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Hom. oj Ih. N.ws ros'se. oln e ews Page 10-This Issue. 99 KercbnJlJ TV. 2-8900 Complete News Coverage' of 'All'the Pointes VOLUME I~NO. ~ 5c Per COpy GROSSE POINTE: MICHIGAN, JANUARY 22, 1953 Entered as second Class Matter 13.00 PET Ye~ It the Post 'Office at Detroit. Mlcll. Fully Paid Circulation

T' - I IIE}\DLIN ES A Preview 'of Grosse Pointe's New ,Central ,Libr~"r~ Country Day School All Residents , Asked to See As Compiled 6y the May be Purchased New Building Grosse Pointe News Presentation Ceremonies To Thursday, January 15 Be Followed by Open DETROIT FEDERATION of By Public System Teachers (AFL) denies Senate House for Community Internal Security subcommittee charges that Detroit flchools em- Decisior Believed N~ar or. Matter of Acquiring Property to Grosse Pointe's new Cen. ploy 100 or more Communist Enlarge High Facilities in Future tral Library will be dedicat .. teachers. --'------ed at ceremonies in the mag .. • • • The Grosse Pointe Board of Edu~ation is expected to nificent modern structure at RUNAWAY PASSENGER reach a decision this week on whether or not it will ask the Kercheval avenue and Fisher TRAIN carrying 400 persons voters to approve the JJurchase of the Country Day School road from 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday crashes in Washington's Union property, located next to the High School on Grosse Pointe afternoon, January 25. All Station, injuring at least 98. boulevard. \~'------residen'ts of the community C:-ash attributed to brake failure. The decision was postponed at Ohl.Oan K;lled are extended an invitation to • • • a special meeting held last Tues- It attend by the Board of Direc .. Friday, January 16 day night, when two directors, tors of the Friends of the EAST GERMAN Communist Mrs. M. M. Sheaffel' and Sigurd I C h t government reveals morest of its Wendin were absent. It was felt n f )"as a Grosse Pointe Public Library, foreign minister, Georg Dertin- the entire board should be ' Made possible by gifts of Mr. gel'. on charges of high treason. present before any action on such D. M. Ferry, Jr., and the late a question was taken. In,tersect;onIt Murray W. Sales, the building • • • Long Under Consideration is designed to serve the large SENATE GROUP demands" Consideration of the acquisi. central area of Grosse Pointe and Congressional adion to override tion of the Country Day property Fatal Accident Sunday Also to house the administrative of- President Truman'. order to has been going on for some Badly Injures Army Private fices for the library 'system. as transfer oil-rich tidelands to the months. The board of Trustees of From St. Clair Shores well as the basic book collection. navy for national defense pur- the Detroit University School and Many Contributed poses. Grosse Pointe Country Day Funds for most of the furnish. • • • School Corporation, has signified Less than two hours after ings for the building were con- Saturday, January 17 its willingness to sell. with eer.' his car collided with another tributed by Grosse Pointe organ- OLD LAW creates block to confirmation or Charles E. Wil- tain provisions. 'automobile at the intersection izations and individuals. In addi- son as ,ecretary of defense in The corporation has long of Devonshire and Charlevoix, tion to the special appropriation Eisenhower cabinet. Bars from wished to mQve the Country Day on January 18,' Robert Frye, by the Board of Education to office a stockholder in a corpora- School to Cook road, opposite 45, 'died of internal iojuries in strengthen the book collection tion doing business with the Gov- the Detroit University School, so Bon Secours Hospital. for the new Library, the Friends ernment. both institutions would be on the of the Library have received a same campus. A drive for funds Park police said that Frye, who number .of gifts that will be used • • • to accomplish this was launched was a resident of Ohio, failed to also for the purchase of books. "TWO EMPLOYES at Presi- three or four years ago. stop for Charlevoix. He struck The new Library represents dent-elect Eisenhower's New I Faced With Certainty a car d.riven by 2l:year-old ~r- a realization of dreams and the York headquarters have been de- -t'lcture by Fred Runnells The Board of Education is fa~ed my Prlvate .Antonlo J. ~asslse, meeting of a need that has exist- nied tentative White House staff This is just one end of the beautiful new main reading room, showing some of the comfortable chairs and sofas Iwith the certainty that.within the whose ~ome IS at 21819 Ehzabeth, i ed since the Public'Library was positions on basis of unfavorable which will be available for users of the new library. The whole, left wall of this room is solid glass, looking out over not tQo distant future, estimated St. Clair Shores. lorganized in 1929. Under Miss FBI reports. Kercheval avenue. Recessed CQld cathode lighting in the unusual ceiling treatment affords brilliant but glareless at be ween five and 10 years, he Suffers Broken Baek Florence Severs, Director until • • • light. The broad. expanse of panellin'g overhead is teakwoo d, which has been used extensively throughout the building. High School will not be able to I Cassisc, now in Bon Secours' 1949. library service was devel- S~~~Jan~Q18 ------~------~,~.------acr~m~a~ llie st~e~ MWI&~ihl,w~redabrok~b~kjo~dinalliliep~n~~~lli~~ ATTORNEY GENERAL Me- I . I coming up through the elemen. andbr6ken ribs. He is attached first modern building erected in ~r:~e:ito~~::~s U:J~~~~~a~~e~~t 163 Donors IFarms. COllncil Re.cO.lum,.end~ V ot,e",ft,S, to "G,..,;,.0,.,... , ta~r s~~~ol~i\en .be necessary' to ~o~~~~~.YN~~l~~~~~:s,at Fort 1939i.'aCiliues Now Adeq~ate . as most flagrant example of de- G. B.,. d S d H If M II f T P II e~ther con~tr~ct a whole n.ew Police said ~hat both cars were The o~ning of the new Woods. I Jayed justice in the nation. , zV'e. '," 00 I pen lng. a, ...... :.1 Ion'. or .0.' '. 0' 8.',on'. . high s('hoo1. WIth another fa~~l~y, nearly demolished. Branchjn January, 1952, and the • • • or be abl.e.to expand t?e facIllt~es ., • opening, for service of the new PRESIDENT - ELECT Eisen- I~. I on the ples:nt slte. ~t IS ~he belief Park JaIlbreaker Central Library next Monday, hower reported to be standing I..~A.t' .V enter Improvements at. PI-er, Park Februa'. ry 16 of the b?al d that It Will be far will provide Grosse Pointe with . firm on his choice of Charles E., cheaper In the long run to t~.ke Back, in Custody modern library facilities compar- W~ as defense secretary de- R d C P-I --d W'th R Proposed Bond Issue Will Be Subniitted to Voters at General Woods Will Hold Special over the Country Day School S;1~e able to, any similar community lIPite Senate refusal to confirm e. ross ease I e- a!ld be able to expand. the faclh- in the Country . • ppointme~t because of Wilson's sponse to Latest Pointe City Election Scheduled for Next April b Election on Amendments ties. of the presen~ lugh school A two-week search for a 22- An ~laborate program has been ,tock holdmg~. • • Plea; 209 Tried to The Farms COU11Cl'1recommended a bond I'ssue not to On Same' Day as Primary thel e. In th~ n:eantIme the Coun- ye~r-old escap~e from t~e Grosse planned for the occasion. It will try Day bUlldmg coyld be used Pomte Park Jail ended m down- open' with a presentaion of a flag PRESIDENT TRUMAN ignor~sl Contribute 1 exceed a half-million dollars for the developm~nt and exten- Pointe voters will go to the for the adult education program.", town Detroit on Monday, Janu-II by Walter G. Albrecht, general

Congressional protests. and Of!I-1 -:--'. J ion of the municipal pier park last M9nday l1lght. The p:o-I polls in the general county Ne,~ G~'~ I.s .Faetor . ary 19. 'contractor of the building. This cially places offshore 011 depQslls The Red CIOS~ BloodmobIle Iposal will be submitted to }"anns voters at the general CIty election on Februarv 16 to (\nothel consldet?t.l~n that pet-j Donald Treppa, of 2590 Alter I and the raising of the colors by a under navy command. colI.ected 163 pmts of blood election April 6 ,~------t th " b 11 t. f". 'd' taInS to the ~CqUISItlO~ of the road, was arrested by Detroit I Color Guard of Boy Scouts will ...... from Pointe residents when it ,. "'.. cas eu a? s . or can 1- CDS property IS the. behef of the police in the afternoon near the take place in front of the build- Monday. January 19 came. to the War Memorial In a report to the council, city the south ~Ide of the.pIOpetty. dales for nommatIon to the 'I school board that In the event Majestic Building. Treppa had ing at 3 o'clock. U. S. NAVY patrol plane Center last F'riday. The col- engineel' Murray M. Smit~ ~rac~d Parkmg Area Stress~d office of Wayne County Audi- t~e voters approve ~he .construc- been arrested on January 2, for! i\Ir.• 'er to C t Ribb crashe~ off South China coas. I . - h b d the development of the plel park Both plans show appr?xlmately I tor. hon of a new audltonum-gym- investi ation of auto theft b i ry u.. on with 13 aboard after reportin; ecbon as ee~ terme ~ since th~ 'first wooden pier. a~d the same land use. the biggest de- . . "nasium [or the High School. the g . , . .. y, Dexter M. Ferry, Jl"., chief ben- it had been hit by Communist Igr~a~ success b) Red Cross: con:rete 'breakwal~ were. b:uIt. In mand being for parking area, A~ far. as IS now kn~wn, Pl'l-, building would best be located Park pohc~: T~e mvestI~atI~n efactor, will preside at the ribbon ground fire. U. S. rescue ship offICIals,. : 192;>under a bond Issue C~ $;)0,000. which is completely separ'ated maries. wIll not be ~e.ld m any of I on the Country Day School prop- connected him \\ l.t~ bUrg~af1eshm cutting ceremony and then will k from the picnic and play areas. th~ Pomte cOm~lUmtIe~ for local erty, with the entrance from ou~tate commumtIes an ot er be presented with the keys to crashes into sea after picking up Donors ~ppe.armg to ~la e I Greatly Expanded The second plan has been offIces. !\Hho~g.l. candidates for Grosse Pointe boulevard. auto thefts. .; the building by Mr. Albrecht. survivors. ••• blood contrIbutIons to.taled 209'1 The width of the original park recommended over the first be- !ocal o.fflces still nave, a ~ew days A pl'ice of $710,000 has been He was to have been arralgne.d I Mr. [Ferry will in turn present Of these 46 were rejected for was 269 feet. Two land purchases cause it is less costly and because In whIch to file their mtent to set on the CDS property. This 0!1 January 5. but made good hiS the keys. to Bert H. Wicking, EAST GERMAN REDS con- \'ario~s reasons.. since June of 1945 have expanded't'd t f l' run, the number has not been fi " d at through an escape that same afternoon. I president of the Grosse Pointe linue attempts to isolate Berlin I It was pointed out that while the park area along Lake Shore I 'pro~1 cs a gr[eather ar~a 0 great enough to demand pd- gure. wa}s artdlve th Detroit Treppa is presently in the I' Board at' Education under whose -oviet one from West zone as th t t 1 be f 'nts obtain d t 800 f t sWlmmmg, one 0 e mall} ac- 'ie appraJsa ma eyeb t d f D t 't I' d '11 . ' • b z. I e ~ anum r 0 pI . - roa 0 ee . tivities at the park. Also, the bac- mal s. . i .. . Real Estate Board. The Board of cus 0 Y 0 e rOl po Ice an. WI supervision the st~uct~l1'e will be th~y stol? traffIC on elevated I ed dId not approach the 232 ~mt City officials have long' been terial analysis of the bathing . Mos.t of the Pomte nU:'nlclpal.l- Eduction and officials of DUS- be l:eturned here shortly to be o~erated and mam~alned al~n.g raIlway Ime.. • .. I ~ecord set. on the last c?llectJon concerned with providing ade~ water on the south side is 'far tle~ follo:v the coun.ty system m CDS shared the expense of the arraigned o~ warrants held by \:'Ith all the ~ther lIbrary facllI- In the Pom~e, t~ere are ~ nu.m- quate recreational facilities to superior to that on the north, as which pl'lmary elections are call- appraisal. the Park pollce. bes of the Pomte. . HALF MILLION VISITORS Ibel' of conh'Jbutmg factors WhICh meet the demands of the com- shown by samples taken over the e~ only when the. nUt;1ber. of can-I Appraisal Figures Kellogg to PreSIde ~r::~s ~~~~g~::~?:~s ofaK:~~1R~~I~:~e the campaign very gratify- munity's gro,wth. past two years. . ~~~~t~o;~:~ ~~:~nu~~~~r ~f ~~~~=The land was appraised at Driver, Passenger:' The assel~bly will then adjourn publican president in two dee- There have been numerous con- Two plans have been developed Would Take Two Years . ff' (Continued on Page 2) • d. C h.' to the meetmg room on the sec- Rdes. to take place shortly after centrated drI'ves for' blood re- for th.e lake. fro,nt park. The .total In an 0 Ice. ------InJu.l.e In ras ' ! ond floor of the building where ~ I d hI" 25 Should full development be ap- I The Woods' charter however . 1--' 1'0 K I'" 11 "d t f o loon on Tuesday. cently and many local residents area InC ul;le. m t e p an~ 1., d b tl t d 'k I . , , Th. f G $200 - .r n .,.e ogg. prest en 0 " • • th' d t' , th 10 acres. of whIch one-half IS land prove . Y le V? ers han w?r t does not call for a primary for . Ie ets -- . . I the Friends .of the Grosse Pointe gave ell' ona IOns III 0 er - begun m the sprmg, t e proJec local offices in any case. But a Two persons suffered mmor m- Library. will preside. tuesday, January 20 chatidons. The. ReEdl' Cbroshs maitn area. Two Plans in Mind would take at least two ,seasons special election has been set for I In Boehm Home juries on January 18 in an auto The Rev. Dr. FranK Fitt of eu~R~SHP~n~~~l~~~~~ B~~~~~ ea quarters l!l' Iza et stree, . to, comp!ete. The wo~'k could be Woods l'(;siden~s on the day of accident on Moran road. Clar~nce i the Grosse Pointe :vrel~orial 11 Detroit, was jammed. on New The ti.rst plan ~vas .d~veloped on laid out, however. s~ It would not the county, pnmary to vote on Becker, 4108 WC\yburn. ran mto I,Church will give the invocation Penetentiary branch near Be e. Year's Day when a special appeal I the baSIS of maintaining all the interfere with use of the park in fwo proposed' charter amend- The Norman J. Boehm resi- a parked car while ~rivin~ ~Q~th I The formal presentation of th~ ionte as 575 inmates ~eize six was made. • ,swimming facilities on the north any season. ments. The amendme!1ts concern dence, at 137 Sunningdale. was on Moran and received injuries I building will .then be made by guards. Revolt at ?ig PIttsburgh The \vintei' months are also side of the property and greatly The improveplent would in- monetary compe~sabon of the burgl~I'ized sometime during the about the face. I Mr, Ferry, followed by Carter institution ends With release of noteworthy for the prevalence of ~nlargi~~. the harbor and boat- elude new !?uildings, landscape may?r ~nd councllmeJ.'l and t.he, morning of ~an~ary \l~. . Passenger Na~cy Doherty, of I Sales, Jr .• grandson of the late last three gu:rd~. • Icolds ~nd it was explained that mg faclhtIc:; to the south. . work, play and swimming areas pub,hcatIon and recording of city I Woods P?lIce InvestJgat.mg ~he 280 Moran, r?celved cuts on one MllrrClY W. Sales. WIGHT D. EISENHOWER Ico~lect!ons are always smaller at . The second plan uses the ex~st- and harbor facilities. The develop- ordm~nces. . " I robbery sald that $200 In bIlls Ileg ,aJ?d hel' pght hand. , . ';ullior League Helped D, r ' 34th thIs. tIme. Many person~ who mg harbor WIth some extensIon ment has been designed for a use- The ~'egula~ spnng ele~tlOns ~n I' had been taken. En~ry had been I Pohce estimated total damages Presentation of the furnishings ~ke~d of~lce t a~ the n.a{on s cere~ either are still ill, or who have of boating facilities in its present fulness of at least 40 years. the POl~te wIll be held 1ll Apnl; gained through a SIde door. to the autos to have been $300 : of the Children's Rooln will be res~ en. ~ 1~~Ug~: ~~~a Itaken penicillin shots for recent location, and thc'developme!lt of e.xcept In the S~ores, whose elec------: made by Mrs. John N. McLucas. momes In :s ~ng. y. illnesses, are unable to appeal'. extensive swimming facilities on F C pel lions are held In May. S h' At. t Pl. I president of the Junior League. SENATE LEADERS to proceedj . our ars I e Plan: to Extend ump ony r IS .8 aYlng '! ~resentation of the furnishings Sl ;;~~id~~~fi~~:~~~we~~s e~~~i!l~i Auto Club to Rewarcl Four ' '~p .on M~~k Ave. A-t C' t Mondau N ;Nht\~~t1bh~f~Jt:o~~r~~;;~,b~.~ade members immediately followmg ',. Eight Mile Road ' en er on v' . 'It}fl Presentation of t~e furnishings inauguration except Secretary of Al t S: f t P t l B' :F our autos plIed up ~m Mack --_. '. - i of the Friends' Room will be Defense designate Charles E. WH- er a e y a YO oys avenue near Seven M.Ile I:o~d. Prelifuinary plans were aired The Grosse Pointe War Mem-, Dolega, Mr. and Mrs. John R.: made by Renville A. Wheal. . son. , . , Ja~lUal'Y 14, when an unld!,!ntlf~ed at the WO?ds council 11!eeting last orial Center will again afford the Dykema, Mrs. Fretl..erick C. Ford, I Presentation of the furni~hings • • • . The ~verage boy can't stick his, missing sewer cover on Fairfax Ica~ p~lle? from the curb forcmg Mon.day mgh.t conc~rmng the ex-, people of the community an op- II Mrs .. Ivan D. Ha~l'Is, Mrs. Frank: of the Meet.ing Room \VIl,l be Wednesday. January 21 fmger m a leaking dike any more I near Nottingham road. He stood MmOl Lyn~, of Mt. Clemens, to ~ens~on of ~Ight ~Ile road. fr0!1l portunity to hear outstanding I P. Lister, Mrs. Edward V. Luss. I.made by CYfil F: Paye, preSident REPUBLICAN A~D D~MO- to save his village from the Zui-l uar .,.. cam I s~am on hIS. br.akes as he was 1tS mtersectlOn w1th Ver!ller.m musical talent. On Monday eve- I MI'. and1vlrs. W. R. McAdow. Mr.' of the Gros~e Pomte Rot~ry Clu,b. CRATIC leaders hail PreSIdent del' Zee and win the plat,dits of! g 1u,a UI~~l.othe;eu pa~o:~Isy TI e Iaoout to tu!n Into the Kroger I Harpel' Woods, east to an lmagm-, ning January 26 ~t 8'30 p. m. and Mrs. Paul 1. Moreland. Mr./ PresentatIon of art objects wlll Eisenhower's inaugural address his neighbor. But foul' Grosse y p tOr1 B ' saHet uDles' len market parkmg lot. .' ary point of intersection with Mischa K 0 t tie r pia~ist and and Mrs Ralph B. Netting. Mr. 'I'be made bv Hawkins Ferry. son . . d 'd I P' b' I as a 1'0 oys enry re ttman, Oth . I d R 1 h M t . . d' , .•.. f M' d 'M D t M F as magnIficent cree to gUI e omte oys dId the next best 1 11 f 706 W t h t R Id ers, mvo ve. were a p. ar el loa.. Georges Miquelle . celhst. WIll and Mrs. John K. Roney. Mrs., 0 r. an rs. ex er .' erry, new administration. Ithing by guarding ,an open sewer'j M' 0h 12 ~\~l~sNerir ~na Noel, 23824 Ehmra, St. ClaIr The extensIOn would fo~low the give a joint recital: Both men are Milton Setzer. Mrs. Frcink J. Jr. • • • • I for more' than an hOllr and a ~naDan,. l' ~ l~ m11~~ Shores; Sylvester Shea, of 1683 Wayne-Macom.b Count~ lme t.o a nationally known artists as well' Sladen Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Mrs. Hooker to Speak . 0 MICHIGAN PRIS;')N m~~hcall quarter after school had ended! ~~ttin ~~I~ to~~w:~'er he c~lled Severn; Edna Guimond, 1826 Nor- dep~h ~f 60 feet on either SIde. as distinguished members of the' Stalker, Robert W. SUI'dam. Mr.: Presentation of gifts of the director. Dr. Russell. L. F Inch, last De~ember 2. I the sc~ool . . : wood. Total damages to fenders, D.e~Icahons of. the land are en-! Detroit Symphony Orchestra. . l and Mrs. John S. Sweeney Jr.,' Friends of the Grosse Pointe resigns post. "fE!dup WIth Warden The f?ur, all Safety Patrol I . " . ! bumpers and doors aJ.'l10unt.edto vIsioned to aV~ld any futu~e. ~eed The two artists will play the' Doniild 'l'hurber, Mr. and Mrs.! Public Library will be made by Bannan's brutal, treatment of Boys, \V~ll be honore~ ~y the, ~chool offIcIals. were In, con- ! som~ $400, Woods pollce saId. . for condemnat~on of subdlvlSl~ms Sonata in D major by Mendels-I Emmelt E. Tracy, Mrs. Hanst>l D. i Mrs. Lloyd G. Hooker, founder Jackson inmates.' AutomobIle Club of Mlchlgal} at I fClence at th~ ~lme, h~wever'l . should the p~oJ.ect near actualIty. sohn as well as a Sonata by IWilson. . i and first president of the Friends. • • • a Trombly School ceremony at When the prm;Ipal, Ftank .J'j R t B crI'a It w~s estJm~ted that the 120- Grie The introduction .and A social hour will follow the I Acceptance of the buildings PRESIDENT EISENHOWER 11 a. m, Monday January 26. Welcenbach, arnved at the cor-l epor ur..... ry foot WIde pavIng would extend Pig.. B'n t b Ch' 't 1 'th M s Allan Shelden I furnishings art objects and gifts' dedicated himself to creation- of I .Remembering ~ series of trage- ner by. 4:30 p..m., all. four boy~ At B ~ Sh f01:.nearly half a mile in Grosse a~don~::en l~a:~t~ons y on °f~~i ~~~Ii~ ~~ar e ~i the tea table. on behalf 'of the Grosse Point~ an America so strong that no: dIes that have occured across the were s~Ill standmg .watc:h over the I a,fuer.. Op ,PoInte Woods. Cost of the pro- th f M . t' M . Fl t ! M J h J F 'd J M'- Ed- Board of Education will be 'made ress I' will dare to make .war : nation, as children' have fallen potential trap. Pollee were called _ ---. . . jeet was not discussed. A county .eme o. ozar s. agH~., u e !s. 0 n . 01 •. T., II>. b Bert H. Wickin' 'd . t f ~~;ing °era in which man holds Iinto open drains, pits or wells, I and they arrived shortly after., Park p~lice are mve~tJgating a road, it would be financed by wlll be mcluded m thelr pro-. wm S. Barbour, ~lS. ~~a~le~~. t~e Board.. g, prest en 0 power "to erase hurr.l1 life from'j Grosse Pointe Park Police Chief The boys will receive an, AutO)1bu:glary In the Caroffmo Barb?r county funds. gram. ., IDean Jr., and Mrs. . wIg t William F~ Connolly, mayor of the earth." Arthur Louwers wrote to school Club certificate, congratulating Sh~p, at 15120 Mack avenue, In, Harper Woods has yet to, con- Mrs. F~ank W. CoolIdge IS gen- Do~glas have been asked to pour. Grosse Pointe Farms will speak • • • I authodties, thanking the four pa- them for "Meritorious Service which $~O was ta.ken from. tlie sider the pr?posal. The VIllage eral ch.alrman for;, the ~oncert,I I TICk~ts f~r the ~ concert are on behalf of the heads of all the ALLIED TANKS, artillery and 'I trol boys fol' their work. Chief Rendered in Protecting the Liv«;s! cash register durIng the night. of Grosse POI!'1~eSh~res has re- The bcketcomml~tee wlth M.rs. f $2.50 (Includ!ng t.ax) .. They. ~.re Pointe municipalities. warplanes continue to blast Com- Louwers will; also attend the!?f School Children:: Rob~rt Lew- I January ~7-18.. ' ~used to partJc~p~te In the, pro- John L. ~enowe~ In charge, In-! on sale at th: Wal. MemoI.ml To Introduce Staff munist positions across battle-l school ceremOnIes. i IS, Aut,Q Club trafflc safety. con'-I The pollee discovered the burg- ,ject. It had orIgInally been en- eludes MISS Mane. L. Anderson.: Center and fUIther Info:~atlOn Robert M Orr director of the iront in fifth straight day ot I Patroler Robert Schafer. 12. of I' sultant, will make the presenta-llary at 4 a.m.. while making I Ivisioned that the .roadway would IMrs. ~dward Bauman, M:s. V. R. may be obtamed by callmg the ., , , stepped-up bombardment, 934 Westchester, first noticed the tion. routine check of the premises. extend to Lake Shore. Buttrlck, Jr:, M~s, Stanley F.1 Center (TU, 1-6030), (Continued on Pale 2) , e

.' .o.e .... On ', .... P-"" °H. t os , , Thursd Page Two G~OSSE POI N T E NEWS Thursday, January 22.. 195!

. , . . , Marched in Inauguralp'arade< May Buy Country Day. !MethQdists flari Mi 1 Oliitu~ries II '. . . IY Ollth. Servzce ~~~ue~!~!.~~y 1) , OClate t' d • Nevel' W,< Mr. B.arnes )s a member of with Princeton since 1946' when Imony, mUSIC. apprecla. I~n an Next, the development of tra- FONe Heavy Costs and Daug the Insbt ute board of trustees. I he joined the University as As-' methods of teach~ng. mUSIC, fo~r ciitional music form is studied: It has been estimated that the born." Th METERS He i~ ~lso treasurer of Best Seller 1 sistant Director of Admissi~ns Yte~:s asWS~~: Pl~~~st at radIO first the simple folk song,' then I new Roslyn road school wiH cost Bonnie G PubhcIty; member of the boards! following two pears of duty WIth ~ a l~n t W~II l~~n:s the rondo, the theme and varia- about $800,000. The new a~ditor- "He's Got ~nd His Handl of trustees for Eastern Baptist i the American Field Service in the ~~\cas t over a~ NBC In 'tionl minuet and tdo (scherzo) ium-gymnasium might cost as Theological Seminary, Eastern II Mediterranean. Edwards was in a I Ion o. a ~rogra~ or . . and finally sonata forms. much as a 1]1illion dollars., Presentl Baptist College anct inter-Varsity the class of 1936 at Princeton and A.nyone Int~rested 10 musIc and Use is made of the .programs The Roslyn road . school has awarding PROJECTORS Christian Fellowship; vice-preSi-', following graciuation, taught his- hav1!lg a de~re to ,lea.rn i? .~ravailable in the area and listen- been needed for some time and dent of Detroit Baptist MiSSion-I story at the Noble and Greenough preclate gbOO .mu.slchI~ e 19l e ers are prepared for the con- should be under construction CCJmpJete'y Reconditioned ary Society; and board member Schools in Dedham, Mass. for mem ershlp 10 t IS .group. certs. A review of a few im- now, the .Board poinL., out. con-I' Open 9 a.m. 'till Clnd Guaranteed! for Detroit Baptist Camp for I At Princeton he 'was ~anager ~xc.elle~t eqUipment w~ll b~ portant symphonies and opera gestion i!l that district is going 20099 Macl.: 9 'p.m. DailY TUxedo 2.9239 Children at LaPeer, Mich. of the hockey team, preSident of ~vallab.efor the. cou!,se I~cl~d concludes the course. to make It necessary to transport A rndua~~ Tem ~ Univ~_!the TIg~ Onn au~ and ~rned lng a cw~m bUill hIgh hdell~ .. ' ~~~~~~_~~~_~~_~ __ ~~~~_~ __ ~~~~~~~~~ __ ~_ . . g. . P IhiS num~rn~ in ~th trn~ ~dl'reoo~ ~~~ ~fu ~Nk~ in To~rol~Inililsc~uM~~-lr------~------~ ~Ity, Phlladelphla, Mr. Barnes cross-country. separate eallinet which was rec- !ain a'dditio~al information ab~ut ~s a member of the B~thel BaPt-, Edv.!ards' duty with the Field ommended by the University of It. c~ll the Dept. of Commu~lty I Tak T. 1St Church, Grosse POInte. I Service includ.e~ train,ing in Syria ~ichigan. A. new acrosonic piano Servlc~s, Bo~rd .of ~ducatlon, e en T I with* the Brlt1S~ Nmth. Army, IS also avaIlable. TU. 5-2000, extensIOn 2:>. • • • • SEES NEE~ FOR PRAYER and then p'ar~iclpated \Ylth the A brief description of the I ------". I ; The chaplam of congress takes Eig~th Army .In the ~fncanand course is

Let Your Savings EARN More

By Putting Them to Work at THE BEAlJTIFllL . . .. THE MICHIGAN BANK 1953 bual-Streak REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 11% Up To $51000.00-1

~, .' . 7E n rnanmr a = = = - Page Three Thursday, Janua~y 22, 1953 GROSSE POINTE NEWS 53 'Submits. Farms 'Paiama Top Hop', t~ be Held at C;e~ter , . I T~:~~~~~~S~~l ~:l!y~?~SY:~:~~da::j~~Ors. ,an, Mid..Winter Class Police Report shortly undergo conversion to Ithe film gives the illusion nf accommodate necessary speciall three dimensions. equipment for an early April! Music Hall owner, Mervyn d.e~~r~en~~~~~:~it[:s~~~~r~~;~~ .gh School. S''et showing of "Cinerama" films.' 'Gaskin, of 731 South Oxford, 1ebra. At Hl lIce Chief Walter R. Hoyt t:e- !ek 01 , vealed that the Violations Bureau The' premiere of this revolu- tsaid that Ci'nerama had signed 1 .1rches . C . I collected a total of $655 for some tionary method of projeqting mo- 1 a two-year lease with an option :;rosse i 200 violations, during December. tion pictures will mark Detroit! for seven more years. will Or ommencemen I Seyen in~uries resulted from 26 as the first cit outside New: . Estimated. cost of the conver- orship F t ,traffiC accldenlo;. Total damages y 'SlOn of MusIc Hall has been set lur on ! in the accidents were estimated York to show Cinerama. .; at between $75,000 and $100,000. 121 Graduates tc Be Awarded Diplomas at Exercises in I at over $3,150. The movies are made with a I' Ie va- At:ditorium Next Thursday Night January 29 I T~rec auto thefts were reported three-lensed camera which en. The only difference between a ! and _ I dUrIng the month. Each of the compasses 180 d~rees, approxi- dope peddler and a rattlesnake ;ident, Comme~cemen.t ceremonies for the January, 1953, class of i stol:n cars was recovered, how- ating the normal area of human is that the pegdlers sells his Youth Grosse P?mte High School, will begin at 8:15 o'clock Thurs- J eV,el. . . . vision. Cast on a curved screen poison. day evenmg, January 29, in the Grosse Pointe High School:' fhele \~ere 12 cases of Simple ------"" ------._.-~------_.__ ._- - _. ------~ lrnir.g auditorium. ,•.------. - .. --I larceny \~Ith a total loss of about new ? . $210. Police work recovered $100 ldent, Th c c.Iass num bers 1-1 candl-! be performed by Mr. Walter of the loss.• OUR REGULAR SALE IS OVER rative date~. EIght graduates completed! R. Cleminson, principal. Mr. I . . requirements for graduation in I J \" B h ' t d One Instance of breakmg. and )ointe ( : ames ,y. lIS ong. supenn en ~; t.' . t d b t I' summer school, armed forces. or: t f ' h I '11 "d th I (-n el ~ng was repor e, u no oss I . ht hi' e~ 0 sc .00 S, \\ I a\. ar e was mcurred. mg sc 00. ' diplomas. .' up-- Speaker A~nounced ,The following honors to \ the Arrest~ dUl'l~g the month total- \VE Hi\.VE A FEW The speakers Will be Delphine, graduating class will be an- e? 25: II1cl~dmg 16 adults and Walgenbach, Frances Crowley.! nounced: nme juvemles. Charges r~nge~ BUT and Jeanne Newell. The i r I The citizenship award to 5 f:om use o! an ~lte~'ed. dnver s GAR~IENTS REi\'IAJNIN(~.00 speeches \~i~l de,,:elop the ge~eral per cent of th~ class. lIcens~ to mveshgatlOn of al!to theme of Choosmg a VocatIOn.": The Bausch and Lomb Science theft among the adults. Juvenile

'1he first ~peech by Frances 'I. Medal to the boy and girl with arrest;; were made on charges that Crowley will deal with "Inter- I the best math ~nd science recol'd. I. l:an~ed from a~lto theft to 63 Tropical Weight Suits Y2 OFF e~ts." The second speaker. Jean: The recessional. aho "Pomp mvestl~atlOn of carrymg ~veap~ns. Newell. will speak on "Abilities.". and Circumstance" will conclude The arrest of four Juveniles The third speaker. Delphine Wal- ; the program.' cle~red up se,,:en stolen car com- gen?~ch:, will speak on "Oppor-: A reception will ?c given by, plall1~s: four. m t.he ~arms. two tumhes. : the Mothers' Club m the girls'; ~n Glos~e .Pomte ShOles. and one BARB MARCO, left,. WALTER "Pajama Top HOJJ" to be 103 Regular Weight Suits Y3 OFF The procession"I, "Pomp and' !!ym for students and parents af- In S1. ClaIr .Shores. PEAR and SALLY BEARDSLEE, at the Grosse Pointe War Me- Circumstance." will be played by: tel' the graduation exercises. F;l'Ins police .answered a ~otal right, and TERRY SNOWDA Y, moria I Center, Saturday, January ($ the Grosse Pointe High School: By TERRY KEYS of _06 calls durmg Decembel. seated, check over their pajama 24. The pajama tops are to be Orchestra under the direction of i GPHS .lournalism Student T d tops which they will \\jear at the the theme of the dance. Students 1/ OFF M~ Dcw~ n Kalem~~ Th~i . woAffen JuniorRed -~~-----~~._---~_._------31 Overcoats, Topcoats 3

will be followed by the singing I . Cross Parley in St. Louis C .t CI b I W °llo M Add t H of th~ "Star Spangled Banner."i Methodist Men to Hear ~ i OmmUnl Y U l zant. aXOll, S'O OltOrS Broken sizes. , • but if these clothes ",re in your size, R~v. San~lrock Selected : Capt. Joseph Johnston lVII'S. M. ~. Sheaffer, a director: N d " I t ! The mvocat~on and benediction, __ ;o,f the Pomte Board of ~duca-: 1 ee S 0 un eers I' Wll~lam, Densmore.. Ma~on,---~------son Iof the Upjo~n. Company and .wl.ll. ; you have a real bargain! THIS WeEK ONLY! are to be given by Reverend I The Men'$ Club of the Grosse hon. and Mrs. Wanda Damel, as- i -- of M1. and Mrs. Paul Maxon of start work 10 Kalamazoo wlthm i Charles ,:V. Sandrock of St. Paul's! Pointe Methodist Church will: sistant directo~' of curri~ulum for I .Grosse ~ointe Woo~s C0ll!n~u-I Moran road, rec~ive~, his Php. the next few weeks. I nO\VNTOWN STORE ONLY E\'angelical Lutheran C~urch. ! hold its regular dinner meeting! the Grosse POinte 'publIc schools, mty Club s Le,adersl~lp Tralllll1g! degl'~el ~t the ~mver~lty of WIS------I The, A .Cappella ChOir u~der. on Wednesday e\'ening. January: attende~ the JUnior Red Cross i program went mto hlg~ gear l~st! consm I III Madison thiS week: . WAYNE COMMENCEMENT I th.e dl.redlOn of Mr. John }t'mch 28. at 6:30 p.m. • :conventIOn for tI1e Mid-western: week as the completIOn of ItS Bill j",as graduated from Yale .'. Will slIlg two selections. "You'll, The speaker will be Captain; area. in St. Louis, Mo., from I new headquarters drew nearer. Univelf5ity in the Class of 1949\ Wayne Umverslty Will award I Never Walk Alone," and :'Sons' .Joseph ~.. Jf>hnston. curator of' January 12 to Ja~uary 15. I The club now calls for more and led his class. taking highest degrees to 1,116 candidates at the! and !Jaug~ter~ of A Lana Re-. the DetrOIt M~'jne Historical Mu-: Both of the POIll.te women ap-, volunteer workers to help, espe- honors and receiving a degree in I University's mid-year commence-I' Whaling's born., ThiS Will b~ f?lIowed by seum on board the "J. T. Wing", :p~ared . on conventIOn panels for dally with two groups of four- chemical engineering. ment exercises to be held at 10 I ~on!1le Glasgow smgmg a 501,0, the last commerdal sailing ves-: diSCUSSIOn. -' I year-oIds, ~ne group of 8 and 9- Priot to entering Yale. Bill was.l a.m. Thursda' Jan a' ?9 . ?l!IJIt)j 'WefJIt ~e s Got. the Whole ':'?rld 10 sel on the Great Lakes. : ------I year-old gIrls, and one of 10- valedidtorian in his class at De-I • , .), U lY. -. In I HIS Hands,: a negro spirItual. : 1"01' reserv

W. James Mast, son of Mr. and l....lrs. Walter H. Mast, of 390 Mer- riweather, has recently been elected to membership in Tau Beta Pi, the national honorary I engineering fraternity, at the , Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. Membership in Tau Beta Pi isl restricted to those juniors, and DRASTIC REDUCTIONS seniors who have shown marked :\bility in scholarship and extra- curricular activities. While at M.I.T" Mast. a member of the Class of 1953, has been active in Chi Epsilon. an honorary Civil Engineering Society, and is serv- ing on the Senior Week Com- mittee.

FORTUN:E TELLER A man mayor may not be the architect of his own future, but since the income tax he's had to be his own fortune teller.

A law is not judged by the numbel' it jails, but by the num- ber it keeps righteous. •

Watches, Diamonds, Sterling Silver, j. I i I Plated Ware, Mantle Chime Clocks, Fashion Jew~[ry, Compacts, Accessories, TU.5-7510 etc.

• Open ,till Free ParklnCJ 9:00 p, M. 'Next to Thun, and Fri. Our BuildinCJ To avoid disappointment and does it again with his to give you the finest selec. new crop of cottons! tion of accommod~tions • • • BOOK NOW I, Fashion-fresh cottons, the kind oft" for your dresses that have kept Hcnry the man:;f//,:',t-" >./ of the hour. Dcsigned in Bates dis- .. l; /p' l!' EWELRY " '" ,:/ ';1~:.~' ciplincd broadcloth, madc to '.': w.'/ ,:;fF J 1954 behave-it doesn't muss or j'"". ~)!. , trips to

cause a lot of fuss. Top left, tailiel.' '~'.J'~: .' ,~;r with horizontally tucked skirt, $ 1 5 L : .~~ EUROPE Center right, bateau neckline dress with I ••. , "<,~, and stitch patterned skirt, $ 1 5 Right, sunback with ':(~~ ... . '"'... 16601 E. WARREN, at Kennsington bolero. tuck detail, 1 7 . 9 5 Nav)', gray, cur. ' ...~ ~ HAWAII quoise, red. Sizes 10 to 18.

- • \i s • f • ~. I •• .. .. • ~. ." •. I' '. - -. • •• •• ,. "

Thursday, ,January 22, t 953 Page Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. J • Glenn Friedts In New Home 'Mothers' March On Polio More Bedside Nurses Needed by Hospitals Suttons With, the opening of new hos- at the Practical Nursing Depart- and ability arc personal pre- These are busy days for Mr. in Lauderdale-by-The-Sea, Fla. pital beds in the Dctroit A,rea ImeI1t of the Goldberg' School 'ot requisites. Florida and Mrs. Glenn H. Friedt. The Friedts were hosts at a scheduled thro,,!gh 1954 pne Im-j NursinK 'and eight months of Six classes are admitted in the Daily the Poil They are moving this week party for about 30 friends before portant step to Increase the num- . '. .. . Detroit school each ycar, Classes bel' of bedside nurses is the ex.! supe~vIse~ bedSide experler.ce in Istarting February ,23 and April florida grows J~ ,from their home on Pemberton they closed their Pemberton road pans ion of the practical nurse IProvldence, Henry For~, Worn- 27 are now being enrolled. . Planning to road to a new addrm on Wind- residence. training program which is open an's, Harper, Herman KIefer and " . . colon~. at Delra mill Pointe drive. to 300 girls and 'wonien in 1953. R~ceiving Hospitals ~n~ with the For furt~e~ mforl?ahon wnte, • . , VIsiting Nurse' ASSOCIatIon. Ithe DetrOIt CouncIl on Com- and Mrs. John . ~nd just as soon as everything Business is a battl'i!field-and For the, young woman who IS I, .' • munity Nursing, a Red Feather' who will leave IS m order at their new home, the ones who win are those seeking vocational rather tl)an a! Practical 'Nurse applIcants must agency Box 666, Detroit 31. ary. they'll tlke off to spend the rest armed with knowledge. new professional nurse education, an.d f be between :8 and 50 rears of Michig~n or call TEmple 1-1600, The Suttons of the cold months .at their home ideas and superior methods. for the older woman seeking em- Iage. EducatIonal r~qulrements Ext 278 \ . I• apartment at I --,---,-- ployment as she approaches' vary: for those over 25 years of . . _ live just a bIOI middle age, practical nursing is Iage, . 8th grade; between 20 and lantic. an excellent choice. 25 years of age, 10th grade; be- What a world-nations make The one year of training. t.o tween 18 and 20 years of age, war and punish men for murder: beCome.a practicaf nurse includes cOplplete high school. ~ood pal'ents lie to their kids and lick Mrs. Vii A Be,tter, Quick.r, Easier four months of class instructions health, good character, apb_tu_d_e_t_h_e_k_i_d_s_f_o_r_l_y_in_g_. ._ Permanent Wave for , Off to F M:-s. George Every Type of Hair I con Hill, is lea\' ~ burg. Va. this tend the Early , Before return she will visit i I New York. BROTHERS PETER and DOMINIC BOLOGNA, recently recovered victims of polio, t She's also g display a March of Dimes poster to Grosse Pointe mothers who will head a large con- t where she'll se It', Ultra. tingent of mothers who will push door bells throughout the Pointe on the evening of ~ who'5 a studen .January 29, between 7 and 8 p.m., in an effort to collect donations 'for the 1953 March, , t, Smart ••• I Henry Forstel of Dimes. Seated from left to right: MRS. ALBERET de MANIGOLD, MRS ANDER- I SON WOOD and MRS. LOUIS CLARKE. Standing: MRS. HENRY REYNOLDS and I Of The Arth. MRS. ROBERT WARMBOLD. These women are the chairmen of committees of the Cat e\r in g It's High Mr, and Mrs. various Pointe areas. I of Oxford road, Fashionl Winter home This same plan will be followed • t flawless, gracious service \ Beach. Fla .. are UlliqueScholarship Offered by all futule recipients of the taining Mr. : scholarship. Forster Jr. of ] Althotigh a regular course in DELICIOUS HOT AND COLD FOODS Girls Interested in Be~uty beauty schojol takes 'only Jeven The noticeal and a half months, the course family trees i~ By Nancy MacDonald' said. She adde~ that science takes just ~wice as long under Food that is simply superb, the same as you have pruning. Grosse Pointe High School plays a big part in her educa- this schola ship. During this GABRIELEEN COLD W!VE How many graduating seniors tion, as certain phases of an- time, the st dent receives. the in- always enjoyed at AI-Green's, is available in Grosse Pointe's public, par- atomy, electricity, bacteriology, valuable ai~ of experience, as whenever you have that special home party or ochial or private high schools are and chemistry are studied in well as an education entirely If ITIN EtV C,~TAL YST f wondering, "Where do I go from their relation to cosmetics and free, and a guaranteed job upon formal function. r high schooi?" beauiy treatments. . completion of her education. I CJ • fi .$1 ~oo 1 ...)peCla{ u ': yea~ ago, another Grosse, On alterna~e ~eeks. Beverly This is the first scholarship of Peter D. Luzi, our manager and supervisor of Pomte gIrl had the .sam: Pl'?b-l spends her tJme In the beauty its kind in the country, and at catering, will have tempting suggestions no matter complet. wit" styled coiRure, shampoo, cut lem hundreds. of semo~s m hl~h s~lo~ where she acts as a rece~- the present time is being set up t s~hool expenence. Smce sne It~omst and observe, real beaut!- as a national pattern for others how large or small your eve}1tmay be. i c didn'.t plan to go to collcge, she Clans at work. "This enables r:ne Iin the profession to follow. Our stylist ,,-ill create a high.fashioll wave with the wonderful worflcd all through school about f not o~l~ to l~arn the m,echamcs Miss Bird encourages any girls 1 new Gabrieleen Cold Wave with Adepsol, Neutralizer and the the type of work she would fol- of han-dressmg, but gives me who are in their junior or senior low after graduation. She en- the ,experience of actual business 1 year and are interested in this I magic new Catalyst! Here", a permanent wave that produces I smooth, moist curls •.• Batters all your natural beauty .•. and joyed meeting and talking with environment: so that when she field to see her. Candidates for people, but besides this, she beco,mes a hcensed, operator, she this year's scholarships are aI- wiIJ win c(lmpliments for you! Yes, you"n find it perfect for your I ! F wanted a job which would give wo~ t havc ~o go. mto the usual! ready being accepted. I new PoodIe coiffure or any other chic hair st)"le you prefer. her the chance to do something perIOd of orientatlOn, : Ecst Jefferson at 8elllcoltsfiehi I artigtical1y creative with her After Beverly completes her i HOUSEHOLD HINT Gabrieleen Cold Wave with Catalyst works wonders on bleached~ VA. 2.4118 t d,ed or abused hair too. Phone our salon for consultation. hands. ~chooling, .sQe will be en:plo~ed! When shopping for I amp Then one day before gradlla- as an opel ator of the Marje B!rd shades, consider ease of cleaning. Appointments, TV, 1-0761 tion last spring, she began dis- Bea~ity Salon. Her educatIOn Michigan State College home cussing the problem with her won t stop here, though: at the economists recommend the fol- GROSSI POINTI hairdresser. ~nd this is how end of her ~rst year of employ- lowing materials as easily Beverly LabadIe, recently gradu- ment, she WIll attend Margllrite cleaned' parchment fabric of ated fr~m ~t. Paul's, le

,' ,:' ,. PilJowSham. $3.50. They are easy the .',.:'.' ~: :';,;,r I l to launder-no need to iron. AI. straw pillbox , , ways look fresh and erisp.

IS• new season OUR JANUARY news White' Sale... •\ NOW IN PROGRESS

Money-savin9. values In fine Pert and salley ••• our mi1an.1i~e straw pillbox, circled with velvet, shows every blithe sign of spring •• , from its im~ line.ns.beddings and domestks. pudent little straw spray to its jaunty air, .Reds black,.'oavy, brown. 15.95 All top quali~y makers.

• .}. --~~---~----_-..------_.._-_..._---_.._...._----_ ..__.._-_.._..._....._.._...._.._------953 Thursday, January 22, 1953 G R "0 SSE ~ 0 I N TEN E W S Page Five. ._----_ ..------I Suttons Plal! They'll Be Sisters-in-Law IFamily Leuves AnthrbpologistT 0 Fears I pre- I Debunk Florida Trip 1 \For the South' in the Fears and superstitions will be Iwel known on radio and the mov- Classes Daily the Pointe contingent in ! an'alyzed . by Claudia. De Lys, Iies. Her new television program! April florida grows larger.' A small . but gay t.w?:car noted anthropologist, who Willi' soon to apear on a major nehvork ! ,~ motorcade! Will leave ~he POInte speak at Detroit Town Hall, Wed- . .' ' t ; l Planning to join the Winter.' on the, twenty-fourth, bound for nesday morning, January 28, at ~VI]]pi ese~t ~. panel o. outsta.nd- ~ write j colony at Delray Beach' are Mr. Hillsboro Beach, Fla. 11. o'clock in Fisher Theatre. . I 109 personahtles on the subject I Com. and Mrs. John R. Sutton Jr It will be Mr. a~d Mr~. Erwin Superstitions expert, . Claudia of our customs and superstitions. I Feather who will leave the end of Janu- I oit 31. ary. H. Haass of Stephens road who, De Yys, , has .spent many years World famous Sigmund Freud 1-1600. The Suttons have taken an \~ith . their children. ,-,,;ill ~aca- spoofing the .cobweb~ off 'so~e Isaid of the anthropologist. "l'Vt , apartment at Delrav and will hon In the sun at their Wmter 80,OO~ of th~ worl? s favor!,te spcnt many fascinating hours live just a block ir~m the At- home. phobIas. Her best-s~lhngbo.ok, ~ 1 with Claudia De Lys discussing . make lantic . A second car is needed to ~reas,~ry of :Amerlcan Sup.erstl- early religions and symbqUsm. hy i urder; carryall the sun togs of the bons, explams v.: fear IS ai- She seems to have been born with nd lick active Haass' family which in- ways the ~nderlymg reason for an understanding of these things, ' eludes, Sandy, Fritz, Su~ie, Bobby tl:ese ph?bIas. a penetration I'd call inate." , Mrs. Villerot and Stevie. . The popular anthropologist. is ' \ \ Off to Forum CENTER CLUB PARTY '\ Lutheran Church Group William A, Petzold Opens The Center Club will sponsor Mrs. George Villerot, oC Bea- Winter Home for Season a "Hearts and Darts" party at the' '\ con Hill, is leaving for Williams- Plans Mixed Card Party Grosse Pointe War Memorial on 1, burg, Va. this week-end to at- '. -- Friday; February 13, at 9 p.m. Christ the King. Lutheran WUJiam A. Petzold, of, Three Music by the Don Ban'i trio will \ tend the Early Amel'ican Forum. i Before returning to the Poihte Church Ladies Auxiliary pre- Mile di'ive, is opening his Winter be available for dancing. Ful'ther ~he will visit in Pittsburgh and MARY HELEN VERBIEST SUSAN ROSE l\IEISCJI sents its annual Mixed Card home in Florida this month.' He information may be obtained by New York. Party on 'Tuesday, January 27, will entertain his son and daugh- calling Ray Ross at . VAlley' She's also going to Choate At a cocktail and supper party for the young set in their at 8 p.m., at Mack at Lancaster, ter-in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. ,Thomas 2-8257. or Jean Arnott. TUxedo: where shc'il see her son, Skip,! B.alfour road home, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Marcellus Ver- For reservations call Mrs. D. T. Petzold of Edgemont Park dur- 5-) 003. Tickets are $1 for sin-I' who's a student there. I blest announced the engagement of their daughter, Mary Kalember, TU. 4-1978, or Mrs. W, ing the season. 'gles, $1.50 for couples. - IHelen, to Louis Clinton Dortch, of Flint. , Cheraz TU. 1-6096. ' " Henry Forsters Jr. Guests The bride-elect attended SacrediJ GOOD ADMINISTRATOR Of The Arthur J. Rhodes Heart (;onvc}')t. Grosse Pointe 1 Meisch to Thomas Joseph Ver- J and is a senior at Michigan Stat~ 1 biest was;, ann~)Unc~d by her Any in-coming public official ~Ir. and Mrs, Arthur J. Rohde College where she is affiliated I mother. MISSMeIsch IS the daugh- proves he is a good administra- of Oxford road, who are at their with Alpha Phi. I tel' of Mrs. Frederick W. Meisch tor if he can find enough political pie to go around. I Winter home on H I lIs b 0 r 0 Mr. Dortch is the son of Mr .. 0f BeMaconMsfi~ldhc:venue,and the 1t ------_._----- Beach, Fla .. are currently enter- and Mrs. Troy Dortch of Flint. He a e r. ~ISC. DOUBLE-WOVEN GLOVES taining Mr. and Mrs. Henry is a student at Michigan State .Mr. VerblCst attended U. o! D. Forster Jr. of Renaud road. College, where he is a member of HIgh and was gr~dllat~d from the ROTC and atfilated with Phi Notre Dame Umverslty ]a:;t The noticeable thing about Delta fraternitv June. He is presently serving in family trees is their need for On the same" ~ccasion, the en- the Armed Forces. pruning. gagement of Suzanne Rose Neither couple has completed e.~citing .a,.' . ) ----- ._.------.___ wedding arrangements.

Richard King to Marry r~.al"e- . ~, . regularly 53 to 54 Sweeping Camille Beach Oelkers The engagement of. Camille Beach Oelkers and Richard Wen- F r~mes for dell King was announced on Dec- Colorful prints and novelties from our Clearance Sale ember 25, in the Florida home of Miss Oelkers' mother. Mrs. Oil Painting re9~Iar stock of 91ovl!s and matching ascots •• '/ Richard Oelkers, Jr.,. wiCe of the Ol~ SHf,t:S late State Representative. Richm'd is the son of Mr. and Kits Give new spice and sparkle to your wardrobe with an assortment Mrs. Wendell S. King, of Haw- of these gay accessories, no,,: available at unbelievable savings. FfNAL CLOSE - OUTS thorne road. He is a grad'Jat€. E,Z Built frame kits are i of the University of Miami and here for oil painting fans. Gloves 2.29 . , . Ascots 2.29. Black, with gold or grey stripes, grey recently entered the armed serv- Cost only $1.39: $1.59: II "umber of slyies a'td colors ices. He a t ten d e d Leicester with grey. Also confetti or doodle patterns, in wonderfully wear. I)" $2.19 and $2.89 The pop' Some mbber jootwear included Junior College and Wayne Uni- versity. He is a member of , ulu 4.1f4xS'f2 included. able double woven. cotton. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. No soecial Tools or fix- The bride-elect will graduate tures 'required. i from the university in February. i No wedding date has been set. Obtainable ot: Pointe Shoe Salon I ' PUlH'h & Judy Toyland SMART SHOES FOR ALL THE FA~IlLY , MORE GULLIBLE Woods Bikl' Shop The reason a man can l'ohop Joc's Villagc Shop I ~'romm's lidw. 20443 Mack Avenue more quickly than a woman is Oct. Paint & Color I because he is more easily flat-; r tered. . LENNON SALES COMPANY.,



~9 ruf- s; the Forest • •

Featuring AN«)THEII CONVENIEN.CE FO'D CO~~I.I~f)lll~ABLE~.. , UNII'URRIED ~, pair the Famous Names SHOPI-ING l\rl' Jl'COB~SON~S,. HO~IE DECoI'A'I'IVE,. SUO't- ;5.95; }'ou Know

ISY MARTEX - FIELDCREST A large. paved parking drea has been completed dt the redr of the Home Decorative S'hop. Entrance OUR MONEY-SAVING AI. WAMSUT~A-AMES is from Kercheval at the west side of the store. Visit thj\s, new and unusual store soon, ~nd inspect th~ JANUARY WHITE SALE MEAD & MONTAGUE many items which are arriving daily. You'll find generous and beautiful selections all planned to en4 '/S NOW IN PROGRESS SCHUMACHER hance the home .-. t curtains, draperies, domestics. linens" doset accessories, and gifts. See the •

WAVERLY. NORTH STAR finely textured and exquisitely patterned fabrics from which Jacobson's homesfyling experts will tailor An event planned months ago to bring you specially purchased values. l In and others for you slip covers and draperies our own work shop. in I fine linens, beddings and domes- I • tics. All nationally known, tc?p quality I • I' I merchandise, I •• Ie I :s. I •• /

" ~I 17141 KERCHEVAL- GROSSE POINTE Diagonally across from Jacobson.'s Fashion ,,' Appa1'el Store, Kerchet:al (/1 SI. Clair - .pi...

' .... ' • ~. "...-..~ ".. ~• .,iI, : '!'...... '. .. ~. ," ~...... ,. ~ . ".''00 4 ,. ~ , r- .,'._ ..~•.• ,,' • .; • 1 • I -.h ~. __ I • • ., e: _ __ -...... ~ ~ __ Jj "''''''ft: _ ------_--.~_.__ . ~ - .~-_ ..:.. .._-_ ..:..-:. -' -.:_- --~ .~- .0•..•. '_ wm-...... -:-'~~-----"'-"" "' "_"' -'Il ...... t ...... _ .. __ - ..:•.__ ..- __ ...... -=-..--P-.-~-,-' -,-,------~- -,~,~,-'--

Thursday, l'a.~, Six c; R 0 SSE PO' N TE NEW S Center Offering Porty' Planned By'Church Club 11 Betrothal Told I' KID'BITS, , 'I?he Mother'~ Club of the St.1 Mrs. J'dhn Boyer, Ml's. R.obert: ,Sculpture Class I I Paul Evangeltcal L u. t h.e ran IPorritt. Mrs. Anthony Emer, Mrs. I '------. ------i Church is. sponsoring a mixed Edward Boss. and Mrs. Roy! A huge mOVIe marquee greeted I },isher ill\d Don }tees and Doris The Fjne 1\l.ts program of the! I , ( • card party which will be heldi Krause. i Senior PlO~ goers as they en- I Rock and Dan Rh~ame and many War Memorial Cent!"r is being: in the Grosse Po'int W u' I . ' I tered the HIgh School gym, Sat-I many more.. • • expanded to include. sculpturi~g ; e. ar J1'..:e.. 1 • MAKES BOW AS MODEl. I . ' , '.' morial at 32 Lak Sh ... d: .' uraa-y, January 11, where the big I Margie Payne wa'3 hostess at and modeling. A room on the sea .. ! on Tuesday Janua e .,'" ortes ..oa; Juhe Jones of Stephens road: danee of the semester was held.; another party before the Prom. level flOOr is ,being reservr;!d for II 117eicnme • ry "". a p.m. . k h b d I th' •0 th do r th . ' the alappers at clay, the chizzel- I R~fr~shments will be served. Ad-I IDa es er ow as a mo. e IS: .. vel' e" 0 was e name: Some of the kids there Wel'e "117 elcollli nUSSlon will be S1.2!i per. person. rweek. She will appear in Hud-I Top, Hat, the theme of the" Marilyn Howe and Kay Johnson, ers and the poundRl's,' "! Class time is Mond~y I1'o,m'1:30 ; TROPICAL FISH "/UT come ~airman of hostesses' is. Mrs. ! SOll'S Junior Fashionette showing i da;~~' t' . . "F" h A i R~bin Barr and Dave BOllse, Joan I to 9:30 p.m. Instl'uctor Margaret ~dwm Graffa. She will b~ as-: at ~:3C1 Saturday afternoon. Janu- ! , ~e~ dSl~~,::S1ng dutS' ve,: t Carver and Mike Luberto, }I'ran: I (t acts 011 ; l Gifford ~tarts the seriel) of Jes. I • Accessor.ies ~1Sted by Mrs. Alfred E. Seyler I'ary 24 ! l.~uedan . hali • Yt-stehconh' tlte,et : Crowley and Don S<.'hmldt, Betty' • Plan'ts • Supplies mi"ded tJI --,--- ,. ______. ,I me" the s 0 e sc 00 a,nd ,•Rel't.z an d Ch uck Sch"aIIer, Ell en. I sons January ~6. Enroll now as I : du'ected ~he party goors to the! Berard and George Cope, Janet; Ispace is limited. ! omme"d j i gyro, ,,,,hleh was decor~ted to I Fildew and Bob Warner and I "Everything for the Fancier" : look like a penthouse In New! Margie's date Dave Cobb Dance To Be Sponsored York. A metropolitan sky-line i • •• . I' complete with third dimensional i . By Ramroad Hunt' Club \ building,s and lighted signs I At the Prom, some of th~ klcJ, Public Auction covered one entire endo{ the! who da~c~d to the musIc ot' A square dance will be spon- :J,.opicanna AQUARIUM SHOP Pa1 gym. . i Clark Wdhams were Carol Par-! sored by the Ramrod .Hunt Club 'The opposit& end was covered ~nail and. Jay Newb~'ry, .Lee, at the Kerby School on Saturday, I 111SIIa" JaB.ry 21 13330 Kf.RCHEV,AL, td l..llket'i~rv VAlley 2.3809 I bv an enormous top hat and I Macey and Al Mendelson, Gmny' Jan4ary 24, at 8;30 p.m. Callers '\" at 1:00 end 8:00 p. m. . !Halbrook and John Corey, Ruth will be Wes and Julie Rea, Tick. cane, .and on the other walls iS 11 d J h . B b' ht A I hung huge novel murals. The I ne an o. n on rIg ! nne ' -Pictul'e b)' Paul Gach ets are $2 a couple. I Also Wednesday and Thursday evenings A recent family dinner at the Bl band played in a lighted 01'.; Leete and Phil Beach. S~lvla Reu- .' I tel' and Marty McCormIck, Joyce Lochmoor Golf Club revealed the .. chestra PIt espeCially made for i L g d Ri k' W 11 M'y January 28.29, at 8:00 P.M, each day the occasion. loan an c Ie a ace, al engagement of MARILYN; . ILou Koch and Hans Becker. SMITH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I ~IR ,Pdar!lefswetrhespcattered Iar and Punch and cookies went ,over Carl C. Smith of Fisher l'oad, to ll~ WI e oe ore e rom. I , We are selling fine funuture for Mrs. Dean Rucker. re- .. * * gl:eat WIth ~rancene Burnest ~nd Robert S.. King, Jr., son of Mr. GlAMOUR moved from hel" Lake Shore Drive residence. Grosse Pointe. I and Mrs. Robert S. King of Lake- II Also Huntington Woods and other Detroit estates and col- 'l B h' h th • Dick NewkIrk,. Mary ShenefIeld '.. Ph I eac' souse wast th et I and Johnny Phlhps," . Barb Barro land avenue. lectors. {d scene. ht 0D' ka AIdmner par yK a an dE' rme N'199, M'arleUa Cashen Marilyn attended Albion Col. I mg. IC. ns ow an aren I and Howie Ford. Louise Hutch- lege. Robert is a 'graduate of \ Rose carved pair of Gold consoles and mirrors. Four marble Temple, Jerry' Goebel and Mar-I" inS an d B'llI Wh"tI ney an d SUZle' Michigan State College and is a; floor lamps. Italian carved sofa and large table, Carved tha Sl OWID,. Don McCa~ty and Johnson a'1ld Dave Carruthers. member of Phi Delta Theta ira-I SPECIAL chairs. dining room suite and French inlaid satinwood bed- Carol deBrum, Wayne MIller and Sitting at different tables ternity. The couple plan an early i room suite. French chairs. settees. consoles, desks, grand pianos, backgammon inlaid table. grandfather clock, a pair Bee Burrows, Earle LIon and I along the dance floor were Dee summer wedding. , I. Mary Jane Clemente, Dave Mc- I " ' Sprirtg isn't quite here. but you can get ~ head start by taking French chairs. Large variety of modern furniture. Brass , K d D' Q . I Sk' I. Dee MaI.'lck and Jim Boardman, I ee an lane tUn an, Ip . b SkI d Ch k FI andirons. I advontage of our speciol offer. ;: Clar k an d Jane Condon an d D'IC'k Bar toc 'de an uc oer, Lewis Fisher Browns j : N d J t R b t Ph T Dee Fournu~r an MU1'l'ay Mac- 0 To Visit Her Parents Oriental rugs. Several large sized Persian rugs {rom 12x20 , aragon an ane er s. I s donald, Sue Richner and Ron A s.oft, lovely permanent, beautifully shaped ~nd expertly' t(j 15x30. Also a large vari~ty of room sized rug5 and small date was An~ ~ee~e. ' Horsely, Sally Fisher and Don Leaving next month for Coral styled to your own personality at .•• rugs. Also Chinese rugs and runners, The 12 A's ot t ethe f a. Rees, Doris Rock and Dan : ' g og . r 0: . Rheume, and Janel Roberts and Beach, Fla., will be Mr. and I , WE Paintings, Robert Hopk~ marine. fine Italian large water ; dmner before the Prom a~

A statesman is a politician who can keep a majority of the votets . fooled,

I " Baby's Terry Towel, and Washcloth Sets- RECEIVING BLANKETS Gifts white or _pastel solids ..•• , .'•••••• , • • . •. 1,69 White or pastel solids with rosebud trim .. 1.00 \ ef .''''nction .•• with rosebud trim ..• , .•••••• ~••••• , , ,. 2,25 • There's a worry. free; work. free 'Way to haw I bot water at the turn of a tap, when you want it • , , for EVE~Y Roomy white cottons 30 x40" .• , •••••••• '9c Hooded Terry Towels -. white and pastels .; • and that', ELECTR IC! An automatic electric water OCCASION. with rosebud trim ' •••. , ••• " .. , ... , •. '1.69 Blue, or Pink Pt. ids ..• '••••••••••••••••• ..c heater'gives the last word in hot water service. Stop in and see It's clean •.• carefree ••• dependable ••• as weB as our selection. . thrifty •• , modern ••• and durable. Ask yOll,l' • electric appliance dealer orneighbttrhood Edison •• 04.... ,1. ,.rki". P.cititi .. office for complete derails on ther!ght.sized • water heater for your home. Jacobson's Own 99 337 D~ GAUZE DIAPERS 3.75 value 2 dOlen WEAl ~ , '. " 11210 HOUSTON ~ MAVIS SEE YOUR DEALER or Detroit Edison •• 1M.. 4 .f Whltti.r-D.tr ... 'ho". vr. '.52ot i

~_~ ._. IICS.. ... __ 2... 1II2.. x ...rllx_ .... 7•• ,.IIX.. _ ...... __ 2.... III'2... III... X...... 7.721= ...... =- .....zru ••• 2..... -- .... Thursdl!lY, Janul!lry 22, 1953 S R 0 5 S E PO I N TEN EW S Page'Seye"

I It may take two to start a I Tip to motorists: To keep in Bride-Elect shoe Drive for War Refugees John Hume, J rs•..fight, but USUfilly only one gets Ithe l'in~ watch tht! red Ind th, St. Pauloscope Exchange VOW8 !the w~rst of it. ,reen. i

By KATHRYN ANDRE At a noon ceremony solemnized i I quietly in Grosse Pointe Me-! On December 29, S1. Paul's moria I Church on Saturday, Jan-l ~~ varsity basketball team ~et St. uary 10, Rev. Paul Ketchum l Paul Alumni. The Alumni' beat united in marriage Miss Marjorie: •• " •• LI ••• ft ••• tVelcome Wagoll j\ldilltains II the boys' Varsity, 33-30. Row, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i I.,.•,.DOWS ..w elcoming Sert'jc~" for I Pete Schummer, Jack :'rombiy, I H Ed Lynch Pete Belanger, Bill E. C. 'Row of Riverside, Ontario,: Notionally advertised in House Beau- new comers to Gros~, PO;111,. I i and John HttP-tteman, Tom-Wiley . and John Hume, Jr., son of John! tiful, House and Gorden, etc. it acts 0'1 behalf of local, chic : and Pat Champine played for Hume of GrosMe Pointe and the I Add practical beauty to your home. essories mitlded merchants. They rec- "the Alumni, while Dick O'Con- t nor Tim Champine, Glen Wal- late Mrs. Hume. ~ I Poul Heinley's Movable Shutters con- ommen4 thaI )'011 - •• I ter;, Bob Barrett, Jim Ayrault, The bride wore a ;itreet-Iength; trol light and air, conserve space, (Jre I Ted Monahan, Bqb Lauwers, and gown of' champagne antique silk i easy to c1eon. . I Bob Keller played for the Val'- taffeta, the fitted bodice buttoned I For windows, doors, portiticms. to the waist in front from 'the I Paul Helnley', Shuttel'$last e H~use- si~he Alumn'ae was defeated by I V-neckline, outlined with a rollp.d I SHOP Patronize the girls' Varsity. 48-47. Playing, collar, and the three.quarter : time! Ilor the Alumnae were Mary sleeves' featuring cuffs. Similar I , i Allor, high scorer; Marilyn Suth- . cuffs edged the patch pockets on; Icy 2-3809 Local erland, Judy Beaupre, Bev La- the bouffant skirt. She wore ill - , . , bad ie, Phyliss Van Bacaellare an.d : tiny bronze t~ffeta hat scattered LUMBeR COMPANY INancy Zimmers, a Freshman.,' with sequins and her flowers were J. A. Mac IVOR Business At a family dinner Mr. and! Janet Hock" high ~corer, Nancy white orchids. Mrs. Earl A. Montgomery of Lan- I Mason, Manlyn 0 Hooghe, Joa~ i Rachel Mason of Wayne, Mi~hi'l 12147 Alack, tlear ConNer VA. 2-2101 caster road announced the en. II Hock, Rose cAnn Blondell, Man-, gan, as her only attendant, wore --- __

. .' .. lyn Blondell, and Kaye Andre a wine red taffeta with a small _0 _ gagement of Mrs, Montgomery S I played for the Varsity. :, daughter, MARY ANN BUSqf, I .. • • I matching hat. Her bouquet was I to John Townsend G~~bel. son i On January 5, 81. PUll} girl~'1 of tiger orchids. ' store-wide 'Pn\JI P~rshak. of Detroit was r .,) SrlOP of Mr. and Mrs. Hem I Goebel, i basketball teams played, their I best man. i of Kerby. road.. tHrst league games. The Varsity 1 I Following a reception in at The bl'1de-elect IS a ,graduate m.et S1. Mary's of Mt. Clemens! the.\ r ballroom of the Prince Edward of Saint Mary of the ,Sprmgs ~ol- ! at Mt. Clemens. St. Paul Varsity' '. Hotel in Windsor the couple left lege, Columbus, OhIO: and IS ~ i \\'as the victor, 13-10. Those c~m- , for a month's vacation in Florida. i me~ber of Kappa Gamma, PI, i posing the Varsity are: Semors' Nahonal Cathohc honor socIety. Rose Ann Blondell, Joan Hock, They will live on Nottingham by taking Her fiance attcnded Ohio State Mal'v Ellen Beaupre Janet Hock, road 011 theil' return. University, and the Uni\'ersity Cha;'lotte Klein. J~net Wrub'el, of Detroit. Blanche Finney, Kathryn Andre; -Picture by Fred Runnellll Pointe Methodists Plan expertly No Date has' been set for the Juniors Marilyn D'Hooghe, Mari- MRS. WILLIAM R. PIERCE, ,left, ~nd MRS.' FRED- 'Square Dl!lnce Jl!ln. 23 wedding. lyn Blondell. Barbara Wines, ERICK C. FORD deposit their contributions to the Used Barbara Stein, Barbara Unti, Shoe Drive fOl' Korean and European war refugees at the The Grosse Pointe Methodist MOltteitll, PT A Barbara Healy, -Joan Heidt, Joan drive's Pointe collection depot in the Walton-Pierce Sho~' Church will hold another in its WELC01\'IE Marks, Joan Dirkes, Johan:oa I Salon, Kercheval at 81. Clair. The campaign is being con- series of Square Dances in the iI Klein, Josie Zimmers, Joyce 1 ducted b.\T the Detroit and Michigan Shoe Retailers Asso- COlhmunity Room of the church Clearance I Meets J([11. 28 Zempel" Nancy Mason, Clair' ,/ at 211 Moross road, on Friday, ,/'/a per- WAGON Lenz, Margaret Wade, Mary Ra- ciation in cooperation with the War Relief Services of The January 2;1,at 8 The John Monteith Schuol bauL Evelyn Picl'\eSandy Knack, National Cath6lic Welfare Conference. p.m. The callers for .this dance will ill 25% to 7.5% OFF! J expert P- TA' will hold its next meeting Lvnn Van Tiem. and Freshman I be the popular Wes and Julie I' lr/e 'ask NEWS readers If) in ~~e school on Wednesday, Jan- N~ncy Zimmer~ .. J~net ~ock was \ Mercy Hospital Auxiliary 'Holding Annual Tea Today Rae, and special attention will be I DRESSES ; LINGERIE ual.> 28 •. at 8 p.m. . , . high scorer, WIth I pomts. ! . please phrJlle tIS the name alld given to beginners. I FollOWing 0 classroom. vlsltmg The Junior Var~ity 103t to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Aux- All members and their friends address of newcomers to the i For tickets call Mrs. R. W. Red- SUITS ROBES and. the busme~.s meeting, the Guardian Angel, 24-13. Sopho- I. iliary is holding its second annual are cordially invited. lin at TU. 1-4842. PO;l1le. ED. 1-7590 or VA. guest spa~ker \~III be the Rev, mores Mary Sutherland, Mary membership tea today, Thursday, I BLOUSES- JEWELRY 2.0295, R~be~.t Richards of Ply~no~th" Moxley, Barbara Herron, D~ane I January 22, from 2 to 4 p. m. at i SLACKS, I SKIRTS MIchIgan. AIs~ on t~e plOglam. Bickle, Kay Woods, Lou Wlhg-: the home of Auxiliary President'l I for the :venmg ;'lIll ~e. t~e)1 rocki, Joanne De Me~llenaere, I Mrs, Albert A. Vosler, 222 Moran Annual WaiDler Cle.arance " .~#.,.#.,.,., .. #: .. #'#:,,#',~~''''.,.,.,. Grosse Pomte Mens Cho.us dl-. Dolores Near, and Freshmen road . - ~ ."."t ~~"'" ", ", "'" , , ,., ,.", ~~ rected by John Finch: . i Joyce Badon, Margaret Suth~r-l M;'s. George Kreinbring of Bis- NOW GOING' ON 2920 ~~YES '. ~~The clas~ro~rn which regls!.ers Iland. Sue Sepk, Dor,cen De~'mld. I hop road heads the committee in. . • ...... ~I the most slglll.turCS o.f atte!1cmg I off, Mary Lou Miller" Sandy. charge. Mrs. Arthur BoeIl, of rOWN IN' ~~ ~ parents for thIS evenmg wlll be I' Wines, and Mai'y Klein are on Bergshire road and Mrs. Harold Marked Savio'igs on Furnishings I ," Your Shirts Beautifully ..~ cligi,ble for a prize, the Junior Varsity. Brinkaus, of Yorkshire road will • . , ~~..... liand Finished at~...... SUPPLY--_._-AND DEMAND St. Paul's Alumnae• • • team, with POUI'. • Jackets • Scarfs i~~..#, .1, I $ Grosse Pointe Woods ~~ When one reads the list of Mary Allor, Judy Beaupre, Bev TIP TO REFORMERS • Sport Coats ne n 0 I'S t!IJIf ~~ CLEANERS and ~~wrecks on holiday weekend IS. °d Labadie, Mary Van KDamD Phyl-, Would-be ref r m e should • Gloves • Robes ," ..... understands what creates t le e- lis Van Bacaellare, ay ungan, take a tip from Alcoholics An- ~ ," SHI RT LA UN DRY'" mand for new cars. Carol Doran, and Barbara DOl'an • Sport Shirts . 20445 MACK AVE opposit, H"uuwtl ]"hfuMt'$:- - ~~ t~ ----- defeated Guardian Angel, 49-20. onymous':""first they ref 0rm • Dress Shirts .1 _ ,UI ," Slarchlcss by request ..~ The fellow who thinks the Mary Allor was high scorer. themselves, then turn to others. ,.....~ ----- k TU. +.1540 fr~sse' pointe:woodt ,~ 14941 Kercheval VA. 2-5670 ~~ world owes him a living appears I • • •• Freedom ends the moment the Belts • Nee wear 19129 MACK • • • TUxedo 1-3910 .. ~ .. to have found a collector at last. I On Wednesday night, Jan. 7, 'hi f 't d' ,I. ,",.#."."."."." ..,., ....,."."".,,.,,,.,.,,~.,~,.,, ..,", ;', the SL Paul boys met Nativity: fIg . or 1 en _s_:_ _ .._ 4 ao 000000000000000 II (100 (; 0 000 0-0000 II is 00 is is oil is 0 0 0 is is o""llOl:' boys at Nativity. The Nativity ---,------h Reserve overcame the 8t. Pall} Reserve, 29.39. Kenneth Oxley was high scorer with 12 points. Enroll Now! St. Paul Varsity triumphed over \ ' the Nativity Varsity" 50-41. Gl~n Exoert Instruction in Ballet I ! Walters scored 16 pomts and TIm I ; Champine scored 13 points. and Toe, Tap, Character, ! • • • ,A.crobatic and. Ballroom On the same evening, the Soph. I omore girls forfeited a game to I ;- Dancing. i the St. Paul Grade School girls' I because of the lack of sufficient Class and Private Instruction : players. ; for: • • • . On Thursday evenin~, Jan. 8,. Children, teen-age and : St. Paul Juniors beat t.he Mer- chants, 41-29. Nancy Mason was: a d u Its, Beginners, ad. high scorer with 21 points. St. I t.t. va need and professional Paul Alumnae defeated 81. Paul i .., se Varsity, 52-12. Mart AHor was I . Istudents. Alumnae high scorer and Mary Ellen Beaupre' was Varsity high I Special Clasus for scorer. I Pre-School Age Children .• • • ,On Sunday, January 11, Sf. I Special Classes for Paul girls Varsity met S1. Rose I ' Private Groups Varsity at St. Rose. St. Paul de-I Ceated St. Rose, 24-13. Janet Hock I was high scorer. ! S1. Paul Junior Varsity girls ~ )layed St. Thomas at St. Thomas. i ;0 3t. Thomas beat 5t. Paul, 13-11. ' E :Vlary Sutherland was high scorer. ' io S1. Paul Alumni defeated St. i iO iO .Jude at C. Y. O. Center, 36-20, I. /0 . Mary Allor was high scorer for . 3,95 10 ~ the Alumni. o • I Early Spring 000 Q Q Q 0 Q 0 Q Q Q Q 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 2 0 0 0 Q Q 0 00 0 0 Q 0 20 Q 02 0.000000000 K th L . d G Id ---.------I enne air ou • To Wed Kathryn Jackson II Kathryn Norris Jackson, daugh-" ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frank, Jin Jackson of the Detr'lit Towers DRE SSES is .engaged to Kenneth. Laird ' v Gould, son of Dr. and MI'S, Leon' ard Powell Heath og Meadow lane. Kathryn is a graduate 'of Lig . Sl5 2.95 PRESCRIP gett-Bradlord Junior College and . the Universi ty of Michigan. She ! SERVICE is affiliated with Sigma Gamm~ i Reg. $22.95 to $25 Reg. $35 to $49.95 , 1.00 Alpha Phi. j Kp.nneth attended D. U. S. and 1 .Junior Sizes I Misses and Holf Sizes Is ~ YOU CAN .tPEND 01 received his Masters from Uni- ' 1,00 versity of Michigan. Zeta Psi , is his fraternity. A late June: wedding is being planned. . t SHEER WOOLS - JERSEYS - RAYON CREP~ - TAFFETAS A few ill-advised words can The highest possible degree of cloud a brilliant career. -PURE SILK SURRAH PRINTS' - LACES efficiency known to the phllrmacy - . profession, coupled with painstaking CARPETS and Save $7.95 to $10 on junior sizes • • • one-piece pastel wools, I!lnd jerseys Cllre by grodu(lte ph~rmocists assure from ao famous manufacturer of petite sizes! Save $11 to $25.95 on misses and the "bsolute accuracy of our every ,RUGS, BOUND 1.00 prescription. half sizes .•• sheer wools, navy and coiored .r"ayon crepes, pure silk surrah 69c C per yard . 3S • • In one-piece 49c prints. rayon taffeta prints and a limited group of laces .• FAST SERVICE McCOY I,SONS styles, jacket ~nd dress ensembles! Wear them now and through spring, at ~ /lJtbrttl:e~'s~J CARPET DOMPANY saving made possible by this very advantageous special purchase! JacObS(lIl~ 337 FISHER RD.,GROSSE POINTE 15720 HARPER 'NE ARE PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS. ° • TUXEDO 5-3453 (At Balfour) KERCHEVAL et ST. CLAIR Week Day Hours:-8:300.m. '0 10 p.m, TU. 1-6088 OPEN MON. AND FBI. Sunday' Hours:-10 o.m. to 10 p.m. UNTIL 8:30 P. M.

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Thursday, .:January ~2, t 953 Page Eight G R'O'S S E POI NT ENE W S Th"urs Society News Gathered From All of the ,Pointes -- 'Inaugurafion Draws" From Another 'Pointe Shorta.nd to the Pointe COI of View iMr~C~~L~~;~f~~,P,i~:'t~£ Ob 25th A · " MICHA~L~~DENBilAN- Pointers to Capital By Iroad, left on Sunday to spend serve,.. nnlversary DEN, ~n of MR. and MRS. \ . I.the Winter at Naples, Fla. They FELICIEN VANDENBRANDEN ~ ------Att Jane Schermerhorn took with. them their grand- of Lak~land avenue, marched in r Many From Grosse-Pointe Board Train to Washington Well, we had a wonderful time at Detroit To\vn Hall: Idaughter: litt~e ~INPA DEMING. President Eisenhower's }naugural i y To Attend Ceremonies. Arthur Gardners Hosts at Dinner Outdoo last week when John Mason Brown paid his annual visit i MR: and MRS. DON A L D p~trhadle.in lwashingtonr TueSdtah ! ,Party: Guests 1~c1ude John Foster Dulles E.d to the ladies telling them all about books and plays ..• ! JAMES SEMMLER (SUZAN!'oI"E WI liS C assmates rom e; • -' ----- Besides delivering a profound theon' or t.wo on the world I, CHENOT) announce the birth of Leonard Hall Naval Academy at! It was all very Republican at Michigan Central station v d ght J 14 Th Leonardtown, Md. i last Suilday afternoon as a good many Pointers joined. hun- Ice in general . . . i ~el~~ler:\v~o ~~:ear~een' stay: '" '" '" ! dreds of folks from over the state going down to Washington these W We were interested .•. and gratified ..• to nole that I ing with his parents. MR. and MR: and MRS. .ROBER'!' i for the big Inaugural doings. ~. . soon as ( Mr. Brown's packed audierlce included many masc~line lis-l MRS. RE~NOLD W. SEMMLER, G R EWE of. Valpralso, Ind., I Many were headed for the and his wife said the newspapers in the e\ teners . . . \ of Berkshire road, are moving to formerly of the Pointe, announce ICapital home of former Point- seemed to know more about One ( ., It would be loo bad if the boys missed him, , , for be- i~,~:~.new apartment on Alter.. the birth of DONNA LYNN, Mrs. ers, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur. these things than they did; that about ic s.lGeS b.en:g a. wondp.rfull.\,' intelligent person ... Mr. Brown; ¥ '" '" andGreweMr.ISGrewethe formeris theBEAsonEATONof the Gardnerni who ' on Monday, "11'eve-l th en'. ch'1ef 10. teles,. t at .'th e mo- dog am IS. slimulatmli experience, . ,takes you out of the doldrums Leaving the Pointe Wednesday HENRY GREWES f" H ng, were hosts at a hn Ian! I ment, was to see Gen. Eisen- elegantl: WIth hIS own onllance • _ . and his platform presence is a was MRS, HELEN JOY LEE of road. • 0 ampton dmne,' party, ,howeI' inaugurated (Mr, 'Alger Country JOY . • . New York who's been here visit- \ '" '" " Their guests included Secre- : was the first political candidate sic for II The, ladies seem. to dote. too, on his cultured enunciation; JB'nghe!' mot~~~, M~S. HENR: MR. and MRS. VINCENT BUT- tary of State and ~Irs. John in Michigan to support Eisen- ,identall ••. We ve been a lIttle self-conscious about our own faller-: . JOY. of liall ACles. on Lake TERLY returned to their Ramp- Foster Dulles, former Ambas- hower's candidacy) and then to land at . . r . h'. , ~Shore road. On the seventh of ton road home this week after a sador to the Republic of Ire- get some sunshine and rest. called n mg pI.o:,ouncla Ion ~ver smce IS appearance. :. How does January Mrs. Lee is sailing on few days 1n New York. ,land, George A,. Garrett and. This last was going to be beall Costum he sa.". It, now, , • lIter-Ah-toor , .• So much nIcer than our the SS Caronia for a trip to .. .. '" .' Mrs. Garrett. . tifully taken care of since, aftar seen at MRS. F. HENRY BERLlN of Pointers at the dinner pa1.ty l.e gel's WI go 0 a . lazy hterchur • • • . I South America. ' tl A.I 'II t C t C .. skiing h ... * 11< j" ~ .. .. Haverford, .Pa., formerly' of Port were Mr. and Mr:,. Wendell W, With Mr. a.nd Mrs. Anderson !ot ala)' kl Pro fj led by New Yorke r , MRS. JARED STARK is down week to he the house guest of Anderson (he is Mrs. Gardner's a long sesslo~ of deep sea' fishmg to togs : there In Fort Lauderdale await- MRS. WILLIAM J: YOUNG of brother), Mr. and Mrs. Fredel'- and ultra vI,olet~. Some ( . :\Ir. Br~w~l was recently ';profiled" by New Yorlier maga-,' ing the visit, later this month, La~eland avenue. She plan~ to. ick M.. Alger Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Alger s 1l,1mkcoat covered Ann F zme _: _ th,s IS a Inp hon.r __ , and we imagine a harrowing of MRS, GEORGE H. VAWTER stay seve"" weeks. Ernest Kanzler, Mr. and' Mrs, a 'hurgundy su,t ~nd sh' wore and Mrs. expertence • _ • ,of BucklOgham road. Mrs. Vaw. • • • Henry FO!'d II, Mrs, Edset Ford. one, of her faVOrite small, be- Howenste If J'ou are a fan of the readable "Profile" , •• you know! tel' will be her. houseguest until MR. and MRS. M. RICHARD I Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Firestone of commg bl~ck felt chape~ux. . Mrs. Harl Freedie. ~ what a. searchin~ 'job is done on the sub)ects. • • • '~~:s:~.d~:ro;.~o~~~a ~~ro~~~ WICKHAM, of Hunt Club drive, A~ron. 0.: and Hearst exe~utive I' to I~e~~Sehl~~~~~ t~; ~~:e~~r~~~: . s~~:~I y ren of ThiS,f accordmg to Mr. Brown, rcqmres that the young ,:Mrs. Vawter "'1'11" be J'01'oed by DIANE~nnounceMARIEthe birthon ofJanuarya daughter15' IDickPassengersBerlm andfor Mrs.the Berlm.Michigan Htonth'3;ndhI's..M Ch athr1esCS. 'tDelwe ' Schlaff. man rom the New Yorker practically comes to live Witllll'rffiS. HERBERT HEMMETER,' . -Picture by Fred Runnells .; '.. " . Inaugural Special started ardv- a ell' Oil:? 10 e ap1 a . Nancy the person being intcr\'iewed , •. and stays for about six JOHN and NONA. MR. and MRS. RO,LAND H. GRAY were given a sur- "I ing at the station at 4:30 p.m. and C~arles Cleedon was at the join the mont~s •_". _ . , • ••• I prise parly by their children in their Calvin road home, MR and MRS, JAMES J. among the tast to board the train stat,on to see the Algers off- Then the other Nothmg mlSse' hIS eye •• , he asks se,'eral hIlllnn ijues-! THE C,. HASCALL BLiSSES January 18, in celehration of their 25th wedding anniver- CURTO entertained 50 of lhetr we,'e Mr. and Mrs, Wendell W_ he drove up to L~nSlng to be ice were lions _ •• nnd finally relires In write his piece, _ . • are, prepar~ng to .set sall on the sary, , friends at a cocktait party Sun~' Anderson who appeared shortly "sec,'etary of state" for a few Inasmuch 's a Pr.file isn't. piece of pr.moti.nal writ- i Ma,d Mar .... thIS week, from , . . day aflernoon in lheir Rivard hefore it's departure lime, 6' dalt: d M' H 'd F' _ f h b' If" I Norfotk, Va. for Palm Beach. Saturday, J an uary 17, was the I II vmg room, wh ite gay sitver , 0'clock, . L an IS, owa, ,eem~n mg 01'_t e s u J~cl • _ _ ot~ 0 10 uoc~n t h~ sta~d~rs Il.el c',' ffed I They arc b,i~g i.ined hy MR. .niv~ ,'sary of th~ Grays. Cel,- I he lis hung ahove the bu flet tahie, bou lev .rd homc. rhe. pa rly ho~ - The Kanzler's, ardent Ike su p- I S,~,th _of Provencal r?ad. she. 10 Fro about In tbe prmted stor~ .. : ThiS. usuall~, IS h1gl1!) re-! and MRS. Wllham O. Earl on the I bratmg the ocaslOn WIth their. Mrs. Gray wore a black faille ored their son. FRED, and hiS porters, were in merry mood as ?lay :sUIt aod. sllvelbll!c mmk

~rettcd b~' the Hero of the piece .•. who. nonc-the-less. trip to Florida. ! parents were Jean and Beverly I dress, appliqued with small black fiancee, JOAN MAE ELLEN they stepped bl'isk!v down the Ja~ket, boarded the SpeCial along knows the value of such pubJicit~, .•. and can read, with I .. '" '" j Gray. 'and Mr. and Mrs. Roland I flowers of the same material. It CAMPBELL. A lacy Valentine on station ramp. Mrs. Kanzlcr wore WIth ~r. and Mr~. James J: Phe. missed I dry e~'e. ,the piercing and brutally frank anal:rsis of himself ~t a CCl'emony in S1. Colum-j G~'ay, Jl:., who came in from their I had a bo.at neckUne, and a full '. .. a black suit under her mink coat Ian Jl. .of Moros~ road, Ml. and Philip E ('n the shck pages. •. I ba s Church lal'\t Sunday. MR. Mldlan~ home for the weekend.: flared skirt. the plano, wl~h.photographs of and pinned a stunning dia'mond 1 ~rs. Wll?ur M. Brucker, Barbara "John 1\1 Like .Ihers wI .. are profiled Mr. Brnwn didn't see the, .and MRS. WI L.L I A M LED-! Afler dlOne,: a' AI Gl'ee~'s Sal- Dr. a~d Mrs. J. V. Dueweke, the engaged pa" totd the news b,'ooch to one tapei. S,mo~ds. daughter .1. the Ralph for a gr< ~l . \ fI it d _ . f' - f h d-d ' h . I YARD'S daughter, FLORENCE I urday evemng, the family ad- and lhell' daughler Berm .. , Mrs, 10 the guests. The cocktail tabte,' Political ~'eporters closed in on W'. S,monds of LewlSto~ road: Poi., . or~ tn I • appcare In prtn", .' '.• In act ,e, I n t a, e LIVINGSTON' r .EDYARD \\'as' journed to the Shubert-Lafayette William Moenhal't, MI'. and Mrs . th d' . d' the Fredcl'lck 1\<1Aigers when MI. and Mrs. Jack Schafel, AIgCl the remotest Idea of ,avh t th'"". ...0un g man go t christened. Wee~.' Florence is theater where they enjoyed the Alvin Gouin, and their son Bill, III . e mlllg'. room, was. one mi'I they arrived at the station. AI- Sh eIden J r. ana. Dr. Lawrence Lee Ro(] >i< '" '" named for her maternal grand- performance of "Stalag 17." . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johannes, whIte and' sll:er w~th crys~al. though rumors have placed Mr. A. Pratt., . Fitzpatri T Iked f M Th. mother, MRS. JOHN R. ODELL. On Sunday afternoon Mr. and! Mr. and Mrs. John Noris, Dr. swan centerpiece filled w1th' Alger in diplomatic posts at I Also In Washmgton for the from the a 0 any .ngs Godparents were MRS. WIL-l Mrs .. Gray were honore~, at the I and Mrs. Carl Johannes. Mr. and snapdragons, carnations and bebe I Mexi'to and in Canada both he (Continued on Page 9) . 'before " His audience seemed to agree with his preferance for LIAM H. MASTERS of Cia ton surpnse open house. gIven by I Mrs. Paul Amcel, Mr. and Mrs. lllums flanked by white tC1,pers.\'" " th e Kin g James versi on .r the B ibl e as 0pposed to the re- Mo.. MRS. DAVlD M, wI, IT : ' their ohiIdren, Many lovely flow -I M.. H1ckey, and M". and Mrs. ~'riends of Joall and Fred were: ~",nn"".III" •• nmlillll"nlll""""""nnll.IRII,,n.lm,",n,"lnl"".I.nnn",,,.IIIl1nn.'",,"'.""'"1O"lUunlli! vised text. • . NEY JR. and DAVID BURRJ<::LL!:rs, gifts of f!'lends, g.~ace~~_t~: Ted Johannes. : invited to joi~ them at 2 buffet II ~ I He touched on Chaplin ... and confessed he had started III of Wilmette, Ill. Mr. and: . Isupper. J oan I~' the daughter of g I (Cont worrying about the famous mimic that day when he had his Mrs. Burrell were houseguests: season. Plays to be presented celebrated her seventh birthday I MR. and MRS HARRY CAMP- g il: billing changed f r.m Charlie to Charles Cna plin . , , of the Ledya rds for the week - !include "ProsPNpine" with ptay - Friday and the ..e were t 8 of her! BELL of SI. CIa! I' avenue, The: ~ THE TRUE MEASURE 0 F YOUR Ii lnaugurat He defended George S. Kaufman. who was fired bv his end. Following the church serv- I. ers MRS. JAY ,D, RUNKLE, young friends to mark the Big i y?ungg couple plan a May wed-' ~ I" Robert 1 daughter, sponsors when the public protested his remark, "Let's j;,ake ~ceiu~~~e~:dl;',a\~Sei~n~,:~~.ned al i ~:~E~~M~~:', '!l~fiA~OE.t Day for he", dm .• • • .! PERSONAL BELONGINGS-IS ' A. Dean J this one program where they don't sing 'Silent Night'" . . . .. ~ .... 'I KEATING JR .. MRS. R. MAL- • '" '" . MRS. ROY D. CHAPIN will i ~ ~ Whyte, ~ Kaufman. as you know, was re-instated because, praise heav- Next Monday will find MRS. COLM McCLELLAN and MRS. . In Florida for the winter are Igive a cocktail and dinner party Ii ~ 'fHE CaS'l' TO REPLACE-TODAY! ~ ,/ son, Mr. pns thel'e seems to be an equal number of fair, ra~ional souls HENRY C. BOGLE of Lakeland BERNARD P. PEARSE; "Wrong MR. ,and MRS. GEORGE LILEY, I in her Lake Shore toad home ~ ,= Fisher. who watch television and they understood lhat the remark avenue, leaving r;.. the Bogle INumber" with MRS. STERLING following their marriage in An-I Saturday evening for players and i ~ ' t Tile ho wasn't irreligious but compara ble to their own distaste for I Winter residence, Whitesand. at! S. SANFORD, MRS. ALFHED g~~a, I~dJ(ma" on Ja.nlla:~' 12. The: com.mitteemen taking p~rt in the,' ~ ~ gan.;Cent: those who use Christmas carols and even hvmns in selling i Vero Beach, Fla. At Eastertime I TRUESDELL and MRS. ~IL- bnde IS the .~rmel MIS. Walt~r I NatIOnal R a c que t s Doubles ~ A RTH DR J R 0 H DE ! fOl' it had com er 'al d t . their sons. PETER and. DAoVID, LIAM H. HOEY; and "Slsters Hocho~v of .Halvar~ road, Detrolt.l Tournament at the Racquet Club' ~ .. • I preacher. m CI pro lIe s .. '. will go down for their vacations Mcintosh" with MRS. THEO- MI'. LIley IS a reSident of Haw- and University Club from Thurs,- ~ AN COMPANY • I Rev. Dr" . He. am bl ed gracefully from Hemmgw~y to :,aywo r th ... f!'om studies, and a Iso expected' DO RE OS IUS, MRS. WILLIAM thome l'oad in Grosse Pointe, day through Sunday. 'rho wives l!' D I. ion ruler f


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1953 "- .. . Thursday, January 22, 1953 G R 0 SSE P. 0 I N TEN E W. S::' , • -.'

Woman's Page by, of. and for Poin te W'omen • • • , \ I .. ) Newcomers Club St, Clare Parish Sponsoring Party Mrs; James Country Club Rinks To play WhiSt McEvoy A Court Whist party is planned. To Give Ind.ia Report Attract Skating Set for the members of the Grosse ngton Pointe Newcomers Club on Fri- linner O td I Sk t. R. k Th C I b d'd day evening,' January 23,' at 8 Del~9ate to World Conference To Be Speaker.t Luncheon u . oor ce a '"9 In at e ountry C u Is Crow e p.m. in Miller' Hall at Christ .. i f D L I h d Ea,ch Afternoon With ,Jolly School Crowd .Skaters Church. Meeting 0 etroif eague for Panned Parent 00 : All ' P Officer~ of Children's Home Are Re-Elected station Wh o Are Jolne d By Thelf arents According to the card fans of ~d hun- Ice skating at the Country Club is a favorite pastime the Grosse Pointe Newcomers . A ~rip to, India usually affords the t;l'aveler an oppor- lington these Wintery evenings. The school set arrives almost as Club, this card game is an excel- tunity for a goo.d, lengthy discourse on world travel. soon as dismissal bell is sounded at local academies and later lent means of promoting good Mrs. James McEvoy, who~:>------'------~'spClpers in the evening young marrieds may be seen testing the rinks. fellowship, because the rules~ of has just returned from Bom- port is chairman of the Detroit ~ about One of the nicest things~>------the game change as each hand bay, is being purposely un- organization.', lid: that about ice skating ., . the hot Mrs. John Posselius. with Mr. and I is play.ed. In, fact the card fans comnlunic8tive about. her Funds raised in this year's drive the mo- dog and hamburg stand-is Mrs: John C. Caulkms. point out, this is one of the few travels. will be used to maintain the , Eisen- elegantly provided by. the L1ttle Sue Ear~,. daughJer of card games in which women are She'll. make a [ull repor~ next~ague's five clinics and to help '. Alger Country Club and there's mu- Mr. and ~rs. Wtlham O. Eart, sometimes not permitted to talk, Tuesday when ~he is, .guest defray costs of public service lit- "ndidate sic for the figure Eighters. In- performs mmbly on her skat.es; and if the womenforg t the rul- speaker at DetrOit League. for erature it prints : Ei~en- so do Karla and John Scherer . e Planned Parenthood's lunch- .Dr. Grover' c'. Penberthy, of th~n to ~ident~lly the Winter snack who are delighted that their par- mg and .tal~ across the table, a eo~-mee~ing in Vetvans Mem- Grosse Pointe, heads the League's ie~t. Itand at the Country Club is ents, Mr. and Mrs .. Robert P. penalty IS imposed.. . orlal Building on West Jetfer- medical advisory committee and. :'Ie beau called the Ice House. Scherer of Lake Shore road join Mr. a~d Mrs. Wllham ~edam son avenue, The Rev. Stanley Moldenke is ce. aft., Costumes are gay as anything them in the sport. of, McKmley ~oad are chairmen, . . . -Picture by Fred Runnells Mrs. McEvoy was Detroit .oel- chairman of the clerical advisory :at C~ seen at Otsego Ski Club and Newest Boyer to take to the ice of the co~m1ttee o~ arrang.e- Tne Archconfraternity of St. Clare Parish will hold a Mixed Bridg~ party.on Sun- egate to the World Conference of ,committee. ,!'on fot skiing has loaned the fast cap, is three-year-old Martin, son of ments. Servmg on theIr Comm1t- day night, January 25, ' in" the new: c~lUr<:h auditorium. MRS. RAYMOND LAIGE,cen-' the Planned Parenthood, Leagues The League is endorsed by the ;:t fishing a gay knitted Dutch cap affair, Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Boyer tee. are Mr.. and Mrs. Edward ter, is chairman of th~ party .. WiUl' her are pictured MRS. WILLIAM E. WARD left in India and also attended the Detroit Council of Churches .. to togs of the ice skaters. of Cloverly road whose brothers, Sm1th of McKmley road, Mr. and and MRS. RAYMOND F, SMITH; !'4rs[ \Joseph Gonczo is' co-chairman. Bridge, c~nast~ New Delhi meetings of the In- • .'- co\"el ecl Some of the regulars include: David, Douglas, Frank Jr. and Mrs. Eldon Stahly of Neff l'oad, d th '11 bId' M. '."11 b d d. . ,ternational Social Workers. . At the recent annual meeting . " Ie ',....orp Ann Fisher. daughter of Mr. sister Mimi. are old hand~ on the Mr. and Mrs. John McGrath of an o. er games WI e p aye. : 'apy prIZ~S WI, .. e awar e. Proceeds of the p~rty He~ subject will be, "The of the board of the Protestant 1all. be- and Mrs. Louis A. Fisher, Betsy blade~. ' Yorkshire road, and Mr. and Mrs. will be used to pay for the lovely chit1'a, sil~erware, etc.~ which have been placed in the World' Looks at Its' Population Children's Home, all officers were ~at:x. Howenstein, daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Eish- Roger Judkins of Country Club. new' all-electric kitchen in the new: auditodum. .' . Problems." . re=elected to serve during 1953: ~rs were Mrs. Harry B. Howenstein, Suzy, op of Rivard boulevard retire to road_ . . . . ' The hmcheon-meeting launches Mrs.. George U. Krapfel of parent!'. Freddie and Tony Schlaff, child- the bowling alleys at the Country ----- A' AUW. ,'Spans' or's T'.alks" on Ta'xes' Sk"'z-d'lno.'re' Dean the Detroit League's fund-raising Grayton road is president of thE: . Dewey ren of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Club while sub deb Emmie St' Clare Party campaign for 1953.. board with. Mrs. ~gar A. Guest pita!. Schlafl'. whizzes off with the skating set. -. . ------P - t ' V. 't. , Mrs. William Moore Joy, of. Jr.j and .Mrs, , Earl Holley, first at th~ Nancy and Bobby Posselius and Mr. an9 Mrs. Daniel H, Buell Set fo'r Sunda'y .That Federal taxes 'gr~atly IBUSIness Ag~eeme~ts" as f?llo!"s: OZn e Z8l or Vendome r~ad, is this year'scam- aria. second vice-presidents. )ff. Then join the afternoon skaters and III are other of the Country Club affect our personal esta~es, our a) Need for ~u.1table WIlls. __ paignchairman. Her committee Mrs. David Ballantyne Hinch- g to bf, the other night glimpsed on the members who delight in spending joint property, our famili~ and 9) Uses of ~lvmg and testa- The Geor,ge Richardson family ,includes Mrs. Edward A., Wish- ,man is corresponding secretary, . , il few ice were their parents, Mr. and a Wintery evening I)n skates. A Mixed Card Party, spon- our business i~ commonknowl- me1ntary trusts. -. ". ,; h d d h . Iropp, of Kenwood court, and Mrs. Mrs. Arthur G. Reeves, the re- ______sored by the Archconfraternity edge, but are we aware of the q) Results of makn~g Glfts. a a goo c ance to. r~ne\V .1tS Lansing M. Pittman. of Three cording secretary, and . Mrs. F'r'cc,man . of St. Clare 'of Montefalco will degree to which this is accomp- d) Pu,;poses of busmess "buy old and pleasant aSSOCIatIonW1thIMile drive. Mrs. Victor A. Rap- Douglas Donald is treasurer. :. she in From Anot er Pointe 0 View be held on Sunday evening, Jan- lished c:nd how the 'results may an? sell agreements. • Skidmore College last week. Miss ------.------Ie minK h f uary 25, at 7:30 o'clock in the be m~dified or even avoided. ~). Suc,cessor-guardianship of Mary Louise Charles, Dean of ,,,I along (Continued from Page 8) new church auditorium, Mack at This will be the subject of the Bu~mess can be Pre s e r v e d Admissions at the Saratoga, N.Y•. J. Phc- ,Whittier. second and third lectures in the th~ough W.ills, Trusts, Gifts and col.lege for women, was in the :'ok and missed Brown's Detroit appearances in 18 years,) .•• Mrs. Mrs. Raymon d L'a1ge IS. ch'alr- series on "Preservation of Capi- mtno~ chidI ren. Pointe to interview girls at the FOR YOU ••• A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY Barbara Philip Baker ••• and Mrs, Sterling Sanford. who does a man and Mrs. Joseph J. Gonczo is tal" to be held at Memorial Thl!. lecture course is spon- High School and Country Day e Ralph "John Mason Brown" of her own as she reviews Broadway co-chairman. Center on Friday, January 23, gorled by' the. Grosse Pointe and t.o attend a number of social m road: for a growing numher of delighted audiences'. • • . Tickets may be obtained by under the leader~hip of .Miss Lil- A.t.U.W.. but IS open. to all functions. TO SAV~ ON QUALITY FASHIONS! ~r. Alger Pointers we saw at the luncheon included Mrs. Edna calliny one of the following:- lian Hogue, preSIdent or thE1De- women m the community who Daughter Gayle Richardson re- ,Clwrence Lee Root • • • Mrs. Glendon H. Roberts , . . Mrs. Leo J. Mrs. :tdY Carnaghi, TU. '5-8389; troit Chapter of the American ar~ interested in the preservation ceived her bachelor's' degree Fitzpatrick ••• Mrs. Tom Lane . . . and so. many friends Mrs. Arthur Fushman, TU. 5-0685; Society of Chartered I..ife Under- of their capital. They may sub. from Skidmore last June. Her for the I from the North side of town who were our favorite subjects Mrs. W. V. Bernard, TU. 5-5615; writers. scr~be to the remaining five lec- father headed a group of en- : 9) 'before "Life Began at Alter Road,". • • Mrs. Edward Schott, TU. 2-4960; She will discuss taxation in reo tu~es in the series, or may at- thusiastic dads who, with the ______Mrs. L. J. VerHaeghe, TU. 2-2675. lation to: tefld only one. help of alumnae, arranged for a a) Federal. estate taxes. The time is from 10 a.m.-12 new and additional dining hall. I b) Michigan inherftance and noon, every Friday thr~ugh Feb- This was originally called "Fa- Inauguration Drau's Pointe,.rs Republz-can' Club estate taxes. I'uary 20, and reservations may thers Hall," but has since become (Continued from Page 8) Ikled dazzingly, a gold brac,:let'l Board Meeting c) 'Analyses of estates to dis- be made through Mrs. Edward known as "Dads' Diner." . . a pound and a half topaz rmg, close- tax inroads. Gehrig, VA. 2-6614 or Mrs. Dean Charles was .honor guest InauguratIOn were Mr. and Mr~.1 and dark glasses. > ,I -- ,d) Jointly held personal prop- Sheldon Drennan, TU. 2-,8984. at a tea, with time out for coior Robert P. Powers and theIr' Wh h t' th t Mrs. Harold O. Love, newly erty and real estate. ----- Islides, at the Country Club on erever e wen In e s a- I t d 'd t f th W ' ) C t. t hI'p and T daughter. Cherry; Mrs. Charles r h' fl k h d ft h' e ec e preSI en 0 e omen s e orpora lOn, par ners LJ1'aWiF. raternlty January 14. She is program A. Dean Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. T1honf, IS.?C rus e a ehr t1md' Republican Club of G r 0 sse sole' proprietorship interests as chairman for the American As- " h . 1 e emmlne mem bers c an e , P . t . hId' ' t' f t f t t assets N yte, Mr. and Mrs. Ozzle 0 - "Bless that man!" The Prophet om e, IS. 0 mg a mee ~ng 0 par 0 es a e. H0lds El e'etlon- sociation of University Women son. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. t Id t th t h' t the executive board today m her On the following Friday, Jan- and a past membership chair- Fisher. ~. h:epor ~rs t ~ t~~ LS ~a~ ~ home on Lochmoor boulevard. uary 30, Miss Hogue will talk on 1 . man of AAUW. The hour-and-a-half ~t Michi- w~~s~~~~d i~n~i~ ear sa;rng t~e Those present w.ill incl~de: "How 'F!nances of Familie~ and The Trusteed Charity Fund of ------gan Central went espeCIally fast Eisenhower Administration was Mrs ..S. ClIfford Merr1ll, first. V1ce- the Detroit Al~mni Senate .of I The longer we dwell on our for it had the attraction of Negro going to be the greatest since the pres1dent! Mrs. ~ohn Hutchmson, Trost ..Barnar.d Delta rheta Ph1 law fratermty! misfortunes the greater is their preacher, ~rophet Jones or The states united. second vlce-pres1dent; Mrs. Otto last week released a list of its power. to harm us. Rev. Dr. James F. Jones, Domin- When he boarded the train he Lundell, tre.asurer; Mrs. George B "t th l T ld newly elected officers, the board ------i?n. ruler of. The ~hurch of tt:e was 'accompanied by his inter- .Burgess, ass1~tant treasurer; ~r~. e ro a 0 of governors and the board of ',EST SHOES YOU CAN BUY ARE THI Umversal Tnumph and 200 of hIS national executor and personal Albert C. D1ckson. Jy, recordmg trust~es. dev?ted followers . (~ords and secretary, Prince Douglas T. secreta~y; Mrs\ W1~ham S. Bur- Lois S. Barnard's engagement Officers for 1953: Dean, A. De- ! C! Ladles of The DommIOn). Rogers; two press secretaries, his ton, aSSIstant recordmg secretary; to Lt. John A. Trost III was an- Vere Ruegsegger; Vice-Dean, r/\ f)[> M.a 'A.r -4 A ~ort of local Father Divine, private cook; some 15 or 20 mas- '!vII's. John F. Keyes, correspond- nounced recently at 'a dinner Roy C. Hestwood; Tribune, Ed- .lJLJ",Jd\7fj1 ! Prophet Jones wore a white over- culine followers and 24 pieces of, mg secretary, and Mrs. Edward party at the Detroit Yacht Club. gar W. Pugh; Master of the Rit- >eo eo< toat, a teal blue suit, terra cotta luggage. His $15,000 beige Ca':ii- J. Donovan, assistant correspond. Lois is' the daughter of Mrs. ual, John D. ;Pheney; Bailiff, J. ~ CCATS- SUI,TS - DRESSES' fedora, yellow suede gloves, a llac was driven to Washington by ing secretary., NormaW. Barnard of Lenox.,ave- Henry, .Canfield; Clerk of the Ex- ~ . d' h h' h. h' h ff Ch . f t d' 't D t't d th 1 t T l'b tt chequer, Harold G. Woodruff; :Q Iamon Wrlstwatc w IC spar- IS. C au eur. aIrmen 0 s an mg comm1. nue, e rOl , an e a e a 0 Clerk of the Rolls, Lawrence Ea- • ______d .______tees include: program, ... Mrs. Barnard. She was graduated Frederick S.' Ford; hostesses .. from Southeastern High School. ton. ! Mrs. Harold B. Tyree; member- John is the son of Mr. and Mrs. . Board of governors: Donald S. . M R' b M W t hAT t f C d' d Leonard, B. Ward Smith, Hon. SAp,h rs. ue en . a erman; Jo n . ros 0 a Ieux roa , Miles' N.. Culehan, Hon. James H. C= campaign, Mrs. Milton Setzer; Grosse Pointe .. He was graduat- Sexton,' Terrance W. Bannan, ~ • public relations, Mrs. Mark' ~ ed from Michigan State College. Alexander M. Middleton, Walter •. Edgar; political activitie!l, Mrs. He is now stationed at Aberdeen, Gehrke, Charles M. Bayer, Sid' L. z -- c• t To Appe~. r on TV'Show term; -Ron. Carl M.. Weideman,' ':Q -e 't f J C three year term; Frederick A. 0 Exclusivtl with Us I - The engagemen 0 oyce ar- Thomson, four year term; Donald ~ ..::ID Mrs. Beverly Beltaire, of 1228 olyn Emke and Donald William I ... Osborn has been announced .. The N. Sweeney, five year term. ~ in Michigan Yorkshire, will be one of the '_____ .... members of the Women's Adver- bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. • and Mrs. Robert W. Emke of "Protest by Taxpayers," says a ... , . tising Club. to appear on tele. headline. That's not ew 't':C ... Lenox, Detroit and the bride- . n S-1 s ~ '"... vision on Friday evening, Jan- groom-elect is the son of Mr. and perpetual. moti'on. WALTon-PIERCE uary 23. Doris Eaton Travis, Me Mrs. Harold Osborn of Beaupre -. ----- KIICHIVAL AI SI, CLIIR of the Arthur Murray show on road, Grosse Pointe. An electIon, <:hould be held to WALTon. 'IERIE GR~SSE POINTE Channel 4 at 8 p. m. will inter- Joyce atended. Alma College decide which group of us is to Gross. roint. view officers regarding activities and is a member of Kappa Iota.' reform the rest of us. ~th~grou~ Don~d' ~ill be grndu~ed ~om ------~~--~---~----~------~------.------~-~-~-~-~~~~~~ Miss Esther Wagner, advertis- the University of Michigan in ing manager of Demery's is presi- June. No date has been set for . . in our-.l!' dent of the advertising club. , the wedding. .WlSS the 'Values • . "J ------"--'"---1 I , I

...... J ~I , . , . -tk~wt;ehf-~th~ - I (,lM.~~ fk~- .'~nnnal .,Mid-Winter SaieI -' ~~it

,,' " Sun-Separates .I The big, ~aited.for savings' event: in .which we tak~ of h:nported Linen NOW INPROGRESS! drastic reducti~~, ~pto. 40% to make room for new sh.ipme~ts. Floor samples To be pr not be monogrammed I " • , \. • • •• , , • our pure linen. match- an'd discontinued pieces of fine-name furniture •• ,sofas, chairs, tables, rattan mates including sleeveless blouse,. 11.95; Bermuda shorts, pieces. Also lamps, small carpet samples and remnants alld' accessories,. • • 1-4.95: skirt (not sketched). I

.' T / '... • •

cJJ.aydon dtOUi£J fJ•.

: .., T '-'8 e.u:J./fa'tUtl& • tVJtay, .. 05OO • ~ .. !P.lIda ~ ~u~ . . I 1.


. " ... ._ --...---T-'" ~~ ....-- r- .0 '" ...... " ,~, '.. • • I • • 0 ~, ... :

Pa~e Ten G R 0 SSE POI N T 'E NEW S Thursday,', J.enuary 22, 1'5] This"Is the New Library 'You Are A.skedlto Visit :Next Sunday ,

This picture doesn't do justice to the Meeting Room, which will seal more than 100. Furnished by the Grosse Point~ Rotary Club, it has also been equipped by the service organization with a projector and' lens, The. windoyi MISS JEAN TAYLOR, head of the Children's Library services and author of the popular- column :'What. Goes curtains run in grooves,.'which black out the room for the showing of movies and.slides. The special podium was de- on at Your Library." which appears each week in the Grosse Pointe News, poses prettily in her lovely new office on signed by the buildir'b architect, Marcel Breuer. the second floor. \

.. ThIS is a section which will be pretty much reserved for the students of high school age. All the books they will Delight of ')11Pointe youngsters will be this beautiful Children's Room, furnished by the Junior League. Brillhl!lt need in their studies have been segregated in this area and spacious teakwood work tables and comfortable chairs are colors have been used here in the leather upholstering ana eve:ything has been done to attract the younger. intellectual ready to make their lessons easier. set.

. . ," The beautiful Adult Room wfll look even lovelier when the rest of the furniture arrives, Here adults will be a. lowed to smoke while they peruse books. and magazines. This room was furnisqed 9Y the family of the late Charles. Meet the. Boss. ROBERT ORR chief librarian of the Pointe system, is' as happy as four .st~ffed clams with ~the Parcells, honoring' the memory of the' former president of the Board of Education. Teakwoo~ panelling is again used new building. This is liis office, the' nerve center_ 'of the strikingly modern library which will serve all the Pointes. He is ¥10rdinately. proud of that new desk; which he says "has ever~rthing.1I . . lavishly, . :tI '

t l\ '•

...... ,..._ __.. ~_-. _ __ ..__ .t..'_ = _ tttt _ • __ .._ __ .•.•_--_- ..•__ --. a _ __ ..- __ ....--...__ ~ -.... __ :~ _ ~ ------~---~------~~ , -- .....---- -


• General News Section 2 • Cla••ified • Featur:e Pal' Thursday, January 22, 1953 Page Eleven GROSSE POINTE., MICHIGAtt

I Discov'ery of ne\'?" sources of. 'Reckless Drivers". Speeder Caught revenue has always been the Officer Deraedt. Doubles Gros~e Pointe High Senior Prom Workers politician's way of lightening the As Public Relcltions l~fan. i Pay Up in Court, Without License tax burden. Judge C. Joseph Bel:mger dis- Farms police ticketed James Officer' Jules Deraedt of the We wish also to report that this missed four of the 16 cases heard Coniff, 27, of 1610 Ford court, for I Farms Barber Shop City of Grosse Pointe Police De- is not the only instance where at the January 14 municipal court reckless driving. January 17. New - Modern partment was given a unanimous Officer Deraedt has performed session in Grosse Pointe Park. The police. chased Con iff at vote of thanks by the City Coun- admirably on behalf of the citi, Each of the four defendants, Ed. speeds over 70 miles an hoW' from . .Different • Sanitary cil at its meeting Monday night. zens of Grosse Pointe. His patient ward Bazyldo, of 857 Beacons- Kercheval to Mack avenue on Men's Women's and Children', Reason for the acclaim was the and understanding manner in field; Evelyn C. Pichea, 8839 Morossr.oad before apprehending I HAIR. CUTTING reading of the following letter, dealing with school children has Louis; Amelia L. Parsons, 18031 him. , • a copy of which had be~n sent I made him their friend. As a re- Chester, and John L. Taylor, . A good place to come to , . • Investigation also revealed that I Try it and lee I to Mayor Ralph B. Nettmg. suIt, he has been a long-time 22938 Allen court, St. Clair Con iff had never acquired a January 27, 1953 . lavorite with the children of Shores, had been involved in auto FARMS IARBER SHOP Michigan driver's, license. I. Mr. Thomas V. Trombly Maire School. By his example accidents. . I 18416 Mack, at Moran Dr. Chief of Police the children are learning to look Burt Hamilton, 1616 Merrick, 'I'his' country's' original and I Ceo, Chuba, Owner TU. 2-5580 Grosse Pointe, Michigan. up to and respect Police Officers was found not guilty of an acci- most worthwhile endurance rec-l Formerly at Mack and Gray Dear Sir: . rather than to fear them. dent in which he had been in- ords were set by its pioneers. On behalf of the Cub Pack No. Again, we wish to thank you I volved. , . .19 of the Maire School, we wish for your fine support and cooper- John Hoard, 20363 Sunnmgdale, to extend and to express our ation.. and John MacMahon, of 21756 deep appreciation to you and Very t.l'Uly yours, Moross, forfieted bonds of $20 'I your department' for its excellent Don Lescohier, when they failed to appear to cooperation in lending to' us the Pack Chairman. answer individual charg~ of I fine assistance of Officer Jules speeding. A $7 bond was forf.:l' ~~ llU NOTI'CE • • • Deraedt in our Christmas pack N · hb ' CI b by Robert J. Phillips, 159 T_. - I party which was held at the I elg ors U pre. Phillips failed to ..pJ.ear to school gym. T H Ch answer a charge of" running a Acting Sergeant Deraedt made I 0 ea.r . orus stop street. the party a complete success in I Fined for reckless driving were THIS 'Nt THAT FOR;PETS his role of Santa Claus. He passed I The Briggs' Men's Chorus will William T. Morrison, 667 Wash- out Christmas presents to every I present the program at the Men's ington; Albert E. LaBelle, 79 now in our new location kiddie; helped to lead in the sing-I Night of the Neighbors', Club, Lakeview. and Eugene Mancini, ing of Christmas carols, and gave January 28, at 8 o'clock at the 21120 Hunt Club drive. They paid the children a fine talk on the Grosse Pointe Memorial Center. fines of $65, $20 and $25, respec.: value of believing in Christmas. As program chairman, Mrs, Law- tively. 19587 MACK AVE. It was a job well done. rence Ruby will introduce the Court costs of $20, 5 and $5. at Littleton ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;; group, I were paid by Earl Anderson, of This group is 'made lip of 16 12~4 E.ast Grand boulevard; Jack Complete Bird, Cat and Dog Supplies men. who sing becau~e they love IGIacalOne, 2173, ~urlbut, and Dr. to smg. The chorus IS four years Charles W. ~arhng, of 1018 Har- Fresh and Frozen Horse Meat old and is sponsored by the Ivard, respectlve!y. Each h~d faced

Briggs' Manasement Club and I charges o~ causmg an aCCIdent. made up of office workers and A $25 fme was handed down to ~lIIl1l11l11l1l11l11l11ll1l11llllllllnllllllllllllllllllllllnllllllllllllllillmlllllllllllltnllllJIIllllllllllllllllfllll1Il1l1l1mlllllllllllllllllllllmmllnlllllllllllllllllllll~ ~OW! I -Pi~ure by Fred Runnells supervisors. William Sular, 14 Arthur Liste.man, of 4~99 Semin- ANNE LEETE, left, and NA1'4CY THOMAS were just two of the scores of Grosse more shovefmg-gel a new year old violinist, will present ole, for causmg an aCCident. No Pointe High School seniors wh~ spent all Saturday, January 17, transforming the boys' a grouJ? oC thre~ n~mbers, ac- I For failing to stop for a stop gymnasium into a night club scene for the Senior Prom which took place that evening. compamed by hIS slste:. I street, William E. Funke, 2016 Ia lor MOTORINGTHRillS • • • i3 I Mrs. Prudence Butterfield. the i East Jefferson, was fined $10. The young men and women worMed like beavers all day' and finished just in time to race ~ ~ director and accompanist of the tJ d J h P U . k .d home, slip out of blue jeans and lweaters and into beautiful formals and return to the chorus has been active in n1usical I. u tge osep . YIC, pre~I.- Prom like so many Cinderellas. However, the Cinderella angle disappeared when most ~ ~ circles of Detroit for a number of mg d the Gr~sse Pomte n1UnlCI- of the girls' escorts borrowed th , old man's car and took their lovely ladies to the dance years. Mrs. Butterfield directed pal court ses~lOn on January 13, in style. ~ I:~g~:r : ~::;::. :~~::;:ag..I the Navy AnchoreUes during the h.anded out fmes to four of the SIX defendants who appeared be- a .' Daimle,. • Rolls-Royce • Bentley- 3i war. I fore him A social hour will follow the; : .. . j,p · t Th t ozn e ea er rms December Fire Loss Light .,1J OldO)' other fioe ;mpo,ted cars program. and refreshments will i For dnvmg w.lth a revokeri 11- . I I be served by Mrs. Richard Hen- I' c~nse, Paul ~. Glano.poulos, of 987 I FIsher d f To Help Center/ month of light activity was five derson and her committees: Mrs. I , Iecel~e ~ me af $50 an d proved to have been fire calls. There were two automobile Walter Anderson, Mrs. W. R. I was charged $15 m court costs. .' rep rted in the Grosse Pointe == WOOD MOTORS e -- R. h d 1\'1 E K S . h' Ch - .. ' The Grosse Pomte Communlty F f' d t t d . D fires and three miscellaneous IC ar son, lY rs. . . In.lt, I .urged WIth .reckless dnvmg, Theatre's second production of ar sIre epal' men unng e- fires. Total fire damage was esti- THE MIDWEST'S OLDEST SPORTS CAR DEALER / Mrs. Fred Adams and Mrs. Hmz- ! Bruce D.. Schofleld! 1026 Haw- the 'current season-"The Curious cen}ber. mated at $55. I I r ma~. . . .' i thorn.e, P~I~ a $3. fme and costs Savage" by John Patrick, is being Rire Chief William H. Newport ~ The department answered 14 Tickets al e pllced at 75 cents i of $2, PhJlhI? WrIght, .16901 East presented at Pierce Auditorium rev~aled that although ,the de- ~l emergency calls and one call to Mack at Cook Rd.• Grosse Pointe Woods .ru. 1-6806-7-8 ~ each and !nay be purchased at I !efferson, paId a $1,0 fme and $5 on Friday, February 6, It will artment received 20 calls, only ~,' . ~ ~ an outside community. iffillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlUlllllllUllllmmllllll1llll1lll1lll1l1l11l1l11l1llllllllll11l1l11l1ll1llllU1I11111111111l111l1l!!lillllllllll1lUlIlIll1ll1l1l1ni~ ;v let a TORO the Memor.Jal Center. Mrs. George In costs; Gene MIlar, of 22734 bel}efit the Grosse Pointe War I p__ .__ Mensing i~ in charge of tick~t Mil!anbach, S1. Clair Shores, paid Memorial. • sales, aSSisted by Ml's: Alvm a flr,te. of 25 and costs of $15; Tickets at $1.50 may be pur- • SNOW'HOUND ~ol'chardt. For further Informa- Pat,rlcla Ann Stef!enlane, 22904 chased at Doubleday's in the ViI- tlOn call the Center, TU. 1-6030. Gary lane, St. Clalt Shores, and lage th.e Grosse Pointe War Me- do your work! ------Earl ~udenau, of 14805 Lappin, morial on and after January'26, PAST PERFEC1' DetrOIt, were found not gUIlty. 01' call Carol Wilson, TU. 5-4217. * • Quick-Starting 2.5 h.p. Engine Manufacturet"s of household! ,------..;...-- __ 1 The action of the play all takes • COfbvretoc' Heater-Slops kin! furnishings and appliar,tces today • place in a home for mildly mental would have found bus mess good -Q cases The Cloisters. Mrs. Savage, .llwows Snow to Right or l.ft ~:re-.; No4eQ 'YOu've Got~ Drive If; among the Ancient ~ayas. The 1" ....13 .. 13 who' only wants people to be w~n Book House Cor ChIldren tel~s , happy feels that the entire for- how "the Mayas renewed all thelr IfrODl D U S tune left her by her wealthy hus- lODAY! household possessions every New • • • band should be devoted to this Year's Day. But first, plates, beds end, is placed in the home by her and mats t.hat had been used d~r- , ....------Jlirat.e family, who have other uses Believe ing the year were taken outSide The boys of the 7th grade for the money. to It! NelsonC. ~ the city and thrown away so that reading class of Mr. H. Jack What happens when Mrs. Sav- 20377 H L h none of the evil o.f the old year Geiken have been workIng on age puts her philosophy to the arper, near OC moor might remain. Ev~n the temple a project to aid the March of test with the other inmates, TUxedo 1.6233 Iutensils were re-moved and de-I.Dimes. They have publiShed a whose phoQias range from that of ______' stroyed." little "newspaper" containing Florence, who is convinced the ------.------1 short compositions that they have doll she drags around with her I • I written. Proceeding to sell these is hel' young son, to Mrs. Paddy, Mail Coupon Now for Complete 'nformation I to parents and school mates, they who hates everything including 'S I have amassed more than $32 for electricity. This results in all SOrtli MUTUAL 0f OMAHA ! the polio fund. of c0!1fusion, sinc~ she snaps off • • • the lights every tIme she comes PERSONAL SECURITY PROGRAM j "Brigadoon's'" rehearsals are on stage. r ------. I moving forward these days. The cast includes several new- Hospita Iization . h I I Among those from D.U.S. pla,y- comers to th~ group as well as old M I 0f 0 Paysyou up fo $5.475 I utua ma a I ing prominent parts in the musi- favorites. I Department 311 I cal cOr.1edy are Peter Kornefiel, Evelyn Gl'eathouse, who was Maternity Benefits I I, i George Black, Robin Ryan, Jack first seen in one of the workshop I 18745 Mack Ave. I Hoey and Hans Becherer. plays: is the lead, Mrs. Savage. Pays you up to 5150 Grosse Pointe 3b, Mich, '" • • Her family include Titus, played I by John Wilson, remembered f~r Sickness Benefits 1 am under no obligation. Special assemblies made it pos- his fine portrayal in "John Loves Pays you up t05300 a month • Rush full information. :sible for all boys at D.U.S. to Mary;" Samuel, played by Lee Name I Iwatch "history in the making" Allen; and Lily Belle, played to Road lestand l?ateihe New DodgeV.E~hf; Accident Benefits Ion Tuesday when they saw the the hilt by Undine Sturdevant I Address :.... I Pays you up to$300 a month lEi s e n how e r - Nix a n Inaug- last seen in "I'll Leave it to You." I Age .....:-...... I ural ceremonies. . 1 d b '1 Dr. Emmett IS p aye.'( Y WI - Pays you up to $300 I Cit;)...... Zone State I • • • Ham Dance, doing his first work You've heard talk about how this new Dodge performs. About Surgical Care l ______J Mr. and Mrs. Allen Merrell ar.e for the theatre. Miss Willie is the new 140-h.p. Red Ram V-Eight engine. About the new Cimong 6t~ grade parents who are played by Rosemary Wrubel, and planning a fiel.d trip for the boys Jeffery is played by Darwin Ley. design that does away with "deadweight!' And about the new of that grade to the Detroit In- The inmates of The Cloisters feeling of masrery. So you say to us, "How about that ' I stitute of Arts. conclude the list of characters as 'Road Test Ride' you're offering?" You step in. You take over. : ------follows: Fairy May, Ann Sexton; And from that moment on, all your ideas about motor car St. Joan of Arc Wins Two Mrs. Paddy, Lynne Girard; Flor~ Thursday night, January 8, was ence, Phyllis Cardoze, well re- performance are changed. Your own Road Test Rating will convince you. Come on in ••• today! a gala night for the boys' basket- membered for her outstanding '\ eDisposall@ ball teams of St. Joan of Are, St. portrayal of Claudia; and Han- . h nibaI, played by IJick Tobin. I Clair Sores. _ i . The sixth grade team won its At the beginning of 1952 thel'e Lo."est l',.ices ; opening CYO League. game were 300 privately-owned elec- I against St. Mary's of Mt. Clemens tric utility companies in the U. S. i by defeating them, 29-2. To ~Qd with total assets of 22% .billion ;•• To,e,,! insult to injury, the eighth grade dollars and installed capacity of team followed by taking its open- more than 60' million kilowatts, ing CYO League game from S1. with 83% of their total power 2 BusheI-Gas Mary's of Mt. Clemens by a score generated by steam, two-thirds Garbage Incinerator. 93!Q of 26-22. supplied by coal. /

Lilee an Old Keepsake • • • 30-Gal. Automatic WATER HEATER .. .. . ••••••••• @)"9.. 95

A-?L ~~ Bp«ifictltlolll /lnd equ;pIMni .ubj«1 10 d1a",., witltout Mm.. • ~y~ . 1 I I •• I I Ii I also WOOD KITCHENS, SINK TOPS 1l.0AD TEST AMERICA'S ACTION .. : 1bvS3 PLUMBING and REPAIRS AI/#eW e Joseph P. Kropf, ,Inc. -..'" '"Quali!y Pllllnbing Sitzce 1923" M'ICHEL MOTORS 17425 MACK AVE. TU. 5-8091 Open Mon, and Friday 'tit 9 p. m, 19391 MACK AVE., Grosse Pointe Woods -Phone TUxedo 5.3044

'\ " , . \ Thur! • Page. Twelve G R 0 5 '5 E POI N T E' NEW S Thursday, January 22, 1953 BJu . , UrO!5e Pointf N~w. '1 ~_ft~ PUBLISHED EVERY.THlJRSDAY BY ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS'I' Letters to .the Editor.': INC. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE DETROIT WESTWARD. II I .9FFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL, GROSSI!;' GrQ>ssCoe&J I Grc ! Dear Mr. Edgar: on your co'ntinued support. POINTE FARMS 36, MICHIGAN I • as one ( Very sincerely yours, it tripp Phone TU. 2-6900 3t ~ 52 Ezalleratiolllls ! Please accept our sincere thanks" Virginia Wegmann, Three Trunk Lines I for the help that you gave' us in Seal Sale Director. Januan ,~ember Michigan Press Ass'n and Nationa! Editorial AM:n A. ,PRY0R telling the story of' the double- • • • Howar~ . . / - barred cross Christmas Seal. Dear Mr. Edgar: mark fe ~~ MAROBER-T B. EDGAR EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER. "My heart has grown ricb witb the passing of years, . .' Because of. your assistance we The Officers' and Governing lea~ue '.1 TTHEW M. GOEBEL ADVERTISL'lG MANAGER 1 have Jess 1Jee4 now than whe11 I was )'Ollng . About 16 months. ago, a group vited, you as well as your sisters have had the most successful Board of the War Memorial As- Wyan( -. ANE SCHERMERHORN , .FEATURE PAGE. SOCIETY I dog, ga, shar~, myse.Jl witb ever'" ,J'O. '!ler, of interested citizens gathe~ed on and your cousins and your aunts. Ifund-raising campaign we have sociation'together with our'Di- . FRED RUNNELLS _ SPORTS EDITOR To scare in ~ J 1 '" T, a sunny September mornmg at ...... I ever conducted and' so will have rector want to thank you sincere- .. TOM ~~ER ...... ••~ NEWS test wh€ ."ARTHUR R. BLYLEIl ADVERTISING Or shape ,!n)"tboughts il1lo 'words 'with ~y tongue." Fisher road. and Kercheval ave- I The many friends of Miss much more ammunition in our ly for all the excellent publicity (Sara .Teasdale) nue, .to WItness the groun~- Florence Severs, former Director fight against tuberculosis during you have given the Center and its ponent I .. ~~ DENNIS ACCOUNTS . the end _' ~ n.,u. IS HANNAH CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING '" • * breakmgfor. the new Central LI- of the Grosse Pointe Libraries, 1953. activities. Only through the FLORA HARDING _...... CIRClJ"LA TION '. .. .. _.. . . brary des I g n e d by Marcel. .u b d r ht d .k h '. I . d' f' l' sympathetic and generous atti- trailed t , If you al'e lookmg for somethmg to help curb that mld- B ' weU known Ne\" York 1 WI e e Ig e to now tat 'Ihloug 1 contmue m alms Ion tude of the News could the Cen- to 17. al . ' . ,...... re~er, -, . she is to be here for the open- to the public we can cut down the p Entered as second-class matter at the post office. Detroit, wmter madness, or .If you want somefi}'eSIde occupational i ar~hltect !ing. She is looking forward to number of TB cases-and tuber- ter have been launched and The 8 Michigan. under the Act of March 3, 1897. therapy. until the robins return, we have found. the very I Among them was the man who' seeing her acquaintances of many culosis is still the No. 1 killer grown. It'is a wonderful feeling thing. Painting sets that can be bought, not for pros ... but so genero~sl~ donated the m01~ey years. among the contagious diseases- to have the press with you, ure at t FULLl' PAID CIRCULATION . "". . for the pUIldmg but who remams * * * and we know that we can count We are really trying to make contest game. F '" Subscription Rates: $3.00 Per Year by Mail. All New! and for poor frustrated folk who can t even draw a ~tralght lme unobtrusively in the background, May we 'call your attention to ------the Center' a living memorial Advertising Copy Must Be in The News Office by or paint a small barn; There are many choices, including disclaiming much credi.t" ~r. the new te1ephone number of which will benefit Pointers of all lads toe Tuesday Afternoon to Obt&unInsertion That Week flowers winter scenes bull fights banet .girls ships dog" Dexte~ M. Ferry Jr. :WIth hIm the Central Library, TU. 4-2200 Tribute Paid by Alumni ages and interes~s. We hope too ed in 01 , • • ". . .'.. •. ' • ' 1", was h1s son, Mr. Hawkms Ferry, To College Pres ••dent that the Center .will bring about Peter.s t Th b t tl d d d d d t t f and to the hours, Monday deadlod e c. e su Jec IS ou me ..an IVI e . m 0 sec Ions or an enthusiastiC. supporter of the through Friday 10:00. 9:00 p.m., a greater. feeling of neighborli- color and each color numbered so only a moron could go project.. " Saturdays 10:00_ 6:00 p.m. Mary McElroy, 449 St. Clair ness and an increased community the seco The New Library wrong on it. The colors are already mixed in small capsllles .Present al~o on this occasion ------avenue, was appointed by John consciousness. were> in , d h d' . f II' was Mr. Carter Sales, grandson K l h B k C. Schwab, chairman of the Thank you for all your edi- the eigr A dream nurtured for many years by many residents an t e Irecbons are eas~ to 0 ow,. : of the late Mr. Murray W. Sales, oe Be s ac Alumni Advisory Council of the torials, pictures and stories and With 01 \\Till be realized Sunday when the beautiful new Central We have only one complamt to make to the manufacturel'., The who gave, his home a few years .p J ,- Detroit Commercial College, to also the accurate weekly publi- the hal ~ibrary will be dedicated. The dedicatory exercises are brushe~ ar~ not too hot ... but for not too much one can. buy either ago to the Board of Education . make presentation recently of cation of our 'caleJldar of coming "Stretch rom amazca jump sl scheduled for 3 to 5 p.m. and all interested persons are. cor- a camel's hair or sable brush in any hardware store ... and that t? be used .in the best .wa! pos- an honorarium to President R. J. events. 4,ially invited to attend, . s1ble to benefit the publIc lIbrary. Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Koelsch, Maclean, marking the first in a Sincerely yours, give the .. Wh'l th l'b b "d' "ts If' th '£t f will.do the trick. Which reminds us. A woman we know who i~ These two beneficent dona- Jr., of Moran road returned Sun- series.of celebrations of the 50th Jack Roney. and Jer: , 1 e e new 1 rary UIl mg 1 e IS e gl 0 one workl'ng on one of these proJ'ects, asked her absent-m'I'nded husband tions have, cuiminated in a Ii- P 'd t lected : very community-minded person, Mr. Dexter M. Ferry, Jr., . day from a delightful trip to Ja- I anniversary of 'the college. reSI en. Pointers its opening marks the culmination of years of ambitious to pick up a sable paint brush for her on his wayhom~. He arrived, brary building of ~hich the reSI- maica as guests of the Reynolds I . Miss McElroy presented PI'esi- . • gin. . dents of Grosse Pomte may well Metals Compan.y. . ! dent. Maclean with a scroll con- effort on the part of many Pointers. home with something quite different and when Modom asked WHY be proud. I GPHS... LOSIng p( .~. Qn the occasIOnof the openmg tainmg personal messages and the' After . Back in the years of World War 11 when a Study Group .•• he replied that the salesman told him .they dinn't make any But a building however fine, of bauxit.e n:ines on the British signatures of hundreds of alumni, 14 Letterm,en :wasset up to determine just what form the Pointe's War MINK brushes! to function as a library, must West IndIes Island; the Reynolds and a wallet containing $1,500. . ened in that WCi Memorial should take, it was decided that a new central * * * have books and equipment. The company. chartered the new Fur- The presentation was made to --'_.. and pia library would best meet. the memorial idea and serve the You ma)' not get much jnformation from the general run 'ot Friends of the Grosse pointe ness Lines luxury, liner, the President Maclean in Jennings By JAC~ l\IURRAY . took th( largest number of residents as a living testimonial to those quiz programs but if you listen to enough of them "you're bound to Public Library under the able Ocean Monarch,. and took 400I Memorial Hospital where he is. GPUS Journalism. Student to work serving under arms and those who had made or would make get a few lau~hs. One day last week we were list:ning'to a woman leadership of Mr..Mario~ K. Kel- guests on .the crUIse. j recuperating from a fractured A;mongthe 56 boys m the g~ad- Johnn 'fi f h' .... . logg, are not frIends In name The liner sailed from New hip. ua.tmg class of, Grosse. POInte th e supreme sacrl ce or t ell' country. answering questIons about the monetary umts of dIfferent CountrIes. I Th y ha'Te contI'l'buted H h S h I 25 h climaxe, -: Ion y. e York on Janu.ary 5.and the. guests I Miss McElroy is secretary to Ig .. C 00 • are . senIors w 0 surge. Although some $225,000 was raised in the War Memorial She got the American 'dollar". , . the }'rench 4lfranc" ... the Eng- generouslv towa;d the furnish- were entertamed In Jamalca for, the Grosse Pointe Superintend- partI~lpated m vars1ty sports, and Library campaign, the amount was far short of the required Ush "pound" , .• so she was pretty sure of herself when the ques-l ings and -books and have, given three and a half days before sail- ent of Schools, and Recording of th1s group 14 are lettermen .. long en, goal and the idea had to be temporarily abandoned. Much of Uon turned to Italy. She beamed quite a beam as she announced a great deal of time, effort and ing back to New York. Secr'etary of the Grosse Pointe Coach HO\~ard MacAdam wIll Cente this money was diverted, with the permission of the donors, that the monetary unit of Italy was "guineas." thought to the project, interest- ~. '. lose the servIces of Bob Warner the Poi Board of EducatIon. from his star-studded qcintet scoring to be applied to the development of the War Memorial Cen- '" * i • ing many other orgamzatIOns.. ~.Ch h.------1N fourth h. h . t th .t b th - '1 f th '. .', I . and Pri1ate individuals, who f " when this term ends. Don ter w Ie was given 0 e commUnI y y e tam. y 0 e We find a chuckle m thIS c1rcu~stance of events that has taken have hel ed in various and sun- u'rc ews Pi Be Q Phi WiII'Hold Schmidt, Dave' Cobb, and John keep aI, late Russell Alger. place between a local woman and ~ sister living in the south where dry way. '- . Valentine Dance Feb. f 3 Finch starred on the '51-'52 team, en seaS4 Even before the Memorial Library drive w~s launched, the television aint so good yet. (A sentence we dearly love!) When i , And n w the last book is ar- EBENEZER BAPTIST but more of these boys went out the late Murray W. Sales had offered his property at East our h'eroine's sister was visiting here last summer she. became in-I ranged', he. last chair is place.d. Pi Beta Phi will hold its Val- for basketball this season. It's {: . 1 d t b t d . t 21001 Mor05s Rd. at Hal'ller. The te . te '11'1 B b J. ,eIferson avenue an d L mco n roa. 0 e conver e In 0 a terested in a continued story on t-v, so asked her hostess to/PLEASE The stage IS set and the curtam entine Dance on Friday, Febru- nms am WI ose 0 \\'~re tl new central library. A study by librarians and architects keep hE:'rposted (by mail) as to how the story progressed. Our due to rie,. SU!'ld~y,Janu~ry ~5 Rev. E. Arthur l\'leAsh, Pastor ary 13, at 9 p. m. in the Red ~:~n~;~:5~0 starred on the dou- dotte g~ resulted in the decision that the property was not adapted local gal true to her promise wrote a weekly letter of details about for the edlcatlOn. The tIme lS Sunday, January 25: 10 a.m.- Run Golf Club. The music will The Devil finmen will be hard to me fo,r library use, but the old Pointe landmark. was accepted the thl'ng' •.. then found tha't letters seemed a ll'ttle l"ng for what 3. to 6 .m. The users of the morning Worship ~1:15. a.m.- be furnished by Earl Perkins and Highian b th B Ed . 'ft v lIbrary are all members of the Sunday School. 6:20'p.m.-Youth his orchestra. Members living in hit when this term ends. Coach Friday, ~ e oar d 0f uca tIon as a gl . sl1e had to report so she tOOl.to sen'dI'ng the l'niormatl'on 'on h' k ., 11 I F k B h '11h k' oJ • • • • • .n.... . • cast and we t 10 It s an a Groups. 7:30 p.m.-"Studies in: the Grosse Pointe area may secure ran anac WI ave a mg- promise WIth th~ ~nouncement by Mr. Ferry that. he would post cards. 'The first t!me ;.;he did th1s, the card read somethmg star one! A library that is not the Book of DanieI." tickets, at iive dollars per couple, sized job on his hands when he game i, donate a bwldlI~g for the m~ch-needed. ne.w lIbrary, the like: "Joanne's in-laws are trying to run 1}erout of town but I think used is ' poor thing indeed. • • * from Mrs. Jack Frye, 1371 De- attempts to find suitable replace- I Cl, h' d ments for Pat Burke and Tony ed!y \' Bo ar d 0 f Ed uca tlon, un der wh lCh a pu bIIC 11brary mus t be Mr. Tate will find a way to prevent it." Invitatfons have been sent out Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.-Bible vons Ire roa . . Pear. from al operated here, announced that \he Sales property w~uld be A few days later she sent another postcard reading: "Mr. Wil- to member? of 'The Friends,' .tcf Study. and Prayer whe~ the P?S-: ~mong the East ~ide Pi Beta Jim Boardmen, AI Billups, in this sol~ and the proceeds woul~ be used to help furmsh and cox has hired Rose to put some poisonous medicine in the soup at representatlv«:s of ot~~r orgamz- tor dIs~~sses the subJect, "'I he: Phls who are plannl~g. to attend George Cope, and Jerry LaChap- Actm equIp the new structure ThIS has been done and Mr Ferry J 't th t '11b '11 d th B d f atlOns, to CIty ,offICIals e\ :a1. Church. I are: Mr. and Mrs. Wllham Beers, pelle will be mlS'sl'ng from th- 111 advi . ,. oanne s ea room so e eus omers WI ecome 1 an e oar 0 , . '. . l' . d' . . 1M', d M' A E W'I M • .. has always been most insistent that much of the credit for H lth '11 h tit' 1 "Ab t thO ,ti • G P These mVltatlOns were 1mlte Frlday, 7 p.m.-ChrIstIan SerV-j I. an IS. • • 1son, r. '53 track team when the call would h ifi b 'Id' b . h' Ii! 1 f' d ea W1 ave 0 c ose ne pace. ou lS "(me, OUI • • however and will reach com- ice Brigade for boys. Inquiries I and Mrs. H. J. Fleming, Mr. and comes for first practice. It is t t e magn cent new UI mg e given IS e- ong nen, friend received a letter from her sister asking. her to please not paratively few. We wish to mak;e about the route of the Sunday I' Mrs. Donald Sicklesteel, Miss The Pointe Diamondmen will fans Mr. Sales. .. . send a~y more of the story on postcards .. She sa1d her postman was it clear that EVERYONE is in- Schoo~bus may be made by call- Ruth Hansen, M1'.and Mrs. John lose John Finch, Jerry Lorenze, Champ .. It was orIgmally mtended to call the new structure the beginning to give her funny looks y;hen ~le delivered th.email.and..4ingLA.7-3098.Buda.Mr .. and Mrs. John Arndt, and Don Schmidt. a seat Ferry-Sales Library. but it was Mr. Ferry's suggestion that while she hated to accuse him of reading the eards (which she S. A. Elec.tz-o. ns Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frye, and Mr. The '53 football team will be Devils litis be changed simply to the Grosse Pointe Public Library. would do by explaining ~o him), she was sure he thought there was BAIlA'I WORLD FAITII and Mrs. R. L. Dunccn. the hardest hit of all sports. The be a n the name which now graces the facade of the modern build- something funny going on. Held at GPHS 'tu 2-3310 A.lsoMr. and Mrs. W. B. Clark, Grosse Pointe football fans have ).ng at Kercheval and FlS' her Sunday Jan 25 10'30 a m Mr. and Mrs. Burton Warner, Mr. had their last chance to cheer Agaii ...... Local sister poo-poohed that idea and sent another card reo: ' . , . .. and Mrs. W. C. Hume, Mr. and Don Schmidt, Jerry Lorenz, Mike of' the We were given a pre-VIew tour of the new lIbrary ~at- cently reading: "Rose put the poison in. the soup yesterday and Children's Class. Subject: (Con- Mrs. C. R. Meir, Mr. and Mrs. Luberto, Dave Car rut her •• By Donna Smith. t' t' f C t' R I" .. be on : prday night, under the personal direction of Robert Orr, Joanne's CHILD was there for lunch and ate some of it! I hope she G.P.II.S. Journalism Student mua lOn 0 oJnpara 1ve e 1- Robert Hendricks, Mr. and }l4:rs.George Cope, Pat Burke, Dave land P thief librarian of the Pointe library 'ystem, doesn't die •.. she's so adorable." About a week later our heroine The semesterly. Student Asso- gion Study) "The Zoroaster and H. O. Love, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Cobb, Al Billups. John Finch, they se . If, as we have always thought. the public library is the received ,a wire from her Southern sister demanding that she stop ciation elections at Grosse Pointe ;;;~r~~~ce in the History of the Teetzel, Jr., an,d Mr. and Mrs. Fred Albrecht and Jim Board- but wi Iteeper of the torch which lights the goal for the intellect-. her postcard nonsense. It seems that the poor gal had a call from High School were completed last D. R. McNaugh.on. •man. ,..-I_~_ "inade< ually curious, the Pointe can have no possible excuses for the FBI asking her about her Detroit connections and if she knew Monday. If as r lack of inspiration towards continuing education and learn- of any trouble there! Dave Terris will automatically show u * * * assume the president's duties, ing. since he was unopposed for the , "We believe that we have here the most functional. pub- Ofdtimers in these parts will remember a weekly newspaper office. Dc library in the country today," said Mr. Orr. \Ve could called "The Detroit Saturday night." It was no doubt called that Winner of the office of vice- I ~nd no disagreement, but could add that the functional part because it came out on Friday aftlll'noon and devoted its shiny oresident is Jerry Goebel, who 'b d d bl ff t' b f th sheets mostly to the doings of Society with a capital S. We hap- defeated Dave Belfore. At the of th e lI rary was ma e eu y e ec lve ecause 0 e hl'gl1school the Student Associa- ~ t f th f . h' g d th t 0 h th t h be pene.l to see a book of the issues of 1938 the other day and got quite ..,eau y 0 e urms In s an e a m sp ere a as en tion vice-president has the full ~reated within the new structure. _ a nostalgic kick out of it. Sassiety. in those days consisted of cut responsibility of the Service The noted modern architect, Marcel Breuer, has not only and dried reporting of events (with details), and held none of the Club. done the building itself, but has had much to contribute in flippant tone the columns orten carry today. Carol deBruin defeated Bev ronnection with the furnishings, color schemes, designing of For example ••• first names were used only for the young and Climie ,for the office of secretary. hew fixtures. all of which combine to make a library which unmarried group and a formal Tea was annouJ)Ced l\S such and not Carol's responsibility- next 3emes- fA ter will be to take careful min- bas attracted attention from coast to coast. referred to as a "social pour." The word "swank" was never used utes ,at each Senate meeting. The Pointe will be presented Sunday with a gift of which and a ferJnstance of how the Editor felt about Society reporting The responsibIlity of the Stu- the residents may be inordinately proud. It is one which will showed itself clearly when he wrote an editorial castigating a So- dent Association finances will be '" th l' fl"t f t d 't' ciety reporter on one of the dailies for referring to a local socialite's handed over to Wayne Stavoe, ~uect elves 0 a very arge maJor! Y 0 presen ay CI 1- "painted toenails," who defeated Skip Clark for Stu- 2ens, and which can affect the lives of. each and everyone dent Association Treasurer. Of us, now and in the future, who.avail ourselves of the mul- We were entranced with the many photographs of such lovely One of the main jobs of each ~tude of serVIces it offers. looking women as Mrs, Harold R. Boyer, Mrs. John B. Ford, Jr., and S. A. Officer'is to be chairman of The new building should be an inspiration to all to have Mrs, Edwin B, Henry and many others. Most of the pictures in one S. A. dance. Iishare in this great new acquisition. The major donations those days were taken by Alice Elizabeth Whitt, who certainly knew Successful candidates for the ljave been made by Mr. Ferry and Mr. Sales, but a great her stuft' ••• an expression we are sure would never get us a job Senate positions were Peter Gall, on the Saturday Night! Jean Leete, John Hammond, lJlany other residents have alrea dy h ad .a part in its creation, Steve Mulliken, Madison Morri- and there is opportunity for all to partake in the continuing All in all. thumbing. through the pages of this slick paper gave son. These senators represent growth and ever-enhancing value of the library as a vital us an insight into the past that wiII not be again. So many names their grade in each Senate meet- Pointe institution. have disappeared from the news amI so many faces have retired ing. . . t t. b h' . th l'b d k from the limelight of those days, Along with them has gone the The Student Association of Tak mg ou ac Ive mem ers IpS m e I rary an mH - Grosse Pointe High is run on the :"'g e f th 0 45 000 bo ks th t Is rd.' g fil dignity of newspaper reporting just as the Horatio AJger books, ).!.1 us 0 e s me, 0, e 00 • ecor n s. ms same' basis as the federal gov- and periodicals available for users, is the primary way in Elsie Dinsmore and Alice in Wonderland have beenl replaced by ernment. The S. A. officers act which we can become a part of this great organization. In- pomic Books. Space Patrol stories and llox tops for obtaining Jun-" as the executives, while the sen- dividuals and groups have shown us a good many other ways for's air rifle. So be it. ators form the Senate part of,the in which we can share in insuring the steady development ------. legislature. 'Each homeroom Q! the library system. M h f A k Y H I elects a representative ,-in the arc 0 n-Inles '. S sour.. e P Forum, which is comparable to '" The new building itself has many aspec~s which are the. , the lower house in Congress. result of special donation3, The Fri~nds of the Library, an You Can Help, Too! short of a menace ~o the health The .judicial branch of the Stu. organization devoted to its welfare~ has collected over $21,000, Under this slogan the 1953 and welfare of Americans. dent Association is the Honor 'Yhich has been spent towards furnishings and equipment. March of Dimes '. got under Court Its members are appoint- - way in Wayne County and "We must realize that this is a ed fo; each grade' by the grade's : The Junior League assumed the responsibility o~ fur- throughout the United States on time of crisis. The 1953 March of senator.1 I Dishing the Children's Room 'and deserves the thanks of the January 2. Dimes will serve three great pur- .======:::====:;1 $tire community for helping to create this most beautiful "We look to every citizen to poses. First it will payoff the portion of the new structure. support this humanitarian work," bills for patient aid that have 0 I acts - Friends of the late Kenneth L, Moore, respected and Willilllm' R. Bernard, Wayne accumulated during the terrible a ar Eeloved Pointe historian, have taken over the furnishing of County Campaign Chairman said. e~idemic of 1952. Secondly, it . , PP R Ph b h. h . L d' f h 'I l' . f "Little did we know last year WIll guarantee that the great By FRED 1\'1, KO • '. ~ ~ oard room, w lC 15 outs Lan mg or t e ove mess 0 its that 1952 would record the worst program of research, now show- A cataract is a cloudy forma- ~chitecture and furnishings_ polio epidemic of all time. Here 'ing tremendous. gains, is not halt- tion that develops 'on the lens The family of. the late Chal'les Parcells, long one of the in Wayne County, since last Janu- ed for lack of funds t? ~trik~ of the eye causing partial or ~ointe's outstanding advc~ates of a new central library, has ary 1, 1,102 new cases of polio- the knoc~out bl?w at'poh~ m the complete blindness. furnished the Adult Room, a section of the new building myelitis have been recorded. Two l~boratones. Thll'dly, It wIll pro- Cataracts may appeal' at any where the more mature residents may browze through the out ot every three w~re severly VIde t~e. funds to ~a~e sure th~t age, they are common among. >. 1 d any v)ctlms of polIo In 1953 WIll elderly people. Complicati~ns books of their choice, smoke and pursue their intellectual paJ'a yze or needed an iron lung .. before birth; heredity, and m- feanings in surroundings of luxurious comfort. -it was a. record-smashing year have the best medIcal care av~l1- jury are all sources of such a .. The Grosse Pointe Rotary Club, adding to its gift of some both in the number of cases and a91e, pllJSall the nec.es~,aryeqUIp- condition, doctors tell us~ 'b h f h severity as well." ~~nt and personnel, Bernard S.u.rgery.rest.oreS eyesi"ght in I' years ago 0 f th e famous T 00 1 L I rary, as urnis ed the "The Mar'ch of Dl'mes IS' not saId.. .. t" h . f th 100 h about ninety aercent of all mee mg room, were groups 0 more. an CAn gat er, primarily. a fund raising organi- ,"We need more money 'and we patients, a~d it is a necessity, and has also given a new projector and screen for the show.. zation; Funds are raiSed once a need more volunteers to put over for. should the cataract be al- mg of motion pictures and slides. year, In January, to make pos- the 1953 March ~f Di~es than lowed "to remain it will in all : These are some of the outstanding gifts which have en- sible the wonderful~ service pro- ever. before., Don t walt to be 'probability destroy the entire

:ftanced the beautiful property which is being given to the gram that goes on for 12 months II asked. Volunteer your services lens of the eye. '" whole community on Sunday; The building provides' ample Bernard emphasized. ' 'now-even if you can give only Visits to a doctor'should be r_oom for development of all its facilities. Anyone wi.shing ,to "The March of Dimes is a one hour of ;.'our time to heJp aregularat.!east a,once a y~a,r unique Foundation" he pointed with the Mothers' March on appointment. And alyvays have con trib ute, be it anew b 00.k or somet h ing more su bstantia, I out, "because it .is 'a partnership Po~io.l'. in mind a druggist upon who Can obtain advice on this subject either from the library offi- of the American peo.pIe, men of Send. contributl'ons to, the you can depend for prompt tials or f .th F' d f th L'b action in an emergency. rom e nen s 0 ~. rary. seience, and C\Octors,fighting an Wa)'ne County Chapter, 153 East Copyright .:.. Plan to be on hand Sunday afternoon for this memorable e.pidem.ic disease,' polio,' a diseaseE. lizabeth, Detroit 1, Mich. 'To . It k' i1' th ult 1 This is the 432nd ola series of occasion. mar s an Important ,m eston~ In e c ura still on the increase, an unpre- volunteer in Detroit write to that Editorial advertisements appearing and educational life of the Pointe. . dietable disease that is nothing address or telephon~ WOo 1-7724. In this paper each week. , ....._------...... _.1' • '.1 , ,

/' '" ..., ...... • • ,; _. • I ~... • 4, ",; .... "..... - • • ...... • • .. "' _ .,.. ~. • ...... • "...... " ...... ' ,.,. • .. ~ '.. ... •• 'II .... J .. _#... _." .... "'.. ~. " .. '~-.'''''''\ '~"~.' .• ",, •. -' *'. ~ .

). !hursday, January 22, 1953 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen. 3 Blue Devils' Record/ Intact Newly-Elected Officers of Pointe 'Yacht .Club .Swim. Marks Fall as Pear. A.fter Conquering Wyandotte Paces Pointers to Victory By Fred Runnells . Walter Pear's star ascended high in the sports lleaven. Grosse Pointe High School's basketball team continued last Friday, January 16, as the Grosse Po~nte swimming as one of the few unbeaten Class A teams in' the state when team chalked up its. fourth win in six starts by beating it tripped up the Wyandotte Bears, 45 to 34, last Friday, Wyandotte, 56 to 24, in the local pool. January 16, on the downriver court. The victory gave Coach Two records went by the boards~.>----'------ning Howard Mac Adam's Border Cities League leaders a perfect and Pear shared in both record Clark and Dave Hulbert in the As- mark for the season with three league wins and four non- bre~king pel'!?l'mances' W h i c h 100 yard breast stroke, Henry Di- lea,l:We victories in seven games. . easily m~de 111m the sta1' of the Gildner and Sam Johnson in the cere- Wyandotte, a decided under-~ . meet, hiS last .before .a home 200 yard free style, Don Adam- icity dog, ~ave the Pointers quite a i fans did last year over at High- cr~wd. Walter Will get hIS s~eep- ski in the 100 yard backstroke, dits scare In the first half of the con. land Park the spectators will skm from the school on FIsher Stuart Smith and Pat Burke in the test when it held its vaunted op- truly bec~me engaged in the ro.a~ this month and will be in. the 100 yard freestyle, Dan aUi- ponent to a 7 to 7 deadlock at '"Battle of the 'Bulge" when they ehgl.ble to compete. for the Blue Reaume and Dave Hulbert in the Cen- the. end of the first period and I' try to find a place to sit down DeVils after the Highland Park 120 vard individual medley and and traIled by a lean two points, 19 I think it would be a wond~r- meet ~n January 23 in the Polal' Bruce Crowley in the diving. eling to 17, at half time. . i iul gesture on the part of Grosse Bears home pool. Henry Adams had a chance to Poor at Foul Line i Pointe High School officials to Makes Good Quickly take a third iI\ the diving but , T~e BIueDevils' complete fail- i reserve enough. seats to accom- Walter vowed before the meet missed by. the narrowest of mar- I. ure at the foul fine in tl:e rough! modate the membel's of the got undersway that he was going gins when Bill Timms of Wyan- contest almost cost them the IBoard. It would be an education to give the local fans something dotte edged him. by one tenth of game. Forty-six times the Pointe! in itself if the Board members to remembel' him by and he a point in the final tabulation of lad~ toed the foul line and cash. ! could, 01' should we say, would wasted no time in doing so. In points. . ~d In only 17 times. : be on hand. the very first event, the 40 yard Banach Apologizes Peterson broke the first period I ------free style, he smashed his own Coach Bob Walke promised deadlock with a bucket to start' B t.' S · 19.0 school mark and tied the pool Blue Devil coach Frank Banach the second quarter and the Bpars j record of 18.8 set by C. Martin of a much more interesting meet edi- on In s ~erVICe wer<.- in command for seven of! 1 t H If Ch Fordson in the 1948 season. when the' two teams meet later and the eight minutes of the period.l S Pear's record breaking per- in the season in the Wyandotte ubli- a amps ming With one minute remaining to I -- formance in the initial event pool. Banach in turn apologized the halftime intermission, Dave: The w;nner of the first half sparked the Blue Devils to even for having the Blue Devil lineup "Stretch" Johnson pushed a ~split season of the Grosse Pointe greater efforts and they slammed stacked but pointed out that the jump shot through the hoop to IBusinessmen's Bowling League five of ~he seven ~ndividual line'up, as is the practice, was hive the Devils an 18 to 17 lead'i was decided last Wednesday night _ . -Picture b~' Fl'ed Runnel~s events beSides establishmg a new made up long before the visiting and Jerry "Bulldog" Goebel cOI-1 when the Boutin's Service five Ii'lag Officers and Directors of the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club were elected at the annual meeting on Tuesday, Jan.- mark in the 180 yard medley re- team arrived for the contest and. lected a free throw for the managed to stave off the last uary 13. Left to right, seated: VICE COMMODORE LEO JACQUES, COMMODORE A. R. MOTSCHALL and REAR lay. J~ this event Pear teamed could not be changed. Pointers' two-point halftime mar- game surge by the Testa Cement COMMODORE W. H. FARR. Standing: MANFERD BURLEIGl-T, DR. C. J. WILLIAMS, STARK HICKEY, GEORGE up with Skip Cliu'ke and. Don Banach pointed out, that OD gin. I' keglers to hold onto a slim one MITCHELL HERMAN WECKLER WILLIAM O'NEILL KRONl'SER d MERVYN GASKIN D' h Adamski to el'ase the' old mark papel', Wyandotte was strong Pointers Go To Work point margin. r, , an. I lrectors a ....sent were of 1:44.0 set by Robin Hesse, Skip enough to push his Blue Devils After being thoroughly fright- i Testa Cement came from be- Rex Regan and Harved Younger: { . Clarke and Pear in the 1951-52 to the limit and inasmuch as the ened in the fint halt by a t9ml~nd a~~ ~si~ the fint game ~------~--~~~--~------~---~-~--I-----~~--~-~~-~--~----~-~~Mon.ThenewmarknQwslan& Devi~havealreadydroppedtw~ that was supposed to roll over to Boutm s SerVIce to capture the L-ttl L B b II C --tt H d Ch at 1:41.5 ' Ileague meets he couldn't take any nt and play dead when the Devils last two games but fell short of I e eague ase a. omml ee ea. ~ ,osen Relay Team Disqualified c.hance of starting a weaken~4 rad- took the floor, the Pointers went winning. total pins and had to The Blue Devils could have I lineup. ointe to work in earnest. . settle for second place. Grosse Pointe's first L'ttle League Baseball i well on Iwill Ibe organized on an auction commercialism. A sponsor, which had an almost perfect meet if a I who Johnn.v "T\'-eedle D".e" DI'CI'C.CO',While the first and second . 1 . S. t > " tits wa'y to a successful season this summer and it is all basIsi is selected by the Team Sponsor make.shif,t relay team of a couple This 'n' That Pet Shop , and climaxed the Devils' third period I place teams were battllng for he due to the hard preliminary work of a small group of Grosse Bargaining Basis Committee, donates $250, which of ulvers, BI'uce Crowley and en. surge. which left them on the ~top spot, Norm Hall was having . _---~--~--~~-- It works this way. Each man- is the limit, for outfitting a team. Henry Adams, and teammates Pat In New Modern Store will long end of a 30 to 24 score i a fiel? day. when he toppled over Pomte dads., ~ agel' will be given 36,000 credits For this the sponsor is entitled to Lamb and Tyrre had not dis-I rner Center Jerry Goebel sparked I 662 pms WIth games of 248, I~O, ~t a t;leetmg held at., qrosse head of the Field procurement with which he can use to bid for put the name of his business qualified themselves when one of' The This/n' That for Pets shop, intet the Pointers in the last stanza, I and 234. Norm set a new. sen~s IPOinte HIgh School last '1 uesday, committee; R. M. Waterman, Fin- a boys service. For example, if across the front of' the uniforms. them jumped. the gun. . formel'ly located at 20422 Mack Don scoring 8 of the Dt'vils' 15 point I record Co: the season WIth !lIS January 13, Pr:resldent Howarth ance; Herb Bumpus, 'ream spon- there is one boy who is extremely With four teams in the Grosse Wyandotte cracked the Blue! ave., is now in its new moder.n John fourth quarter production to: 662 anel hIS ~48 .was good for the! ~n~ll greeted ,,3 men who were sors; Dr. Robert Swanson, Man- good, a manager can go as high Pointe Farms' Little League the Devil monopoly when Chuck Rey- i s!or~ .at 19587 Mack ~ve. Mrs. eam, ..j kcf'p alive the Pointers' unbeat-: ~.econd spot In Single games. i lllvlted to be on hand to he~r agel's; Robert Ayrault, Equip. as h~ wishes in the bidding, but league will operate on a $1,000 nolds edged Walter Eversman for': Chpstme Lusk, proprietor, art,; tout " en season for another week. j Othcr 200 or better scores were I the most recent dev:l?pments 10 ment~ James Dingeman, Constitu- the igher he bids the less credit budget. second place in the ]00 yard back- :nounced that the new shop hM ] . ' : posted by Baker 235, Carroll 214, I the plans for orgamzmg a four tion; and Burgess Book, Rules 11' dd d b k t' . Bob { " E~emg Parkers ':1 Caprini 211, Schuster 211, Mort- team league within the bundaries committee. This last committee wi he have left to buy the rest In the Farmington, Michigan, stroke. :a e 00 -s on pe ralsmg to j dou- ; Ib pOSSible. . the Blue Devl1s . son 209 . Gross 208,e P tz 201 . 0f Grosse P ointe Farms. At this was suggested by Ted Chapman, of his players,. Little League, officials raised an It should be pointed out that' round out its services to thQ \hre thmkmg past .the Wyan-. STANDINGS Imeeting President Gnau announc- head of the Farmington Little The eligibility rule states a boy additional $1,000 and operated on Wyandotte was weakened consid- fancier. A complete referral Ii- hard doUe g:-.n:e and lookmg forward Bout.'n's Ser"I'ce 44 ed his selections for the various can play in the League if he docs- a $2,000 budget but found this erably when two of its stars were brary is available to those who to rneetmn the nc bLOaten • I League, who has been working n't reach his thirteenth birthday extra cash was not necessarily unable to compete because of the wish to call at the shop, as well oach . ~ 0 e-" T est C t C 43 . committees to handle the multi- hand in hand with the Grosse king- HI~hland Park Polar Bears on K a 11emCent . o 39 ,tude of work that goes with pro- P . t . tt' th during the year he wishes to pIa:,'. needed and will go back to the flu., " as a collection of catalogs of an F d J "3 Th' enne y a ermg I am e group 10 se 109 up e For example I'f YOll 11'\'e I'n tll'- $1,000 budget I'n 1953. . Other W)'IIne."', .dog shows from roast to coast. n he fl a~', nnuary.!.. IS game Barrett's }<'Iowcrs 3; I viding Little League baseball for local Little League. ." ,~ lace- promls.es to be the to;.. Clas..<:A II. JI. Seldon Co 36 Ithe community's youngsters from President Gnau informed the Farms and your son will not Usually Pass the Hat Other winners were Walter i Tony game In. the state and undou.bt- Bankes Archt. , 35 the ages of 10 to 12. gl'OlIp that in other cities and reach his thirteenth birthday dur- There is no admission to any ------I The Chemical industry, whicn edly WIll co~mand attc~tlOn Belding Cleaners 35 Committee lIeads Picked towns the success of the Little iog 1953 he can play in the Little Little League contest but the They have been getting data from I dep~nds u~on coal {or al~rge lups, I " ~ronh1.all the daIly ~ports wflters Adams-Simms 31 Waiter Connolly was chosen as League se(;;ns to stem from the League this year. usual practice is to pass the hat the Farms dads' who are behind i p~rtlon of It.S source materials, hap- In t IS area. Re 'ere Cle 33 j ------Shun Commercialism and the proceeds collected go into the organization of the first I Will have to Increase todats ou.t. the Actually, if tick~ts were sold Po~te Insll~~:~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::33 :8t spreading of the work among Little League officials have the local League treasury. Grosse Pointe Little League. Iput by three-and-a-half tl!l'es m call In advance for thiS game they Art Young's Bar 32 • PCLul Clilnbs ,many men. steered completely away from By playing in the Little League Original Group orde.r ,to meet dem~nd In the wou Id hm'e been gone JOng. ago. Norm Jlall 2$} T S l Pi .: Tl SpreadI' I LikeL Wildfire fi ------.----- Ia . boy gets. af chancet to travelh tif The original five men who Icommg quarter-century, ., will It is reported Highland Park: Dr. Tuttle 28. 0 eCOJ"l,(; ace I le. ~Itt e . ea?ue was .rst j' Lead R · k d liS team IS ortuna e enoug 0 started the organizalion of the • ..... enze, fans will follow their State' Bruce Wigle Co 24 ; . ._. "started III 1948 In SIX states which ers OC e win in its own League and in the Little League in the Farms wer.e '\ TVand Rad-IoSenl"" Champions in dro..-es. and getting' ~Ie!lIcci Printing 18 i By Bob Barrett IIhad 94 leag~tes made up of 4161 In R t L following district and regional Howarth GQau, Robert Ayrault, .. III be , a seat for this game in the Blue' En::-el , 12 1 S1. Paul High School made a t~ams. In five short. year~ the playoffs. Robert C. Chope, John Pingel and Guaranteed Repair Wott ' 8m 0 ,al~Y OOp :. The Devils ".Cracker. box" gym will:. 'l'Aam III' S.'ngle st.rong. bid for first .place. in the Little League spread hke Wildfire The ~ittIe League World Series Dr. Robert Swanson. Since the. have be a major ChOle. .\Revere Cleaners" 974 BIg 1.welve ChnmplOnshlp race and I'n 1952 ,es44 stat we'eI r epre- J us t w hen tllere d'd'I n t seem to .1'5 11Cldeach yeal' at WI'III'alnspor.t, fil'st meetl'ng of these Illell tlley I: - Television - l •• i.~ cheer Educators Invitee) . ~esta Cement 951 ! las~ week with two decisive vic- sented by 1,788 leagues which be any way to stop the league- Pensyl vania, the birthplace of have been joined enthusiastically /' - Sound Iquip ltt Mike j A. h th b tones over St Rose and An were made up of 7,562 teams. leading' Middle Atlantic Trans- the Little League, and is attend- by scores oC other Farms dads e r 5, '. gain we ope e mem ers I ~eam Hi Three .. . - These fl'gures !.ore'l'mpl'essl've, t t' b I' d bit. 10000 t t East rnd ,l h B d f Ed . 'll! nunclatlOn .. pOl' a IOn ow Ing team in ,the e Y a mos , spec a ors who want to help give the little ~ Dave Or t e oar 0 lIcatlOn WI Belding Cleaners " 2722 , " bllt WI'len 0".". I'emelnbers tIlat R t L th D K I' f th . I be on hand to witness the Hlgh-! Testa Cement 2673 I In tnr. St. Rose-St. Paul battle ,.c 0 ary eague e e eysel' w 10 Jam every corner 0 e kids a chance to p ay ball. ) TV AND R.IOIO ~inch. land Park gam.e. Not only will!. Ind. Hi Single the F,lyers took. an early le~d, each of those 7,562 teams has fif- Plumbing Suply quintet turned Little League Stadium. , From this corner we doff our: . oard. ' .~. I I they see the "game of the week" ,Pety 259 t <'lnd did n0t I0se It for th ~ en tIre teen boys between the ages of the trick. Dekeyser rocked the Gets Chance for Fame cllapeau to evel'yone connectedj Soles & Serv ••c. ,1~ , '" but will see the walls of the! Hall 248 r game. The potent offenSive and 10 and 12, simple arithmetic leaders when it took a four-point Not only does the League give with the Farms Little League and I "madequate" Pomte <1vm" bulge: Ind Hi 1'hree :i th e cIose Iy we bb ed (eIf' enSIve of shows .that 113230' had. the op- sweep and enabled the Piche a youngster good, wholesome or- for unseHishl" J.. giving their valu-I' 13940 KercheVAl near ".stl.WIt.I; If II" hI d" P .k f ': H 11' . St. Paul proved too much for portu01ty to play orgamzed base- Barbers to move within five ?anized baseball but by playipg able time so Pointe kids can play. A. ... 2 as many !g an aJ .ans; a 662 i St R I ball in the United States last year points of the lead. II) the League he has a chance ball under adult supel'vision. I V , ,.-98 3 J sh~w u~~~~_t_hIs~~nt~::_~s_~~mt~ ~Pety , ~~!j ;rh~os~.ig guns of the Flyers i ~vho wouldn't have had the cha~ce There were no halfway meClS- to be selected, as the "Boy of the 1 -- -_. ~ ~_ .. -- : were Tim Champine and Glen Ilf hundre?s of hard wor~mg ul'es in scoring on Friday, Janu- year" by the Boys' Club of Amer-; r~--.~~~~~-.-.~~~~~~~i Walters, who scored 22 and 20 fathers, like our own Little ary 16. Every winning team cap- lea I S"'''UD~B 'IIV)I J D t .t' M t M d ~rtl & S' .P?ints respectively. Other scor- League men, had turned th?il' tured four points. it is \'ery possible that Grosse ~ .. ~ 1 e rOl S 1 OS 0 ern '1t" es erVlce .ings of the game, for the Flyers, backs on. the ch~nce to orga!llze TEAM STANDINGS Pointe may see more tl}an one , .~I .. were: Bob Barrett 7, Jim Ayrault; and bUIld thell' own Little Middle AU. Transp 54 Little League organized by 1954. t. SALIS and SERVICE .. 6, Dick O'Connor 2. 1Leagues. Piche's Barber Shop 49 There are some City of Grosse , ! Half-time score in this gruel- i All to Have Chance DKe~{epyser Plumb Sup .;7 Pointe dads' interested alread'y. t. Factory Authorized Ports 'I H U D S0 N s y ing contest, was S1. Paul 22, Sl. I Undel' the strict league rules MOPd ha r nlac 45 . ~.,..~;.~;"'~;.~~f';.;~;'~~~~~..~..~~;.~~~~~';.~, "RE.ST ASSURED" ~{~ 113333 East W~rren . YA, 2-1450~. .disastrous for Annunciation, in- five boys 10 years old, five 11 Holzbaugh Motors : 19 5,~ When You Call ~~ ~ ~~-.-..~~_._. ~~---.~ . )asmuch as the Flyers completely years old and five 12 years old. To High Games: W. Mertz, 210; ~ .. outplayed, outshot, and outfought date the league hasa1't figured out Schubeck, 226; Vantiem, 220; <~ Grosse Pointe Woods ~? , -1- them in every respect. how the tryouts will be handled, Johnston, 223; Williams, 213; ~~,. CLEANERS and ~.:~,: Again as in the Bt. Rose game, but every boy will get a cha!1ce. Green, 206; Koerber, 202; D. J. A T. YO OR SER VI CE the St. Paul defense showed the Once all the boys have reported Volpe, 202. ~~ SHIRT LAUNDRY ~~ i way, allowing Annunciation an land the team managers have been High Series: G. Mertz, 571;~.; Kercheval at Wayburn ~~ MONDAY THRU FRIDAY - 7:30 A. M, to 9 P. M. : average of 6 points per quarter. selected and had a chance to look Schubeck, 558; Johnston, 550; ~~ VA. 2-5670 ~~ KEEP YOUR CAt "NEW CAR',''fEW I The defense was not only in first lover the material, thep the teams Vantiem, 542; Kammer, 536. .~~~;.~~~;O!;~~;.~~~~~~~~;.~;.~, SATURDAY 7:30 to 3 P, M. gear but also the offense. i~~~~~~~!!!~~~~.~.!!~~!!~~~~~~~~!!!~~!!!~!!~~~!!~~~~!!!~ Complete Collision Service Although Coach Ed Lauer aI-II Let us fix those small scratch~s and rust spots ftOW ••• lowed his first string Varsity to, play only half the game, it was i DODGE DODGE JOB-RATED PLYMOUTH before'wincer weather makes them major repairs. Factory Trained Experts ample enough time for Glen j At WOOD MOTORS, every job-large or small-is Walters to score 2:{ points and:

Genuine Parts and Accessories Bob Barrett. 11. Other scorers for 'I' MOTOR CARS TRUCKS MOTOR CARS expertly done. ~ st. Paul were made by Tim

~====_; WHYTE OLDSMOBILE ChampineAyrault 4, 5,'fedBobMonahanWright 4,3 Jimand ~ WOO D MOT 0 R5 I'

====_ T _~_114800E. JEFFERSO;OMPANY VA. 1.5000 !i~0:1:.~~f~t;~~;~;g~~~~~i TED DOYLE Mackat c::::: : :~o::e::in::::::::;: 1~806.7.81 Shirillia. I Ig '. it , Final score in this second con- i ~mUmUWm""mm""»""""""""m"HU"Ummmmmm"Ull""rnli"mmoonnruwooOOOO""mrn""mm""Wm""nm""OO"mrurn~ test was S1. Paul 51,. Annuncia- ; i I ! tlon 23.. ; L k Sh M S I \ \ I These two victories bring the i a e ore otor a eSt Ine. 14615 East Jefferson I Heois Up! ONE-DAY IFlyers to a se~son record of 5 .Convettient to All Grosse Poitlte VAlley 2.1185 3~ Blocks ftelmu the City Limits Everyone! ! wins and 1 loss. Setting the pace I : in the Big Twelve is St. Florian II ! with 5 wins and no 1osse~. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~. iI SERVICE ~~------.-...... -.-...... ~ ~ -.-.-.-...... ~ ---...... ---. ~ ---...... -...... ~ ~ ...... ---.-----~------~ ...... ~ ~ .--.---.~'" K SEE NO EXTRA CHARGE • . - -- i OLDSMOBILE"S Special for Thursday, Friday and Saturday II

I~~~~~~~ ...... ~~~~~~~~ ...... ~-~~~~~~~~~-~~~~

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I Thurs Page Fourtesn G R 0 S SitE POI N TEN E W S Thursday, January 22, 195~ 3. Christian Science Lecture by Richard Knox Lee, ,C. S. Mana~ Jumpmg January Lee CIa) Given Under Auspices of Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist,, Detroit, Mich., January 15, 1953 ear to E $.> Church ChrIstian SCIence asserts that we had \Vh stand the miracles recorded m both !Mmd qUickens our capaCIty for I Christ J..... : d,vme Sc.ence we have never I do not gam beaven oy dymgt but Testaments, to learn the secret of rIght thmkmg and enables us to I Most Chrlshans believe that I fallen mto evil or disease, have by rIght thmkmg and hvmg, and terlan ~ Jesus' teachmgs, and to demon- refute the false suggestIons of Christ ahd Jesus are IdentIcal and never been bort and ean never that what IS not accomphshed 10 three-We strate her knowledge not 10 theo- mortal mmd that ChrIst left when Jesus left 10 dIe We have Po ;yays been the thIS respect here w111have to be Church News dlvlslon A logical theones but 10 ChnstIan To know God as 1Ofimt~ Spmt I what IScalled the ascension Chrls- I children of God's care and reJoIce done hereaftf~r Heaven ISthe reIgn healmg Christian SCIentIsts love enhances our splr1tuahty and I ban SCience explams that ChrIst 10 the apprehenSIon of thIS grand of eternal harmony, but hell-well, Church theIr Bibles they study and ponder enables us to conquer all faIth 10 never left because Chr)st ISposItIve I verity that we do express the do I need to say much about that POINTE CONGREGATION!\L 10 observance of "Youth Week Paced them 10 conjunction With the Key matter and ItS erro~ Truth WhICh antedated Abraham quahtIes that reveal God Mrs Most of us seem tp know the way notched 240 Uhalfonte at Lothrop of the National CounCIl of to the ScrIptures that Mrs Eddy To realize God 8S the Soul of all and which Jesus Imphed was eter- Eddy wntes, "The SCIentific man there, and some no doubt feel they 11, the 'I Lecture has prOVIded The BIble has thus substance gives us the spmtual nally present to destroy all world- and hiS Maker are here, and you have had more than their share' Grosse pOinte, MIchigan Churches become to them a hvmg book, sense of all thmgs and refutes Imess Jesus demonstrated Christ would be none other than thiS man 11 a m Church School for the to 7 first I Hell IS a mental experience not a l\farcus William Johnson, Mimster never reI they find 10 It the Simple yet pro- personahty 1t reveals true IdentIty so fully that he became known as If you would subordmate the fleshly place We make our own heaven Nursery, Kmdergarten ana Pn bmlted tl found truths regaramg God man, ana 10dlvIduahty Imparted and I ChrIst Jesus Jesus was a human perceptIons to the spIrItual sense and our own hell, and Christian Sunday January 25 930 am malY depts on and the universe that enable them I preserved by Soul, and bamshes bemg, the best that ever hved but and source of bemg" (Umty of SCience has come to destroy hell and 11 am - Worstup SerVIce ler to a to destroy the troubles and trials the belief that hfe depends on a I Chr)st IS the dlvme nature whIch Good, p 46) by reveahng heaven everywhere Sermon •Book Measure" 9 30 7 p m Men s Club VISItatIon the weel and evds pertammg to the flesh mortal mmd and body A~ refiec- I ammated hIm anll which 10 every a m - Church School for Grades 7 pm Jumor HIgh Fellowship the sea so Christian SCIence IS therefore pn- bons of Soul we know that the I age enables us to subdue matter by t 1Iealing Pr"yer 4 through 10 11 am - Church meetmg , mg total mal 10 dallv affa)rs because It can dlshnct Identity and mdlvlduahty I overcommg the errors of mortal! 1\11 heahng 10 Chrlsban SCience Spiritual Rebirth 7 30 p m Semor HIgh Fellow Christian be apphed to every circumstance of each one of us IS mtaet and b'ehef I ISthe result of player-prayer that People readIly adrmt that sm, School for Nursery, Kmdergar- pomts ag and call meet every need It en- eternal we each possess by reflec- I IS more often sdent than audIble sorrow, and SIckness are beliefs ten, Grades 1 through 3 Nursery :e:hlp meetmg team genders a high standard of morahty I tlon our own spec1tlc quahtles Matter and Its Elements Unreal True prayer as Chr)st1an SCIentists whIch are born of the flesh but for Infant Care at the 11 a m • • • and promotes absolute fidehty to attrIbutes, and characterIstics and ChrIstIan SCIence shows that I understand It IS not supphcatmg a they are not usually so anXIOUSto servIce ONLY at the home of Wednesday J anuarv 28 -6 30 Mlller Science the marrIage covenant It accepts have our own form or mode of matter IS but the subjective state manhke God, but strIvmg to see accept the corollary that chastity, Mr and Mrs Velt 243 Chalfonte p m Men's Club dmner n'\eetmg the first the substance of Spmt as the only expressIon That which charac- of mortal belIef that all thmgs and to be a Godhke man It IS JOY and health are the offsprmg of 7 pm - Club 240 meet10g 10 The sneaker WIll be Capt Joseph the four pOSSible reality of eXIstence and terlzes our mdlvlduahty IdentIfies appearmg to be phYSical or mate- more than askmg somethmg )t IS SPIrIt and that to enJoy them we E Johnston, curator of the De been 10 the truth It teache~ IS as steadfast us as the sons and daughters of rIal are the counterfeits of God s reflectmg the divme Mmd Not must be rebor.Q. by obtammg a church SOCIalhall as the rock of ages God perfect spmtual umverse and per- my WIll but thme be done" IS the Chnstlanly SCIentificoutlook ThiS • • • trolt Marme HistorIcal Mnseum leave th Entitled To understand God as the su- feet spIrItual man Bemg the ceaseless prayer of the ChrIstIan new birth ISnot attamed by human FrIday January 30 630 pm- on board the J T W1Og" the fourth pe Founding of Christian SCience preme creatIve Prmclple of bemg product of false behefs matter IS SCIentist Prayer may begm WIth argument or by materIal force but Father and Children Banquet 10 last commerCIal salhng vessel on tralhng ~ Mrs Eddy saw beyond the spmtuallzes humamty and re- entirely negatIve and therefOIe op- petition but must ultImate 10 real- by steady growth 10 grace humll- SOCIalhall the Great Lakes Call Robert Alex F Christian Science: I bpunds of matenahsm and found stores harmony and order It re- I posed to posItive Spmt Knowmg Izatlon Prayer or treatment 10 Ity love and good deeds Flemmg TU 1-4238 for resen a sels rema the hvmg actuahty of Dlvme SCI- veals man's mseparablhty from I thIS, IS It any wonder the Master Christian SCience IS the absolute Jesus declared, •Man shall not WOODS PRESBYTERIAN tIOns lead WIt! ence whIch as apphed to humamty Prmclple and so rules out Sickness exclaimed It IS the spmt that acknowledgment of the ever- hve by bread alone, but by every 19950 Mack Avenue at Torrey ... .. ness fore she called ChristIan SCience By and ehmmates sm Jesus referred qmckeneth the flesh profiteth presence of God s mfimte truth and word that proceedeth out of the The Supremacy I Andrew Rauth, l\lmister Thursday January 29 -8 pm heahng hundreds of cases of 10- I to the oneness of Prmclple and ItS nothmg (John 663)? To prove perfec~on But we do Hot need to mouth of God" (Matt 44) that veterate dIsease she and her stu- I Idea man, thus "I and my Father the nothmgness of matter, Jesus know 1of Truth 10 order to enJoy IS by glvmg expression to spIrItual Sunda~ January 25, (Youth ChOIr rehearsal of Spirit dents verlficd the fact that Jesus' are on" My Father IS greater walked on the water passed ItS fre dam any mOle than we grace thus showmg that m~n's Day J 10 00 a m - FIrst Worship heahng works were not m)racu- than I and agam The Son can through closed doors and over- need a 1 the water 10 the seven needs arl, prImarily spIritual He SCIvice (Nursery 3 year aIds) ST JAMES LUTHERAN lous but dlvmely natural Mrs do nothmg of hImself, but what he I came time and space In hiS ascen- seas 10 order to enJoy a SWIm for proclmmed "And I, If I be hfted Eddy had laId hold of a truth so seeth the Fathe'" do" (John 10 30 slon he rose above all mortal bellef even small understandmg of up from the earth Will draw all 10 am - Flrs~ section of Church McMillan at Kercheval by VItal that nothmg could deter her I 14 28 5 19) He spoke of God as ! and thcrefore left no mortal body I Truth has far-reachmg effects I men unto me' (John 1232) In School (Children 4 9 years of from presentmg It to the world hIS Father and our Father to be Let us for a moment examme Treat ent may be defined as the I other words If Ius thoughts were age) 11 30 am _ Second Wor- George E. Kurz, Pastor RIchard Knox Lee, C S. V,lth mfimte courage, Wisdom and known and demonstrated 10 every the negative quahhes opposed to j affirma Ion of truth and the demal I above thc phYSical and therefore shIp SerVIce (Nursery 3 ~ear Friday, Jan 23-Adult class, 8 of London, England love thIS outstandmg New England right thought and deed He saId Spmt that make up worldlIness of erro WhICh brmgs the reahza- moral and spmtual he would olds) 11 30 am - Second sec- pm Semor chOIr, 815 am gentlewoman labored selflessly to My doctrme IS not mme, but hiS and claim to hIde from our VIew tlon of dlvme power I awaken men to the supremacy of tlOn of Church School (Boys and • • • bless mankmd that sent me If any man wlll 'do I the perfection of God and man I Jesu declared that the knowl- Spmt girls 10 18 years of age) Sermon •Saturday, Jan 24-Chlldrens lUember of the Board of Lecture BeSIdes wrItmg and pubhshmg hiS Will .he shall know of the Here they are summar zed under I edge 0 Truth makes free He was It ",as thIS sercne splIItual out- the Christian SCience textbook doctrme whether It be of God or the headmg Deplavlty on page not c ncerned abouL phvslcal look that caused the people to come theme for both S"rvices •ChrIst Iconfirmation class, 9 a m JUnior ship of The Mother Church, The lVIrs Eddy orgamzed The FIrst whether I speak of myself' (John 115 of our textbook Evl1 be- I sympt ms but he destroyed the to him and to press upon lum to Wants You 7 30 pm - TUXIS chOIr, 11 15 am Fust Church of Christ SCientist Church of ChrIst SCientist m 7 15 17) Jesus exalted Prmclple hefs passIOns and appetites, fear I false :pental behefs which pro- hear God s word as he stood by the Club Outreach Area program • • • • • • Sunday Jan 25-Sundav In Boston, Massachusetts Bo:;ton Massachusetts which now not person m all hiS words and depraved w111 self-Justification 1 duced Ithese symptoms He pre- lake of Gennesaret You can lecall has many branch churches Sunday wOlks prIde envy deCeit hatred re- SCflbeJno drugs he gave no dlrec- the mCIdent no doubt 10 the fifth Monday January 26 1 15 pm School, 930 a m Church serv Schools, and Chrlsban Scrern:e To know God as everlastmg Life venge sm slcknel;S disease death ' I bons egardmg dIet or rest he chapter of Luke how the crowd _ Women s ASSOCIation meet10g Ices at 930 a m and 11 am Readmg Rooms all over the world destroys our behef 10 death It What a mOLleycrcw of nonentities' never advocated surgery or hy- became so large that he was oblIged The lecturer spoke substantially makes us mentally alert active, And yet how much the world trtes glene ut he did adVIse takmg less I to take refuge 10 SImon Peter s Rev and Mrs DaVIa A Neely, • • • as follows The Impotence of EVIl useful and IOcreases our strength to make of them Have you ever though fOI food and raIment and boat and teach the people from the miSSIOnarIes on furlough from Tuesday, Jan 27-Women s I Metet West Africa WIll speak Bowlmg League at Maple Lanes Mankmd's belief lo a material ChrIstian SClcnce has created and longeVity trIed? I have and With direful ~ did say Sm no more lest a shIp or)glO wIth Its heritage of ammal nothmg new It merely levea1s To reallze God as eternal Truth consequences These elements of I worse hmg come unto thee (John I When he had fimshed you re- • • • 1 pm propens)tles and selfish deSires Its what already eXIsts eternally It exposes the lie of materlahty and the carnal or mortal mmd have no 514), hus mdicatmg the mental member he bade Simon launch out Tuesday January 27 2 pm - wIdely ddlermg Ideals and con- IS a dIscovery and ItS DIscoverer Imp'lrts the ablhty the JOY and foundation 10 Truth They rest natme of dIsease HIS preparatIOns I mto the deep and let down hiS net Annual Meetmg of Presbytery at POINTE UNITARIAN has given to a waltmg world the freedom With which to overcome It merely on belief and are the causes for th SIck and smful were po- I for a draught But Slmoh, bemg a 1hctlOgmterests, has smce tlme Im- HIghland Par k Presbyterian East Jefferson at Rivard memoual produced endless prob- lon~-sought umverse of Spmt It To compre} end God as bound- of all then effects '[hey ale 101- bons 0 God s quahtles I fisherman rcphed Mastel we lems for the human race These teaches that true SCIence IS a less Love makes us fearless com- posItions belong 109 to no one Jesu called death an enemy and have tolled all the mght and have Church 12305 Woodward avenue Rev Wilham Hammond, l\IlDister 4 p m - BluebIrd group meet- problems have contmued bpcause knowledge of God-of HIS ways, paSSIOnate generous and kmd It which Chnst or TI uth destroys' he W'" t through It to show that 10 I taken nothmg nevertheless at thy Jan 23 FrIday' -6 30 pm, God's law of love that would .filS la\\5 HIS umverse msplres us to master ammahty and By knowmg that' your hie IS hid Itself I had accomplished nothmg "'Old I wIll let down the net 109 4 P 01 - Campfire Girls Church Pot Luck Supper remedy them has not been prop- The ChristIan SCience textbook hate thereby enabhng us to heal WIth ChrIst 10 God' (Col 3 3) you and that It was not a steppmgstone Then the story goes on meet10g ... erly applied The human love of states 'It IS our Ignorance of God, the SIck and smnmg It removes all never need fear them or be de- to Life I And when they had thIS done • • • . . po" er has bhnded men to the the dlvme Prmclple WhICh pro eVil from our thought of others so celved by them agam for Chnst When delayed healing seems to they mclosed a great multitude of Wednesday January 28 4 pm Jan 25 Sun day -"QuestIon power of God s love It has ulti- duces apparent dIscord and the that lookmg beyond appearances reveals theIr nothmgness and the I obtam 10 our expcrlence It may fishes and theIr net brake _ ChIldren s ChOir rehearsal 8 Box Sermon' mated 10 tyranny and destruction rtght understand 109 of Him re- we behold only the unblemished allness of God, good I mean that we hke pJOud Naaman And they beckoned unto their ... pm - Llvmg MemorIal CommIt . . in sm and disease which are native stores harmonv (Science and ChIld of Love s creatmg We must the lcpel reqUIre greater humlhty paItners which wele m the other Jan 26 Monday -1 pm, Par- only to the phYSical concent of Health p 390) If thIS IStrue and I learn to love If we would become Plenty in Place of Lack I and need to wash 10 Jordan seven ship that they should come and tee meetmg man and mortals Yield to these Christian SCience avers that It IS acquamted With God St John Th bit d bmes that IS to contmue to purify I help them And thcy came and . '" . ent Meetmg at Church erroneous mfluences because of then evil 10 all ItS aspects has no says Beloved let us love one an- Chrls~ :n s5 u ee goo we reahz~ 10 our thought by puttmg off the old filled both the ships so that they Thursday January 29 7 pm . ... '" moral weakness and Ignorance of more reahty than Ignorance of God other for love )S of God and m I Cl nce appears 10 u- I man WIth hiS deeds and puttmg began to smk - Boy Scout Troop 546 meet10g J an 27 Tuesday -8 30 p m t what man really IS has reahty and can remam no everyone that loveth IS born of an experIence as Just the kmd of on the new man WhIChISrenewed When SImon Peter saw It he 7 pm - Youth ChOll rehearsal BrIdge Class • Chnstlan SCience offers full sal- longer When It IS um\crsally un- God and knoweth God He that ~~~l~h~t I~ree~e~ at the ~mentf I 10 knowledge after the Image of I fell down at Jesus' knees saymg vation from sm and Ignorance 8 p m Chancel ChOll rehearsal derstood that God the source and loveth not knoweth not God erlor ~nl~ss ~: ~el~~~en~rPc:~:e~t him that creilted him' (Col 39 Depart from me for I am a smful CALVARY LUTHERAN through ItS re1,ielation of man s substance of all reahty, IS the 10- (I John 4 7 8) To be one With to It can close the avenues throu h 10) Or It may be that we need to man 0 Lord spl1'1tual ongm hiS likeness to God fiOlte all-mcluslve all-pervadmg \ God IS to be one With WIsdom which God s plemtud" comes B~- be nd of feaI DI"iease IS not an For he was astOnIshed and all POINTE METHODIST Gateshead (Kerby) at Mack and hIS malienable birthrIght of 211 Moross Road Spmt that made all and made all patience forgiveness and many cause Jesus knew thiS he was so entIty and ISnot to be fealed Fear that were With hIm at the draught Rev Paul H Wllsont Pastor dommlon over the belief 10 a con- Y Hugh C White, Pastor sCiousness other than good ~~ogel~e~neWthlalltHtOhelrOenglesrabneltnatUegllhl:I other quahtles through whIch Lo\e truly nch that materIal possessIOns onl t agtgraFvateGsIdtand should be f!k the fishes WhICh they had 5741 Holcomb Ave WA I-31M ISexplcssed Love umtes 10 ChrIS- were of little value to him and he cas ou or 0 hath not given a en TV 1 7878 God s gUIdance prOVISion and gencc presence or power other tlan fellowshIp all who emorace It always had suffiCiency us the spmt or fear but of POWCl And Jesus said unto Simon, Saturday at 9 30 am - Rellg .. protection may readl1y be reahzed than good and the phenomenon It never Ignores evll 01 excuses )t The tendency of mortals IS to and of love and of a sound mmd" I Fhear not from henceforth thou Fllday January 23 4 pm Jun lIgiOUSInstructIon for children 11 by anyone who learns 10 Christian of eVil Will disappear The beliefs but handles and destroys It m the acqUIre more and more matellal even as Paql says (Ii Tim 1 7) s aAltncatchmen lor ChOll rehearsal 8 p m Square years of age and over t SCIence to utlhze the moral and of materlahty, sm suffermg and most c"'ectual manner It was love possessIOns when SpIrIt alone IS I well remember seemg two ChII- d when they had brought spmtual quahtles dlvmely be- dance Call Mrs R W Redl10 . .. . death commonly legarded as 10- not hate that caused Jesus to call substance and the true source of drcn who were so wasted WIth con- then ships to land they forsook TU I 4842 for tIckets which are sto,,, ed upon us all :Mary Baker eVItable and IrreSIstible have no the hypocntlcal Phansees whIted supply Expenence shows that sltmpbon that the doctors could all and followed h m Sunday School and Adult BIble =ddv, the Dlscoverpr and Founder more effect upon the ommpresent I sepulchres full of dead men s such materIal possessIOns are sel- offer no hope of their recovery The By thiS practlcal experlCnce It $1 Class at 9 30 a m Church Ser. of Chnstlan SCience and author of reahtles of Spmt than the closmg I bones and of all uncleanness dom owned they usually possess parents were frantic and m their appears that Jesus w)shed Peter to • • • VIces at 11 a m The mstal1atlo. its textbook SCIence and Health of our eyes has upon the hght 01 I (Matt 2327) and on another oc- theIr owner' extIemlty turned to Christian SCI- know that )t was through great Sunday January 25 10 am of Church 'OffIcers WIll be at thiS 'WIth Key to the Scnotures on day My friends we must open our caslon to duve out the money- The account of Jesus feedmg of ence for help These htUe children spmtual love that Jesus drew page 115 of thiS book enumerates Church School for Jumor, Inter- mornmg service PromotIon of eyes to spmtual reahty changers and the cattle from the ~he five thousand 10 a desert place bore most dish essmg symptoms of others to him and that Peter would medIate and Semor depts 11 a m Sunday School Classes WIll be the moral qualities as humamt:)i, Jesus revealed the supremacy of temple With a wh)p of small cords IS a clear 1I1ustratIOn of how th the disease so much so that I do lIkeWise when he too follo" ed honesty affectIon compassion Morn1Og WorshIp and Sermon Sunday, Feb 1 Spmt 10 all that he saId and did Such mCldents serve to Illustrate material sense of acqumng even~ thought at the time •Well nothmg the Chust and With as great a hope faith meekness temperance ' I reepe~e:~;~dththeesdlcekadclHeaenrseesdtorthedethe method ChrIstian SCientists tually defeats Itself and the efficacy IS ImpOSSIble to God but If thIS success as when he let down hIS The youth of the church WIll pre- and the spmtual quahtles as WIS- adopt D vme Love when under- of adjusting human conSCIOusness condItion ~Ields It WIll be truly net and drew a great multitude of sent the Mornmg WorshIp serVIce dom PUrIty, spmtual understand- I mg spmtlJal power, love health the mentally unbalanced to a con- stood and apphed rebukes mental to the dIvme When the dISCiples I wonderful Under the lens of fishes Oltion of soundness and 10 many errors and casts them out so that looked down to the baskets for , Christian SCience It was soon re- I May It not also be that Peter per- holiness These moral and spmt- other ,\ onderful ways disclosed the heahng ChrIst may enter 10 supply they encountered a great vealed that the chIldren were suf- I celved that the human mmd for- ual quahtles fulfill the law of the and exemplified man s God given Love ISdeep and tender but there sense of lack Five Joaves and two fermg mamly from their parents ever out to get IS never satisfied, Sixth Church of C~ristl spmt of LIfe WhICh ammated I dommIOn over matter and ItS ele- ISnothmg emotIOnal possessive or fishes were all that were left and thought which was undlsclplmed that It runs 10 ex;remes eIther too Scientist, Detroit ChrIst Jesus and which St Paul ments He exposed the uVer futihty sensual about 3t Its reflection may what were they among so many? extremely fearful and possessIve httle or too much They had fished declared hath made me free from the law of sm and death' (Rom ~o:e~~; J~J1yapProoOwfeorftOhPePposoesdltlvtoebe seen 10 lIfe s'shadows as surely Jesus then took the loaves and The children 10 consequence had I ~llhndlghtand cadught nothmg, then 14730 Kercheval Avenue as 10 hfe s sunshme It penetrates fishes and looked up to heaven grown to be selfish dIsobedient s e agam an overload 109 theIr 82\ I Our True Government nature of good and the negative every detaIl of our dally hves and blessed and brake' (Mark dIscontented and diseased Both boats, they had begun to smk I It Sunday Services 10 30 a m Today perhaps more than ever nature of eVIl was the mamfesta- saymg to the sad and weary a~ 641), and the dISCIples gathered I parents consented to study SCIence must have become apparent that and 500 pm before the ",hole world yearns for tlon of Chnst or Truth which 10- well as to the strong and happy twelve baskets of the fragment and Health and healmg began m- Spmt bemg the source of supply, Sunday School 10 30 a m Wednesday Iivenlng Testimonial deli1,ierance from th)s so-called law spired hIS followers to know and ThIS IS the way, walk ye lo It': that remamed after the mulhtud: I medmtely With the aid of a ChrIs- wdould meet man s nceds abun- Meeting at 8 p m of sm and death, It yearns for a enJO) the freedom of Truth lather Lo,e wmgs our efforts 10splres had eaten and were filled tian SCientist who gave hiS conse- antly at all times and 10 all clr- I Reading Room Open Waek Days sense of stablhty for better SOCial than contmue 10 submISSIOnto the our struggles as Truth heals our We may be sure that If a sense crated help what might be termed I cum stances No wonder then, 16348 E narren WJ and economIc condItions for u01ty flesh Go' e mto all the world hearts and bodies when undel- of lack steals over us we are look- the smother' love of the parents havmg perceived life 10 Spmt, 10 00 a Tn to 9 00 pm among men and natIons and for ~~~ ~~e:cn ri~:l gf~~e~:c~¥a(~1t~ stood It Withholds not ItS amph- 109 mto the baskets and countmg I gradually YIelded to the mother- ~e~~k~'l~ jagergto hde ~ather ~h~i Wednesday 10 00 a m to 6 00 p m peace, but no merely revolut onary 108) were hIS mperatlve com- tude from anyone, for Love gIves the loaves and fishes but If WIth I love of God They learned of but I and followe~n~lm an orsoo a t Sunday 2 00 P m to .. 30 'P m method or pohtlcal panaceas can mand:; Chnstlan SCientIsts are and gives and gives Chnsthke understandmg and true one cause and one effect God the I usher them 10 Improved human learnmg to obey thiS twofold de- ChrIstian SCIence IS the rehgIOn deSIre we hft our thought Spmt- parent Mmd and man Mmd's per- Our Father's Business conditions and freedom can be at- mand and have met WIth such of perfect Love Mrs Eddy has ward and act with full confidence fect Idea became the baSISof their Chnstlan SCience makes clear GROSSE POINTE tamed on17 through Chrlstlanly success that ChrIstian SCience IS written, A heart touched and m dlvme suppl~ of spmtual Ideas thought and demonstration They the fact that God s chIldren are METHODIST CHURCH progressIve steps leadmg towards I wld~y recogmzed as a most effi- hullowed by one 'chord of Chrls- as dId Jesus when he blessed and learned that health does not per- not at the mercy of chance events 1he practIcal Ideahsm taught bv Clent curative and regenerative tlan SCience can accomphsh the brake we too w1l1find Spmt s 10- tam to matter but to Mmd, and or changmg cIrcumstances for they PROOF of its 21 J MOROSS ROAD Christ Jesus and agam today p J- system Chllst13n SCientists are full scale but thiS heart must be fimte resources meetmg our human that rules of health are not mate- have access to those mfi01te re- 10 10 ta SUNDAY, JAN 25 cl31med Ch~lstlan SCience In awa kemng to spmtual reality hon"s t and earnes t an d never :Iced rib ut splrl tuaI They cease d con- source" 10 which there IS neIther other words the baSISof mankmd's h f tit b t } t d d b d d healing power 10 00 Church School for Junior salvation can never be other than t ey recogmze the awful unreahty I weary 0 s rugg mg 0 e perfect- Although Jesus realized absolute emp a 109 Isease 0 les an en- lack nODloss RIches and poverty, Senior and Intermediate of thc suffermg and lImltatlon 10- to reflect the dIVme LIfe Truth I good he always made use of any deavorM to embody spmtual Ideas plenty and want are but extremes departments Chrlst s Chrlstlamty The sClr~e~_f I ~ustlce and frustratIOn to which and Love (The F)rst Church of relative good at hand no matter The children gradually responded of the belJef that matter supphes U 00 Morning Worship and Ser ~~nLo~~~e ~~~~~~ ~nu~tJ;;~~tuaIlY they and others have been sub- Chi 1St SCientist and Miscellany how meager It seemed to the physI- to thIS hIgher and holler conSClOUS- the neceSSItIes of life Matter ISnot rrhe way to health mon Church School for Jccted and by which they have p 150) I cal senses He d d not behttle )t I ness and learned to love our Infant Toddler Nursery substance It IS merely a temporal and harmony among men 18 Kindergarten and Prim- become the so1e mohvatmg pov.er been decClved Slowly but surely IndI\ Iduals who 11ft thought a~ Old the dls'" 1 b t h It Leader s h~mns 10 the Christian human concept It promIses much, ary departments In the government of all the na they are emergmg from their I above matter and ItS errors and 1 d t b ..)P es u e mu 1- SCience Hymnal WIth firm but earnestly and unselfishlysought but gives nothmg' It IS only the RlV HUGH C WHITE, Pastor tlOns of the earth for peace and dreamworld of materml thmkmg llcarn 10 Christian SCIence to reflect fh~e hum~;P~~tl~al ~ean~ to ~ee~ gentle dlsclplme and the perSIstent shadow of true substance Mrs by both SClenceand RehglOn WAI progress to be permanent must and hvmg and are expressmg 10- the dlvme Spmt do not long re- MIscellaneous We t n er 00 appllca.lon of TlUth they became I Eddy says •Christ Truth, gIves Manv dIvergent methods TUxedo I 7878 rest upon the supremacv of Spmt stead more of the countless splrlt- mam enslaved by the IllUSions of Mr Edd nGmgds (p 307) naturally obedient mdustrlous and mortals temporary food and cloth- •••• Proper self-government namelv Ids y says 0 gives you h d } confront mankmd But the control of on s mental self IS at- ua I eas and quahtles which con- I phYSICal sensc I know a young HIS spmtual Ideas and 10 turn hapf~ a;h soon were comp etely 109 until the materIal transformed 1852 t d b b p th ht stltute genume s~lfbood and whIch I woman who for years was bhnd the g d 1 I N ea e ISISthe grand necessity With the Ideal disappears and man chums of all ultImately submIt a~~e desTre ~~~m:cc~~~[Ywlt~Ufhe fill the Immensity of space These and (lumb She was also 10 bond- as/ f~~et~~~o::o~ suftPI~eseno~vge~ of ChrIstian sCltcnlcelheahng It Im- IS clothed and fed spmtually' to one test - the test of proof spmtual Ideas are the expressIOns age to severe dIseased condItions that d L pIoves us men a y, morally and (Science and Health, p 442) The final chapter ill the JEFFERSON AVENUE 'WIllof Goo for 10 God om01potent .. of dlvme Mmd "hlch overcome Many kmd phYSICIans had done help aIn'ldneove ISatn ever-Pdresebntt spmtually, while restormg us if The only unemployment IS the Chnstlan SCIence textbook, SpIrIt, lIes the power WhIChumfies the SpurlO II d f you wal never ou - phYSIcally lack of usmg God s spmtual Ideas, llberates and heals and WhICh us so-ca e orces of thmr best for her but hke the 109 you Will have all you need •Sclenc~ and Health With Key B~PTIST CHURCH leads on to the sovereIgn heights Ignorance, fear greed, lust anger woman 10 Scnpture she was noth- every moment" Improving Our Opportunity and the only satlsfymg and profit- able busmess IS to place our affairs to the ScrIptures ' by Mary of spIritual dommlon over all the self-love self-pity self-WIll and 109 b2ttered and had grown worse How blest we are today m hav- 13337 E Jefferson at lakevIew earth every other form of sdf-mfilctJon Hcr mother wealY of tlymg a ma- The Truth About Man mg an understandmg of the Mmd 10 God s care by affirmmg HIS Baker Eddy, consISts of 100 allness and let dlvme Love so that breeds disease makes for wal' tenal means to restole the daugh- For centuries men have suffered of Chnst to efface mortal mmd and pages of unsolicited testunomes Based on the Bible and holds mankmd 10 bondage ' ter s heal th reached out 10 prayer permeate our thmk10g that we Homer J Armstrong, Minister from the delusIOn that they can Improve the human body Chrls- freely reflect the graces of Spmt from persons healed by readmg Mrs Eddy writes It may be to God She became acquamted hve thmk act and prosper mde- han SCience heals there )S no Cft'l ~love JOY, peace longsuffermgt ' thIS bcok alone The teachmgs of ChrIstlan SCI- that the mortal hfe-battle still With a Chrlstl~n SCIentist and pendently of God who IS the LIfe doubt labout that but It needs to CUANI ence are derived from the msplred I wages and must contmue tlll ItS sought her aid lmmedlatply gentlenes!; goodness faith, meek- All testunomes have been Church School and Mmd of man The prophet I be practiced We cannot enJoy the ness temperance" as Paul enu- • Curto. Word of the Blole and are there- mvolved errols are vanqUIshed by ChrIstian SCIence treatment Vias Damel declares The people that delights of havel Simply by read- carefully authenticated Sunday, 9 45 0 m, fore entIrely spmtual 10 premise vlctorv-brmgmg SCIence but thiS taken up and durmg occaSIOnal merates them "agamst such there I do know theIr God shall be strong, 109 the map and never takmg a manner of dIsease and discord • Drapes and In purpose Mrs Eddy discov- I tr~umph Will come' God IS over VISitSto her patient the SCIentist IS no law" (Gal 5 22, 23) MORNING WORSHIP and do explOIts' (Dan 11 32) step 10 accord WIth ItS directions WIse IS the man who through has been cast out permanently • Sh .. C ered Ch1'lstJan SCience through a al He alone IS our orlgm aIm read aloud lDspmng passages from ChrIstian SCientists are proving I It ISequally ImpossIble to make the Sunday, 11 00 a m ChrIstIan SCience relinqUIshes IS spmtual understandmg of the and bemg The real man IS not of the Bible and SCIence and Health thIS declaratIon to be as true today least progress 10 ChristIan SCience and promptl) ThiS the proof Scnptures and he who would gam the dust, nor IS he ever created F or a VihJ1e there was no \i ISlble faith 10 worldly methods chance, as 10 Damel s time They know Without begm01ng to thmk and and change to let the moral and that Chnstmn Science prOVIdes a demons~able knowledge of thIS through the fles!\; for hIS father I Improvement exce t th t th that 10 search 109 for God they find hve accordmg to Its rules of Its healmg power SCience must acquIre It 10 thiS way and mother are tHe one Spmt and ' p a e pa- spmtual law opelate 10 the mmu- man 10 God s hkeness, spIrItual There IS no tIme or place where I hae of hiS human affairs and ad- ~ WIth the first glImpse of thiS un- hiS brethren are all the children of I }~~nih~h~~~~g~~:I~~~r~P~~~c~~~~ not matcIlal healthful not Sick we cannot thmk God's thoughts Science and Health may be derstandlOg Mrs Eddy was healed one parent the eternal good" g t t d f th t t 1 Just every sItuation He WIllneIther read or obtamed at all Chnsban 1737 Elm free not limited and because they 1 and so reflect HIS goodness Freely I suffer lack nOl be surfeited With elt) al lDstantly of an mJury that neither (RetrospectIon alo IntrospectIont ll~:~~n~st~:ho~tr~h~~o~:~~ ~~; are to some extent reahzmg thiS we 1-eCeiVethem freely we must Science Readmg Rooms The surgery nor mpdIcme could reach p 22) I glOllOUSday when hstenmg to the matellahty He wIll not selfishly .t~~ 'Pbone true sense of man their longeVIty Impart them You all know that a coupon ISalso for )our use Doel It and 'WhIch those around her I I word of Truth she suddenly spoke work merely for hIS own comfol t IS mcreasmg, theIr healtn IS more 1 plano needs to be kept regularly 10 I and advancement Rather, as a ~ " The Grosse POInt. thought would prove fatal 'Ihls God SpirItuaU:r Defined I aloud for the first time )n SIXyears permanent, their plosperlty more tune and so do we If we do not I heahng caused her to dIscern the Christian SCience gIves an un- and saId 'Do you know, I can see Chnstlan SCIentist, he Will strIve I assured f use the goodness and love WIth I to help others gam access to Love s CHRISTIAN SCIENCE mental nature of all disease, and I derstandable and workable concept that httle book you are r~admg" God, Spmt, bemg All-in-all the I which we are dlvmely endowed, 't-n I •• rial that true healmg was moral and of God It defines HIm as • 10- and the bhnd and dumb botn bountiful prOVISionby provmg the READING ROOM substance of ourselves IS spmtual I we get out of tune not only With I rule, •Except the Lord bUild the spmtual It led her eventually to II corporeal dlvme, supreme, mfimte spake and saw' (Matt 1222) You and be109 spmtual It reflects the ourselves but With everybody else gam the complete assurance that Mmd, Spmt Soul, Prmclple Life, see my fnends, she had ghmpsed house, they labour 10 vam that 16348 E Warren Ave dIvme order and IStherefore never The only way to reahze harmony I bUIld It' (Ps 127 1) dlvme Mmd was all causatIon and I Truth Love (Science and Health the truth of bemg, her perfect splr- out of order Consequently, from or heaven on earth IS to thmk Corner Courville { I_=:J (Pc:.!'~~~~, Our Leader writes, • It IS only that an effects were mental phe- p 46a\ These terms best convey Itualldentltv and mdlvldualIty, her the spIrItual standpomt we have God's thoughts ChristIan SCIence $I ~] IS Lak. Shore Rd nomena (Retrospection and Intro- the true Idea of DeIty They are loneness WIth the Father The liiht by acknowledgmg the supremacy VISITORS WELCOME no su~stance called a body WhICh teaches that •heaven IS not a 10- of SpIrIt, which annuls the claIms I MINISrERS spectlon p 24) synonymQUS and combme as oue, had hghtened her darkness- the IS out of order Our Identity and cahty, but a dlvme state of Mmd" o Enclosed ]5 sa for • copy of I II aev Frank Fill. 0 D of matter, that mortals can layoff Mrs Eddy searched the Scnp- they are the same essentIally true LIght, whIch bghteth every 10dlvlduahty are mcluded In the (SCIence and Health, p 291) To "Science and Health With Kel' ~othe I Rev Paul" Ketl'buDl tures as Jesus searched them, not though dIverse in office, they mdl- man that cometh mto the world" mortahty and find the mdissoluble SCrlpturel by Mary Baker Eddy one Spirit, our real body is the use Jesus' words, It IS "at hand' spmtual lInk '" hlch establIshes CHURCH SCHOOL mtellectually but spJrltually, for cate God's nature and character (John 19) She soon became a embodiment of right Ideas mamfest (Matt 3 2), 'wlthm you" (Luke Name _ ~'1..::'.J _ 9 30 a m she wrItes, 'The one Important 10- and the consequent natare and healthy, happy woman, WIth per- man forever 10 the dlvme hkeness, n WIsdom strength and Jo,ful 1721), and 'It IS your Father's mseparable from hIS creator" WORSHIP SERVICa : terpretatlon (If ScrIpture is the character of HIS Image and lJke- fect Sight and speech a WItness to hfe, and all else that comprIses the good plea SUIe to give you the kmg- Address, _ ....--~ • spmtual" (SCIence and Health p nebS man the hvmg Chi 1St who healeth all I (Science and Health, p 49l). <: 130 • .at. 4:0nSCI01JSneSSof true bemi In l dom" (Luke 12 32) 1 ...... 11 De a.m. : 320). ThIs enabled her to under- To understand God ali Immortal thy dIseases" (Ps 1033). I • l --

l I

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1 195~ .. Thursday. January'22. '953 eROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen' 3-lVay Tie Shattered 'fn Church., Loop Kopp's Ladies Former Leader lIce Skippers Retain Lead' s. Manager Sandy Wiener was Ito forfeit because of the lack of Ifidal time keeper while yours Boatr Banter Occupie~.Cellar 'In Hard Luck' jumping for joy last Saturday, I the necessary five players. truly had the leg saving job of By Fred Runnells The Kopp's Pharmacy ladies The long holiday layoff, im- Mother Nature is playing tricks January 17 and his coach I The Methodist forfeit firmly score keeper. . bowling team clung to a narrow posed on the St. Paul Bowling on the local ice boat skippers L CI ' , T f Ientrenc~ed coach Dick. Nutter's Next Saturday's games, Janu- If one point margin to lead the St. League, made' for some interest- ee ancy was SIDl mg rom I squad In. last place wlth coach .ar ~4 will it the lea ue lead.', .' .. . , ' Paul. Ladies bowling league last . g h d th f' t h 1£ but the local lads did something ear to ear after their Christ Bob Enns' big S1. James quintet . y '. p . ~ . That. was quIte a sP0w Ira P,! have any varmsh on the bright Wednesday evening, January 14. ~~asori ach~~p~~Ship \u~~et l~d about it last weekend, January Church Tiger basketball team I which lost a thriller to Coach Ing Chr}st Church Tigers agamst Fulmore put on down at Bay~ work?" Said the man "We di,dn't HQt on the heels of the leader by Al Gouin found itself residing 17 and 18. Fourteen skippers, . IJohn Auckland's fancy St. Paul St. James in the. 9 a.m., game. view Yacht Club on Friday night, ,have time." Nagel "Y"u shipped' was the Glenn Walker Motors in an unfamiliar spot ..• the ha~ whIpped Woods Presby- Flyers 39 to 34. The S1. Pa'ul F..lyerS will meet January 16. The .purpose of Ful- her over on Ii freighter didn't quintet. with. 44 points who in 11 their wives and children loaded tenan 30 to 16 to crack a l\latt Dowd Stars Grosse Pointe Methodist at 11 more'showing his beautiful color- you?" Man "Yes." Nagel "Well, turn was followed by the Woods ~~i:~ 'i~ ih:f~~;std~~~~n~/~~~ their boats on top of their cars three-way tie for the senior I St. James, having a terrific m and Woods Presb terian isound films of the Honolulu race why didn't you put a coat of var- Florists with 42 poir-ts. second round of competition Iand traveled to Houghton Lake,

division lead in the Inter-! height advantage, jumped into I ~~ili'tackle the first place ~emor-I y.ras to ex.cite the. !ocll:l,sail boys ~ish on h~r on the way over?:: Jerry Jaglois posted the high Lane Donovan's squad ch~lked Mi~higan an~ found s7ven inches Church Basketball League. Ii an early lead. an~ held a 9 to 4 ial Diesels at noon. This promises I mto ~akmg applications for a. Golly, nol)ody thuo~ht I)~ tha,t. individual game with a 179. She up four points to lead the 16 of lce on which to S~ll. Paced by Dave Lamb, who adv~ntage gomg Into the seco~d to be the best of the four game berth In the 1953 Honol1,l1u race I!'lagel departed shakl.ng hIS head was followel;! by Estelle Fitz, team parade with five' teams Because the DetrOit Ice Yacht notched high point honors with p~r.JOd. Matt. Dowd annex:d m- program inasmuch as the Deisels -,next July.. . IIn wonderment and In search of I 174; Toni Krausmann, 169, and deadlocked for second place, four Club rules forbid it~ trophies .to 11, the Tigers charged into a 11 Idl';Idual ~corm~ honors WIth 14 will be trying to keep their two- From the varlou~, ones .we refre~hment.. ,. IEudine Adams, 164: for third place and five tied for be competed for outslde a 50 mde 001 for the t9 7 first .period lead which they' pomts. PIck Dilloway personally way deadlock with the Tigers in-! talke.d to there wa~n.t. an~thIng I~cldenta,~ly, I.f y~,u r~ mt~rest-I' The high three game series fourth place. radius sailmaker Howard Boston and Pri- never relInquished. Their defense I made It a. battle and put ~t. tact. and, coach -Don West's Pres- k~e~>l.ngthem. from sallmg m the ed m the .MatI~da . WIth fInger went to Jaglois with a 470 total. The hundred-plus scores were w hip p e d up the "Carav~n limited the Wood~ st~r Dick .Mil- ! James out In front once late In byterian t~am will be trying to PaCIfiC classl~ that, about two marked brIght work. you . can , Mary Jacques posted a 454 series a dime a dozen with sixteen be- Trophy" 'which the group sailed ler to a mere 6 pomts, Miller" the ball game. Tommy Stumb, chop Clown the leaders so as to get months vacation ana, a cquple buy her for $14,.300. I and was followed by Estelle Fitz, ing posted. for over the weekend. the week previous, chalked up Cashen and Dowd d0'7sed water back in the l:ace for the first half thousand bucks couldn t remedy. '" '" '" 453' Hilda Martin 453 and An TEAM STANDINGS Elmer Millenback in his "Rene- the season high individual sCQr-, on the ~t. James fire In the last championship. F u 1m ~ ~ e, representing the It is rumored that this will ?e Riegler 452. . n Pts gade il" captured all three races ing total when he notched 24' three mmutes of the contest and The Junior circuit game at 10 Trans-Pa~Iflc Yacht. Club, gave the' last year the boat show wlll Standings Lane Donovan ' 4 that counted and carried off the points against a small Methodist D?wd put the game out of re~ch a.m., will see' the last place St. the BaYVIew memb~rs and ~~eir be held in the Gra~d Central Kopp's Pharmacy 45 A.. Deriemacker 3 prize. The fourth race was won team. WJth a. basket and foul shot wlth Paul Midgets trying to knockoff guests one of the best salhng Palace. Rumors have It the U.S. Glenn Walker lnotors 44 E. Corbett 3 by John Jacobs, but because of Miller Injured one mmut(~ to.s.0' .. the league leading Christ Church movies seen around these parts Bureau of Internal Revenue is: Woods Florist 42 L. Reno 3 a protest the race was thrown out 28:-6:30 Miller suffered an eye Injury, c~n. t t~h J~m?:L ClfCU~ ~h~ Lions. Every game is important in many a moon. There were two going to take it over. Edgewood Inn 41~ R. Huetteman 3 of. the final standings. The fleet r meeting. ihe first injury experienced in ns urc 1 .ons w. ac e in the Junior circuit because th-e reels. The first took the audience '" '" '" Kammer Beaut Sh.~ 39~ T. Trombly : 3 sailed two races on Saturday and apt. Joseph the four years the lea'/~e has towf.t t~eh.M~m~r~ J~mors, 2g three team division will play a aboard the big 92-foot schooner I see where Fe'deral Judge Square Deai 6eaner: 38 :l E. Kramer 2 two 011 Sunday in fluky winds of of the De- been in operation, and had to o. e me. y vans. nine game round robin to deter- "Morning Star" when it es- jFrank A. Picard ruled last Wed-. .' N. McEachIn 2/12 miles per hour which whipped l Moseum leave, the game early in the- pomt. splur~e, WhICh was good mine the Junior champion in- tablished a new record for the ~esday, January 14, that the! Kuby Vacuum : 38 J. Sweeney ; 2 four inches of snow across the Wing", the fou.r~h period while his tcam was, ford h~h po~nt h~nor~. ~~b ~OOd stead of splitting the season in 2,225 mile race In 1949. ,I don't pwnersof the cruiser "Fourth [:OOdS ~ec.r~tlon ~~ 'T. McLaughlin 21 ice by the end of the second da:r. Ions g vessel on tradmg 21 to 12. f.nd '~hM renc. }'OR' : Ch . half like the Senior circuit. know exactly. what it was but it ~. arie" can be sued for unlimited I Si~Z~~SCr~~~ B.~ii;~.~ 36 E. Lauer 1 This was to have been the week all Robert Alex Forrester's Memorial Die- I~ Wl emona s IC~ a~- . was something like ten days and amages. I ' H. Furton 1 the International Skeeter As- or reserva- sels remained tied for the League pIOn fo~ runnc:r-up honors With Plan to ..TI-ghten ten hours and a few minutes but You remember the "Fourth Cele ~ ~eauty Shop 34 P. Ruprich 1 sociation regatta was to be held lead with the Tigers when sick- four POInts apiece. . . I enjoyed every minute of the . arie" incident. She ran down I T, Dlcrleck Real Estate , 34 F. Dan~bury 1 at Fox Lake, Illinois but lack of ness forced the Methodist squad Don Lund Enthusl.ashc. Drl.Ver'.~..LI.CenSe. ride. ~ . trio of fishermen in '&. row I Tracy M?tors 33 M. Sml~h 1 ice forced its cancellation. No 29:-8 p.m. ------Don Lund, a DetrOit Tigers ~ Th d £'1 t k - t' .th D t .t R' . th ,lfoods B,ke Shop 32 A. GOUIn ; 0 date has bee'n set. farm player and a former Uni- e secon I m wa_s ..a en lo?~.m e e 1'01 lver m e I Perfection Pattern 32 versity of Michigan football star, ~xams Drafted a,b~~~d tthhe14905-1footSloToPht Gos- i"~clmtYfJOf A lt errtoaTd the fevthe- Rightenberg Television 32 HIGH TEA!'! i This weekend, January 23-2-1 z'efereed all three games played Sip m e race. a v:as :lll~g 0 u ly. 1 5as.1 wo 0 . e Mondry Cleaners 29 3 Games 'and 25, the D.I.Y.C., is supposed HER.~N last Saturday and after it was all . . ~,h~ r~:e t~at on.e of the ships trl~ were. ~Il1ed and the thIrd AItes Brewing Co 25 L. Reno ~ 2712 to stage the famous Northwest cheval over commented "This league is A tentative draft callmg for L Ap he, I bell eve, lost a man IlsenOUSlYIn?ured. '______J. Sweeney 2663 regatta but Commodore Chuck Pastor great. I've never seen little kids the revision of the rules and overboa~d a!ld who w~~ rescued I .The crmser's. owner, Clare I Off _ C .M. Smith 2648 Grant just shakes his head when h~e so much fun and handle regulations governing the issu., af.ter bemg m the Paclfl~ almost IHlles, owne! of the Hand H One Game asked if he thinks t.he event will ult class, 8 I erzng ourse ' I themselves so well while being f d . '1' d I 30 hours by a Navy slup. That Wheel Service Inc., had SOUght. I It' t L. Reno 979 "be run. At press time Lake St. 5 a.m~ 0 good sportsmen. It IS.. truly a.. lInc€' rIvers .lcenses .. an a was eXCI't.mg. It 0 l'Iml't th e damages t0 $15000, • 11 nves men S L • Donovan 966 Clair. was pr acticall y vol'd 0f I'ce great thing to have men who are tIghtemng up of exammatlons ,Lots of the customers were! The injured man and the N. McEachin 9551 and long range weather forecasts Children's I . WARREt.. TO-'2-'.; willing to give their time to give has been agreed upon by the wondering how they got the boats Iwidows 'of Thomas Lof~us an.d The Grosse Po' t Adult Ed _ INDIVIDUAL HIGH don't promise enough freezing a.m. Junior '124':-1.. I ': .' , .. ' .. - . . - '~f:t' the kids a chance to play in or- S.ecretary of State and the Mich. I back to the States adnd n]ear t~e i Hector Cornet! all fEas~4s014deooroes.l-cation program wtll eOffera couruse H. Furton 627 ~veather ttOhform a safe shetetthof . • ganized sports." '. St t P I' end of the secon fi m thIS' dents, are sUlng or... , m E C b t 621 Ice over e race course a '. Comedy • Music • Song l. Bill Beckinhauer assisted Lund 'gan a e .. 0 Ice. question was answered when the I damages. Their suits will be in Investment Procedures stal.t- D' Tor ebt 6 3 foot of Crocker boulevard near "{o The re"ISlon has been under rom eyl 1 t Cl Sunday i:::.,.' Held Over! Third WeeSe! :.;;;'.-('and George Neirinck acted as of- '. . "Gossip" was shown being hoist- I heard by Judge Picard. . ing Tuesday, F,ebruary 3, at 7:45 D. T bl ?63 moun emens. urch serv- ~.'. --, d d bi d . rom ey If the Northwest regatta has to 11 a.m. ;ii.<' LEE •.'.:~•.••:~.'.'.I ------, stu ~ for a .consl ~ra e peno ed aboard a. freighter for the . It's a rough blow ~o Hiles and! p.m. at the Grosse Pointe High H. Furton 259 1 d th 't ;-,}1. I of time and was discussed at a! homeward h'lp. It should serve warnIng to other I'S hid t d bU., It E F DI' mer 251 be cance e more an once 1 7-Women's ~ CARON' ,'-I . Background Music conference of Secretary of Stat€ i '" '" • powerboat operators that care c 00, con. uc e . y n a. er, .200~core~; ..J:.w.iii.i~~~:..200; A. will then b.e tra~sferred t~ some taple Lanes, t,i;t:~ ~~; ~ In the lighter Mood ' Was talking to Bill Nagel, I and caution are paramount in: A'7c~ who IS associated With the Boglarsky, 202; F. Dimmer. 202; other sectlo~ .In the mldwest r '_ Detroit's Favorite :~..;~ " Fred M. Alger: Jr., Secretary of Bayview's rear commodore, after the operation of boats on the I WIlham C,. Roney. Company. R. LaBelle, 221; T. Trombly, 202; where there IS lce. \.. nolo"'!s Corroll ..~r;"l fl n I /J State-elect. 0" en J. C~ear~ and he got back from the boat show I waters of Lake St. Clair and the .¥r. Auc~ IS a native of Grosse W K by 200 F D b 202 ------SOD5sTender t' I L.,'vin ichol:.S State Pollce. Com m 1 S S loner in New York and he tells me Detroit River at all times. Pomte. He IS a graduate of Grosse M' S e:th , 201; J 'R' anls ur;fO'8 A; Cadet Robert E. Kt.rksey RIAN . J "e Ph A Chl Ids p . t H' h S hId h U' . ml, ;. leg er,.. ; . an Torrld~V I and His Trio . °Th 't t • '11 b th' ,'there were lots of bronze fittings, i .. '" .. om. e Ig D c ~o and t e b nJ- Rup~el, 203; P. Ruprich, 221; E. Passes' His Pilot Tests Rivard Ralph Bari': ~ nex s ep Wl e e pres- ,outboard motors that back up! We heard another story about versI~y fo etrOl~ an h~~ een Goosen, 221; C. Mannino, 200; A. nd, illinister His Trumpet Flute - Cello - Plano entatIon. of the pr?po, sal to a r~p-I' with extra gas tankS, and gadgets' the boat show. Seems there was teachmg c?urses'm securIties for Gac, 201; B. Allor, 212; A. Derie- and Orchestra DINNERS} BANQUETS resentahve meetmg of all ~n- and boats from as low as $47.50 one customer who was ex- the past SI.Xyears. He has. been I mackei~ 224. PENSACOLA, Fla. - Naval 6:30 p.m., Aviation Cadet Robert E. Kirk. upper. ~erest~d gover~ment~l a.nd pollce I (kit model) to the $73,000 cruiser tremely interested in the "queen for. some time on ~he publlc. re- I _ sup\~~~~O~a~~n~:::kl'. If/EDDINGS} TEAS agenCIes, publlc saxety g.roups I "Capri" built by the Feadship of the show" the Holland built latIons and educahon~ommlttee! S S sey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Floor Shows Ever)' ='lite ',:- 5021 Sccond Ave .• Detroit 2 and oth~rs who have a pnmary company in Holland-not Michi- ',cruiser "Capri" and before he of .th~ Investment Bankers AS-II Kirksey of 1388 Brys driv~, :-"Question couts ponsor Phone TE. 2-8i68 before 6 p.m. conce.rn m the proble,~. . gan . , , ! got out of the Grand Centra socIatlon. Ch.-ld ' Pi Grosse Pointe, recently complet- I . It 15 hoped to hold thiS meet-l Ratsey sailmakers had a won- IPalace he bought four of the Recently he wa~ elected tr~a- , 1 ren s ay ed carrier pilot qualifications ------____ mg the latter p~rt of Januar?" I derful display and had a sail I$73 000 jobs. He must have ex- surer of the National ASSOCI8- __ aboard the small aircraf~ carrier 1 p.m., Par. USS Monterey in the Gulf of ch. ~~~~~~~'~""~~~'~'('SS.~~~~~~: The. proposal, With such modl- maker actually working on sails pe~sive friends. tion of Customers' Brokers. This "Hansel and Gretel," the classic ~ ~ ficahons .as may be made at that ~ll during the show $ '" '" course has been conducted by 1 I 'th h'ld Mexico. <, Y J.t t. t ~ t' '11 th b d t 1 ". M A h 1 D 't N a ways popu ar Wl c I ren Since reporting here to the '-8:30 p.m., '!- OUr nVl Q lOn 0 r:.:. .Ime, WI en e rea y 0 pace '" '" '" Jack Moran, recently dis- i! r.. ~c at t le ~trol ews will be presented by the Wayne 'I • • - ~ f m effect. We got a big kick out of the charged from the U S Air Corps I audItorIUm of WWJ, m numerous Iu. 't PI S t d U. S. Naval Air Station, "The ~ ~I The program is aimed primar- story of Ed Desmond and Nagel got back into actio~ \~ith his ice~ : adult education programs in the J mversl 2Y4 tay.ers onA .J~tur. ay, Annapolis of the Air," the cadets ~'l t th . l' f d" I • , t l't t h Alb' anuary a Plerce UnlOnUm i~ (;al)t ShII In ,.ra '7 ·/ ~ ~ I,Y a ose app YIng or nVIng collaborated on. It was about' boat last week end January 18 me ropo 1an area, ate 10n h' _ . have completed a stringent sched- BERAN .J • 'Y ., ~ ~ permits the first time. The writ- OK__ 7 morrow lamenting today. penn photograph album. ot lakeview and the evening of January 17 in_the . MAU < !U!T~ . _ BALfH~"'l'nON (lid Cocktails Gad f/(!1I1I1EW8fI1J1f~~ sou t h w est sky, Venus passed IS w. tAFAYErrE. AVE .It,****************************t ~liAiPr£R - g, Minister above Mars, at a distance of less :JtI. Call Faultless Now Note-We Urie only than one-half the apparent qi- ., the C H 0 ) C ~ S '1 LAST .3 DAYS ! TWO WEEKS !'IATINEES CLEANING SPECIALISTSON ameter of the moon away, and on 'PHONE W -1- "1 b... :;: MON JAN 26 liquors and FRESH BEGINNING. • • WED. & SAT. • Curtains • Lemp Shades f"lIt Juices . m, the nex&-night the crescent moon *** • Theater GtliJd Subsc,;p'ti01J. Pia" ~ THEATRE GUILD SUBSCRIPTION PLAY passed very close above both J ~ RSHIP • Dropes - Bedspreads planets. ~ "'ST ALAG' 17' i~ a flaring show! A : PAULA STONE and MIKE SLOANE present a.m. - Slip Covers • Blankets ************************; turbulent. and gusty play •.• Racy : t *: and rowdy!" -New York TIMES : ALL 3 rOGEYH and ALL IN PERSON! TU. 5.9657 ~ : ~ Direct froM a ~lIsaiiona' Y•• ,/on Broadwa,1 ! SIDNEY DANE i73? Elmhurst near Broadstreet -- Ii!; JOSE FERRER presents )f. II CU) and Suburban Delivery r 03 9 0 E A S T WAR R E N * • ~ the uHilarious Comedy" ; BLACKMER CLARK 'Pbone CaU WE 3-1010 * l' • * ~ Does U AU" • Servin~ the Finest ~ ,rosse Point. * .. * • V//;~'" ** CANTONESE and ~ '* : NANCY KELLY !morial : AMERICAN DINNERS it. ; in the WidelyAcclaim,dBroadway Hit! ,'" ~ ~ . * Open Dally 3 p.m. to 3 a.m JI.~ * _ DONALD ~8EYAJf .4 EIMUND TRZCINSKI . •T ihurch STORE ~ ..Sunday 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. : t : eibyterillnl . -.z.IE"SBEElt 1<. Shore Rd. 17301 MACK AVE•. DOUG A : .*~Fn"lIB tor *~ i GEORGE L S • tt-I'ISTERS PAlIn. . . at Guilford * :a.ak Filt. D.D. TOBIAS with WATSON aOGEIl' COLE ., NORMAN STURGIS • DAVID SHEIIfEII .ul r. Ketchum ~~ST.40: t, ! • MAGGIE MAGlltNlS • RICHARD N, fARNEIl Domestic and Imported a . : * TERRIFIC BROADWAY CAST OF THIRTY :CH SCHOOL i, \ t "'est p'a, .f O•• h' eor .. ,."-"Notab'. acting perforlllaltC••- 1:30 a.m. BEER • W~NES • CHAMPAGNES ~. ,,"", I"'T.N! t • SEATS NOW ON 'SALE • i NEW YORK TIMES LOS ANGELES TIMES lIP SERVICZ 1~ or t Jo;VES.: (Except Friday and Saturday)': Orch. $3.60; Balcony $3.00, 2,fO.1.80j • NIGHTS: 1)rch. $4020, $3.60; 'Balc. $3, $2.40. $l.80 TAX 1:30 •• IIL PARTY SERVI~ - ,COOLERS TO RENT * 2-0'9 E .WAR'REN ~ * 2nd Balcony$1.20.Fri. and SAT.EVES.:Orch.$4.20;. Balcony'3.60, 3.00, 2.4u • 1:00 a.m. ; J 6. • * 2nd Bale.$1.80.MATS.WED.and SAT.:Orch.$3.00;Balc.$2.40,1.80; 2ndBale.• MATINEES WED. " SAT.: Orch. $3, $2.40; Bale. $2.40, $1.80 INCLUDED FREE DELIVERY. - TU. 5-0626, ~~e:d~~ur29t~\11 * at Bedlorll • * $L20(TAXINC.) PERFORMANCESUN~AY EVE,JAN.18.2WEEKS ONLY • = ~•••• ~•••• ~.~.~~~~~~~.~~~**************************~*********************

, \

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• Rese

By l Grosse Poil FOR QUICk ke\ball team USE .,";1 pressive 51 t ' the Wyandot , Wyandotte he DEADLINE 5 P.M. TUESD~Y day, January

. . The victory YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED CALL TUxedb 2-q900 ToS~=~o~i~:;ckft . row and the 121o--Expressing . 121S_Carpenter Work .. this season ur: 7-WANTED TO RENT a-:.ARTICLES FOP. SALE 13..;...REALESTATE 21A.;....GENERALSERVICES 4-HELP WANTED I CALL Grosse. Pointe Cartage, ATTIC, recreation rooms addi Bob Kurvink. 1 (Male and Female) MIDDLE AGED business couple. lO-PIECE solid mahogan'y dining GROSSE POINTE FARMS EMIL REINKE'S Expres~ and Moying-for pack. I tions or minor repairs by action in the CLASSIFIED RATES wants 3 room unfurnished I room suite; ,round table. Other '3 BEDROOMS Complete Sign Painting ing .01' crating. Baggage to all 1ice n sed contractor, F. St. Kurvink cleal STENOGRAPHER apartment or upper. VAll.ey \ furniture and ru.gs reasonable.' 259 M~.riwe. ather-Colonial with In bnd Outdoors ' depots. Estab.lished in 1895. . Amour, TUxedo 2-8324. in the fourth was assured. 2-3091 evenings only. PRescott 5-9091. large living room, powder 1'0'001, Estoblished 1919 TUxedo 2-5540 or TUxedo Cash Ads-IS words for aoc EXPERIENCED . . .breakfast room. and rec; room I Trucks - Posters Metal 2-5480. CARPENTER alterations, . re An airtigh for Grosse Pointe Rea! Estate YOUNG Advert\sing executive SCHUMANN Cabinet g ran -d with fireplace. WAlnut 2~n2 modeling and repairs. Qualiiy the Devils to Charge Ads-IS words tor 90c ' i office. transferred. Form~r h 0 m e 1 piano,' $150; lovely victorian •. " .. '" ' 21p-Furniture Rei)airs workmanship. TU. 2-2084. lead at the hi owner, 2 small chIldren, des- rocker, $35. LAkeview 1-5194. 6 BEDROOMS TUxedo 2"4197. and behind tl Sc for additional words. Preferably with Real Estate or perately need 3 bedroom un- . 92 Mapleton-Colonial, under 21b-Watch Repairing ATTENTION! Chairs - sofas re- Gordon "Goo~ paired, springs retied in your 21t-Dressmaklng Legal experience. Must be occu. furnished house by February WANTED-AN AUDIENCE for $20,000.. Powder roon,:, breakfast i rate at shorthand and typing. 15th. Able to pay good rental. "The Curious Savage" Feb. 6th, room; gas heat; walking distance EXPERT WATCH and clock home! Save! Guarant~ed! Rea- sonable! Call Citywide Service,. CUSTOM Dressmaking: sui t S, , Call i Excellent position fer girl with Responsible. References. VA1- Pierce Aucitorium, 8:30 p.m. to schools. I:epairing. Pro m p t service. TRinity 1-4803. coats, dreses. Alterations ex i personality and ability. ley 4-8883. Tickets:, $1.50. TUxedo 5-421'1. Ann Bedford Goodman Reasonable prices. Bra dIe y , TU. 5-6063. .LO. 7-4706' Jewelers, 20926 Mack at Hamp- FURNITURE REPAIR. R'efinish. pertly done. i'Uxedo 1-3593. TUXEDO 2-6900 JOHN S: ....GOODMAN, Realtor' ton. TUxedo 2-9309. f I ARTHUR J. SCULLY CO. 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE HOSPITAL bed. Excellent con- ing, reupholstering, springs re- \ Member Gl~osse Pointe MARIE KARSCHNICK - Dress 3 Trunk Lines i 20169 Mack Ave. at Oxford Rd. d't' $100 VAll 1 7417 21c~Electrical Service tied. Antiques a specialty L~MPS-SHADES _ Buy . direct.! I lon, . ey -'- . Brokers Association making, tailoring and altera : TU.I-8310 BROWN . ELECTRICAL---repairs, Pick-up and delivery. Duall, tions. LAkeview 1-8240. __ froll' manufacturer. Shades, FINE MINK COAT LAkeview 1-8249. YOUNG :vIAN, 18 years or'older, parts, and ~ustom shade m.ak- Natural wild, size 16, 45 inches If You Have Property to Sell replacements and maintenance. _ DEl KERCHEVAL AVENUE NEAT dressmaking and altera i to work from 7-8 a,m. daily mg, mount:ng and repamng long. Ne\~ value $5200. Will . Lamp repair. Since 1920. TUx- 21q-Plastering Call Us tions. Pick-up and deliver KOPP'S PHARMACY , and after schvol. Must be able Best se.lectlOn of lamps and sell $2600 cash. A I'are op- edo 2-7550. ON FAt PLASTERING - Perfect repair- PRescott 7-0093. 16926 Kercheval at Notre Dame I to drIVe.. S'ee inr."if B.lssonette, s~ade:; 10 town. Lamps by Mar- portunity. OF $5.< CUNNINGHAM'S DRUGS ! Tracy Motor Sales, 130 Ker- ~m: 14637 Kercheval and Man. WOodward 1-6786 21~Custom Corsets ing. Ceilings of lasting beauty. Tappan- ALTERATIONS and new sewing. Kercheval at Notre Dame cheval. / Ishque. VAllC'y 2-8151. I SPENCER CORSETS Responsible. VAlley 4-3022. Will pick up and deliver. TUxe NOTR!: DAME: PHARMACY GROSSE .POI N T E. General TRADE-IN sofas and chail's. All FOR SALE: Dining table, 4 INDIVIDUALLY designed. Dress 21r'-:'Cement Work do 1-3669. OPEN 17000 Kcrcheval at Notre Dame housework, part time, white in nice conditions. Reasonably chaIrs. an d buffet. $80 or MAKE Champion 'and surgical garments. Over --- GROSSI: POINTE:DRUG CO ! woman for small home, 2 i priced. Van Upholstering Co., ME AN OFFER. TU. 2-8023. 18 years experience. Maude BRICK, stone and cement work. _128 Kercheval Bannert, 368 McKinley, Grosse New or repairs. Arthur De Roo. VALET SERVICE FOR GALS, 17051 Kerchcval at 5t Clair ' adults. Box '1'-405. Grosse i 13230 Hm'per. Open 9 'tit 9. 1817 Hawthorne Road. Alterations and fur repairing and Opm T~ Pointe. Call TUxedo 5-4027 'Ir. TUxedo 1-2450. f1TUS OR~G STORE: Pointe News I- - .-.--- rUxedo 4-3030 remodelling. C u s t 0 In mode. 1 Kerchcval. at Fishel" Road . _. 1 AUTO DRIVERS! Save 30 -Iper VICTORIAN So f.a, exquisite SlIt. Eve" TOwnsend 7-4312. ALL TYPES cement work: res i- blouses, skirts, shorts. TUxedo I ~'.,:," MOTHER'S HELPER, week-ends. cent! Only $7.26 quarterly buys I carved frame, tufted back, just SWEENEY & MOORE. INC. School girl or older woman. I' $5,000/$10,000 Public Liability I . completely refinished and re- 21f-Refrigeration dential, industrial, commercial 2-4651. Specialists in ~_, 'Bonded. TUxedo' 5-8292 or MILLE:KPHARMACY $30 month. Box R-I06, Grosse with $5.000 Property Damage. I upholstered in nylon velvet. Gro se Pointe Properties Wayburn and Kcrcheval Pointe News. . i TUxedo~-2376:- ..__ . Call Birmingham, Midwest 4- COMMERCIAL AND Domestic. I TUxedo. 1-8587. . ' ALTERATIONS. Desire to take 10 We s licit your Real Estate Complete installations and I in general sewing. TUxedo PERMANENiDOME-STiC~-pla-i~ W~RDRO~E of la;Jy's Clothing 5341. proble s and will at tempt to sel'vice. Home freezers, sealed !1s-Carpenter Work MACK AVENUE ! Solve em. , 5-4453. BLUE CROSS DRUGS . cooking, ironing. White, age: size 42; flft~place fixtures; tools; KIDNEY shaped lounge type unlt.,>, motors, belts, controlS., .' MA 201,~ 0 MACK AVENUE All makes. Work guaranteed. RE}?AIR .doors, wmdows. Kitch- 175q Mack Avc. at NeB Road 1 18-40. Excellent living quarters pictures. TUxedo 1-1426. sofa, 75 inches long. $100. TUXEDO 1-6800 G R f .'g 'atio Service I en cabmets, bookcases, Recre- EXCLUSIVE AVrERATIONS in good home. More than high FIR E PLACE, EQUIPMENT, _ TUxedo 5-6161. eyman e 11 el n 'ation rooms Good work prompt' By Marie Stephens, on dresses WOOL)S DRUG CtNTER wages ?vll:Sl speak some screens. all types. grates and. anne parker opens a mellow 447 Moross Road. TUxedo 4- . servI'ce. S.'. E. Barber'. 20380 suits, and furs. TUxedo 5-7610 (formerl:!>'Cava!er) English. 2 pre-school children. I . I S d. I t. POLAROID land camel'a, pic- English siyle, 2-5:30 Sunday. 19291 :\Iack A\'cnue :It ' t' \' t' Irons, too s. ee ISP ay, a tures in one minute! Like new 1430. Hollywood, TUxedo 4-0051 60urncmou!!:. ;N~~r tr,ansp.~l,'a~lOn.?( :aca IOn SMITH MAT'fHE\VS. 664 U 1112 K~nSington. 5 bedrooms, 3 ALTERATIONS and new sewing . 0 i 61 9 I with light meter, films and I 21g-Roofing FINE CARPENTRY -Residential HARKN~~;::'PHr\RMACY perl o.(I rux-"c____ - ~. Charlevoix_ Ave .. \VA. 2-7_15_5 r flash unit. Cost $135. Sacrifice. baths. opper stucco on metal, yvm pick-up and deliver. TUx 20313 :\Iack Avc.. at Lochmoor 17x27 iving room. many new HOME OWNERS! Call TUxedo and. commercial. ~orches, rec- edo 1-3669. HOME ~ 5-SITUATIONS WANTED ,ANTIQUES: drop leaf tables; $85 takes all. Private. TUxedo Blvd, I' feature, ready for offer and 1-8170 for gutter repair, rea- reatlOr:t .rooms, attics, .etc. Re- HII WILL care fOl' child -i~-1m' home! marble to~ commodes; wash 1-8083. quick elivery ... and offers sonable prices. Richard Willertz m~d?lmg of any kmd, by 21v-Brick Repair lA-PERSONALS for wcrkinn mother. TU' 4-0622. ~ stands: chalrs; some uph?lst?r- CLARINET', two otl er specipl buys: A four- 50 Roslyn road. WIlham Brockel. FHA terms. ___ _ .__ __.. __ _ __ . ~_____ cd; pH~ture frames; lYlllTOl'S; . • Pedler, 5 piece, year-old 3-bedroom ranch near PRescott 6-7083. ALL BRICK, block and stone Home ~ WOMAN working down tow~ RUlo'FLED CURT \INS '. tl ; lamps' china. Flagg's Antiques eblOate. Llkc new, $65. TUx- Mack and grade school, every 21h-Rug ,Cleaning repairs. Porches, steps, etc . 2 3 r - expel' Y I" .' edo 1 5879 H. F. ~ENZEN, BUILDING es!res or passengers in done. Priccd .reason.able. Call.ed (jl1~ ~~ac~,-_n:~l~ I?:VOI!:~I~e: -.. extra, eash to mortgage $28,500 Waterproofing and sewer clean YIINN d --! RUGS. tacked carpet. snd furni- ing, Reasonable. Work myself. vicinity of Vernier road be- f d d I lVI \ . . . a~d a fine older English HOME AND INDUSTRIAL REPAIR tween ~Iack and Jefferson. or an > _ e Ivcreo; 1 r~... 'an: LADIES' DRESSES and suits all, 8-INCH tilting arbor circular house with individuality, St. ture cleaners. Home service. Marchese, LA. 6-9300. TU 4-9918. _ Hav~~~~_~~:__VAlle:. _4~~~~1. 'size 16; yellow Strook coat, size I saw, large table, % H.P. heavy Clare ari~J:,.14x?2 ~iving room, Satisfaction guaranteed, Free Additions, Attic, Comprered, Porches, -lIe I ___ .._ ,COLORED GIRL' wishes work,: 14: man's tuxedo, size 36; rose . duty molor, $60 completc. $30 panele lIvmg porch, lav. 1st, estimate. Call: Recreation Rooms, Garages Built. 21v-Piano Service 2A-EDUCATIONAL I' 'Sol a,nd car fare. Refcrences. and \\,'hite ch~nille cl.ouble bed- without motor. VAlley 4-5155 gas, 3 bedrooms, bath up, 2- RE-NU CARPET CLEA~ERS Our 01' ____ , _. _... LO. 7-1668. spread. Call m evenmg 01' Sat- car, cash to G.I. mortgage, $22,- '{Alley 2-8085 PIANOS TUNED, cieaned, moth "HOME PRIVA'I E TUTORING _ ..._ urdav: TUxedo 5-3223. 5 GOODYEAR tires with tubes, 1152 Elford Ct. TUxedo 1-9744 pork, \' 000 total. TUxedo 2-4660,1-3186. proofeJ and repaired Satisfac We hav IN 'RELIABLE woman wishes davs. --- '._------.-.---- black, size 800x15, low mileage. 21i-Paint and Decorate CUSTOM KITCHENS. cabinets, tion guaranteed. Reasonable cream: YOUR OWN HOME .. -Monday. Tuesday or eveni~g' WILTON RUG, 9x12, $16. Black I S125 for group. TUxedo 2-8288. formica tops, bars, book cases. rates. Seibert. Edgewater 1 1 ~,ll subjects; all grades, Adults: work-store cleaning. etc. Re- suede pumps B-C, like new, $5'1 . _._-- 19-PETS FOR THE FINES'r general paint- Excellent work. Call W. B- 4451. w. s-n the I and children. Certified teachers, , ferences. WOodv,rard 5-4289. ; TUxedo 5-0109. : 9-PIECE walnut dining set, ing and decorating at reason- Evans, TWinbrook 3-5438. Call' -----T -- .. ---~: - .--_. : ------.------. beautiful chairs, table pads. Ex- BOARDING - fRAINING able cost see 'Charles A. Schra- COMPLETE PIANO SERVICE- •• ca.... w. , . \ W~M~N want:, wa.sh_lOg and. BRAMBACH baby grand. Needs. cel1ent condition $85. VAlley! der. VAlley 4-0388. CARPENTER will build porches, Tuning, repairing, refinish in. th.l.st. DETROIT A~D .SUBURBAN lronmg at .ho:n~. ,:3:>2 ~lal"Y-. somo work but i~ an excellent \ . 2-2440. I Brond new, heated kennels, indi- attic rooms, and recreation and mothproofing. W A 1 nut ,. TUTORIN~ SER~ICE . land. TUxeao ;)-;)22G. , buy at S175 c • '" v -. heater 80 anI capacity never' COCKER Spaniel, 2 yrs. old j b < • ARTHUF VA. 1-1483 9230 Yo,kshlrl: Grosse Pointe references. TY- d .'TU' d 5-6024' 9-ARTiCLES WANTED female, brown, small size shelving. Terms. TU 5-2840. edo 1-1943. \ I ler 4-1080. . I use. xe 0 • FIRST CLASS decorating save BOOKS bought in any quantity. ! 2 [ATCHING ,barb~~.-~hairs, hy- Trained. TUxedo 5.4814. 40% on decorating now.' I . -:- r.. Entire libraries, bookcases, art GROSSE POINTE PRAC~ICAL nurse Will do rel~ef '. oralie, New upholstering, me- Brown. TUxedo 5-2~13~ GUIDE TO GOOD SERVICE objects. Mrs, B. C. Claes. 1670 PO 0 D L E puppies, miniature ,/~ CONS~RVA TORY nur"mg on hourly or .dally chanically perfect. Very rea- _. I Leverette. WOodward 3-4267. blacks. Excellently b l' e d EXPERT \,amting, paper hanging •••••••••••••••••••••••• 1I11ftllIRIURlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII basis. TUxedo' 4-0318. ,son0ble. Mr. Clements, WOod- Plunder Ridge Kennels. South. New Semester Begins .by mechanics, free estimates : SEWERS- DRAINS..SINKS: February 2nd. RE:gistcrN.:;,w. I SEEKING POSITiON: Nurs~, I ward 1-056_~~ .__ field 3068. / Van Assche. TUxedo 4-1187, ROAD SERVICE care of children with family I SOLID MAPLE twin bedroom TUxedo 4-2714. :'CLEANED: EDGEWATER 1-9058 . WANTED BEAUTIFUL Blue-gray Persian I, to Florida for winter. TUxedo! suite, complete, like new; I cat, 6 months old. Needs good FOR FINER : All types. Night and day s9rviee : , 1-9135 c\it:nings. I maple desk and chair; 8 draw- home. Free. Houspbroken. TUx- 3-LOST AND FOUND i ~:.r~~,~~~: All Work Gu~rante.d • __ ! __--- cr walnut wardrobe: single INTERIOR & EXTERIOR - Old Clothing edo 2-5511. . LOST-Gola bracelet. yicinity of IR~~nNG or cleaning: ~Vlo? -I Hollywood bed, compietc:. All PAINTING & DECORATING : MOTOR CITY : Kercheval and CadieUX. Jan. Wed. ami alternate Saturaays. reasonable. TUxedo 5-3862. BEST PRICES PAID 21A-GEN ERAL SERVICES Earle Richards Service : Electrical Sewer Clea.illl Co. • FOR MEN'S SUITS CHRIS C. CHARRON &-CO. 15. TUxedo 4-2108. . Cooking Sundays and holidays., ------. ----- 211391 Mack, Ave lD the WoodS • VA. 2-6527 : , Also part:cs. TYler 4-3134. 112 PLACE ~ettings of Colport TOPCOATS and SHOES' WAlnut 2-3986 •••••••••••••••••••••••• ~'OUND-O\-er SolO in Hill di:5-I ---_! chinn, Pembroke pattern; 7 '. VENETIAN BLINDS trict. Owner identify amount Lt\DY wishes ho~s:work. by the dozen CoJport pieces balance TUlsa 3- 1872 Satisfaction Our Guarontee I I I and denominations. TUxedo I_I nay .. VAlley 4-15:>0. f Aynsley. Settiing estate. VAl-, ?302 ley 2-0736. : A telephone call will bnng us to WINDOW SHADES CA4L: OLSON, PRescott 7-4250, POINTE TAILORS & CLEANERS 1------.----.------, (WINDMILL POINTE) ----- _ • ! EXPERIENCED laundress wishes _------you immediately! for your decorating, painting ~len's and Ladies' Suits Tailored 1':) Order VA. 2.3040 LOST: Boxer. male, tan with! ~roning at home. Will do wa~h- TWO PAINTED bookcases, rush ------PORCH SHADES and paperhanging. Reasonable. Alterations. Relining. Cleaning . and Pressing , white feet and collar. name I mg. WAlnut 4-1634. seat chair, metal cabinet, Har- -POSITIVEL Y- Free estimates. T I~----.------vard classics (50 books, 5 col- HIGHESl PRICES-PAID for "~.ike". ~ast seen in vicinity I 5A-EM?LOYMEtn BUREAU ) tl I B.bl furniture and appliances. A-I Painting and Paperhanging 14931 EAST JEFFERSON, al Oily Limits of OXfOrCl and Norwood. Re- _ ors; wee vo ume 1 e ency- CORN'ICE BO,A.I\D~ I --L--D------clopedia. TUxedo 1-0048. "! -Piece or Cl Houseful." . Basement sprayed !I'red M. Schuman Established i925 Open Eves. 'Ull 1:10 ward. Call TUxedo .1-0623. \'CO OR.E cnUPLES, cooks. '------Complete Repair Service Storm windows and __ ... maId~ chauffeurs. caretakers. I.JUDSON GAS RANGE, nearly PRe$cott 5-5733 Cleaning. Repahing, screens 4-HELP WANTED I Janitors ar porters. Day or ne'w, $55; Gibson L-3 guitar O-L-D-J-E-W-E-L-R-Y-,-r-in-g-s-,-b-r-o-oc-h-e-s, Reconditioning Skilled colored worlrer In GrossePoinfe Woods It'. ______{Male and Female} I wee" Field'::, Emplo'iment._ TR and c.a"e,~.....$30. TUvedo 2-9463. nee klaces. earmgs.. etc. John J City-wide references ESQUIRE SHADE .Free estimates ~ALES ~Nlc-INr_ER,~ -..;J ,.. \1 3-7770 THREE------chro~~- kitci~~ --bar Lane. WO0dwar d 1-8762. CO. Ai .ED 1-0182 or WA3-5569 IADUR'S STANDARD STATIOII Needed to become pert of aggressive' 6-FOR RfNT stools, $12. TUxedo 5-1650. BOOKS purchased for cash. En- 14000 E. 7 MIU: RD. Nei Ope Friday Until 9 P.M. ALL STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS FOR YOUR CAR'S SAD sales force on custom-built industdol {Houses, Apts., Flats. etc.} T\lTO-PIECE sectl.onal, modern I t.ire Iibra.ries or fine SilI.gle Painting and Decorating We Do Welding. ,Mack Ave., Cor. Roslyn Rei. me products. This is an outstanding op- 'v t M d B k S portunity for solE:smen or eng;neer NEW MODBRN 5 room upper cherry red. TUxedo 5-5613. I ems III \~est 00 e.VIce, LA. I-I LA 7-3700 Best of Grosse Pointe References Ore who can quality. f1a~. garage, disposal large 4301 Kensmgton. T U)' e d 0 Interior • Fre.e Estimates , Bo'" C-lb8. yard. Broker, TUxedo ;;-4100 WES'rINGHOUSE electric range, 5-2450. CUSTO .,MADE draperies, and " good conditic:n, $45. TUxedo ------upholstering. Beautiful selec- JOHN R. FORTIER PR. 7-3551 Thl Grosse Pointe News GARAGE space for storage (car, 5-6111. PLAIN piano wanted, large or tion \of fabrics. Reasonably PAINTING and Decorating, wall TELEVISION We Repair" fro boat, etc.) Talk it over with small, or baby grand. Call any priced. Workmanship guaran- TUxedo 2-4645, mornings. CHICKERING spinet piano, ma- time, TO\v:1send .9-0324. wasl1ing, screens painted and WOMAN or high school (white) ______hogany;. radios; silverware; tee. TUxedo' 2-5000. repaired, general .handy-man, Specialists Glass ond Chino to come in 3-7 p.m. Monday 6A-FOR RENT (Furnished) china; stem-ware; linens; rec- ORIENTAL throw rug. Boys ice immediate .service. VAlley 1liah17 Dependable :5ervlc:. Vases Drilled, CUSTOM MADE travel'e drapes; Installation . thru Friday. Light household ______ord-changer;, tables; luggage, skates, size 4. Band saw and also alterations done on your 2-2009. duties. Call days: Woodward 5- NICELY furnished apartment in and. misc. Call on Sunday, 10-3 \}'orkshop equipment. TUxedo RADIO::; R1!j~AIRED .11 Types drapes. Reasonable, PRescott A. ST AELS-Builder and. Paint- All Work Fully Guaranteed \ 5430 or evenings TU 1-9431. private home, suitable for work- p.m. ' 16641 ,.La Salle, Detroit. 2-5022. 5-7470. of Lamps ! ing Contractor and wall wash- MRS. WM. K. WILLIAi'wlS ing couple or 2 ladies. TUxedo ------Grosse Pointe Television DOMESTIC tMPLOYMENT 2-9495, after 6:30 p.m. BLACK cloth coat, velv~t~o-l-la;', n"::'-AUTOS FOR SALE. METAL 'MASTERS 'MFG. CO, er .. Free estimates. Grosse A GENCY size 18; long velvet evening Beautiful . upholstered booths Pointe resident~ VAlley 2-1204. SPecialties CD. Old and u' LARGE, pleasant front room, kit- CO?t; greycarracul coat,. size DARK GREEN 1951-"62" Cadil- 5021 Courville,. at Warren Under management of chen privileges, garage, near' 4 1 . lac, 4 door, nylon seat covers, idea! for breakfast nooks, rec- PAINTING and Paperhanging. reatlon rooms ~nd den~. These Complete decorating service. Phone TU. 4-2990 Mrs. f'rances Dayton transportation. TUxedo 5-5563'. 1; a 1 e.xcellent conditionf' rea- fully equipped; excellent con- Fully Bonded and Insured. lew Lamps 313 Beaupre .____ _so__n_3_b_Ie_._T_U_X_e_d_f'l_5_-8_8_8_2.-'_ dition. TUxedo 5-4917. boot~s are up.holster~d m l?uran. Materials and,' workmanship .articlpating In Better Business Grosse Pointe Farms I 3874 .CADIEUX near Mack, BOY'S skates and clothes- ---.------PlastIc materIal avaIlable m 32 ; guaranteed. LAkeview 7-5930. Practice VASES and TUxedo 1-2377, TUxedo 4-2674' studiO bedroom, private second Hockey, size 7; Sandy Ross, l2A-Boats for Sale colors ~nd patterns. ... . •. STATUES , WANTED _ whit~ and colored floor, twin beds. TUxedo 5. bl" Y We dm build any type, 'size or 21J-Wall Washing cooks. waitresses, UD_stairs maids. 3885 for appointment. . navy~re~ch. uecoat,S~lt,co~duro):.sIze 16-18;sportsgre j CL.,cury;ASS B 10racingh.p.,run. about,Hurricane,'Mer- style of booth to -fit any empty ,. . . . nook or corner, also matching WALL. WASHING and paI?tmg. ~AL~ ON WIRED , ~~t~:~~ids. Part time and per- 68=ioRRENT-OFFICES-- Jac.k~t, 4-buckle ~oots;. rub-. Quickie; trailer. 6 months, old. bels. gym shoes, 7~'2.8Ih. TUx- TUxedo 1-4043' after 5 pin .. Formica tables to harmonize with Well recommended. RIg h t i Full line. at tloor booth. ... .pric~. TUxedo 1-3870. lomp ports. -FURNI'rURESALESi,Ariy-~ 'IN ~

. '.' ______.-....-A. __ -=----_...... _--oOIA. __ ..... -...-....-...... -...... ----..~...... _... •• M • • _ • ft.e OM • • • • ••• e ••• • d Sma,.. ... /.

I 1953 I.

Thursday, January 22, f 953 G'~ 0 S'S E POI N T.Ej NEW 5 . 'I' '. Richard School Cubs Reserves 'Also. Beat/Wyandotte' The New, All-Silver Roo~ at V~lente/s To Meet on January 27, COMPLETE ,_ODER.•~ZATION SERVICE , By Art Wible nexed high point honors for the I Specializil'lg in Recreation .Rooms, Porches Grosse Pointe's reserve bas- I night with 10 points, the Devils: 'The Richard School Cub Scout! Kitchens, Additions, Remodeling and. Repairs. ke\ball team chalked up an ,im- r! surged into a 35 to 20 lead at the I Pack 74 will hold its monthlyj over 25 Years Experience pressive 51 to 27 victory over end of the third stanza. .. , pack meeting on Tuesday,J'a~u- j the Wyandotte Bears on the The efforts of Nelson and Tom \ ary 27 at 7:30 p. m. in th~ Rich~rd : FrankJI St. Amour TUxedo 2-8324 Wyandotte home c.~{Jurtlast Fri- I. Barry put the game on ice in the \' day, January 16. ! fourth quarter and gave the School gymna~ium.

. The victory was the third in a: second str;ngers a chance to The program will include an 11 row and the fifth in six starfs: work 'Jp a sweat against the har-l impressive Indian ceremonial, this season under the new coach, !assed Wyandotte quintet. I bidding farewell to those who are I Bo~ K~rvink. All 12 players saw With the exception of poor foul . Good Fences for 43 Years i 11 ~years old, and greeting the actlo~ 10 the mass~cre as Coach I shooting the Devils outclassed I ~urv1Ok cleared .hlS bench ,early ~their rivals in every department. newcomers, eligible at eight years i Eyery style 01 Fence 10 the fourth penod after vlctory , The Po' t l'k th' 't I old. . I was assured. 10 ers( 1 e . ell' varSI y . lif\ .reefed .Ior you . . counterparts, are lookmg forward I Those who will receive their ns. re- An a!l'tlght ~efense enabled to a wing-ding game when they , Includtnc I parting arrows. are: Charles Chain Link All-Steel an" Quality the DevIls to bu!ld up a 23. t? 8 bump up against Highland Park, Adams, ,Rob~.t Barnes, 'Philip 084. lead at ~he halftIme 1Oter~lsslon in the preliminarY game next ~ Rustic Styles and behmd the sharpshootmg of Friday January 23 )n the local' Dulmage, Jack Watson, Ross Wil- Gordon "Goose" Nelson, who an- court. ' , cox, Paul GHiland, Charles Frew, ------,----.--- I Pat Meath, Andrew Critchfield, WA. 1.62.82- .. oOOOOOO2. ...QoOOOOOOODOOOJl •.; suits. Virginia Coal Reserves and RoBert Niederoast. I ions ex- Although Virginia is now pro- Being welcomed into the pack I 1-3593. ducing more coal than ever be- are Carl Holler,. James Bristol 10403MEHLENBACHERHARPER AYE. RESIDENTIAL,'FENCEINDUSTRIALCO. WE fore in her history, there are still and Michael Heaton. " j - Dress- enough recoverable raserves in d altera- the state to last five centuries at Woods Church Women O. DELIVER the current rate of output. To Meet January 26 d altera- deliver. Th~ Women's Association of CITY OF ON FAMILY ORDERS the Grosse Pointe W~ods Presby- OF $5.00 OR OVER Newly completed is this all-silver room, at Val~nte Jewelry" East Warren at Ken- terian Church will meet on Janu- \: ;;:ewing. sington. The many displays include the fine. sterling lines of Gorh~rp, Wallace, Smith ary 26 at 1:15 p.m. at the church. cr. TUxe- OPEN SUNDAYS and other famous houses. The Valente store, formerly located. on East Adams avenue, . Mrs. Robert Smith will make is one of the largest in the Pointe area, the dedication. The Deborah R GALS. Open Thurs" Fri. and Group, under the leadership of Notice of Last Day for Filing iring and YWCA Canteen Welcome. 'Mrs. Velda Gamble, will be the m mode Sat. Etteni11gs Till 9:00 I hostess group. Nomination Petitions ". TUxedo An on Friday 'Evenings Neighborhood Club News '-rhe guest speaker will be Mrs. If fi he .lonely serviceman Ilt:' David Neely, a missionary on :fur- for City Offices. , tione. in. Detroit wants to spend lough from Metet, West Africa. e to take ROSLYN Friday, January 23 an e ening in a homelike at- TUxedo Midget Basketball 4 p.m. mosphere where he can lounge TV FIghts Air Pollution Notice ;S hereby given that the last day MARKET Oldtimers Club 2-5 p.m. Men 65 and up-Social in th~ living room and make cof; Devices used by industry in the for filing nOl1"inotion petitions for City Eder's Ceramics Class 4 p.m. fee i the kitchen, he' is invited 'campaign to reduce air pollution TIONS - 21020 MACK at Roslyn Rd. Theater Party 7 p.m. to outhwest Area C e n t e r include television came::as trained Offices IS n dresses. WHITTIER Pbone YWciA, 1307 North Dragoon St., on stacks, thus enabling plant do 5-;610. TU.4.9821 MA.RKET TAC Club Dance 7:30 p.m. Jr. High School age l.A. 1.01ot (Couples 35c) accord~i1g to Mrs. Lilyan Berdit, supervisors to see when excessive • 11326 Whfttler. at WbltebUl smoke is coming from boilers. w sewing. ~~oooooooooooooooooooooc. St. Paul vs. St. Martins ~:::.t0r of the center. ver. TUx- Basketball ,7:30 p.m. TUESDAY HOME MADE SAUSAGE - 9UALITY FRESH MEATS . Saturday, January 24 January 27, 1953 HICKORY SMOKED HAMS AND ~ACON Playmates 1p.m. IFIREPLACE LOGS Jr. League Basketball 2:30 p.m, Two games nd stone Home Made Fresh Home Mode Open Gym 3:30 p.m. I (Birchwood a~d Hardwood) HARRY A. FURTON, teps. etc. GROUNb Fresh wer cJean- VlENNAS LIVER Monday, January 26 • HICKORY BRiqUETS • KINDLING WOOD City Cleric City of Grosse Pointe Forms k myseU. BEEF SAUSAGE Midget Basketball 4p.m, • CANN!L COAL • PACKAGE COAL Inter City League 71c lb. .65c Ibl 6:45p.m. Three games • PINE SCENTEDCOLOR LOGS Published G. P. News Jan. 22, 1953 55e lb. Tuesday, January 27 Our fY.eats are a treat t Jr. League Basketball 4 p.m. One game "HO:l.IE-l\'ADE" I } 0 eat Stop in any tIme or rea WM. J. AL-LEMON ned, moth- ~rk: ve~i and la::'~c Is ~~~~ sJ~~~~~~o your order, All our Mystery Club 4 p.m. r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l Satisfac- TU. 2-9085 ~~:a~a~en~ ~a~~IC;;?h~~edeolflcafrC?zen,fOO d8. dairy products, See Beginning Ballet 4 p.m. ReasonabJe T k cles ,or house parties. j . j ewater 1- ur eys Ducks Capons G. P, Sword Club 7:30p.m. Midget Basketball game 6:30p.m, aile game Phone .• Co{otk~. STEP • Becausew. s.n theYie Best.Bu) COLBY'S TU. 1.7169 Minor Basketball game 7:30p.m. Two games ERVICE- 16373 E. Worrell refinishing the Best. Open FrIdays Until 9 p.m. nr. Audubon Wednesday, January 28 W A, n ut Midget Basketball 4 p.m. Ij for smart LAD DE R S t cier eady. Beginning Tap Class 4 p.m. Residential and Commerciol Advanced Tap Class 4 p.m. : "new"roo~s- 1 !os Boys' Pool Club 6:30p.m, ,Ages 14-16 Agers Girls' Basketball (Jr. League) 6:30p.m, Two games : ~ 4 Ft. .. $3.20 : Center. at Badminton 8 p.m, Adults \'ill offer a Scout Committee 8:30 p.m. j 5 Fl. 3.9& j hina paint- Chess Club & Lessons 7:30p.m. ) begin on 4. from 1 Thursday, January 29 t & Ft. •.••.. 4.8G ! Knitting Ladies Fits all doors, old or new, Those in- 11 a.m. any size. We install operators j J ,edo 1-1943. A. G. lllARX CO. Girls' Gym Class 4 p.m. only, doors only, or doors and ~. . , inters are ASFHAL T SLATE .TILE Boys' Hobby Club 4p.m, • operators complele, We also t • j nting party Boys' Pool ,Club 6:30p.m. Over 16 ~ .. service all makes. on January Girls' Basketball tt and other ROOF REPAIRS (Sr. League) VISIT OUR NEW DISPLAY ROOMS ,plied, 7 p.m. Three games it EXTRA STURDY , :ded to the RE.ROOF1NG SHEET METAL WORK GIRLS BASKETBALL <:;~------ltions must TIN OR COPPERSKYLIGHTS GUITER CONDUCTORS Junior Division I Senior Dlvi.ion :DOor Scdu Call TUx. Fisher Recorll : 4 0 I Drewry Queens 5 .. 6uuuford eo. 4651 Beaufait at Forest WAlnut 4-9300 THE~.~ ARTHUR G. MARX Estab. 1914 S1. Paul Grade School 3~ 1 I St, Paul Seniors 4 I' il STEP : WAlnut 1 4330 Celeriters 2 2 i. Metro Club 3 2 :E • 8106 Mack Avenue st. Paul Freshman 1 3 I St. Paul Varsity :.. 2 3, I IOptimist Club ~ 0 ~ i St. Paul Flyerette 1 4 I I. @@[J@~ LADDER. •••••••• • ~lIl1mllllllllllllllllll11l!lll:nllli:;lI11ll!lIltlllllllllllll""ll1mIUlflllll!lllllllflllllllllllllllllllll1I111111111111l!1l1ll1l1l!1I1l1ll1ll1l1l1ll1l1ll1lnl1l1l1l1l1ll1ll1l1l1l1ll1ll1llWiiiiii1l1l1l1ll1l1l1l1UII.lIlliiiiliiii1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1lIiliilll""f1IlIll~ IlU~:~~~t~r~';"pi;Y;d";;;;';"';; ed~ i ;-SINKS: With Wide Steps ~ ~ nesday and Thursday night. ! ~ ! ED : • T.~.~ ~op jay service: I Cit of I =1 Y g . The T.A.C, Club is sponsor- I j 4 Fl. 4.80 t nteed • ~ . Inl a teen age dance at the This simple color selector in. 5 F 6 00 ' ry : ~ ~ I N.eighborhood Club on Friday t ,pires beautiful, fresh.as-a,daisy I. • , , homdnteriors. Choose your ~ . ~ tning Co. • • i~ ~r(l~st ~I. ~\~rt:eanpr~vi~~J:3~/'~eM~:~~'1bands on records. Tickets will be .' J favorite colors from a selected & Ft 1 20 J •••••••• ot"'nft i, '. range of deep tones and pastels • •••••• • E' available at the door. j Floor Sample Sale take the color swatches home I IJ - 7 F 8 7& lJ: EII'Money ---is not a problem-as I I , to help you select, if you wish. t. • t I ~long as you don't have. it. BRASS FIREPLACE TOOLS, J Remember, these handsome t ,' "Dutch Boy" colors-come in 8 FI 9.9& I Notice of Public Hearing on famous "Dutch Boy" Painu- , Limits I ALUMINUM SCREENS and ANDIRONS j Flat or Semi.Gloss finish- for 10 Ff 13 &0 ' I ! Combinatiolt Doors (e:'Ccep,custom.made) , any surface, in any room. And, • ••••• • , 'till 7:00 'The "DURAN Deluxe" , they're mixed while you wait. , . has them 'all b.at t Choose yours today at 12 Fl...... 1&.20 I Z 0 NIl N G I FULL, INCH-THICK t ~ 5 ALUMINUM JAM! Jan. 10th to Febe14th '. ~ i Circle Top Aluminum i A meeting will be hel~ Tuesday evening, February 3, 1953, at 8:00 P.M., at the i Doors now AvaUabIe Open'till 8:30 p.m. Fridays • I , Neighborhood Club, 17145 Waterloo Avenue, between' Neff and St. Clair, of the .'ree estimates on any 'S SAKE 1 -" type dorm or screen 10 _ I' Qt. $1 • dyn Rd. ~ members of the City Council, sitting as a Board of Appeals under the Zoning SlDith-ltlatthews (;0. ;:li Ordinance. . 1 Duran S.I•• Co. J 6640 Charlevoix WA. 2-7155 • , ~ i 1820& MACK. at Lakepolnte 25 = = ru. 1.5988" TU 1~8122 • Gal. , I The purpose of the m~eting is to consider the following three requests for relief ~ $3 air• E from restrictions in the Zoning Ordinance: S5 - ~ I I t I 1. The application of Bon Secours Hospital to add two additional stories #' I j COMPLETE STOCK OF . t :I to the present addition now under construction, bringing said addition . I to the same height as the existing structure, ~ I ~ I. PAINTING AND CLEANING SUPPLI~S I ~======_== 2. The request of Mr. Harold Ducharme to erect a one-story masonry struc- ture, 40 by 101 feet, on lot 9, First Addition to Elm Park Subdivision, I . '" ~ J etc., located at the southwest corner of FL..her Road and St. Paul Avenue, j' : ~ together with the use of lot 3~5 of the Grosse Pointe Colony Subdivision ~ Aluminum & Wood t ~ j ~ for off-street parking as an accesSor~' use to such structure. i Combination t f J I 3. The application of Mr, Ernest G. lUoeher of 791 Washington Road to II!: 100RS'1 WIIDOWS j \ j, ~ permit the erection on lots 29,~30, and 31 of Roosevelt Pla~e S~J,divisjon ~ ~I • Immeciiltte De'ivery j \ j I at the southeast corner of Roosevelt Place and Maumee Avenue a three. II. F.H.A, Ter",. ~ bedroom two-bath duplex and two brick-veneer Income residences. a; "l..-fjr J .\ t ~ ~I • W. Give 4J.v'C. Stem,. I Property owners of the City of Grosse Pointe, especially those livin~ in these three . II LA 7-3700 LA ,1.1515, j ~ == areas, are invited to ,be present and express their views, === E= S CITY :. 9941 H.ayes • I Norbert P. Neff" -II Sash & sCreen 'CO. "Your Storm Sash Center" ~= C'Ity CIerk ~:=\ 1<1000 East. 7 Mil. U. LA. 7-9.600 ' ~ • I . I I SHOP Et Just West of Gratiet ~ Open daily' 7:30 A.lU. to 6 P.M.-Friday 7:30 A.M. t9 ~:30 P.M. , ItlimnlllfllllmUntll!U1I1JIIIlUlIlIIIIIUUlIUUllUlIllllIIII1l1ll1ll!IfIIUIIUlIIIIIIltlU/l1I1II1I3/1illlUu:umllllIIlllllUlIlllllllunlllHlIlIlIllilUillllllllllllllllllllllllUUlIlIUllllllllllllnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1llUIIlllhllUillUIIIIIIIIIIllIlllil . .l--.--.--.--.--.~~~~~~~~~--.~. ,.

C e Os t '0 _ • .... ~ _~~ .- -'-#& - - eo. .. - - ... • • on •• OC•• h' •••• • • • so • rr z ens • 2 • t • M - ...... ',. ~ . ~......

Thursday, January 22, 1953 Page, Eighteel1 'GROSSE POINTE NEWS

- * * * * Page * * Pointer .of Interest' Good Taste Memorial Center who~ where and whatnot Schedule 1 by whoo%il " Favorite Recipes of JANUARY 23-JANUARY 29 - OPEN SU~DAYS 12-5 P.M. People in the Know The E. A. Batchelors, over on Moran, are dashed. Their I. *AlI Center Sponsored Activities Open to Public lovely blue parakeet Blair (because he's so Moody remem- • * • ber?) flew out the door on New Year's Eve and ha~n't been KENTUCKY BLACK CAKE NOTICE: Please' call for lost articles at the office. heard of since" Only the Batchelors of course would have Contributed by Th~y will be held for 30 days. become s~ involved in a parakeet-hu~t. Parakeets. being para- Betsy Ste,;ens ke~ts, thIS has even resulted in telephone conections (we . '" * • thmg that's what we. heard) with possible Blair parakeets. 1 pound blanched almonds Grosse Pointe Garden Center Room and Library 1 Tbsp. rosewater . open for Consultations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.rn, Mondays "None of the parakeets we interviewed could speak as through Fridays (Can 'J;U. 1-(594), well as Blair," said Mrs. Batchelor. 1 pound shredded citron .3 pounds see.ded .:,aisins Things are looking up now, though, A new. parakeet has * ...... 1 pound crystalizecl giriger c?me to .stay. They've put Harvard locks on ,the doors (to Friday, Jan. 23-Lecture on "The Preservation of Capi- altch wIth Yale) and. call the bird, Ringold Lardner 1 glass ,grape juice tal," sponsored by The Grosse Pointe A.A.U.W.-IO a.m, 1 pound sbortening Batchelor. ,. Friday, .Jan. 23-Sigma Gamma Association-Meeting • • * 1 pound sugar 12 eggs and Tea-3 p.m. ... Checking up with Chet Sampson we learn that. Pointers- ~ Tbsp. allspice • * are passing up the Coronation this )'ear, They are booking 1 Tbsp. nutmeg Saturday, Jan. 24-*Ballet Classes-Olga Fricker, In- European trips well after the great event because everyone 1 tsp. cloves structor-9:30 a.m. 1 glass. grape .iel,y wants to avoid the crush. 2 tsp. melted chocolate Saturday," Jan. 24-"PJ Swing Out-Dress-Slacks, Skirts . '" . 1 pound flour, browned and Pajama Tops-Music-Quatro's Yacht Club Combo-9 p.m. They tell us that Florida is more fabulous than ever this 1 pound pecan nuts. * * * Winter. Drop us a card. This is my great-gi'eat-. Monday, Jan. 26-:'Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe-Lunch- :jr. • • grandmother's recipe. Soak eon and 'Meeting-12:15 p.m. As if grandmother weren't dott~. enough about young almonds overnight in the rose- Monday, Jan. 26-Water Color Class-l p.m. water, the fruits in grape grandsons, this is what happened to Mrs, Frederick J, Madel. juice. Cream shortening and ' Monday, Jan. 26-lIIBallet Classes-Olga Fricker, Instruc- She mentioned to Mr. Madel, who at the moment, was income-taxing, that her allowance was sadly depleted only sugar and add well-beaten tor-4:30 p.m. egg yolks, then spices, grape Monday, Jan. 26-Sculpture Class-7:30 p.m. (For infor- to have that nice gentleman roar, ('Not a cent!" • jelly and chocolate. Next add mation call Mrs. Dolega, VA. 2-5548.) She walked down the han to find a small hand grabbing stiffly-beaten egg whites and Monday, Jan. 2~*Recital by Mischa Kottler, Pianist, hers, and the voice of her grandson, young Rickey Peterson, part of flour. Roll fruit jn re- and Georges Miquelle, Cellist-8:30 p.m. (Tickets on sale at comforting, . .Ij\&&i~l';;:: ~a~\~~n~l s~~[i a~~~~~. the Center office.) • • * "Never mind, Grandma, if Grandpa hasn't got it I will ~J~ sell my collection of sea shells and give you ALL the money." JANE AND' SUSAN HARPER OF MORAN ~OAD Picture by Fred Rlln~C1JS nuts and mix thoroughly. Tuesday, Jan. 27-Advanced Oil Painting Class-9:30 ~ ' Bake in a moderate oven (275 a.m. (For information call Mrs. Dolega, VA. 2-5548.) By Jane Schermerhorn ,I . degrees) for three and one- Tuesday, Jan. 27-0ptimist Club of Grosse Pointe- WILFERINGS Don't bother to look for Coronation news in the news- t~iSj addiction for. the. Windsot's half .hours. Luncheon and Meeting-12 Noon. When John Mason Brown was in town the other day he papers; just dash over to Moran road, where Jane and Susan C u:d have been mhented. ----- Tuesday, Jan. 27-Kiwanis Club of Grosse Pointe-Din- told about the two Brooklynites who were surprised that Harper, young daughters of Mr, and ~Irs. Andrew B. Harper, , ,Letters. From Eng)a~d Allan Sheldens III, Family, ner and Meeting-6:30 p.m. Gen. MacArthur and Elder Statesman Herbert Hoover saw Jr., will answer any and a-l-l questIOns. h4.st Chr!stmas, Jane s most Tuesday, Jan. 27-Exchange Club of Grosse Pointe- eye-to-eye on almost every subject. 'ng For seven years they have tl>------cerlshed. g~ft from her parents To Spend Easter in South Dinner and Meeting-,. 6'.30 p.ln. . ' was a mmIature book, covered "Maybe it's because they live at the same boardl been keepmg s~rap books on Canada at a neat 5:30 a.m, He in red morocco, lettered in gold Tuesday, Jan. 27-Beginners Oil Painting Class-7 p.m . . house," suggested one. the royal famIly. At, least took time-out from royal love andl containing the stirring words Mrs. David Weir oC Grosse (For information call Mrs. Dolega, VA. 2-5548.) They do. A t the Waldorf Towers. Jane, now 15 years old, has to bave breakfast although bis delivered by Winston Churchill Pointe and Steubenville, 0., is Tuesday, Jan. 27-Juni6r Optimist Chib-Meeting-7:30 been at it that long. Her daughter was all for getting to upon the death of King George. spendin~ the Winter in Bellaire, p.m. Five-year-old Christopher went to a party in a brand yo~ng fancy ,"..~s struck when ~~~I~o;:o~Vp~~~~l:e~~~t:~~ ;:~, ~heDre~I:e only 50 oC the. books, ;~:. ~,~;sbye~r: dAtbEahstel'tim~ Tuesday, Jan. 27-Grosse Pointe Artist Association- ElIzabeth a prmcess vias en- I m ehOlt.. . \\ I e JOlOe y er son M t' 8 . new suit. When he got borne, ragged holes had been cut into d t 'PhT' leI', Daddy." Maybe tbe fact 'fheir t.reasures include let- m-law and daughter, Mr. and ee mg- p.m. • ., it with a pair of scissors. gage 0, ~ l~. that they breakfasted at tbe ters from ladies in waiting of M~s. Allan Shelden III a~d their ' Tuesday, Jan. 27-Grosse Pomte Men s Chorus-8 p.m. His mother was amazed. new suit?" she Susan, \\ho IS seven years ol?, Prince Edward was the thing tb~' young Queen and Princesschlldren, Allan IV, LIsa and, 'l< * * "'Vhat did you do to your beautiful yawneduntil Elizabethabout thebecamewhole QueenaffaIr that"Shedidwasthe sotrick.tiny!" Jane re- ~iU r~~rtt Rose, thankmg. .. th?m __Susan.__ , \I Tuesday, :Ian. 27-Mother'g Club, St. Paul Ev, Lutheran

~asped. explained Christopher, "I of England and now she's members, "and very beautl'ful." 0 Ir hday ca!ds and sendmg Church-Card Party.-S p.m. _ "'Ve played grocer~' store," . . warmest greetings in return I eatcillng up m great sbape! lIer. But she was still a bit worried, '.' I G1l * • * was a piece. of Swiss cheese. special one is the Princess Mar- too, that her own eyes seemed One was v:rltte~. by 'Jennifer \ I W d d J 28 *.... • C M garet Rose wbo like berself, is glued to Philip wbo is "wonder- Bevan, lady-m-waltlng to Mar- e"""ftceUI UII e nes ay, an. - :::>erVlce ommiltee- eeting-10 '" '" a younger sister. iu].'" garet Rose. Another Iris written i a.m. A very agitated lady got her doctor on the telephone. The attractive living room of Movies ili England by lady-inwaiting, Iris Peake. , W.;dnesday, Jan. 28-Grosse. Pointe Traffic and Safety "Come quickly," she cried, "My ten-year-old boy just the Harper home might have The next best thing to visiting The sc:ap books .cover the Ro~- Club of Grosse Pointe-Luncheon and Meeting-12:15 p.m. swallowed a fountain pen." , been a drawing room at Buck- England themselves, was for al.Weddmg, the BIrths oC BonnIe Wednesday, Jan. 28-*Senior Club-Meeting and Tea- The doctor remained calm~ "I will get over as soon as ingham Palace whep we visited Susan and Jane's uncle and aunt. ~rmceth C~arl~s and Princess 1:30 p..m. I can," he said, "but there are several patients in the office the girls. We wouldn't have been Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Preston nn,. e oya Tour of Canada, Wednesday, Jan. "28-*Ballet Classes~lga Fricker, In- now and you may not see me for three or four hours." surprised if the Dowager Queen Jr. of Media, Pa. who formerly t?e trip to Kenya" the Death of structor-3:45 p.m. . ". "Three or four hours," shrieked the lady, "What will I had paid a visit during the after- lived in Detroit, to make the Kmg C?eorge (J?ne attended t~e \ Wednesday, Jan .. 28-*Ballet Class for Adults-olga do in the meantime?" noon so completely English did trip. memonal sel'vu;:es at ChrIst "I am afraid you will have to use a pencil," said the we. ail become! They took movies of the Duke C:hurch) and Elizabeth's Ascen- I Fricker, Instructor-8 p.m. . In front of a crackling fire, of Edinburgh and the' Princess s~on to th~ Throne. The C:0rona- SKI" PANT.S Wednesday, Jan. 28-:-*Neighbors Club Party' for Hus- doctor. arm loads of scrap books were Margaret Rose as they rode to~lOn scrap books are gettmg fat bands and Friends-8 p.m. A cub reporter in Iowa'" reported'" '" that a local farmer had piled. Besides these Jane and the wedding of the latter's cou- already. ., * * 4< Susan placed a veritable library sin, Gerald Lascelles and An. ",. Tbe Big WIsh Were 16.95 and 19.95 ... Thursday, Jan. 29-Commencement Party for January, been robbed of 2,025 pigs, The night editor thought the figure of books on Elizabeth and Mar- gella" Dowding last August; .1 h~lr teachers at. school save \ 1953 Graduating Class of Grosse Pointe High Sehool-lO:30 pretty high and phoned the farmer to check up. garet. Then we made room for a At this point the girls brought clIppmgs on the subject and Mrs.. p.m. "Is it true that you lost two thousand twenty-five pigs?" young China collection, cups and out Coronation tea towels which Spur of J. L. Huds~n Company's * * "Yeth," sighed the farmer. saucers commemorating royal their aunt bought for them when book dep.artment IS marvelous ENROLL NOW: Ballroom Dancing Classes beginning Feb" tours or weddings or coronations she was in England. It was the about lettu:g them know wl:e~ a Ski Sweaters The editor thanked him and changed the copy to make ruary 5th and 6th.-Call Center, TU. 1-6030, the loss read, "two sows and twenty.five pigs." which friends here gave Susan only memento of the great event new maga.zme'or. book contammg I and Jane, well-knowing their de- to be found in England at the royal stones arrIves. for further information. votian to Elizabeth and Margaret. time (so much of the really Jove- Jane has a pen. pal in Ire- \ Ski Mitts I ' Royal Competition ly ware is being exportecl). The land, Margaret ~)o~d, who also . towels are marked with "Coro- has sent contrIbutions to the I Women's Irt Center Swedish ,Corrective et e Now, as you know, there is ?l- nation" and imprinted with the scrapbooks. Margaret is "North MASSAGE allort towto ways a lot of g?od natured nv- thistle, the York rose, a sheaC oC of Ireland" and a loyal suhject 20756 Mock, neo~ 8 Mile ~ aIry betwee~ sisters and wh.en wheat and a shamrock. of Her l\lajesty. She's oilly New classes now forming for they are sharmg the .r?yal family fourtee"n but bas alrea()y com- 25% Off Residential china painting instructions. O I of England compebtlOn ah;lOst China Collection pleted bigb school, and is look- gets out oC ha~~. . Their china collection includes ~ng forward to beginning ber We carryall supplies for the Service. I They bave dlvlded the morn.mg cups and saucers marking the career in the working world; china painter, also Bavarian CALL ,.I. • a.nd afternoon papers, o.ne clalm- Coronation of Elizabeth. They are Sue worr'le!' a 11'ttleabout Prl'n- china. '.01. JJ.aI'''';} • encl~ag I mg all the Royal Famlly t' splashed with the shamrock " s. . . S Sophia Rivard m ~ orles thistle, Yo.rk rose. daffodl'l and' cess Margaret's beaux all getting Day and Evenings Classes I I m the mornmg paper. tbe other married MY FAVORITE: having sole r.i~hts to those in the the royal cipher. And both find room in their I CUSTOM FIRING 19923 Alcoy afternoon edlh~ns. Anotber bears the pattern of young hearts for Edward, Duke I Mrs. Hazel Ulges, Instructor Book Valley of Decision a RcaecleenndtlaYa..ftrle~gdhtbrfou~,htEover ~iz~:~:~~ls ~~~~~~ng~~~kess'rowsle'tshof Windsor. They wish he could TUxedo 1-1943 LAkeview 1-5427 Author ~ A. J. Cronin ,,1' S ral rom. ng- .' , go home to England to live. I 106 Kercheval Ave.' Character in, a Book. : None in Particular land. . Its cover bears a pIcture amIchids'the,whicbbottomformedof thehercup.wed-Of- They hope they can be excused I Play : Harvey of Eh~abeth II and the Du~e l' b from school on the day oC the I TUxedo 1-5262 Actress Helen Hayes of Edmb~rgh.. Each ~nth lS c~n; ouquet. d Coronation for it would be un-I If You Play • •See Gray! Actor ! ; Henry Fonda t o 1?pet"hl-/d lthddlfferenbtplcture of frometrhee-taoruerocufPCsaanda saducers bearable to miss it . EIZ~l eb an mem ers oC her Ii a an one "I think it would be lovely to CLEARANCE Movie , : Lavendar Hill Mob famlly. that was made wh~n the Queen spend the day in Windsor. It I Movie Actress Ethel Barrymore Well, there was just ONE ~;~~rt:~~~~~J:.te King George will be a holiday for Canadians ------of 300 Movie Actor Charles Laughton calendar and there are TWO and most exciting!" said Jane. TV Show Frerl Waring Program Joung Harpers, Enrytbing was Many years ago, their grand------TV Performer (fern : Jmogene Coca resolve(l when Mr. Harper pre- mothethl'~rs. WI illiam J. Sinclair, 'd C s.elec} at a card-cutting cere- gave elr mot leI' a picture of the LAMPS TV .P erPformer (masc. ) T S1 aesar mony. Susan won~ Do\\'agcl' Queen and K'mg George R ad 10 rogram elephone Hour V which now belongs to the REDUCED Commentator Edward R. Murrow th~OIS tru~go balckove,totMhers.beginningsHarper setof .:::::::=girls and also might.,- impl""__that Rellecliori3 Colum!'1ist : Mark Beltaire an alarm clork for 6 a.m. wben Mag~zme Ladles Home Journal Elizabeth and Philip were mar- by paul «.;Iach. 20% to ~O% MUS1C : All Good Music. ded. She roused her young beau- CUSMANO TUXEDO Song ' Smoke Gets In Your Eyes ty who drank in every impressive RENTALS A beautiful collection drastically Poet Robert Frost word and eve~y beautiful note of \ .~h, the power of advertis- For All Occasions in ! After' making a candid red~ced before inventory. These include Pain tel' Frans Hals the majestic music. • Tuxedos • Directors Suits 5)10' recently of avery well INC. fED. TAX floor lamps, tables lamps and. boudoir Cartoon Dennis The Menace h Sees ~lizabetbthe . . • Full Dress k!l0wn and' often impatient in- l' • Summer Formals dlv1dual, he said in a joke (l Cartoonist ~ : Martv" Yinks. aITarme Clnexktoc wastlmCset for anHarpelear y lamps in a host of styles to add Complete Tallorlnl; and Alterations gue~s), "Now show it to me.'" It's efficient optical system and 300- Sport : .Ice ~katIng date \vi.th royalty \vas \vhen CALL FOR APPOINTMENT enchantment to your home. You're sure Game PInochle Elbabeth and Philip, on their watt lamp provides brilliant, even il- 16233 Mack at Tbree Mile Dr, Tlle woman next to me turned lumination of 2x2-inch slides. And to find designs' and colors to fit Animal : Cat tour of Canada,. paused at Wi1?d- with wide eyes and very ex- TU. 1-3530 a Quiet fan built into the case pra- ' you~ decor. Person (excluding family) All My Friends SOl" " cited exclaimed "Oh! Is that teds them from damaging heat. a Paraloid?" Of course, she Ctyi t.: S t : N :t..} M.~oh~don th:~~tU:~m:n:~r ~v::r~~~,oi~~~ •• vv v v 0-: v v. v •• v ••• i •• v i. meant PolaI:oid but at least she WE MAKE PHO'I:OSTATS Vaca Ion po 01 tern IC Igan whipping through tbe tunnel to reads,the ads. Jewel...... Emeral d . , TELEVISION ~ast week at a lunch counter J1's Color Green APTITUDE TESTS RADI'O my eight-year~old. heir and WIA'9 Perfume Whi te Lilac I rpini!'lture Super-man was enable you to learn the kind 01 S I d\ $ , Casua 1 work YOU can best succeedIn or a es an erv c. reprlmanded gently by me Costume ...... i...... oyer his slightly obnoxious ,ac- Dance Square Dancing the kind ot studies YOU should Complete Line of Records rooow (For men and women,boys hons. He turned to the woman it/I alii .Lamp 8AOp F 00d Red Rasp berries and girls). I JACK O'OONNOR , sitting' across .from us and said PHOTOGRAPHIC ACCESSORIES Aversion Social CHmbers Vocational Counseling. Institute Daniel L. Beck Director ' I casually "He's been with me 1 Day Photo Finishing fC?r.eight years now." Aren't 18650 MACK AVE.,' AT E. WARREN DlVerSIOn .., ,...... Camping 958 MaceabeesBldg.lrEmple11-55-1 '17001 Kercheval TU•.1.1655 : 1'357 E, Warren at Courville 'tI'on T GOld G - 11 . WoodwardNear Warren. kids wonderful? ... AmbI ...... 0 row raceIU y .~.... ~...•.•I Open Eves. 'Till 9 '...;;. TU,. 5-7,418

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