World Bank Document
Ex-Post Social Review Name & Location of Sub-project: Kuyucak Geothermal Energy Power Plant, Kuyucak District in Aydın Public Disclosure Authorized Province. Project Sponsor: Turcas Kuyucak Jeotermal Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. (TKJ) Project cost: 71,250,000 $ Installed generation capacity: 18 MW Preperation Date: February 26th , 2019 Key Dates of Implementation: The public participation meeting was held on 29.12.2015. “EIA not necessary” decision was given on 17.09.2014 for 13.2 MWe and updated for 18 MWe on Public Disclosure Authorized 07.01.2016. Environmental Social Impact Assesment (ESIA), Non-Technical Summary (NTS) and Shareholder Engagement Plan (SEP) reports were prepared by “MGS Mühendislik” in 2016. As consultation activities, all these documents have been disclosed to share with the public. Project Components and Land Requirements: In order to change the land use plans, which is required by the national law, the company obtained a public benefit decision only for the pipelines and the well head locations on 31/10/2016. However, no public benefit decision was obtained for expropriation, so the land acquisition process has taken place on a willing buyer-willing seller basis. Public Disclosure Authorized Table 1. Project Component and Land Requirements Component Permanent Temporary Total (m2) Purchased (m2) Eased (m2) Rental (m2) Private Public Private Public Private Public Private Public Total Power Plant 2,080.00 19,759.44 - - - - 2,080.00 19,759.44 21,839.44 Wells 32,730.94 24,060.03 - - - 4,772.93 32,730.94 28,832.96 61,563.90 Pipeline 17,786.82 10,085.75 1,440.24 1525.21 - - 19,227.06 11,610.96 30,838.02 Sub-Total 52,597.76 53,905.22 1,440.24 1,525.21 0.00 4,772.93 54,038.00 60,203.36 114,241.36 Total 106,502.98 2,965.45 4,772.93 114,241.36 * Easement process for 1,525 m2 public owned land has not been completed yet.
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