Lehigh Preserve Institutional Repository Panama's Great Challenge: Reforming the Educational System Harris, Sabrina 2007 Find more at https://preserve.lib.lehigh.edu/ This document is brought to you for free and open access by Lehigh Preserve. It has been accepted for inclusion by an authorized administrator of Lehigh Preserve. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. PANAMA’S GREAT CHALLENGE: REFORMING THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Sabrina Harris Esta es la oportunidad de garantizar el presente y el futuro de nuestras generaciones. — Martín Torrijos Introduction decade, both the World Bank and the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB) have spon- Panama is striving to become a flourish- sored education projects to assist Panama in ing democracy, to build a stronger economy, improving the quality of its educational system. and to reduce poverty among its population. With their most recent projects, these agencies The attainment of these goals, however, is being are attempting to improve both the quality and hindered by significant deficiencies in the coun- coverage of education in Panama. At the same try’s educational system. Recognizing that a time, they are also focusing on traditionally dis- solid education and the skills it generates are advantaged groups (such as the indigenous key to economic growth and poverty reduction, population) in order to close existing gaps in the Panamanian government has become very education. involved in efforts to reform its educational sys- After providing a brief introduction to tem. For example, the Ministry of Education Panama’s educational system and its history, in has developed a program (“the Government this article I examine why the system is in need Program”) stretching from 2004 to 2009, which of reform and what the most pressing areas for is intended to tackle several of the many chal- reform are.