HELP MEN. NUTS AND JOLTS Bill Holman HELP WOMEN. SITUATIONS WOMEN. Deferment of Candidates (Continued.) -By (Continued.) (Continued.) BOY for delicatessen ————— store! 1606 14th LADY, youns, between 25 and 35 of Nature’s st. n.w. i years HOUSEKEEPER-COOK, motherless home, Children Sought age, who has wide For Commissions experience In waiting restaurant; cook. Will leave city. Advised uort*o that wew se-r op on BRICKLAYERS (6), colored; long Job. Ager 7 trade: must be neat appearing, good Columbia 804.1. • and Queens Chapel i kicked , typist, must take shorthand and familiar deferment for selec- rd.. back of WOL radio ( etuss maviewt NURSE, Garden Temporary towers, with simple bookkeeping: good education, colored, undergraduate, 2 yean Spider HyattsvlUe._ owce /AgOUT fMC Mouse! hospital training, canable for inva- JV executive type only considered: this is a caring tive service registrants who are BUILDING SUPERINTENDENTS for project good lids. children: ref, ME. 6851. In Puerto '—-v 6£im& couo/ A connection for right party: must be Rico. Reply at once, giving single. Box 418-R. candidates for commissions in the qualifications age, Star_ stenographer-typist-stencil cutter, exp. Argiope argcntata when available, salary, Refs. SH. 4K72-J. 21* etc. Box 133-M. LADY for locating P. A L. accounts, and Star. WOMAN Army, Navy or Marine Corps was dunning over phone._727 7th st. n w. young, white. Christian, went* Cox summer. This is the time find CHURCH JANITOR, colored, experienced, housework afternoons By Lillian A they I you NURSE, for 3 small children: and evenings; will the recommended Gen. mai-rled no children: live on permanent; live in me. • ! egg sac. It is cup-shaped with a today by Brig. premises.<>v*r Si1' live in: references. 1320. A guest from the tropics, the $14.50 weekly and living quar- Box 335, Alexan- flat Stewart, loon TJ n.w. dria. Va. youngT" married, with and carefully anchored to Lewis B. director ters._Or st. __ 2-yr.-of(f Hershey, deputy daughter, wishes position a friend SALESLADY, retail store full charge small silvered garden spider, is the of a low shrub or the CLAW MACHINE OPERATORS, able go Jewelry experi- apt- for branches to of selective to ‘‘con- ence. preferably with knowledge of office 2r employed couple with | service, avoid Middle West: only thoroughly experienced cmid of sane age. or near work: permanent position, good salary All nursery school; whose acquaintance you should I fragrant, leaves of an herb. operators who know merchandise need net servant type: references: permanent fusion and replies confidential: ou? staff knows of this The mother constructs complications.’’ anniy State entire experience and quali- only. Mra Rockwell. Temple 2052 • make the season the flat X-V. • =---1- during coming open fications 285-M, Star ad._Box St;ir. ■ --=■'.?" -» side of sac first. Then she me- Men seeking enlistment as flying thoroughly._Box a insect j CLERK, experienced in vegetables SECRETARY STENOGRAPHER experi- for spiders. Being busy cadets or commissions be de- and enced. SITUATIONS thodically attaches the mass of eggs may groceries: Columbia rd. for real estate and loan o fflm: DOMESTIC._ I references._1847 state Qualifications, salary expected: gen- from the Gulf States and ferred for not more than or two ln family m snarer, to it, weaves the 60 90 COLLECTORS: no selling, no objection to tile. Box 50O-H. Star *oodJob fo,r cup-shaped portion, eldtrlv cook for right party. Gen. man ^guarantee. FR 751!). 20* rK, ;4.>h. • the Southwest, she has steadily en- and after inspecting her work, goes davs, Hershey said, provided finishers. 4. must be experi- | COLLECTOR for credit enced steadv work. that authorities in the store: good Apoly Independent c“lor«S- desires nr on her way. proper Army, salary and commission: 1 "work”as~maid' larged her borders. j excellent opoor- Laundries, 3700 Eastern ave., Mt Rainier, U 5 r Sundays,; excellent or tunity for mao e There are hundreds of eggs in this Navy Marine Corps file formal willing to work: must have Md r1 t I ell c es\ DU / 4;? The adult female, the real hunter, car 7th st. n.w. statements that the registrants’ Un)tcd_C!gthing_Co.._739 SHIRT PRESS OPERATORS. 4. steady GIRL, colored, neat and silk-lined nursery. Only the strong ap- DAIRY FARM $7 reliableTfor gTh.w.: j HAND, week, room board work must be experienced. Apply Inde- reasonable w'ages- reference. is three-fourths of an inch long. are considered. and laundrv Hobart OP45. I survive. Sometime during the plications being Butler Brothers. P. o Box pendent Laundries, 3700 Eastern ave., The director out 83, Alexandria. Va Alex. 5121. Mt Rainier. Md colored, reliable." wants light housed You may recognize her because of winter the spiderlings will hatch. deputy pointed work; live 2500. J DISHWASHER, colored: $8 wk! Must SODA FOUNTAIN GIRL, ln._Hobart The weaker brethern succumb to that attention of national head- experienced, want- GIRL, colored, her unusual form. Of the genus know kitchen work. Johnson Sandwich ed a*, once: must have local references. neat, dependable cheerful, n.w wishes plain quarters has been called to cases in Shop. 1421 11th st. Southeast * cooking, maid s position, full their older, stronger brothers and Pharmacy. 755 xth st e or part which is now restricted to | time._Dupont 1 HIO References. Argiope which were inducted at DRIVER for salesman with light car: must SODA GIRLS, white: good hours: sisters. When the season has re- registrants good pay. GIRL, wants j know citv thoroughly. State ex- Apply colored, part-time, full-tima a time when for salary Executive Pharmacy. 1737 Columbia or a single species within the United turned for excellent weather and applications enlist- pected. Box 9-V Star. • rd n.w day^s work. Call DE. 21 73. References. of this ment or commission were under GIRL, colored, gh.w. or take care of chll- States, all members genus the ELECTRICIAN, man~who Is too old for STENOGRAPHER, work, few eve- hunting, strong, eager spiders literary dren: experienced. Hobart from the other consideration, and that where in- defense work but good knowledge of elec- nings week, her home, Northwest: slow 1805. may be identified will leave their winter apartment trical work: light GIRL, work, general mainte- „atJ.on: moderate compensation. Box colored, wants part time or day7* the duction was followed confirma- • members of this subfamily by and find themselves a spot in the by nance. Box 132-M. S»ar. 6-V Star._ work: ref. MI. 9520._ the tion of commission or ELECTRICIANS AND GIRL, form of their abdomens, margin garden where promises to enlistment, HELPERS with tools USHERETTES, must be over 18 yrs. of age. colored, desires part-time work; no hunting and car: steady work. ^4 cooking, is lobate lobes or “great confusion and many ad- Georgia 3894 after inches high, not over 125 lbs : perm, no children. Dupont 0708 of which (having be good. 5 o clock for work. Apnlv gppolntment,_ Theater. 4X15 Mass ®a"ts Part-time ministrative have re- aw n.w.. Thurs Ef?™„colore?' Job: ha* rounded divisions). These spiders are our friends. complications 'bird-class and wet washer. iO_a.m. to noon._ n * and health card. Call Hobart 700- The web of the garden spiders is rid the and sulted.” steadT work. Needle Cleaners, WAITRESSES, local references, for tray They garden especially 1333 Buchanan at. n.w. 51 If the of a service._Apply (»3_Georgia_ayp n.w. GIRL, day’s work, good clpaner, a orbweb, accom- the air of little that come application registrant time part always typical pests FARMER, with driver’s permit, to work on waitresses some each day or few hours some day. Dis. is experience. meed 21 -25; trict panied by what is known as a barrier buzzing around when you are trying rejected by military authorities, dairy farm Econnmos Farm, Vienna. Va. better than average salarv AddIv hostess. homo. Phone Vienna 21-R 2-4 Din., Gen. he should Childs. 1423 Pennsylvania GIRLS (2) desire or hard to make a garden, your hands Hershey explained, ave. n.w. part-time, morning FILLING STATION ATTENDANTS, who are afternoon work cleaning or laundry, no are face with then be given the same classifica- at present dirty, your itchy per- employed, reliable: excellent wajiklsses. age 20 to 55.-57. tion salary. 30. in Catholic! Sundays._Adam? to fend the consideration as any other Baber’s Service Station. 12th »nd HELP MEN. HELP MEN Cr institution; good references spiration. helpless per- H gts. w required. WOMAN, colored, desires n -J WOMEN._ Write Box 451 M. boarding insect that is registrant. INSURANCE—FIRE. CASUALTY. ! COUPLE, married, reliable: wife for laun- Brookland Post_Offiee Private home: good reference. sistent little apparently FILLING Mai V rS>r STATION' ATTENDANT, expert Man familiar local trade, rate?, etc. dry and help in kitchen: man for house- WAITRESS, experienced, size 32- Reeves .m*i R s:. n w. tslarv E-so !4. determined to settle upon your nose. 5""d:„?°°d Service Station, Lucrative opening. Salary or commission work and 1288. Apply 221 Ring rd. ne PLACE ■ !('.. Flmde lawn_WI. my colored maid Island avr n p. basis. Replies kept confidential until after ^ of ,hiS So be to the in St. Paul’s Cathedral in COUPLE to work on farm: only strictly ex- WAITRESS, must be 21. experienced, neat. 5.y nion,h full or p?irt time. grateful spiders your London, interview. State basis prefer work Good cook GROCERY CT.ERK7 voting man exneri- you perienced need apply. Husband to do farm Apply lids North Capitol st. Excellent, ref. Nea:. reliable, I garden. They are doing all they can which was damaged in an air raid, with D. C. driver’s permit. If!lift and record past 5 years. Box iM'.’-L. Star. • 1 ^ed. work and wife to cook for help. Box K!»-R, was at F St nr WAITRESSES—Fairly experienced vaii- T9 to lessen the annovers with six legs built a cost of $3,200,000. Star._l re"es wanted. GROCERY WHITE MEN, Covered Wagon Restaurant. a CT.FFK experienced. with ref- SODA Room 40SJ. 1402 and pair of wings. erences- 21 years of age with one-year residence DISPENSERS—Apply ! pnnly (V!18 :trd st. n.w. Smith *>:U E st. 14th_st_n.w_ _PERSONAL. Bros Market in D. C or nearby Md or Va.. with D C n.w._! WOMAN, young, white, to take care~of WILL GIVE SPECIAL CARE~TO ELDERLY operator’" permit to drive chdren during da> Apply it:!.-, s. person, or couple in my private, CLASSIFIED AD GROCERY CLERK wanted adult RATES with experience INSTRUCTION Pollard st.. Arlington. Va. Rai i,s. and references. Georgia 511H. DIAMOND CABS. COURSES._ 20* «ni Ken- WOMAN, GENERAL Locol ned n.w AUTO DRIVING taught by experts; easy young, white. care~~of babv and HAULING. PHONE NORTH Fire Home Advertisers v_st assist 1‘ or Destroys FREE INSTRUCTIONS. Parking a specialty; dual controlled cars general housework slu week; live Metropolitan Bean. HOUSEMAN, able to do repairs; state in: 144u_Jame? Three assuring perfect safety Permits secured. nearby Va. Temple lulu. lf Lines (Minimum) salary, experience and references. Box Apply Mr A L Llvsie, Rm 111. 1735 BOTHERED WITH BILLS Md Va. and D. C Method Driving or need At Md. M74-R Star. 14th st. n.w., between 3 and 5 p m. Easy YOUNG LADIES. ATTENTION' (til under EXTRA MONEY lor any purpose. Pindell, 1 time...23c line School Randolph 8384 or Randolph 8397. e.t> to trawl a of an irregular net- per Florida, West Indies. South and iUt‘iLkRneJc^ telephone call. You can g*»t web. consisting ” ” HOUSEMAN-SECOND MAN. white: bring Central Americas. California a 1 f;:i per week, work of lines stretched behind refs Apply 10 to 12 am. 748 Jackson with manager and wife: vnun For general typewriting, bookkeeping Inquire Boyds permanent: good inc.udes interest, the only charge. side of it. This is UPPER MARLBORO. Md.. March 7 times or longer, consecu- d 1. restaurant work: good salary: j pay and advancement orb or on either n.w.___ opportunity to advance. Apply 51U9 School of Commerce, laaa F st. NA. :i:XiH. to qualificunts: also in proportion Just call ** LIQUOR CLERK, with local 1 girl to answer Dhone. Call JACK as it affords 19— Fire, fanned by high wind, de- tively _19c experience. CIVIL Mr. Steele. SESSIONS^ Michigan 6510. a precautionary step, Box 492-If. Georgia_aye._ _ SERVICE home study courses, ques. National Star._i«»• and latest authorities: pg‘» have men earning „_ Yog at. y.w. webs to the to good-paying Mabelle Honour School l:14«i N. Y the Responding over $100 week Ht Investi- In the Ave. from supporting fanulv rural route recently vacant; cus- per present. Best Methods. MILLINERY SALESLADIES. the foundation the Marlboro. Galesville and under date this after 10:3(1 am. (MM) FREE plants upon which Capitol Business advertisements Situ- tomm established for years: Rood earninsrs; daily, CATALOGUE GRADUATES PLACED. CAMERA SERVICE & REPAIRS. lines have been anchored or it drops Heights Volunteer fire companies. ations Wanted will be charged the no cash investment necessary Write J R Wis ave. at Bradley blvd., Chevy Chase. 1340 N Y. Ave (Es>. 23 Y» l ME. ???8 ONLY EXPERIENCED APPLY; Watkins Co.. Johnson avo J. (This is nor a real estate position > _ to the ground. When all is ap- regular classified rate. Newark_N FULL AND PART TIME WORK. CAMERA REPAIRING" MAN. yountf. white. .mce work, LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE FULLER a d'ALBERT serene the typme- and filine CLAIMS INC. again, annoyed experience operator's ADJUSTER, "THE MODERN WAY SHENLEY’S. gift. *Q-b St N.W Phone National parently Donors Business cards under Special No- permit By Casualty 4712. to her station Plan for Blood j required. Apply American Tire Co.. Insurance Co. ReDly stating Licen«pd school Graduates Dlaced. Mod- CORNER householder returns n e. age and experience Box 177-R. Star. erate tuition. _13th F^ST. tices and all advertisements under 1219_K_st. Easy terms. N7W._ HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES. a Formation of a blood donors’ group MODERN SCHOOL OF where she is eagerly anticipating Personal MAN to work in printing and engraving BEAUTY CULTURE. GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN for 3c per line additional. OPPORTUNITY. 1317 P GARAGE BUILT for ?:4P a at to do _ St. N.W. only 8x10 porch insects. After the will be discussed at 8 shop bookkeeping typing and heln in _ meal of juicy meeting office to do collection Inclosed with storm The Star is the great “Want Ad’’ shipping dept and to clean presses Reply Can place immediately 2 experienced telephone and screens. to restore her tomorrow of the Edward Doug- real estate salesmen with cars Volurm- SPRING SI 29. Proctor. DS RS43 feast she may have p.m. in own handwriting Box 254-R. Star._ CLASSES. work; steady employment, good medium of Washington, and the rates spring business in our area assures good MODERNIZE since insects have a of lass White Council, No. 2473, Knights MAN’, colored, to cook: ‘-ober DIESEL. YOUR HOME NOW. snare, way must be and income Most active office in suburban salary. Regal Clothing Co., 711 HEATING are far lower than those of honest: $30 INSULATING a to of Columbus, at the clubhouse, 3237 charged mo. room and board. 1424 Washington: 5 new subdivisions and ample Practical training on live engines. PLUMBING putting up mighty struggle Harvard st. n 7th st. n.w. PAPERING North Ar- newspapers In other large cities. Noth- w__ brokerage properties to offer buyers. Call AERONAUTICAL AND MECHAN- ROOFING PAINTING regain their freedom. Washington boulevard, j MAN. Mr Collier for appointment F. R SPEAR. ing is so considering the results experienced, for clothing store. Ap- ICAL STENOGRAPHER and clerk, REMODELING SIDING The season is late in iington, Va. cheap ply 534 8th st. s e. INC. 8422 Georgia ave. SH. 5678; eve- DRAFTING. PLASTERING mating nings. She 4017. All are from small but CARPENTRY obtained. pherd_ drawings actual parts and busy office engaged in ?5 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. MAN, young, for counter work in restau- complete airplanes. Flourescent-lighted service work for and -0 Years of Satisfactory Service rant. Apply In person. Jerry's Famous Hot T NEED 3 drafting room. physicians Dors. 609 MARRIED~MEN~ tabor s home renovating co- SPECIAL NOTICES. Washington-Baltiir.ore blvd Col- To dentists, desires mar Manor. Md represent large manufacturer in perma- AIRCRAFT ENGINES. competent young office and Showrooms. I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY nent position. Applicants must be hard Government licensed instructors—live for 1420 Irving St. N.W. Adams 7900. * MAN with meat-cutter and lady stenographic and cleri- debts other than those contracted bv my- grocery experi- workers, own automobile and b* satisfied engines—all types. ence. Apply 300 Maryland ave. n.e with around to cal work. In state self. WILLIAM H BERRY. 015 Philadel- $200 monthly start. No reply, educa- HOT-WATER HEAT, MAN. canvassers or drifters wanted. Apply WELDING. $285 MATA phia ave.. Silver Spring. colored, to wash dishes and drive and sal- Complete: 6 rms.: Red Jack, boiler. 300 HAM'S'ZW^TI Md_10* Including aircraft, gas and tion, experience starting ft. branch store. electric; day car: must have refs in 81- 3548 14th st. n.w., Thursday rad no cash 3 CHAIRS FOR' RENT SUITABLE FOR Apoly person. ana evening classes. Easy payment plan. yr*. to pay. 1st pay. Oct.j MAURICE OEKOBBA EEVLA (TEOBGIE Bok Restaurant. 10 to 12 ary desired. Box 3-V, Star. guaranteed. BRIDGE PARTIES, banquets, 3702 14th st. n w_ only.__i Call oi telephone for full details. o:I burner estimates fr*»e. ROYAL and meetings. 10c up per day each New MAN experienced, for grocery and meat* WASHINGTON TRADE SCHOOL. INC.. sXles “experi- HEATI\0_C0 NATIONAL 3803. chairs. Also invalid rollinc chairs for market. Apply 3500 18th st n e. WATCHMAN, 140 Que St. I5?tl. • ladies, White, middle-aged references. Apply 5 N.E._Dupont CHAPTER XXIII. r*»nt or sale UNITED STATES STORAGE RENOVATE BASEMENT MAN 11>. of proven sales ability. 30 to 35 to 6 pm.. Smith's Storage Co.. 1313 You enced IN , TO CO. 41 S n w ROOF into unconsciousness as strong fingers dug 10th_Sr MEtropclitan_1844. years old will be given re- »t. Calculating Machine Course Brinda felt herself sinking position of n.w._I j SMALL MONTHLY I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR sponsibility with large growing at AND MILLINERY DEPART- PAYMENTS. throat. She tried to scream. Then suddenly the fingers AN'X concern, Free with Card Punch. NO CASH DOWN Into her again debts contracted by any one except my- earnings well above average. Car required. be EXPERIENCED radio service FREE ESTIMATES loosened their grip and a deep voice said: “Perhaps now you will self. ALPHUES E. REDMOND. Falls State experience, education and income. ALL MAKES OF MACHINES MENTS. APPLY HEARN’S, Church Va. Box 292-R Star. * ALL INSTRUCTION PAPERS FREE Deal With Reliable. Financially __2l_*_ _ no?” repair man, must have car. CLERICAL COURSE FREE WITH CARD I 806 7th ST. Responsible Firm quiet, OFFICE’ OF THE MUTUAL FIRE INSUR MAN for locating P. & L. accounts and Finance hands to her throat. Her head cleared. Then the PUNCH AND MACHINE COURSE NAY_ __We Where Others Don't. She put her up ANTE COMPANY OF THE DISTRICT OF dunning over phone. 727 7th st. n w and car at Salary allowance.; Begin once. The Civil Service Prepara- FITTER and alteration*hand, FEDERAL near COLUMBIA Washington. March If*. 1041. » CONTRACTING CO., flashed on and she saw the waiter, the suspected Nazi, standing MAN. young. whit'N to work in grocery tory School. 5"*i I'.’th st. nw. ME. d.'i.TT lights The Srtth annual meeting of the Mutual Service 915 New York Avp N.W *- store; helper: worker. Apply Lansburgh’s sardonically. I Fire Insurance of the District good 1228 N st. for 741H. Night. NA. 74IS. 21* the door, smiling Company n.w. No telephone thoroughly experienced, _NA, of Columbia will be held on the first calls.__ South and P HELP WOMEN. a foolish woman?” he ex- Bldg., Capitol women’s and “Such one so is a crime one hates Mondav in April ithe seventh proximo) at MAN. young, white, with light car or mo- . lovely | ACCOUNTANT for C. P. A.’s office. i “So foolish! Are all ♦he office of the company. No. 1001 H torcycle. for delivery and work in shop. sts. s.w. Apply REPAIRS & SERVICE. claimed. very to commit.” he in own handwriting, stating age. 4th Again shrugged. Street Northwest, commencing at 12 1805 14th st. experi- Apply Supt.’s Office, fl., n.w.__ ence. education and salary expected Box AUTO REPAIRS AND SERVICE: all of vou such bunglers?” one must.” o'clock noon. 18 to 25 "But MAN young, high school graduate, typist, SODA-DISPENSERS. 176-R Star.__ S. Kann Sons Co. branches: marine engines: scientific oiling, At her feet was her bag and near Bv the charter of the company the real estate and insurance office Reply in of greasing and tightening SI.50. Roy's Serv- “No alternative?” election of directors, selected from the years age, experience not ALTERATION HAND, experienced, for high- Konrad saw own handwriting. Box 1-R. ice. rear 1720 I5th st. n.w. HO. 96:;4. the bag was the gun. “None.” He smiled sadly. “A members, is required to be held at the Star._ necessary. Applicants under 21 class . Only those to apply with at HOSTESS, AGE 27 TO407 annual meetine. MAN. experienced, one accustomed to 7th lease 5 years* store experience. 1024 Conn, ___24* toward it. st. • At least 5 in CARPENTERING, her looking pity. Ah, yes. A great pity. Were The by-laws of the company provide trade in the buying and selling of years of age must have birth cer- ave. years’ experience painting and general re- be he said. men's clothing. 7th st. n w River rd. n.w. Woodley “That would folly, too,” I not sensitive to beauty and that at the annual meeting the first order 1126_ tificate or other suitable evidence ASSISTANT KITCHEN M ANAGER7capabie7 better class restaurants. Refer- pairs._4350 8059, of business shall be the election of a MEAT CUTTERS good Protestant, CARPENTRY, And the room, he picked up a mat- experienced: pay. age 25-35. Box 90-R. ences remodeling, partitions, roof- crossing warmth, it would be simple chairman and of a secretary; that at the steady work 1420 7th n.w of age. Steady wo*k, chance for Star._ required. Excellent op- ing. gutters. office._ BEAUTY OPERATOR, painting. water-proofing, removed the gun, above called annual meeting three direc- expert only, good for plaster. White the bag, opened it, ter. I have killed before, many MECHANIC, automobile, experienced all advancement. Apply in person, permanent portunity advancement. State mechanics. Sparks. HO. tors shall be elected for a term of three salary; employment. Lillias. it in his makes of cars: $35 week to start. Must 3416 Conn, last and educa- and stood holding palm. times. But never such a years, and that in the voting for directors ave._ employment, age lovely furnished small tools; references necessary. employment department, Peoples * But for chil- th* polls shall close 5 o'clock p m. * BEAUTY “A nice little toy. woman. Such a waste.” He at Box 26-V. Stores, 77 P st. n.e., 9 a.m.I OPERATOR, experienced; good tion in reply. Salary $150 per -0* young The annual s'efemem will be for Star._21 Drug salary; wcrk. electricianTa™& and ready steady Apply Town House small. Base plugs. etc. I also repair all He it in his pocket MEN to call on regular customers for local to noon month and meals. Do not dren.” put examined her through half-closed distribution at the office of the company Beauty Shop. 60] 19th at. n.w. reply 1 gerators. Wiscons:n 7274. about March .11 1941 company Earnings good. Apply 2-4. eve- daily._ j ma*Les_re_*r “I believe your English BEAUTY OPERATOR, expert, refined, de- unless you meet above require- laughed. eyes. “Perhaps.” He pursed his L PIERCE BOTEI.ER. Secretary. ning s 9. 979 Natl. Press B1 dg 7:30_to STEAM TABLE OR GENERAL^ I pendable. for high-class clientele; pleasant ELECTRIC friends have left in their cleverly “Yes. do that.” ments. Box 174-R. Star. WIRING £x‘, ?,*" I” lips. One might MEN. young, over 3 8 years old. need environment; permanent position: some A DEAL KITCHEN MEN. I lets, repairs old houses a specialty Regal U-boat. They think they FUNERAL AT S75 two. free to travel. See Mr. Dixon, 4 to management ability preferred. Eve Rude disguised “One might do what?” COSMETIC SALESWOMAN Eire. Co.. 3609 Georgia ave. Rand. 8391. recent Provides same service as one costing <500. 6_p.m Room 424 Bond Bldg 27 to 35. excellent salary, local Beauty Salon, -.’lit G st have their man in your “Take with one.” n.W._ FLOOR WORK — Sanding and finishing; you Don’t waste "insurance monev." Call DEAL NEGATIVE AND PASTE-UP ofL BEAUTY call MAN for references. Apply 5109 Georgia OPERATORS, experienced. Steady with or prices reasonable: work guaranteed C. Mr. Larsen, the one you with 25 years’ experience Lincoln s°00 set position department make-up friend, “Suppose I refuse?” printing. Apply Drake Press. 1221 Apply 1726 Conn. ave. C. Deaton. 4210 4th st. n.w. GE 845P com- N. Y, ave. n.W._ wom- Z-33. But even before you “Is life so dull, you’d choose to ave._ny _ BEAUTY OPERATOR. experienced all experience; only young LOST. NIGHT me to come down here, I BAKER wanted; small shop. Box itjuiNux me. around, good salary and chance for ad- en FLOOR SANDING. pelled leave it?” 483-M. in, vancement. of character and ex- CAMERA. Eastman Kodak 6-20. black, Star._io*_ Call Miss Brooks, CH. 2225, good Hare your floors sanded with a 12-inch would happen for machine knew that something She seemed to consider the mat- folding vicinity Silver Soring bus station, PARKING ATTENDANTS, experienced; reg- With school interview._ need Does better work and costs less. high education, perience apply. Pay cash Sav< to your friends away, leaving stared at him from under wrin- D. O. line! r ME 8955,_ ular and extra work must have D. C. per- hurry ter, mit E * to train for fountain experienced. JULIUS GARFINCKEL & CO. PHONE HANKINS. HOBART 3610. 19* Konrad DOG black Belgian shepherd with collar Apply corner 13th and at*. n.w. work; Permanent position for right behind.” smiled, kled brows. “Life can be very pre- party. Call in you and tae Phone Randolph 3060. Reward. RADIO SERVICEMAN, experience neces- person. POLLYANNA ■ excellent while learn- Sh. FLOOR •'And so you are now my prisoner, cious.” Her eyes gravely examined good salary._Box 369-L. salary Beauty p. 3502 14th st._n.w\_ SANDING. Star._ DOMESTIC. 1 st-class work: WO 0528. one!” his tall, lithe as find- EYEGIiASSES phone booth, in Garflnckel's REAL ESTATE SALESMEN; plenty of 5109 ave. BOOKKEEPER-CASHIER. experienced on _HELP reas._L\ T\_Folk. pretty figure though ing. Apply Georgia installment accounts: permanent COOK and g h.w responsible woman over PAINTING, She knew dept, store, last Saturday Decatur 6400. prospects available. Phone District 4464 position: int. and ext. I mix my own Brinda smiled back. it attractive. applications confidential. 30 with $32 per month and First-class ing suddenly “You’ve Reward._ for appointment._ Apply between 1 references: I pa:nt. mechanic special prices was to play SALESMEN. and 5 o’clock. Burngtlne’s, 919 F at._• carfare. For appointment phone ME. 0015, ; for kit. and baths. RA. i>955. now that her only hope been a soldier?” FRATERNITY PIN. Phi Delta Pheta. 1n nr-x-rtirf'via.'n ior iurnuure store, wnn car; between 9:30 a m. and 4 ! CLERK-TYPIST with p.m._ PAINTING AND woman s Model Shop or Pasternak’s. Reward. steady position; state salary. Box 295-R, MEN. experienced, to sell new Buicks and (2). one bookkeeping DECORATING-inter, grid sort of game—a An Occurs. GENERAL HOUSEWORKER. white, laun- exrer : pure a different Explosion Emerson Star. used cars; floor periods; leads and car experience. Apply Thursday. 1811 R. I. lead and oil used on exter.; 382__ ___ ave. roots re There was, she could see, He nodded. "I am still a soldier.” furnished: only those willing to work need n dry: live in; good salary. Telephone Shep- paired .pa in ted: est. RA. 5283. game. ICE SKATES, in black grip, on Monday, ROUTE SALESMAN, aggressive, for fastest- e._ his apply: attractive proposition. See Mr. CURB GIRL, herd 6634._ some admiration for her in eyes. “You must be handsome in uni- between 4 and 6. from car parked at growing laundry in city; estab,. well-paying also short-order cook, pref- PAPER HANGING. Glaser. Hyattsville Buick. 132 v' a JellefT’s. Owner’s name at skate guard. route open; only ambitious men capable of Maryland erably middle-aged white lady. Call after GENERAL HOUSEWORKER. experienced room up 1941 washable sunfast as mentally lick- ave.. Hyattsville. Md. No phone calls. 4 m. He looked though form Liberal reward. Call Woodley furn. bond need apply. Apply Yale Laun- p Dixie Pig Barbecue. Silver Spring. with children: must be willing, neat; refer- papers. Randolph 9876 20* 5217._ ences. Box The sickened dry. 437 N. Y.ave. n.w SALESMEN—Something new. just patented: FOUNTAIN GIRL, experienced. 453-R. Star._ PAPER and ing his lips. thought Hj smiled. ‘‘You can’t be clever, KEY CASE, tan leather, inscribed “Simon _____ Apply HANGING painting—This week auick selling: big profits paid daily, a to 6 Whelan’s Store. 14th and H n.w. GIRL, colored, care of infant and apt.: only room* scraped, then she steeled her- Distributing Corp..’’ containing money and ROUTEMEN AND JUNIOR ROUTEMEN for Drug sts. I dry cracks filled «6. her a moment, mics Your face gives you away. p m.. Bordman. Cairo Hotel. employed no no : Sunfast keys. Reward SH. laundry and dry cleaning routes. Apply GIRL. neat, experienced in soda fountain, couple: Sundays; papers^ GE_60.59. IP* be saved. She had 1370;_ MUST HAVE HEALTH CARD: $3 ptpers room with newest wall bungled it. She again. have so much to learn about men, taining university lecture notes in taxi n.w._ finest n.c._ spring SALES AND DELIVERY, know territory In Washington, hottest GIRL, white, for general housework, live papers, this week HO 6964 so Friday night. Emerson 0443. energetic; GIRL, white, care for two children: _only __ flirt with him ... and Reward._ and complete line of merchandise, un- stay must my dear.” auto mechanics or engineering; car neces- in. $10 wk.; refs. Shepherd PAPER PEARL NECKLACE Sunday: liberal re- limited leads from excellent showroom: some nights. Apply 1423 F st. ire.. Thurs. 2182._ HANGING, this week only. $6 .50 she on her most alluring smile. smiled. “Then I’m not sary^ Salary_plus 7623. or GIRL, 3 Per room: 3 941 washable, put She fooling ward. Temple 1857._ commission._RA. drawing account if qualified: state present Fri.___• colored, mother's helper: adults: sunfas: papers; SALESMAN, with car. for all or time live in preferred. $5 to start. 425 Ogle- work guaranteed. Michigan Kememners onnua. PIT BULL, white. 50 pounds. Finder please part connections and qualifications: do not GIRLS, white, markers and assorters for 5315._ you?” work; fine opportunity for large earnings. hesitate to answer as there are no sales- thrift, rough ex- thorpe st. n.w. GE. and he notify Col. Vedder. 1424 Van Buren st. dry and damp work 4859._ PLASTERING and cement work: no job too His left went up l\Ul a UU. Apply* between JO and 12 o’clock. 1351 men employed here at present. Box 29'i-R, perience not absolutely necessary. Apply small, none too far' eyebrow n.w. Phone Georgia GIRL, white, general housekeeper, live in, reasonable. District “You think I 4262._ Wallach pi. n.w.. 14th st bejwpen_T_and U. Star__ Pioneer Laundry. 920 R. I. ave n.e. Sar. and Sun. off. Phone Hobart 6565. 4o70. William Thomas. 707 M s\ n.w, 19* grinned crookedly. “You're a strange man.” POODLE, small, white, female in Brent- SALESMAN, jewelry, part or full time, HIGH SCHOOL Apt. 306. eh?” wood. Md.. Sunday afternoon: $5 reward. GIRLS, over 18 years of PLASTERING. $7 day; fast 20 yrs exn might be weak, “Penhaps.” diamonds and nationally known , aee. w-hue Wa rfield EMPLOYMENT SERVICES. Desirable work offering regular em- GIRL, white, who wants nice home, as mechanic. A. Mangano,* Berwn half 2624._ etc.: experience unnecessary. Give full with Brinda shrugged, lowering “Quite a nice man, really, when ployment opportunities for salary mother’s helper, care of two children. RINGS (2>. diamond, gold with Tiffany information. Box 309-M. advancement and promotion. No her and murmured, "You're Star_ __BUSINESS.__ experi- gjh w live in. $7 week RA 3108 20* PLUMBING AND eyelids, you aren’t brutal.” setting; other, sapphire^ mounted In plati- ence necessary. Apply in person at 722 HEATING, jobbing ~and SALESMAN for hauling and storage, 25 to remodeiinp a num. Los' Sat. jn Bo won Bide. Substan- SECRETARIES WANTED. st. GIRL, neat, mother's h^lp^r. lieh: cook- specialty: 24-hour service. a clever man.” He good naturedly and 40. must have car and references. Apply 12th n.w.. Room 101. between the H E. grinned tial reward. District 2255. Temple 2667. » S:3o ing 11 a m. thru supper: stay some night; Williams. North 6248. 5 to fi p m.. Smith's Storage Co., 1313 You ADAMS AGENCY. 204 COLORADO BLDG. hours of a m. and 5 p m._ “Thank you.” then he was almost handsome. $7.50: Arlington. CH. 0207 PLUMBING AND ROLLER SKATES. 1 pair: 1 pair ire skates: st. HOUSEKEEPER, white, refined, live in. em- HEATING! jobbing and n.w,__ remodelinr Dealer in gas and oil “You knew me, didn’t some in t Satu i- night. Reward TA. 0858 Wanted—Male, Female. ployed couple, children, Jo and 2 years; GIRL for g.h.w.. good laundress, refor eqtrp- you?” “Even brutes have good SALESMAN with successful background and Help ment. K. a week: plain ,«xi•» v prices. Precinct._ week; also meat cutters, MID-c I x \ Rad:o I known with large distribution and sale in grocery clerks, gas cooking, g.h.w. WI. 2571. 7002 Conn, Shop. .Q-!» p.m NA 0777, nearby the Savoy. watched you I’ll not choose to die.” lady's gold, make La Beaux. ini- station attendants, soda clerks, draffsmen, HOUSEKEEPER, white, care of 3 small “Perhaps Washington: straight salary and expenses. ave. He licked his tialed “E. S L.” bPt Adams st n w. and engineers, nurses. No charge unless placed. children, general housework: vicinity M Alterations! dance.” actually lips. “You mean that?” North 0593. City Post Office._Reward. Box_408-L,_Star._ Need 50 to 75 applicants dailv WA,<,ome. Rainier. State exp. and salary expected. GIRL, white, for general housework, must Repairs! “You are as beautiful now. I “But how SALESMAN, with estab. paper and just She feigned misgiving. WATCH, lady’s, yellow gold. 17-Jewel paper Box ft-V. like children; preferably country girl: slerp Home bag trade: good proposition. Apply in PERSONNEL Star.__21* Improvements! wish were on our side.” Waltham, link bracelet, downtown area. SERVICE, LADY, young, erocery experience in. $30 mo. Apply 136 Delray ave., Be- Brick you will you take me off the boat?” B. Singer, H. G 8 neces^ Work. Carpentry. Cabinets. Cement. Reward. Dupont 8983. p wntine._ 174o_N. ave._20^ _1311 St._Est. answer thesda. WI. met after_6 m._21* Years._ sary, phone and keep books. Write 5570. Electric Work, Floor.'. Heating, Painting. Brinda his eyes boldly, hop- “That is arranged. Didn’t you SALESMAN—W'e require the services of Box 278. Arlington Village. Arh. Va.‘ Papering. Plastering. RING, platinum, set with 10 _ 'DOMESTIC.__ GIRL, colored, reliable, for general house- Plumbing. Recreation “A capable and energetic outside salesmen Rooms, ing her own were as ardent. know?” He came closer, sat down diamonds: lost Monday, vicinity 14th and RELIABLE AGENCY. DE. 5561, 1402 11th, LADY, young, hostess and cashier, must work: family of 3: references required. Roofing. Shelving. Screens, Sheet to solicit new accounts with desirable Metal, Tile. Waterproofing. ■woman can sides—for the G sts. n.w. has cooks, houseworkers. chambermaids, be refined and have knowledge of Phone Michigan Weather-Strip* change qn the lounge beside her. Reward._TA. 7076._ household articles: permanent. Apply Mr. meeting 2916.__ Ding As I have no WRIST WATCH, .nan’s, Bulova. vicinity dayworkers, mothers’ helpers, part-timers. the public, pleasantly and businesslike in expensive overhead, man.” Gross. H. Abramson. 1032 7th at. n.w. GIRL, live in. charge small new home and my are right “A submarine?” 17th and 20th and Pa. ave. s.e. $5 re- 21* every respect. Box 451-R, Star. prices extremely low. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT. $25 3l2-year child: start $25 mo.; references. He drew a sharp breath. Then ward. Call Metropolitan U 1257-J. DALLAS D. He nodded. ‘Soon. But a genuine 4621._ week plus commission: references required. BALL, Builder, “Not You WRIST WATCH. Lewis.’’ gold with black laughed cynically. you. this time!” Box 251-R, Star._ HOUSEKEEPER, white, experienced: live Adams 2613. U-boat wrist band: Saturday morning, vicinity in: new home employed mother and son; I know SALESMAN, experienced: for Sat- of can pick your men. Besides, Conn, ave. and R st. Reward. DU 4088. LIFE'S LIKE THAT Fred Neher care of child 8 yrs. old; $30 mo. Box 467- “Then I have little time to make urdays 1 to 10 p.m. Apply the Shop, —By are not an ordinary UStar._ BUSINESS you spy.” a choice.” 805 H st. OPPORTUNITIES^ FOUND. n.e._ HOUSEKEEPER, white, Protestant: retired “No? Well, for that matter, you SHORT-ORDER COOK, white; apply May- GROCERY-MEATS, no nights or Sundays; He at his watch. father and employed daughter: moderate are not an ordinary waiter. What glanced “Five, DOG. looks like Airedale, friendly, a pet, flower Diner, 5th and Rhode Island ave. modern equipment and fixtures. Price, vicinity SH. 31 n.e. salary: complete charge: for some one who $4,000: are not a ten minutes, perhaps.” JTakoma_Park._ 84-J._ TRY our terms. Metropolitan Brokers* are you—when you really needs a home._Box 2-R_St a 112!* Invest. Bide DI. 1878 a SILVER CRUCIFIX, found Sunday, vicinity SODA AND SANDWICH MAN. experienced, r._ “It's difficult thing to decide, MAID for to rd. nr. W st. Owner call Woodley and must furnish references. Columbia home- general housework, exper BEAUT'- SHOP, well equipped, waiter? Conduit live in lease, rent, isn’t it?" Drug Store, 2500 Penna. ave. n.w. full or oart time: references; moder- $60; price. SI.200: easy terms. 1280.__ _ made ate salary. 6310 16th st OWENS REALTY. ME. 0486. He drew himself up proudly. n.w._ _ He took a of STOCK CLERK, white, young, strong, to a baron. But now I pack cigarettes from MAID, g.h.w. care “Bv birth HELP MEN. assist in stockroom: prefer high school colored: plain cooking, LARGE AMOUNT of space and show win* his pocket, lit one for her, lit an- one child years, no laundry: hours. 8 serve my leader.” education. See Mr. Haley after 9 a.m.. C4KES, 312 dow to rent in my nice store, fine for any other for himself. “I it is. ACCOUNTANT for C. P. A.'s office. Apply Hugh Reilly Co., 1334 New York a m. to 8:30 p.m $10 wk.: prefer one now business: *45 per mo. Box 1 :il -M Star. A baron serves a one-time suppose In own handwrttiny. statlne aee. experi- ave._ employed who wishes better portion. 5225 "So? $200 WILL BUY that he waved at the ence. edreation and salary expected. Box TAILOR experienced, no other need apply. Chevy Chase business should en- a Death-,” port- parkway_n.w. able to house painter—by becoming 1W-H. Star. Steady work for right man. Twentieth you employ 10 to 15 salesmen. _ bnnRing profit ol to hole, “or—but that’s melodramatic. Century Valet Service, 1900 Nichols ave. MAID, colored, for general housework, live ¥75 Si on weekly. Boardman. 0 m. waiter.” AUTO MECHANIC, colored, "for used* car in or stay some health card re- a to !i p.m Cairo Hotel. Like a very bad I was jU?. nights; Deliberately, he slapped her on play. going lot: steady job, must have tools. Decatur quired. Emerson IK.'iti. MOTOR to sav dishonor.” TENORS, openings in church choir, at- TRUCK hauling contract; large the “Silence!” 0358._* tractive to student and experienced voices. MAID national organization wants lips, rasping. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC, colored, for in- for general housework and cooking, immediately “I like life.” Her shoulder was Box 4tO-L. responruble men who have suitable truck “You beast! Oh, you beast!” stallation of accessories and servicing new Star.____ partial care 2 children; physician's resi- or dence: live In and be can invest minimum Sl.OOn purchase new touching his arm. Idly, she let her cars for delivery; must be sober, indus- TIMEKEEPERS, experienced in construc- able to take telephone re- messages: refs, and health card or good used truck; long-time contract He shrugged. But his eyes trious. a tion work. State detailed required. on and interested in permanent con- qualifications provided: pay ail notes, expenses: good fingertips rest the back of his and to leave Emerson vealed that the act of brutality had nection. See Mr. Robberts. 1522 14th experience. Must be willing 4215._ livelihood: excellent return mainland. Investment: full hand “I’m you’re a nice st, Box 91-R. Star. NURSEMAID, colored, must be experienced, on to inflame him further. glad spy. n.w.____ details request: refs Box 492-G. Star. served AUTO SALESMAN, sober, honest, to sell TIRE CHANGER, colored, must know city live in. $9 week. Wisconsin 5246 No That makes it a little easier.” BEAUTY PARLOR, cost of fixtures. the and have operator's Ameri- calls between 5 and 7 p.m. $4,000, “When you insult Fuehrer,” Dodge 8nd Plymouth cars and trucks; permit. Apply will sacrifice. $1,650: all modern equipment. “Thank you.” also to can Tire Co.. 1219 K st. n.e. insult all good used cars: guaranteed salary WOMAN, young, white, to care for small Metropolitan Brokers, 1129 Invest. Bldg. he declared, “you Germany good workers and experienced demon- child and Brinda turned her head, smiled at men; TIRE RFGROOVER—II you are experi- prepare dinner, small family: DI. 1878.__ we waste time.” strators furnished. Apply Fred Motors, enced. a must live In: refs. Box 373-R. St a Besides, steady, sober, we have good r._ MUST be sold, him. “After all, I must confess, life 4100 Oa. Tires restaurant. You st.. fixtures ave._ permanent proposition for you. Better WOMAN, cook, g.h.w., live in; references; and equipment very good Owner not able Brinda Turns to Flattery. is And do mean to AUTOMOBILE to Co., cor, 14th and P sts. n.w. precious. you shop foreman willing $35 month. Emerson 9088._ to operate. Receipts quoted. $800 per work. Must have on all makes From some inner reservoir of me. But are so experience TRUCK DRIVER, white, young, strong, week. Can be doubled with right party. help you stern, of cats. Must furnish small tools. Ref- WOMAN, white: general housework, cook- forced a know city, familiar with commercial de- ing. Price. $5,000: very liberal terms. ROGEP9 feminine cunning. Brinda well a erences required. Good salary and com- light laundry; live in or out. Hobart may I request kiss?” liveries. Ability to ride motorcycle help- REAL 604 F st. n.w. NA. mlssion. Box 16-V. Star.21* 6142. ESTATE. 8137, tremulous, awed smile—the kind of ful. See Mr. Haley after 9 a.m. Hugh shook his shoulders. “If WOMAN, settled, whiae. unencumbered: ROOMING HOUSE. 15 rooms. 4 baths: Laughter AWNING MEIN, lst-class, highest wages Reilly Co., 1.2.14 New York ave. n.w. earning $75 week: long lease, a smile that would appeal to such general housework, cooking: must live in. a rent. $125 all were as easy to paid. District Awning and Shade Co., WANTED SEVERAL MEN with sales ex- a mo.; will sacrifice for cash account of requests grant, 4209 Apply after 4 p.m. daily, 728 Ouackenbos a man. 9th st. n.w._ perience. Can earn about $25 weekly to st, sickness. 1315 Girard st. n.w. No agents. as pleasant to grant.” His arm n.w.___ • m "You are not only clever,” she BAKER, experienced on bread, rolls and start. 920 National Press Bldg. moved around her shoulder, his left buns: no Sundays. Apply to 811 Penna. “You are THE FULLER BRUSH CO. can place 1 man MT. PLEASANT—Nicely furnished home, Z said. ruthless.” ave. SITUATIONS MEN. hand sought her cheek, brought her n.w.____ In Arlington County Write for appoint- $90 month income: rent $65: business, ■ a “We must be,” he replied, with BAKER all-round. State salary, experi- ment. Box 215-L, Star. ACCOUNTANT. TAX EXPERT — Save furniture sale, $800, full price. CO. 4583-W. “ face close to him. His lips pressed ence and other Qualifications. money by availing yourself of professional • Box 252-R, INTERESTED in interviewing a married calm smirk. Star. services, books also set uo to conform with hard against her lips Brinda closed man, between 24 and 50, for estab- com AVE MILLINER, and * tomor- ___j ages tax requirements, keep proper records, ‘Today we own Germany, BICYCLE MECHANIC, must be lished industrial insurance debit. Experi- accessories: business quoted. Jdiumo ,er her eyes, hating him But she must expert, I avoid worries, tax oenalties I have many row the world,’ she “After with at least 5 years’ shop experience. ence not necessary. Wonderful opportunity year: low rent: owner retiring: priced to quoted. win time. Time. That was small S5 ud. WA (1400. every- Apply with references. 738 nth st. for advancement. accounts._Pees, _ can See I can almost believe it.” n.w._ Responsible earnings to sell: terms be arranged. Mr. Suss* meeting you, start. NA. 77U> for appointment. HOUSEMAN-CHAUFFEUR. man. Real Estate, 604 P thing. BOY. 18 or over, w'ith driver’s permit, as Call colored will Rogers st. n.w. leave city: experienced: refs. NA. His expression told her she was pur- helper on vending machine route. Box YOUNG*MEN. ATTENTION!’ (3), under Hobart 9411. 8137. “Is it death, then?” he asked, • suing the right tack. 452-R, Star.___ 23. to Travel Florida. Calif. West Indies. WELDING SCHOOL, great future. Owner will So. and Central Americas and return: per- MAN. colored, reliable, assistant janitor or has other business. Metropolitan trembling. “Or you come with BOY. colored, for liauor store, must be over Brokers, She moved to the sat advancement chauffeur; A-l references. MI. 1 1 29 Invest. Bide DI 1 87V lounge, down, 21. must have references. Apply 44 E st. manent: good pay. to quali- 3269._ me?" flcants. Mr. Steele. looked ready to weep. “I’m such n.w. I See NA. 9220. 20* DOWNTOWN: 24 rms., fully furn.; renU Tiie sound of a dull explosion BOY, 16 OR 17. TO WORK IN DELIVERY SITUATIONS $125; price. $1,900: terms. a poor spy, such a very bad spy.” BOY. white, preferably student, to work WOMEN. drowned to mornings and evenings for room and DEPT. APPLY THE MODE, 11th AND F OWENS REALTY. ME “I reply. board. GERMAN NURSE, for infant, sick room or 048H._ agree.” 1712 New Hampshire ave. MI. 1852. STS. N.W._ GROCERY, D. G. S. (To be continued.) entire charge home: dietitian: long ex- doing large business! “But—.” she gave him a little BOY. colored, intelligent, to learn laundry perience: city 5050-J. very short hours: best location in Arling- ARROW CAB CO. references._8H ton. hundreds of new homes now business. BEACON LAUNDRY, 1404 14th GIRL, refined, white, will cook, busi- being built, gmile. “I've had no training. An Has openings for men over 21 years of age. ciean business can be doubled by wide-awaka St. ness woman’s apt. in for home. n.w.__I to drive: must be residents of D. C. or exchange man: reasonable price and Copyright by Maurice Dekobra and Leyla Box 4-V. terms Albert amateur.” BOY. white. 18 to 20. for cleaning work Metropolitan Area for 1 year: free instruc- Star._•_ H Cohen, 1042 N Irving at., Arl„ Va. “A lovely amateur.” He moved Oecrgie; Distributed by King Feature* in nearby Maryland tearoom: live on tion: can earn $25 to $.15 wkly. Apply at "I LL TAKE THAT CHOCOLATE ONE-BUT PUSH IT DOWN IN HOUSEKEEPER, good cook, wants position OH. 1861Res., WO. 2048, premises; $20 month, room and board. eloser to her. “So To kill Syndicate, tee. 10 a.m. promptly for further details. 810 with elderly lady or gentleman: adults. lovely. WI. 6940. M st. n.«. Ask for Mr. Booth. THE MIDDLE SO MY HUSBAND WILL THINK I BAKED IT!” I Box 3T5-R, Star. (Continued on Kelt Ptf».)

■< 1