THE INGHAM COUNTY NEWS What Was Once the County Garage and More Re~Ently Tl~E Anway Garage, the First Door North of Maple on Jejierson, IS Ninety-Third Year, No

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THE INGHAM COUNTY NEWS What Was Once the County Garage and More Re~Ently Tl~E Anway Garage, the First Door North of Maple on Jejierson, IS Ninety-Third Year, No .J': ·.• !r ·. ~\; ·.. Three separate blocks of Jef­ Jefferson Street fet·son street in Mason look dil'ferent as a result of 2 busi­ Gains New Look ness changes and a new front on the Kean store. THE INGHAM COUNTY NEWS What was once the county garage and more re~ently tl~e Anway garage, the first door north of Maple on JeJierson, IS Ninety-Third Year, No. 39 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, September 25, 1952 Four Sections, 26 Pages now the PX Mart. Charles Swartout has brought the Neely name back mto $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$l)i$$$$$$$ business at the site of the former Neely store at 344 Jeffer- .d A 5 h News Index {fJ BI Want ads, Pages 6, 7 anrl Paving Starts s re oug t Salt Content TUE l\mRCHANT PAYS FOR son. Gus Kean has rebuilt the entire upper front o f Ins . bUI 'ld . - By SCh O I 8O d 8, Part 1· ing. He tore away the old overhanging cornice and 0 ar Social news, Page 4, Part 1 4 2 In Well No. 3 : Friday on New with mission brick and picture windows. Kcan has.been m Q N B "ld" : ChurchPar;e •news, Part Page· 5, Part f1 t t d b his pt·escnt location 24 years. l-Ie Irs: en ere . usmess on n ew Ul lng 2 DOLLAR DAYS Maple street in a building which occupiCd the s1te now used ' Legal notiees, Page 3, Part Shows Decline : Highway Link by the Collins store. After 11 months there he ll?Oved to the Contractors are being asked to 1; Pages 3 and "· Part J; lUat~oJI ~lcrchu.nts Sponsor DollU.I' Days In Apprccl"tlon north half of the present location, first renting later buy- bid on Mason's new West Side Page 6, Part 4. Water from well No. on -ffl Sargent Constl'Uction Co. an~ 3 of tho Fol1111 Who Do Hul'llnom~ In 1\lnltfln. · g ft•om Oscat' Bush. In 1935. K.ean doubled his store by school. The letting is advertised Editorials, Page 2, Part 'i, Mason street is getting better P.k of Saginaw will begin the flow 111 for October 15. buying the Mrs. Ellen Mack bmldmg. Farm news, Pages 3, 4 and every day. Salt content is now YJ- ·tn of concrete on the Holt-Mason s: D. Menovslw of Mason is managet• of the PX Mat:t. At its meeting lasl Thursday 5, Part '1. running at 500 parts to a mil- .;n divided highway Ft·idr~y mom­ 'flle .~tot·e J andles \Var sm·plus, factory remnants and mtll night the school board approved lion. When the well was ~~ The Bargain Scramble Is -ifJ ing. The 22-foot ribbon fot· " 1 d the plans for the new building rk ends in many different lines. Herschel Jewett hclpe organ- which the public authorized May Profl"t on Fal·r op~ned in June salt was being southbound traffic will be­ ize the firm and is financing it. 2. pumped at the rate of 750 PA- Friday and Saturday -ifJ gin at Harpet· road and con­ Swartout is stocking his stm·e with clothing, some of the The school district has $152,000 parts to a million. tinue to the intersection with same Jines carried by his uncle, Harry E. Neely, wh? opet:- available in its building ami site RUDS Between The water has not been turned u;. -u. the present US-127 neat· Dart ated stores at Mason and Hillsdale. Harry Neely was IS bus!- fund with another $58,000 to be into the city mains as ret, Coun- P.k A1lvcrtlser.~ In tills iHMUil of tho Ingham County -oo mad. ness in Mason from 1908 to 1937. Swartout took ovet' th.e raised by taxes. That's $210,000. $500 and $1000 cilman Frank Dakin, head of the New!! feature baJ·gnlns In· l'oml, dothcs, lumlwat·c an<l Advance crewmen have spent business then and opm·ated it un~er the Neely name until Members of the school board water committee, stated at coun- u;. IIPIJihmces. Re~lueed, IH'iccs will lm in effect Fridny nnd -tFl this week selling up forms and 1944 when he closed out the stock 111 order to enter the army. now express fear that the $210,- cil meeting Monday night. :Sattll'dny '"" 1\lnson merchants sny "'l'hnnks" t'l tim ohl equipment for luying llw ~on­ cuMt.omers nml "Welcome" to the new. l'ass down the -oo crete. \.Yasil!'d graVl'l "nrl ~awl The building was occupied by a Firestone store and late~· a 00~ t;~aY not cover the cost of a Analysis of the financial state- And It won't be until the salt PA- aisles or 1\lu.son stoJ'es this wcclc end to tlllm advantag-e G· bl- store until Swartout decided to re-enter the clothmg butldmg designed by th.c Warren ment of the J 952 county fair rc- content drops to at least 250 YJ- of the thons1mds of useful lnu·gzLins olfm•cd. -'Jl· is being stock piled near Ilarpcr cl~ e ' II I nJodeled the ·nterior and installed new S. Holmes Co. of Lansmg. veals that the profit ran between parts to a million, Dakin stated. rorul. 'l'ile gmvel is ~omlng rrom 1JUsmess. - e Jus re 1 . ' , $500 1 $1 ooo Th t' tl · 11 l b .;n pits north of Lansing. Sand and . t , He will open his new store Frrday mornmg. rhe plans ~all for 6 grade am . , . a s 1c maxtmum u owet y 0 ('fhere's l'lent-y of Free I•zu·lling, Too!) [lX ll1 es. rooms and a kmdergarten room, The financial statement was the state health department. lill dlrt needed in the low spols with a general purpose room presented to members of the Ing· There is no proof of where the . .;n Is being furnished by the East $) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Lansing Sand & Gravel Co. an<l (small gym and assembly) If the ham County Agricultural Society salt.trace is coming from. It Is a $ 1 cost can be l\ept within the est!· at the annual meeting <;i"riday. ,lg.c!ll C9J1c)ltlon _aJ1d will d!sappear if '* the Fe_rr!s Co. ~· The general purpose room night. The mef!ting was held in in timE!, accordi!lg to City Engi· Dansville Boy Escapes There Is still grading worlc to · ·· ·' ..... -·-- .· :· H• h p h. · Flam·es .. Destroy do on lhe widening project, illlt. .lnters Pre er lg ere es will bE! considered as an alter· the county building. neer Walter Zimmer. Council· nate which can be lopped off If While a profit of about $2,000 men yoint to ground seepage as a Injuries in Wrec k 1 r;raders can ~<eep well ahead or Pa 1 the paving crew, ncl'orrling to . , bids are too high, the school was reported, $983 came from poss1ble cause. Don't feel sorry for those men retired from Iarmmg he dJdn t hoard decided. The eslimale on f Aurelius Barn Ronald Betterly, 15, of Dans· Stanley Zozlows!d, ~upcr·inlen­ head for Florida. He got a job do- lhe general purpose room is $SO,· rental of buildings and fields, Prompted. by the .condllwn o 'ville escaped injuries Wednesday dent on the Job. The p:wing erew crawling around on the court ing what he always wanted to $883 in 1951 premium money well No. 3, City c?un?IImen ~assed Flames leveled a barn and tool house dome with paint brushes · 1 000 • from the slate and other income a water co':lammatJon o;dmance shed on the Collins Huntington morning when the car he was will be able lo pave at the ralc oJ: do-·work way up htg 1· Conco.·tructt'on of tile scl1ool \"t'll ttl t M d It U driving skidded off Iosco rend. about a mile a wee it, he added. in their haml~. They don't envy · ~ y not strictly a part of the fair. a 1e mee mg on ay mg 1 . n- farm Tuesday night at 5:30. you wallting aroun<l on the Fernald won't I et I11 s men be of cinder blocl\ faced with , cler the ordinance it is unlawful The car swerved sideways for 315 Some of lite prc;.,enl roarl sur­ ground. They're way up high be­ climb the flagpole on the court brick. f: .salary payment of $1,~00 to to construct or maintain uny There was no livestoclt in the feet before hitting the ditch. The face will he used in tile widenin;,: cause they like it that way. The house. It's been there too long The building will occupy a site officials was also rep~rted m t~e source of contamination which barn and all equipment was Impact sent Betterly out of the project. Plans ~nil Jor the new higher the better. and has become brittle. l-Ie's rig· west of Ash street and south of dlsbu~semenls. Also mcluded m might injure drinking water. dragged to safety. car. The car continued end over ]laving to follow tile olr! south Oke Fate and Earl Fry of Lan­ ging up a long·hanc\lccl brush to the disbursements was $1,687.92 . Damage was estimated at near end and landed bottom slde up in from Holt, past Maple Point ancl give the flnf(pole a coat of paint. Cedar street. in permanent improvements, . The city Will furmsh wa~er to $3,000.
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