Spiru Haret University Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Sciences & Juridical and Administrative Research Centre



E-Governance and E-Justice in the

Space of Freedom, Security and Justice

of the European Union


BUCHAREST - , JUNE, 24th-25th, 2020

Additional Information:

Sections of the Conference: - Private and Public ; - Administrative Sciences; - International Affairs, Economic and Social Studies; - Regional Development and Environment Protection.

Deadlines: 8th June 2020 - Full papers and registration of the google form submission 12th June 2020 - Papers acceptance or rejection announcement 25th and 26th June 2020 – Video-conference (Online conference) by link information to join conference 15th August 2020 – Submission of the in extension paper(s) drafted in English language

Contact https://sjpa-b.spiruharet.ro/home, [email protected]

Conference Fee: 50 EURO or 200 lei/paper, and 75 EURO or 400 lei/two papers. The conference package will be available only for the authors who attend and submit a paper for publication. The registration fee should be paid after the acceptance of the paper only.

PAPER FORMAT AND PUBLICATION: Papers submitted to the Organization Committee are subject to a peer review process and will be checked with a specialized similarity software. Papers will be in English, in Harvard Formatting and Style Guide, and will be published in our scientific magazine ”The Legal and Administrative Studies”, ProUniversitaria Publishing. Kindly request: no more than two articles / team, and no more than three persons / article.

Registration Form

1. First name:

2. Family name:

3. Institution (participant’s affiliation and title):

4. Article’s Title:

5. Abstract (no more than 250 words):

6. Key words:

7. E-mail address: