YOUR Community Newspaper April 2016 No. 32, Primary school library reopens after makeover by MEGAN BALE

ON World Book Day (3 March), Reepham Primary School’s li- brary was reopened as a colourful wonderland thanks to a donation from the school’s “Friends” committee. Local artist Daniel Fromings agreed to paint the once ordi- nary-looking library so the walls are now covered in beautiful masterpieces of many of our favourite books and characters, including The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis, Matilda by Roald Dahl, Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan and Winnie the Pooh by A. A. Milne. Accompanying each of these heart-warming illustrations is a quote from the book, which has inspired many to pick up a book and read. In addition to the new paintings, a selection Above: Mark Farrar, principal of Reepham High School & College, opens of vibrantly coloured bean bags and a multi-coloured sofa the newly revamped library at Reepham Primary School. Left: Primary have been arranged in the library to make it a more relaxing school pupils relaxing with a good book experience. said Mr Fromings, “but also because I Reepham Primary School acting head teacher just like dragons.” Catherine Ogle made the decision to repaint the He revealed that this is not the first library as she had always wanted book characters time he’s painted the library: in 1998 on the library walls. when he was a pupil at Reepham Pri- “Now that the walls have been painted, the mary School, each class had to vote children are more inclined to come in and pick for their favourite book character and up a book,” she commented. “The children can his class voted for Matilda. relax, be inspired and read.” Each of the classes then got to paint Mr Fromings, the “miracle worker” who painted their chosen character on the library the library, worked with teachers and children walls and so consequently Mr Fromings from the school to put together this amazing project; it took helped paint Matilda. him more than 60 hours to decorate the whole library. Unfortunately, however, when the library was rebuilt, his The Alex Rider (Anthony Horowitz) logo took the longest artwork was painted over. Now he has returned to paint in as there were lots of different tones to use. The Boy Overboard the library once more, replacing what was lost. (Morris Gleitzman) artwork was one of the hardest as there Mark Farrar, principal of Reepham High School & College, weren’t any illustrations he could use from the book. Instead officially opened the library and said he was delighted with the artist had to get images from online sources and put these what he saw. He thought the furniture looked “great and together to make one big picture. comfy” and that there was a “fantastic range of books”. “My favourite picture is the dragon (Beast Quest) because it is really nice and gives a good impression of the character,” CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 4 RPS professionalilitlti print solutionns e: [email protected] 01603 871102 Church St. Reepham NR10 4JWW ENNJOY THE HAMPTTON’S EXPERRIENCE....

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On-site parkiing behind the barn. Wee’’rre situated just offff the Dereham Road (10670) at Bawdeswell Hamptons @The Barn, Dereham Road, Bawdeswell, Norffoolk, NR20 4AA Reepham Life, April 2016 3 news Reepham Life is a free monthly newspaper published by Reepham Community Press Mother’s challenge for Birdy’s 10k Run EDITOR Geoff Fisher ADVERTISING Judy Holland A MOTHER from Reepham, whose 19- Award at Reepham College, which helps WEBSITE Jeremy Brockman year-old daughter Katja was killed in a students financially as they apply to Printed by: Colour Print, Norwich road accident in No- university. vember 2013, is to “Thirteen students were helped last EDITORIAL ADDRESS Reepham Community Press compete in the year,” said Ms Livsey, who runs Angelica Homerton House, 74 Cawston Road Grand East Anglia Florists in the Market Place. “Hopefully, Reepham, NR10 4LT Run, a 10-km course we will be able to do even more in 2016. Tel: 01603 308158 in King’s Lynn on I’m training for this run and my ambition Email: [email protected] Sunday 1 May. at this point is not to come last!” Web: Hilary Livsey is Money will also be donated to Norfolk The views expressed in Reepham raising money for Police to help promote awareness of Life are not necessarily those of the the Katja Hansen road safety to young drivers. Publishers or the Editor Livsey Achievement All material is strictly copyright and all rights reserved All material submitted for publication, Station owner says assets must be including letters to the editor, may be edited for reasons of space and clarity used to keep the railway operating WITH plans for the development of mesh fence would also be fitted along proposed for the space between the Whitwell Station under fire from nearby the entire length of the new track along- track and the opposite platform. “And residents and the horse-riding commu- side the Marriott’s Way. to be honest, cyclists are often a bigger nity, the station’s owner says the site’s Whitwell Station said it is working problem to other users of the footpath assets must be used to their maximum closely on these plans with Norfolk than horses,” he said. to enable the railway to survive and County Council, which owns the foot- Whitwell Station has also applied to prosper. path/bridleway. extend the premises licence to midnight Whitwell & Reepham Station opened Mr Urry said that, in recent months, on Friday and Saturday evenings to in 1882 and was closed in 1959, the very few horses came past the station, cater for the growing number of private track-bed being used as part of the pointing out that existing parts of Mar- functions. Marriott’s Way long-distance footpath in riott’s Way are narrower than the gap In particular, the Station has rapidly 1993. become a wedding venue, offering a Having been identified as a possible whole package including arriving on a location for a travellers’ site, local busi- steam train, a wedding breakfast in The nessman and rail enthusiast Mike Urry Sidings function room and the ceremony bought the derelict site in 2007, forming in the old station building, as well as the Whitwell & Reepham Railway Preser- the evening function. vation Society, with aims to restore the With the permanent “marquee” now station, re-lay track and set up a railway completed, 13 weddings have already museum. The station was reopened in been booked this year, as well as several February 2009. 50th birthday parties and a high school The society now wants to re-lay track reunion (the current premises licence on the Marriott’s Way to enable disabled will only permit late closing on up to and elderly passengers to board the 15 nights a year). heritage diesel and steam trains at one Mr Urry stressed that the permanent of the original station platforms. midnight licence on Fridays and Saturdays A revised planning application has would only be used for special events, been submitted which provides for a adding that the functions business had “traffic light” warning system, with all evolved in recent years based on demand train movements to be publicised on the website. A two-metre high wired Mike Urry CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 4 4 Reepham Life, April 2016 views

Home truths about parking fondly remembers, were a menace, too. want to see it die. I HAVE never wholly agreed with Bill Stephen Howard, Church Street, Why should we have to live in a Rose in his heartfelt campaign against Reepham “theme park” to give amusement to vis- motor vehicles. itors? They will not come looking if His “accident waiting to happen” phi- Bigger plan? there are no facilities. losophy smacks of health and safety IS it time our elected representatives And why shouldn’t we have another gone mad, and his role in driving Hamp- stood up to the County Hall mandarins? takeaway? Why shouldn’t we have an- ton’s away from Reepham does not With regard to the Original Country other small supermarket? Why shouldn’t seem to have reduced the number of Cottage Company wanting to use part we have more housing? Everywhere parked cars on Norwich Road. of the fire station grounds for parking, has to grow and develop to survive. Nevertheless, he does point out some Norfolk County Council claim they have Name and address supplied home truths. The breakdown of negoti- to “deliver a proper return” [Reepham ations to convert the rear of the fire sta- Life, March 2016]. Heritage support tion into a car park, which featured What return are they getting for it WE are fully supportive of the proposed alongside Bills’s article in Issue 31 [Reep- now? Surely something is better than plan to extend the railway line to include ham Life, March 2016], is a frustrating nothing. the platform at Whitwell Station. indictment of the town’s failure to deal This would go a long way to easing It is important that the heritage of the with some fundamental issues of traffic parking problems in Reepham, perhaps line is supported and encouraged for management. encouraging businesses to take over our children and for their children to I find it ironic, though, that in this ar- the vacant shops and in the longer term see and experience. ticle, Bill seems to castigate coach and revive the community. While we fully understand the concerns bus drivers for getting in the way of Or is this part of a bigger plan to of a minority of horse-riders that the distressed car drivers. close the fire station and sell the land engines could spook the horses, to try One would have thought that local for housing? to claim that employment will be affected coaches not only provide a vital service On a similar note, what right does is at best fanciful and a desperate ploy for those without cars, but ought to con- someone living in Australia have to tell to stop the plans. tribute to the general reduction in the me I should live in the “dark ages”? We do not think that cyclists or walkers number of motor vehicles in the town. I, too, was born in the town and it would be frightened or spooked by the And I bet the horse-drawn carriages he has always been my home. I do not presence of rail engines; in fact the op-

Town Council responds to parking issues Following last month’s article on traffic was recognised that they would all “Unfortunately, our limited resources and parking in Reepham, the Town have consequences on parking else- and funding mean that we are only Council has made the following com- where in the town. able to implement changes in locations ments. Any changes to the highway, with which are identified as requiring changes the introduction of yellow lines etc., highlighted by accident and incident Reepham Town Council is incredibly would have significant financial impli- statistics, as this allows us to prioritise limited in what action it is able to take cations and only move parking issues locations meaning that our resources with regards to traffic management and elsewhere. The Town Council continues are used efficiently.” parking. to monitor and review the situation. NCC Highways are responsible for From November 2011, Norfolk became The Town Council remains fully in repairing potholes and repairing roads/ “decriminalised” for the purposes of support of The Original Cottage Com- footpaths where appropriate and they parking enforcement both on- and off- pany’s attempts to secure parking at have an online form where residents street. the fire station as it recognises this will can report problems: Kings Lynn Parking Operations are ease the parking situation in Station responsible for the enforcement of on- Road car park and hopes Norfolk County Alternatively, if you contact the Town street parking violations in Reepham Council will review its decision to turn Clerk she will report the issue for you. under delegated authority from Norfolk down the proposal to use the rear of The Town Council would again appeal County Council, so regrettably the Town Reepham Fire Station for car parking. to residents to be considerate to other Council (and Police) have no powers At the last Town Council meeting, people’s needs and park responsibly. to take action against inconsiderate the problems experienced by people The Town Council encourages and drivers. in Back Street and Church Street were welcomes suggestions and reminds res- In February 2015, the Town Council discussed. Residents made some valu- idents that there are currently Councillor sought advice from District able suggestions at how the situation vacancies. Council (as owners of Station Road car might be improved. These suggestions If you wish to be part of a team park) on ways to increase the parking were taken to Norfolk County Council working together for the benefit of opportunities in Reepham, and although Highways for consideration, but their Reepham, please put yourself forward several solutions were considered it response was as follows: and become a Councillor. Reepham Life, April 2016 5 views posite – it would be very interesting to most to see up close, but safely, the heritage engines. Peter and Suzanne Stainton, Heydon

Joe Norris will be missed I AM really sorry to hear that David (Joe) Norris had died. There will be so many people who will miss him. He did so much for Reepham Town Football Club and the carpet bowls club, not just by organising fixtures, but also arranging tournaments to raise money for both clubs. Joe was a real character – and a wind-up merchant: he could make you believe something was true when it was far from it. I and my friends Stella and Bert “All right, where is he?” would like to express our sorrow at his passing to his family. raised was used for a new flag and donated over £2,100 to the Fund from Evelyn Whall, Reepham the mast repaired at the Church. the wonderful Christmas lights display Moira Dye, Chairman, Royal at their family home in Richmond Festival thanks British Legion Women’s Section, Rise, also from their fundraising events Reepham Branch at Christmas in Reepham evenings. ON behalf of the Women’s Section of Well done to you all, your support the Royal British Legion, we would has been very much appreciated. like to thank the Reepham Music Fes- Christmas lights donation letters Jeannette Overton, Sun Barn Road, tival for the donation of £100. THANK you once again to the Tooley Reepham As it is our 70th anniversary we are family for the donation of £140 to the hoping that with any money raised Reepham Patient Care Fund, which during the year we will able to buy will help with the running costs of When you write or email... please give the Reepham Rovers. your name, address and daytime telephone something of value to the community. number – otherwise we will ignore it On our 60th anniversary the money Over the years the Tooleys have

Rotary round-up evening was a success and enjoyed 2017 (see page 11). by many members and friends. It has been agreed to make a dona- BY the time you read this the annual Although it may seem early, we are tion to help set up a dementia memory Technology Tournament will have pushing ahead with plans for a Reep- room in co-operation with other clubs. taken place at the Hewett Academy ham Food Festival to be held in May Jef Wilson [email protected], in Norwich. This year we were ex- pecting 92 pupils to take part, up from 80 last year. YOUR TWEETS In February, we were joined by Tweet your views to @reephamlife members of the Reepham Chamber l Congratulations to The Chimes B&B in Reepham, who have been awarded a food hygiene of Commerce and we each learned rating of 5. Broadland District Council something of the other’s organisation l We featured in the latest Feast Norfolk magazine. Fab recipes from chef Ray. Eggcellent and discussed ways in which we some might say! The Dial House could work together more closely for l Lovely to see the Dial House in Feast Norfolk magazine. Definitely trying out some of those recipes! LauraJayneAnne the town. l Great turn out by Reepham Runners at the StodyXCountry Hunny Bell XC. Craig Farr Meanwhile, the quiz and chips Art classes Summer term starts Monday 4 April Watercolour and drawing instruction, plus mixed-media classes at Cawston, Marsham, and Holt Contact: Clementina Sutton 01603 872441 Art classes 6 Reepham Life, April 2016 news

Primary school library Year 6s will monitor the library to help reopens after makeover organise books, scan them out and give helpful book suggestions to pupils. FROM PAGE 1 Thanks to this system it is hoped the “Reading is fun and enjoyable,” Mr children will be inspired more often. Year Farrar continued, “and if you have pictures 6 student Megan Bale commented: “I of stories then you are inspired to read.” think it is a great idea to let pupils come He particularly liked the Harry Potter in the library at lunch times to read. (J. K. Rowling) quote (as did Mrs Ogle) “I love to calm down and chill when because it is quite moving and stuck in surrounded by books, so no doubt his mind. He also quite liked the picture Local artist Daniel Fromings puts the finishing others will find this too.” of Matilda. touches to a Harry Potter quote on the library Everyone loves the new library and its Mr Farrar hoped the artwork and fur- walls books there. Reepham Primary School is niture will make a big impact on the high school. extremely grateful to Mr Fromings, Mrs way pupils use the library and that it As a way to let pupils at Reepham Ogle and everyone else who helped piece sends out a sense of fun. He believed Primary visit the library more frequently, together this colourful and fun space. the library’s new look is more welcoming the school has introduced the Year 6s and he would definitely consider having to library monitoring. Every day of the Megan Bale is a Year 6 pupil at paintings like Reepham Primary’s at the week at lunch time a small group of Reepham Primary School

‘Assets must be used to an annual model railway show, and trying to use all our assets to generate keep the railway operating’ Halloween and New Year’s Eve parties. money to maintain it and develop it In addition, there are the monthly further,” he said. FROM PAGE 3 Steam Sundays, an Easter Egg Hunt at “It is important that businesspeople from the public and from society mem- Easter and the popular Santa Specials at are involved to manage and run railway bers. Christmas; Whitwell Station has also preservation societies – not just well- “We do understand our neighbours’ been the main sponsor of the Reepham meaning enthusiasts, who may have concerns and will work with the district Music Festival for the past five years. little or no commercial experience.” council to monitor noise if needed. We Meanwhile, the hugely successful Friday Mr Urry, who has invested around will also do everything possible to miti- “bikers nights” appear to have the support £500,000 of his own money in the pur- gate noise to whatever level is required. and involvement of the police. “We do chase of the site and the construction of “We just need everyone to be reason- everything we can to encourage safe, re- the function room, said it was a schoolboy able. I am more than happy to meet sponsible motorcycle riding and for bikers dream to own and run a railway. with residents and local representatives to be considerate to our neighbours when Three local people are now employed; to discuss how we can move forward arriving and departing,” said Mr Urry. everyone else is a volunteer and “no on this issue.” The Station also offers bicycle hire one has taken any money out of the Besides weddings, the list of events and has a small campsite for five caravans, railway – myself included”, Mr Urry being held at Whitwell Station is growing. motorhomes or tents. The latest culinary stressed. “Whitwell Station brings a lot It already hosts Reepham & District Pho- development is to offer fine dining for of money into Reepham.” tographic Club, Whitwell Station Theatrical special occasions, and there are plans to He added that the current length of Society, Reepham Young Farmers Club convert one of the railway carriages into track is not sufficient to keep railway and Swing & Lindy Hop lessons, as well a restaurant car with an à la carte menu. enthusiasts coming back, “so we need as holding regular classic car, kit car Mr Urry explained that running a her- to extend the line. We have a long-term and hot rod evenings, beer festivals, a itage railway is a hugely expensive busi- desire to go somewhere.” 1940s weekend, an annual steam rally, ness. “The key thing is that we are now

Business support group for the self-employed and business goal setting. The dates for the next meetings are: ANYONE who is self-employed, a free- meet other people working for them- 20 April, 8 June, 6 July and 7 Septem- lancer or working from home is invited selves and to encourage and support ber. to join an informal business support each other in continuing to develop This group operates in conjunction group that meets on Wednesday morn- and grow our businesses. with the Reepham Business Network, ings most months in the Dial House, People can bring an issue and ask for which meets fortnightly at V’s Café, Market Place, Reepham. others’ ideas and use each other as Townsend Corner, Reepham, at 7.30 The group meets at 9.15 am for a 9.30 sounding boards. am for breakfast, facilitated by local so- am start and normally finishes by 11 In future the group is planning to licitor David Laws. am. The cost is £6 for tea or coffee have different members share short pre- Sam James along with a selection of cakes. sentations on, for example, online mar- n For further information, email: The meetings are a great place to keting, branding, social media, marketing [email protected] Reepham Life, April 2016 7 YOUR COUNCIL MATTERS

More complaints about Your Town Council Chairman: Les Paterson dog fouling on playing field Hayden Key Jack Mortimer THERE were three topics of more gen- Marriott’s Way, before the application Janet Pender-Cudlip eral public interest that were dealt can be dealt with. Michael Pender-Cudlip with at the Town Council and Stimp- At the time of writing we have no John Rawlinson son’s Piece Trustee meetings held in further information, but if anybody Gary Saunders the Town Hall on 9 March. wishes to make representations, either Andrea Wilson The first concerned the application in support of or opposed to the appli- Anne Woollett for a variation of the premises licence cation, can they please contact Broad- for Whitwell Station. This would involve land District Council direct. Town Clerk: Jo Boxall extending the opening hours to 24:00 Options for the Pound Finance Officer: Sally Gill (midnight) on Friday and Saturday The future of the Pound, the small nights. grassed area behind the iron railings visitors the fouling particularly impacts Having received comments from res- in front of the churchyard, was also on the football club, which may find idents and members of the public, discussed. that matches have to be cancelled or both in support of and opposed to The railings and wall need some postponed if the problem persists, and the application, the Council decided tender loving care and we have had on the nursery, which needs to take to neither support nor oppose the ap- informal discussions with Barbara Horn- small children on to the field. plication, but to draw attention to the brook, Broadland District Council’s While the Trustee welcomes respon- need for proper control of noise from heri tage officer, regarding options for sible dog owners and their animals on the venue and for conditions imposed restoring the area. Stimpson’s Piece, it was agreed that by the premises licence and planning Following a proposal from the Royal some restrictions on the use of the requirements to be adhered to. British Legion for a war memorial to field by dogs needed to be reintro- Planning application be erected in the Pound, the Town duced. With regard to the planning applica- Coun cil has agreed to investigate the In future, dogs should be kept on tion for relaying railway track along alternatives that are available and to leads at all times except in the desig- part of Marriott’s Way at Whitwell sta- seek possible sources of funding. nated dog-walking area in the lower tion, which was discussed at the Feb- Dog fouling part of the field, beyond the tennis ruary Town Council meeting, we be- The Trustee of Stimpson’s Piece has courts and the second football pitch, lieve that Broadland District Council increasingly been receiving complaints where they can run free under the is awaiting further information from of dog fouling on the field. control of their owners. We also ask Norfolk County Council, the owner of Apart from the general nuisance to that dogs should be kept off the football pitches at all times. It should go without saying that we expect owners to clear up after their animals. Dog bins are provided at the Bartle Court entrance to Stimpson’s Piece, at the entrance to the car park in Kerdiston Road and at the end of the footpath to Kerdiston Road, oppo- site Catchback Lane. Suitable notices will be erected as soon as they are available. Flyposting complaints We have been receiving complaints of flyposting, both within the town and on Marriott’s Way. Can we remind residents that noticeboards are situated around the town and it should not be Dogs should be kept on leads at all times, except in the necessary for anybody to leave notices designated dog-walking area in the lower part of Stimpson’s Piece. Dog bins (right) are provided at several entrances to the field where they are neither appropriate nor welcome.

Contact us – we can only do what you want if we know what you want Town Council Office, Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, Norfolk NR10 4JW Tel: 01603 873355 Email: [email protected] 8 Reepham Life, April 2016

DUDLEY’S BAR Open 11am till late A comfortable, relaxed, informal bar with Riverside Terrace for alfresco dining. Dudley’s bar offers an array of beers, wines and spirits. Simply prepared tasty CARVERY EVERY SUNDAY light bites are available to suit all palates. ONLY £8.95 VINES RESTAURANT Open 12 noon - 3pm, 6pm - 9pm Booking not essential Visit our Vines Restaurant with traditional but soft settings. We offer a wide range of mouth watering menus for family celebrations to intimate evening dining. Our renowned award winning Chef is able to offer delightful cuisine. Not only are we a wedding venue, We only use the freshest local produce in all of our dishes. Open to everyone, so come down and see us! Whether it’s for a drink, afternoon tea we are much much more! or for a bite to eat. Reepham Life, April 2016 9 business Brewery gets funding for new bottling line

REEPHAM’S Panther Brewery has secured local breweries, which will create more funding towards the purchase of a new job opportunities at Panther Brewery. bottling line. The fully automated equip- The funding valued at £27,000 (40% ment from Borelli of Italy will enable of the project’s cost) was obtained from the brewery to expand and produce the Rural Development Programme of 1,000 labelled bottles per hour. Suprima Norfolk via the Wensum and Coast Local Service of Ipswich will manage the Action Group, which enables businesses £80,000 project, which includes com- and organisations to undertake projects missioning and installation. that support job creation and/or eco- “We were keen to acquire a bottling nomic growth in the area. line to increase production of our alco- “We are excited to say that our appli- hol-free real ale, Hopsta, which we re- cation was the first to be approved this leased late last year,” said Martin James, Borelli filling/capping unit for bottle-fermented year,” said Mr James. head brewer. beer, part of the equipment to be installed by Panther Brewery has also launched a Suprima Service for Panther Brewery “Although we have had a lot of en- new initiative to support local pubs by quiries about supplying national super- of brewing in Reepham and this expan- introducing a loyalty scheme for publi- markets and even exporting our ale in sion will allow us to do so for many cans. Participating pubs will be given bottles, we have until now been unable years to come.” the opportunity to redeem rewards vary- to meet their requirements. The new equipment will also be used ing in size and value. “We are keen to continue the heritage to undertake contract bottling for other

Drop-in and find out more about funding for local businesses A MAJOR pot of funding for businesses of Reepham College, and community groups located in and Whitwell Road, Reepham. around Reepham has just been launched This event is specifically and you could be eligible for support. designed to be informal; This funding is aimed at helping the you are welcome to take economic development of rural com- as long or as little time munities and can be used to help with as you like talk ing to us. a range of projects. Members of the Reep- If you have a project that will benefit ham Chamber of Com- Reepham or the surrounding area, then merce and Town Team it may be suitable for funding. will be available to dis- There is around £15 million available cuss ideas with you on a to support projects in Norfolk over the one-to-one basis: we next four years. want as many lo cal busi- This is public money coming from a nesses and community number of government and international groups as possible to ben- funding pots and is being channelled efit. through what are known as Local Action Whether you need £1,000, £100,000 be able to make the most of this oppor- Groups. or more, the funding will be distributed tunity. If you represent a local group, run a in the form of a grant in return for a n For more information, contact the business or are thinking of starting a business or group providing some level Reepham Chamber of Commerce business, you are invited to drop in to of “match funding”. [email protected] or Judy find out more over tea or coffee as part This event is being run by local people Holland 01603 308158 of an informal open session on Tuesday with no strings attached or incentives. 19 April from 4.30–8.30 pm in the foyer They just want Reepham businesses to


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3 Townsend Court Reepham NR10 4LD Mark Foley, Solicitor: qualified 1994, Tel 01603 871064 former partner in a Norwich practice now serving clients from his home and for convenience visiting them in their homes Phone me to discuss your legal issues. I will help you myself or recommend the right lawyer for you from my colleagues in the Norfolk Independent Law Network Open One Church Farm Barns Mon-Fri 9.00-5.30 Well Lane, Sparham NR9 5PY Sat 9.00-5.00 Sun 10.00-12.30 "$# ( !" # 01362 688946 office !!&" ( $" ( "   078 3333 2055 mobile "&" ( !%#&"# ( ' %$$  $ !!# ( " ( !!# [email protected] Carpet Cleaner Hire • Dulux Paint Mixing Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority number 471736 Local Deliveries Reepham Life, April 2016 11 food & drink Plans under way for food festival in Reepham IN recent years, Reepham has built up l to provide education opportunities Saturday night and Sunday so as not to a record of successful festivals covering for young people; disrupt the normal business of the town. music, classic cars and bikes, steam en- l to attract visitors from outside Reep- The Club’s next task will be to raise gines and beer, as well as the annual ham. the money – through grants and spon- Festival of Light at Christmas. The Rotary Club sorship – to make sure it can put on a Now Reepham & District Rotary Club is keen to involve good festival and publicise it to draw in is to organise a food festival in the as many other or- as many people as possible. town next year. ganisations and The Rotary Club committee managing The Club felt that such an event in businesses as pos- the festival is chaired by Ian Malton and the spring would fit well into the calendar sible to make it a Richard Cooke, who welcome input and provide another opportunity for successful event. from others. Reepham to get together and attract Initial discussions have been encour- Mr Cooke said: “We are excited about visitors. The weekend of 27 May 2017 aging; the aim is to talk to as many the possibilities of the food festival. has been chosen for the first event. people as possible before putting together Right now we want to talk to any food With many businesses involved in food a firm plan. or drink producer or organisation who and drink in and around the town, the At present, the ideas being considered wants to be involved or has good ideas.” festival will have four main objectives: include special meals, cookery demon- n For more information, contact: l to promote local businesses in food, strations, visits to food producers and Richard Cooke 01603 837011/07889 drink and farming; farms, market stalls and educational dis- 036852 [email protected]; l to provide enjoyment and entertain- plays. or Ian Malton 01692 538694/07887 ment for all ages; Most events will take place on the 684827 [email protected] eating out with le roux Lenwade House ‘definitely worth a visit’

THE approach to Lenwade House Hotel from the main road is impressive, as is the building itself. We decided to have a drink in the bar prior to going into the restaurant. There was only one young girl behind the bar, who was in the process of making various coffees. A number of other staff kept coming with all the trimmings. Everything was starter or dessert as we had already in- and going, but did not seem to notice hot (except the plates) and very tasty. dulged in a lazy Sunday breakfast, but I us and we ended up waiting nearly 10 We were also told by the chef to come heard complimentary comments from minutes for a drink. back if we wanted more. the diners who did. We were then shown through to the The waitress checked that all was well All in all we were very impressed and restaurant. My companion and I decided during the meal and was very prompt would certainly go again. to try the carvery and we were not dis- when we ordered another round of Le Roux appointed. drinks. The cost of the carvery was £8.95, There were four choices of roast meat which was excellent value for money. Lenwade House Hotel – beef, turkey, pork and gammon – On this occasion we did not have a Road, Lenwade NR9 5QP Tel: 01603 879567 Over the coming months I will be reviewing restaurants, pubs and cafés in the Opening hours: breakfast 7–10 am; local area and giving my opinion on their food, staff and surroundings. I have lunch 11.30 am – 2.30 pm; dinner 6– no intention of deliberately criticising them, but will give an honest opinion on 9.30 pm (seven days a week) all aspects of the service they provide, whether it be excellent or not so good. Food: 4/5 This will, of course, be my own view and you may not agree. If so, please let Service: 3/5 me know via the Reepham Life letters page ([email protected]). You Surroundings: 5/5 may also feel that a certain establishment should be reviewed. If so, just Value for money: 5/5 contact Reepham Life and they will pass it on to me. – Le Roux Total: 17/20 Definitely worth a visit 12 Reepham Life, April 2016 EVENTS COMING UP AT 20%20%0%O% OFF allll oak k andfitd cane furniture with free delivery within Norfolk!

Note: pictures are for illustration purposes only sŝƐŝƚƵƐ ĨŽƌ Ă ŐƌĞĂƚ ĚĂLJ ŽƵƚ ǁŝƚŚ ĨĂƐŚŝŽŶ͕ ŐŝŌǁĂƌĞ͕  dren’s toys, millennium gardens, childrens pla rea, restaurant, food hall and Bluebell indoor shopping centre to name a few. Thee Reeve’s Reeve’s Treetops Larder Millenniumm Adventure FOOD HALL Garden Restaurant PLAY AREA

Norwich Road, Bawdeswell, Dereham, Norfolk NR20 4RZ / Tel. 01362 688 387 ... where friends meet

Country Modern Look Younger Home & Garden | Vintage | Antique | Brocante with The Master Lift Qualityy Hand Painted Furniture For Sale and by Commission

The Master Lift is a progressive skin therapy using Brighten up yyourr home this Spring! specific techniques and active ingredients to target areas of Transform your furnitureiture and more with our premature aging including fine lines, wrinkles and skin Specialist Chalklk and Milk Paints pigmentation giving a revitalised Learn how on on off our and youthful appearance. Acclaimed Paint ing Workshops [email protected] 01603 554224 / 07789 502946 Open: Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat : 10am - 4pm MRL, Carlton House, Market Square, Reepham, Norfolk, NR10 4JJ

Nowhere Lane, , Norfolk NR9 5PD 07540 977693 [email protected] Vintage, Antique and Preloved Pieces - Brought Back to Liiffe with i h PPassioni&P & Paint Reepham Life, April 2016 13 visit reepham The Chimes B&B reopens in the Market Place

REEPHAM now has a wide choice of bed and breakfast accommodation, with a range of rooms to suit all tastes – and budgets – and all different in their own way. After a gap of some five years, The Chimes B&B in the Market Place has re- cently reopened. Under new tenants Nick Bowden and Jenni Egmore, this quirky, historic prop- erty has accommodation for up to four people – comprising a double room and a twin room, both ensuite – as well as one dog. Both comfortably furnished rooms (with free Wi-Fi) overlook the market square and have access to an upstairs guest lounge with a small terrace. Secure storage for bicycles is also available to the rear of the property. The room tariff is £90 per night, which includes a full English breakfast, with The Chimes B&B in Market Place, Reepham, The Chimes B&B £55 for single occupancy and £10 per has reopened Market Place, Reepham NR10 4JJ night for a dog (credit/debit cards not Tel: 01603 308192 accepted); older children can be ac- the owners say parking is not a problem Email: [email protected] commodated in the twin room. either in the Market Place or the nearby Although there is no dedicated parking, Station Road car park.

Take the Grand Tour at the Dial House – The Orient, The Print Room, The Raj, Natural History, Italian Palace, China, AT the top end of the market are the of Reepham’s Market Place. Parisian Garrett and Africa. designer bedrooms that opened last Taking their inspiration from the Grand Each room features Vispring beds with September in the refurbished Dial House, Tour era, the eight luxury guest rooms Egyptian cotton sheets, comfy seating, a Grade-II listed building (formerly the tell the tale of Georgian passions, interests tea and coffee making facilities, luxury Old Brewery House Hotel) in the heart and discoveries, all with evocative names bathrooms with showers, baths (some tubs are at the end of the bed!) and marble tiles, and an integrated sound and entertainment system, as well as working Crosley record players with a selection of vinyl records available to play. The biggest room (and probably most popular to date) is the Italian Palace, but the hidden yet exquisite Natural History room, with its tucked away out- door courtyard and cabinets of travellers’ curios, is the favourite amongst the staff. All the rooms are uniquely furnished and probably like nothing most guests have ever experienced. No expense has been spared, even down to the finest detail, yet all the modern, but necessary, contemporary touches are provided for the 21st century traveller. As an interesting side-line, everything

Days of the Raj at the Dial House – a ‘clash of artistic cultures, Indian ethic finds mix with English ideals’ plus a vast bathroom, complete with a herd of elephants CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 4 14 Reepham Life, April 2016

...where memories are made

Gorgeous cottages and contemporary apartments in stunning locations throughout North Devon and Exmoor

For more information call 01271 813777 or visit Reepham Life, April 2016 15 visit reepham in the room (like just about everything free Wi-Fi throughout the building. The Dial House in the restaurant downstairs) is for sale, When the 17 houses are completed Market Place, Reepham NR10 4JJ including the bed. in the residential development at the Tel: 01603 879900 B&B prices range from £175–190 per rear of the building (13 of which are al- Email: [email protected] night Fridays and Saturdays, and £155– ready sold), scheduled for December 170 other days, with discounts for “Nor- 2016, parking spaces for hotel guests folk Passport” holders. Dinner, bed and will be available, also at the rear. For breakfast packages are also available, the time being, adequate parking is with Reepham-based wellness and skin as are single occupancy rates. available in the evenings in the Market health expert Marie Reynolds for several No dogs are permitted in the rooms, Place and the Station Road car park. “retreat” options, including noetic therapy but they are child friendly; and there is The Dial House is now partnering treatments with a night’s B&B.

Bimblebox hospitality with fine views Guests also have their own front door, which enables them to come and go as BIMBLEBOX Barn, a self-contained they wish. B&B for two people located on “We have countryside walks straight Cawston Road on the outskirts of from the doorstep. For cycling, the Mar- Reepham, has been operating for riott’s Way is just minutes away. And around three years. the North Norfolk coastline, Norwich With views across the fields to and are all around a 30- Salle Church, the double ensuite minute drive away. room with Wi-Fi features its own “We have a lot of repeat guests, in ad- courtyard with furniture. dition to many local guests, who visit A private dining area with crock- us simply to have a break. We’ve even ery/cutlery is available for guests had guests walk and cycle to us from who wish to bring their own meals, their homes.” Bimblebox Barn B&B, Upper Barn, Cawston Road, and there is a good selection of Reepham The property also has a converted DVDs. self-catering stable that sleeps two. This A large hot tub is also available for weekends. can be let for B&B, especially if there is guests (£10 per use), and there is access No pets and no infants or children a party of four. to a utility room with laundry facilities, under 5. Credit/debit cards not accepted; as well as parking for three cars and a payments can be made by bank transfer. Bimblebox Barn B&B secure space for bicycles. “Guests have flexibility over the time Upper Barn, Cawston Road, The room rate is £75 per night, which they wish to eat, or more importantly Reepham NR10 4LT includes daily freshly baked cakes and get out of bed,” explained proprietor Tel: 07988 516286 a light breakfast. There is a minimum Diane Pearce. Email: [email protected] stay of one night in winter and summer “The table is set the night before, and Bookings via midweek, and two nights for summer all cold produce is left in their fridge.

Self-catering B&B ‘with a difference’ at Reepham Fishery UNDER new ownership, Reepham Fish- bedrooms) for up to four people. two persons; £110 for 2-4 persons. ery on Norwich Road offers a range of Overlooking the fishing lakes, all have Fishing fees are included in the price. holiday accommodation based on lodges, a private entrance and parking outside See the website for other prices for the caravans and a holiday bungalow, in- the door, well off the main road. lodges (weekly and three or four night cluding wheelchair-friendly units. The lodges feature a comfortable short breaks), as well as weekly tariffs Self-catering bed and breakfast “with lounge, fully equipped with TV, kitchen for the caravans and holiday bungalow a difference” is offered in the lodges (oven, hob, microwave and fridge, cook- (both Saturday arrival, seven-night stay). only, with food left in the fridge in ing utensils, crockery and cutlery), show- these self-contained, modern facilities er room with WC and hand basin, and that offer private accommodation (two free Wi-Fi. All bed linen is supplied and fitted, but bath towels and kitchen towels are Reepham Fishery not provided; pets by arrangement. Beck Farm, Norwich Road, For the low season (1 September – 31 Reepham NR10 4NR May), B&B prices per night are £80 for Tel: 01603 870829 up to two persons; £100 for 2-4 persons. Email: [email protected] For the high season (1 June – 31 August), The lodges have a private entrance and parking B&B prices per night are £90 for up to outside the door 16 Reepham Life, April 2016



Aylsham Thursday 7th Thursday 5th 10 - 12 Shopping (Tesco)

Sheringham Saturday 9th Saturday 14th 10 - 2pm More people rqd.

Wells (Fish & Chips) Tuesday 12th Tuesday 10th 11 - 3pm & Tea Rooms 3VVRPUNMVYH3VJHS/VTL*HYL7YV]PKLY& Kings Lynn Tuesday 19th Tuesday 17th 9 - 3pm Caring First is a local independent home care provider, specialising (Shopping) in high-quality care for older people in their own homes. Our skilled JHYL[LHTVɈLYZZ\WWVY[P]LHUKJVTWHZZPVUH[LJHYL[HPSVYLK[V Dereham Thursday 28th Thursday 26th 1 - 4pm individual requirements. (Tesco & Morrisons) Whether you are looking for short or long term care package, we Wroxham provide a full care service to match individual needs and requirements. Saturday 30th Saturday 28th 10 - 2pm Shopping (Roys) ࠮*VTWHUPVUZOPW:LY]PJLZ࠮/VTL/LSW:LY]PJLZ Reepham Every Every 9 - 10.30 ࠮7LYZVUHSJHYL:LY]PJLZ (Shopping) Wednesday Wednesday Contact our friendly care team for more information: ;VIVVR`V\YZLH[VUHU`VM[OLZL[YPWZ   VYMVYM\Y[OLYKL[HPSZWSLHZLJHSS9LLWOHT9V]LYVU ,THPS!JHYPUNÄYZ[OVTLJHYL'NTHPSJVT >LI!^^^JHYPUNÄYZ[OVTLJHYLJV\R 07765 321 458 Reepham Life, April 2016 17 visit reepham Heavenly camping breaks in Booton

FANCY a few nights away, breakfast in- cluded, sleeping on camp beds with the angels, in a quiet rural location, with well-behaved dogs and children welcome? If all this appeals, a new experience is on offer from 1 May to 30 September at St Michael the Archangel, Booton. This is “champing” – camping in a re- dundant church (not what horses do). “Relax in quiet comfort and snuggle down in a truly ancient place,” suggests the website. The cost per night is £55 per adult and £20 per child, with group rates available (eight people or more), and there is no price increase in the school holidays. The price includes a “glorious cooked breakfast”, which is served at the Dial Photo: Joseph Casey Photography House in nearby Reepham. “Champing” in St Michael the Archangel, Booton, is available from 1 May to 30 September The property will generally not be ing? And the answer would be, no. Churches Conservation Trust, which is available before 3 pm on the first day And, ahem, what about the facilities? trying to find imaginative ways to bring of the booking and guests must leave That would be the EcoLoo (compost people back inside them. before 11 am on their last day. toilet) outside; this is sustainable tourism “The Trust has done some pretty cool “Champers” get exclusive use of the – no baths/showers or running water! stuff before, but making ‘champing’ into church, although they will need to bring The Grade II*-listed building in Booton, an actual thing has to take even the bis- their own pillows and bedding. unused as a church since 1987, is among cuitiest of biscuits,” the website contin- You might ask, will there be any heat- 347 in under the care of the ues. “It’s exclusive – you get the church MIRTH all to yourself. Towers to climb, organs to play and so many options for church hide-and-seek – it’s all yours.” So far, Booton is the only church in Norfolk available for “champing”. The scheme was piloted last year and there are now 10 churches across the southeast of England, explained Jessica Aiers of the Churches Conservation Trust. “We already have several bookings for Booton for this year, and there are plans to expand the network to other areas.” Karen Brockman n For further information, tel: 020 7841 0436 or visit Photo: John Tym Photography Tym Photo: John The Grade II*-listed building in Booton, unused as a church since 1987, is among 347 in New tourist boost for Reepham England under the care of the Churches Conservation Trust 18 Reepham Life, April 2016


Fully qualified and BABTAC registered ([SHULHQFHGIIXXOO\ TXDOL¿HG ORFDO Beauty Therapist in Bawdeswell ZHGGLQJÀRZHU VSHFLDOLVWV WR VXLW HYHUU\\ SRFNHW Beauty treatments include the popular CND Shellac Gel Polish, Manicures, 01603 872883/07884 583451 Pedicures, Waxing and Facial Treatments, and St Tropez Spray Tanning [email protected] [email protected] Book your appointment now 17 M oorh ouse Cl ose, R eeph am NR10 4EG Tel: 01362 688128 Elegance with Style

COURTNEY’S CARPET CLEANING Reepham Hair Studio COMPREHENSIVE CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SERVICES Open six days a week l Free quotes l No call-out charge Monday – Saturday l Multi-room discounts National Carpet Cleaning Association (NCCA) Townsend Corner, Reepham Associate Member 3018. References available Tel: 01603 872128 Find us on Facebook [email protected] Tel: 01362 858816 or 07776 125685 Hendry & Sons Funeral Directors Private Chapels of Rest RICHARD HENDRY, DIP. F. D. Members of the N.A.F.D. Station Road, Dereham, Norfolk NR20 5RG Tel: 01362 683249

Looked at your framed pictures recently? S UCCESS Been invaded with little flies? Has the picture slipped? Has the glass broken? Just plain dirty inside? JUDGED BY Or - do you just fancy a change of style? Not major problems, but the use of inappropriate materials can damage your treasured pictures. Steve Jenkins MCSD DEEDS Graphic Design Consultant Call your local John Tym picture framer hotography for some advice P raming t 01603 870645 m 07759 161734 &F 07760 272422 e [email protected] w Jordans, Jordan Green, Whitwell NR10 4RQ Reepham Life, April 2016 19 UP THE GARDEN PATH WITH gardening VICTORIA PLUM Celebrating the humble beanpole

BY April, allotment holders will have decorative flow- renewed or surrendered their leases ers, then mainly and a few plots should be available. red and white For less than the cost of a beer or a bicolours, and, Sweet pea success posh coffee a fortnight, an allotment at least initially, We enjoyed a fascinating and fact- can provide fresh air, exercise, fantastic people thought filled February evening at the tasting fruit and vegetables, delicious the seedpods Reepham & District Gardening Club eggs and bunch after bunch of flowers. were toxic. on the subject of sweet peas. 9-17 April is National Beanpole Week Now we grow Our lively and knowledgeable 2016, celebrating traditional beanpoles them as a food speaker, Geoff Freeman, told us the and pea sticks, a natural product from crop and often history of the plant, how they are coppiced woodlands. fail to acknowledge the beauty of those native to Peru and have been valued You can, of course, use anything you white, red or bicolour blooms. for their pretty flowers and scent like (within reason) to construct supports Like my grandfather and father did since, appearing in Europe in mid- for legumes, but do remember to build before me, I always grow the vigorous 17th century, although they naturally your structures in line with the wind, Scarlet Emperor runner beans that must have short stems. not at right angles to it. Once grown, be picked when young as they go very When a gardener at Althorp Hall in beans planted across the wind will catch tough if left to grow too big. Northamptonshire found a long- it like a giant sail and cause the most And for flavoursome and tender, flat, stemmed sport (part of a plant that solid structure to capsize. stringless French beans, I can recommend shows different characteristics from Beans (and peas) are greedy feeders Hunter, and, in the summer, why not the rest of the plant) in 1903 this and dislike drying out, so it’s worth pick a few of the creamy white flowers allowed plant breeders to encourage preparing a bean trench in which to instead of sweet peas for your win- this characteristic, creating the sweet plant your seedlings once the last frosts dowsill? peas popular today: the Spencer have passed. Sarah Oates n hybrids. A deep bean trench filled with shredded To ask about renting an allotment, con - Simple instructions for guaranteed newspaper and well-rotted manure then tact: Jo Boxall, Town Clerk 01603 873355 mass flowering success? Soak seed covered with soil will help retain moisture or [email protected] n for three hours, sow indoors and put for your beans in your absence. For information on joining RALGA, outside when up, pinch out tip after It is curious to think that runner beans email: [email protected] or three pairs of leaves. were first grown in Europe for their write via the allotment post-box. Ensure plenty of fertiliser – alternate, for example, Tomorite (for potash) with Miracle-Gro (for nitrogen) – and plenty of water, and don’t go away on digger’s diary holiday because you must keep cutting the flowers as they come. Deadheading is supposed to Garibaldi takes the biscuit prolong flowering throughout our gardens. We all know this, but I SPRING is here and all the leaves are That takes the biscuit. You young ones never seem to find time to do it. coming out, so are the schoolchildren in may not know that Garibaldi fought the long columns to visit places. Digger said Austrians in Italy like William Tell did tomb chest surrounded by a sunken to the teacher in charge of one, “What a in Switzerland, thus inventing the game area bounded by a low wall, and once big crocodile you have”, and she looked of Bag-a-Tell. with railings on the inside of this. alarmed and peered all around. There are other houses in Norfolk It was in use from the 1880s up until Do people not call lines of children called Teakettle Hall. These are the 1928, but the railings went long ago, crocodiles anymore? What a pity if so, ones that are square with a pyramid and the area inside the wall had filled then one cannot make jokes about alley roof and so reminded people of what with leaves, soil and self-sown trees, gaters either. we would call a tea caddy. They were until the pressure had caused some of So let us move on to Garibaldi Cottage, called kettles in the old days, so they the large coping stones to become dan- which is a house near with an did not have a big spout sticking out of gerous. These have had to be laid to inscription round it: “Built In the Year one side and a handle on the other. one side, and all the rubbish removed. that Garibaldi Rose/To Free Italia from Now going back to last month’s men- It now looks impressive again, but if her Foreign Foes.” tion of the cemetery, there is also here anyone knows any surviving members Digger used to try to persuade the a large tomb that belonged to the Collyer of the Collyers who might be interested owner to paint it fawn with black spots, family, who owned Hackford Hall. in restoring their family tomb, we would but he said it would attract dead flies. It was a grand affair, with a central be glad to hear. 20 Reepham Life, April 2016 books Summer Reading Challenge at the library

AFTER a damp and chilly winter, the Clough, Mosca za, a fictional Italian days are finally getting longer and finds herself swept town. warmer again. And in library land, that into a world of in- What follows is a means it’s time to start thinking about trigue and adven- delightful semi-farce the Summer Reading Challenge. ture, highwaymen of lustful priests, We are looking for young volunteers and smugglers – feminist nuns, irri- to help us join children up to the chal- not to mention se- tating stepmothers lenge, help out at events and, most im- cret school teach- and seemingly per- portantly, help younger readers find ers and forbidden petually deferred that perfect book. books. lunches. If you are aged between 13 and 25 With no one to As the story un- and you have a love of reading and trust but her goose, folds, we begin to talking about books, call in and see us at can Mosca save the realm from ruin? This see that no one, especially Aurora, is Reepham Library in the Bircham Centre is a funny, exciting, brilliant book. quite what they seem. or email: [email protected] Frances Hardinge won the Costa Book On the surface, this is a splendid prize for her young adult novel, The Lie romp and Aurora, with her slightly acer- We recommend… Tree. bic wit, is great company. Fly by Night by Frances Hardinge As the novel drew to a close, I realised Set in a fantasy world with more than Reader, I Married Him by Michèle Roberts that there was quite a bit more going a passing resemblance to 18th century Aurora, thrice married, thrice widowed, on than I’d realised and I think this de- England, Fly by Night is the story of 12- is not quite sure who she is anymore. serves a second read – which is fine, year-old Mosca Mye and Saracen, her In an attempt to find out, or at least to because I thoroughly enjoyed it. bad-tempered goose. source some really good olive oil for Helen Brown, Manager, Fleeing her soggy home village of her delicatessen, she decamps to Paden- Reepham Library SOPHYSICAL ATP Health & Fitness SPORTS THERAPY KETTLERCISE CLASSES ;\LZKH`Z!!WT )H^KLZ^LSS=PSSHNL/HSS Based in Reepham Hair Studio, Townsend Corner NEW FITNESS YOGA ;\LZKH`Z!!WT Available treatments include: )H^KLZ^LSS=PSSHNL/HSS -\UMYPLUKS`HUKLULYNL[PJL_LYJPZLJSHZZLZ[OH[OH]LILLUWYV]LU[VOLSW Sports massage • Relaxation massage PTWYV]LÄ[ULZZ^LSSILPUNI\YUMH[ZSPT[VULHUKNL[PUNYLH[ZOHWL Nutritional massage • Postural Analysis ALL LEVELS ARE WELCOME!!! Stretch & Strengthening • Manual lymphatic drainage @V\YÄYZ[ZLZZPVUPZ653@‰ ;OLU‰WLYZLZZPVUVY‰MVYMV\YJVUZLJ\[P]LJSHZZLZ

Sophie Edwards, BSc(hons) ITEC DIP MFHT *VU[HJ[4H[[[VIVVR`V\YÄYZ[ZLZZPVU 07785 105 381 Tel: 07770 499282 /01603 879238 PUMV'OLHS[OHUKÄ[ULZZ\RJVT Email: [email protected] ^^^OLHS[OHUKÄ[ULZZ\RJVT

Hello, my name is Tracy, your local Potentia Avon Sales Leader/Representative Life & Motivational Coaching You can now shop online at: Live the life you deserve and achieve personal goals 0UJYLHZLJVUÄKLUJLTHUHNLHU_PL[`HUKZ[YLZZPTWYV]LJHYLLY WYVZWLJ[ZWHZZL_HTZZ\JJLZZM\SPU[LY]PL^ZHUKW\ISPJZWLHRPUNSVZL ^LPNO[Z[VWZTVRPUNVYJ\YLHWOVIPH You will receive a free gift if your order is over £20 Start the change you deserve today by calling Become a representative and earn 25% commission Potentia on 01362 684244 0r 07921 664595 with many benefits *VUZ\S[PUNYVVTZPU-V\SZOHTHUK/VS[>VYRVYOVTL]PZP[Z -PYZ[:LZZPVUOHSMWYPJL [email protected] Please feel free to contact me Tel: 07887 426775 +H]PK4J5LPS):J/VUZ(4(* Email: [email protected] 5374HZ[LY7YHJ[P[PVULY/H]LUPUN7`ZJOVZLUZVY`;OLYHW`9LJPWYVJVHJO Reepham Life, April 2016 21 church life Women gather for world day of prayer

AS I write this, I have just returned island located at the entrance of the jority, and the faculties of medical sci- from the annual Women’s World Day of Gulf of Mexico. ences, which are popular with women, Prayer service that took place at St In our service booklet we found facts are outstanding. Mary’s Reepham on 4 March, led by about Cuba, much of which was sur- There is a free healthcare system with Susie Hall. prising and informative. the highest ratio of doctors per head of The theme was “Receive children, Re- An economic blockade has affected population in the world. Perhaps as a ceive Me”, the focus being the familiar adversely the Cuban people for more result of this Cuba has one of the lowest passage from St Mark’s Gospel: “Let the than 50 years, but in 2014 US President infant mortality rates globally. little children come to me; do not stop Barack Obama announced moves to During the service we enjoyed singing them; for it is to such as these that the begin mending relations between the some songs with a Caribbean feel and Kingdom of God belongs.” two nations. listened to a reflection on the theme of The World Day of Prayer is celebrated It was heartening to hear news at the the service. annually in more than 170 countries on service that President Obama was to Cuba’s national flower is the Butterfly the first Friday in March. It brings pay an historic visit to Cuba on 21 Jasmine and to represent this paper together women of various races, cultures March. We pray that this will be a step cones were made with our individual and traditions in a yearly common day towards improving co-operation between names inside. After the service we each of prayer. the countries. took a paper flower home to pray for This year the service came from the Cuba has an excellent standard of the person by name. women of Cuba – the largest Caribbean free education with women in the ma- Sylvia Rayfield

Market garden volunteers needed for new Booton co-operative venture A NEW community market garden has coming a customer,” she added. With a background in the music in- been established in Booton. Eves Hill Eves Hill Veg Co will be running vol- dustry, for the past seven years Miss Veg Co is a co-operative venture located unteer days on Wednesdays from 11 Claxton has been involved in organic on two acres of land next to the Eves am – 1 pm. farming and community food. Hill Farm campsite on Norwich Road. In March, the volunteers will be doing She has spent three years working The not-for-profit social enterprise basic carpentry, such as building self- with Organiclea Community Growers aims to grow fresh, ecological, local watering propagation tables, and putting in northeast , a workers’ co-op- produce at affordable prices. It is now up a polytunnel; in April there will be erative, and still returns weekly to teach. looking for volunteers to help get the seed sowing; and in May planting out n For more information about the site established and learn about vegetable and weeding and hoeing. project or to come and volunteer, growing. Miss Claxton grew up in Booton and email: [email protected] Hannah Claxton, who has been in- has returned after 20 years to start this volved in setting up the enterprise, said new social enterprise. The project was May issue editorial/ this year’s aim is to get the site up and initiated at the invitation of Jeremy Bux- advertisement copy deadline: running and begin to see what vegetables ton, another Norfolk returnee, who has 15 April 2016 and in what quantities it can grow. “We set up a beef box scheme with his her- Tel: 01603 308158 also want to find out who is interested itage Hereford cattle and a campsite at [email protected] in getting involved in this project or be- the Buxton family farm.

Roll up, roll up! New season near for bowls club You can just play in the roll-ups and members can play at any time on the IT’S true what they say, the older you will ensure that any potential new green as long as there is no maintenance get, the quicker the years roll by. Here members are paired up with a more taking place (grass cutting, etc.). It’s we are thinking about the new season. experienced player. excellent value for money. I knew it must be getting near when it If you can’t make the open day we The King’s Arms have once again started to snow. have a roll-up every Thursday and Sat- sponsored us and have contributed Are you interested in playing this urday afternoon at 2.30 pm (weather £250 towards the new windows for the year? We will be starting again in April permitting), so just come along and clubhouse. If anybody else can help, so if you are, just give me a ring or see what you think. all contributions are greatly appreciat- send an email. It does not matter if you have never ed. Our open day will be 23 April com- played before; there is always somebody Well, that’s it for now. Hope to see mencing at 2.30 pm. Come along and there willing to help, and you do not you on the green. see what you think. There are some have to join any of the leagues if you Barry Barker 01603 870337 spare bowls to have a go with, and we prefer not to. [email protected] 22 Reepham Life, April 2016 sport Tennis club plans for future maintenance costs

MORE daylight hours and warmer days £15 for juniors (under 18s) and family events with other clubs and the first means it must be time to start playing membership is £85; students (18-24) Reepham Tennis Club Open Tournament. tennis again. with a valid NUS card can join for just Check the website for details nearer the A handful of hardy members have been £25 a year. time. playing over the winter, but the new This one-off fee gives access to the EA Tennis will continue to provide season at Reepham Tennis Club, Stimpson’s courts via an online booking system. coaching for adults on Tuesday mornings Piece, officially starts on 1 April. Membership also entitles joining the and Wednesday afternoons for juniors. Existing members are reminded that Lawn Tennis Association for free and There are Easter tennis camps for 5-14- they need to renew their membership the opportunity to enter the club ballot year-olds on 7 and 8 April from 9.30 am by then, and for anyone who has con- to receive Wimbledon tickets. – 2 pm. Booking and further details at templated joining, but hasn’t taken the Members’ club nights continue on plunge yet, now is the time to join. Tuesdays (6–9 pm), with additional open n For renewals or membership enquiries, For the first year since the new club club sessions on Mondays (6.30–8 pm) contact membership secretary David Vince: was opened in 2012 membership fees for women and Thursdays (6.30–8.30 [email protected] are increasing, but still offer excellent pm) for men. Players interested in playing n Full details about membership, value for money and are comparable for one of the club’s teams should booking courts, coaching and the with other local clubs. contact team captain David Young: latest news and events can be found at The committee has taken the decision [email protected] or to increase fees this year to start planning A number of social events are planned email: [email protected] for future maintenance costs. for the summer, including a pre-Wim- Andrew Johnson, Publicity Officer, Adult membership is now £40 a year, bledon barbecue, open days, social Reepham Tennis Club

Youth training at Reepham & Salle Cricket Club throughout the summer, the last being held on 25 July. This season marks the 10th anniversary This year, the junior training moves The club welcomes any keen and en- of junior coaching at Salle, and during to a Monday evening and the club will thusiastic youngsters and also any parents this time the youth policy has proved to continue to offer coaching and cricket who would like to help. Practice is held be highly successful for Reepham & fun to school years 1–9. from 6.15–7.45 pm. Cost for the season Salle Cricket Club, as many colts have The 2016 youth training sessions start is £30. For more information call Paul gone on to play for the men’s teams. on Monday 18 April and will continue Harwood 01603 871371 or 07927 025326.

Cricket fixtures – April and May 14 May New Buckenham Away 1.30 pm 21 May Rocklands A Home 1.30 pm Norfolk Cricket League Division 2 (West) 28 May Great Ellingham Away 1.30 pm Saturday 1st XI Shield Premier Division 30 April East Harling Home 1.30 pm Sunday XI 7 May Gooderstone Away 1.30 pm 10 April Eaton (friendly) Home 12.30 pm 14 May Castle Acre Home 1.30 pm 24 April Barney Home 1.00 pm 21 May Northwold Away 1.30 pm 1 May Wanderers Home 1.00 pm 28 May Garboldisham B Home 1.30 pm 8 May Gt Melton Away 1.00 pm 15 May Snettisham (cup match) Home 1.00 pm Norfolk Cricket League Division 3 (Central) 22 May Norwich Home 1.00 pm Saturday 2nd XI 29 May Thetford Away 1.00 pm 30 April A Away 1.30 pm Home matches to be played at Salle Church Ground. Occasionally 7 May Old Buckenham Home 1.30 pm matches will be held at Reepham High School.

Chess club in final of Williamson Cup Bitterns at the time of writing (mid- March) are top of Division 1 with 10 THE season continues well for Broad- Four Nations Chess League, Broadland wins after playing 13 of their 16 matches, land Chess Club. The Norfolk Rapidplay won 4½-1½ against Manchester Manti- while Broadland’s other Division 1 Tournament, held in February, was cores 3 before winning 5-1 against team, the Harnsers, are in fourth place. won by Broadland player Roy Hughes. Holmes Chapel. n Broadland Chess Club meets at the Broadland beat Lowestoft 2½-1½ in During the third weekend, Broadland King’s Head in Coltishall at 7.30 pm the semi-final of the Williamson Cup won 4-2 against Jorvik to ensure a on Mondays and Wednesdays. For and on Wednesday 4 May will meet place in the promotion pool with two more information, contact club Norwich Dons Buccaneers in the final. rounds to spare. secretary Paul Badger 01603 737572 During the second weekend of the In the Norfolk League, Broadland or [email protected] Reepham Life, April 2016 23

Reepham Craft Makers Market takes over SANDY and Terry Nevard, who have organised the Reepham holders (or a close relative), with no “bought ins” to be sold on. Arts and Crafts Fair for the past few years, have decided to The Saturday events held in St Michael’s Reepham have be- move on to other ventures. come popular with regular customers; the three dates for this The new organisers, Sue Johnston and Gloria Davis, both year are 30 April (10 am – 4 pm), 24 September and 26 No- of Reepham, have decided to rename the event the Reepham vember. Craft Makers Market. n New craft-makers and artists, either local or from across They hope to keep up the standard set by Sandy and Terry, Norfolk, who are interested in becoming a stallholder can with an emphasis on the quality of goods on display. At least contact: Sue Johnston 01603 879639 [email protected], 90% of all items on sale will be crafted or produced by the stall- or Gloria Davis 01603 873004 [email protected]

Contact: Judy Holland 01603 Victory. BBQ, tea, coffee, etc. WHAT’S ON GUIDE 308158 available from the Station Buffet and Sidings Bar. Drivers Thursday 21 April experience for £50 available, Saturday 2 April clothing. Stalls exhibiting and selling Reepham WI, St Michael’s, advance booking essential. Tel: Reepham Town Football Club Night clothing and jewellery, etc. Steam Reepham, 7.30 pm. Dressing the 01603 871694. Email: at the Races, Stimpson’s Piece engine Victory will be running on Bride with designer Katrine [email protected] Pavilion, Bartle Court, Reepham, both Saturday and Sunday. Tel: Mogensen. Contact: Sue Robinson first race 7.30 pm. Tickets £2 01603 871694. Email: 01603 261771 or Tuesday 10 May payable on the door; under 12s free [email protected] [email protected] Reepham Society meeting, Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, 7.30 Sunday 3 April Tuesday 12 April Saturday 23 April pm. You Can’t Judge a Book by its Steam Sunday, Whitwell Station, Reepham Society Annual General A Gala Night of Music with the Iceni Binding – Nicholas Pickwood. Whitwell Road, Reepham, 10 am – Meeting, Town Hall, Church Street, Choir, a celebration of Her Majesty Contact: Ann Middlemas 01603 4 pm. An opportunity to see and Reepham, 7.30 pm. Join us for a The Queen’s 90th birthday and St 870334 or ride behind our steam engine drink, help to ensure the future of Georges Day, Bawdeswell Village [email protected] Victory. BBQ, tea, coffee, etc. the Society by voting for committee Hall, Reepham Road, Bawdeswell, available from the Station Buffet members and officers, and bring 7.30 pm. Premier tickets £15 Wednesday 11 May and Sidings Bar. Drivers experience along any interesting items from (guaranteed front-of-hall seats with Reepham Town Council meeting, for £50 available, advance booking your own collection or family a glass of Prosecco at the interval); Town Hall, Church Street, essential. Tel: 01603 871694. archive. Contact: Ann Middlemas ordinary tickets £10; available from Reepham, 7.30 pm. Contact: Town Email: [email protected] 01603 870334 or Jim Stebbings 01362 693277 or Clerk 01603 873355 or [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Saturday 9 April Whitwell Hall Country Centre Wednesday 13 April Wednesday 27 April Saturday 14 May (including the Reepham Patient Classic Car, Kit Car, and Hot Rod Classic Car, Kit Car, and Hot Rod Reepham & District Gardening Club, Care Fund) will be having a table Evening, Whitwell Station, Whitwell Evening, Whitwell Station, Whitwell Annual Plant Sale, Market Place, top sale at the St Michael’s coffee Road, Reepham, 5–10 pm. Tea, Road, Reepham, 5–10 pm. Tea, Reepham, 8.30 am until sold out. morning, 10 am – 12 noon. Items coffee, cakes and hot food coffee, cakes and hot food Contact: Judy Holland 01603 308158 for sale, tombola, 20p lucky dip available, and the Sidings Bar will available, and the Sidings Bar will be open. Tel: 01603 871694 or be open. Tel: 01603 871694 or Tuesday 17 May Saturday 9 April email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Reepham & District Gardening Film: The Lady in the Van (12A), Club, Town Hall, Church Street, Bawdeswell Village Hall, Reepham Wednesday 13 April Saturday 30 April Reepham, 7.45 pm. Charlotte Road, Bawdeswell. Doors open at 7 Reepham Town Council meeting, Reepham Craft Makers Market, St Philcox presents “Enclosing Eden: pm; film starts at 7.30 pm; bar/café. Town Hall, Church Street, Michael’s, Reepham, 10 am – 4 pm. the story of the walled kitchen Contact: Bawdeswell Village Reepham, 7.30 pm. Contact: Town Contact: Sue Johnston 01603 garden in England”. Contact: Judy Cinema 01362 688749 or Clerk 01603 873355 or 879639 or Holland 01603 308158 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], or Gloria Davis 01603 873004 or Saturday 9 – Sunday 10 April Tuesday 19 April [email protected] We cannot accept event 1940s Weekend, Whitwell Station, Reepham & District Gardening details or corrections by Whitwell Road, Reepham, 10 am – Club, Town Hall, Church Street, Sunday 1 May telephone. Please send to: Steam Sunday, Whitwell Station, Reepham Community Press, 10 pm Saturday; 10 am – 6 pm Reepham, Annual General Meeting, Homerton House, 74 Cawston Sunday. Recreating the atmosphere 7.30 pm, followed by Ian Bedford, Whitwell Road, Reepham, 10 am – Road, Reepham NR10 4LT or of the 1940s wartime years, join the research entomologist: Garden 4 pm. An opportunity to see and email: [email protected] many visitors dressed in period bugs – cohabit, conserve or control. ride behind our steam engine

Expressive Art Workshops REEPHAM LIFE May issue St Michael’s Church, Reepham Advertisement copy deadline: 15 April 2016 Summer term starts 12 April Contact: Judy Holland on 01603 308158 or email: [email protected] Tuesdays 1–4 pm

Exploring acrylics, pastels and mixed media, etc. All levels of experience welcome Very Nice Things £5 per session Proprietor: Sue Cutting Enquiries, please text/voicemail Alison Market Place, Reepham, Norwich NR10 4JJ 07766 341632 – or just come along! Tel: 01603 873390 24 Reepham Life, April 2016 USEFUL INFO By Richard Cooke Words are our business 01603 873011 Emergency services

Fire, emergency only: 999 Fire Station, School Road, Reepham 01328 862222 (office hours) Police emergency only: 999, otherwise: 101 and ask for the Reepham Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) or email [email protected] Ambulance, emergency only: 999

Local representatives Member of Parliament: Keith Simpson 020 7219 4053 or 01603 865763 or [email protected] Norfolk County Councillor: James Joyce 01263 587212 or [email protected] Broadland District Councillor: Graham Everett 01603 868332 or [email protected]

Reepham Town Council Chairman: Les Paterson 01603 871983 or [email protected] Shopping Market Day: Wednesday; early closing: some shops Thursday and/or Saturday CROSSWORD Public transport Daily (Monday to Saturday) coach services to and ACROSS DOWN Norwich via Cawston. There is also a once a week service to 5 Move the wine needed for 1 Home of 6 and 7 could be 4, 14 or Fakenham, Wroxham and Dereham. Timetables are displayed overseas travel (8) 16 (6) outside the side window of the Police Station. For information 7 Dora’s about on track (4) 2 Eat criminal about muse (7) Monday to Saturday 8:30 am – 5 pm 0845 300 6116 8 Calculating reptiles (6) 3 Fill lots of things (5) 9 Is Ford about waterways (6) 4 Could 16 make a goose mate (6) Local help 10 NATO may make a body (7) 6 Pudding chap in 1 (12) Reepham Rover user group bookings. Contact: Michael Black 11 Short about love in arena (5) 7 Confused Dr Ron Hood end in 1 07765 321458 13 Difficult start to water, to remove (12) Transport Plus (local voluntary transport service) booking water (5) 12 Foundation is part of 1 with music requests can be made Monday to Friday 9 am – 5 pm 0344 15 Guards fed back goals (7) (7) 800 8020 18 Leaks about a point for joints (6) 14 Spread about 1, 4 or 16 (6) 16 Beware confused 1,4 or 14 (6) Citizens’ Advice Bureau, Girton House, Market Place, 19 Yorkshire bit in grid (6) 17 Headless master in 1 (5) Reepham. Wednesdays 10 am – 12.30 pm only, otherwise 20 Cheese from café table (4) telephone Norwich office 01603 765783 for advice or 01603 21 Confined in close den (8) 660857 to make an appointment Solution on page 26 police Norfolk rated as top-performing force

NORFOLK Police has once again been significant financial challenges and chang- they do without reflecting this in how rated as a top-performing force following ing crime demands. chief and senior officers operate. a national inspection that judged it to Inspectors added that officers and “There is a strong ethos among mem- have “strong leadership” while delivering staff felt positive about having senior bers of the organisation who are excep- “excellent performance”. team members with “strong, local back- tionally proud of what they do. This Leadership within the force, including grounds”, giving the constabulary con- cul ture is enhanced by effective leaders, all ranks and staff grades, was evaluated fidence in the way it understands and making me believe we are on the right by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Con- serves the community. track.” stabulary as part of the PEEL inspection Partnership working and the focus of The Inspectorate’s Zoe Billingham said programme, which examines police ef- ethics and integrity were considered strong Norfolk was to be “congratulated for its fectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy. points, while the report acknowledged outstanding performance in preventing During the review, inspectors inter- impr ovements were needed to ensure crime and antisocial behaviour”. viewed officers, staff and partners, and annual staff appraisals were consistent. She added: “I have continued to be hosted focus groups, while exploring Chief Constable Simon Bailey said: impressed by the force’s commitment case files and data. “Strong and effective leadership is vital to neighbourhood policing, which lies The report found the force was well in making sure we deliver a police ser- at the heart of its approach to preventing led, benefiting from a stable chief officer vice the people of Norfolk deserve. crime and antisocial behaviour.” team and that the workforce had a clear “I couldn’t expect my officers and Contact Reepham Safer Neighbourhood Team understanding of constabulary’s future, staff on the frontline and behind the (SNT) by calling non-emergency number 101 accepting radical change in the face of scenes to deliver the outstanding service or email [email protected] Reepham Life, April 2016 25 Taylor 01603 868247 – 8.30 pm, men’s team practice REGULAR EVENTS Thursdays 6 – 9 pm. All members Reepham & District Rotary Club (16+) are welcome to any of these Meets 6.45 pm for 7.15 pm every sessions. Email: Bircham Centre Shop Market Place, (term time) every Friday at Monday at St Michael’s, Reepham. [email protected] Reepham. Opening hours: Monday Reepham Methodist Church, Station Contact: John Tym 07760 272422 and Friday 9 am – 4 pm; Wednesday Road, Reepham, 7.30 – 9 pm. Open [email protected] Reepham Town Council Meets and Saturday 9 am – 1 pm; tea shop to school years 5-13; subs £1. or Robert Buxton 01603 870200 7.30 pm on the second Wednesday open at these times. Tel: 01603 Contact: Paddy Bennett 07341 of the month (excluding August), in 879242. Email: 937685 or Reepham Good Companions the Town Hall, Church Street, [email protected] [email protected] Meets 2 pm every Friday in the Reepham. Contact: Jo Boxall, Town Town Hall, Church Street, Clerk 01603 873355 or Bridge Club Meets 7.30 pm every Reepham Archive Bircham Centre, Reepham. The Reepham Rover will [email protected] Monday in the Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham. Open 10 bring you and take you home if Market Place, Reepham. Contact: am – 12 noon first Wednesday and transport is a problem. Contact: Eve Reepham WI Meets 7.30 pm on the Ann Middlemas 01603 870334 Saturday of the month. Tel: 01603 Webber 01603 871943 third Thursday in the month at St 879242. Email: Michael’s, Reepham. Women of all Busy Fingers Craft Group Meets 2 [email protected] Reepham Good Neighbour ages are welcome to join. Contact: – 4 pm, every other Thursday at the Scheme This free service can help Sue Robinson 01603 261771 or Ewing Close Community Centre, Reepham Badminton Club Meets 8 with befriending, occasional dog [email protected] Ewing Close, Reepham, £1.50 per – 10 pm every Thursday evening at walking, collecting prescriptions, session including refreshments. Tel: Reepham High School Sports Hall. picking up shopping, changing a light Reepham Young Farmers Meet Rosina Harman 01603 871974, Sessions are friendly and informal. bulb, lifts to medical appointments, 7.30 pm every Tuesday at Whitwell Brenda Palmer 01603 871641 or Experienced and new players accessing further support or other Station, Whitwell Road, Reepham. Jean Thomson 01603 879660 welcome. Contact: Diana 01603 tasks with which you might need help. Contact: Matthew Hipperson 07912 873244 or David 01263 584221 To request help, tel: 07936 576684 686642 Cawston Amateur Theatrical Society Meets 7 pm every Monday Reepham Business Network Reepham Knit & Natter Meets 2–4 Royal British Legion Men’s at Cawston Village Hall during Meets 7.30 – 9 am on alternate pm on the first Monday in the month Section Meets 2 – 4 pm on the first school term time, for members age Thursdays at V’s Café, Townsend in the Bircham Centre, Market Thursday in the month in the Bircham 8 years and over. Contact Liz Beard Corner, Reepham. No membership Place, Reepham. Contact: Brenda Centre, Market Place, Reepham. 07884 488642. Email charge – just pay £6 for breakfast, Palmer 01603 871641 Contact: Trevor Bevan 01603 870231 [email protected] or but please let us know if you intend or [email protected] [email protected] to come. Contact: David Laws 01603 Reepham Ladies Hockey Club 871126 or 07933 149810. Email: Meets for training 7 – 8 pm every Royal British Legion Women’s Cawston Historical Society/ [email protected] Tuesday at High School. Section Meets 2 – 4 pm on the first Heritage Centre Open 10 am – 12 New players of all ages welcome. Thursday in the month in the Town noon every fourth Tuesday in the Reepham Carpet Bowls Club Contact: Graham Richardson 07778 Hall, Church Street, Reepham. month at Cawston Village Hall Meets 1.30 – 4.30 pm and 7.30 – 890243 or [email protected] Contact: Moira Dye 01603 871791 (excluding August and December) 10.30 pm every Monday in the Town or [email protected] or by appointment. Contact: Des Hall, Church Street, Reepham. Reepham Methodist Church Cook 01603 872111 Membership £1 per year and £2 Station Road, Reepham. Sunday St Mary’s Sunday Worship at 10.30 each session, including tea and Worship at 10.30 am. Coffee am, followed by refreshments in St Citizens Advice Drop in for free biscuits. Contact: Eve Webber 01603 morning/Traidcraft 9.30 am – 12 Michael’s. For details of services, advice 10 am – 12.30 pm every 871943 or Doris Frost 01603 870845 noon every Wednesday. Contact: see the church noticeboard. Contact: Wednesday at the Police Station, The Minister 01263 732102 Revd Margaret Dean 01603 879275 Market Place, Reepham Reepham Chamber of Commerce Meets every month – for the date Reepham Over 60s Bingo Held 2– Tots and Toddlers Group Held 9.30 Craft Club Meets 9.30 am – 12 noon and venue of the next meeting see 3.30 pm every other Wednesday at – 11.30 am every Monday from in the every Tuesday at the Ewing Close Contact: the Ewing Close Community Centre, Bircham Centre, Market Place, Community Centre, Ewing Close, Brenda Gostling 01603 870582 or Ewing Close, Reepham. Tea, coffee Reepham. Toys, songs, tea and Reepham. Knitting, embroidering, [email protected] and biscuits. Tel: 01603 870810 biscuits tapestry, card making and other crafts. Contact: Moira Dye 01603 871791 or Reepham Country Market Held 8 – Reepham Patient Care Fund Wednesday Weavers Line [email protected] 11 am every Wednesday in the Social afternoon held on the fourth Dancers Meet every Wednesday, 2 Bircham Centre, Market Place, Sunday of every month at the Ewing – 3 pm beginners, 3 – 4 pm Family History Group Meets 2.30 Reepham. Home-made cakes, pies, Close Community Centre, Ewing improvers, in the Town Hall, Church – 4.30 pm every Monday at biscuits, savoury dishes, vegetables, Close, Reepham, 2 pm in winter and Street, Reepham. Country music- Reepham Library, Bircham Centre, fruit in season, free range eggs, 2.30 pm when the clocks go forward based/60s and pop. Refreshments Market Place, Reepham. Start your jams, jellies, chutneys, etc included. First session free, then family tree and learn to use Reepham Raiders Dodgeball club £2.50 per session. Contact: Sandra Ancestry. Beginners and more Reepham & District Day Centre meets for training 6 – 7.30 pm every Williams 01603 872102 or advanced welcome. Contact: Rita Meets 9.30 am – 2.30 pm every Wednesday at Reepham High [email protected] Richardson 01603 873122 or Wednesday at St Michael’s, School. New players aged 15 and [email protected] Reepham. Coffee on arrival, home- over, male and female, are Village Hall Coffee cooked lunch and social time. Let us welcome. Contact: Henry Skinner Morning Held 10.30 am – 12 noon Foulsham Meditation Group Meets know in advance if you are joining us [email protected] on the first Saturday of the month, 10 am every Monday at New Frost for lunch (12.30 – 1.30 pm) cost £5. Wood Dalling Village Hall, Prospect Hall, Claypit Road, Foulsham. Contact: Beth Rossetti 01603 870393 Reepham Runners Meet Sunday Lane, Wood Dalling Email: [email protected] or Pauline Cooper 01603 871230 mornings 8.30 am; Tuesday evening sessions 6.30 pm (structured training Whitwell Station Theatrical Group Iceni Choir Meets 7.30 – 9.30 pm Reepham & District Gardening sessions); and Thursdays 6.30 pm. Meets 7 – 9 pm every Wednesday at every Wednesday at the Methodist Club Meets on the third Tuesday in Meet at Stimpson’s Piece car park, the Sidings Bar, Whitwell Station, Church, Station Road, Reepham. the month at 7.45 pm (except for the Reepham. Contact: Jenni Egmore Whitwell Road, Reepham. Contact: Jim Stebbings, Concert AGM, which starts at 7.30 pm) in 01603 308192 or [email protected] Newcomers welcome. Over 18s only. Manager 01362 693277 or the Town Hall, Church Street, Contact: Rowena Edwards 01603 [email protected] Reepham. Visitors and new Reepham Society Holds public 870641 or [email protected] members welcome. Contact: Judy meetings from February to Kurling Meets 2 – 4 pm every Holland 01603 308158 November, on the second Tuesday Tuesday in the Town Hall, Church in selected months at 7.30 pm at St Street, Reepham. First session free, Reepham & District Photographic Michael’s, Reepham. Contact: Ann We cannot accept event then £2 per session; tea/coffee/ Club Meets 7.30 pm on the first and Middlemas 01603 870334 or details or corrections by biscuits included. Contact: Gwenda third Thursday of each month in the [email protected] telephone. Please send to: Dove 01603 870598 or Sidings Marquee, Whitwell Station, Reepham Community Press, Homerton House, 74 Cawston [email protected] Whitwell Road, Reepham. Contact: Reepham Tennis Club Members’ Road, Reepham NR10 4LT or Michael Battams 01603 870874 club session Tuesdays 6 – 9 pm, email: [email protected] Rayzone Youth Club Meets weekly [email protected] or Rosie women’s team practice Mondays 6 26 Reepham Life, April 2016 FREE ADVERTISING OF HOUSEHOLD, GARDEN AND PERSONAL EFFECTS ONLY Free Ads UP TO A TOTAL COLLECTIVE SALE VALUE OF £300 (Vehicles, cars, caravans, trailers, boats, property, businesses, etc., not accepted without charge) Animals – pets, livestock, live fish, etc., not accepted

For sale: modern solid oak desk For sale: two sets, single duvet you couldn’t. You just stayed in the fasting, 8.30 am – 12 noon. Bring 1280 x 670 mm, excellent condition, cover, fitted sheet and pillowcase, corner. Your hair was blonde. I was lunch almost new, £100. Tel: 01603 pale green with large white flower, wearing the dark suit. I brushed 870367 only used in guest bedroom, £5 per against your hand briefly, but you Time management seminar in the set. Pair of new men’s dark grey didn’t react. You were like an angel library, Tuesday, about sixish or For sale: ArtMagic – 44 magazine trousers, £5, also three pairs black in a room full of grief, the centre of sevenish collection in folders and 100+ piece trousers, VGC, £2.50 each, all size attention. I hope they have art pens in carrying case £9.99. 34R. Tel: 01603 870426 keyboards in heaven so you can I would have liked Michael Jackson New folding binoculars, 126 m to write me back to have spoken at our university 1000 m, carrying case £7.99. Tel: For sale: two sets bowls, size 4, because he touched so many 07768 057960 OH, two tape measures, bowls lifter, Righteous Kill: Pacino and De Niro people walking stick end, three white play veteran cops on the trail of a Three Dalek-style compost bins jackets and pullovers (one cereal killer Do you have smoke alarms in your surplus to requirements. If you want sleeveless), offers. Tel: 01603 house? asked student Arabella any or all, please collect from 870532 Sean, you are such a David. I thought I had one but it Cawston for a small donation to the disappointment to the entire family, turned out to be the doorbell Reepham & District Gardening For sale: nice pair of Bentwood don’t bother coming home, love Club. Contact: Tina Sutton 01603 dining chairs, seat pads covered in Dad 872441 blue and white check, original cane seats beneath in good condition, All remaining furniture ½ price to Local lady who takes orders for £15 each, £25 the pair. Tel: 01603 50% off knitting, with all proceeds going to 865139 Free ads restricted to ONE Cancer Research, will knit using Sale, two days only: Thursday, submission of 30 WORDS your pattern/wool or you can I saw you at the funeral and I Friday, Saturday and Sunday choose from my patterns. Tel: Edna couldn’t take my eyes off of you. I maximum and total value 01603 872510 think you wanted to look at me, but Rediscover the value and joy of of £300 per issue

Free ads restricted to ONE submission of 30 WORDS MAXIMUM PER ISSUE ANY EXCEEDING THIS LIMIT WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY REJECTED Free ads can be emailed to: [email protected] or left at Very Nice Things, Market Place, Reepham Please include your name and address (not for publication) so we can verify your entry

To advertise here telephone LOCAL SERVICES Judy Holland on 01603 308158 or email [email protected] KITCHENS MINI-SCRAPBOX Chris (Fred) Arterton Reepham's membership-based ˆ7YTTP] ½XSV½XSRP] Professional reliable service re-use charity ˆ Worktops changed Very reasonable rates ˆ Doors replaced Unit 5 Collers Way ˆ Whatever your needs Personal assurance Wood Dalling Road, Reepham ˆ Over 20 years experience guaranteed Call Jim on 01603 873128 01603 871368 07901 881416

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Years of Norfolk brewing experience have gone into developing a new innovation for the real ale sector. Packed full of hops and surprisingly full of flavour, this crisp and refreshing Pale Ale puts other low alcohol beers into the shade. [email protected] 01603 871163

BREWED BY PANTHER BREWERY UNIT 1, COLLERS WAY, REEPHAM, NORFOLK NR10 4SW. Need more space? Reepham 01603 870473 Tell us your requirements and with our local Dereham NQRZOHGJHZH·OOKHOSILQG\RXUQH[WKRPH 01362 696895