PORTLAND, SATURDAY MOKJVING, MARCH _ 11, 1871. Terms $8.00 per annum, in Tlu* Portland advance. Hally Press BONDS. BUSINESS even _INSURANCE. DIRECTORY HOTELS Unpublished lay (Sumlays exoepted) by _bonds._ Portland Publishing Co., Annual Statement THE Advertising Agency. DAILY PRESS. Middle Hotel At in<j r.u--174* street, Advertise Directory, Tlte Fird Ex chance Street. Portland. ,nsertel7 •» papers in Maine and the POliTLAN J>. „,"TSmi the through Embracing leadini Hotels in the State,at which mortgage country at the publisher's lowes rales. Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year in advance. Firemen's Fond Ins. Co., of San Francisco, Central Railroad the Dai)? Prest may» Kays be round. Agricultural Implements A Needs Allred. SATURDAY, MARCH 11. 1871. The Maine state Press For the year ending December 1870. BAWYEft 7 31, * Per OF WOODrQRD, No. up Exchange St County House, litcbar.i H. Coding, Proprietor. Cent Gold at Capital in Geld... tiAAiMM) CO.r IOWA. Aararm. Is published every Thcrsdav Morning at a Capital paid in, dald,. Auctioneer. Elm Coml. St. W. S. Sc A. HellgiouN Department.. $2 50 a year; if paid in advance, $2.00 ‘.‘/.I V.V.*.*500$00 have now House, Young, Fropri. Beal Estate owned built and equipped, is first-class ; manner, bonds, year. by the Company. 150 000 327 Congress St. Auction Salei etors. about NS; ty Icms of 'be cltur. ho Suti- “ prlBtea ii flieU wVtta iiiV Maine every Evening. Private Sales during tbe day. ViiNE Hotel. Davis & Intelligence tronj Paine, Proprietors ON A div »c'.ool» and uiissionuiy n tctprisee ol Jit.lne will Rates of Advertising.—One inch of space, irB™?,fcebyCoBraml',1oner0r'ga*'i’ COMPLETED be Cash in .fllceand ROAD, »elcume<i t.oiu «leriry wea a in I oibt'il,.aat n- in length of golurnn, constitutes a Banks... isaniiu 180 Miles Agencies for re-led square." Cash due irom of Railroad, Sewing machines. AagHilat FREE OF in au abbrevia e l torro la (tile cutuinu first week. 75 cents Agents....777.77. 624477 l. N. TAX. tvoty $1.50 per square aailj S'ocks and S 733 Middle over St- Saturday. Bunds. other aeeariuea and 06 which ex- W/ St. H. H. Hay’s. Al! Hanison Barker,Pro week three or peraoaU property and intireat).'.'. ..7.’. .77.'.’ 188.016 completes their entire line, with the MindsDTErJi oi Machines tor per after; insertions, less, $1.00; sale and to let. Repaving, ADp™w*.'HOi;SB’SUte OO AND ACCRUED INTEREST other after first 50 ception ot the track on miles, Cushnoo Rev. J. continuing every day week, *799,626 67 laying twenty-five House, X. B. Ballard,Proprietor. Colby, presiding elder In the Moth- cents. which is the Bakers. CONY DAVID J. STAPLES, President. already graded. They thus open HOUSE, G. A. & H. Cony, Proprietors. IN CURRENCY. odist chureli calls on the Portland Half square, insertions or less, 75 cents; CHARLES B. BOND, Secretary. District for tljjee W. 0. COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. AUg09,a at least one week. $1.00; 50 cents per week after. Me., W. M. Xbayer $2500 for missionary this *n<1 ot San 1*ih'. 1871. First ^Proj!rietor!OC8E’ purposes Special Notices, oue third additional. P*Mfor?*B>1city County Franciaco, se—January Persoual'y appear. Line Across the State &tai>les’ “‘evident above named, and made oatn to the truth of the loregoing statement by him Throngh Boots and Shoes—Gents Tear. Under head of “Amusements,” $2.00 per subscriDed Custom Work. trom north to south, and, a detour WALTER Eaiger. Burlington, Cedar Rapids Rev. A. J. square per week; three insertions or less $1.50. Before me, F. I. T RIB AULT. by malting slight BERET, No. 101 Middle Street. Harbiman Weaver, of on r at one House. J. e. Barriman & Biddefor.l, his Advertisements inserted in the “Maine isEAL.j Commissioner i’or Maine in California. point, they give Co., Prop’s of the Penobscot Exchange, a. & resignation Universalist of that State Press” (which has a large circulation Booksellers and Woodward, Proprietor, Minnesota 12. R. pulpit Direct Communication Between St. Louie Stationers. was in the In every part ol the State)'for $1.00 city, surprised Lecture Room a per square Skeels, Bowers & Boughton, Managers, FOGG Bilk by for first insertion, and 50 cents nnd at. Paul. HOYT, * »BKED, 92 Middle Street. The crowd of who per square for Bath completion of tins K aj has given to these parishioners presented him and each subsequent insertion. Hotel, Washington St.C. M. Plummer, Pro- esf Limbed 114 Broadway. New York. Thi# line of Railroad advan- prietor. *?»“•« character eonal to anv mort Mrs. W. with a beautiful Address all will have very special tnge i-sue Iralt in at the silver ice communications to Book-Binders. Stoc< Kxclianeo 'We are pitcher tage, for both local and thtougb business, besides Sagadahoc House, John S in,J 8e" as a Room 11 Milliken, Proprietor. buy "«n. at any at our salver, and goblets, testimonial of PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. such Printei’s Exchange, 8 House, at *me, regard. superior railroad connections as will secure to No. A-W7IJCY.Ill Hiddeferd. ini market price—thus placing them . Exchange Street. 5f f0r his three a L S. T WO MBL it a teraiJOrary or permanent m- During years pastorate debt of Y, Agent, large portion of the carrying trade oi the great SMALL* No. Biddeefobd House, F. Atkinson, vestufcntm^ilSi&V SHAClKFOKD, 35 Plum Street. Governments or any other security. $5000 on the church edifice has been Korth-west. The TheseTh^!L bonds Ith are a first removed Dining Booms, Shaw’s Block,Lane & Young, Pro- and only mortgage ou a BUSINESSCARm rai road that has cost double the and a raised for the 30 EXCHANGE STREET, Bonnet and Hat prietors, amount oi the is- $2000 year expenses of JS'IRST MORTGAGE Bleachery. Blddefard Pool. *omuu*to, without competition, all H, E. the traffic oth*ici Northern religious worship. March UNDERWOOD,No. 310} Congress Street. Yates House, F. Iowa an Southern Minne- PORTLAND, MAINE. Yates, Proprietor. sota—shortening the distance from 1.1>. la. 6;1871.-d3w St. Paul to Chi- The Methodist festival at LANE, Ellsworth House. G. L. cago 45 *nd to St. Louis more Westbrook netted Cabinet Furniture manufacturers. Evans, Proprietor. miles, than 90 miles. 7 1 he net earnings are already in excess of $150 last and that of the Per Gt. Gold Bonds THEO. JOHNSON * largely week, Congregation- Counsellor at; Law CO., No. 13} Union Street. Baeikkay, interest on the bonds, and no doubt exists that they ATLANTIC. which are will mote than double alisms this week about the same. issued upon tbis road are In Boothbay within the ensuing year. probably limited. House, Palmer Dnlay, Proprietor. A contract has amount to Carpenters and Bnllders. been secured with the Chicago, Fluent Block. No. $16,000 per mile (whim many roads issue and Rev. Walter Chase of New Room, 3. WHITNEY & Burlingion, Quincy Railroad Company oblig ,t- Gloucester, and trom $20,000 to and are MEANS. Pearl Bt, the Park. Botiaa. Mutual $40,000,) oflered at 90 and opposite ing tbe latter to invest 50 per cent, of gross earnings Brown of RE. Insurance Rev. S. Cherryfietd PORTLAND, CompV, accrued interest, in currency. amehioan House, Hanover at. S. Rice Proprietor derived from traffic with the Burlington, Cedar acknowledge mar4d*Tw IN Ids Rap- (ORGANIZED 1842.) The most Cement Drain and Water Pabker School St. and Minnesota Road in the bonds or this coin- liberal gifts from their also Rev. experienced financiers agree that Pint (Pipe, Housb, H. D. Parker & Oo„ people, C. L Proprietors. pauy. This arrangement is a strong guarantee oi 61 Wall corner New ™»r,«a*e Beads, to a limited Chimneys Ac. Nichols, of Pownal. A et., of William, York. amount, npnn a the.bonds, and establishes a large sinking iuud for GAGi: DAVIS, finished J.w. STOCK WELL * CO.. 28 and 163 BevebkiIouse, Bowdoin their railroad, which is well located foi Danforth Square, Bulflnch, Bing- redemption. Insures Marine and Inland Street, orders received by N. M. Perkins * Co., ham, Wrisley Sc Co., Proprietors. Rev. H. Small is preacher at and ha* Against Navigation Bisks are one of lhe and * ..The convertibility privilege in these bonds enables Knox, business, very safest forms of invest- Kendall & Whitney. St. James Hotel—J. p. m. to be Stetson, Proprietor. tpern exchanged tor stock, at par, at any time, received a number to the of and Provision ment inis secures to the good fellowship Flour, Grain, Tbemont House, Tremont St. holder, at his option, a share m MUTUAL. The whole PROFIT to Brigham, Wrisley lux; reverts the ASSURED, and are divided Parties House. any excess of over luuilu. AKNtr??r'vanjJ9 u!BP,TP^•m,lm, t6rmia*t8d desiring to secure a first class Dye b& Co., Proprietors. earnings the interest obligation. during the year; lor which Certificate. are leaned, hearing security, F- interest baaed a railroad SYMONDS, India St.,(the one in 1Government securities lor these COMMISSION untilredeemed* upon practically do“e, and in the I only Portland.) bonds returns Rev. H. A- Philbrook leaves an MERCHANTS, FOSTER'S Bryant’s 9J per cent, interest, instead ot 5 per important lB --- DYE No. T9 Middle Pud, J,,",r7 *870, the A net. Aeeimilaled free. Pj Ba.iaua were ne rrmi tapivauiiB wuu nave a HOUSE, st., ear cent., which is ail that Governments at 180 Washington St., fellow., targe pe- the corner ot * P0NE pay present field in Calais to take of a Chicago. United and Exchange. Hi>rsE—N- B- price, besides an charge parish In States and State of New-Yerk Bank and other juntary business interest in its success, will do Crookett, Proprle- leaving immediate gam of about 20 R.
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