Dawah Monthly www.DawahMonthly.com • August 2013 FREE Take One FREE THE MUSLIM JESUS Peace Be Upon Him

Also Inside: in America: During the Slavery Years, During the Civil Rights Era And Today

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TheThe FemaleSahabiyat Companions Great Women of Islam Visit Us Online: www.DawahMonthly.com Who is...? Islam in America During the Slavery Years DR. ABU AMEENAH Muslims have been part of American history --Sali-Bul was a slave on a plantation. BILAL PHILIPS since pre-Columbus times. Indeed, early His owner James Cooper wrote: “He is a strict -- was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and explorers used maps that were derived from Mahometan (sic); abstains from spirituous grew up in Toronto, where he converted the work of Muslims, with their advanced liquors, and keeps various fasts, particularly to Islam in 1972. His whole life has been geographical and navigational that of the Ramadan...” exemplified by his goal of seeking and information of the time. -- Lamen Kebe conveying Islamic knowledge in order to Some scholars estimate that was a slave who used to be “Change Nation through Education.” 10-20 percent of the slaves a school teacher in Africa. In 1994 he founded the first Islamic He shared information Information Center in Dubai. He has brought over from Africa were about the texts and teaching served as the head of the Department of Muslims. The film “Amistad” and Islamic Studies at Preston alluded to this fact, portraying methods used in the Islamic University-Ajman, UAE; lecturer and Muslims aboard this slave schools of his country. director of the Da’wah and Education vessel trying to perform their -- Abdul Rahman at Qatar Guest Center, Doha, Qatar; prayers, while chained together Ibrahim Sori spent 40 founder and head of the English on deck as they crossed the years in slavery before he medium Islamic studies department of Atlantic. Personal narratives returned to Africa to die. He www.ShareIslam.com Knowledge International University, and histories are harder to wrote two autobiographies, Riyadh; founder and head of the find, but some stories have and signed a charcoal sketch Muslims, too, await the second coming College of Da’wah and Islamic Culture of Jesus. They consider him one of the been passed on from reliable of himself by Henry Inman, (English Section) at Omdurman Islamic Ibn Said which was featured on greatest of God’s prophets to mankind. University, Sudan; founder and head of sources: the cover of “Freedman’s Journal” and is on Preston International University College -- Omar Ibn Said (ca. 1770-1864) was born in Chennai, India; and founder and Dean in the Muslim state of Futa Toro in Western display in the Library of Congress. Many of the Muslim slaves were encouraged of the Islamic Studies Academy in Doha, Africa, in present-day Senegal. He was a “Where is God?” or forced to convert to Christianity. Many of Some religions teach that “God is Qatar. Muslim scholar and trader who was captured But perhaps his greatest achievement, the first-generation slaves retained much everywhere.” This is actually called and the one for which he was listed in and enslaved. He arrived in South Carolina in of their Muslim identity, but under the “pantheism” and it is the opposite of the Jordanian publication, “The 500 1807, and was sold to James Owen of North harsh slavery conditions this identity was our belief system in Islam. God tells us Most Influential Muslims,” is the Carolina. largely lost to later generations. (cont’d pg.4) historic founding of the Islamic Online clearly that there is nothing, anywhere “If God created everything - in the universe that resembles Him, nor University which in only 5 years has over 80,000 students registered from is He ever in His creation. He tells us in every country on the face of this earth! Then who created God?” the Quran that He created the universe Unlike the other educational programs According to the Quran, God tells us in six days (the length of these days is he has founded and overseen over the that He is the only creator and sustainer unknown) and then He rose up, above years, IOU makes it possible for any of all that exists and that nothing and no His Throne. He is there (above His person from any location in the world to one exists alongside Him, nor does He receive an Islamic education absolutely have any partners. He tells us that He is Throne) and will remain there until the free. not created, nor is He like His creation in End Times. IOU was launched in 2007 with a anyway. He calls Himself by a number of free diploma program in Islamic Studies names and three of them are: and introduced its fully accredited A) The First - (Al-Awal) www.TheDeenShow.com tuition-free Bachelor’s program (BAIS) B) The Last - (Al Akhir) in 2010. Plans are currently being made C) The Eternal, who is sought after Please Support Future Issues for a Master’s program (MAIS) for 2013. by His creation, while He has no need of Dawah Monthly Dr. Bilal has served as IOU’s chancellor from them at all. (As-Samad) NOTE: The English word “god” did not exist until by Visiting: from the beginning. He always has existed and He never was 1066 AD after the Norman invasion of the Saxxons. created, as He is not like His creation, nor Therefore, the most appropriate word for “Almighty, www.DawahMonthly.com similar to it, in any way. The Most High God” should be “Allah.” Dawah Monthly Magazine 2 August 2013 Dawah Monthly Magazine 3 August 2013 Islam in America During the Civil Rights Era n the Qur’an, God commands the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ believers to accept, as part of their The Biblical stories reproduced in Most people, when they think of Among the reasons why African-Americans have been and continue to be drawn to Islam faith, the divine word revealed to Qur’an (e.g., Job, Moses, Joseph etc.) and African-American Muslims, think of the are 1) the Islamic heritage of West Africa from IProphet Moses, known as the Torah; to the episodes relating to the history of the “Nation of Islam.” Certainly, there is an where many of their ancestors had come; and Prophet David in the original Psalms; beginning of ’s Prophethood historical importance to how Islam took 2) the absence of racism in Islam in contrast and to Jesus in the original Gospel. All demonstrate that it is “God’s practice” to hold among African-Americans, but to the brutal and racist enslavement they had Muslims are obliged to believe in all make faith triumph over the forces of evil we will see how this initial introduction endured. In the early 1900s, a few black leaders of the revealed scriptures. However, and adversity. transformed in modern times. strived to help the recently-freed African as stated in the Qur’an, all scriptures “So truly with hardship comes ease.” slaves regain a sense of self-esteem and revealed before the Qur’an have not For Jesus to die on the cross would have reclaim their heritage. Noble Drew Ali started remained as they were revealed. People a black nationalist community, the Moorish meant the triumph of his executioners; but Science Temple, in New Jersey in 1913. After changed parts of them to suit their own the Quran asserts that they undoubtedly his death, some of his followers turned to desires. failed: “Assuredly God will defend those Wallace Fard, who founded the Lost-Found “Woe to those who write the who believe”; He confounds the plots of Nation of Islam in Detroit in 1930. Fard was scripture with their own hands and the enemies of Christ. a mysterious figure who declared that Islam is then say; “This is from Allah,” to “Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, the natural religion for Africans, but did not emphasize the orthodox teachings of the faith. purchase with it (worldly gain) at a Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger Instead, he preached black nationalism, with a cheap price. Woe to them for what of Allah .” And they did not kill him, revisionist mythology explaining the historical their hands have written and woe to nor did they crucify him; but [another] oppression of the black people. Many of his them for what they earned by doing was made to resemble him to them. teachings directly contradicted the true faith of it.” Quran 2:79 And indeed, those who differ over it Islam. are in doubt about it. They have no In 1934, Fard disappeared and Elijah Furthermore, in the Old Testament, knowledge of it except the following of Muhammed took over the leadership of the God is quoted in Jeremiah 8:8 as saying, assumption. And they did not kill him, Nation of Islam. Fard became a “Savior” figure, “How can you say, ‘We are wise, and the for certain. Rather, Allah raised him to and followers believed that he was Allah in law is with us;? But, behold, the false pen Himself. And ever is Allah Exalted in the flesh on earth. The poverty and racism of the scribes has made it into a lie.” Might and Wise.” rampant in the urban northern states made his message about black superiority and -- Qur’aan 4:157-158 “white devils” more widely accepted. His “If there is only one God, then why are there so many religions? follower Malcolm X became a public figure during the 1960s, although he God does not force anyone to submit to to believe at all, for them there is an eternal separated himself from the Nation of Him. He has laid out a clear path and then punishment that is most horrible (Hell). Islam before his death in 1965. made it known to them the two ways (Heaven All religions originated with God and then Muslims look to Malcolm X (later or Hell). The person is always free to make people began to add or take away from the known as Al-Hajj Malik Shabaaz) as his or her own choice. There is no compulsion teachings so as to take control over each other. an example of one who, at the end of in the way of “Islam.” Whoever chooses to Man made religions are an abomination before his life, rejected the racially-divisive worship God without partners and is devoted the Lord and will never be accepted. He will teachings of the Nation of Islam and to Him and is obeying His commands as much only accept true submission, obedience and in embraced the true brotherhood of as possible, has grasped the firm hand hold purity and peace to His commandments. Islam. His letter from , written that will never break. Whoever denies God Learn More at during his pilgrimage, shows the and chooses some other way to worship or not www.ShareIslam.com transformation that had taken place. As we shall see shortly, most African- Americans have made this transition Islam as taught by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as well, leaving behind the “black is a continuation and completion of the religion of all nationalist” Islamic organizations to the prophets of God including Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, enter the worldwide brotherhood of Solomon, and Jesus (peace be upon them all). Islam. (cont’d pg. 9) Dawah Monthly Magazine 4 August 2013 Dawah Monthly Magazine 5 August 2013 esus lived about 2,000 years ago in ancient implied that she had ruined the family name. supported by the spirit of truth, the angel religion to the masses. Palestine when the Roman Empire was Mary, being overwhelmed, simply motioned Gabriel. They pursued him and his followers and atJ it’s zenith. He wasn’t conceived in the toward the child meekly. Now the child was He taught that love and mercy overcome eventually captured him, he never renounced usual way, but was implanted in the womb the product of a miracle, and consequently, hate and anger and that only a true and sincere his faith in the one God. So in their anger they of a young woman named Mary. God simply miraculous things began to happen. In defense faith in the Creator and obedience to His will plotted to crucify him on a Roman cross. commanded, “BE” and he was. In this sense, of his mother and of the truth, the infant Jesus can bring a person salvation in this life as well But Jesus slipped from their grip at the last he was “a word” of God and a special sign for spoke saying, as in the next. moment, and all the while they thought they humanity. In fact, he was the last in a long line “I am a servant of God. He has given me To reinforce his message, which was had succeeded. They were sure they had killed of religious guides sent to the Jews. scripture and has made me a Prophet. He called “Injeel” - Gospel (good news), God him but God answered Jesus’ prayer and saved Mary was a righteous woman. Her mother has blessed me wherever I may be and has granted him the performance of miracles. He him from their schemes. Confusion overtook dedicated her to God’s service even before she made prayer and charity my duty as long healed the sick, uplifted the distressed and the mob and they might have killed the man was born. As a child, she lived a life marked by as I live.” revived the dead. All these things he did with who betrayed Jesus instead. health and righteousness, which others pointed This put the detractors to rest. the permission of God, never taking credit for In any case, Jesus escaped from their grasp. to in admiration. She was raised by the wise Throughout his youth, Jesus remained them himself. Then God removed Jesus from this world into another, to a place with Him, not to return until Zechariah, who instilled in her, a beautiful dutiful to his mother and developed quickly in He led a simple and pious life. Soon he attracted an inner-circle of devoted followers a later time; sense of faith in God. intelligence, wisdom and piety. He dumfounded With their teacher gone, the devoted When she became a young woman, Mary the learned and was greatly admired by those who listened to his teachings with fervor and followers of Jesus tried to maintain the purity sought to purify herself further before her around him who appreciated his talents. He humility. These disciples, among them Peter, and simplicity of his teachings. But they were Lord. Knowing that the hustle of life in the claimed to be a sign of God and a Messenger Barnabas, and John helped him carry the soon besieged and overtaken by a flood of towns was distracting, she withdrew from her to the Israelites message of Divine Love to the People. They Roman and Greek influences, which eventually people to a sanctuary in the East. There she His people had strayed from the spirit helped him on his mission. so buried and distorted the message of Jesus could meditate in seclusion and peace. of truth and placed their trust in legalism, But no righteous man of God is without that only a little of it’s truth now remains. Suddenly, on a day that seemed no thereby burying their sense of mercy beneath trial and tribulation. As the message of Jesus Strange doctrines of Jesus being man- different from the rest, an angel of God visited dusty scrolls and rituals. Finally, when he began to gain wider acceptance, a small clique god, of God dying, of saint worshipping, and her, disguised in the likeness of a human. came of age, Jesus began to travel and preach of hypocrites and evil men began to plot against of God being made up of different parts came Afraid of the strange sight, Mary prayed for throughout the land of Palestine about a return him. They were the priests and leaders of the into vogue and were accepted by many of those protection, but the strange being assured her to the truth of old revelations and a rejection Jews whose position and wealth depended who took the name “Christian” centuries after and declared that he was a messenger from the of all that man had added. In his task he was upon their place as the sole interpreters of Jesus. Lord to announce the glad-tidings of a faultless The only records that have come down son. to us concerning Jesus are some sketchy Mary, astounded, asked how this was biographical material, poorly researched possible seeing that no man had ever touched and compiled, which can in no way be her. But the angel replied, “Your Lord says, ‘it representative of the full and accurate Message is easy for Me...” But when she felt the child of Jesus, the Son of Mary. within her, she fled her sanctuary out of fear The time of the final and incorruptible Message wasn’t yet at hand. It would be left to of what her family would do or say when they the last prophet of God, Muhammad, to clarify heard the news. the truth from man’s additions and deletions. Mary, however, was not to face hardship. Jesus taught the same eternal message that When in her despair she cried out to God for was taught by all the Messengers of God, from oblivion, a voice soothed her and she found Adam, on through Noah, Abraham, Moses shade and a cool spring. Under a date-palm and ending with the mission of God’s last in the warmth of late summer, she made her Guidepost to humanity, Muhammad, whose dwelling and there she bore the child unlike coming was foretold by Jesus himself. any other in human history. Each of the many Messengers spoke Shortly thereafter, Mary returned to her a different language and followed varied community carrying the child who as to be customs. Yet the core faith taught by each was called Messiah, Jesus, and son of Mary. When the same: surrender your imperfect and fickle her people saw her with the baby in her arms THE MUSLIM will to the perfect will of the Power that is they couldn’t believe their eyes, let alone greater than you. You will then find the peace accept her word. They refused to believe when and freedom that only the Creator of all things she told of an angel who came and told her she can provide. Then you must do what is right was chosen above all other women to carry this and good to your fellow creatures. This way of burden. life is called Islam (surrender to God and find peace). They accused her of infidelity and JESUSPeace Be Upon Him The Wisdom of Luqman Islam in America Today The number of Muslims in the has the number of native-born converts ....and The Honor of Being Wise United States today is estimated to the faith. Among immigrants, Luqman was not a Prophet yet he is clarified. There is nothing better if these two to be between 6-8 million. Muslims come largely from Arab honored in the Qur’an as a wise man. Wisdom are good and there is nothing worse if these According to several surveys and South Asian countries. A major is declared to be an extremely good thing and two are bad. commissioned between 2006- study conducted by Pew Research is said to be a gift from Allah. Allah grants This is the wisdom. wisdom to whomever He wills. And he to If we want to go to the root of all wisdom 2008, African-Americans make Center in 2007 found that whom wisdom is granted is granted good in we read in Qur’an, Surah Luqman from verse up about 25% of the Muslim American Muslims are mostly abundance. no. 12 to 19 population of the U.S. middle-class, well-educated, and Qur’an Surah Baqarah 2:269. “And We had certainly given Luqman The vast majority “decidedly American in their “He gives wisdom to whom He wills, wisdom [and said], “Be grateful to of African-American outlook, values and attitudes.” and whoever has been given wisdom Allah.” And whoever is grateful is Muslims have Today, Muslims in America has certainly been given much good. grateful for [the benefit of] himself. embraced orthodox represent a colorful mosaic And none will remember except those of And whoever denies [His favor] – Islam and have that is unique in the world. understanding.” then indeed, Allah is Free of need rejected the African-Americans, According to many commentators, and and Praiseworthy. And [mention, O racially-divisive Southeast Asians, scholars of Qur’an, Luqman was an Ethiopian Muhammad], when Luqman said to his teachings of the Nation of Islam. Warith Deen North Africans, , and Europeans come slave and worked as a carpenter. Luqman was son while he was instructing him, “O not a handsome man, he does not fit into the my son, do not associate [anything] with Mohammed, a son of Elijah Mohammed, together daily for prayer and support, united in description of good looks of modern times. Allah. Indeed, association [with him] is helped lead the community through a transition faith, with the understanding that they are all Rather he short and black, with a flat nose, says great injustice.” And We have enjoined away from his father’s black nationalist equal before God. Ibn Kathir. Ibn Jareer reported that Luqman upon man [care] for his parents. His teachings, to join the mainstream Islamic faith. -- Islam in America - Three-Part Series was an Ethiopian slave. mother carried him, [increasing her] The number of Muslim immigrants to the by Huda, About.com Once his master said to him: in weakness upon weakness, and his United States has increased in recent years, as “Slaughter this sheep for us and bring the best weaning is in two years. Be grateful to two pieces from it.” Me and to your parents; to Me is the back to Me [in repentance]. Then to Me way of addressing your son - do not commit So he brought the tongue and heart. [final] destination. But if they endeavor will be your return, and I will inform shirk, surely shirk is the biggest atrocity. But Time passed and few weeks later the master to make you associate with Me that you about what you used to do. [And before that he takes an advice from Allah and heeds to it. Show gratitude to Allah. The repeated his order with a little difference. of which you have no knowledge, do Luqman said], “O my son, indeed next session of wisdom is to show gratitude not obey them but accompany them in if wrong should be the weight of a Bring two worst pieces of meat. Even this time towards our parents. Another gem of wisdom Luqman brought the same; the tongue and the [this] world with appropriate kindness mustard seed and should be within a rock or [anywhere] in the heavens or which remains wise even today, ever fresh. The heart. His master was surprised. So Luqman and follow the way of those who turn rest of the few verses go on to tell us about in the earth, Allah will bring it forth. personality development. Indeed, Allah is Subtle and Acquainted. The moral of the story of Luqman is simple O my son, establish prayer, enjoin what but motivating wisdom. It is not a monopoly is right, forbid what is wrong, and be of educated, graduates, rich or good looking patient over what befalls you. Indeed, people. If a carpenter of Ethiopia can be wise [all] that is of the matters [requiring] so can a tailor from India, or a cashier from determination. And do not turn your the US. Wisdom has nothing to do with good cheek [in contempt] toward people looks. If a flat nosed slave can be wise, so can and do not walk through the earth a dark south Indian, or a broke, disheveled man exultantly. Indeed, Allah does not like on a street corner in NYC. Wisdom comes from everyone self-deluded and boastful. Allah and it begins by being grateful to Allah And be moderate in your pace and and clinging to Tawheed, the monotheism of lower your voice; indeed, the most Islam. disagreeable of sounds is the voice of May Allah make us Wise. Ameen donkeys.” Author : NIsaar Nadiadwala We see the wise advice he begins from. writes and speaks on Islam and Muslims. “Yaa bunayya!!” Bunayya is an affectionate He can be reached at [email protected]

Dawah Monthly Magazine 8 August 2013 Dawah Monthly Magazine 9 August 2013 Women Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Qira’at interpretation and commentary, ‘Aishah was also well versed in the law Shari’ah, Fiqh, study of Hadith, all are of inheritance and many renowned and The important aspects of Islamic studies. respected Companions consulted her on Many of the women Companions were the finer points of the law. experts in these fields. ‘Aishah memorized Besides being masters of Islamic law the Qur’an as did Hafsah, Umm Salmah, and of the finer points of Fiqh, the women Umm Waraqah. Hind bint Aseed, Umm Companions had skill and ability in Hisham bin Harithah, Zaidah bint Hayyan; other branches of knowledge. Asma’ bint Umm Sa’ad bint Sa’ad all knew portions of the Qur’an by heart. The latter used Yazid bin Sakan was an expert in making to regularly lecture on the Qur’an. In the speech; Asma’ bint ‘Umais was famous Sahabiyat for her interpretation of dreams. Several he Sahabiyat (Women Companions) sensitive interpretation of Hadith, all were played a prominent role in politics. expert, but ‘Aishah and Umm Salmah Female Companions were noted for their Caliph ‘Umar valued Shifa’ bint were exceptional masters of interpretation skill in medicine and surgery. Aslamiah T‘Abdullah for her political intelligence and and commentary. With the former, 2,210 Umm Matta’a, Umm Kabshah , Hamnah insight that he very often consulted with Ahadith are associated and 378 with the bint Jahash, Mu’aathah, Ammaimah, her. He often gave her the responsibility of latter. running the affairs of state relating to trade and Umm Ziad, Rabi’a bint Mu’awath, Umm ‘Aishah was an expert on interpretation commerce. Before the Hijrah (migration) of ‘Atiyah, Umm Salim were some of them, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and commentary due to her close well known for their skills. Rufaida to Al-Madinah, the disbelievers wanted to lay association with the Prophet Muhammad Aslamiah’s tent, set up as a surgery with (peace be upon him). Much of the Book of siege to his house, it was Ruqayyah bint Saifeet all the necessary instruments, was situated Tafsir in Sahih Muslim contains narrations who warned him. The Prophet Muhammad close to the Prophet’s Mosque at Madinah. then secretly left for Al-Madinah, leaving ‘Ali from her. Asma ‘bint AbuBakr (sister asleep in his place. Vast political rights are of’Aishah), Umm’Atiyah, Umm Hani The arts were not neglected by any means. granted to women in Islam. A woman even has and bint Qais also had extensive Some of the most noted poetesses were, the right to grant shelter to an enemy, if she knowledge of Ahadith. In Islamic juris Sa’adi, Safiyah, ‘Atikah, Bint Zaid, Hind so wishes. A historian, Abu Dawood relates prudence or Fiqh ‘Aishah’s verdicts could bint Athathah, Umm Aiman, Kabashah that Umm Hani the sister of ‘Ali, had given fill several volumes. The same could be bint Rafi’a, Ummamah Maridiah, Hind refuge to an enemy disbeliever and the Prophet said of Umm Salman’s recorded verdicts. bint Harith, Zainab bint ‘Awam Azdi, Muhammad said, The invaluable verdicts of Safiyyah, Maimoonah and Ruqayyah. A book of “If you have guaranteed sanctuary Hafsah, Umm Habibah, Juwairiah, verses by Khansa’, the best known among and safety to a person, then we stand Fatimah (the Prophet’s daughter), Umm them, has been published. by you.” Shareek, Umm ‘Atiyah, Asma’ bint Abu This is the law of Islam that the Imam Bakr, Laila bint Qai’f , Khawlah bint - Excerpt from or leader has to stand by the guarantee Tuyait, UmmDarda, ‘Athikah bint Zaid, offered by the woman. Sahlah bint Sohail, Fatimah bint Qais, The Great Women of Islam There are various subjects, an Zainab bint Jahash, Umm Salmah, Umm Who Were Given The Good News of Paradise understanding of which are essential for a Aiman, Umm Yusuf could fill several Darussalam Publishers, thorough knowledge of Islam and its tenets. volumes. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Dawah Monthly Magazine 10 August 2013 Dawah Monthly Magazine 11 August 2013 The Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) Last Sermon This sermon was delivered on the Ninth women well and be kind to them for they Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H. in the ‘Uranah are your partners and committed helpers. valley of Mount Arafat’ (in Mecca). And it is your right that they do not make After praising, and thanking Allah he friends with any one of whom you do not said: approve, as well as never to be unchaste. O People, listen to me in earnest, “O People, lend me an attentive ear, for worship ALLAH, say your five daily I know not whether after this year, I shall prayers (Salah), fast during the month of ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat to what I am saying to you very carefully (charity). Perform Hajj if you can afford and TAKE THESE WORDS TO THOSE to. WHO COULD NOT BE PRESENT HERE All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an TODAY. Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab O People, just as you regard this month, nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the Arab; also a white has no superiority over life and property of every Muslim as a black nor a black has any superiority over sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to white; except by piety and good action. you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one Learn that every Muslim is a brother so that no one may hurt you. Remember to every Muslim and that the Muslims that you will indeed meet your LORD, and constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall that HE will indeed reckon your deeds. be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs ALLAH has forbidden you to take usury to a fellow Muslim unless it was given (interest), therefore all interest obligation freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, injustice to yourselves. however, is yours to keep. You will neither Remember, one day you will appear inflict nor suffer any inequity. Allah has before ALLAH and answer your deeds. Judged that there shall be no interest So beware, do not stray from the path of and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn righteousness after I am gone. ‘Abd’al Muttalib (Prophet’s uncle) shall O People, no prophet or apostle will henceforth be waived... come after me and no new faith will be Beware of Satan, for the safety of your born. Reason well, therefore, O People, religion. He has lost all hope that he will and understand words which I convey ever be able to lead you astray in big to you. I leave behind me two things, the things, so beware of following him in small QURAN and my example, the SUNNAH things. and if you follow these you will never go O People, it is true that you have astray. certain rights with regard to your women, All those who listen to me shall pass but they also have rights over you. on my words to others and those to others Remember that you have taken them as again; and may the last ones understand your wives only under Allah’s trust and my words better than those who listen to with His permission. If they abide by your me directly. Be my witness, O ALLAH, right then to them belongs the right to be that I have conveyed your message to your fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your people”. For Questions about Islam, Comments, Suggestions or other inquiries about this publication please contact: [email protected] Visit Us Online: www.DawahMonthly.com To Sponsor an Issue please contact: [email protected]