Eco World International Berhad Circular To

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Eco World International Berhad Circular To THISTHIS CIRCULARCIRCULAR ISIS IMPORTANTIMPORTANT ANDAND REQUIRESREQUIRES YOURYOUR IMMEDIATEIMMEDIATE ATTENTIONATTENTION IFIF YOUYOU AREARE ININ ANYANY DOUBTDOUBT ASAS TOTO THETHE COURSECOURSE OFOF ACTIONACTION TOTO BEBE TAKEN,TAKEN, YOUYOU SHOULDSHOULD CONSULTCONSULT THISIFTHIS YOU CIRCULARCIRCULAR ARE IN ANY ISIS IMPORTANTIMPORTANT DOUBT AS AND ANDTO THE REQUIRESREQUIRES COURSE YOURYOUR OF ACTIONIMMEDIATEIMMEDIATE TO ATTENTIONBEATTENTION TAKEN, YOU SHOULD CONSULT YOURYOUR STOCKBROKER,STOCKBROKER, BANKBANK MANAGER,MANAGER, SOLICITOR,SOLICITOR, ACCOUNTANTACCOUNTANT OROR OTHEROTHER INDEPENDENTINDEPENDENT ADVISER IMMEDIATELY. IFADVISERIF YOUYOU AREARE IMMEDIATELY. ININ ANYANY DOUBTDOUBT ASAS TOTO THETHE COURSECOURSE OFOF ACTIONACTION TOTO BEBE TAKEN,TAKEN, YOUYOU SHOULDSHOULD CONSULTCONSULT YOURYOUR STOCKBROKER,STOCKBROKER, BANKBANK MANAGER,MANAGER, SOLICITOR,SOLICITOR, ACCOUNTANTACCOUNTANT OROR OTHEROTHER INDEPENDENTINDEPENDENT BursaBursa MMalaysiaalaysia SecuritiesSecurities BerhadBerhad hashas notnot perusedperused thethe cocontentsntents ofof thisthis CircularCircular priorprior toto itsits issuanceissuance andand takestakestakes nonono ADVISERADVISER IMMEDIATELY.IMMEDIATELY. responsibilityresponsibilityresponsibility forforfor thethethe contentscontentscontents ofofof thisthisthis Circular,Circular,Circular, makesmakesmakes nonono representationrepresentationrepresentation asasas tototo itsitsits accuracyaccuracyaccuracy ororor completenesscompletenesscompleteness andandand expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or iin reliance upon the whole or BursaexpresslyBursa MMalaysiaalaysia disclai SecuritiesSecuritiesms any liability BerhadBerhad whatsoever hashas notnot perusedperused for any the theloss coco howsoeverntentsntents ofof thisthis arising CircularCircular from priorprior or i n toto reliance itsits issuanceissuance uponand andthe takeswholetakes no noor any part of the contents of this Circular. responsibilityanyresponsibility part of the forfor contents thethe contentscontents of this of ofCircular. thisthis Circular,Circular, makesmakes nono representationrepresentation asas toto itsits accuracyaccuracy oror completenesscompleteness andand expresslyexpressly disclaidisclaimsms anyany liabilityliability whatsoeverwhatsoever forfor anyany lossloss howsoeverhowsoever arisingarising fromfrom oror inin reliancereliance uponupon thethe wholewhole oror anyany partpart ofof thethe contentscontents ofof thisthis Circular.Circular. ECOECO WORLDWORLD INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONAL BERHADBERHAD (Company(Company(Company No.No.No. 10598501059850---A)A) (Incorporated(Incorporated(Incorporated ininin Malaysia)Malaysia)Malaysia) ECOECO WORLDWORLD INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONAL BERHADBERHAD (Company No. 1059850-A) (Company No. 1059850-A) (Incorporated in Malaysia) (Incorporated in Malaysia) CIRCULARCIRCULAR TOTO SHAREHOLDERSSHAREHOLDERS INININ RELATIONRELATIONRELATION TOTOTO THETHETHE CIRCULARCIRCULAR TOTO SHAREHOLDERSSHAREHOLDERSININ RELATIONRELATION TOTO THETHE PROPOSEDPROPOSED RENEWALRENEWAL OFOF SHAREHOLDERS’SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATEMANDATE FORFOR EXISTINGEXISTING RECURRENTRECURRENT RELATEDRELATED PARTYPARTY TRANSACTIONSTRANSACTIONS OFOF AA REVENUEREVENUE OROR TRADINGTRADING NATURENATURE (“RRPT”)(“RRPT”)(“RRPT”) ANDANDAND PROPOSEDPROPOSEDPROPOSEDPROPOSED RENEWALRENEWAL NEWNEWOFOF SHAREHOLDERSHAREHOLDER SHAREHOLDERS’SHAREHOLDERS’S’S’MANDATEMANDATEMANDATEMANDATE FORFOR FORFOR ADDITIONALADDITIONAL EXISTINGEXISTING RECURRENTRECURRENT RRPTRRPT RELATEDRELATED PARTYPARTY TRANSACTIONSTRANSACTIONS OFOF AA REVENUEREVENUE OROR TRADINGTRADING NATURENATURE(“RRPT”)(“RRPT”) ANDAND PROPOSEDPROPOSED NEWNEW SHAREHOLDERSHAREHOLDERS’S’MANDATEMANDATE FORFOR ADDITIONALADDITIONAL RRPTRRPT th TheThe aboveabove proposalproposalsswillwill bebe tabledtabled atat thethe FifFifthththAnnualAnnual GeneralGeneral MeetingMeeting (“(“55ththth AGMAGM”””)))ofofourour CompanyCompany... TheTheThe NoticeNoticeNotice ofofof thethetheAGMAGM togethertogether withwith thethe ProxyProxy FormForm areare setset outout inin thethe 20120188AnnualAnnual ReportReport ofof ourour CompanyCompany whichwhich isis despatcheddespatched togetherThetogethertogether above withwithwith proposal thisthisthis Circular.Circular.Circular.s will be tabled at the Fifth Annual General Meeting (“ th ”) of our Company. The Notice of The above proposals will be tabled at the Fifth Annual General Meeting (“55th AGMAGM”) of our Company. The Notice of the AGM together with the Proxy Form are set out in the 2018 Annual Report of our Company which is despatched theAsAs aAGMa shareholder,shareholder, together with youyou canthecan Proxy appointappoint Form notnot morearemore set tthanhan out two twoin the proxiesproxies 2018 totoAnnual attendattend Report andand votevote of our onon youryourCompany behalf.behalf.which IfIf youyou is areare despatched unableunable toto together with this Circular. th togetherattendattend andand with votevote this personperson atat thethe 55ththth AGM,AGM, youyou areare requestedrequested toto completecomplete thethe enclosedenclosed ProxyProxy FormForm ininin thethethe 201820182018 Annual Report and deposit it at the office of the Share Registrar of our Company,, Boardroom Share Registrars Sdn AsAnnualAs aa shareholder,shareholder, Report and youyou deposit cancan appoint appointit at the not notoffice moremore of tthethanhan Share twotwo proxiesproxies Registrar toto attendattendof our andComand votevotepany onon, Boardroom youryour behalf.behalf. Share IfIf youyou Registrars areare unableunable Sdn toto Bhd (formerly(formerly knownknown asas Symphony thShare Registrars Sdn Bhd)) at Level 6, Symphony House, Pusat Dagangan Dana attendBhdattend (formerly andand votevote known inin personperson as Symphony atat thethe 55 thShareAGM,AGM, Registrars youyou areare requestedSdnrequested Bhd) at toto Level completecomplete 6, Symphony thethe enclosedenclosed House, ProxyProxy Pusat FormForm Daganganinin thethe 2018Dana2018 1,Annual1, JalanJalan Report PJUPJU 1A/46,1A/46,and deposit 4730147301 it PetalingPetaling at the office Jaya,Jaya, of SelangorSelangor the Share DarulDarul Registrar Ehsan,Ehsan, of Malaysia,Malaysia,our Company notnot ,lesslessBoardroom thanthan 4848 Sharehourshours beforeRegistrarsbefore thethe timSdntimee Annual Report and depositth it at the office of the Share Registrar of our Company, Boardroom Share Registrars Sdn sBhdsetet for for(formerly holdingholding knownthethethe 55thth thasAGMAGM Symphony oror anyany Shareadjournmentadjournment Registrars thereof.thereof. Sdn TheBhdThe ) lodginglodgingat Level ofof 6, thethe Symphony ProxyProxy FormForm House,willwill Pusat notnot precludepreclude Dagangan youyou Dana fromfrom Bhd (formerly known as Symphony Shareth Registrars Sdn Bhd) at Level 6, Symphony House, Pusat Dagangan Dana attending1,attending Jalan PJU andand 1A/46, votingvoting 47301inin personperson Petaling atat thethe Jaya,55ththth AGMAGM Selangor shouldshould Darul youyou subsequently subsequentlyEhsan, Malaysia, wishwish not toto do doless soso than... 48 hours before the time 1, Jalan PJU 1A/46, 47301th Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, not less than 48 hours before the time set for holding the 5th AGM or any adjournment thereof. The lodging of the Proxy Form will not preclude you from sDateet for and holding time theof the 5 AAGMGM or any adjournmentth thereof.:: Wednesday The lodging,, 27 Marchof the 2019ProxyatForm 10::30willa.m. not orpreclude any adjournment you from attendingDate and timeand votingof the inAGM person at the 5th AGM should: Wednesday you subsequently, 27 March wish 2019 to doat so 1.0:30 a.m. or any adjournment attending and voting in person at the 5 AGM shouldthereofthereofthereof you subsequently wish to do so. DateVenueDateVenue andand ofof time thetimethe A A ofofGMGM thethe AAGMGM :::: WednesdayEcoWorldWednesdayEcoWorld GalleryGallery,,2727 MarchMarch @@ EcoEco 20192019 GrandeurGrandeuratat 1100::3030a.m.a.m. oror anyany adjournmentadjournment thereof thereofLotLot 6232,6232, PersiaranPersiaran MokhtarMokhtar Dahari,Dahari, VenueVenue ofof thethe AAGMGM :: EcoWorldEcoEcoWorldEco GrandeurGrandeur GalleryGallery @@ EcoEco GrandeurGrandeur Lot42300Lot42300 6232,6232,BandarBandar PersiaranPersiaran PuncakPuncak MokhtarMokhtar Alam,Alam, Dahari,Dahari, EcoSelangorEcoSelangor GrandeurGrandeur DarulDarul Ehsan,Ehsan, MalaysiaMalaysia 42300 Bandar Puncak Alam, 42300(((GPSGPS CoordinatesBandarCoordinates Puncak:::3.225565,3.225565, Alam, 101.455361;101.455361; Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia SelangorWazeWaze LocationLocation Darul Ehsan,:::EcoEco GrandeurGrandeur MalaysiaSalesSales Gallery)Gallery) (GPS Coordinates: 3.225565, 101.455361; LastLast datedate andand timetime forfor lodginglodging thethe ProxyProxy FormForm ::: (Monday,GPSMonday, Coordinates2525 MarchMarch : 201920193.225565,atat 1100: ::30101.455361; : Eco Grandeur Sales Gallery) WazeWaze LocationLocation: Eco Grandeur Sales Gallery) LastLast datedate andand timetime forfor lodginglodging thethe ProxyProxy FormForm :: Monday,Monday,2525 MarchMarch 20192019atat ThisThis CircularCircular isis dateddated 2266 FebruaryFebruary 20192019 ThisThis CircularCircular isis dateddated 2266 FebruaryFebruary 20192019 DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS Except where the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall apply throughout this CircExceptular: where the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall apply throughout this CircExceptular: where the context
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    LOCATION MAP MALAYSIA I UNITED KINGDOM I AUSTRALIA I SINGAPORE CLUSTER FACTORY | SEMI-D FACTORY PARAGON PINNACLE SDN BHD (1098122-T) Enjoy our world-class services and expert EcoWorld Gallery @ Eco Business Park V assistance every day. Lot 6232, Persiaran Mokhtar Dahari, +603 3270 2525 Eco Grandeur, Mondays to Fridays 9am - 6pm w w w. e c ow or l d . my 42300 Bandar Puncak Alam, Selangor. Weekends and Public Holidays 10am - 6pm E [email protected] All art renderings and photographs contained in this circular are artist’s impression only. The Developer reserves the right to modify any part or parts of the building prior to completion as directed or approved by the architects and / or the relevant authorities. All plans, layouts, information and specifications are subject to change and cannot form part of an offer or contract presentation. The organiser reserves the right to alter, change or cancel the event and / or its itinerary without prior notice. THE NEW BUSINESS PARK ADDRESS OF THE KLANG VALLEY Eco Business Park V (EBP V) is poised to be the catalyst for the transformation of Puncak Alam into the Klang Valley’s new industrial hub. This 518-acre green project is an important component of EcoWorld’s larger master plan to create an integrated and sustainable environment. The stylish façade of the units create a favourable first impression, which is reinforced by an innovative Flexi-space concept that makes the spacious interior easily customisable. NORTHGATE WESTGATE EASTGATE CLUSTER FACTORY TYPE 1 | 60'x130' BUILT-UP 3,902 SQ.FT. VARIES 10650 10650 VARIES 10650 10650 SURAU SURAU SURAU SURAU PRODUCTION AREA PRODUCTION AREA PRODUCTION AREA PRODUCTION AREA BELOW BELOW 25250 25725 OKU OKU TOILET TOILET TOILET TOILET TOILET TOILET GROUND FIRST FLOOR FLOOR RECEPTION AREA RECEPTION AREA OFFICE OFFICE VARIES BIN BIN CENTRE CENTRE CLUSTER FACTORY TYPE 2 | 60'x130' BUILT-UP 3,795 SQ.FT.
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