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Columbia University Department of Computer Science Tech Report CUCS-015-05 Multi-Language Edit-and-Continue for the Masses Marc Eaddy Steven Feiner Department of Computer Science Columbia University New York, NY 10027 +1-212-939-7000 {eaddy,feiner} April 4, 2005 ABSTRACT We present an Edit-and-Continue implementation that allows regular source files to be treated like interactively updatable, compiled scripts, coupling the speed of compiled na- tive machine code, with the ability to make changes without restarting. Our implementa- tion is based on the Microsoft .NET Framework and allows applications written in any .NET language to be dynamically updatable. Our solution works with the standard ver- sion of the Microsoft Common Language Runtime, and does not require a custom com- piler or runtime. Because no application changes are needed, it is transparent to the appli- cation developer. The runtime overhead of our implementation is low enough to support updating real-time applications (e.g., interactive 3D graphics applications). Categories and Subject Descriptors D.3.3 [Software Engineering]: Programming Environments—Interactive environments; Testing and Debugging—Debugging aids; D.1 [Software]: Programming Techniques— Dynamic Software Updating; D.3.3 [Programming Languages]: Processors— Incremental compilers, dynamic compilers General Terms Experimentation, Languages, Performance Keywords dynamic software updating, online reconfiguration, patching, edit-and-continue, hot- swapping, rapid application development, .NET 1. INTRODUCTION Edit-and-Continue is a common debugging feature found in many integrated develop- ment environments (IDEs). It refers to the ability to pause an application, usually via a breakpoint, make changes to the source code that are recompiled in the background, and then continue execution with the modified application.
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