Program Description

Circus Center’s Pre-Professional Youth Program is a yearlong training program for youth who are passionate about circus arts and committed to their training. ● Summer Session: June 10 – August 16, 2019 (Students are required to complete a certain number of hours of training, but they may arrange this to fit their summer schedule.) ● Fall Session: August 27 – December 14, 2018 (Rising Stars begins September 4) ● Winter/Spring Session: January 7 – May 24, 2019

Circus Center’s Pre-Professional Program has four levels: ● Rising Stars – Level 1 (ages 7-14): Students who are ready to commit to serious circus training start their journey in our Rising Stars program. In RS - Level 1, students develop the strength, flexibility, coordination, and discipline to train circus. Students focus on conditioning, stretching, and tumbling while being introduced to basic circus skills. Rising Stars – Level 1 train on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-6:20 pm. ● Rising Stars – Level 2 (ages 8-14): Students who demonstrate proficiency in the RS - Level 1 skills are invited to move to Level 2. In RS – Level 2, students master the fundamentals in a broad range of circus skills, including , aerial, balance, , and clowning. RS – Level 2 students continue to develop strength, flexibility, and coordination. Rising Stars train on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-6:20 pm. ● Super Novas (ages 9-16)– Students deepen their circus training when they advance to Super Novas. They choose two areas of circus to specialize in while continuing to improve their strength, flexibility, tumbling, and juggling. The Super Novas also develop their performance skills through weekly dance and acting classes as well as participating in performance events throughout the year. Super Novas train Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 4:00–6:20 pm. ● Youth Circus (ages 10-18)– Circus Center’s youth performance troupe receives professional-caliber circus training. In addition to training their specialty at an advanced level, students continue enhancing their tumbling, juggling, and performance skills. SF Youth Circus also grow as artists as they focus more on act development and perform at events throughout the year. SF Youth Circus attend Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 4:00-6:25 pm and are required to train on their own an additional day each week. In the Fall and Spring, SF Youth Circus also attend rehearsals for the Winter Showcase and their final Spring Show.

755 FREDERICK ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117 415-759-8123


Attendance Policy

Circus Center’s Pre-Professional students are expected to make a commitment to this intense and time-consuming program. Circus is an extremely difficult and demanding discipline that requires time, dedication, and focus. Students must manage their time so that they are able to complete their schoolwork and family commitments while also making time for circus. This requires a commitment from the family as well. It is imperative that students attend all classes and rehearsals. Missing class hampers students’ progress in their training. Missing rehearsal slows down progress on the show and is unfair to the rest of the ensemble.

We understand that life happens and sometimes absences are necessary. Similar to adults in the workplace, students in our program are allotted a certain number of absences for the year. We hope that students will not need to use all of these. Absences may be used if the child is sick, has a mandatory school event, or an unavoidable family commitment. Students who miss more than their allotted absences will be put on Probation. If an additional absence occurs while on Probation, the student will not be able to perform in the show for that term. Additional absences while on Probation will result in the students being asked to leave the program. No refunds are given in this situation. • Youth Circus students are allowed 12 absences from September – May. • Super Novas are allowed 14 absences from September – May. • Rising Stars are allowed 10 absences from September – May.

There are some dates throughout the year that are mandatory. These include the orientation, evaluations, performances, and key rehearsals leading up to performances. Absences may NOT be used for mandatory dates. If a student is absent on a Mandatory date, they will automatically be put on probation. The exception is if the student is sick, has a religious holiday, or has a mandatory school commitment. In one of these cases, we expect a note from your doctor, religious community, or school. We encourage families to plan vacations and travel during our breaks. Please see the attached calendar for Mandatory Dates and Breaks.

We know that some students struggle to arrive on time for class due to commutes or late school dismissal. Students warm up from 4:00-4:30. Warming up is extremely important for safe training. If your child will regularly be arriving late, please be sure to note this in the registration form. If your child is unable to arrive by 4:20 pm, this is not the program for them. It is unsafe and disruptive to have students arriving past 4:20 pm. We understand this is a strict policy. However, this commitment is necessary for students to effectively train at a high level. This program is NOT for everyone. If this seems beyond what you are able to commit to, we encourage you to consider training in our Recreational Program which has a variety of classes and levels.

755 FREDERICK ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117 415-759-8123


Discipline Policy

Students in the Youth Program are expected to adhere to the following rules in addition to all policies set forth in the Handbook:

● RESPECT instructors and fellow students. ● RESPECT the space and equipment. ● Practice safe behavior at all times. ● Wear appropriate attire. ● Do not climb on or use circus equipment without the permission of an instructor. ● Put forth your best effort at all times. ● Follow the structure of class and participate in all aspects of class. ● Do not use phones during training time unless an instructor gives you permission to take a picture or video for training purposes.

For minor disciplinary incidents, students will be given a verbal warning. If a student receives 3 verbal warnings in one class day, they will be asked to sit out for the duration of the current activity or the remainder of the class (depending on the seriousness of the infraction). For a serious or dangerous disciplinary incident, a student may be asked to sit out of class immediately. Parents will be notified when students are asked to sit out of class. If a student is asked to sit out of class three times, the student will be put on probation.


A student may be put on probation for attendance or discipline issues. Please see the Attendance Policy and Discipline Policy for details. When a student is put on probation, a meeting will be arranged for the parents, student, program director, and head coach. During this meeting an action plan will be developed. If the student follows the action plan, after one month they will be back in normal standing. However, if a student has an infraction while on probation, they will be removed from performances for that term. If an additional infraction occurs, the student will be asked to leave the program. No refunds are given in this situation.

755 FREDERICK ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117 415-759-8123


Independent Training Policy

Rising Stars students are NOT allowed to train independently at Circus Center. Super Novas may stretch, juggle, and do ground conditioning on their own before class begins. San Francisco Youth Circus students are granted Independent User Status. If you are in the SF Youth Circus, please continue to read for more details on what this means.

SF Youth Circus students are encouraged to train independently. In order to really progress and grow as circus artists, they need to train more hours than we have in class. Students may come in before class or on their days off to train independently at Circus Center.

There are legal, liability issues as well as basic safety and common sense concerns related to independent training. Therefore there are restrictions on Youth Circus students’ independent training. Please read the guidelines carefully.

● Youth Circus students with IU forms completed may train independently on approved apparatus. ● Students may NOT rig any equipment unless they have completed the Aerial Rigging Certification course. ● Students who are under 16 MUST be accompanied by a parent or instructor. If a parent is not available, they can authorize another adult to act as a guardian. In this case, they MUST fill out the guardianship form (included). ● Youth Circus students MAY stretch, juggle, do ground conditioning, and do handstands without a parent or guardian. They may NOT do flips or be on any equipment including poles, , or aerial equipment. ● Youth students may NOT use the trampoline without an instructor at the trampoline. ● Students training independently must return all equipment to its appropriate location and abide by Circus Center’s Rules of Conduct.

Youth Circus students who do not abide by these rules risk losing their Independent User status.

755 FREDERICK ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117 415-759-8123


Parent Involvement

We encourage parents to be involved in their child’s training. It is important to us that you communicate problems, concerns, and special needs. We work very hard to meet each child’s unique needs. We can only do this if we have a full picture of what is going on with each student.

In the fall as the program commences, we have orientations for the parents and students in each level. We go over schedules and expectations for the year. This is also a great time to meet the head coaches as well as other parents of students in the program. In January- February, we have parent-stduent-teacher conferences to check in on how students are doing and make specific training goals for the remainder of the year. In June, we hold another round of parent-student-teacher conferences to review how the year went, to make goals for the summer, and to look at the plan for the student in the fall. Please make an effort to attend each of these.

Parents are always invited to watch class from the bleachers in the gym. Parents are requested not to interact with youth or instructors during class time; however, questions for youth instructors are welcome BEFORE and/or AFTER class. The program director and head coaches are also available by email.

There is a Google Group that allows youth program families to get in touch with one another. If you are new to the program, you will receive an invite. We will also share a contact list with emails of everyone who has given their approval. If you have not yet joined but would like to, please let us know and we will invite you. Monthly newsletters are sent out by email with reminders and updates. Please be sure to read these carefully as they include important information.

Finally, we have multiple opportunities throughout the year to socialize as well as for parents to volunteer. We have a family potluck picnic in the fall which is a great time to meet and spend time with the other families in the program. We offer movie nights, workshops, and team building experiences for the students throughout the year. There are many opportunities to get involved as a volunteer. We always need parent volunteers for the Winter Showcase and Spring Shows and recitals. Please try to help out when you can.

755 FREDERICK ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117 415-759-8123


General Policies

Food and Drink: Eating is not permitted at any time during class. No food is allowed in any training space including: the Gymnasium, Theater, Basement Studio, Trapeze Room, and Green Room. Drinks are allowed in closed containers. Students and staff are requested to be especially careful when carrying hot beverages. Once emptied, paper cups, cans, plastic bottles, etc. must be disposed of in the proper receptacles. Empty containers left in the building will be disposed of.

Students are encouraged to bring water bottles with them to reduce use of disposable cups. Please make sure that your name is on your water bottle.

Clothing and Hygiene: Students should wear form-fitting activewear. Students should have tights or pants that can cover their knees to avoid burns. No jeans or jewelry are allowed at any time. Hair must be tied back and away from face. Braids are highly recommended. Girls who need bras should wear sports bras. We work very closely with everyone so please make sure that you are clean; students should wear deodorant and clean socks.

Students are expected to pay a uniform fee. This covers a t-shirt that will be provided by Circus Center for each student. This fee also covers the cost of costumes for performances throughout the year. Students who do not pay this fee will not have the necessary costumes for performances and may not be able to perform with the group.

All students in our Pre-Professional Program need Feiyue Acro shoes that they can use throughout the year. You can purchase these on Amazon: Claw-Feiyue-Martial- Shoes/dp/B00LI6V13A/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1498752394&sr=8- 3&keywords=feiyue. We do have a trade program since students quickly grow out of shoes. You may bring in old ones and see if there is a new pair that fits better. Please make sure that you have your name on your shoes as they all look the same.

755 FREDERICK ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117 415-759-8123


Circus Nutrition: Students should eat a healthy snack before class that will help to fuel their bodies during training. Circus is extremely physically demanding, and students need to eat a snack with protein and healthy carbohydrates prior to training. Please make sure that your child has good food options between school and circus training. Some examples of good snacks include: an apple and nuts, a hard-boiled egg and a banana, edamame and fruit, berries and yogurt, and the quickest and easiest is protein bars. Chips, cookies, and candy are NOT good to eat before training.

Nutrition is not just important before training. It is vital that students are getting the nutrients they need, especially for our upper level students who are training multiple days a week. Please be sure that your child is eating a varied diet that includes protein, multigrains, and produce.

Personal Items and Lockers: Students should place their backpacks, clothing, shoes, and other items in designated cubicles -- NOT in the middle of passageways, in doorways, or in the way of other students and/or visitors. Youth Circus students are assigned lockers. Students should bring a padlock for their locker. Super Novas are assigned shared lockers and can work with their partner to provide a lock.

Training Spaces: It is very important that students only train circus in training spaces. Students should never be doing acrobatics in the hallways. Students should never climb on or use equipment without the permission of an instructor.

Instruction: The Youth Program teachers are all highly trained and experienced. Student safety is our priority. In order to provide the best instruction, teachers will need to touch students. Teachers use hands-on teaching to spot students in new skills, to actively stretch students, and to help students make corrections to their body position. Students should always let an instructor know if something is painful or doesn’t feel right.

755 FREDERICK ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117 415-759-8123


Injuries: While injuries are not a common occurrence, they do happen. If a student is injured during class time, the instructors follow protocol for handling the injury. Our instructors are only authorized to administer ice and bandaids. If an injury requires medical attention, parents are immediately notified. If parents cannot be reached, we are required to call 911 for an ambulance.

If a student has an ongoing injury that prevents them from participating in class activities, we need notification from parents. We do not want students to train on an injury, but we need to have parental verification of the problem. If a student has recurring pain or an ongoing injury, we encourage parents to seek help from a physical therapist. Our instructors are happy to have students do their physical therapy exercises in class as part of their warm-up and/or conditioning.

Socializing: Training should be fun, and we encourage students to make friends with one another. However, training also requires focus and discipline. Students should not socialize and talk too much during class time. This is especially important during the warm-up and teacher instructions. The more focused students are during training, the more they will grow as circus artists.

Cell phones are never to be used inside the training spaces for phone calls, texting, or internet browsing. Students may use a cell phone during class only if an instructor invites them to photograph or video something they are working on.

755 FREDERICK ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117 415-759-8123