
Oral History Interview



January 27, 1983

By Clarence E. Whitefield

SUBJECT: Class of '58 (Part I of 2 Parts)

NOTE TO USER: This is a transcription of a tape-recorded interview. While we write in complete sentences, very few persons speak this way constantly. No effort has been made to edit the transcription to allow for this, although some minor omissions or corrections have been made where there were repetitive or meaningless phrases, such as hesitations.)

WHITEFIELD: Well, Tom, it's nice to be back with you again, This morning we are goin g to talk about the Class of 1958, which came alon g a number of years after you and I had left Carol ina, but still I think we know quite a few members of this class. And, I think it will be interes ting to chat about them, Maybe we might start by talking about some of the more prominent members o f the class, like the President of the Student Body or the President of the Class, or class offi cers—that sort of thing, I believe "Sonny" Evans was President of the Student Body back in 195 8.

BOST: Sonny's been certainly a busy person. In fact, he just recently got married, didn't he? WHITEFIELD: Yes.. . BOST: A year or so ago. WHITEFIELD; ...right.

BOST : The class' most eligible bachelor.

WHITEFIELD: He was for a long, long time. (chuckle) But you are right. He is married now. He got married Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 2

a little over a year ago. BOST: And, Sonny has spent most of his time in New York, hasn't he? With the Revson Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation.

WHITEFIELD: That's correct. BOST: He's with them, and...

WHITEFIELD: Of course, he's Eli and... BOST: Eli. WHITEFIELD: ...and I think he's trying to get rid of that nickname Sonny, which carried with him for a long, long time and he still doesn't mind it from people who really know him well, but he's Eli. BOST: Well, we'll call him Eli. And I believe he wrote a book didn't he, some time ago. WHITEFIELD: He wrote a book... BOST: Called "The Provincials". WHITEFIELD: Yes. BOST: A personal history of the Jewish race in the South. WHITEFIELD: That's right and that was the first time that he got any real recognition more than his brother, Bob... BOST: That's right.

WHITEFIELD: ...who is a CBS announcer of some note and a public speaker. And of course Eli's older brother. Sonny was in the shadow of him for a long time and when he published this book I went to a party—an autograph party that his parents(of course that's "Mutt" Evans and Sara in Durham)...

BOST: So, that sorta closed the gap a little bit, didn't it?

WHITEFIELD: It did and they said that...or maybe it was Bob that said at that party this is the first time I've ever been referred to as Sonny's brother. (chuckle)

BOST: (chuckle)

WHITEFIELD: It was a good book though.

BOST: Sonny went on to Yale, too, for his law degree, Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. V Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Pacre 3

didn't he?

WHITEFIELD: After he came...after he finished at Carolina. BOST: Came to school here at Carolina. WHITEFIELD: That is correct. BOST: Of course he's a life member of the Alumni Association. And another thing, Sonny was one of our earlier class agents in Annual Giving. Of course, George Ragsdale, the president of the class, started it off, but then Eli came and took it over and he was followed, in turn, by .

WHITEFIELD: Well, Eli had some good examples set for him by his father, too.

BOST: He sure did. His father being the chairman of when Annual Giving went over a hundred thousand dollars for the first time. WHITEFIELD: Yes sir.

BOST: I always give "Mutt" big credit for that particular achievement. WHITEFIELD: By all means. But Eli as you said is now the president of the Charles H. Revson Foundation in New York and I understand doing an outstanding job there. It was predictable, though, because when he was at Carolina he was not only president of the Student Body, but was a member of the Golden Fleece and the Grail and Phi Beta Kappa and a real student leader.

BOST: And while we're talking about student leaders there's George Ragsdale the permanent president of the class.


BOST: As I mentioned a few minutes ago, George was the first class agent of the Class of '58 and did very well. George has been real active in many areas. Of course now he's on the Board of Trustees.

WHITEFIELD: He certainly is. BOST: Serving a four-year term I believe isn't he? That ends this year.

WHITEFIELD: That's, Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 4

BOST: I Believe that's right. He came on in '79

WHITEFIELD: I think that's correct. Yeah.

BOST: And George married Adora Prevost who was also daughter of a former trustee. WHITEFIELD: Yes. Aaron...Aaron Prevost's daughter, isn't she? BOST: Yes.

WHITEFIELD: From up at Waynesville?

BOST: Waynesville. That's right. And George has been, of course, a Superior Court Judge and he was legal counsel to the Governor...Governor Moore in the late 1960's. WHITEFIELD: Yes and went from that to the Superior Court Judgeship. I guess the Governor probably appointed him to that.

BOST: That's right. He did, and of course he's now with the firm of Smith, Anderson, Dorsett, Blount and Ragsdale. WHITEFIELD: In Raleigh. BOST: In Raleigh. That's right. WHITEFIELD: Yes. BOST: George, of course, won many honors here. He was Chairman of the Honor Council, member of the Golden Fleece and the Grail. So, his career sorta was like...

WHITEFIELD: Parallel to Eli's. BOST: Parallel to Eli's. That's right.

WHITEFIELD: That's correct. BOST: While talking about Annual Giving, I might mention here that this class over a period of years, 26 years or 2 4 or 5 years, excuse me... WHITEFIELD: Yeah. They'll be having their 25th reunion this May. BOST: That's right. They've raised $133, 000. But the one encouraging thing about this new year, they've already had four commitments to the Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 5

Chancellor's Club. Tommy Kearns is busy.

WHITEFIELD: Which means, ah...$10,000 a piece. BOST: That's right. And they have another five they believe are committed. So, indications are they are going to break Fred Bauer's record for most money in a single year. Fred, you know,...

WHITEFIELD: For a 25th-year class. BOST: For a 25th-year class. That's right, not for a 50th year but for a 25th year. The best we've ever done before was $25,000 in one year. WHITEFIELD: Yes. This $133,000 that you mentioned just now is a cumulative total of everything that's been given by the Class of '58.... BOST: Yes, it is. WHITEFIELD: ...over the years. BOST: But they...I might add that last year Tommy Kearns, as a class agent, raised $26,000 in a non-reunion year, which was quite an achievement. WHITEFIELD: Well, we'll get back to Tommy in a few minutes because he was one of those members of the 1957 National Championship team and it's nice to see that we've people like that who still carry on for the University and we do have a lot of them.

BOST: That's right. You can...I can still see Tommy Kearns jumping against Wilt "the Stilt" Chamberlin.

WHITEFIELD: (chuckle)

BOST: Chamberlin was so startled that he tipped the ball right into one of our players hands. (chuckle) We gave him the tip but we got the ball and scored three baskets before they knew what happened.

WHITEFIELD: (chuckle)

BOST: And I always thought that gave us a run at them that was pretty hard for them to overcome. Although it did go into three overtimes.

WHITEFIELD: Yes sir. BOST: I can still see him jumping there. 6'2" against 7'3" (Wilt) Chamberlin. Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 6


BOST: And I thought it was great strategy on the part of Coach Frank McGuire to pull a thing like that.

WHITEFIELD; It certainly was. He didn't have a chance with anybody else so he might as well put his shortest guy up there and let all the taller guys stand out there and try and get the rebound.

BOST: And to go after the ball. That's right. WHITEFIELD: That's right. It was smart. Well, getting back to our class officers. Frank Black, I believe, was vice-president of the senior class. He was also head cheerleader. So, he was kinda pulling double duty back in those days.

BOST: He sure was. I understand now he's in hospital administration out in California.

WHITEFIELD: That's correct. He was from Kannapolis. He's out in Ojai, (0-&i), I believe that's the way you pronounce it, it's O-j-a-i, California. (chuckle)

BOST: O-j-a-i, California? Oh, yes And he was on ATO when he was in school here.

WHITEFIELD: Right. He went from Carolina down to Baylor University where he taught and earned a degree in hospital administration and then went on out to St. Johns Hospital out there really in Oxnard, California is where the hospital is.

BOST: Yes.

WHITEFIELD But/\don't see Frank very much since he's out in California. He doesn't get back as often as he would otherwise. BOST : That's true. And then there's the secretary of the class, Bobbi Madison Karlen. WHITEFIELD: Yeah, she was Barbara, but they knew her by Bobbi.

BOST: Yeah. WHITEFIELD: A very cute little gal. BOST: And, I believe, she's in New York as a Public Information Official.

WHITEFIELD: With whom? Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 7

BOST: Bureau of Land Management.

WHITEFIELD: Oh yes. That's a Department of the Interior division up there.

BOST: Uh huh. She was of course, when she was here president of a sorority which is Pi Phi. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. She came here from Washington, D.C., I believe.

BOST: Yes. That's right. Then we have a treasurer there, don't we? WHITEFIELD: Yeah. Charlie Ashford was treasurer of the senior class of 1958. Another smart guy.

BOST: Went back to his home town to practice medicine, didn't he? WH3TEFIELD: Yes. He has. BOST: Isn't he from New Bern? WHITEFIELD: Gone back down there where he's on the staff of Craven County Hospital.

BOST: Went to Johns Hopskins University and then did his residency in Pittsburgh and now is in private practice as a surgeon in New Bern.

WHITEFIELD: That's correct. BOST: He's on the staff of the Craven County Hospital.

WHITEFIELD: He was Phi Beta Kappa, Golden Fleece, and I believe that those students back in 1958 did a good job of selecting their class officers because the ones that they picked have done well.

BOST: Yes they were. They certainly have done well. WHITEFIELD: There was another young man in this class that was... I looked through the Yackety Yack, I never knew him personally, but he was obviously very prominent in the student body about that time and he had the same nickname that Eli did, Sonny. This was Sonny Halliford. He was Edward U. Halliford, Jr. He was from Rocky Mount. He was attorney general for the student government and was a member of the Golden Fleece and the Order of the Grail and the Old Well. But Sonny died and I'm sure they feel like they've lost a good member of their class.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 8

BOST: No question about that. A very active member and as you say was also in the Golden Fleece and the Grail and those organizations.

WHITEFIELD; Right. This was one of the early classes that had Morehead Scholars in it, Tom. I believe it was only the fourth year that the Morehead Scholarship program had been going and I see that there were eleven members of the Class of 1958 who were Morehead Scholars.

BOST: This is the second graduating class of Morehead Scholars.

WHITEFIELD: Was it only the second one? (NOTE: Actually, it was the fourth. One Morehead Scholar graduated in '55, two in '56, and 8 in '57.)

BOST: Yes. They had been in several... the Morehead Program had been in several years. The Class of '57—Mebane Pritchett's class, I think, was the first graduating class. Ed Sutton and that group.


BOST: But this was the second graduating class of Moreheads

WHITEFIELD: Okay. There were...I looked them up and out of those eleven I wanted to see what they had done and how they had done and I know you have some information about them, too. But there are three doctors, four attorneys, three businessmen and one editor included among those eleven Morehead Scholars. And the first one here, if we go down by alphabetical order, has a very familar name. His name is Bost. (chuckle)

BOST: I'm very proud of that young man. His father is my first cousin and "Billy" Bost came here to Carolina in 1954 and left in 1968 and his Dad, "Studey," is one of my favorite cousins, said he was glad he had a Morehead because he thought he was going to stay in college forever.

WHITEFIELD: (chuckle)

BOST: Said it was a lot of help for the first four years, (chuckle)

WHITEFIELD: He was William Stuart Bost, Jr. BOST: That's right.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 9

WHITEFIELD: But this young man went by Billy. BOST: Billy. He goes by Billy. And now he has a son, Bill, who has just been named a Morehead Scholar and is in his freshman year here at Carolina. WHITEFIELD: So he's one of the few two-generations of Morehead Scholars. We've had several so far, but not many. BOST: That's right. And Billy was down to see him recently. His mother and daddy celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary in Billy's home. They had a party for them and we just had a great time.

WHITEFIELD: Billy's father went to school here, too? BOST: No, he didn't. He did not go to college, Billy's father. But his mother, Lil, went to Randolph- Macon .

WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. BOST: But anyhow, Bill is real active down there and he's Chief of Staff at Pitt Memorial Hospital. WHITEFIELD: In Greenville? BOST: In Greenville, North Carolina. That's right. Which is his home town. He's another one that went back to practice in his home town. He married Alice Huss, another Carolina alumna, Class of '63 from Gastonia.


BOST: Her father was Hunter Huss who was superintendent of schools there... WHITEFIELD: Yes. BOST: ...for many years. WHITEFIELD: Yes. Well, they recently became life members of the Alumni Association. So we appreciate that kind of loyalty.

BOST: I said Class of '63...Class of '62 that she was a member of. WHITEFIELD: Alice? BOST: Alice.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 10

WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. BOST: Alice Huss. Then there are other doctors in that class. Let's see, I believe... WHITEFIELD: And among these Morehead Scholars.

BOST: Among the Morehead Scholars. (pause)

WHITEFIELD: Well, Will Deal.

BOST: Will Deal? WHITEFIELD: Dr. William Brown Deal. He is Dean of the College of Medicine and Assistant Vice-President for Clinical Affairs for the University of Florida down in Gainesville. BOST: And then Daley Goff, of course, a football player who is... WHITEFIELD: Is another physician. BOST: Is another physician down at...Tampa-St. Petersburg... WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. BOST: ...a specialist in cardiovascular surgery. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. Those are the three doctors in the class. BOST: There are four lawyers I guess. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. BOST: Three doctors. WHITEFIELD: Three doctors and four lawyers. Going back to Will Deal though, he married a Carolina alumna. He married Elizabeth Grayson who is the Class of '59. Will was honored, incidently, by our Medical School here back a couple of years ago—several years ago. He was given the Medical School's distinguished service award. And they have a daughter, Kimberly, who entered Carolina this fall. So we're getting a good continuation of families of these Morehead Scholars here at Chapel Hill.

BOST: Of course we have a number of lawyers we mentioned earlier there. Jim Kimzey who is a lawyer and Forbes Ramsey. Forbes Ramsey is in Greensboro, or been in Washington rather as a tax attorney.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 11

WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. BOST: Jim Kimzey is...is another Morehead—as I say another Morehead Scholar and he came from Brevard but now practices law in Raleigh with the firm Kimzey, Mackie, & Smith.

WHITEFIELD: Yeah. BOST : He was during his college days president of the Sigma Nu fraternity and a member of the Order of the Coif. WHITEFIELD: Coif? BOST: Coif. WHITEFIELD: Over at the Law School. BOST: Then there's John Hilliard Zollicoffer. WHITEFIELD: Oh, yeah. BOST: Over at Henderson. WHITEFIELD: That prominent family. BOST: A well known name of lawyers. He has a brother and a Dad in that same firm.

WHITEFIELD: He certainly does. BOST: And John Hilliard was a Phi Beta Kappa and a Eta Sigma, and Phi Alpha Theta. So he followed the tradition of some these others.

WHITEFIELD: Well, his son, John the III—John Hilliard the III, goes by John, is a freshman here this year.

BOST: Is that right? WHITEFIELD: Yeah. BOST: And he also had a daughter, Kim, who graduated in 1982? WHITEFIELD: Yes.

BOST: So he's had two.

WHITEFIELD: So he's had two here already.

BOST: It's nice to hear about these alumni whose children Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. ! Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 19 83 Page 12

get in here and go ahead and graduate. We hear from some of the others some time.

WHITEFIELD: We hear a lot about Gus Zollicoffer because he's been over in the Legislature for a long time and...

BOST: That's right. WHITEFIELD: ...and that's his cousin, I believe.

BOST: And then another lawyer is John Luther Walker from Roanoke, Virginia who is president-elect of the Virginia Bar Association. WHITEFIELD: Yeah, he came down here from Roanoke and then went back home to practice law. Well in fact I think he went to UVA Law School after he did his under­ graduate work here at Carolina. Didn't he?

BOST: Yeah. Uh huh. He sure did. And he's a life member of the Alumni Association and a partner in the frim of Woods, Rogers, Muse, & Walker.

WHITEFIELD: He married a classmate too. Mary Bizzell from Goldsboro. I believe he was a right good tennis player when he was here at Carolina.

BOST: . Very good. Very good. And, of course in addition to the lawyer and doctors we have many other professions like Mike Tanner. Mike Tanner...the Tanner family in Rutherfordton.

WHITEFIELD: Another prominent Carolina family.

BOST: Had two brothers here and...

WHITEFIELD: They're in the clothing manufacturers business , up there. Primarily women's dresses, I believe.

BOST: That's right. I knew Mike better when he was in the Executive Program. WHITEFIELD: Uh huh.

BOST: He graduated from that class in '74--rather received a certificate and he's been chairman of the Morehead Selection Committee. WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. BOST: For his home county there...

WHITEFIELD: I see. Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 13

BOST: ...of Rutherford county. WHITEFIELD: So they've taken a Morehead Scholar and put him back to work picking others. (chuckle) BOST: That's right. That's an unusual thing there. Let's see are there any others? WHITEFIELD: Mike is the youngest of three brothers who came here to Carolina. Bobo the III, who is the Class of '49... BOST: And also the Executive Program. I remember him.

WHITEFIELD: ...and a trustee. BOST: And then Jim in the Class of '50. WHITEFIELD: Jim...'50, who was a Vice-President of the Alumni Association a few years ago. And all of them, of course, were sons of the elder Bobo Tanner who was in the Class of '17. Deceased, of course, now.

BOST: And then there's Bill Roth. He came here from Elkin. He's another Morehead Scholar. He returned to his home town where he has been working for many years with the Chatham Manufacturing Company. WHITEFIELD: Right.

BOST: In sales. He also was with the Leaksville Woolen Mills in Eden for a while. He's another man who was real active, particularly in track and swimming. WHITEFIELD: Right. BOST: And a very able person. Have we covered them all?

WHITEFIELD: Well, we haven't hit our editor yet, you know, that's Walter Merritt.

BOST: Walter Merritt. WHITEFIELD: Ah...

BOST: From Hickory, I believe.

WHITEFIELD: He came here from Hickory, yeah, he wound up out in Wichita, Kansas.

BOST: He's been with the Hickory Daily Record in the sports department. Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. : : i- Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 14

WHITEFIELD: Started off with North Carolina newspapers.

BOST: And then city editor of the Charlotte Observer.

WHITEFIELD: That's right and then went from there out to Wichita where he's editor of the Wichita Eagle & Beacon at the present time. BOST: So those eleven men have accounted very well for...

WHITEFIELD: I believe they've all acquitted themselves very well. BOST: ...and been a tremendous credit to the Morehead program and to the communities and cities and states where they have been... WHITEFIELD: Did we mention Charles Davenport? Charles Davenport is another one of these members. BOST: I'm not sure. WHITEFIELD: He came from Newland one of four children in his family to attend Carolina and he was another to marry a Carolina alumna. He married Nancy Link of the Class of '57.

BOST: He's been a systems analyst with the Norfolk and Southern Railway too.

WHITEFIELD: Yeah. He's been with the railroad. He's...

BOST: They've recently merged with Norfolk and Western to form what they call the Norfolk Southern Corporation. WHITEFIELD: I see. Like you've said, that group has acquitted themselves very well and the Class of '58 has every right to be very proud of them. Tom, you were talking just now about this basketball team and our friend Tommmy Kearns trying to jump against Wilt ("the Stilt") Chamberlin in the finals of the NCAA tournament back in 1957 and even though this is the Class of '58 they had several '58 class members who were on that team and maybe it's a good time for us to take a few minutes and talk about that group of people.

BOST: Well, you immediately think of , I think one of the handsomest basketball players ever here.

WHITEFIELD: Yes he was

BOST: The feminine sports fans just ogled over him Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 15

every time he walked out on the court.


BOST: Pete stayed in North Carolina since his graduation. He's been with Burlington Industries at one time. He's done some radio broadcasting of basketball games. But I believe his primary work is the clothing business in Charlotte.

WHITEFIELD: He's been in it primarily, yes. I believe he was out of state for a little while, but he's right back in Charlotte now. BOST: He's been there most of his... WHITEFIELD: Right.

BOST: ...life. And he married another Carolina alumna, Kay Kirkpatrick, and they have three children one of whom is a freshman here at the University now.

WHITEFIELD: Yeah, it's a daughter, I believe. BOST: That's right. WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. Mary Elizabeth? BOST: Mary Elizabeth. That's right. WHITEFIELD: Pete was a smart guy, too. He was Golden Fleece while he was here at Carolina and his roomate, incidently, was John Kilgo when he was here in Chapel Hill.

BOST: That's right. And then there were... there was of course Kenny Rosemond. Kenny didn't play a great deal, but he was a fine substitute. And Kenny had a fine career after he left Carolina. He went on down to the University of South Carolina as an assistant coach and then served for eight years as a head coach for the University of Georgia basketball team.

WHITEFIELD: Yeah. He certainly did but when he gave up the coaching career he came back home to North Carolina.

BOST: And in fact he's now in discount stores. WHITEFIELD: ...lives now in Hillsborough.

BOST: Owner of a chain of discount stores.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 16

WHITEFIELD: That's correct. BOST: For women's clothes. WHITEFIELD: In Durham. BOST: And lives in Durham. WHITEFIELD: In the Hillsborough-Durham area he's got a number of those stores.

BOST: And then Bobby Cunningham, no relation ot ... WHITEFIELD: Right. BOST: ...now with the . WHITEFIELD: Yeah. Billy came along a little later didn't he?

BOST: That's right. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. This is Bob Cunningham. BOST: Bob Cunningham also married a girl in the Class of '58. WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. BOST: Frances Bennett. I believe they live up in Connecticut now, don't they? WHITEFIELD: Ah...

BOST: Westport, Connecticut. WHITEFIELD: I'm not sure, but I believe, yes, that's where he lives in Westport, Connecticut.

BOST: But Bobby was fine basketball player. He was one of the guards. He and Tommy Kearns played the guard positions. Of course, Pete Brennan and . I don't believe Lennie was in this class. Lennie was in '57.

WHITEFIELD: No. That's correct.

BOST: And then the center , I believe, was in the Class of '59. I think that's right.


BOST : Joe Quigg.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 17

WHITEFIELD: Yeah. BOST: So, jpiiii|ii .ffl_>-threp> of the five members came from •58. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. And Rosemond, incidently, was one of the few North Carolina natives who was on that basketball team. (chuckle) The coach... BOST: I remember Sports Illustrated one of the earliest things they had was on their front cover. They had a tunnel showing Frank McGuire leading five New York area boys to Chapel Hill. WHITEFIELD: Right. (chuckle) BOST: (chuckle) We got mighty attached to those five New York boys. WHITEFIELD: Well we certainly did. They did a super job for us and I'm glad we had a few people like Kenny to work with them. BOST: That's right. That's right. Don Patterson is a member of that class. Was also on the basketball team. He's another North Carolina boy, but he said he never played a game after his freshman year. WHITEFIELD: Is that right? I guess thatS the reason we don't remember much about him as a basketball player, (chuckle) BOST: But Don Patterson, of course, is with IBM now here in Research Triangle.

WHITEFIELD: Yes, he certainly is.

BOST: A great basketball fan. WHITEFIELD: I know Don well. He's in Kiwanis with me here in Chapel Hill and... BOST: He's a great one of the pancake men isn't he? I always see him working with that. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. He's manager of personnel administration for IBM out in the Research Triangle Park. BOST: Yeah. WHITEFIELD: As you said, a very avid Carolina fan. Unfortunately lost his wife a couple or three years ago. I believe has recently remarried. Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill.

• • Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 18

BOST: He has. They're members of our church. I've known Don through that church affiliation for years. He married a girl from Greensboro that he used to date before he married Doris, who died three years ago. WHITEFIELD: Right. BOST: And this girl's nickname is "Butch". WHITEFIELD: I see. BOST: But... WHITEFIELD: I really haven't gotten to know her. BOST: ...they're very happy. And I'm so happy for Donald. WHITEFIELD: Yes, I am too. It was very tragic when he lost his first wife. Well, we'^ot a lot of good members of this class. BOST: There's Bill Baldridge. WHITEFIELD: Bill Baldridge was president of our alumni chapter over in Forsyth county in Winston-Salem a few years ago.

BOST: And Vice-President of NCNB now isn't he?

WHITEFIELD: That is correct.

BOST: And is a former Vice-President of the Rams's Club. WHITEFIELD: Over in Forsyth county. That Ram's Club chapter, yeah. BOST: His father was personnel manager of HaneSCorporation.

WHITEFIELD: Right, so I guess that got Bill off to a good start.

BOST: He's another member of the class who married a

Carolina alumna in the Class of '63, Katharine Taylor

WHITEFIELD: She was from Goldsboro.

BOST: Is that Frank Taylor's daughter? WHITEFIELD:. I'm sure it's that family, but I'm not sure if it was Frank's daughter or not. It may have been his granddaughter as a matter of fact. (chuckle)

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 18

BOST: Yeah. (chuckle) It probably was. Probably was.

WHITEFIELD: As a matter of fact, to digress just a moment, Tom, I think it's interesting to take note sometimes of these famous stories. It reminds me of one that Frank Graham used to tell on himself, jfihen he was one of our United States Senators up in Washington. Whenever a group of school children came to the Capitol, if he knew about it there was a group from North Carolina, if he could break away he would go out and say a few words of welcome to them. Frank Graham's that kind of a fellow, you know.

BOST: He sure is.

WHITEFIELD: And he said that he went out one day and was interviewing these school children and he asid, "And where are you from son?" And he said, "I'm from such and such a town in North Carolina." And he said, "And what's your name?" and he told him and it was a very familiar name to Frank Graham because it was a family name that he had recognized. And he said, "Oh yes, I know your father very well." And the little boy says, "You do?" He says, "Oh yes." And he started describing his father to him, what he did and all this and he said this little boy said, "Dr. Graham, that's my grandfather." (chuckle)

BOST: (chuckle)

WHITEFIELD: So, we have to be kinda careful about these generations (chuckle)

BOST: (chuckle) Well, Dr. Frank knew them. He could rattle them off one after the other from all generations.

WHITEFIELD: He certainly could.

BOST: And then we think of...of course you know Milton Barber, III over in Durham.

WHITEFIELD: Very well.

BOST: And his wife Ruth. They were both members of the Class of '58.

WHITEFIELD Yes. There are a number of couples in this class and that's one of them.

BOST One of the interesting things to me is that Milton Barber, III will be coming back to his 25th reunion, His father, Milton Barber, Jr., "Pig" Barber from Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. - -«-..-. _ Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 19

Lexington, will be coming back to his 50th. So we have a 25 and 50 year reunion father and son, both of who will be here in May.

WHITEFIELD: Well, Milton's son is just going to miss that reunion with them by one year. Milton the fourth just graduated from here in '82. BOST: That's right. WHITEFIELD: He and my son Bobby(Whitefield) went"O&o* Jordan High School together and then came on over nere to Carolina. BOST: But, Milton's grandfather was my first minister. The first man, I remember...I remember I was confirmed by him. WHITEFIELD: I don't know how many...we certainly don't have many, but I don't know how many people there are—families there are where there are four people by the same name who attended Carolina and we have had four Milton A. Barber's. The first, second, third, and fourth who have come to Carolina.

BOST: I think you could count them all on one hand probably,

WHITEFIELD: There may be....

BOST: Maybe two hands.

WHITEFIELD: ...Blucher Ehringhaus—there may be four of those.

BOST: Yeah. Let's see. There was Blucher, Sr., J.C.B.

WHITEFIELD: Well, junior was the Governor.

BOST: His son is Blucher, Jr. Then his son who works at the University now.

WHITEFIELD: But he's number four, I believe. BOST: Let's see. WHITEFIELD: Because his grandfather was junior, the Governor and then his father in between. So, I believe we can find four generations of J.C.B. Ehringhaus' here. And four Milton A. Barber's, but I can't think of any others right off hand. (chuckle) . • > BOST: You don't think*they're rare. You just don't see...

WHITEFIELD; There are plenty of four generation families here. Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 20

BOST: Yes. WHITEFIELD: But not four generations of the same name. That's the distinction I'm making.

BOST: BjWanyhow, Milton, I believe, is an investment broker in Durham. WHITEFIELD: He is. He has, I believe, done quite well over there. BOST: Also one of those rabid sports fans that you see over here on a regular basis.

WHITEFIELD: Right. BOST: As is his wife. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. Ruth came from Henderson here and of course, Milton, even though he lives in Durham now, came from Lexington. But he was in Raleigh, too. I mean his family, wasn't he?

BOST: Yes. They lived in Raleigh. WHITEFIELD: In Raleigh. BOST: His grandfather was the Rector of Christ Church. WHITEFILED: That's what I thought.

BOST: Christ Church in Raleigh.


BOST: As I say, I claim him as my first rector because I spent many years in that church.

WHITEFIELD: Well there's another very prominent couple in this class and that's "Chuck" Flack(Charles Z. Flack). BOST: And Jane... WHITEFDELD: And his wife Jane Sawyer Flack.

BOST: "Chuck" has been in business with his father, hasn't he, in insurance and real estate.

WHITEFIELD: Up in Forest City. BOST: Forest City.

WHITEFIELD: And came here and went back home and went into the Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. , Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 21

C.Z. Flack agency.


WHITEFIELD: We were talking^Tom, about "Chuck" Flack and... BOST: They have a very active alumni chapter up there... WHITEFIELD: They certainly do. BOST: ...in Rutherford county. And the Flacks have been very instrumental, father, too, his father, in setting up that. I went to several meetings with you up there.

WHITEFIELD: That's right.

BOST: And thoroughly enjoyed them. WHITEFIELD: It's a good group and we were about ready to elect : him president of the chapter up there one time. In fact he had accepted and agreed to serve and then he called me up the next day and said he appreciated it but they had asked him to serve on the Board of Governors of the University system and so he had to turn us down. BOST: And I believe he's in that position now, isn't he? WHITEFIELD: He is. It's an eight-year term, I believe, and he went on in 1977. BOST: '77. WHITEFIELD: Right. So he's got a few more years on it. BOST: And he was president of his fraternity and she was very active in her sorority, Phi Beta Phi. Kappa Alpha for him.

WHITEFIELD: Yeah he was KA and she was Phi Beta Phi. \

BOST: Well, in the subject of real estate, another very active member of the class in real estate now is Paxson Glenn down in Dallas, Texas. WHITEFIELD: Well, he's another one who's been president of our alumni chapter,in that area, Pax has. BOST: And he helped us some in Annual Giving there. He's

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. #### ,'"' INterview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 22

been a very interested alumnus. Of course he follows...another real sports fan. Past president, I believe, of the Dallas Alumni Chapter. And he came from Winston-Salem here, didn't he?

WHITEFIELD: Yes,he did. And he's with something called the Ryan Companies in real estate down there. He's Vice-President of it.

BOST: Another member of that class that's been very active in the publishing field is Alma Eleanor Graham from Raleigh. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. I don't know her.

BOST: I know of her family. She's with McGraw-Hill. Senior editor of the Webster Division there.

WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. BOST: Formerly associate editor with American Heritage Publishing Company. I know of her. I heard people speak of her in Raleigh. She has certainly been real active in women's work.

WHITEFIELD: Right. I know that. That's where I've heard about her, but I do not know her personally. She's written extensively.

BOST: She's on the Board of NOW which is a national organization for women in New York.

WHITEFIELD: Right. And she's been, I guess it's sorta of a combination of her interests and her career, since her career has been editing for dictionaries and that sort of thing, but...

BOST: But she's done public speaking, too, hasn't she?

WHITEFIELD: ...she has been an advocate of equality of the sexes, particularly as it pertained to the printed word, you know.

BOST: Yeah.

WHITEFIELD: She's been an advocate of that. She got an MA degree up at Columbia after she left here. I think while she was doing her work on one of those jobs up there.

BOST: That's right, And then we think of John Greene of Morganton.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 2 3

WHITEFIELD: Yes. John's another past president of our Alumni chapter.

BOST: And married a classmate. Jane Bowers. There must be at least a dozen of these in this class.

WHITEFIELD: There are quite a few in this class. BOST : If they didn't in this class then they married another Carolina alumna.

WHITEFIELD: Well, if you're going to extend that, you'll go past dozens.

BOST: Yes. WHITEFILED: You'll get into an awful lot of them.

BOST: John, I believe, is president of Bowers-Greene Motor Company in Morganton. WHITEFIELD: That's right. BOST: He's one who transfered here. I believe he attended Citadel. WHITEFIELD: Yeah and then came on here.

BOST: And came to Carolina.

WHITEFIELD: For two years. Last two years. BOST: As you said he's past president of the Burke county Alumni Chapter.

WHITEFIELD: Yeah. And he's been on the Morehead Selection Committee up there, too. I guess when we find good people we use them in lots of different ways to work for the University.

BOST: That's true and you know there are not many of our alumni that stay in Chapel Hill and yet we have a couple of members that I can think of off hand. One is Stirling Haig, who came here from Asheville.

WHITEFIELD Yeah. I looked up Stirling and it said that he entered Carolina from Rome, Italy of all places and I was a little intrigued by that and so I called up Stirling and asked him about it and he said/well, that's right. That's where I was living at the time that I came to Carolina." But of course he's not an Italian. He's an American.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. ... . Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 24

BOST: He grew up in Asheville didn't he?

WHITEFIELD That's right. And he said that he grew up in Asheville but his father was a forester who went with the Food and Agriculture Agency of the United Nations and was sent over to Italy in the early 50's. And Stirling said that he attended a French school in Rome for three years and picked up Italian in the streets over there and those two led to his interest in Romance Languages and he wound up on our faculty teaching in the Romance Languages Department.

BOST: He, I believe, is University Marshal, too, isn't he? WHITEFIELD: He's University Marshal and professor cf Romance Languages. BOST: A member of Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Eta Sigma. WHITEFIELD: Yes, he was elected to both of those in undergraduate school. A smart young man who has done well and we are very pleased—proud of Stirling. BOST: And then we get back into the law field when we bring up the name Phillip Haire.


BOST: He came from West Jefferson and now lives in Sylva. He is the town attorney there. He is the second member of the Class of 1958 who is currently serving on the UNC Board of Governors.

WHITEFIELD Yes. That's a fairly small group igSb for the Class of '58 here to have two...

BOST: To have two of them is something.


BOST: He was elected, I believe, to an eight-year term in 1981. WHITEFIELD: That's right. So, he'll be around a while for that.

BOST: In other words he and Chuck Flynn—Flack, excuse me, are members of that...

WHITEFIELD: Board. Chuck and his wife are Life Members of the Alumni Association.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. INterview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 25

BOST: Alumni Association. WHITEFIELD: So they're good strong supporters of the University. BOST: Another lawyer, of course, is Parks Helms. WHITEFIELD: From over in Charlotte. BOST: Who has been a member of the State House of Representa­ tives since 1974. Uh huh. He got rather prominent a few years ago. WHITEFIELD: I remember by sponsoring the liquor-by-the-drink legislation in the Legislature, didn't he? Particularly in view of the fact that he's a deacon BOST: in the Baptist church. And his minister backed him on that, didn't he? As a matter of fact he did,and I'm sure that made WHITEFIELD: it a lot easier for him to lead that fight than if his minister had apposed him on that. (chuckle)

(chuckle) That's the truth. He is also married BOST: to another Carolina graduate, Eleanor Allen, the Class of '62 and they're joint lifetime members of the Association.


BOST: There seems to be a number of those in this class.

WHITEFIELD: Well, this has been a good class in regard to life memberships. It certainly has.

BOST: And then, of course, getting into the newspaper field again, there's Carolyn Thompson High of Whiteville and her family owns the News Reporter.

WHITEFIELD: Well, Carolyn is just one of the nicest persons that I know. She's been on the Alumni Association Board and is still on it. And is doing an outstanding job there. Her husband, Jim, in the Class of '59. He also attended State. I guess you know him pretty well.

BOST: In the Class of '59.

WHITEFIELD: He likes to remind us from time to time in a kind of needling sort of way that he attended N.C. State.

BOST: He's been pretty quiet in recent years though.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 26

WHITEFIELD: That's right. (chuckle) The athletics at State hasn't been what it was so he hasn't mentioned it as often. (chuckle) (pause) Yeah, her family owns the News Reporter newspaper down in Whiteville and Jim is its current editor.

BOST: And Carolyn is also on the Board of Visitors, isn't she? WHITEFIELD: Yes she is. Yes she is. In fact we have a number of members of the Alumni Board who are also members of the Board of Visitors and several past presidents who serve on that. BOST: And I believe that she's been on a number of... she and her husband been on a number of alumni tours. WHITEFIELD: They certainly have and very pleasant company. BOST: Then we go in Greensboro to Dr. Kelly Maness. Practices obstetrics and gynecology... WHITEFIELD: Is it Maness or is it Maness? BOST: Maness, I don't... WHITEFIELD: I,don't know him to...I would think that it's Maness, but I'm not sure. BOST: Maybe it is Maness. WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. BOST: Maness or Maness. I'm not sure about the pronunciation. WHITEFIELD: He's OB/GYN, I believe, over in... BOST: He was quite a swimmer when he was here. A good



BOST: Also won the Grail Award for the varsity athlete with

the highest grades.

WHITEFIELD: Yes, he was smart.

BOST: A candidate for Rhodes Scholarship.

WHITEFIELD: That tells it to you loud and clear, doesn't it?

InterviewBOST number: L-0007-L0008H ine thewen Southernt to OralMedica Historyl Program Schoo Collectionl in Pennsylvani (#4007) at The Southerna but Historicalhe's Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. another home town boy who's come back to Greensboro. <_ Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 27

Practices there and has a good practice I understand.

WHITEFIELD: Yes. Well, he's Kelly, Jr. and his father was a Carolina alumnus too. Was in the Class of '26 with Roy Armstrong.

BOST Now there's another member of that class who has the distinction of being the first woman to be named a professor at Davidson College. Dr. Louise Nelson became the first woman faculty member, I believe, there.

WHITEFIELD: To fitain the rank...the highest rank at Davidson.

BOST: To amtain the highest rank of professor. Uh huh. She got both her A.B. and Ph. D. here and is a life member of the Alumni Association.

WHITEFIELD: Well... BOST: She's also been very supportive of the Annual Giving Program, too. WHITEFIELD: Well, we're very proud of her for that.

BOST: Now you probably know Russ Perry as well as anyone. Russ is another one who came back to Chapel Hill. WHITEFIELD: Yeah, oh yes. Well, I think he just stayed on in Chapel Hill didn't he? He's Associate Director...

BOST: Stayed here didn't he? Yeah. WHITEFIELD: He... BOST: Played baseball here. He's a past president of the State* Employ@e# Association.

WHITEFIELD: Yes. And is the Associate Director of the Housing Office here at the University.

BOST: Uh huh.

WHITEFIELD: ...at the present time. Has been with the housing office for quite a while.

BOST: Then there's Jim...let's see, another one I think of along that line is Al Pons.


BOST: Al is owner of the Chapel Hill Tire Company and Al was quite a baseball player here, but he's turned Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 2 8

into being an outstanding tennis player.

WHITEFIELD: That's something he's taken up in recent years as I understand.

BOST: That's true since...just in, I think, the last ten years or so.

WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. And become quite outstanding as a tennis player.

BOST: And Al has also been very helpful to us in Annual Giving.

WHITEFILED: Yeah. He's been an area or class agent. BOST: Area. Uh huh. Area Class Agent. WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. BOST: And then there's Dr. Glenn Pickard who is an Associate Professor of medicine here at the University. He helped start a medical clinic in Prospect Hill.

WHITEFIELD: Yeah. They didn't have but one doctor up there and he died and I believe that Glenn went up there and set up a clinic to sort of take up the slack. And my understanding is that it helped to promote the whole idea of regional health centers which led to AHEC.

BOST: AHEC. Uh huh. And that's what Simmons Patterson has been very active in.

WHITEFIELD: That's right. Simmons headed one of those in eastern North Carolina. But...

BOST He^was also as a medical student president of the Whitehead Society when he was a student here. And he married...he's another one who married a Carolina alumna in the School of Nursing.

WHITEFIELD: That's right. He married Faye Dark who has been president of the UNC Nursing Alumni Association here and as such was a member of the Board of Directors of the General Alumni Association. So we saw quite a bit of Glenn and Faye during that particular year.

BOST: Then there's Mary Rucker Pless. Mary has had two brothers here at Carolina, Adin and Jerry. Adin was in the Executive Program also. Mary has been Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 29

an elementary school teacher, I believe, in Rutherfordton. WHITEFIELD: Yes she has. She was in that same chapter...

BOST: Her husband is a stockbroker, Alan who is Class of 1955.

WHITEFIELD: That's correct. She was in that same alumni chapter with "Chuck" Flack up there, you know. It's Rutherford county. BOST: That chapter had an awful lot of talent. WHITEFIELD: They've got some good talent up there. They certainly do. And Mary and Alan have a daughter here at the present time, who is a sophmore here at Carolina, Laura. They both come from very strong Carolina families.

BOST: Both sides. That's right. WHITEFIELD: Yes. Alan's father, of course udge (Will) Pless, you know. #

BOST: Another one of our class agents. Alan Pless,

WHITEFIELD: Yes. Alan is.

BOST: Class of 1917.

WHITEFIELD: The Judge is, yes.

BOST: Uh huh. Of course, Alan's '55.

WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. BOST : She's '58. And then there's Jim Preston, who had a fine academic record here as both an undergraduate and a law school student. Member of Phi Beta Kappa. He went back to, I believe...he went to Matthews, North Carolina to practice law in the Charlotte area,

WHITEFIELD: Well, Matthews is nothing but a suburb of Charlotte.

BOST: That's right. WHITEFIELD: So he.in effect, went back home. BOST: Went back home, didn't he? Right, The firm of Parker, Poe, and Thompson.


Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. ...J*4*kij_r.d*k

BOST: And he also has the distinction of being Editor of the Law Review.

WHITEFIELD: Which I understand goes to the person with the highest academic rank in the class.

BOST: That's right. WHITEFIELD: And so that tells you what he was and that put him of course, in the Order of the Coif. And there again he married a Carolina alumna. BOST: Elizabeth Gregory in the Class of '59. And they're joint life members of the Alumni Association. Got a guy named Jim Watkins Phillips from Lexington WHITEFIELD: who was in this class. He may be better known in Chapel Hill for his son than for what he is. (chuckle) In Chapel Hill I said.

BOST: His son was president of the Student Body wasn't he? WHITEFIELD: That's right. Young Jim Phillips. BOST: That's his claim to fame. WHITEFIELD: (chuckle) Well it's our claim for him you know. But, of course, Jim, in the Class of '58, has been county manager up in Davidson county for years. And was at one time manager of the Winston-Salem office of Congressman Stephen Neal. And he's another one that is married to a Carolina alumna. He married Carolyn Winberry who got her master's degree in social work here in 1960.

BOST : Then we think about Jerry Oppenheimer who is an attorney in Washington.


BOST: With the firm of Mayer, Brown and Piatt.

WHITEFIELD: Right. BOST: He served as tax counselor with the Treasury Department. Came from Birmingham, Alabama and he again compiled a very impressive record in being in the Golden Fleece, Grail, and other organizations like that. And he went to law school at the University of Virginia after leaving here. But he spent most of his working life in Washington area. Done very well.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 31

WHITEFIELD: Right. Went to law school at UVa you said after he went here.

BOST: That's right.

WHITEFIELD: And that probably moved him on up to Washington, D.C. I'm sure his work as a tax counsel for the Treasury Department gave him a good background for private law practice in Washington, D.C.

BOST: That's true. There's Richard Oresman. Dick Oresman. WHITEFILED: Oresman? BOST: Oresman. WHITEFIELD: Dick Oresman. BOST: Oresman. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. BOST: From the Philadelphia area. He's president of Oresman Company. WHITEFIELD: I believe that's a family business, yeah. BOST: He's now president of Ortex Industries. WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. Which may have branded off of that. I'm not sure. BOST: It's a well known company.

WHITEFIELD: Yes it is. And a fairly good sized company. In fact he was elected to membership in the Young Presidents Organization, which as you know, is composed of presidents of sizable companies if the individual heading it has not yet reached his 40th birthday. And so that says quite a bit for Dick Oresman.

BOST: It does. And then there's Ott Pate, the stock broker.,

WHITEFIELD: Oh. I know Ott over in Durham.

BOST: ...and financial advisor in Durham. You know him I'm sure much better than I do. And he's been with Prudential? WHITEFIELD: Well, Bache Halsey Stuart which Prudential has now bought out.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill...... i . ww#w##i#WNWW##k •*'• iM^www******. •" • » .- Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 32

BOST: Yeah. WHITEFIELD: So it's now Prudential Bache. BOST: He also chose for his wife another UNC alumnus Class of '57, Martha McKee Pate. Martha McKee;'. i s the daughter of Dr. Lewis McKee. WHITEFIELD: That's right. Ott and Martha &re very close friends of ours and...

BOST: Life members of the Alumni Association. WHITEFIELD: ...as are Dr. McKee and his wife. BOST: I believe we mentioned Don Patterson a little earlier.

WHITEFIELD: Yes we did.

BOST: And... WHITEFIELD: Here's a good one though, Mac Patton, Macon G. Patton, who grew up in Durham and is one of the more outstanding members of this class. He's currently down in Greenville, S.C.

BOST: He's with the Liberty Corporation. WHITBFILED: That's right. BOST: It's a holding company. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. They're into a lot of things you know. You may think of Liberty Life Insurance Company which is only one of their holdings though because they're also in radio, television and savings and loan business.

BOST: And insurance and so forth.


BOST: His brother, Jim, also came to the University here didn't he?

WHITEFIELD: That's right.

BOST: Class of '48.

WHITEFIELD: Jim's ah...is in the Class of '48 as you mentioned. Mac was up in New York for a long time. BOST: With Jenrette. Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 33

WHITEFIELD: That's right. With Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette. And I guess just got an offer he couldn't refuse from Liberty Corporation and went down to Greenville,

BOST: He was also president of the New York Chapter of the Alumni Association. WHITEFIELD: While he was there. BOST: ...while he was there. And later served on the Board of Directors of the Association. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. And we have high regard for him. They're father, of course, was Judge Jim Patton. BOST: Yes. WHITEFIELD: James R. Patton from Durham. Class of '17. BOST: A very distinguished alumnus of the University. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. BOST: And there again he married a member of the Class of '59. (chuckle) WHITEFIELD: That's what I was going to say. He married Josephine Ward. BOST: I believe if we add all of these up there may be a hundred of them (Jdhd married classmates).

WHITEFIELD: (chuckle) Josie is just a delightful person and I'm sure a real asset to Mac in the things that he does there.

BOST: Of course when you think of "Buddy" Payne you think of football again. "Buddy" was a starting end on the football team. A Co-Captain.

WHITEFIELD: That's right. BOST: He and Phil Blazer, I believe Phil's in the class too, isn't he? WHITEFIELD: I don't believe Phil's in this class.

BOST: Well, anyhow, "Buddy" and his wife, he married Gail Willingham, a classmate. WHITEFIELD: Uh huh.

BOST: And... Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, • The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. ,< ,##»####Ww " • A»M«M* »W, •***•»>• *«<#*<»» '*•* Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 34

WHITEFIELD: He came from Norfolk didn't he? BOST: That's right.

WHITEFIELD: But he's down in Florida now. BOST: He's down in Miami or Coral Gables, I believe. WHIEFIELD: Right. BOST: And he transferred to Stetson later where he got... he attended UNC Law School for a while and then went down to Stetson and later took the bar. WHITEFIELD: That's where he actually got his law degree. BOST: Got his law degree and is practicing there.

WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. BOST: Is now president of the Dade County Trial Lawyers Association. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. I ran into his son here earlier in this year and found out he has not only a son but also a daughter currently enrolled in Carolina. So he has two children here at the same time.

BOST: "Buddy" played under Jim Tatum here. And Jim had a fine 1957 football team which beat Navy in probably the nation's biggest upset...one of the nation's biggest upsets and Buddy was a star in that game . WHITEFIELD: He played a little bit of professional ball. I believe it was Canadian Football League...

BOST: That's right.

WHITEFIELD: ...that he played with, but he had a little fling at that before he went to law school. BOST: Played one year with the Ottawa Rough Riders of the Canadian League. That's right. WHITEFIELD: Right. BOST: He's a fine athlete.

WHITEFIELD: Yeah. He certainly is. BOST: His wife has certainly been very helpful to him in the many activities. Then there's another couple Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 35

from the Class of '58.


BOST: Tom Prewitt and Page Prewitt.

WHITEFIELD: Yeah. They're both in the Class of '58. And they live down in Jackson, Mississippi. And that's another example of somebody who has headed our alumni chapter for us. Tom has been president of Mississippi UNC Alumni Chapter and Page has worked very closely with him on it.

BOST: Uh huh. And... WHITEFIELD: He's a lawyer isn't he? BOST: Yes. They've been there for several years now. In Jackson, WHITEFIELD: Yeah. I believe he went to law school at "Ole Miss" after he did his undergraduate work here at Chapel Hill. BOST: Uh huh. That's right. Then there's Paul Pulley. Another Durham boy who was a fine a^lete here. WHITEFIELD: And another member of the State Legislature. We mentioned one earlier from Charlotte.

BOST: Played on the football team with "Buddy" Payne. WHITEFIELD: That's right. He did.

BOST: He's a Durham attorney, of course, and he's been in the House of Representatives. Is he still there? WHITEFIELD: Yes. He's still in there.

BOST: And a partner in the law firm of Pulley, Wainio, Stephens & Lambe.


BOST: He was president of the UNC Law Class of 1961.

WHITEFIELD: Yeah, president of the Law Class.

BOST: Yes. That's right. WHITEFIELD: Class of '61.

BOST: And then another Carolina couple that I've gotten Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. ..-.—*#** —"W*k • ' • . . Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 36

to know pretty well, Bob and Caroline Rechholtz. They were members of the Church of the Holy Family here and I knew them very well. They... Rick was one time Vice President of R.J. Reynolds and then went with Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company in Milwaukee. I believe now is out in...

WHITEFIELD: Golden, Colorado. BOST: ...Golden, Colorado with another company. WHITEFIELD; I don't know who he's with out there. In fact I didn't realize he had left Milwaukee and had gone to Golden until I saw his address in this roster here. I don't know whether he's retired or whether he's just changed there. (Now with Coors Beer Company)

BOST: They're a very delightful couple.

WH3TEFIELD: He has a lot of personality. I remember Ricky came by to see me several years ago and we discussed putting out an album of Carolina music. He had some sideline interest in such a project and for some reason it never did materialize. He had someway of thinking how we could make it economically feasible. I think he wanted to make a little money out of it, but it never did come off. And it's too bad because we still need a new album of Carolina music that people can purchase.

BOST: Uh huh. Then there's one of the Redding's from Asheboro. Bill Redding (William Howard Redding, Jr.)


BOST: Son of Howard Redding.

WHITEFIELD: Yes. BOST: The Redding family has been very active in many areas, particularly the textile business. WHITEFIELD: And staunch supporters of this University.

BOST: Absolutely .

WHITEFIELD: They certainly have been. BOST: And Bill's father, Howard, and his uncle, of course, is Henry Redding is in the Class of '33.

WHITEFIELD: Been a trustee of the University. Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. a-v . X . • •' •• . Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 37

BOST: He'll be back for his fiftieth reunion this year. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. Howard is the Class of '27. BOST: Bill is president now of that law firm. WHITEFIELD: Of Acme-McCrary. BOST: I mean... WHITEFIELD: It's a textile firm, yeah. BOST: I mean that textile firm. Yes. WHITEFIELD: Right. That's the same firm that "Pat Patterson(Henry N was with, you know, and...

BOST: And he married Buck Grice's daughter, Camille.

WHITEFIELD: ...and Harry Williamson. BOST: Class of... WHITEFIELD: Camille, yeah. BOST: Camille, in the Class of 1959. WHITEFIELD: She was named for her mother who is "Buck" Grice's wife. She was Camille, too.

BOST: Yeah. That's right. I remember...they're over in Raleigh, of course.

WHITEFIELD: Yeah. Those are her parents. Bill Redding has been on our Board of Directors of the Alumni Association and would make a good president sometime. He's a good,strong man. Here's another one of those football players on this team, "Buddy" Sasser.

BOST: Oh, yes. I remember him.

WHITEFIELD; He was a quarterback I believe.

BOST: That's right.

WHITEFIELD: George Sasser.

BOST: And a good one. He went to the University of South Carolina after he left here. And then coached at Conway High School.

WHITEFIELD: Well, that was his hometown.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill.

.»i • Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 38

BOST: Which was his hometown. That's right. And had a very successful career there.

WHITEFIELD: He certainly did. Over a period of about seven or eight years. He won 66 games and only lost 17. (chuckle) With five ties.

BOST: That's pretty fancy coaching isn't it? WHITEFIELD: That's pretty good. In fact that moved him out of high school coaching into college coaching. He went from there up to Appalachian State. Served as a backfield coach and as Assistant Athletic Director for a few years. And he's now down in Spartanburg, South Carolina, but I'm not sure what he's doing down there.

BOST: I don't know either whether he's still coaching or...

WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. BOST: Might well be in coaching down there. I've just lost touch with him in the last few years. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. We've talked about a lot of couples in this class. There are brothers in this class, too, which is fairly unusual since they're not twins, Fuller and Sydney ahford. Both in this class although Sydney is rouFyears older than Fuller. They're sons of our former Congressman George Shuford who was in the Class of '17 and was a prominent attorney up in Asheville.

BOST: Fuller, I believe he's still in Asheville, isn't he?

WHITEFIELD; He's a physician.

BOST: A physician. His brother, though, is in New York City, isn't he? In the New York area rather.

WHITEFIELD: Sydney is, yes.

BOST: A financial planner for the U.S. Trust Company.

WHITEFIELD: That's right. In New York.

BOST: And lives in Randolph, New Jersey.

WHITEFIELD: Yeah, which I assume is just a bedroom community for New York.

BOST: Yeah. That's right. (pause) Then John Sneden, Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 39

He's a familiar name as a Carolina Playmaker while he was here at Carolina.

WHITEFIELD: Yeah, he was one of the few Playmakers who put his training and talents in that area to good use. At the present time John is over in Winston as Dean of the School of Design and Production for the School of Arts in Winston-Salem. Been over there about twelve years.

BOST: He was at East Carolina. WHITEFIELD: That's right. He was first down... BOST: He taught in the drama department. WHITEFIELD: Well, he organized and headed the drama department down there for about eight years and then went on from there to the School of the Arts in Winston- Salem. BOST: ...and I believe he won the Playmaker award. WHITEFIELD: About ten years ago.

BOST: Ten years ago. Uh huh.

WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. BOST: Now another Asheville physician is Dr. Harry Summerlin. He is a family physician in Asheville and a parttime teacher of family medicine in the AHEC center. WHITEFIELD: Center. Well, that's a good involvement for our alumni, y^ying them in with these AHEC centers which /I think is one of the finest things that has happened to medical practice and education in North Carolina.

BOST: Absolutely. And I believe he was president of the North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians. WHITEFIELD: Yes... BOST: In 1980 and 81. WHITEFIELD: ...only a year or so ago. BOST: And director of the Family Practice Center in Asheville. WHITEFIELD: That's correct.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. tmm* ' - - • • • Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 4 0

BOST: Then there's Dr. Lewis Sutton. I guess...would he be related to Ed Sutton? They might well be.

WHITEFIELD: I don't know. We were talking about Dr. Harry Summerlin and I've checked around to see if he was related to Sam Summerlin, whom we know quite well, too.

BOST: Yeah.

WHITEFIELD: And I couldn't find any connections. So, I don't believe Harry and Sam are related.

BOST: I believe Lewis...I mean Ed...I mean, rather Lewis Sutton's father, has been in the business department at Western Carolina University for a number of years. Wasn't he?

WHITEFIELD: He may be. Lewis is professor of Modern Foreign Languages there.

BOST: You mentioned...we mentioned that there's a Bryan Sutton.


BOST: Over in Goldsboro. WHITEFIELD: Well, that's Lewis' brother. BOST: That's Lewis' brother? WHITEFIELD: Yes. That's Lewis' brother. BOST: They may be related to Ed Sutton, but I'm not sure. WHITEFIELD: I'm not sure either. I know Bryan quite well. BOST: But Ed Sutton did come from Cullowhee. WHITEFIELD: Uh huh. BOST: He entered here as a Morehead Scholar. WHITEFIELD: But Lewis came from Goldsboro.

BOST: Yes. WHITEFIELD: He and Bryan...it's Bryan, Jr., so Lewis' father was Bryan, Sr. BOST: Uh huh. That's right.

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill.

• i . Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 41

WHITEFIELD: Lewis got three degrees from here. He got his A.B., M.A. and his Ph. D. BOST: Liked it pretty well here. WHITEFIELD: (chuckle) Then went on up to Western Carolina . and put it to good use. BOST: Well I notice here a distinguished name, Dr. Blucher Ehringhaus Taylor. He's a gynecologist in Winston-Salem and Yadkinville. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. Apparently his parents admired Governor Ehringhaus, but I don't believe there's any relation there. At least I asked young Blucher about that, if he knew him, and he said he did not know him.

BOST: Said he didn't know him? WHITEFIELD: He did not know him. So, Blucher Taylor came here from Kinston. And after he did his undergraduate work here, got his M.D. degree from Bowman Gray School of Medicine and then just settled down in Winston-Salem where he's a gynecologist there.

BOST: And then, of course, this is a familiar name in Oxford, Richard (Dick) Taylor which is Richard L. (Dick) Taylor. The son of Dr. Rives Taylor in the Class of '22. "" WHITEFIELD: Who was a very prominent physician over in Oxford for many years.

BOST: Following in his father's footsteps there.

WHITEFIELD: Dick, yes, certainly is.

BOST: The Chief of Staff of Granville Hospital. And

married a....

WHITEFIELD: A classmate.

BOST: ...a classmate, Julia...


BOST: ...Hamme of the Class of '58. There again they do seem to like each other^don't they? WHITEFIELD: That's right. We mentioned there's a lot of... Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The LouisBOST Round: Wilson Special BennetCollectionst Library,Thomas...Be UNC-Chapeln Hill.Thomas rather was president of - • ., , . ••) &y**.**, Interview #2, Tom Bost, Jr., January 27, 1983 Page 42

the Student Union when he was a student at Carolina. He was very active in the Old Well, society of the... Order of the Grail and Alpha Phi Omega. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. He's one that got away from us and went up to Ohio. BOST: He's with Comptroller Forest Products Division, I believe, in Owens-Illinois. WHITEFIELD: Yeah. Owens-Illinois. BOST: Fiberglass company? WHITEFIELD: Yeah. They deal in glass and corrugated cardboard and all those kinds of things. And apparently he's done quite well up there with that sort of thing. He came from Morven, North Carolina which is what? Forsyth county? BOST: Yeah. That's right. I think it's near Winston-Salem.


Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. List of Names Mentioned in Tom Bost, Jr. Jan. 27, 1983, Subject: Class of '

NAME: Lee Roy Wells Armstrong '26 Charles H. (Charlie) Ashford, Jr. '58 William P. (Bill) Baldridge '58 Katharine Taylor (Mrs. Bill) Baldridge'6 Milton Augustus Barber, III '58 Ruth Watkins (Mrs. Milton) Barber, III'5 Milton Augustus Barber, Jr. '33 Milton A. (Gus) Barber, IV '82 Fred C. Bauer '48 B. Franklin (Frank) Black, III '58 Phillip P. (Phil) Blazer '58 William Stuart (Billy) Bost, Jr. '58 Alice Huss (Mrs. Billy) Bost '62 William S. Bost, III '86 Peter J. (Pete) Brennan '58 Kay Kirkpatrick (Mrs. Pete) Brennan '61 Mary Elizabeth Brennan '86 Wilt (The Stilt) Chamberlin Robert Joseph (Bob) Cunningham '58 Frances Bennett(Mrs. Bob) Cunningham '58 William John (Billy) Cunningham '65 Charles C. Davenport, Jr. '58 Nancy Link (Mrs. Charles) Davenport '57 Dr. William Brown Deal '58 J.C. Blucher Ehringhaus, Sr. 1832 J.C. Blucher Ehringhaus, Jr. '01 J.C. Blucher Ehringhaus, III '36 J.C. Blucher Ehringhaus, IV '73 Eli N. (Sonny) Evans '58 Emanual J. (Mutt) Evans '28 Sara N. (Mrs. E.J.)Evans Robert M. (Bob) Evans '52 Charles Z. (Chuck) Flack '58 Jane Sawyer (Mrs. Chuck) Flack '58 Paxson B. (Pax) Glenn '58 Alma Eleanor Graham '58 Frank Porter Graham '09 T. N. (Buck) Grice '28 Dr. R. Daley Goff, Jr. '58 Elizabeth Grayson (Mrs. Daley) Goff '59 John D. Greene '58 Jane Bowers (Mrs. John D.) Greene '58 Dr. Stirling Haig '58 R. Phillip Haire '58 Edward U. Halliford, Jr. '58 H. Parks Helms '58 Eleanor Allen (Mrs. Parks) Helms '62 Carolyn Thompson (Mrs. Jim) High '58 James C. (Jim) High '59 W. Hunter Huss '23 Barbara Madison (Bobbi) Karlen Thomas F. (Tommy) Kearns, Jr. '58 John W. Kilgo '57 Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. List of Names Mentioned in Tom Bost, Jr. Interview on Jan. 27, 1983, Subject: Class of '58 (Part I of 2 Parts):

NAME: PAGE: James M. (Jim) Kimsey '58 10 Dr. A. Kelly Maness, Jr. '58 27 Archibald Kelly Maness, Sr. '26 28 Coach Frank McGuire 6 Dr. Lewis M. McKee '31 33 Walter D. Merritt, Jr. '58 13 Gov. Dan K. Moore '27 4 Dr. C. Louise Nelson '58 28 Jerry L. Oppenheimer '58 31 Richard K. (Dick) Oresman) '58 32 D. Ottis (Ott) Pate '58 32 Martha McKee (Mrs. Ott) Pate '57 33 Donald S. (Don) Patterson '58 17 Henry N. (Pat) Patterson 31 38 Dr. F. M. Simmons Patterson '35 29 Macon G. (Mac) Patton '58 33 Josephine (Josie) Ward (Mrs. Mac) Patton •58 34 James Richard Patton, "Jr." '48 33 Judge James Ralph Patton"Sr. ' '17 34 Roland W. (Buddy) Payne '58 34, 36 Gail Willingham (Mrs. Buddy) Payne '58 34 Russell N. (Russ) Perry '58 28 Jimmie Watkins (Jim) Phillips, Sr. '58 31 Jimmie Watkins (Jim) Phillips, Jr. '79 31 Carolyn Winberry (Mrs. Jim, Sr ) Phillips •60 31 Dr. C. Glenn Pickard, Jr. '58 29 Faye Dark (Mrs. Glenn) Pickard •59 29 Alan D. Pless '55 30 Mary Rucker (Mrs. Alan) Pless •58 29 Judge J. William (Will) Pless '17 30 Laura D. Pless '85 30 Alton B. (Al) Pons '58 28 James Y. (Jim) Preston '58 30 Elizabeth Gregory (Mrs. Jim) Preston '59 31 J. Aaron Prevost '31 4 Thomas W. (Tom) Prewitt '58 36 Page Lott (Mrs. Tom) Prewitt '58 36 Mebane Pritchett '57 8 W. Paul Pulley '58 36 Dr. Joseph F. (Joe) Quigg '59 16 George R. Ragsdale '58 3 Adora Prevost (Mrs. George) Ragsdale '61 4 W. Forbes Ramsey '58 10 Robert A. (Bob) Rechholtz '58 37 Caroline Osborne (Mrs. Bob) Rechholtz '58 37 William Howard (Bill) Redding, Jr •58 37 Camille Grice (Mrs. Bill) Redding •58 37 William Howard Redding, Sr. '27 37 T. Henry Redding '33 37 Kenneth W. (Ken) Rosemond '58 15 17 Leonard R. (Lennie)Rosenbluth '57 16 William C.(Bill) Roth '58 13 Adin H. Rucker, Jr. '59 29 Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. List of Names Mentioned in Tom Bost, Jr. Interview on Jan. 27, 1983, Subject: Class of '58 (Part I of 2 Parts)

NAME: PAGE: Jerry A. Rucker '62 29 George F. (Buddy) Sasser '58 38 Dr. Fuller A. Shuford '58 39 Cong. George A. Shuford '17 39 Sydney H. Shuford '58 39 John A. Sneden, Jr. '58 39 Dr. Harry H. Summerlin, Jr. '58 4 0 Sam A. Summerlin '48 41 Edward W. (Ed) Sutton '57 8,41 H. Bryan Sutton, Jr. '54 41 Dr. Lewis F. Sutton '58 41 Michael Spencer (Mike) Tanner '58 12 S. Bobo Tanner, III '49 13 James T. (Jimmy) Tanner '50 13 S. Bobo Tanner, Jr. '17 13 Coach James M. (Jim) Tatum '35 35 W. Frank Taylor '11 18 Dr. Blucher Ehringhaus Taylor '58 42 Dr. Richard L. (Dick) Taylor '58 42 Julia Hamme (Mrs. Dick) Taylor '58 42 Dr. Rives W. Taylor '22 42 Bennett A. Thomas '58 42 John Luther Walker '58 12 Mary Bizzell (Mrs. John L.) Walker '58 12 Robert Clifton (Bobby) Whitefield '82 20 John Hilliard Zollicoffer, Jr. '58 11 John Hilliard Zollicoffer, III '86 11 Kim Zollicoffer '82 11 A. Agustus (Gus) Zollicoffer '47 12

Interview number L-0007-L0008 in the Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) at The Southern Historical Collection, The Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill.