Cannock Chase to Sutton Park Draft Green Infrastructure Action Plan Stafford East Staffordshire South Derbyshire Cannock Chase Lichfield South Staffordshire Tam wo r t h Walsall Wo lver ha mp ton North Warwickshire Sandwell Dudley Birmingham Stafford East Staffordshire South Derbyshire Cannock Chase Lichfield South Staffordshire Tam wor t h Wa l s al l Wo lv e r ha mpt on North Warwickshire Sandwell Dudley Birmingham Stafford East Staffordshire South Derbyshire Cannock Chase Lichfield South Staffordshire Ta m wo r t h Walsall Wo lverha mpton North Warwickshire Sandwell Dudley Birmingham Prepared for Natural England by Land Use Consultants July 2009 Cannock Chase to Sutton Park Draft Green Infrastructure Action Plan Prepared for Natural England by Land Use Consultants July 2009 43 Chalton Street London NW1 1JD Tel: 020 7383 5784 Fax: 020 7383 4798
[email protected] CONTENTS 1. Introduction........................................................................................ 1 Purpose of this draft plan..........................................................................................................................1 A definition of Green Infrastructure.......................................................................................................3 Report structure .........................................................................................................................................4 2. Policy and strategic context .............................................................. 5 Policy review method.................................................................................................................................5