3l*rr sr. M+smq sXil{ EtFh-d €mq qs.r qFf w.wl.. t)e.. frgqi. wqdfrfi{ s-6r$enE &Err srfaa.'rfr q{ ffi-ro oo2 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG Dr. Nikhil Kumar ,Ii ftnrrr lttqrri M.Phamt GATE, Ph.D, FICCE NEW DELHT-110 002 Education officer Phone:011-23218120 E-Mail:
[email protected] Speed Post No. 2-1 /201 4(IjSQF/Policy) 02 June 2015 subiect :- lnterlace meeting with Expert committee for assessment of proposals under the scheme of B.Voc Degree Programme Dear Sir / Madam, This is in reference lo subject cited above; lam to inform you that an interface meeting with Expert committee has been arranged for consideration of proposal received from your institution under the scheme of B.Voc Degree programme from 0g - 17 June,201s. you are, therefore, requested to attend the interface meeting as per attached schedule and present the congruity of your proposal before the Expert committee by way of a briel power- point presentation of about 10 minutes elucidating the available recourses, industry linkage, employability and compliance to National skills eualification Framework lor proposed courses. ln addition, you are required to bring attested copies ol following documents at the time oI interface meeting. (1) Copy of UGC letter for recognition institution u/s 2(f) and 12(B) of UGC Act. (2) Proof of receiving General Development Assistance from UGC (if applicable). With regards, Dr. NlktlilGYK Kumar (Education Officeo Enclosure: as above Begistrars ol the Universities / Principals ot Colleges As per the list enclosed Schedule of Interface meeting with Expert Committee for assessment of proposals under the scheme of B.Voc Degree Programme Monday, June 08, 2015 Andhra Pradesh 1.