Normalization Dr
Normalization Dr. Zhen Jiang Normalization is a process for determining what attributes go into what tables, in order to reduce the redundant copies (i.e., unnecessary duplicates). In order to understand this process, we need to know certain definitions: • Functional Dependency: Attribute B is functionally dependent on Attribute A, (or group of attributes A) if for each value of A there is only one possible value of B. We say A---> B (A decides B) or (B is functionally dependent on A). Notice this dependent relation is different from the one in real world, such as parent-children dependent relation, why? Consider the following tables – and list the functional dependencies Student(StNum,SocSecNum,StName,age) Emp(EmpNum,SocSecNum,Name,age,start-date,CurrSalary) Registration(StNum,CNum,grade) Dependency defines whether the data of the dependent can be retrieved via this relation. Rule 1: Dependency is defined on the behalf of information search and storage in database, not on importance or any other dependent relation in real life. Therefore, in this class, we have children à parent, not parent à children. • primary key : 1. A single attribute (or minimal group of attributes) that functionally determine all other attributes. 2. If more than one attribute meets this condition, they are considered as candidate keys, and one is chosen as the primary key Rule 2: A key contains a unique value for each row of data. • candidate keys for the Student table are _______________________ for the Emp table ________________________ for the registration table _______________________ 1 For the tables with more than one candidate key, what should be chosen for the primary key? Determining functional dependencies Consider the following table Emp(Enum,Ename,age,acctNum,AcctName), what are the functional dependencies? Can we ensure? In order to determine the functional dependencies we need to know about the “real world model” the database is based on.
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