FACEBOOK PINTEREST ¨ Do you have a Facebook account? ¨ Do you have a Pinterest account? ¨ Customize your Facebook username in “General ¨ Fill out your bio and include a link to your website. PERSONAL BRANDING CHECKLIST Account Settings” to a variation of your name i.e. ¨ Create a board for your blog to pin your blog posts. http://facebook.com/YOURNAME. ¨ Create a board to pin articles/resources related to ¨ Update your “About” section and utilize space to write your professional interests/goals. an "Intro." (Be sure to include a link to your blog or JessicaLawlor.com/PersonalBranding website!) ¨ Create a portfolio board to pin your resume,
[email protected] accolades and portfolio items. ¨ Check your privacy settings. Be sure posts are set to “public” when you want to share updates broadly. ¨ Use a free tool like Canva to design fun "pinnable" graphics for your blog posts or online content. (Size ¨ Want to grow your blog, land a new job, discover freelance opportunities, Join and participate in relevant Facebook groups for matters! Canva recommends Pinterest's desired your industry. partner with brands and get more attention online? You must have a strong personal brand. dimensions.) ¨ Let your personal network in on what you’re doing - Maximize your personal brand and online presence by following this checklist. don’t be afraid to share personal AND professional content with your audience. INSTAGRAM ¨ Consider creating a brand Facebook page for your ¨ Do you have an Instagram account? WEBSITE/BLOG TWITTER blog, business or personal brand to utilize sponsored ¨ Fill out your bio. ¨ Do you have your own website or blog? ¨ Do you have a Twitter account? posts and create ads.