..' • '~I.... .. .".... • See Full Page of Library Picturel Hom. oj Ih. N.ws ros'se. oln e ews Page 10-This Issue. 99 KercbnJlJ TV. 2-8900 Complete News Coverage' of 'All'the Pointes VOLUME I~NO. ~ 5c Per COpy GROSSE POINTE: MICHIGAN, JANUARY 22, 1953 Entered as second Class Matter 13.00 PET Ye~ It the Post 'Office at Detroit. Mlcll. Fully Paid Circulation T' - I IIE}\DLIN ES A Preview 'of Grosse Pointe's New ,Central ,Libr~"r~ Country Day School All Residents , Asked to See As Compiled 6y the May be Purchased New Building Grosse Pointe News Presentation Ceremonies To Thursday, January 15 Be Followed by Open DETROIT FEDERATION of By Public System Teachers (AFL) denies Senate House for Community Internal Security subcommittee charges that Detroit flchools em- Decisior Believed N~ar or. Matter of Acquiring Property to Grosse Pointe's new Cen. ploy 100 or more Communist Enlarge High Facilities in Future tral Library will be dedicat .. teachers. --'------- ed at ceremonies in the mag .. • • • The Grosse Pointe Board of Edu~ation is expected to nificent modern structure at RUNAWAY PASSENGER reach a decision this week on whether or not it will ask the Kercheval avenue and Fisher TRAIN carrying 400 persons voters to approve the JJurchase of the Country Day School road from 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday crashes in Washington's Union property, located next to the High School on Grosse Pointe afternoon, January 25. All Station, injuring at least 98. boulevard. \~'----------- residen'ts of the community C:-ash attributed to brake failure. The decision was postponed at Ohl.Oan K;lled are extended an invitation to • • • a special meeting held last Tues- It attend by the Board of Direc .. Friday, January 16 day night, when two directors, tors of the Friends of the EAST GERMAN Communist Mrs. M. M. Sheaffel' and Sigurd I C h t government reveals morest of its Wendin were absent. It was felt n f )"as a Grosse Pointe Public Library, foreign minister, Georg Dertin- the entire board should be ' Made possible by gifts of Mr. gel'. on charges of high treason. present before any action on such D. M. Ferry, Jr., and the late a question was taken. In,tersect;onIt Murray W. Sales, the building • • • Long Under Consideration is designed to serve the large SENATE GROUP demands" Consideration of the acquisi. central area of Grosse Pointe and Congressional adion to override tion of the Country Day property Fatal Accident Sunday Also to house the administrative of- President Truman'. order to has been going on for some Badly Injures Army Private fices for the library 'system. as transfer oil-rich tidelands to the months. The board of Trustees of From St. Clair Shores well as the basic book collection. navy for national defense pur- the Detroit University School and Many Contributed poses. Grosse Pointe Country Day Funds for most of the furnish. • • • School Corporation, has signified Less than two hours after ings for the building were con- Saturday, January 17 its willingness to sell. with eer.' his car collided with another tributed by Grosse Pointe organ- OLD LAW creates block to confirmation or Charles E. Wil- tain provisions. 'automobile at the intersection izations and individuals. In addi- son as ,ecretary of defense in The corporation has long of Devonshire and Charlevoix, tion to the special appropriation Eisenhower cabinet. Bars from wished to mQve the Country Day on January 18,' Robert Frye, by the Board of Education to office a stockholder in a corpora- School to Cook road, opposite 45, 'died of internal iojuries in strengthen the book collection tion doing business with the Gov- the Detroit University School, so Bon Secours Hospital. for the new Library, the Friends ernment. both institutions would be on the of the Library have received a same campus. A drive for funds Park police said that Frye, who number .of gifts that will be used • • • to accomplish this was launched was a resident of Ohio, failed to also for the purchase of books. "TWO EMPLOYES at Presi- three or four years ago. stop for Charlevoix. He struck The new Library represents dent-elect Eisenhower's New I Faced With Certainty a car d.riven by 2l:year-old ~r- a realization of dreams and the York headquarters have been de- -t'lcture by Fred Runnells The Board of Education is fa~ed my Prlvate .Antonlo J. ~asslse, meeting of a need that has exist- nied tentative White House staff This is just one end of the beautiful new main reading room, showing some of the comfortable chairs and sofas Iwith the certainty that.within the whose ~ome IS at 21819 Ehzabeth, i ed since the Public'Library was positions on basis of unfavorable which will be available for users of the new library. The whole, left wall of this room is solid glass, looking out over not tQo distant future, estimated St. Clair Shores. lorganized in 1929. Under Miss FBI reports. Kercheval avenue. Recessed CQld cathode lighting in the unusual ceiling treatment affords brilliant but glareless at be ween five and 10 years, he Suffers Broken Baek Florence Severs, Director until • • • light. The broad. expanse of panellin'g overhead is teakwoo d, which has been used extensively throughout the building. High School will not be able to I Cassisc, now in Bon Secours' 1949. library service was devel- S~~~Jan~Q18 ----------~-----------------------~,~.------- acr~m~a~ llie st~e~ MWI&~ihl,w~redabrok~b~kjo~dinalliliep~n~~~lli~~ ATTORNEY GENERAL Me- I . I coming up through the elemen. andbr6ken ribs. He is attached first modern building erected in ~r:~e:ito~~::~s U:J~~~~~a~~e~~t 163 Donors IFarms. COllncil Re.cO.lum,.end~ V ot,e",ft,S, to "G,..,;,.0,.,... , ta~r s~~~ol~i\en .be necessary' to ~o~~~~~.YN~~l~~~~~:s,at Fort 1939i.'aCiliues Now Adeq~ate . as most flagrant example of de- G. B.,. d S d H If M II f T P II e~ther con~tr~ct a whole n.ew Police said ~hat both cars were The o~ning of the new Woods. I Jayed justice in the nation. , zV'e. '," 00 I pen lng. a, ......:.1 Ion'. or .0.' '. 0' 8.',on'. high s('hoo1. WIth another fa~~l~y, nearly demolished. Branchjn January, 1952, and the • • • or be abl.e.to expand t?e facIllt~es ., • opening, for service of the new PRESIDENT - ELECT Eisen- I~. I on the ples:nt slte. ~t IS ~he belief Park JaIlbreaker Central Library next Monday, hower reported to be standing I..~A.t' .V enter Improvements at. PI-er, Park Februa'. ry 16 of the b?al d that It Will be far will provide Grosse Pointe with . firm on his choice of Charles E., cheaper In the long run to t~.ke Back, in Custody modern library facilities compar- W~ as defense secretary de- R d C P-I --d W'th R Proposed Bond Issue Will Be Subniitted to Voters at General Woods Will Hold Special over the Country Day School S;1~e able to, any similar community lIPite Senate refusal to confirm e. ross ease I e- a!ld be able to expand. the faclh- in the Country . • ppointme~t because of Wilson's sponse to Latest Pointe City Election Scheduled for Next April b Election on Amendments ties. of the presen~ lugh school A two-week search for a 22- An ~laborate program has been ,tock holdmg~. • • Plea; 209 Tried to The Farms COU11Cl'1recommended a bond I'ssue not to On Same' Day as Primary thel e. In th~ n:eantIme the Coun- ye~r-old escap~e from t~e Grosse planned for the occasion. It will try Day bUlldmg coyld be used Pomte Park Jail ended m down- open' with a presentaion of a flag PRESIDENT TRUMAN ignor~sl Contribute 1 exceed a half-million dollars for the developm~nt and exten- Pointe voters will go to the for the adult education program.", town Detroit on Monday, Janu-II by Walter G. Albrecht, general Congressional protests. and Of!I-1 -:--'. J ion of the municipal pier park last M9nday l1lght. The p:o-I polls in the general county Ne,~ G~'~ I.s .Faetor . ary 19. 'contractor of the building. This cially places offshore 011 depQslls The Red CIOS~ BloodmobIle Iposal will be submitted to }"anns voters at the general CIty election on Februarv 16 to (\nothel consldet?t.l~n that pet-j Donald Treppa, of 2590 Alter I and the raising of the colors by a under navy command. colI.ected 163 pmts of blood election April 6 ,~-------- t th " b 11 t. f". 'd' taInS to the ~CqUISItlO~ of the road, was arrested by Detroit I Color Guard of Boy Scouts will .. .. .. from Pointe residents when it ,. "'.. cas eu a? s . or can 1- CDS property IS the. behef of the police in the afternoon near the take place in front of the build- Monday. January 19 came. to the War Memorial In a report to the council, city the south ~Ide of the.pIOpetty. dales for nommatIon to the 'I school board that In the event Majestic Building. Treppa had ing at 3 o'clock. U. S. NAVY patrol plane Center last F'riday. The col- engineel' Murray M. Smit~ ~rac~d Parkmg Area Stress~d office of Wayne County Audi- t~e voters approve ~he .construc- been arrested on January 2, for! i\Ir.• 'er to C t Ribb crashe~ off South China coas. I . - h b d the development of the plel park Both plans show appr?xlmately I tor.
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