 57 oil bbls., 13 bides, 7 boxes goods, And all diseases arising irom impure blood. The ot the criminals was as Pillows; for a founda- of his and nativity obligation leads to that result. It is 8 15 bols 81 3 cases Gaboon Block next hearty appreciation ability, genial tion the question of annexation of San Do- preceding pkgs furniture, sash, door9, goods, Treated “OXVCKJI Waie-Rooms, City Building. United Slates, British Provinces, 43; Ire- Grief, Excessive Anxiety, or Prolonged to tbe barrow 9 bbls. 51 by Breathing AIR,’ Is disposition by wbion be has not only 741; He wished this not necessary pursue argument lurtber 11 bdls teeth, potatoes, pkgs mdse, tet»2eomly obliging land Scot- _:ii nr tho xr.itron■ mingo. question had never for 1533; England, 102; France, — --— nor from evidence to show tbat 29 cars Beston, 30; I- --J cite tbe freight facilitated tbe transaction ot public tusiness, arisen. Ninety-nine men out of 100 who elect- organi- relation land, 31: Germany. 14: Spain, 5; Holland, 6; zation itself was secret, wbicb the terms of Grand Trunk Railway—32 cars 1 do hui b is rendered his official pleasant System. In proportion as the strength of that ed this administration in 1868 will disapprove by lumber, Views of the aud Sweden,6; China,!.; Prussia, 3; Denmark, 1; its oath excludes all members of other secret bark, 4 do corn, 1 do laths, 6 do flonr, 1 do oil, 2 do meuicaieu innaiations Stereoscopic aud a:r jeahle to each one Jioatd, is the mind in troubled of the act of the of the Senate. Men Colored Am. Indians 5. system expended npon majority whose were extra beet, 1 do shooks. 3 do potatoes, 9 do sundries; in no small degree to the har- 17; of societies! objects to protect aod TAKEN BY THE PARTY ON has contributed in Massachusetts all parties are indignant 1 car to 3 iu our There iiava been 882 lodgers of tbe following so are the organs of assimi- the of the United States. shipments Last, four; shipments Europe, In connection with other The aie which has been so conspicuous thought, digestion, and feel to see an eminent Senator preserve government public mony United States British Provin- outraged cars seed. 20 do provisions, 3 do pens, 7 do potash. invited to call and with each otuer. nativity: 301; lation aud nutrition rendered inactive and of down It it is of a political character what is tbat investigate relations twenty-five standing stricken Steamer Montreal from Boston—14 bdls ces, 29; Ireland, 386; France; 19; years I'UIIIOUUI VlltVI UV 1C X I1U ice IX UJU U to UUiiUlUl Xu is resolution was unanimously, England,93; because a Sum- J frbk of chars.f itbt. adopted sluggish in proportion as the system becomes there is dispute whether Mr. wood saws, 12 do wasbboards,3 casks oil, 5 bugs cocoa nasmn^ton a neat iu Scotland, 19; Germany, 4; Spain, 1; Arabia, the that noue but members of the Democratic aud Mr. Uobinson made speech reply. ner answered a to him by par- nuts, 13 pcs marble, 4J cases shoes, 20 bdls chair THIS 1; 2; Sweden, 3; Russia, 1;. Africa, 1; infirm. Every individual has some one organ question put or Lettersotioqu.ry promptly answered aud treat- WINTER. offered a resolution ot Norway, there ty the Conservative party in North Carolina boxes 10 40 coils cord- Abler 01411 Xollord Colored Am. Secretary of State". Great God! was stock, 30 oranges, jars snuff, ment sent it desired. Address, his faith- 21; IndiaD.l. weaker than the and this is the join it. Th,s the case the members of 24 beds 40 boxes C4 m »i8 sale WM. thanks to Mr. Geo. T. Iugrabam for rest, always ever such a farce before the world? Hu being age, 90 bars iron, pails, spices, 3w_For by (ESTER. There has been about $3700 worth of lost and played the of the Irish b 6 boxes tresh 1 20 bbls. ful service as Messenger, and as this com- first to suffer duriBg nervous for said to his friends that had better lay the press political party which, accord- qrs et, fish, bhdsugar, City stoleu recovered aud restored to its prostration; they 1 10 < man ilia 25 property in to had of its beer, 5 do rum, organ, coil rope, pkgs Dr. J. his iu that office, the matter over till had all their forces ing testimony, 40,000 adherents P. BROWER, pletes twenty-tilth ytar owners. example, afflicting news sometimes causes to- they furniture, 10 cases and 10 bates nomestics, 20 fiikins ALLAN LINE. as a valued eurolled in these would be to the testimony ol great respect for him fropt and more in the rear. had as much camps, say 1 3 horses, 40 125 to 344 Tbe amount of moDey collected and paid to tal of the muscular action of the They least under to their butter, corpse, bags spices, pngs CoBRrfM Street, Parilntsd, Mr servant of the was tendered. Mr. Ingra- suspension as could do to their banner with- great temptation palliate tor Canada and up couuiry. 57 4 CARRYING THE city the City Treasurer and Aldermen lor the year they uphold order; plates iron, CANADIAN ham to this resolution. when the is debilitated, produc- a Mr. Wilson ofleuces and withhold denunciations when bales twiue, 180 bdls leather. 12 casks nails, 29 wal- Drs. E. Clark, J. M. Cummings and C. H. Barr AND STATES replied suitab'y was li- heart, patient out giving place to dissensions. has been $282.75 of which $194 for dog ot crimes them. To marble 20 bales oakum 6 AMermuu offered the thanks of No doubt in the were charged against show nut boards, 5 slabs, do of give permission to refer to them in to the w.-'Tlffg* UNITED McCarthy and 75 for and cart li- ing sudden bemorrage and death. protested name the great Republican regard the B >ard censes, $88 hack, dray, come how this is viewed, the of wool, 4 casus soda ash, 8 bbls. dye wood, 1 horse, 190 to George P. Wescott, Esq,, the this which will subject testimony remedial power of “Oxygen as administered censes. any looger remains of the of re- party against proceeding, to order. Air, Cha rinau. for the courteous aud im- practicability several gentlemen of high standing in opposite pkgs Paaaenaera Booked to I.ondouderry and worthy and about back to trouble them. by Dr. J. P. Brower, 334 street. il There has been seized destroyed storing the nervous and the re- Dolitical in their own words is Coogress Physi- IDvrrpest. Return Ticket, granted at parti manner in which he has discharged the system, through Mr. said that no man had a higher parties given. New Vsrk Mieck aim >foiwey tVliarket* 5000 of intoxicating liquors; twenty Nye The cians supplied with or Water. Reduced Rote.. dunes ot his position. aud Alderman gallons nerves and muscles of the impaired organs for Mr. said he, committee give the names ot ninety blacks Oxygen Oxvgeuated Adopted, «• gard Sumner than he, but, March 10— 111 dc3 \V e-c*»u reams Dave un-up* «**. *.•*.*-*- and Sin- New York, Morning.—Gold j. Mon- r,t,s THE to the com- i-tray the the chairmen forty-tour whites in the counties of appropriately responded m Fellows’ Compound Sykup of Hypophos- suppose Senate had charged ey 4 per cent. Sterling Exchange 109} @ 110ft. pliment. small pox reported, 54 dangerous place* would clair, Catawba, Craven, Caswell, Steomahip Caapluu, Copt. Scott, and nuisauces of the Military, Finance or Committees Alamance, The following are the forenoon quotations of South- Aideroian street 15 drains,vaults, phites has been proved to possess such RutU- OF THE METRO POL rots tor on Bailey offered the thanks of the reported, power the become The tact is ap- Chatham, Jones, Orange, Rockingham, ern States securities: 18 will leave port Liverpool, SATURDAY. found and secured, people deranged? JJANK Utli. alter hoard to the Ketforters ot tbe several reported, 32 stores open in numerous instances. It will impair strength news- erlotd, Wake and other counties, nearly all of MARCH immediately the hrrlvat ot the daily and none parent and is commented on by every Tennessee 6’s.6* Son, 41 and 43 Ninte tram ot the previous dav trom new-p ipers lor toe able and 12 searches for made di- whom were the remainder shot, Street, Montreal, manner iu which they liquor to overcome trouble or affliction. Persons paper in the that Mr. Sumner is as far whipped, and Tennessee (is, new. 644 luve the land, of Besides To be tollowed by the reported proceedings tbe nasi year (ound. from Secretary hanged or driven from their homes. Virginia 6’s. 66} Seandliavlan, Cant* Ballan- are accustomed to look the dark side vided the President and BOSTON. at which wa« adopted. who upon these the testimony 6s, new. 67 tine Sat day, Feb 18. Slate as was from Lazarus, lhey specific cases of outrages Virginia of third o( the the rich man This Bank, having it9 Alderman Curiis, Wardl, of The People’s Concerts.—The and who see no pleasure in living, on using Secretary refers iu terms to others committed iu Missouri 6s.9 } ^feiodeled Banking-House, to Bailey Ward could not remove the President and general making it one of the most Passage Londonderry and L>verpool, cabia tac- ol Ward 2, Wescott of shows in Louisiana Ha, new.63 pleasant and convenient to 0, Xollord Wards Mc- Concerts ’occurs on Monday evening this soon learn to value and the chairman- thirteen other counties. Testimony ot access in the coritiog accommodation) »T0 to *90 I People’s Syrup enjoy life, of State, but they could change Alabama 89. .100 city, will continue to receive de- Cmhy lit Ward 4, ao Scoter of Ward the house Relations, many instances that murders and whippings discount in Gold or Us 3’. then and, if the last one was any criterion, and those who or ship of the Committee of Foreign Georgia 6s. 81 posits, promptly for customers, buy and equivalent. some excel!* ut study deeply during long were in the Ku-K.lux sell Bills on IJF“tror Freight" or Cabin made vety aud. touching re- which Mr. to expressly voted upon North Carolina 6*, old.48 London, Dublin, Paris, Amsterdam, passage apply to tbe I will be filled to overflowing. per- find iu the a of the Nye proceeded justify. «•* A. ntnks, r laling to pleasant iutercoutse ot Amongthe hours wjll Syrup promoter me and executed the members- When new. branktbrt-on-the.-Main. and all other cities ol ALLAN, No. (India SL The report ot the Soutbera outrages by meetings by North Carolina o’s, 26} Portland, Nov. members aud the unvarying formers will be Mrs. J. B. Sher- re- disclosure of their te- Europe, Asia and Airica. and issue Letters ol Credit 29, 1869. dtt the Courtesy with at this concert power of endurance iu the brain. committee at this point was it.is remembered that the South Carolina 7s. old.79 has borue b.rnself investigation death new. tor traveler?* (which will be honored in any part or the inwards and aad wh en each member toward of Prof. of Boston, Miss cret incurs the penaltyfof South Carolina 7s, 65J •1-Vi.,1 ^ ontwarda, wood, pupil Dudley ceived and ordered to he printed. proceedings world,) upon the most tavorable terms. Parties on England for small timnnnti, ap~ others. All cuucurred in saying that the and all such as involve members March 10— continued 11 Annie The Waf “to minister to a mind diseased” Mr. said that he did not expect acy- other secrets New York, Evening.—Gold would do .‘.II to betorc elsewhere. Idy smooth aud J. Ayers, Mrs. Wentworth Stevenson, Logan aud vio- the clearances apply engaging years’ service has been unusually the result. in the guilt of assassination, murder dull and steady alt day closing at ill}, We are letters ot the L. St. Shaw's Out is to take Peruvian Syrup, a protected solution thing he could say would change instantly receiving toilow- FARMER, 31 India and toe .ministration upon city ufiairs trio,'and Mrs. Shaw accompanist. He lence would be most sacredly guarded, it is re- having been little less than $40,000,000. Specie ship- ___JAS. pleasant That was a foregone conclusion. the ingimpoi and the was sad readers of iron, which streugtb had bas teen ments Saturday will be sin ill in e ns*quence oi L A. every way agreeable, parties: who have heard Prof. Wallach dis- of the protoxide gives desired to his reasons for what he not that so little evidence "JiAH Way. Esq.: MAX UFA return give markable, sale to London to-day by German bankers ot $1,000,- travelled in Turkey and CTT7RER8 all and especially to those who do not course sweet to the whole system, restores the di- doDe. He differed from the in the procured bearing upon these particulars cases, Having Asia, other parts music on the mouth harmouica aDd vigor majority itOO ot Governments purchased in thisctv yesterday. ot with a Letter ot Credit next by a re-election. will and but rather should he elicited. Mem- Europe, issued by your year be pleased to to health thereby restor- change of the chairman of the committee, that any Governments closed and firm despite tbe low- 1 take in adoed in conclusion a few learn that Mr.Frank Pingree, gestive organs perfect to the to into de- steady Bank, ploasuro acknowledging the uuitorm Mayor Kingsbury now he diflered with that as bers of the order were unwilling go er in Londou. A subscription of $60,000 and attention shown one of bis to its natural vigor. gentjeman quotations courtesy by your eorresinm- word, ot aud the board pupils, win exbibit his the mind the stated iu geueral to The follow- farewell, adjourned, proficiency ing reasons assigned for it. He did Dot believe tails; however, they enough he new loan was announced to-uay. dents. EDWIN HADLEY/ Insurance on the same this or- Company, sine (lie. instrument. a re- change had been made because the time confession to authorize the belief tbat ing arc the closing The cost of times merely quotations: IN COMMON COUNCIL. seat lor the A and many extensively the men Uuited Stares 1881. N. B. A will be OF served concert is but cents ¥S~ profuse had arrived for re-tormiDg "the committee.— ganization, by whatever pretence coupun 6’s, commission allowed to Banks or kBOSTON, MASS. thirty with short of no United States5-20's 1802. who rder elters or bills tor * the admisdon is offensive discharge from tbe nose “stop- There should he good reasons for any change were induced to enter it, slopped Bankers their triends. In the hoard of common council rules were while only cents. United Slates 5-20’s 1864.1121 teb2i(-2a wi!6t Ala 'v39t-1 twenty of and the reasons in the in- however criminal, to accomplish its y lelaiive to business Horn tbe Boaid of the nose at timeif, impairment given present means, United States 5-20’s 1865. 112} Statement made to the Commissioner of the State suspended ping up” were sufficient. almost with- weak stances he thought emire'y purpose, q!be testimony quoted United States and ot as of Aldermeu the same evening. of smell and taste, watering of the 5-20’s, January July.lllj Maine, required by law, Jan. 1, 1871. The Adelphi Theatre Compart.—a the sense Mr. Sumner had not been direlict in ability out exception establish! s that outrages United States 1867... ..Hi] Pape's came down and were acted upon in few oc- 5-20’s, irregular appetite, or What was tin Perpetrated these bands in disguise were United States 5-20’*, concurrence. weeks ago the popular place of amusement in eyes, impaired hearing, political principle energy. by 1868.lllj DAILY PRESS Capital, $400,000. over the Was it because be failed to answei inflicted members of the Republican United States 10-40h.109, Mr. li ce as the crsional and pain reason? upon of Ward 1, offered an order author- Boston kDOWn Adelphi Theatre was de- uausea, pressure attend f in some in- Paeitic oc- or declined to party, both white and colored; 0’s.114; Gross Amount of As.et. ut tkeir Cub izing the City Xieasur- r 10 pay John D. Wil- the and at times in the back of the head, plivate questions Uuion Pacific Isi 83 stroyed by fire, thus leaving excellent eyes, diuner Must the chairmanship of thi stances the tact tbat they were of that patty mort. I'au.s, 1st. Assistant Cily $150 for and a feel* party. in Union Pacific income bonds.G9 Value, Engineer to the establishment with casional feet, mil te he lime the chairmat being given as a reason for punishment; extra services. Passed. comnaoy attached chilly sensations,cqld com changed every Union Pacific land grams. 73 to others the crime some such act 1 be mmontv They are all artists ii iog of lassitude and debility are symptoms happens to he personally distasteful alleged being Union Paeitic stock.'/I lepmt o' the Committee on out any abiding place. -thn as for $1,480,404.40. xiyorants relative which of them ecutive or to a member of his cabine*. keeping Sunday School colored children; Central Pacific bonds.’’. to Poitland Water Co came of the dramatic, , are common to Catarrh, yet all their several lines burlesqu. not in accordance with the independent diving as a sufficient reason in on.-instance Money easier and loans readily made at i'a) 4 A'dennen to lbe>r are not Ca* was p. ..1*«,*T».44. adhering have been present in case. Dr. that *he 01 cent. Ster.ing weaker at House, a.'.mi*.111'.1’ play every Safe's three disguise Exchange Printing !be aud minstrel profusions, and of the branch of the government negroes had assumed closing lOSf (J 8 ma.toritv report. The Couoctl tarrb legislative Ku were adbereifto'iiw4 E cities sine > Remedy cures Catarrh iu its worst fo'ms was chairman or the Commute! Klux to cover their crimes, but they A.:ent at Portland, urmBr vote tbe minor- in the different New .gland Henry Clay blocks continue strong and Anur adopting ipg and to wbou det* aDd are now iu the peui- advancing. fty ri-po.t s stages. It is pleasant to and contains on Foreign Relations when Jackson, cted, convicted ward was 109 EXCHANGE ST. F. PEERING, a week engage use, ■ tendency decidedly apparent in tbe mig the fire and will commence and that bum Some of the witnesses also say they NATlIANIEls i.epoitsof Overseers of Poor Gas A.pnt no poisonous or caustic Sent mail he did not speak, was President tontiary. cetlaneous list and coal securities, New York ten Music Hall on Monday nigbl drugs. by on hor have no that the was tral announces a 4 8t. ly Mur5Ua> wt,u moot at Portland ner was chairman of the Committee doubt disguise assumed per cent, dividend on the stoc L lOO MI(Idl« «c~Pted in on receipt of sixty cents. Address wa in not Ku and No, ooSSSti an- R. Y. Pierce, Andrew Johnson other cases had men who were scrip, payable April 15th. Shore was an rencpC We refer our readers to the advertisement 1J3 Seneca street eign Relations when by objec Buffalo, N. Y Sold by favor o t Klux, whether or speculation and it was out WJW. N. NARKS, PKIIVTER.; 1*TI. kb4lau>J3m Simon,on °f Ward 2 them and made a speech in The secoud inquiry, namely, to-day, given that [ February 4tb, moved the order an- 1 thty will see that a groat treat is offered druggist*. marTth-eodlw tu-th-s&wlt President, I EDUCATIONAL. real SELECTED STORY. j MISCELLANEOUS. estate. MJCELLANEOUB. MEDICAL. RAILROADS. STEAMERS. Eaton Family School Farm for Sale. re Business Index, UB. J. B. HDGUE8, ( of the N. ‘WOOD ABOARD!” & Tiie Flight Empress Qr7 PAT?K>'¥t Y lor Jid. contains Hat of (US M r07HD AT HU 'pring Arrangement, For B FARM with House. Barn and out 30.000 liuesa UPI’^LL -ys. Buildings. Uf Opportuni ies, West and S--uth. with 01 wo d j LIPPMAN’S j ano tin < A 30 b 50 ts. a west a*k for tickets via. Eugenio, NOBB1BGEWOCK ME,, lent; her, or 40 vounz page9 muiy only year. Juz3-lwt When you go Commencing March lOtb. Apple trees Never tailing welt of watei. g od Hold PRIVATE MEDICAL ROOMS The Term will commence lor or Southern spiing crops grass, 3 miles irom mddttoid For S77S Ao. 14 Preole Street, I Lake I9h«reaad flliclHgan I HBOP MCILVAIIVE'S ACCOUNT. March 27th. Possession given at any me. II-bA-L-T-H ! ! Wside i.im: to great, Monday, Enquire >,i Next the Prehie -OB- & co Bmh, The school has been uuuer the management of the H'jopfk, Eaton WhaltB the sick man irom bis bed? ^ JIE March nCTllBBB ha can be uonaoltod and wit present lor 15 and with him Portland, 10,1811,mrlueoulm Whirings the wile and mother up? pneately, Pennsylvania Central RailiomU Penobscot The accouut'of the of the Principal years boys, Tf the utmost confidence the tmloted, at following flight wi’l find a home and receive tn- Wb&iengihens feeble cuily Lead? by pleasant thorough Dura daily, and from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. The roads on the coDti- ex ol France Irons when the Farm tor Sale or And:ers them all lue vinous best and quickest running AND MACHIAS. Empress Paris, ttruction. Exchange for Keal cnp? Dr. **. under the Jow or lower DOUD’b NERVINE. addresses those who are suffering Inent. Sore connections, and rates a9 lose ami threw off the or her Hamlin f. baton. Estate in iffilottua of from population yoke Bitters t-ortlana. One i rivets diseases, whether arising ban any other rou e. German For sale by Drngeists Price Dollar 4w«ll7 tu was Mcll- Pre9. Unl- in Falmouth ten | oonneotton or Refebfncf.s—J.P. Champhn, Co’by miles ™ mpure the terrible rice of self-abuse. biiui, given lately by Bishop Irom Port'and. When south ask for tickets via ONKTRIP pBR WEEK. Ed. Zions Advoca’e. F. O. *aim about, one • Devoting his entire of you go vaine, at a meeling calied by the siudenlsof veisny. W. H. Shailer, SITUATEDcontaining unci red acres well JNT8 WANTED FOB time to that particular Drench Jrse. lr and T. O. Heisey, Portland. r.ivldeu into fit-id, p *ture. and wood ihe medical profession, he warranted in 'Iuab- in Ob'o. It re- Llbbv, Ku^el, i*nds Has a 'eels Ke.iyou College, Gambler, Mar7-'i3w FINE YOUNG ..RCHaRD whi h with IffMUie 4 Cuas ib ill whether of long Great Southern Mail Iloute , Steamer T.EVTIS- _ good “re Casks, Tmv t'.‘,,0,|te sembles in most an account which w ulu interest on the or particulars rF" Lipproan’s Great German pat lnrestn e it. Buildings in Handing recently controcted, entirely removing the has .'hif'.s Kcern-.Bllt Bitters strengthens of Wbicb been put in the most excellent repair l‘ has been in this journal, tbe deb.litated. good tepair. For particl.rs ap, ly to or Iregs disease from the system, and making a per* ^ .o d aneady published address. md uow miKts conne< ti »ns this < Wtaart p '“fierno such Literature! RUFU-i fact and I'kbmnknt our*. prorrpt'y. By bui the incidents lelaied are with German STANLEY. FEE ■»»o*p vou Mtc ■ rV.tin.»»»*v K.iiiay given LOVE to bt D.C. pr viItged at HSF*Lippman’s Great German Bitters strengthens Laiiguigeand mrl0-3w No. 19s Fute He would call the attention of the afflicted to I fie jp Washington their authenticity. th9 Street, Me. md visit of interest. n Tin. -re,® striking particularity, and consumptive. Portland, AND act of his long-ftandmtr and places Express «<',,•„?,* nao a Gentleman of native ol ITS VOTARIES. well-earned reputation VJ'kY-k poU*'‘‘m! a a H'sLop by experience, to via en. I el I> Corn in trorn such soutce—Ihe Great cures Kid- urnlahlBg sufficient assurance of nls skill and sue* When you go New Vors always ssk for tickets <} .seuispo^.Cisih,-. CdfP’L'ppn.an’s German Bitters Benin, and ol the ol House for Sale. Hart, .t, one who aided the night TAUGHT granuaie University by Dr. Jno. Fills. Large Sales, Immense Profits less. West (Mt. Destrt.i leteived them from n*-y Complaints., A ONE and a PtLI. IIIVKK LINK, M,U„ridie* •Jouy9Ju!,e^ Heidelberp, Geimany. hall story house, Stopemioufevelatiobs annity and Pe nnsterirg. The who e STEAMERS BRISTOL AND PKOVIDEVCE, R» turnin' wlH leave Ma hiai^rt lrom the Cleve- ***- water on tDO CaeiUe to she Publta pvrrv Tue-div ed iti us We copy male Complaints. teb24*lm “UEKMAN,” Box 2126, P. O. premises, his wi I laidie and its uni- IO o'clock, at perusal. prope-tv he sold -t a bngtin if subject hb'eocsness exposed to Avery intelligent and thinking person must know fcjr* State boom, 9ecnie• Tiuleries, triends, Prince Metter- Great Germau Bitters cares Liver Congress stre.t, or ol 9-31 ble fact, that mars syphilitic patients are made mis- Li ppman’s ^ Liver Extract,contniu in acooceu- cc O 175 Pore and 1 Portland. nieh. tbe ambassador aud fed form, al1 the medical erable ‘with ruiu d constitutions by maltreatment Exchange Ste,, LINE Spanish M. Li virtues sseps, Com plaint. MISS ETTA A. FILES. Principal, of 5 7* 1 ment and cure. The inexperienced genera) practi- -FOR- Search of the Em ess. J foiiLd ber lorry o 1 aria, KJear Co.. 111. lo.O. « _» Portland fk pi bey par- The Term of th s commence 1 Apruo, not time to mat- R. Spring Institution will acres ot laud, well wooded and wa- O-nts Please send at once tioner, having neither opportunity Ogdensbtirg R. ol a one of her jy Lippinan’s Gieat German Bitters the «o,_ to Rev. *2 « AND LIVERPOOL. taking veiv 'uneli will) purifies tere' a im'l Newell. **■ theix and after QUEENSTOWN fmgal blood. ||| D.D.Paris 111. two boxes JL himself acquainted with pathology, commomy Monday, December 26 h. 1870. and FEBRUARY excellent '• unti lurther not ladies, a id her ears could not be aroused. TUESDAY, 28th, 1871,. The building's are new and consist ot a fine ^ 5. your Cod-Liver Drngoes. r* Q one of treatment, in most cases mak- ON Ice. train* will run as u.liows: 1 *a to at the Canard nearly o sro tho bo.t pursues system tcLgcrs embark Wh’i.derscyUity Great German h--y thing la the of w Hot lau>i for it to the two SyXtppman’s Bitters, the best and continue eleven bricK house 32x3* wiili an ell. slated roof and ^ shape ing an indiscriminate use oi that antiquated and dan- W. Baldwin and intermediate Seeing impossible persuade ber, weeks. copper ediciuo my father I m ever used. «g i^eav** Full vitdicme. barn 3©*7i and J5 stati ns ai 9 a. m. and 1 45 p. m. used loice to remove her. At this LEONARD D. A. B., Principal, putters, ciapboarded painted, and a V..u.-., V. M, lixWKl.L M.l>. C TJ gerous weapon, the Mercury. gentlemen CARVER, o Leave Webt Baldwin lor URSDA B35r*Lippman’s Great German Bitters stable 24*30. all in g<*od repair. Qhis g be bad of Druggists general I v and o Portland and intermedi- Every WEDNESDAY, EverTTH yT • ue a regulates Miss MARY C. A. piopenv consented to make slight preparation, the Bowels. LOWE, B., Preceptress, will be sold if for soon. the ft q lUo Wholesale Ageut« for the U. S. f« ^ ate btaiioiis at 8 a no and 12 30 p. m. as follow?: as follows: low, applied Apply to flan Vsafidsaosi * dress the T M. WARD & CO., lata <- mi The 8 a. m. train trom W. jnr*A.March 1 SIBER A.March 2 and without at all changing her (lor Miss L.YDIA M. FOLLANSBEE, subs nber at saco. or 92 Commercial St., Portland. 3 Baldwin and the 145 Lippman’s Great German Bitters excites the V <*. Ward, Socthfbland & r Ai who have committed an excess ot ind* PAKTH 9 n entered lie catch- m^ Saco Mar?b 7tb, 1871. Co., w any p. m. train trom Pomand will be freight trains with HlNA.March 15 ALEPPO.Ma ch 16 a small leathern relieule, she put into Text Books lur- HOBSCN. ing up gy L i ppm an’s Great German Bitters will Board and tuition reasonable. r\g rebuke of misplaced confidence in m a rarer yean, Stages will connect as follows: ALGERIA.March 2V B % I A V A.. VI an b 23 and 1 wo give I 5^^^en^bymidUmrecelpto^>rlce^^ni q nisbed the at Pot Hand IB ... ll two poi ket-handkercbiels, books. Youthtul Vigor. by Principal prices. SKBK SOB AH ANT’DOTK 8*ASOB. At So. Windham daily for Bridgton via. Ray- ABYSSINIA... March 29 | SaMAI I A. March 30 Testament atm a utt TH* »S H. MEAD, Secretary. The Pains and Aohes, and Lassitude and Nervous mond and • arrymg arrvuu Cabin the New piayn-DOOK. Lippman’s Great German Bitters cures De- FOK j^^ecy^TjbsntTitMoMlo^Liver^Oil^^njl Naples. North Bridgton, Feb. 3d, 1871. Ieb7-2aw&w3w SALijiT Prostration that may toilow Coition At tor Great Only Cabin and her head she put a riding hat, and then bility. Impure While Hock daily Falls and Passengers Steerage Passengers by are the Barometer to the whole system. North Standish. that time thoroughly arou'ed, she lied through KB**L,ippman’s Great German $1000 lor a HOUSE, partially finished, three-tourths Do not wait lor the consummation that is sure to IN- At ls dailv riRST CABIN. FI*»8-C%HIN, Bitters, ol a mile irom Steep Ha for L’mington. at e: cot he1 ter ANEW Port'and Biioge, on the road lead- 1a«! rfn nnt wait. Taw ITnalirTit!v TTln«ri for f Gold the pa through long riders, dowu, up remedy. Westbrook TO’CLOCK. At Baldwin daily for Effingham calls via No. SingleTieket.. ..$130 Sinzle Ticket. *«0 Gold Seminary. ing to the house op t he t, i I in lteiurn ticket.. of Li meeting Cape Eliza- Disabled for Loss of K 250 G„!nnod veiling-house, containing frequent [•P CANADA. $::4 CURRENCY. WILLrooms, a good and lot 1 Beaonrcea and Prognn- Its often accompanied a slight smarting or burn- companying her questioned on this side and stable, 4ux&0, ceutrally Beauty, d«r, by Pas-engers booked to all parts of tbe New JXTL.ES CLl. L. MOliAZAlN, located on Cumberland st. ileaUbfu Incan and and itn At- sensation, and weakening the system in a man- Eng- the other the mean of it and ON’S 01L OF LIFE, th* best Rheumatic Fertility, ing land States. ng all, appeared from ot rnctiona aad as a Home for ner cannot account for. On Alteration ot Trains. KAYand Neuralgia Liniment ktiw»vn. It cures all parts, Inquire JOHN C. PROCTER, Advantages the patient examining Drafts is.-uci tor £1 ami to he greatly interested iu the fe20if new Book free of a sediment wil loften be upward?. proceedings, pains and aches in the system. For sa'e by all Teacherotthe French 93 Exchange Street. Immigrants—A cost, the urinary deposits ropy while the Empiess rank back out of in Language, cnpileu rom official souice and published uy di- found, and sometimes small particles of semen or al- sight Druggists. novl8eod&wly Late WINTER ARRANGEMENT. APPLY Af THE COMPANY’S HO the bad a Master ot Modem Languages in the Provin- C‘i »n of Governor Horace Austin. bumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin milk- OFFICE. carriage. Tliey JoDg ride out be Suburban Real Estate for Sale STATE STRFE'. BOSTON cial Tiaining School, High and grammar Schools. Its ti le ind cates its contents. It exhibits the in- isb hue, again changing to a dark and turbid appear- yond the Camps Elysees to the JATIEW quieter paits ANNUAL STATEMENT Si. John, N. B. RFNT. Four acres of land, very pleasantly •cements offered by Minnesota to persons ance. There are many men who die of this difficulty. On ALEXANDER, Ac’l, of the when seeking and alter Monday, Oct. 31, 1870, OR IN PUn.lL.VND vu city, they alighted, dismissed the Relerences: Gen. J. M. J. "W. OHlocated, w tn a one story House, containing eight iw bcmes, hei w-ndertul unex<>m|dcd of the cause, which Is the will OF Brown, Symonds resourcts, Ignorant Trains run as tolfows: t > avoid THE roon s; also barn and *o d shed. Situa ed in and 'Uiure. It teds how and ST 40101 BBMIB4L W1AUIIS. T. MeKOWA.V. cb, giving any clew in case ot pur- Esq. Cap*- ogres-, magrificent •BOOED Passenger tram at 7.10 A. M. tor Sou b Paris and from one P. x. to m Elizabelb, one mile rn P on the road to under ibe H >mestead** to obtain free nan warrant a cure in such and a suit and waked some distance. Where should Apply three o’clock p. at 58 tr inland, litre, Law, I perfect cases, intermediate stations. Arriving at South Paris at g or in P. O Box 2059. the Cottage her.i$150 ner annum. )mes farms, “wnh.-ut moDev and with *ut full and restoration of the organs. sue To whom flee? What Manhattan Insurance Sprit -tieet, writing andjret healthy urinary 9,30 A.M. BOSTO JN go? friend trust ? Company, seplodly Apply to WM. H. Real Estate lice.’* ii is just wnat every man—Kaimer, Me Persons who cannot personally consult tue Dr„ Mail Train OF NEW jEKKIS, Agent. (stopping at all sta’ions) for Island There was but om- to whom she YORK. Heb 23d3w* hauic. and Laborer—wbo desires to so In a manner, a descrip- would ven- Tradesman, can do by writing, plain Pond, connecting with night mail train toi Quebec, etier bis condition should c* and the remedies ture, and that one an Ameiican gentleman ot FIRE, MARINE, AND INLAND. dully read. tion of their diseases, appropriate Montreal and *be West, at 1 It P M. This book wi'l be sent to any audiess in America will be forwarded imined some who with his wbe had Assets. December ST. AUGUSTINE'S House and Lot lor $1800. ately. Accomodation toi Sonth Paris and intermediate note, mng been a 31,1870, »r Eur iree of pusiage «»r ether confidential ana will PHILADELPHIA trii-nd ot Bonds and Mong ges, pe, expanse,on apidi- ;A11 correspondence strictly stations at 5.30 P. M. both Emperor and So a quar'er house, located aiion u* E. PAGE L>A V Com mis ioner oi I mint return© If desired. Empress. Loaus on Stock, SCHOOL story IS, bo 1, P«ss*ngei rams will arrive as tollows: took another cab lor ihe FOR BOYS, AGOoDoneandrear 27 Greeu Street. to rration tor tlm Slate of Minnesota. No. l.FC Broad- Address: DB. J. B. they house of this United States and State Bonds, Apply HUGHES, From H.»utb Paris and Lewiston, at 8.15 A M. Line. el3*it3w WM. H. JERUlS, Real Estate Agent way, New York, where ail iuioimation in regard to No. 14 Preble Street, Steamship gentleman (whom we will rail Mr. Cash on hand and in Bank, sNo. 45 Lanforth Portland. From Montreal, Quebec, fcrorham and Ban gar at W-),ar St., ibe **iat* will he cheerin'ly given b*b6fiw Next door to the Preble Portland, at, tbeie to And him from and Unpaid Premiums (•*ire and Marine House, 210. PM riving away home, 1 n’erest due and Bend a Stamp for CHrauiar. arc* ued, Rev. House for Sale. JBT Accomodation from South Paris, at 7 P. M. his «itt- absent tor the at a small Daniel F. Smith, A. HI., Warned ior J T. HeaUev’s Leaveeaoli summer, BH« ro eiv-*b>e ( marine Premiums,) Rector; v'l W Cars on an Trains. port every three story BricK No. 43 Wi'mot /A "T* I MT“ Sleeping mgnt Wedcesday&Ta'urday Seaport on the coast. The seivant under to be Mia Vlary F. Holnca, House, St., IN O new lllustra-ed Book. Rich in Electic Medical Salvages collected, AwintaDl; A coma.nmg 10 finished 100.1 besides balls and Infirmaryf the e s, matter and stvleand suipas iug his former works eiicumstances was un- Rev. HI. tV. l aylAr A (VI , closets. Is well TO L.ADIK8. tor to From extremely Root, supplied with wat_r and has good that have sold tbe also the n^w and en- THB The Company are not responsible baggage Long Wharf. Rrstnn, at 3 pm. Total assets, $ 39 ln»tracl«r ia Dranins. dr* by '00,"i 0; gracious, and quite refused to admit these 1,407,788 inawe. edition of The Hand of invites all wk any amount exceeding $iv> in value (and that persor- F.oin Pm street Wb Philadel- LIABILITIES. Easter Term Jan. 1871. 'Hig.d National Bout DB. HUGHES particularly Ladles, .rt, begins 1, For particulars of JOHN No. 77 *1) unless notice is given, and paid tot at the rate ot a* 10 a. ni stiange ladies, and when at last their Losses and Claims but inquire DENNIS. Fauth and Figubfs, con'aing the new and .fficial need a medical advtsei, to eall at his rooms, No. \ phia upon adjusted, unpaid, 6,000 00 every additional Commercial st, or ai whiob wll find for tbel Oat passenger for %500 value. Insurance one bait tbe rata or sail- insisting they wete admitted to the house, Losses an Claims unadjusted and reported. 31 Len-us of 1S7 oi a.l ihe TERY out ot Ind antown, up io the o< The grande>t >nd most, new book out witb perfect safety at all times. France, this very night,”exclaimed the WM. P. PALMER, President. WEDNESDAY, 15th day Patrick Ward, and will be sold at a bargain as ibe popular Mur h, ensuing, troui to lease the Hundreds ot IilustTan..ns, Steel, etc. Ni Bent to an part of theoountry, witb full direction! Safest, Best and Most Sellable Bontes I the moment she saw LEO. B. UODGSDON, becretaiy. parties willing family contemplate leaving the State. superb International Empress him. Out, ol ol said railway. other book like i«—none s°lling ha'f‘■o last A«w»»'t bv addressing DR. HUGHES, Co workiog Enquire ot Mrs Ward on the pr* or of S. L. THROUGH Steamship Ftauce that He told AH mises, No. 14 Preble Street. Portland. TICKETS very uigljl? her it was DOW, COFFIN tenders to he addressed to the Prfsiden* and CarJeton office No 8» Middle street jenl.l8Wd&w. & LIBBY Aeents, E*q Calais and impossible. He was expecting a party ol D'tectors Peonle’s Street Railwnv Company,** lu- teblleod3w PATRICK C. WARJ, Adm’r. Interpreting Bible. Extra large inducements offered From PORTLAND, vis POST *n, to ail points in Eastport. St..John, No. 13 Exchange gt.,Thomn St. Mew Sena tar cnculais to Won ton, lu t*n & Co. tbe SOU I H /NT trieuds to dim er, but would plead sudden NewBlock, diantown, John, Brunswick. lung WEST, NOR nH-WRST, furnish- DIGUY, WINDSOK AND IIai.imi dartiord, ( onn. ieb7t4w DR. R. J- JOURDAIN, ed at th* lowest! with ;noiceoi at business and excuse himsell.and make PORTLAND. fe22cod3w FOB 8ALB ! Routes, pte- W. K. REYNOLDS, PROPRIETOR OF THE the ONLY UNION TICKET fFFIOE, pira ions as qmckiy as possible tor her flight; THEA-NECTAR Winter Arrangement. in the meantime 3 K IV « Pleasant Home, No 14 Pine street. No. 40 1-2 toscjoantre hut, she must he quiet and President. Enquire Isa Pure Brack Tea wit > Street, A tliere or at JAMES ** » v The dinner NEW a iur; itrpi uuui utg sj* uu, mu no « 2d, tbe Steamer New Brunswick party, received the excuses of TEA~aND COFFEE, Super-Phosphate, WM. //. Great Atlantic A Pacifi MANUFACTURED BY and the vaiious causes o' the lo«s of manhood, wit. Capi S H Pike, will leave Rail- the host, and overcome with a sense of JBJlllIS, TEA ( O mys- From China and to San p toll instructions for its complete resignation road Wharl, iooi «i State si.ou iu Japan WATTSON & P O box 55-6 Cburch-*t.,N.^ street, tery, witli.iraw spue ot the cordial Fraucisco then e bv rail to CLARK, Philadelphia. a < oo venereal and the mea■» -Vvcrv MONDAY at 5 o'clock P M this for Thea Nectar Cii also tapper tvj'ectum, For California and wishes ot |E3^“Send on th j ggf^gfi tor and message the that Ciiy. All goods warranted. We are now Real Estate and Loan Ot cure, being the most comprehensive work Eaupon St Jobu. gentleman, Money prepared to sell this Standard Fer- Agent. cu.ar. r-»unde>iit not ever i50 pages.- Overland via. Pacific Railroad. Returning will leave St. John and they would make themselves in his ab- good- do ptove as tilizer at a Reduced Price io meet subject yet pub'isbed. comprising EasfportK every3 merry re^it emeu. Greatly THURSDAY RPIii‘P. At tout* < i*n!r '<»L- in ... AR China T»a Lota nod Forma far Sale* feb!5t4w_ Ma iicd free to address for 25 cents. AO dress. FoO, Merchant, the times. Qua > g .man ee*. io be equal to that Dou»es, any Or by Steamer via. Panama to Sa* Francisco. d"|l')3m :*aa Connecting at East port with Steamer stood at the ti»cn» Nt. of any dupei-bliospliate in the market. Hfe would reter parties abroad to the following Through Tickets tor sale at RfiDICED riage into which Mr? YV_ n Dr. JourdaiD’s «'onsultiug office, QUiEN, loi *t. Andrew? and Calais and door, named gentlemen ot tbiseny: Htn. Geo. F. Shep- •k ATlfn, by with put the two and sc 51 Hanceck Htreel, Bvstwny fltasa N. B. C. Railway lor Wnonstock and houlior ladies, driving himself, set ofl COJVAINT .Sc HAND, iey, Hon. A. W H. Clapp, Hon. Benjamin Kings- rr on their 11,000 Bushels juniidlyr W. D. LITTLE &, CO., Bta'ions. way out ol bury, Jr., Hon. John x= \ ____ Fiance, pursuing quiet Woodbury Davis,Hon. Lynch, Connecting at 8t. John with the Stsan streets and then Wholesale Grocers, and Agents for M. C. TICKET OFFICE ei EM- untrequenied roads and 3 UNION PRESS tor Digby aim Annapolis, thence oy rail to -- Choice ^ lauesoHhecountry, avoiding the more puli Yellow Corn S OjiOASDALE’8 —» ocdawlwis-tostf 49 1-2 Excnange street indsoi and Halilav and with the E. v N. A. SUPER-PHOSPHATE, 'or : and so rr Railway Scbediac and imerm^Patt-'stations. on, until Caron Krli’r (»p«ota »* ;na4 _a <_i_ ._ House and Lot tor 1ne*'Coisi5V<,l^feilriH%Jom 153 Commercial Sale. E IT Fteight received on davn oi sailing until 4 n a little near Street, village, hut then iwn liou e on Port lard con- O’ CORNS! c*ock P. M. Winter rates will be on and came*7i1,?'p*:e story Street, Saco,& charged CORNS, an Portland, Poitsmouih K. 1L how A i Lite has its sorrows and to a *iu“snou HA AH. tains fen trials, alter get carnage brouelir ,, VHAAJH.HA/, AGOOH finish*d io ms. pitfd lor gas. Brick | temptations, December 15th. to CHASE lebl7eod3m ot not d w '' explain why Cm, them, and BROJHER8, w3m cistern ana good well water. Lot about 65 by 65 Produces the flnesi known to* tbe greatest all, a>tbough dangerous,jet dc20i»lwA. R. Agent. ^ Cookery Bunions WINTER ARRANGEMENT, STUBBS, to " ieer. be readi-jr admitted, that Cons, Ingrov W-weit the and ---^ all more 1 ■ inn, having toumT'a^ n. ramiMwlal «»-_ Science; makes articles tender, and ot tbe feet are a toon e -—BU0AV2 feb!8d3w* WM, H. JERRIS, Real Estate Agent. mg NaiU o'ber ailments private which was saves thoC > it cui ar carriage, wading over light and delicious; one-third ol gre annoyance. In Vain you scTape, Commencing Monday. Dec. 1,’70 For Scotia with Ihe servant to come Merchants, and Others. Tbe dis at ihem, ut atmosphere they w j] there, agreed out a Dealers, -and- sub«cfiber oners' ror Vt* J evety changing Halifax,_Nova mile or so, and his modem-built residence situated on rtgHiTJimi II CV9HB33 PASSENGER TRAINS lente Port WEEKLY carry patty. Mr. YV_’s GDLD MEDAL = ■ LINE. and account (he eminence Wood- SALESATUS. Thev torment a person to a gr^ ater degiee than otl ^ at two si-ters,one ol whom was lame indeed adjusted. English and foreign overlooking BoT'on 6.16,’SStS.ttfT. ctV.V very — ■" cr 8fleetiens. Dr. J. tbe well-known k BOOKScorie-pond-Ei-e silenced to at a reasjnabie ford's Corner, Westbrook. Itcon- The Universal choice oi the host House- S BMggs. Chin Leave Boston tor Portland at 7.30 a. 12.00 m. and could not walk a v., Wkiter step,some miles on, til cuarge nv a g ntleman liom »_uutales 12 good-sized wi'h an 1 p'Kiist has produced sate and reliable remedies, A I- 3.00 and 6.00 p. m. Arnin^cment. 'ately Europe. rooms, wives in America; stands without a rival ■ should come to a excellent is J levlator and Curative. the, railway. This donel Box 2126, Post Office. cellar, supplied w*ih an abundance oi Buldetord for Portland at 7.30 a. returnins ieb24’lm_Address, hard and for purity, healthfulness, and fine O and the lame lady, with much FURNACES! soit wiier, and u is in a good sta'e of re- economy at 5 20 p. m difficulty pair. There is a large stable on the Th* cookerv. Depot 112 St., New York. ' Portsmouth for " u‘a,u or into the premises. Liberty I* Portland at 10.00 a. m 2.30 and A ,\ f/vr'i a put earraige by her ‘biotner’ and si»- Hiss-lution. embrace two 5.30 p will iravr enlarged our Store,we aienow grounds acies, handsomely laid out, m, and on luesdav, and ‘*ait* Wbarl tei’ fora prepar- and Thursday Saturday ^^ji-kJNjXLOTlAaj they proc.eoed until ed 10 our on which is a fin vegetanle the AGENTS WANTED FOB at #.00 pm. "ATI RUAI distance, they < HAVINGexnibit.io customers ihe assort- garden, vegeia .atlf.ll. Came to a copartnership here fore existing between largest bles to be sold with »be rever;weather rail wav, where they leit the car Frederick ment oi bouse. The 6.00 p. m. (Express) trams from Boston and pm milling for H-nhax di- THE D.vis, L well P Ha‘keU, John S. This is one ot t e PILES, rect making close finest locations In the ot [ A PILES, Portland tud via connections wuh t».e to break the vicin*ty v°ry common affection, there but fe' v Eastern haim.ad l uesdav, ihurs Nova Scotia riago up clew, and mde a short Miiliken, anti Randolph C. Thornes, under tue name being Parlor, Portiaii'1—within five minutes’ walk of tbe horse- persons who are not wi'h them t day and at Wi,"1?,'r- lruru- Ne* distance in the rail ear 01 troubled some p« Saturday, stopping only Saco, Biodeiord, 5SSSMS3 without at- * cars, aud a tine view ol attracting afloiding the ciiy. hart or, I l 'Oil ot their lite. The disease exists insmal tumoi s Kenuebunk, PoilMuouth Newbnrypoit, Salen and %£?£?■*!“ tentiou. Then took DAVIS, HASKELL & Oitlcc, ocean and KELL& CO. Enquire JORDAN, ESQ Over one present character of a so id turner. Wb«n tl e Exeter,Haveihill an** Lawrence. wbirte Mrs. YV. was 9. P. S A thousand illustrations. Th* be spending the summer. March #iw in the market. We have added new gTove containing twe acies on largest, tumors are within ibe are ca'led inte: Freight ‘W'ly '° L‘ many (atterns adjoining se’ling. and m- st auiaeiive bo »k evi rectum, they How must Mr. YV. conduct the to our IV rmer ast-ortn em ut Stoves the also an a< re ot tillage land cn subscription ual when ?«•“*«* ladies into the large and Fur- south, tlienoitb, On** in li piles: without, and aiouno toe anus, ei AfZt™ZrFX‘enlMa na all will be soul with it desired. published. agent, Denver, Colorado, p id ‘™--^c*^^nod%y.efceptwd), oct28tt JOHN presence of his wile W es, of which we warrant to satis* the premit-es, aug25-tf o terhai. When dis« blood thev are te n I- PORTLAkn, April 2X, 1C7U. ,J- POKTEOC3. i.bout their bein -ob- Notice oi Dissolution of give {>eriecl >pits in *our days. One agent *n MilwauMe so they barge A^eht. Copart- taction. ed bleeding piles; a d when no blood bln served of every one? Alter some reeouuoi- 3ft copies in 1-2 dav. and a large number from 20 appears, nership. Graietnl ior past favors we solicit a share ol the Farm tor bale. pi'es; and excessive itch ah' ut rbe anus, itcbii this 30 copies per d*y. Send lor circulars, wirh • ♦ rms ng teiing, was suecesslvillv is same in the iuture. Maine Central Maine accomplished, hereby given ih.t ill- pa tnership late- Uttered at a once I P«les. Nothing equals BRIGGS* PILE Ht.Mk.Dlh I Railroad aud great bargain; tl Aldte s, U. S. PUBLISHING CO., 4 1 Steamship Company her aims around NOTICEly FulisiS'ii uten E. for their cure. throwing the neck oi g G. P. smith and Ed- F. <© C. It. Lamb Homestead farm in West Broome S N. Y. iet21-4w Mrs. ward Fic-e'i umier t'» firm rl HASH, PORTLAN D AN1> B VNGOR NEW YV-.Eurenie exclaimed, ‘You aim Smith St Bieke t br*»OK ihiet and ba't miles fiom LINE. ARRANGEMENT. was dissolved on ih- m * 371 Pare HI. your husband aie Ihe eighth day of Ma'ch. 1871, by Port'and on the road to Saccaruppa. only friends le t to me tnuiualc n-ent. will E. u P SMITH is authorized to P. S. Please call sno exam ne our b Said farm Iltamg] Trains leave Grand Trunk in the world.’ laige stock ______excellent consist* o* CARBOLIC TABLETS Depo Lino T She, with the who ac settle ail debts due to and l6r *$eml-Weckly lady by the comp.nv, fore purrhasing elsewhere. aboui Seventy five acres co* vieutly divided inu An.urn and Lewutot companies her. remained in E O P. Oci 241 at7(FA»i *1 x?rp’*Ms too important discovery fbe age spetddy Connectin* will, ibe Jit ^lpirr V ii'i notice, run as follows: stand by E. U. P. SMI Capitalist Mich, goon bearing condition. Auother valuabb source ol Briggi*’ ihe I European North Amcri- to enter the room. TH, wonderlul Heating aiid Cleansing agent 'or ail In Allevamor, cheapest, quickts* aDd mot t can R. it, tor town. north and Mrs. YV-btought food inrO i* 1 w Boot oi cross profit io the farm is an excellent gravel aviee-bl-rea east. "uNlJaV ,,,d st. beP.tging ease1-or weakne-s oi the S« e edy oetoie tbe j>1000 wid b I-HOBSIM V1 a 1 ** lo the two No Kesphatorv oigars, public; Freight train 'eaves Po tlauo lor p»er 3s K i; x? .Vi. M.l“i,‘l,,7"y and leave ladies aud served the Farmer is too ned,tbe only one in tl e and one from wbi«>* I Sudden h paid when ttii, tails to ure n Bangor* and in- Empress in Poor, viainity, t hroat, Co'd, oa«stress. Catarrh As and tor all ot the There are remedies ioi the cure ot those d g venience she was her gs irritation mucous membr<.n s many and “oston at 6.20 A. M., 12.07 P. M causing friend, and in- this iarm oilers miuct merits sucb as tew o^htrs can A b vocalist* and some of which sisted to public speakers who speak an j tressing complaints, may oe gooc Train from Bangor and upon wailing upon her beha- buy an Earth Closet, which !•* a substitute tor the oiler to auy one desiring ■x farm either tor firotit or without 1 his for ore will be Much intermediate stations is herselt, SALE, a Tread Cart, nearly new and in sing eft-Tt, use iln-se Tab'eis. their eflect I 1 guaranteed. rime am due in Pori land at2.iOP. vior ol such a per- w:itei-closer or common priv>, and pla- es wi'inn tne enjoyment. For particulars c» has been in M..and irom Lewiston being sweet characler as still FORiec’t order. Will be sold ai a inquire c'oai’ng the vo ee is simply as can t B money spent peneciing this I and bargain. re ch of lich and in town uud in ibe couu- G. & L. P. a«tonith.ng remedy,an Auburn onlv at s.10 A. M more to endear her K lo all, pour, WARREN, shown bv numerous certifi ates the xesu't is mor tdan s tis factory. Btate Kou“ to her who weie Ape Ira WITH am. Office, *rv a Du in ibe a mi The only route which *’•' CuMn irieuds, Argus simple ans lor providing, bouse, lfid^wtf M Each O't e make by through tickets are sold Rasaa** U. Feb 17dJfr wtf Sarcarappa. Dr. two quarts ior use. Sold by M to «2K££ riskmg nearly ail in her comfortable private closei, a dor nng comiori, neat- ^ WELL’S CARBOLIC TABLETS Bangor, Dexter and all Iniermediate stations * they possessed cause. S. W HIT 11 EH, dunctio- ot Free and e^s stt t0 ar"1 IroiB 1 heir was ness and health. Prices to $35. bend lor circu- act Cong1 Kennebec and Hall, ' si., EiViMNONi j throughthe checked otiu, part. Msltr si"2 Channel to ihe and tavei* in ail *r t CH APM cor. are requested to seuo ll.cir Isle of promptly Ireeiy expo-ure vioiet AJS, Middle and Exchange sts, GK •. C rrriaht to the YVigbl.and thence to Dr. 0. P. Geo. It. Ilavis & w^aihei. as as SLamaS McAlister, Co.’s cm-gr-o( as they equalize ihe Circu'atio Flii *5 co«. Franklin aud Congress vAHE «5 d<,c*6tlEDWIN NOYES, Snpt. early p. m. „„ ,he uavs England. There were but two of the tts, For U,c, lea.eVo tTarrd. l conveyances Is Blood a fid »hus waid oft all tendency to cold s DAVIS, cor. < ongresbam) Nonh and ireiyhi or passauc to in ihe harbor—both usinz NITROUS OXIDE daily Earih Closet and sis, Druggist apply piivale yachts—aud only with BULLETIN. Luug oifficnlty. generally. Tra* e supped by W. H. PHlLi IP1 'Vt'lrl’ one able lo out to great success. It is wituout d ubt the satest 'J he would J i7X;,,,ialr> Portland. go sea. The owner of that proprietors say, all first-class medicin 3 & CO., d. W. PERK IMS & CO., W. W. VVHIPPLJ f0BTUHDIK0CHE5nRR.fi Wv 38 “* Ke" Yo’“- Auesiheiic in use for the oi have their | 9-dtt one relused to take operation extracting imitation*, and mey woul 1 & May flatly the two la.iies over, co., CO.nol7-d!y but at teeth, its action keiug quick and to Loan IS/ the public against imposition b WINTER last, after the of the pleasant, $20,000 '9('ATTT*TfAVJ ARRANGEMENT. identi'y ladies had Cl U I JA/Lv hav ng other meoi ine* thriis been made known and much Teeth J9 Doane St. upon them in of these Norfolk and Baltimore and persuasion used Extracted at all We are prepared to loan tn sums place admirable Tablets.^j^g DR. S. FITCH, On *nd alter Washington D. 0 he and Mr. Hours, 9 money ; FPSBTddsH>-l Tuesday, Noy 1, 1870, consented, YV- and the two la- trains w»|l run as DAY AND BOSTON. from $100 to any amount on first follows: SttuuusiUD Lino. with NIGHT. _ desired, J. Q. 34 Platt N. to leave the on dies, the reticule two S KELLOGG, St., Y., Sole Agem City SATURDAY, for t Passenger traios leave Portland containing pocket class in short visit lady,(Sunday* ex set out Teeth extractsi from 7 to 9 **A R IA mortgages Portland, Cape Eliza- INTENDS away, and cepteth lot Sprmgvaie and iutei mediate handkerchiefs, on the day of their ar- Sundays a. m. SOLD B\ Stations, at Steamships of thla Line sail Iron end HTCNBY TAYi OR & 14 and 1G beth or Westbrook. Parties desirous of DRUGGISTS. Price 25 cts. a box. • .If 4 jl, 2.00 P.M. rival itt the little town on their to Eng- and I to 3 p. m., lor Ihose that are CO., Fxehang nn. t, + 11 ar'■ “*'»*•'«■. kverf way ° sutfeiicg. Ieb23*4w s. Leave Portland ior Saco River at JVT.o,,Lc"vlv land. Jtreet, Portland, Agent for the State ot Maine. building can also be accommodated with men, K.30 P. M. ,or N0K*0LK “*i OFFICE AT BIS Leave for BESIDENCE, M-3eod1y loans. is expected to attend to his patients. Springvale Portland and intermediate This a journey usually made in a few Free to Book stations ai 9 30, A. M. S>le-iQiNhipt>: — hours, R. Agrents* Feb 15-d2w *' but a 74 Free Street, near n GEO. DAVIS & CO., KiT6r ‘°r William < teriible stoim Congn Square, —--1--—- ■ Pottland at ®-30 A. M and Lawrence," Wn A arising it was will scud a handsome Prospect* s of onr Met y -— apt. Uallett. prolonoed’ Eat nil’s Beal Estate & Brokers. 3 7o'pr MSaC° Solomon to twentj-seven. The same BOB T1. AN It. New Method mortgage WE/ lustvaUd Bible over 2B “CvL'W* ‘,V>nla-’ Vopt. Howes night and in The E'amily containing **»»* With a tlhan. mr8 sep24u fine ure ,train passenger car attach- Kennedy." lapi t.eo. H Uallett. same waters Ihe went Sciip illustrations to aay Book Agent, fre ! ed leave for " Captain dowc. Jiut al Ot phktfTP AililtP.J JELieskcWs Salvi Sprmgvaie Portland at 5.10 A M 1-y‘Mcc'tetlan Cant Prank St. Howes. the FOR THE Magic Leave Portlaud toi though gentleman in command lost all CORNET, Springvale at 12.30 P Nf’ Frtijibi rorwarded from NoilOIx to Bfe23-4w't National Publishing Phil. Pa. connect as WashiDirtoa control of bnuselt and For Sale ! Co., 5CCBE8 Stages follows: by M-amei Lauy 01 the i.ake. ship they weathered A Ifloat Useful and Attractive At Gorham lor Instruction West Gorham. Standish. Frenchi o/w*.ded from Xorfotk to the storm. At Buxton Petersburg and on Oxford Street tor $4,500. A two and a Centre for West oounv Richmond, river or Book. a tfuxton, Eagle^ bj jail: aod by«he Pa. & Teniu During this lime New HOUSEhalf 13 toon s, ware:, Telter I Tetter ! ! South Limmgton, dailv. ih Eugenie showed the Molasses! story nouse, gas. Seb&go Tetter Limiugfon, *«*. most in Part al1*■ yirt*1 Contains, 1. plain, lull, and complete di- and A V? Ttnnesntty 4la* remaikable an modem c«»nveoience*. Loi 38x73. Teimsof Li “«'<*. *“*» over thr sell-possession, and evidently rections to ;he learner. .f0,r Newfiela, Parsons- B Seaborn d .ml tin paywen is field ami Oasipee, nok.t R R age paid) deep, be cases of Scrofulous dis- 50 cems that retail easily tor $10. R. L. WOL< OTT IJ0CK.l.oo tar more merciful tha.. that THROUGH EXPRESS 0 dreadiul mob that ease, where the system House to Let. 181 Chatham Sq., N. Y. Icb23 4w TRAINS relght taken as usual. called out her the moo that seemed saturated with Leave L. name, had shown REE story bnck house in Park Portland nd Danville BILLINGS.A^eul. no pity tc tLie liitle have been Place, eight Junction, daily, (Sun- ltoTl.U»-dt> child or tender corruption, ATH gas, Imrd aLd soft water. A days excepted) tor woman, and cured it. zooms, pul? to Reduction Brices J and derideu with purified by GEO. R. DA V IS & of bitleiest insults the lond Scrofulous affections and Co., Mane Antoinette at the mr3-lw Real Estate & Mortgage Brokers. I TO CONFORM TO O -A. guillotine. Ob disorders,which were ag- nsr A. D A. FALL RIVER LINE. Jnance, when we remember gravated the those of ter- by scrofu- And Va* Vnir VAplr Ptiilarfalnkia _nr da,s lous A ali;parts ot the ror, can we wonder at this contamination until New House lor $3,600 !!! Reduction Duties retribution? they were have been of i ingtnn. and ail tlie principal painfully afflicting, radically ~i°rv house on Dow point* cured in such great numbers in almost st, near Congress. West and West, South at d every sec- 12 finished rooms, gas, sebaao North-West. South-West. tion of the country, that the to water,go ajdiain- Via Vail public scarcely need a*e*c Al*°» blocs oi two em all THE ®nd Tamils., Hirer Bad be informed of its virtues or bou.es contain- DIAMOND rtottl Cats run Ikcwpmt uses. GLASSES,§ through nom *?'**.*'*#- Something for e«cb. good cellar, in Horton Great Saving to Consumers Letroit to San Fraiw>i**n Cabin, 85,00; Dec* $4.uo Baggage Necessary Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive i>uw Hate, Manufactured checked Every St, tor $90(1 e» which rent tor by oy tms'oui# Ilian through and rransletrel in N Y tree o' enemies of our race. this unseen h, n.r Tear By Gelling np Club*. MW. always UM by any barge Often, and unfelt & This will be sold in one other route irom Mew York 'rams leave tenant of the Organs Relodeons. p.operty lot, or separate Vf Maine. tlieO’.o Colony and New- organism undermines the constitution desired. tor tickets can re Kailwav Home-Keeper! and W"Send cur new Price List and a. C'ub form J. E. oi.iained at the Orasd Trank port Depot, corner o' Snutt and Knee land invites the attack of or fatal diseases T received the at the New Spencer & N. 88 enfeebling highest premium Eng- to GEO. R. DAVIS will accompany mil Co., Y., opposite Pretu* and streeis.daily, rau nilavs as The* without a of Apply & CO. it, containing direcuous-mak- «?*"» house. tiepoi. evoepted,, ioIIows : at 4 :«o subscriber having: purchased the new aud im- exciting suspicion its presence. land and State Pair in 1>*69. 1 alto have the exclu- 0Ci3dtt P m Pad it seems to Again! feb28*2sr Real Estate and mg a laige sivmg to ccnsuw>«rs and remuue.ative Which are bow offered to the D. H. BLANCHARD, Agent. M, arriving Kiwi 40 minutes in J breed infection the sive rirbw 10 use tbe Bellows and Mortgage Brokers. pnblic,are pronounce advance 5 prove* throughout bodvTanci Wilcox Patent Lo club all the celebrated ol then, on some ~~ organizers. by Opt!' iaBs the world to th Tr*"> which lea,,. favorable occasion, rapidly develop 1'ieroolo. which is pronounces to be the be at« V-*23 .«« p Boston into one or other of its by judges ™«»» M, eounecuug at Pall Kivet with d hideous either on the best in use. All instruments manufactured me To Let. new the reamFe her Bed Keoo vator forms, by The Great PKHHtdT, and tnagnm.ent s earners surface or AmericuuTea VntH.nl A.MAV.I L .a among the vitals. In the ar*- lull v warranted Compa’y, PttOviDlNCE Cant. to latter, tidier, Price lint sent mail. Will hall been ,- w uuuiau Pacific mall Steamship Company’s «. *1. Siimuoits wit'il e rt.hr. ceruse beds in Portland, Cape cles be by haying leased (or five years "jc CYrr KDOn BkiSTOL Cai.t A may suddenly deposited in the lungs or sell 10 pay by instalments. tb« and 31 au.l 31 Vcaey New York, These steamers liZthc h We'ibrco', Fainiooth, and or tumors BROWN’Sby undersigned put in perfect, order Slreei, Thev are ground under are th. tistes! Cumberland, heart, formed in the or it shows will their own sunervisl Line and' mts??ei”»bii he hou'h recommend (o aU those liver, No 15 ( i*Ie. be let lor Lectures, P. O. Box 5 ’43. Iron minute Through boats on the bnili h*vi. g beds or its presence by on the or heitaulSl., Portland, Concerts, Levees, and other fe27t4w Crystal Pebbles, inerted Scana. expres-ly mr eruptions skin, foul ulcer- brst-c'as.- a> together' at. speed sa'cty pi''o*s which navr heeu in use lor ations on emeriaiumeiits. a low rate The Had tndeomiort Thislii any length ot some part of the Hence the occa- dcICeodly accouat ecoanecis mtb nil th* Smiih- time, body. is one ol the tines, in he anu °,the' XO ‘ bat they «a be e'eans-d aud niaae as tight as sional use of a bottle of this ci-v, will seat ton per Agents CALIFORNIA, Lite" TUQ' Ne» Vork Sarsaparilla is ad- sons. Two ante-rooms Wanted, iv^tr£X^rn,l'''oa We going new beds, as ail wb have uitd ibis new an" large are comer ed with ihe *b' Too b lh- aD(1i,r,r‘ im visable, even when no active of A M'lNTW. Scien/«*c/'rmcipte on which they are CB'NA AND JAPAN. c«“veuieni to lhe aliiornii e symptoms disease flail, an with TK by ,i,e AMERICAN con Steamers method ervn lestilv. Beds renoVoted and re- Persons afflicted fmnishea, suppled •‘Sebaeo’’ and ll,e core nr K°. j appear. with the following com- water close in KNITTING MACHINE BOS- cen,re 01 tbe >er s direct 1 he same dav 1EW CROP! is, Apt.1y personor CO.. ih i'rnM Price $2.00 per ben, incui- plaints generally find immediate at by letter to or ST. LOUIS eye I’rodncioe a dear and distiid TOUCHING AT MEXICAN FORTS ,r" **■*•” ‘his X.iue, with 11*J oT relief, and, GEO. R. DAVIn & TON, MASS., Mo. ie2! 4w « m eh,e Its ne" e *ame oi itaiheis. The length, the use of this e;o. !d»,on u. enoin.ooatlons tkk-i.in! Qua'it> cure, by SARSAPARIL------.-—_ n*tural. healthy sigi t, ano prevent- U «n,l M inBo*. LA: St. jan24tf ■i» »?/ *n J Itbe lil», 7'i '1"1; A.V‘qmr,rw^ ngr:.fi5 Anthony’shire, Rose or '_Portland’, Maine. ►e>1sat each a? Ibe United Miaico HI nil. elt at Erysipelas, and Lnd PP ?”■' ions, glimmeiina And Carrying. m“m“1 m 1,7 *eueral Portland letter. Salt Scald Sagua Sugar Molasses- NT ED—AGENTS (SilC per to -ell °' rhe'uij1,: mriuii bt., Rheum, Head, Ringworm, tiny ) the flgbt’ Jizzin,:Si'> *c., peculiar to all and TTo',;,V;fT!T'T!!.T' Sore Sore For Rent. WAceienr ted HUM E SHU ITLE SEV\ othlr™” u-lif Height -_ W\1. W. RUBY, Eyes, Ears, and other eruptions or ING MA- visible forms of of CHINE. Has tbe ure amount Fares Bcdurei. ^0ge>,.,,siTeV,l:;',oi:::ah„r^,t^Or:1 S'l0* Scrofulous disease. Also in the TENEMENT five rooms on Street usder-seid,” niches the et! in the best manner, istramesoi Greatly ral'9™n r- ^ Preble L' CK si on botn me best waulmi o' more concealed forms, as WOLiggE*, A A Isa two Cottages at. Woodf ITCH,” (alike sides,) and is folly quality of all materials used loi that pur- Dyspepsia, Dropsy, *J3 V/kBCKS, | .r,j>,Corner wS Ibe best and ose. on the New York Tram Heart Disease, 1its, brook. Sec GEO. K. l.AVis & liceksei}. cheapest laroiiy frewlne Steamships Connecting 'll th Shires, leaves Boston at t 3n p Epilepsy, neuralgia, 109 HOGSHEADS CO* in tbe arrive it rPHE untlersfgred haw^T mill the various Ulcerous SUGAR, 1n2ltl Estate and Alai bme market. Ad. ress JOHNSON •3f"*Thrir finish and be Atlantic: Pacific with the2 V; goods New York next affections of the muscu- (Veal Mortgage durability cannot surpas- 4 M. momin* i incur, oilire irom 4i their nervous Brokers. CLARK & CO., Boston, sed. Alaska. hreight leaving New Yolk »erpieJ!,.ove‘1 Frnploy- lo. and systems. Now trom Bark and t.ir Mass., Pittsburgh. Pa. Chi- Colorado, leaches Bostonosion on street, where ib*-v wi 1 landing “Daring** saie by or St. too. the lol'owttitf day at *> 4* AM. i>e ol. oiifress Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Diseases cago, lil., Louis, feh2T-4w CAUTION.-None crenu.ne unions bearing .H ARIZONA, fonm* patrons and ret*kve their H NRY'HACNCT* Fot cU-kets, ^nh»an«l others w cured a ~ trade mark ◄ > on irime. CONSTITUTION Offl h ,to tre by it, though long time is required for stamped every staterooms, aniuy at iha e urs from 8 a. m J"‘2helP- PHINNEY & Great NEW YORK GOLDEN v No 3uM subduing these obstinate maladies any medicine. JACKSON, Reduction J. A. MERRILL «fc Co., ~X> CITy’ Stan hou£,£r“r of 0,1 by Middle OCEAN Ql ^m,.any8omce —' But continued use of this medicine will cure 139 Street, iiEN, ISYCKaMEnTO 8tIe*t».™d at «>ld and St long 227 DODDS NOR HERN Nh wi.? 2n ?vDd Co'ony or Commercial Street. >«*“ Jewelers and are sole Ag,n* will leave Pier No. North ed) troiL n and u-a'lv tonr.ee- ,* efl'ect. Minute tawrtnee’s Medford Rum. for NERVINE sep13d&wly 42, River, loot ut Sik! Pm HO *orth Km-r .out 01 Chamber new. Xke nw, e purifying and invigorating Direc- Vest* ai 12 o’clock on L„ “h ve °T’ "“-'gen. noon, the 5ia and 21st ni it, at 5.o» P 11, *ame by proving properv and nn ,lje tions for each case are found in our evert ir„an, Almanac, sup. Daniel Lawrence & month {except when 1 plied Sons, ihoseda.vs tall on im 2 Geo. Shivlhiik, Passenger an Agent. gratis. Rheumatism and Gout, when 1 then oo the JR.. caused pGSart«^forMh,r;;'sb4 en, Steam preceding Saturday,itoi ASPiNW ALL JAMES USK, S by accumulations of extraneous matters Only manufacturers of prices. Federal street lite> ?“"<>• Constipation, Sleeplessness, &c Portable Engines. via, Fu",fc'S,on Price st See le-omn,, cunuectmg, Panama M. K. Managua^ Director Narragat setl to as also Liver iun25 WILLIAM ndatioi s with e,cb bojtle. Railway, with one o. Th.' SIMONS, S',,,,!!!,’’I00'1’ quickly it, BROWN. °"e COMBINING tbe maximum oi efficiency, dura- Steamship Co. “DlStAP," Druggist say.: Vke have Fknarna tor Torpidity, Congestion orInflam- MEDFORD re»Tba' sold r.iANtistu,FRANSlSCOS,^vip8 /Lon‘ Vn. Ngv5 mnHonatm'e RUM, Dodd s Nervine tor tbe last six and and with tbe minimum ot touching at MaNZANIi LO dljr ns aml Jonndiee, when arising, year, can truth- bility economy weight “PUH.ADLXPUU,ii ami they £ Still tbe of luMvs*y it has given enlue satisfaction C0,lllecu al Pau*’n,a wi,b ,hc rankling poisons in the enjoy repufation manufaclurirg in everv and price. They are widely and favorably known, pSI “mCOADHAV blood.7 This i ce, so far as wr’know. ihe Stwmef^o^WT68orTa PAnncandOK'TRaL Ameki- STil.U storer a re- St. Luke’s ins»£» l»uring la«t year rlienri! f.>r u,cmft great riie Best Bum Id the states Employment we have said over more than £00 being in nse. All warranted satistac- Those oi the Society Nineteen Thousand bottles, and 5th touch at M anzan- Those who TIP°r of the JV*PorT8'ILIaUs SAVE THE are !!?,c1h.,im system. consider its immense sale a sale- circulars sent on (JllLI)EEN dent [Duly Authorized by State License.] lumished suOicient p>ooi «d its re ory, or no Descriptive ap- ^span- dc'erving sewing-women ss liaudiiy GEo. C. GoODW.N & Por Japan and China. Steamer leave? 8BUM US'™," Ith and WOBK every I* re Co W Address AMERICA them MATS ! prehensions or Ferrous Ap- Tbe superior quality purity ot heretofore, ay afiernoou at n o’- Druggists. Boston. Sold all plication. San Peb. i«7u. WuWto Vs of snff'r, linger and d*e hCc»oso )’Ie« affections Uty Government Buiidit.o ,V.r the Ib7tiw HoADLEY & One 0 Fin Worms The only known ii.r • ir>„*!!.?,,°£ W MEDFOBD BUM “ig,oy,rtae J C. CO., Lawrence, Mass.E. hundreu pound? baggage allowed each adult. remedy tiese relief and LA BENCE’S Mav .r's Olltie. mos‘ troublesome and dangerous ot all AT MAHER Jb convincing evidenta ncc L/H11 ilrmodiate Julldiim Baggage Masters accompany.baggage thr and worms in CO’S., °f its it 1871. ~ ush, or adults is power upon trial. restorative I or tbe past forty-seven years, lias made every- Portland, January 11th, 'h Agent8 ~ attend to c*'Idren w rbout children Jnlltf W A TED aT’r'w'lere to sell ladies ami mule protec- Opposite P O. mrlOdlw where Vnown %> tbe standard rum No pains nil tor?. received on the dock the B r OF ITALY ANNUAL Baggage day before PREPARED e g| are*» to maintain it* pmiiy and high r*puia- ° from steamboats, and DR- GOULD’3 PIN-WORM SYRUP. Rt t. A ”,dm.tr"eDd7bR,n^l,nVi5 sailing, railroads, pasaeuceis Or. J. « ion. I'be f ublic is cautioned against, imitations bo spieu.iid8u.Je.ct and to send d«»wn C. AYIB * For popular author RAm‘ wilb prefer early. sate and er'a n. A CO., n«f RUSSELL, oji Purely vegetable, viiuibte For Sale I„wtll counier'eiis EllsworiiiT Punilsher, Bas.on, Massf m An *xp. rieuced surgeon board. to ®j Medicine and ailurtic, an I benefl ini health. Warranted to Practical and Order direct trom us and we will warrant s«t- Seed attendance tree. Analytical Catalogue. ure. U. C GOOD WIN A Cu., Bo-ton, Chemists. i'action. Please address orders mail to MhD- Por freight or passage tickets or further by °CEA* wm "*»• informa- oc-iv bl And all AND BOILER, Ed- SOLD. BY. ALL and bv or otberwi e have at the company's ticket Druggist*. SEo^«‘H^NnEN0,NE .DRUGGISTS PnP’ ^ASS., orders expiesa J“°ncr $5 TO $‘277A just pub’lsbed our Annual See l Cata- tion apply jdiCe on tL In power, tubular boiler, EVERYWHERE. ®,ate receive i»AY!yD2 wharf, foot of Cana) street., Nottb pomnuio r.horse upright *»t'eet, Boston, and they will LOJfC WKlogue ot Flower and and will River to F R 1,1 “S8 bUt a 6,10rt 'ime' rompt WHARF, V.getaule Seeds, or to the Agents tor AllDlVt0*t,K. Seld bv attention, turnish ii/ree on applxatiun. BABY, Agent, New fcmiiauii Hood. Hood: "“"inal Me. Druggists' iu Portland sad C. L. BARTLETT hank, jsiddetord, For the above as ror ever Dontmis-tlii- cliam*. « t/o ffitiou La« rence & Sous. port, fast as ordered. Sample Tee a.? 16 Broao 1 Ires* Hudson Bieer Win 73 VV’m KENDALL Sticet, Huston or KCtT tor sale at No. 43 Everywhere. jtem1 mar?is3t N. J. Mill,, Su.’nr H A WHITNEY, W. D. WOOD, Lin » MILLER, LITTLE A CO Agent. Dearborn SL Cinmgo. mr8t4W HAKDandcoin Stie<~ Also, ury cdy-vngs. Portland, February mb, l$?t, febWAwIm [ ]anl3tt 46} Exchange St., Portland I WM. HUSK.