Monitoring Survey of Annex I Sand Dune Habitats in Ireland. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No
ISSN 1393 – 6670 Monitoring survey of Annex I sand dune habitats in Ireland Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 75 Monitoring survey of Annex I sand dune habitats in Ireland A. Delaney, F.M. Devaney, J.R. Martin, S.J. Barron Citation: Delaney, A., Devaney, F.M, Martin, J.M. and Barron, S.J. (2013). Monitoring survey of Annex I sand dune habitats in Ireland. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 75. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Dublin, Ireland. Keywords: Sand dunes, Ireland, coastal, monitoring, assessment, Habitats Directive, structure and functions, conservation status Site list: 000020, Black Head-Poulsallagh Complex SAC; 000091, Clonakilty Bay SAC; 000147, Horn Head and Rinclevan SAC; 000164, Lough Nagreany Dunes SAC; 000190, Slieve Tooey/Tormore Island/Loughros Beg Bay SAC; 000194, Tranarossan and Melmore Lough SAC; 000197, West of Ardara/Maas Road SAC; 000199, Baldoyle Bay SAC; 000206, North Dublin Bay SAC; 000332, Akeragh, Banna and Barrow Harbour SAC; 000343, Castlemaine Harbour SAC; 000370, Lough Yganavan and Lough Nambrackdarraig SAC; 000458, Killala Bay/Moy Estuary SAC; 000470, Mullet/Blacksod Bay Complex SAC; 000500, Glenamoy Bog Complex SAC; 000622, Ballysadare Bay SAC; 000627, Cummeen Strand/Drumcliff Bay (Sligo Bay) SAC; 000671, Tramore Dunes and Backstrand SAC; 000696, Ballyteige Burrow SAC; 000697 Bannow Bay SAC; 000700, Cahore Polders and Dunes SAC; 000710, Raven Point Nature Reserve SAC; 000729 Buckroney-Brittas Dunes and Fen SAC; 001040, Barley Cove to Ballyrisode Point SAC; 001061, Kilkieran Lake and Castlefreke Dunes SAC; 001090, Ballyness Bay SAC; 001141, Gweedore Bay and Islands SAC; 001257, Dog’s Bay SAC; 001309, Omey Island Machair SAC; 001932, Mweelrea/Sheeffry/Erriff Complex SAC; 001957, Boyne Coast and Estuary SAC; 002012, North Inishowen Coast SAC; 002070, Tralee Bay and Magherees Peninsula, West to Cloghane SAC; 002074, Slyne Head Peninsula SAC Cover photo: Dunes at Banna Strand, Co.
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