2588 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE February 12, 1999 widespread and well-documented expressing their views since the Presi- SENATE RESOLUTION 46—RELAT- human rights abuses in violation of dent’s human rights dialogue at the ING TO THE RETIREMENT OF internationally accepted norms, in- June 1998 summit in Beijing. WILLIAM D. LACKEY Mr. President, the situation is just as cluding extrajudicial killings, the use Mr. LOTT (for himself and Mr. bad in Tibet, where, according to of torture, arbitrary arrest and deten- DASCHLE) submitted the following reso- Human Rights Watch, at least ten pris- tion, forced abortion and sterilization, lution; which was considered and oners reportedly died following two the sale of organs from executed pris- agreed to: oners, and tight control over the exer- protests in a prison in the Tibetan cap- S. RES. 46 cise of the rights of freedom of speech, ital in May. In the weeks following, press, and religion.’’ scores of prisoners were interrogated, Whereas, William D. Lackey has faithfully According to testimony to Congress beaten and placed in solitary confine- served the United States Senate as an em- ment. Other deaths in prison report- ployee of the Senate since September 4, 1964, by Amnesty International, the human and since that date has ably and faithfully rights situation in China shows no fun- edly occurred in June, with Chinese au- upheld the highest standards and traditions damental change, despite the recent thorities claiming that many were sui- of the staff of the United States Senate; promises from the government of cides. Further, during the 1998, Chinese Whereas, during his 35 years in positions of China.
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