International Journal of Music Science, Technology and Art (IJMSTA) 1 (2): 81-104, Music Academy “Studio Musica”, 2019 ISSN: 2612-2146 (Online) The Dagbon Hiplife Zone in Northern Ghana Contemporary Idioms of Music Making in Tamale Dominik Phyfferoen* Department of Cultural Anthropology University of Ghent, Belgium CARAM - Centre for Anthropological Research on Affect and Materiality * Corresponding author:
[email protected] ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT _________________________________________ Received: April 17, 2019 In this paper we discuss the results of a survey study we conducted in the cosmo- Accepted: August 21, 2019 politan city of Tamale on the local urban informal popular music industries we Published: September 1, 2019 called the Dagbon Hiplife Zone in Northern Ghana. By means of music eXamples, we show how traditional African idioms of music-making creatively blend with _________________________________________ cross-cultural and cross-musical components that stem from Africa, Afro-Ameri- can, Bollywoodish and Western inspired idioms of music making. The aim of the Keywords: survey study was to map the radius, location, and organiZation of the local infor- Hiplife Zone mal popular urban music industries in and around Tamale, including its artists, Northern Ghanaian Artists stakeholders and various distribution channels. We conducted a survey research The Intensity Factor on the consumption of music in this city in both the digital idioms and the tradi- The Sahelian Factor tional idioms of music making and a survey on transformational processes, con- Transformational processes in Afri- tinuity and change in the traditional and contemporary idioms of music making in can music-dance several Senior High Schools in and around Tamale.